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Everything posted by harrysmith25

  1. You mean a horrible repulsive oppressive corrupt vile government? Yes. We're not allowed to talk about the reasons why that happened because all the Forrest Stalins in the "moderation" section have a ban on telling the truth about the 2020 election. They're um.. heroes... who are trying to single-handedly save.... "democracy"... from an evil internet poster.. who's about 4,000 miles away from D.C. - sitting in a room in England... Hahahahaha. Just think of all the times Puking2x4 puts his superhero cape on, and goes "DA-DA-DA-DAAAA!" (fanfare) then magically saves democracy by pressing the ban button. What a fucking dork. 😂😂😂
  2. You're the ones who originally questioned how he's a "typical Biden supporter" - without explaining to me how he is in fact different. Tell me what's the difference between him and any other Bidentard. It's up to you to illustrate how he's not -BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ONE WHO QUESTIONED MY STATEMENTS, crash test dummies? Okay? Also great, we got less than 10 replies in and we're getting the stupid granny language. "Huffy". Great are you gonna say I'm "snippy" next? Jeezus wept look at you. Whoa, how edgy and fresh. Just kidding the year 2010 called and said they're completely sick of you.
  3. Aren't you going to answer my previous post? No, for you, all you have to do is drop the name of a fantasy creature from Tolkien novels ("troll")....... and then you assume your Pulitzer prize is in the mail?
  4. The difference between him and the others was...? (Silence longer than the gap between the first ever opera singers, and Edison inventing the gramophone)
  5. Have you been with anyone who reminds you of a famous person (either a "hot" one or not... could be like some political person or something) Anyone fuck someone who looks like Leonardo DiCaprio? I've fucked this guy a couple of times who's a little on the chubby side and I realised a while afterwards - his face reminds me of a comedy actor, so...... I won't say who it is cause its not necessarily a "good one" to start off. We dont fuck very much I just talk to him when I'm in a sex place/sauna.
  6. Amazing the power of delusion...
  7. Leftists plan for "elections" decades ahead from now, when they make their comments saying "white people are headed for democratic decline". There was a clip of Biden saying "that's good for us" or something, the weird doddery fuck. So that makes them clever and it only makes Trump "a piece of shit" right dude? LOL Don't worry by the time you fail to defend that double standard, my account will have been sent on another months-long vacation by the magical mystery silence man... LOL!
  8. Why can't the Red Arrow Display Team put their objections into words? Do leftists suck at words?
  9. Kruger died, coming up to 10 months ago in Philadelphia. [think before following links] https://www.inquirer.com/news/philadelphia/josh-kruger-robert-davis-guilty-plea-sentence-murder-philadelphia-20240610.html I'll try to do bullet points since my posts sometimes "go on a bit" (and also his abused boyfriend chose the same solution) Philadelphia-based smug "liberal" and unimpressive local "journalist" Endlessly tweeted anti-Trump bile, and claimed Republicans had no "decency" Turned out he was meth dealer who was fucking a black dude which started when the guy was underaged (Kruger was 20 years older) In last weeks of his life he was trying to blackmail his by-then 19yo male, by threatening to send sexually explicit pics and vids to his family When the young dude (who he probably turned into a meth-head) got sick of him he shot him 7 times at the beginning of October 2023 This is your completely archetypical Biden supporting Trump hater. Yet he was so stupid, he thought he could endlessly taunt and torture a teenager and nothing bad could possibly ever happen. So what other things do "liberals" think can go on forever? He's either incredibly stupid, or it's a deathwish right? Maybe leftists who spend time online taunting Trump supporters about his "loss" in 2020, don't actually really like themselves or life under Phreakshow Biden... right guys? Leaving aside the fact he ruined a young man's life and had him sent to jail until he's about 35 at the youngest. I mean uh... as far as he was concerned he was looking forward to watching Biden "totally kick Trump's ass" a 2nd time but he never would live to see it? (Or Kamala...) How did the "smart urban intellectual" get outlived by so many hicks (including the "angry tweeting KFC addict in chief" himself!)
