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  1. You mean a horrible repulsive oppressive corrupt vile government? Yes. We're not allowed to talk about the reasons why that happened because all the Forrest Stalins in the "moderation" section have a ban on telling the truth about the 2020 election. They're um.. heroes... who are trying to single-handedly save.... "democracy"... from an evil internet poster.. who's about 4,000 miles away from D.C. - sitting in a room in England... Hahahahaha. Just think of all the times Puking2x4 puts his superhero cape on, and goes "DA-DA-DA-DAAAA!" (fanfare) then magically saves democracy by pressing the ban button. What a fucking dork. 😂😂😂
  2. You're the ones who originally questioned how he's a "typical Biden supporter" - without explaining to me how he is in fact different. Tell me what's the difference between him and any other Bidentard. It's up to you to illustrate how he's not -BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ONE WHO QUESTIONED MY STATEMENTS, crash test dummies? Okay? Also great, we got less than 10 replies in and we're getting the stupid granny language. "Huffy". Great are you gonna say I'm "snippy" next? Jeezus wept look at you. Whoa, how edgy and fresh. Just kidding the year 2010 called and said they're completely sick of you.
  3. Aren't you going to answer my previous post? No, for you, all you have to do is drop the name of a fantasy creature from Tolkien novels ("troll")....... and then you assume your Pulitzer prize is in the mail?
  4. The difference between him and the others was...? (Silence longer than the gap between the first ever opera singers, and Edison inventing the gramophone)
  5. Have you been with anyone who reminds you of a famous person (either a "hot" one or not... could be like some political person or something) Anyone fuck someone who looks like Leonardo DiCaprio? I've fucked this guy a couple of times who's a little on the chubby side and I realised a while afterwards - his face reminds me of a comedy actor, so...... I won't say who it is cause its not necessarily a "good one" to start off. We dont fuck very much I just talk to him when I'm in a sex place/sauna.
  6. Amazing the power of delusion...
  7. Leftists plan for "elections" decades ahead from now, when they make their comments saying "white people are headed for democratic decline". There was a clip of Biden saying "that's good for us" or something, the weird doddery fuck. So that makes them clever and it only makes Trump "a piece of shit" right dude? LOL Don't worry by the time you fail to defend that double standard, my account will have been sent on another months-long vacation by the magical mystery silence man... LOL!
  8. Why can't the Red Arrow Display Team put their objections into words? Do leftists suck at words?
  9. Kruger died, coming up to 10 months ago in Philadelphia. [think before following links] https://www.inquirer.com/news/philadelphia/josh-kruger-robert-davis-guilty-plea-sentence-murder-philadelphia-20240610.html I'll try to do bullet points since my posts sometimes "go on a bit" (and also his abused boyfriend chose the same solution) Philadelphia-based smug "liberal" and unimpressive local "journalist" Endlessly tweeted anti-Trump bile, and claimed Republicans had no "decency" Turned out he was meth dealer who was fucking a black dude which started when the guy was underaged (Kruger was 20 years older) In last weeks of his life he was trying to blackmail his by-then 19yo male, by threatening to send sexually explicit pics and vids to his family When the young dude (who he probably turned into a meth-head) got sick of him he shot him 7 times at the beginning of October 2023 This is your completely archetypical Biden supporting Trump hater. Yet he was so stupid, he thought he could endlessly taunt and torture a teenager and nothing bad could possibly ever happen. So what other things do "liberals" think can go on forever? He's either incredibly stupid, or it's a deathwish right? Maybe leftists who spend time online taunting Trump supporters about his "loss" in 2020, don't actually really like themselves or life under Phreakshow Biden... right guys? Leaving aside the fact he ruined a young man's life and had him sent to jail until he's about 35 at the youngest. I mean uh... as far as he was concerned he was looking forward to watching Biden "totally kick Trump's ass" a 2nd time but he never would live to see it? (Or Kamala...) How did the "smart urban intellectual" get outlived by so many hicks (including the "angry tweeting KFC addict in chief" himself!)
