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Everything posted by GyroLover

  1. this is a slow build but maybe it will be enjoyable as it progressss. My first story I just had my one year anniversary of retirement and my 6 month anniversary of divorce. You see my wife had been cheating on me while I worked for 25 years to build us a life. I thought she was happy but I guess I was too distracted. My kids didn’t even know. My wife was a few years older than me so I just thought it was menopause or whatever. My kids were just as shocked as I was that this would happen. I will say though that they have really supported me during all of this. I provided for the family and ensured that everyone had opportunities to excel. I didn’t give it all to them and in think that’s what they now appreciate the most. They appreciated having had chores, responsibilities, having to pay their own way to college, having skin in the game. These young people who get it all and are never satisfied really are a drag on society and will be forever. I didn’t want my children to end up like that. When the divorce was finalized my ex wife didn’t get all that she wanted. The judge saw through all the bullshit and even said “ this man gave you everything you wanted, a home, a family, no need to work while you were raising the children and you betrayed the vows. You will only get 2000 per month, I hope your new spouse can pick up the slack”. She was floored, I was relieved. Though I really dislike writing that check every month it could have been worse. I suppose it helped that I’m in the security and IT industry and had ample evidence. Once I suspected something was up I didn’t lead on I just tightened my surveillance and built the case. About three months after the divorce a large competitor approached me to buy my humble consulting firm. Let’s just say that I never have to work again and can travel the world or focus on the philanthropic missions that I choose. Bitch was pissed when she found out she missed out on that lottery. One of the first things I did after selling was buy a light twin airplane. A Beechcraft Baron, a 1978 model B55. It was a typical 70s era plane in awful pain scheme and even worse interior. I had a Beech specialty shop do a complete refurbishment to include new engines, interior, paint, state of the art Avionics. You couldn’t buy a new plane better than this one. I’ve been flying it and have 200 hours as pilot in command of this airplane and it’s been wonderful. My goal is to travel to all the places on the west coast I never got to visit. Someone famous once said “give me a mile of road and I’ll show you a mile of countryside, a mile of runway and I’ll show you the world”. That definitely applies. So to keep from being lonely I just fly places and live out of a suitcase. I stay were I want for as long as I want and that’s it. Now here’s the story that you are probably getting impatient to read. Last week I was in Boston visiting one of my children. Spent a week there with my new grandchild. It was time to go so I decided I’ve not been to Knoxville Tennessee in many years. Let’s go there and spend a day there before deciding where to go next. I took off out of a small airport outside of Boston headed to Knoxville. I land at the Knoxville downtown island airport which parallels a river near university of Tennessee. I rent a car and head to get some dinner and a hotel. I decided I was hungry, so stopped for dinner and a drink. As I finished my meal I could see a commotion across the way at another table. A skinny young man with a camerabag, a few tattoos, and a purple streak in his hair was arguing with the waitress. It appeared that his card was declined. It couldn’t have been much because I could see he only had a water and a small salad but it was still an issue. My waiter was bringing my check and I asked what was happening over there. I was right. His card was declined. I told mine that I would take care of his check. As I was leaving not thinking a thing about it further the young man comes up by my car and thanks me for taking care of his tab. It was no problem I was happy to do it. I knew that I would get the blessing later in life. I just didn’t know how soon that would be or what. He explained that he had just been expelled from UT because his father decides he wouldn’t pay for his college anymore, or anything else for that matter. He had been basically disowned. I asked why and he said that his father found out he was gay. How old are you I asked. I’m 22 he said. I have a son that is exactly your age I told him. So do you have a job or a place to stay? No, I’m homeless as of 2 hours ago. I lived in an apartment my family got for me but that’s gone too. I have no money and I don’t know what to do. I’m going to sell my camera and lenses he said so I can find a place and look for a job. I was once a photographer myself I told him. What kind of camera do