  10. Why, ohsay, doth thou, with some reason, believe, that, I, will, be, bowled, over, simply, because, you, can, insert, a, lot, of, dramatic, commas, into, your sen, tence, oh dreary, one? Were, you, somehow, hoping, I, was, born, tomorrow, or, something? I'm, so, sorry, that, you, suffer, from, this, pseudo-intellectual, delusion - I, mean, it, would, be, embarrassing, enough, if, you, were, a, college, student, who suffers, from, this delusion,, but for, someone, your, age, it's, just, down, right, pa, the, tic, eh, crippled, shack, dweller?
  11. Could you guys offer some actual helpful suggestions for how we could stay relevant? That's what the question in the topic title was for. If I wanted you to bleat the same dreary left-wing snoring points... I mean talking points that you bleat every single day of your lives, I would have started a thread titled "Please pummel me with the lame-ass left-wing talking points you spew every single day of your boring-ass lives"!
  12. Mi... -lo... that guy? Yeah... seriously? Clearly here I'm talking to someone who's got their finger firmly on the pulse... of February 2015... To answer your first question about "why should we be relevant", i was going to say something so that *dumb people* don't forget we exist. Cause they are more important than you think and they do vote. But then... after your mentioning "Milo"..... talking about dumb people to you seems... weird and redundant In case you can't tell my jaw is absolutely nailed to the floor here by the pitifulness of you bringing up fucking "Milo"... Milo... Milo.. Yiannopolis As father jack said......."Don't tell I'm still on that feckin' island" (In this case, not craggy island but Brit-tardistan)
  13. Hahah I've had two of you sad fuckers pull out the S-word now, in the last 24 hours. "Screed" oh no, I'm so totally bowled over cause you pull out your little vocabulary word "screed". Well despite the fact that you HAVEN'T been designated as the New Shakespeare yet... (and you spent all that effort struggling in your wheelchair to get into that Toga) if you can get over that disappointment. How did you come to the conclusion that a guy who uses the ISISlamic phrase "Inshallah" during a presidential debate was the "least worst candidate"? You refuse to even think about the realities of how violent Islam is towards gays, all over the world You never address anything with any substance you just go on boring lectures about how you're supposedly so much more "civil" than me, and you use the sheer dullness of your personality as a weapon hoping to make the other person go away out of boredom, instead of actually making any kind of point. You actually expect that Ive never been moronically labelled "racist" by ostriches such as yourself, and its somehow going to impress me, which shows you're very unrealistic and childlike. Here we have yet another ISISlam-swooning freakshow who, when he gets beheaded, is planning to comfort himself by saying, in the most nasal voice ever: "like, at least I like, never like, went on any racist screeeeeeeeeds. That's the most important thing"
  14. Well of course I briefly suspected someone lame enough would try to use one word to avoid addressing the (incredibly truthful) rest of my epic rant. No I don't say outdated names for black people, that's um.. your guy, that's your pitifully embarrassing hind-leg-walking tortoise of a "president" who does that. Lemme guess you won't be labelling him any kind of 'insane bigot' or whatever? Yep, it's definitely just another day in our so-called new "sane" Trump free era - in which I have special rules thrown at me that only apply to me but not to people who are actually in charge of stuff. And also, being laughably labelled a "nut" by someone who couldn't be any more insane, frothing-mouthed and filled with malice even if he was a rabies-afflicted chimp with chronic constipation
  15. Please wait while I delete every opinion or observation I ever had, simply because one old geezer can say "AH BUT YOU SEE, HE DID LOSE, YOU SEE. " while wagging a finger. And you threw in "something something treason". Well done the word treason was a bit of variety from the usual shriek of "insurrection". I'm also deleting all my critical thinking skills for your comfort. "Why would Americans vote for a senile fuck who says the Islamic phrase Inshallah during a live political debate. And his only ever "achievement" was to get repeatedly returned as a senator for the exciting state of Dela-where?" That's the last time I'll ever hear my brain ask those questions either internally or otherwise. *100% deleted* Ah good, no more of those pesky "thoughts". holy crap, I think with this "jim" we really found someone who actually believes it.. believes it was real. I mean obviously Bootman doesn't. Dude "jim" you're like a 19 year old who still believes in Santa Claus. you're rare man. Botman has spent the last 2 years crowing about it and people dont spend that long crowing about straightforward, fair victories. Especially if they're crippled and celibate people posting on a sex site... he has to taunt other people to compensate for the fact that life tortures him.
