I’m 44 and have little experience in this scene. I’ve enjoyed the occasional blowjob from guys for 20plus years. Usually once a year or a few times then it would be years between. A few months ago I started to crave it again, plus I wanted to do the sucking I thought. Well. I’ve been reading here for a while and looking at sniffles and some other sites. I posted that I was looking for a young man, twinkish that needed a daddy. Well I found someone and just love his cock. I’ve blown him three times and he has the most amazing cum. I’m fully mesmerized by the sweet taste. I’m perfectly content to only serve him for a while. It’s hard to explain but I’m really enjoying the experience. He’s a great kisser too. That’s something I never would have thought I would be into either.
Just wanted to share since I’ve gotten so much from reading here.