you use. Leica he said. Now that’s a real high end enthusiast brand so this boy comes from an affluent family it seems. I mentioned that he should be able to get good money for it. I asked what he planned to do for a job. He didn’t know but he fancied himself as an urban photographer and journalist but that doesn’t pay much and he didn’t appear to have the muscles for manual labor. He even said as much stating “I’m just a twink and will probably just have to suck dick to make ends meet.” I didn’t know what a twink was, but didn’t say anything. I told him I was just visiting town and was very tired. I said I would be happy to get him a hotel room so he had a place to stay. He agreed and he got into my car. On the way to the Hilton he thanked me said he couldn’t repay me, yet at least. I said don’t worry about it. Checking in I asked him how long he needed the room. He shrugged like he hadn’t thought about that. Our rooms were next to each other and I said good night. I mentioned that I was having breakfast downstairs at 8am and if he wanted to join that would be fine. About midnight I woke up and couldn’t sleep. I guess I was just thinking about this young man, Peter was his name. I got up and was going to go to the hotel gym. As I left my room I noticed that Peter’s door was slightly cracked. I don’t know why but I pushed it open a little further and I saw Peter on all fours with his ass up in the air and a blindfold on. I was startled and aghast I just kept walking and went to the gym. I worked out about 40 minutes and headed back up and the door was still cracked. I looked again and Peter was getting his ass eaten by some other young fella. “Well he did say he was gay” I thought to myself. I went to my room. I got back in bed but I was still thinking about what I saw. I get it out of my mind. My dick even twitched a little and a few minutes later I could hear what was going on next door and that got me hard. So hard in fact I jerked off. I didn’t know why I was feeling this way. If never had these thoughts before. What’s the matter with me? The next morning I went to the breakfast room and there was Peter. “I saved a spot for you he said”. Thank you I replied. This is going to be awkward I thought to myself. I ate my breakfast and we chatted. He asked what my plans were and I said. I think I’m going to go to Utah to the Zion national park and take in the sights. His eyes perked up and said that he had been there when he was young and loved it. A beautiful place he said. Before I could think I said. “So you want to go with me?” “YES!! But I have no money, as you already know”. “Don’t worry about it, we will work something out”. He gave me a little grin. I’m ready to go I said. When can you be ready, I asked I need 30 minutes to shower and change if that’s okay? I said be ready in the lobby in 45 min and we will leave. “That’s going to be a long drive Mark. “No not really I said as he looked at me with puzzlement.” 45 min. I don’t like people being late. It was getting warmer and Peter made it to the lobby with his camera bag and duffle. He was wearing a tshirt that said #BBBH and some really short shorts with flip flops. I had no clue what that meant and we got in the car. I’m happy to help drive he said. We won’t be driving much I told him. We are gonna fly. “Sir, that’s a lot of money and I just don’t feel right about you paying my way”. I’m headed there anyway, might as well have some company. “What airline are we flying mark”. I looked at him and said jokingly “MarkAir”. “Never heard of it he said. We pulled into the parking lot of the downtown island airport. Peter bent over into the back seat and I could see he was wearing a blue thong as he grabbed his things. “Wait, you are a pilot?” “Yep we are gonna take my plane west. we will stop in St Louis Missouri for fuel and get a bite to eat and decide if we want to go further today. “Sounds great to me he said, I’ve never even been on a small plane before”. I asked “have you ever seen a grown man naked” he paused. “I guess you’ve never seen the movie airplane, never mind it was a poor choice of joke”. “Well mark, I’m kinda fond of naked men, that’s why I’m in this mess”. I stammered “I didn’t mean anything by what I said, I was just quoting a movie”. “ uh huh, I saw you looking at my thong mark”. I blushed and we walked through the gate to the plane. "Put your gear in the back while i go pay the fuel bill" "Yes sir, can i keep my camera close?" "sure, that's no problem" i told him. I pay the bill and head back out to the airplane. Peter is taking a selfie by the prop in a sexy model type pose. "What are you doing Mark? This young man is gonna get you in trouble, you know it" but i was already mesmerized by him. He was really nice, seemed to be pretty smart but dumb as a hammer in regards to walking around sense. But, then again, I knew nothing really about this boy so who's the dumb one? "I'm so excited he yells