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About JezzabellaCD

  • Birthday 01/01/1990

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  • Location
    Huntington Beach, CA
  • Interests
    Hosts that like CD's that worship

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  1. You could of just said I knew I was gay the moment I started rollerblading. 😛
  2. I dream of having a fem CD bf or trans mtf who and fucks around behind my back .. promiscuity is so fucking hot!
  3. Thing you actually have to have sex and not just write on internet forums about your fantasy's
  4. A real reply by a real person and not just some guy talking bullshit about how they take any load from anyone, seak out stds and arent on prep... 90% of the "sluts"on here are claiming a lifestyle that is not only impossible but extremly stupid and unsafe.
  5. Why did you start working there? What was it like? Did you hookup with the customers? Did you let any of the regulars hookup or give them leniency? Did any of you work there for any fetish reasons?
  6. I live about 5 minutes away from GG Blvd and the frat house is closed down and the ABS book store I used to frequent where the entrance was through a back alley isn't there anymore. I used to take the booth where people sitting in there cars would see me sitting down. I would someone pull my shorts down and turn to myself towards there door lay back in my chair put my legs up to my chest and display my smooth 18-20 year old hole to any stranger that came in the door or who was sitting in there cars... The book store right down the street romantics I became good buddys with the store clerks, so much so I can't really cruise there anymore because I don't want him to think any less of me and Garden of Eden off Harbar and GG Blvd, is hit or miss and seedy as hell... Whenever I go there after I sit down in the best booth in the back within about 5 minutes I have a man in front of me with his cock out... I've enjoyed myself there a few times but I've also seen alot of cops pull up and take people away so Im just super nervous about going there.. The clerk guy is hard to read...
  7. Sometimes when I go sking if you catch my drift, and im horny and teasing and playing with myself I fantasize about having a place up in rowland heights to be closer to the abs "stans" in socal. I think if I lived near by I would be a frequent visitor there... Anyways, my question. Has anyone on here intentionally moved next to a ABS, SPA or Theater just to be walking distance from it? I would be interested in hearing those stories if you have them 🙂
  8. Thank you all for all the well thought out responses 🙂 Sucha a great community here.. Thanks again
  9. So I've always love worshiping cock as long as I can remember... Right around 19-20 I realized that my backside can also be used for a man pleasure so I always made sure it was smooth and cleaned out whenever I went out cruising to the parks by my house or the ABS's. I never specially went out to bottom but if I felt the need or the anon wanted me like that I would oblige. It turns me on when someone gets pleases from me no matter what hole 😛 Anyways, from 20-30 I was pretty reckless I suppose and would also let strangers slide in me bare... I would always think to myself ok let him enjoy himself for a few pumps and then tell him to pull out... 100% of the time before I could say anything they would be grabbing my hips and spasming inside me and before I could even ask them if there were clean they would be zipped up and down the road and I would be standing there dripping.. So I haven't barebacked in 10 years and I didn't catch anything during my tour of pleasure... Anyways, So I've been lately liking cross dressing and shaving myself smooth, yada yada yada... I've also been wearing plugs and been fucking myself on the regular with a toy... Theres a ABS near me that I goto on occasion and I always get dick put in my face as soon as I sit in a booth but Im just not sure if I should take the risk now... But I just can't thinking about how satisfying it feels to be all squidgy between my cheeks and to be reminded ever time you feel that sensation that you know that guy had the best time and got off in the most naughty and satisfying way... Im also concerned about back to back because when I used to give myself away like that at this bookstore in a span of a few minutes 3-4 guys would have came and went before I could pull my pants up.... Im not a bug chaser and Im married and I rather not deal with anything... I know about PrEP but I don't want to goto my doctor to get it or get it on my medical history at all... So what do you guys think? Should I take the risk and go down there tonight to see if I can get someone to pull out before they blast inside me? Im in HB california btw. 🙂
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