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Posts posted by Gor213

  1. As soon as I got to my room I collapsed on the bed, I had just felt something I’d never felt before and my whole body was asking for more but I wasn’t gay and certainly not a fag. I wasn’t going to take a man’s penis in my dirty anus much less any of the other filthy things gay people do.

    That’s when I remembered however that Michael said I didn’t have an anus I had a cunt. In all honesty I wasn’t sure if that was true, rushing through school like I did not much had been retained. But Michael had been so nice and welcoming to me even as I got too drunk on his whiskey and played with his piss.

    His piss, I almost threw up thinking about it being in me, and then how he knew. But I realized as well that meant that my insides could be cleaned.

    I went into true bathroom and started using the douche, with clean water this time. As it was inside me I began imagining Michael’s cock and started bouncing up and down on it. I felt close, so close, to what I wasn’t sure but then it came out and was over.

    Now that I was clean I knew that I could take Michael’s cock not in my dirty ass but in my clean cunt.

    I went downstairs and back out to the hot tub. Michael looked at me grinning as I said

    “I’m ready to take your cock Michael”

    He stared at me then started laughing 

    “Oh you stupid cunt if you were to have my cock now you’d bleed to death, now keep in mind you’ll be bleeding plenty when I fuck you but I plan to keep you for a long time” he said as he motioned me into the hot tub 

    “Aww look at this little guy he’s so excited” he said, grabbing my erection. He pulled it hard making me fall onto him. I was now sitting on his knees facing him with my legs spread around him.

    “Now this here is a cock boy” he said as he lifted his massive shaft up to rest on my cock. “It’s totally soft right now too and it’s still three times yours. You never had a chance you were made to get fucked” he looked me dead in the eyes and I couldn’t look away, I could barely think I just nodded.

    “Good boy you know you place, now start stroking so we can see how much bigger it really is” as I grasped it with both hands and began stroking it, I couldn’t take my eyes off the massive ring under his foreskin.

    “Oh is the boy curious again” he said as I continued to mindlessly stroke him.

    “That boy is a Prince Albert” he said, pulling his foreskin down. “This is used to show that I’m a man who knows my place. It’s also used to show how long a man has know his place because unlike a fags cunt this takes time to open up. Mines custom made because most men never get this big” 

    I just stared at it and the little bits of liquid swelling up around it. Michael slapped me hard.

     “Did I tell you to stop” he said assertively 

    “No” I moaned out as I started stroking his ever growing cock

    “No what” he yelled slapping me again 

    “No sir” I moaned back

    “Good boy” he said while twisting my nipples 

    “Now look at that seeing you moan like a bitch got me fully hard” he said as his now monstrous thirteen inche cock slammed down onto my stomach. I couldn’t believe that I had ever thought we were the same. Everything seemed so clear right now, I was meant to take cock and he was meant to give it. 

    “Eyes up here” he said tilting his cock out of my view 

    “Now do you see why I’m a real man and you’re a fag” 

    I nodded vigorously “good boy, open” he said moving a finger covered in some goo up into my mouth. I sucked it off and it tasted so good, better than anything I’ve ever had.

    Michael lifted me up and pulled me towards him before dropping me. My knees were too weak to catch me so I grabbed his shoulders and my cunt landed on top of his cock. Instead of entering me like I expected it just hit my hole sending a jolt through me.

    I started wiggling my cunt to try to get him in but Michael just shook his head standing up while saying 

    “You’re far from ready for that just bend over for me and I’ll teach you” 

    He placed me down with my knees on the hot tub bench and my hands on the rim. He opened up what I thought was the filter in front of me but it was instead full of some strange odorous white-yellow goo. Michael put his finger in then brought it to my mouth. It tasted just like the goo from before.

    “Now boy this here is a fags favorite food, you’ll want to do anything for it but here I am giving you a near bucket of it. These are the leftovers from some of the fun I have in this hot tub so feel free to eat up while I get to work” as he said that he grabbed a lump and smeared it on my cunt before sticking his finger back in.

    I tentatively took a handful of the cream into my mouth and started rolling it around with my tongue. It tasted salty and sweet with a little bit of bitterness. As the waves of please start rolling over me again I gave in and started shoveling the cream into my mouth. I felt an amazing pressure building in my hole then felt it starting to move down to my cock. 

    Only then did I realize the pressure was me being about to pee. But it was more than that I tried to warn Michael but all that came out were moans as I started pissing myself from pleasure.

    Once the pleasure had settled I felt my cunt empty and managed to turn around.

    “ I’m so sorry I’ll clean this up sir” 

    Michael raised his hand, cutting me off.

