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Everything posted by TransfemmeNflkUK

  1. 14 in a local cottage everyday after school with a very nice older guy who skillfuly picked up on my suppressed identity of being trans and validated me and made me feel like my truest self. At the time I didn’t think anything was wrong with it but I realise now it was very manipulative and essentially being groomed by exploiting my need to not feel like a boy and distress of puberty. But I wouldn’t call it rape because I loved it and It taught me a lot about myself and confirmed things but I still in desperation to be “normal” and accepted retreated into myself as time went on.
  2. Just can’t seem to stay away. 

  3. I feel it depends on each guy. I usually call mine my hole most often than not
  4. Lost track. Been active since teen years now 40... Only used condoms when I still thought I was bi or straight with women.
  5. Completely makes sense. Finish it in a way you feel you can or not. Maybe you will come back to it or not. Inspiration hits us at different times. Maybe you'll be inspired to write something else when you feel you want to x
  6. That was amazingly written. I remember myself avoiding showers after PE lessons. Because of feelings I tried hard to repress. Just wow. @Heir2012 can't wait for more.
  7. Ah I do so enjoy Sunday service. It'll be a shame for it to end. I look forward to to your next writings. So turned on by all these hot connections.
  8. I'll no doubt be about. 🙂

  9. Ah enjoy 🙂 catch you soon 

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      yes you can count on it, my cutie! Gifter will be back soon

  10. Oh I should hope so. As I know you are a good administrator of gifts... My Gifter. And did you sing to him? 😉

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      nope... we're eating

  11.  Users have acces to the the features that are set by the administrator. Oh and that she beauty of you being the administrator my Gifter 

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      I can decide when, where and if to upgrade you! And there's nothing you can do about it! 

  12. Oh you could set it off anytime you wished. Would be how because you wouldnt know when it would be set off. And all they will think of is you



    1. PozTalkAuthor


      not sure if you know the concept of user and administrator.

      A user can just operate in the machine but never modify its software component; administrator can do everything, including delete and add programs in it - explained in simple way.

      I'm the administrator on you cutie as I can upgrade your status but you can do nothing on mine! It's a concept of super-power!

      These remotely controlled toys may work with this concept too. I can give privileges to partner so he couldn't control it if I don't want him to


  13. Now that is devilishly arousing. And so teasing. 

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      I'd love to make the plug vibrate while partner is in church. Not the case of my bf, but you know... In the future nothing can be excluded, concerning sex partners. As a computer worker I must ensure about their security though. Sometimes companies sell those connected object without caring about security, privacy and all related stuff

  14. Considering remote control toys for you and bf? Oh you always have my attention Gifter. 

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      yeah, I consider these toys... There are vibrators but also buttplugs and... chastity cages! Yes, I could lock my partner preventing them from taking the cage out! Whenever I want! Make their insides vibrate any moment day, night, important meetings... 

  15. Hope your day is being productive. You'll always be my strong sexy Gifter 



    1. PozTalkAuthor


      I'm quite lazy today, should hurry up with some issues but wtf, they can wait! Gifter has his needs. Give attentions to his cutie for example

  16. Love you too

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      you'll always be my sweet, sweet cutie ☣😘

  17. 💞 ah yes protected by your virus and the permanent bond.

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      I must go now, my cutie. Love you

  18. Of course would make good conversation piece too. But I'd be proud 

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      at least no abuser approaches you, my virus will always look after you

  19. Oh that I would proudly wear the permanent collar. And tell people what it means 

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      biohazard printed on the leather collar and the words "owned poz boy"

  20. Oh will you?

    The submissive in me likes that sign of belonging. I know it won't be in the degrading and objectifying way some people may and have done. Otherwise gladly showing publicly visually that bond

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      No degradation or objectifying between us! You just need to remind others who you belong to

  21. Of course I'm your Cutie, your chaser. Destined to be impregnated and converted into your cutie poz boy 

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      yeah, my cutie. My very own boy. Once properly pozzed I'll collar you permanently

  22. Change my life because we both want that bond. Changing, affirming and guiding. Connecting deeper

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      you know what you are! 😘

  23. Ah well the fact it's your virus is what makes it needed.   Along with the feel of you inside me 

  24. It's the whst you have brought out of me my Gifter 

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      I guess you want some more virus from me

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