  16. Why do you keep saying "hordes" when Trump supporters are supposed to be a minority? lol. Every single damn day you're saying how afraid of the "massive hordes" of rednecks despite saying Biden won by 7 million votes. You wake up just to do this thing alone, every single day. No. other. Hobbies. Or. Interests. In. Life. To. Speak. Of. Those people who "deny" the 2020 election aren't insane like you're suggesting, they are entitled to their opinion... they're just frequently not allowed to say their opinion (including here).... just like you're not allowed to say a lot of things in the new, uh..."non-fascist" America. LOL Boot so-called "man", you are just spouting off like any sophomoric college student, typing a list of people which are supposed to be bad, "FOX NEWS, ELECTION DENIERS" etc in the hope that it will impress somebody. Perhaps also you're hoping someone in real life will mistake you for a college student, sorry bud, that wrinkly dinosaur skin isn't going away. More importantly, you only talk about why those people you listed are supposedly "bad", you can't tell us why the shrivelled hind-leg-walking tortoise called Biden is supposed to be good. Tell us a real, convincing reason why he's supposed to be "good". (gay marriage rights will not be a lot of use to your average American gay, when Biden and pals have finished flooding the entire country with people who've just come from backward hellholes where they kill gays and stone their wife to death for showing too much ankle) If I come back later and find you actually want to continue the conversation instead of having me banned for saying the truth, then maybe we'll get onto that "equivalency" you were asking for.
  17. And you're entitled to believe that that constitutes a "witty" comeback. We just wish you'd do it in private, like most other people who like to pretend they're Lisa Simpson and it's the year 1995.
  18. Uh, so I can't help worrying that us gays might be viewed as incredibly passé by the left, which is in control of the US presidency, and also dominates other parts of the western world in general politics and culture. Aren't we just "old hat" to the lefties? Trannies are where it's at now. Everyone knows that: there's a million headlines about trannies, and 1 per week about us. What happens if those in power just kind of forget about us cause we're so 2013 or 15 (at best) with our precious "gay marriage" and whatnot. Sure, Biden may have signed gay rights into federal law, but so what? Cranky old farts like him are fickle customers, they really are. Anyone who's spent time with the old know how they can be just as fickle as toddlers, change their minds like that. What if tomorrow, Pete Buttigieg is talking with Biden and mentions his husband, and then suddenly Biden says "COME ONN, MAAAAAAN". Then we'd be finished, because as everyone knows "COME OOOON, MAAAAAAAAN" is the wittiest put-down in history, and Mark Twain himself could not have outbarbed our current heroic leader of the free world. Should we start threatening a children's author, or would that just be unimpressive copycat behaviour? Should we get our own version of JK Rowling, but who or what would that be? It's important to be threatening violence, or just being nasty. The culture of "liberals" today only appreciate you when you're being nasty, like how they tweet that they love the taste of "Republican tears". Lefties do not do it for "love of their fellow man" any more or "stand up for the little guy", those days are long gone. it's about "pwning" people and drinking their tears. right? So what do we have to do to impress those bloodthirsty, nasty goons that I just described. And also what can we do to please the ornery, borderline-senile old men they choose as their leaders.