    “ you were meant to do that boy it’s called a pissgasm, it your cunts response to too much pleasure”

    “ now your head should be a bit clearer so are you sure you want me to open you up and make you a cunt” he asked

    “Yes sir”

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  2. The next morning I woke up to realize that my suitcase had never made it up to my room and that my clothes that I had left in the bathroom were gone except for my underwear. The underwear however was stained yellow and still wet, I must have wiped up a lot more pee than I thought. As I looked into Michael’s room and saw he was not there. 

    I swallowed the lump in my throat and put the wet pungent underwear on. I felt the middle band push up between my buttchecks and onto my anus. Thoroughly disgusted I went downstairs to try to find my bags. Instead I found Michael in the kitchen.

    “Morning boy” he hollered at me “well I’ll be damn I see we’re two peas in a pod” he said as he stood up pulling his shorts off revealing a thin stained bit of fabric clearly straining to cover his enormous penis.

    ”you know I was gonna mention my preference for going around in my underwear today but you beat me to it”

    ” oh no I’m sorry I just didn’t have any clothes in my room I normally wear them” I said hurriedly 

    “ oh my apologies I was going to bring your bags up to you but didn’t want to wake you, let’s get that bag up for you “

    as he brought my bag up to my room I couldn’t help staring at his exposed ass. Even it was tattooed and his anus looked as if it were closer to a vagina, making almost a slit rather than a hole and being slightly open.

    when we got to my room he held the door open and as I slid by my leg brushed the fabric covering his bulge. The fabric was sticky and slightly wet, leaving a strange residue on my hip.

    as he set down the bag I went to go get some new clothes when he clasped his massive hand on my shoulder.

    ”cmon boy let’s go get some breakfast first no need to dirty perfectly good clothes after all it’s just us”

    unsure of what to do, but scared to offend him I agreed. As we walked back to the kitchen he began with

    ” so i noticed you’ve been looking at my underwear a lot son” 

    “uh I don’t think so sir, sorry if I have I didn’t mean to” I stumbled over my words, my face flushing red

    ”no need to be embarrassed boy, it’s perfectly natural to be curious after all you’ve never seen a jock strap before have you” I exhaled in relief thankful that he had not assumed I was ogling him

    ”no sir I haven’t” I said “what is it”

    ”well boy it’s a type of underwear made for more active men who can’t have the hindrance of extra cloth” he said “ it only covers what’s absolutely essential”

    I nodded in understanding as we walked back to the kitchen bar and I saw the stool he had been sitting on with a slight wet stain in the middle. 

    “So would you like me to show you around the property son” he asked after we finished our coffee. 

    “That would be great sir”

    he proceeded to show me the entire house. There was an attic that he said was just for storage, same with the basement, the entire second floor was bedrooms. The first floor consisted of a living room, kitchen, bar, and study along with a back patio.

    as he went to open the door outside I asked

    ”shouldn’t we go put some clothes if we’re going outside”

    ”nonsense there’s no one for miles round here, only reason I wore those shorts was for your comfort but there’s no need now that I know what you’d prefer” he replied with a slap on my ass. I yelped as he let out a deep chuckle and rubbed the cheek he just slapped. 

    after going outside he pointed out the hot tub and pool. We walked pad a large shed on the way to the lake and I asked what it was for.

    ”oh that thing, it’s just for working out, I was in there this morning just before you woke up” he said slyly 

    “what all do you have inside it” I asked

    ”oh you’ll see soon enough boy” 

    When we reached the lake he asked if I’d like to take a dip. I turned it down saying how cold I’d be.

    ”to the hot tub instead then” he replied 

    As we walked up to the hot tub he pulled the lid off with ease and then pulled his jockstrap off throwing it to the side.

    ”uh what are you doing sir” I asked

    ”what’s wrong no harm in skinny dipping, hell I’m not even sure if I own a bathing suit, c’mon boy we both got the same stuff”

    embarrassed but not wanting to back down I pulled my briefs off and tossed them to the side. 

    “oh maybe I was wrong” he said shaking his massive penis while looking at my tiny one. I was mortified but the he put his arm around me guiding me into the tub 

    “I’m just kidding around boy nothing to be embarrassed about not all men are made to fuck anyway”

    I wasn’t sure what he meant by that, I remembered biology where we learned all men were made to penetrate.

    ”what do you mean sir” I asked as we sat in the tub

    he slid closer to me and put his hand on my thigh and said

    ”well you see boy there’s some things they won’t teach you in school because they don’t want to offend anyone, but there’s two types of men, givers and takers, alphas and betas, doms and subs. There’s a lot of different names but the fact is that some men are born with cocks” as he said this he shook his massive tattooed penis which in the light I could see had a massive ring going through the tip under the foreskin “ and some men have cunts” he reached his hand behind me  and stuck a quick finger into my anus. The sudden pressure made me jump and surprisingly moan in both pain and pleasure.

