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Everything posted by HAIRYCUM31

  1. Is anyone going? Can't wait to be a sleazy PISS PIG!
  2. Fuck yeah! When are the best time to hit Plumb Beach? I live right there!
  3. [think before following links] https://wetnhot.net/
  4. yeah - dm me before you cum I'll give you more details
  5. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.scumnyc.com/ there's a party tonight
  6. Very hot party last night at the Eagle bar in Chelsea. Open fucking everywhere, tons of hot horny pigs.
  7. So excited to be attending my first pig week! Tips? Trips? Telegram groups? Hit daddy up PIG!
  8. Woke up AF and ready to have some fun tonight - haven't been out in a long time - what's the best time to get to the Eagle these days? How about the Cock? Anyone wanna join?
  9. Anyone been to the SCUM parties? Any details to report? I'm thinking about going this Sat
  10. Can't wait for this fuckfest I heard it gets crazy
  11. Oink piggies was wondering - where can I get GOOD poppers in NYC - visiting!!
  12. Really horned to be attending my first pig week - would love to get tips about where to stay, what to not miss and connect with other pigs.
  13. I'm thinking about going - was very hot a few years ago
  14. so hot grrr
  15. you will have an amazing time you will meet many other pigs there
  16. How was it ? Can anyone share stories from their experience? Thinking of booking it for this year OINK
  17. is it a good place to hunt for chempiss ?
  18. hot KC ! would love to drench that hairy hole - just curious about drug use there - anyone know ? oink ! ! ! !
  19. can pigs get high there?
  20. i went a couple of years ago and it was indeed a VERY hot piggy time ! thinking of going again this year. Clearly recall getting back into my PG hotel nearby totally ranking of PISS and buzzed up lol
  21. Any PISS pigs planning to attend this year ? http://wetnhot.net
  22. How is this party ? Anyone gone recently ?
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