  20. Clarence Thomas. Apparently everything revolves around him... he has been mentioned in other posts here by your other moderators So anyway, the guy who loves censoring others is complaining about being censored. Wow. It's hard or impossible to have a full and frank conversation about the political situation in America because you've banned people from questioning the official "results" of the 2020 election. You clearly enjoy doing that to try and make Trump's (many) supporters as speechless as you were the day Hillary got fucking downed by Trump after losing states the Dems hadnt lost since the days of Ratt and Judas Priest. Remember the key point- you yourself have an irrational and poisonous regime that wants to censor people from being able to say what they feel is the most important thing to say about the current world they live in. Then you want to know their opinions on someone else censoring you LOL So erm, we can't discuss whether Thomas going on the warpath is an act of "revenge" by him. Your censoring of us is revenge for daring to elect Trump in the 1st place. Maybe if you concentrated on what's good for the whole country instead of getting revenge on red "America" (I am not American), what with you being the cocktail-sipping sneering New Yorker that you are.... you might not be in this situation. Did you know it's possible to remove a Supreme Court justice with a vote in both houses of Congress. If you feel he's such a danger to society and sanity perhaps that should have been done some time during the time when Dems had both houses of congress. (A Supreme Court justice was once removed simply for "political bias". Hard to believe by modern standards cause we fully expect the Supreme Court to be a battle of political ideologies between a bunch of robe-wearing eggheads.) But instead you guys spent all your time in the last 2 years taunting us, psychologically torturing us by banning us from saying what we need to say (and shout). People elected Trump because they obviously felt Islam was a lot scarier than Christianity, because it is. You've forgotten even about the fact of him being anti-Islam in the 1st place, because you never accepted or analysed your 2016 defeat. That defeat came about because since the year 2001, 'you' (i.e. all leftists) decided it makes you "sophisticated" if you suck up to a religion that none of us even gave any thought to, until two planes hit two huge buildings in New York (and the Pentagon). You got carried away with your pseudo-intellectual New York hobnobbing fantasy world, and you paid for it in humiliation of 2016. But your ego would never, EVER allow you to even think it was your fault - you never even did the slightest of searching for reasons, and even when people like me try to bash you over the head with them you still ignore them. What is it with this current life you have in America? Where you guys say Biden got 7 million more votes than the other guy yet all you do is panic, claim to be being besieged by rednecks, and say "democracy is under threat". What the hell is that? Did you win huge and send the "evil people" packing? Or not? What's going on? During Trump all you did was shout "Russia collusion". And now since 2021 you've just generally gone completely insane for a whole 24 months, shouting "insurrection" over and over - so eager to show off your "Wannabe Shakespeare" badge. LOL. This is just an opinion from a British guy who celebrated the victory in 2016 by trying to get laid as many times as possible, instead of wasting time talking to the likes of you. Who would want to waste precious time on Earth talking to Hillary fans (nor would I want to talk to the 19 people who went to Biden's election rallies in 2020). You seem to love talking to, and about us, though. If you want to understand things better and not be blindsided by the world I suggest you get a bit further away from Manfuckinghattan than you are now. Really dude, maybe at your age it's time for a change, you might even thank me for suggesting it
  21. Of course, he was the only one who ever used that word in the 1970s. And people always stick to everything they say forever. For instance, I have never gone back on my 1980s pledge of "gaga-googoo". I can tell I'm up against an intellectual juggernaut here Blah blah blah, I'd be amazed if you can even tell me the name of the victim in the Central Park rape case, without googling it. LOL
  22. Thanks. I notice you didnt say "thats not true", or "where does that idea come from". Do you have any idea how many gay men Trump would have employed given he was a real estate guy in NY. Unless you think he hired Putin to redecorate apartments. 😂 Biden is at the stage of life where he looks more like a leaking sack of flour than a human being. How can you be happy with him being the nation's "leader" lol.
  23. Big whoop. President Biden is a nasty piece of Scranton trailer trash who looks like he'd beat his son up if he was gay. Or try to, with that feeble body of his, lol. Being pro-gay is not reflected in Democrats other policies or just their everyday way of operating. They spend a lot more time sucking up to foreign countries who are violently anti-gay. What piece of paper he signed doesn't reflect reality
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