    ” Now boy it’s the duty of cunts to take care of cocks because men with cock are the only real men. Men with cunts aren’t actually men they’re fags.” He kept his finger in me while he said this and began rubbing sending waves through my body.

    ”you see in exchange for taking care of real men’s urges fags are given unimaginable pleasure. I’m sure you’ve never liked jerking off much not with a clit that small” he said as he squeezed my penis and balls hard with his other hand. Where I had expected pain however was a strange kind of pleasure.

    ”from the second I met you I realized you were a fag and last night when you shot my piss into your guts I was sure” I was feeling too much to process what was going on when he quickly pulled his finger out 

    “Now boy you have two choices, either you leave and never come back or you stay and learn to be a good fag”

    with that I ran out of the hot tub “I’ll be waiting Scott I know you want this” he yelled after me as I ran back to my room.


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  3. The owner walked up to my car as I got out and spoke in a booming southern drawl.

    ”Hi there son, I’m Michael, it’s a pleasure to meet you” he grasped my hand with his, which was nearly twice the size, and shock it send shockwaves through me.

    ”Hi I’m Scott” I mumbled meekly. I always thought I was well spoken but in this moment my voice failed me. I stared at him as if he were an entirely different species. With his chest in my face I couldn’t help but smell him, though based off how pungent he was I probably could have done the same a mile away. I did my best not to gag and managed a weak smile.

    ”You need any help with your bags boy” he spoke with a grin.

    “no sir, I think I got it”

    ”nonsense a cute little boy like you can’t possibly carry everything you brought, unless you planed on going natural during your time here” he said with a sly smile

    ” no sir, I mean I do plan on wearing clothes here” I stumbled through my words. I hadn’t been this embarrassed since freshman year of college when everyone on my floor found out that not only could I barely grow body hair, but that my penis was a measly three inches when hard, though at least it was about the same soft. “ and I packed them” I added hastily.

    Michael just chuckled as he pulled my bags out of the car and brought them in the cabin. when we got inside he put the bags down and offered me a drink.

    ”you want a beer or something stronger” he said assertively

    ”something strong” I replied, needing to get my mind off everything 

    He poured us both glasses of whiskey and led me into a living room. He asked me a bit about my job and was surprised by my young age. I began asking him about the property while holding my whiskey close to my face to cover up his odor, which somehow made it across the room.

    ”so what’s the sleeping situation like” I asked 

    “ there’s sixteen rooms all with full beds but every two rooms share a bathroom” he replied “I know it can be strange but believe me it ain’t nearly as strange as the plumbing would be with sixteen personal bathrooms” 

    I chuckled in response beginning to feel the whiskey and my exhaustion more strongly while I continued asking questions.

    ”how many cabins are on the lake” 

    “ about twenty most of us know each other but I’m the only one that lives here year round so I help out” he said “ ain’t nobody else on the lake right now but some people like to make spontaneous trips” 

    By now I was three glasses in and I really started to feel it

    ”ha ha” Michael chuckled “ looks like you’ve just about had your fill boy seems like it’s time to hit the hay” 

    I just nodded and tried to stand up but stumbled a bit as Michael caught me he felt warm and slightly sticky.

    ” Alright boy I’ll show you up to your room, don’t worry you’re just up the stairs right next to me” he said as he guided me up the stairs his sticky smell nauseating me.

    when we finally made it up to my room he put me down on the bed and walked through a side door that I assumed led to his room. I promptly passed out only waking up a few hours later. 

    I woke up in a sweat and was suddenly disgusted as I realized not only had I slept in my day clothes but that they reeked of both Michael and my sweat.

    As I got up I knew I needed to use the bathroom and shower but was unsure of where they were. I looked over to the door that Michael had left through and saw it was the bathroom, we must have adjoining rooms. As I looked through the door I saw Michael’s figure and heard a strong spray, almost like a power washer. I also saw that Michael was completely naked, wait no there was a strange band around his waist that connected to two other band on each side of his insanely hairy ass. The flow stopped as he shook the last drops off and turned around.

    Thats when I saw his massive penis, at least 8 inches long, sprouting out of a dense brown bush. His foreskin was heavy on the front of his cock and seemed to be stretched around something that glinted in the moonlight. He heaved the massive shaft up into a small piece of fabric that was connected to the band at his waist and walked back into his room.

    I could feel the heat in my face as I went to the bathroom. I noticed as I got to the toilet that not only had he not flushed but the seat was covered in his urine as well. I looked for toilet paper to wipe the seat down but found none. I was scared to wake Michael if I made too much noise so instead I took my clothes off and used my underwear to dry the seat. 