  10. Why, ohsay, doth thou, with some reason, believe, that, I, will, be, bowled, over, simply, because, you, can, insert, a, lot, of, dramatic, commas, into, your sen, tence, oh dreary, one? Were, you, somehow, hoping, I, was, born, tomorrow, or, something? I'm, so, sorry, that, you, suffer, from, this, pseudo-intellectual, delusion - I, mean, it, would, be, embarrassing, enough, if, you, were, a, college, student, who suffers, from, this delusion,, but for, someone, your, age, it's, just, down, right, pa, the, tic, eh, crippled, shack, dweller?
  11. Could you guys offer some actual helpful suggestions for how we could stay relevant? That's what the question in the topic title was for. If I wanted you to bleat the same dreary left-wing snoring points... I mean talking points that you bleat every single day of your lives, I would have started a thread titled "Please pummel me with the lame-ass left-wing talking points you spew every single day of your boring-ass lives"!
  12. Mi... -lo... that guy? Yeah... seriously? Clearly here I'm talking to someone who's got their finger firmly on the pulse... of February 2015... To answer your first question about "why should we be relevant", i was going to say something so that *dumb people* don't forget we exist. Cause they are more important than you think and they do vote. But then... after your mentioning "Milo"..... talking about dumb people to you seems... weird and redundant In case you can't tell my jaw is absolutely nailed to the floor here by the pitifulness of you bringing up fucking "Milo"... Milo... Milo.. Yiannopolis As father jack said......."Don't tell I'm still on that feckin' island" (In this case, not craggy island but Brit-tardistan)
  13. Hahah I've had two of you sad fuckers pull out the S-word now, in the last 24 hours. "Screed" oh no, I'm so totally bowled over cause you pull out your little vocabulary word "screed". Well despite the fact that you HAVEN'T been designated as the New Shakespeare yet... (and you spent all that effort struggling in your wheelchair to get into that Toga) if you can get over that disappointment. How did you come to the conclusion that a guy who uses the ISISlamic phrase "Inshallah" during a presidential debate was the "least worst candidate"? You refuse to even think about the realities of how violent Islam is towards gays, all over the world You never address anything with any substance you just go on boring lectures about how you're supposedly so much more "civil" than me, and you use the sheer dullness of your personality as a weapon hoping to make the other person go away out of boredom, instead of actually making any kind of point. You actually expect that Ive never been moronically labelled "racist" by ostriches such as yourself, and its somehow going to impress me, which shows you're very unrealistic and childlike. Here we have yet another ISISlam-swooning freakshow who, when he gets beheaded, is planning to comfort himself by saying, in the most nasal voice ever: "like, at least I like, never like, went on any racist screeeeeeeeeds. That's the most important thing"
  14. Well of course I briefly suspected someone lame enough would try to use one word to avoid addressing the (incredibly truthful) rest of my epic rant. No I don't say outdated names for black people, that's um.. your guy, that's your pitifully embarrassing hind-leg-walking tortoise of a "president" who does that. Lemme guess you won't be labelling him any kind of 'insane bigot' or whatever? Yep, it's definitely just another day in our so-called new "sane" Trump free era - in which I have special rules thrown at me that only apply to me but not to people who are actually in charge of stuff. And also, being laughably labelled a "nut" by someone who couldn't be any more insane, frothing-mouthed and filled with malice even if he was a rabies-afflicted chimp with chronic constipation
  15. Please wait while I delete every opinion or observation I ever had, simply because one old geezer can say "AH BUT YOU SEE, HE DID LOSE, YOU SEE. " while wagging a finger. And you threw in "something something treason". Well done the word treason was a bit of variety from the usual shriek of "insurrection". I'm also deleting all my critical thinking skills for your comfort. "Why would Americans vote for a senile fuck who says the Islamic phrase Inshallah during a live political debate. And his only ever "achievement" was to get repeatedly returned as a senator for the exciting state of Dela-where?" That's the last time I'll ever hear my brain ask those questions either internally or otherwise. *100% deleted* Ah good, no more of those pesky "thoughts". holy crap, I think with this "jim" we really found someone who actually believes it.. believes it was real. I mean obviously Bootman doesn't. Dude "jim" you're like a 19 year old who still believes in Santa Claus. you're rare man. Botman has spent the last 2 years crowing about it and people dont spend that long crowing about straightforward, fair victories. Especially if they're crippled and celibate people posting on a sex site... he has to taunt other people to compensate for the fact that life tortures him.
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