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Status Replies posted by GreedyholeD

  1. Roleplay, just roleplay; but I got hard as steel when I say "I'm a gifter, I'm your fucking gifter" - be it in real or in a sexting chat. Feeling free, FINALLY repression go to hell!

    1. GreedyholeD


      Yes. Be what You are. What You want to be! 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. interessantes Profil :)

    1. GreedyholeD


      Greetings from not so far away 

  3. Sexy man!


    1. GreedyholeD


      Danke. 🙂 Würd Dich gern anschreiben. Geht hier aber nicht…

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Hot photo. Love a PA. And sneakers 

  5. What a sweet invitation.... thank you!      😈

    I would rather invite you for a week or so, to make sure you get rid of this bad habit,
    taking those PrEP pills - they are just running against your natural purpose, being a fucking
    poz slut, a cum dump for every dirty load in town, a sleazy young whore for any stiff cock.

    I would lock you up in one of those portable dog kennels, just to make sure that you stop
    running around, in a hectic search for another dose of PrEP. 
    Fear no more - SLUT!

    What good is it for, to slide into a fuck-body, knowing I wouldn't even have the chance to 
    knock you up?! I could rather fuck with condoms then - and I never use condoms! Never!

    But to show, that I'm fair - I would also stop taking my pills for a while.
    Allowing my gift to expand, to become bigger than life itself.
    I am such a nice guy, you see?

    Let my potent and dirty semen rage in your hot little young body.
    Let me fuck you bare and use no lube, to inflict the biggest possible damage.... erm,
    I meant to really feel your cunt!
    Let me use you like the fuck whore you are.

    Don't worry - After the week is over, you will be free and happy - I will make sure, you stay
    long enough - so you won't get overwhelmed with fear or doubt.

    This could be part of a made up story, but it could also be a possible reality for you.
    It's for you to decide.... 


  6. Would love to be bred by You. So hot! 

    1. GreedyholeD


      Oh, that would be awesome. And we are not that far apart 😉 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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