    As I used the toilet I had to resist the urge to gag each time his warm urine splashed my hole. Once I had finished I remembered the lack of toilet paper an noticed instead a strange nozzle connected to the toilet. I realized it was a form of douche that I had seen while shopping for a bidet. I remembered I had read about how to use it and inserted it into my butthole. It felt strange it first but was kind of pleasant. 

    As I looked down however I realized that all the liquid from the bowl had gone and realized that my guts were currently full of Michael’s urine. Horrified i pushed out with all my might then ran straight to the shower. 

    the shower was abnormally large and had a series of attachments on the wall, all of which I ignored instead immediately turning the first knob. As I was getting wet I realized that I hadn’t gotten the soap from my bag, thankfully there was shampoo in the shower. It was somewhat strange for a bald man to have shampoo and I didn’t think he was hairy enough to use it on his whole body. After I shampooed I tried to use it in place of body wash but noticed I had finished the bottle with my hair.

    After exiting the shower I saw there were no towels in the bathroom either. I began to wonder if he really lived here as I got into my bed wet and naked.



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  4. I never thought I was gay, in fact it disgusted me. I was always very clean - verging on germaphobia - and was horrified when I found out what was involved in gay sex. This didn’t stop my family from thinking I was, partially due to me being 5’5 and almost hairless, and partially because I’d never really had a girlfriend. I had dated a few girls throughout my time in highschool and college, but I was an overachiever, graduating both a year early; which never left me much time for girls. 

    My parents promptly stopped complaining about my lack of serious relationships when at 20 years old I got a six figure administrative position straight out of college. This was my dream job and what I had been working for all my life. The one downside was how little work there was, I had been so used to being busy that after getting the position I was bored.

    After nearly a year at my new job I was desolate. Bored out of my mind, I had made very few friends at work due to my age and had little going on outside of work. I chose to Chanel my boredom into something productive, more work. 

    My department was famous for its annual team building trips. While I had yet to attend one I was excited and when the higher ups sent notice they needed help planning I jumped at the opportunity. This year they had decided on a nature retreat and had picked a series of cabins they thought could be good to host us. My job was to help determine which was best.

    I was supposed to go to one of the cabins and stay a week; seeing how it is, planning activities, and the like. I got assigned the most expensive and isolated option, 2 hours from the nearest town. Since it was so expensive instead of renting the entire cabin for me to stay, we chose to only rent a room. The owner assured me that I would still have free reign and the only other person there would be him.

    The cabin was a five hour drive from my home, most of which was through empty country and forest. I stopped at the last town to get gas I noticed the gas pumps didn’t have a card reader so I went inside to pay. The gas station was surprisingly well kept, but there was a strange noise inside: almost like a sloshing sound. I ignored it and went up to the cashier.

    ”how you doin’ there bud” said the cashier, he was tall and slim with thick stubble.

    ” I’m doing well sir how are you” I replied 

    “ just dandy bud, what can I do you for”

    ” $50 on pump two please” 

    “you got it, if you don’t mind me asking bud, where you headed”

    ” a cabin up on lake red rock” I noticed the sloshing sound was stronger up at the counter but continued to ignore it.

    ” Oh boy you’re in for a good time, how long you staying?” 

    “a week sir” 

    “that’s what you say — Oh fuck yeah” he moaned out. He stepped back and I saw that he was completely naked from the waist down. His wet penis hung a good 7 inches down on his equally low balls. As he stepped back a stout naked man an inch or two shorter than me walked out from under the counter. The naked man looked at me, smiled, and then I saw him swallow whatever had been in his mouth.

    I stood shell shocked, unsure of what to do I just stared blankly as the man walked into a door in the back.

    ”sorry bout that bud” the cashier said as he bent down to pull up his pants.
    “ but boy needs his food, I’m sure you understand” he added as he handed me my receipt.

    I walked out in silence and sped away as soon as my car was full. I tried to put it out of my mind on the drive, but kept replaying it. I suddenly realized the man had not been fully naked but had had some strange pink plastic dome where his penis should have been.

    ding on the porch waiving . I had only emailed him and in my mind pictured him as your standard retiree . This man was far from standard though. Standing at least a foot above me he was a Goliath of a man, with near body builder physique he was tattooed from the bottom of his beard to his feet. He wore only shorts, although with all his body hair he practically had a built in shirt. He was bald on the top of his head, but where most would see a flaw, on him it looked perfectly natural.


    I’m sorry if this is a bit dull but I plan to add more soon feel free to ad suggestions/criticisms this is my first time really writing something 

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