out to me as i get close" I smile and said me too, now lets get going west. Since he's never been in a small plane before I normally let my passengers know everything that is going on so they can be at ease. He helps me to do the preflight and go throught the checklist. Once that is done we get in and buckle up. The baron kinda has a bench seat up front, so its cozy. "Can I sit by you?" he asks. "Fine by me, but the back is more comfortable if you want to stretch out" "No, i want to be near you daddy, I mean Mark" I look over at him and pretend i didn't hear that as I lean over him and pull the door to and lock it. His eyes were very wide as he looked over his little round sunglasses as we began our take off roll to the west. The nose comes up and then the main wheels leave the ground, we were flying. "Positive rate, speed increasing, blue line, gear up" i say out to myself i as i reach over to the gear handle and actuate it. "Knoxville approach, Baron tripple 6 romeo just off downtown, we would like to pick up our IFR to sierra tango lima, St. Louis" "666Romeo good morning, squawk 4137 ident" I repeat what the controller says confirming a squawk code of 4137. "tripple 6 romeo radar contact just off downtown, climb and maintain seven thousand, expect higher in one zero minutes, altimeter 30 decimal 12." "climb and maintain 7000, 30.12, tripple 6 romeo" I reply. Peter is intently listening on his headset and grinning from ear to ear with excitement. I'm pretty excited too but i'm trying to maintain some professionalism as I have a passenger. But I can't help but look at his beautiful legs and feet as now he's kicked off his flip flops and is sitting next to me with his legs crossed watching my every move, every adjustment of throttles. His eyes are all over me and it starts to happen. I'm getting an erection. I try to hide it by casually setting my chart in my lap to cover the tent growing in my slacks. He looks me in the eye and smiles. I'm busted. A little while later the controller tells us we are cleared to 11,000 feet direct to STL. I put the autopilot on and relax a little. Peter is enjoying the ride and I tell him, "now we just sit back and relax" " are you gay mark?" i wasn't expecting this at all to come over my headset. "uh, um, no i'm not peter uh," "okay, just checking. Did you hear anything last night? Did I keep you up?" "well, peter, i uh, saw, uh hmm, yes I heard you son" I just called him son! "what are you doing?" I ask myself. "Good, I had hoped you would" he says. "Actually, I got up and I noticed your door was ajar and i saw you on your hands and knees" "Good, i'm glad you saw that because you are going to get that ass tonight daddy" He leans over and lays a full on tongue kiss on my lips and my heart skips a beat, but for some reason I let it happen and I actually enjoyed it. He reaches down and feels my hard dick and licks his lips. "I would blow you right here but, i'm gonna take a little nap and let you process all of this....daddy" I was speachless. about 2 and a half hours pass and we are getting closer to missouri. Peter's been asleep since he teased me and i've been checking in with the various controllers. We've been stepped down in altitude to sequence us in for a landing and we are now at 5000 feet. There is a low pressure system here and its cloudy and overcast. You cannot see the ground. We are in a layer of clouds and i'm entirely on instruments. Its like being in a lightbulb. The windows just look like frosted glass. "baron tripple 6 romeo, turn left heading 210." "Left turn 210 tripple 6 romeo" as soon as I unkeyed the microphone a loud bang and the airplane shakes violently. Then again, and now the pilot side windscreen is broken and there is wind rushing in and blood everywhere. Peter is startled awake and is panicing. I've got my hands full as the abrupt change in attitude has disconnected the autopilot so i'm hand flying with one eye covered in blood, wind rushing into the cabin, and we are still in the clouds so its wet. I reach over to calm peter down. I get my headset back on that was knocked off my head in the commotion. i start telling peter to calm down its okay, he's crying and shaking. "you are bleeding mark!" I tell him "yes i know, but i'm okay." "What happened" "I don't know son but we have got to get out of the clouds and land." "mayday mayday 666Romeo needs to decend immediatly. Declaring an emergency" The previously quite radio and boring job the controller has had up until now has just gotten interesting. "tripple 6 romeo roger, just let me know what you need. descend at pilots discretion" "tripple 6 romeo, pilots descretion" was my only reply. a few seconds later the controller comes back on and asks me to specify the issue. By this time i've figured out what has happened. "99 romeo, bird strike. We've apparently hit a flock of sandhill cranes" there was the remains of one of those birds all over my fucking airplane. "the pilot windscreen is busted and we have a pretty good vibration but controls are free and correct at this time. we need to land immediately, request vectors to nearest airport" "roger tripple 6 romeo, the cloud bases turn to broken at 4000 then few at 2500 in your sector, nearest airport is 15 miles off your left wing, turn left 180, i'll get you the unicom frequency and get you vectors for the ILS" " I need a VFR field i'm injured and with this wind in my face its pretty difficult here." "mark, let me help" peter says. "okay son, look for the button on this big screen that says NRST, that's the nearest airport button, and see if you can find something to wipe this blodd from my face" Peter strips off his shirt and pats my face with it trying to help. "666Romeo, state fuel remaining and souls onboard" the controller asks. I think to myself, souls onboard. I've never been asked that before and its an errie question to hear. "2 hours fule, and 2 souls, 666Romeo." "are we going to make it" peter asks. "well, i'm not giving up yet son" i reply to him. the vibration is getting worse and worse. my face is now clear of blood and only a few scratches are present on me and they aren't too bad. i can see everything now and have the airport dialed into my gps and the approach plate pulled up on the second screen. I'm talking to myself briefing the approach. Peter is cold, he's used his shirt to wipe my face and i can tell his nipples are hard. Without thinking i reach over and flick one of them and smile, like this is a routine day at the office. I don't know but it seemed to calm him just a little. By now we have broken out of the clouds and i'm feeling better about the situation but i notice that the cylinder head temps on the left engine are rising slowly and we still have this vibration. I thought to myself, maybe we hit more than one, maybe the engine nacelle is clogged up with bird. The right engine is fine, normal temps. "99 romeo airport 12 o'clock 9 miles. Airport is untowered, 6000ft long, elevation 789, altimemter is 29.10. I read back the info and no sooner than i said that we have a severe yaw to the left, the RPM's go high and the plane is now violently shaking. The engine is still making power so I'll take it. I've trained for engine failures but I'd rather not shut it down if I don't have to. But it doens't feel good at all. I decide to feather the engine and shut it down. We are 7 miles out. Peter is now holding onto me, he's shaking more than the airplane. With the engine stopped i see the problem. With that last jolt we lost a blade off the three bladed prop. "runway in sight, tripple 6 romeo." The controller comes back, "roger 666Romeo, we have advised the onfield contacts of your arrival and emergency, they have local fire standing by. Good Luck sir, let us know by phone or radio when you are on the ground" "Thanks for your help boss, tripple 6 romeo" "alright peter, we have one engine, and one chance to get this right. I'm going to wait till the last moment to put the gear down. I don't want to make to many changes of configuration since we are stable. 3 miles to go, gear down, flaps set. we are crabbed into the wind 1 mile to go" You can see the firetrucks and police cars staged at midfield, peter has his hands over his eyes. without looking to him i just calmly say over the headset, its going to be alright son, daddy will take care of you." a minute later the screeching of our wheels touching down and peter looks up. I've now had to shutdown the right engine and we are just rolling under momentum as we are then followed by the trucks and roll to a stop. Peter jumps into my arms and gives me the biggest hug of my life. I hold him for a minute just to compose myself. "you did it sir, you saved my life" "hey, if you hadn't gotten on this airplane you wouldn't have had to go through this ordeal" "I've never felt so alive mark. I'm going to make you a happy man tonight. After this, i'm going to introduce you to things you've never even imagined." "by now we have arrived in a small country town with a country airport and this obviously gay boy is in my lap as the fire cheif looks in and says "welcome to Gardendale, looks like you boys had a rough go of it." all i could muster up to reply was "Its been a challenge" To be continued
  2. I’m new to barebacking and my boy gave me two loads tonight. So my all time total is now three. This being the second time that I’ve been fucked went much much better than the first and the first wasn’t bad, I was just anxious. This time felt better and I was confident in my ability to milk his cock with my hole which drive him crazy. I feel like a totally new person being able to take dick like this. I wore a jock for him too and that turned him on and he got rougher with me which I really enjoyed. The two loads were deep and I cleaned him up after each which also made him and me both crazy. I love this feeling!!!
  3. Any young men need their cock drained by a chubby daddy?
  4. I think I was 13. I was cleaning my dick in the bath and it felt good so I continued. I felt the most powerful orgasm, it almost hurt. I had no clue what just happened but tried again the next night. I think that orgasm an and the first time I came in a man’s mouth (23) were the most powerful I’ve had in my life.
  5. Mine is pretty tame. I love it when the person I’m with is wearing sexy underwear. Thongs, jocks, those Andrew Christian briefs, they really get me going. Pulling them down or to the side to suck or rim drives me mad. I also love my partners’ hands and will touch and caress them, kiss them etc. it’s nice when a young man likes daddy to appreciate him and he likes the attention I give.
  6. @Spider54 he is so cute!! I’d love to rim his ass and suck his cock.
  7. I feel like the abuse of the of the palestinian people is more from their leaders. Those terror leaders use them as human shields, place headquarters in hospitals and schools. They stoke the extremism which in turn grows. the genocide of the Jewish people was atrocious. They were given that land, right or wrong, and they have made it better. They developed it, have water and electricity, a great infrastructure. Cross over to the other side and you have mud huts and poverty. If the Palestinian leaders wanted to get along and advance their people there would be a good chance of peace and they too could benefit from great infrastructure. Those leaders however are millionaires and billionaires, send their children to the west for education, are financed by people and governments that profit by the conflict. it’s a terrible situation all around and it saddens me greatly.
  8. Thank you for this post. I appreciate your enthusiasm and dedication to your craft. I consider myself versatile and hope that one day I can be half as dedicated as you are. I’m so new to bottoming, I’m still learning how to do it all properly. reading threads and posts like this is extremely helpful to a novice that is exploring this side of himself. i wish you great success on your adventure. Nashville is just up the road from me. I would enjoy buying you a coffee sometime just to hear more of your exploits and outlook of this arena of being a full time bottom. all the best
  9. I’m sorry sir but what is going on with our involvement in this is only political theater. Furthermore the Israeli government does not hate the Palestinians nor do they hate the Iranians. Conversely, many of the extremists born in Palestine and Iran and some other predominantly Muslim countries enter this world and are trained to hate the Jews, rape their women, and murder their children. It’s allowed by their religion they claim. I realize that this is a hot topic and I respect your opinion regarding it. But, Israel did not ask to be bombed, did not ask to be terrorized for decades, did not ask for any of it. They only want to exist and others pick a fight and murder them. this conflict is as old as time itself. I don’t think we will see real peace in our lifetime. Peace is not profitable and Joe is not interested if it is not profitable. This administration needs positive press and they will exploit whomever to deflect the microscope off of them. Make no mistake. I don’t like either party. Fuck the R’s and the D’s Again, I appreciate your convictions and opinion and value your posts in this lovely forum. regards
  10. Thanks everyone. I appreciate the replies. I’m ready to get fucked again and not be so worried. I think nerves prevented me from enjoying it more with my boy. I wish I had been open to this 25 years ago!
  11. @Marlin and @Spunkinmyarse thank you both for your feedback and encouraging thoughts. I feel a lot better because I’ve been so apprehensive about this. Your posts and this forum are helping me with my confidence for certain. I especially thank you @Spunkinmyarse for sharing your personal expertise and experience.
  12. Also, if anyone has any additional input on how to maximize the pleasure of this I would appreciate it. I’m more interested in how to make it more enjoyable for him than myself. i once was pretty selfish and only cared about me getting off. Now my mission is to make my new partner the center of attention and take care of his needs.
  13. Thank you @Pozguyinchi I appreciate the reply. i wish I hadn’t waited so long to explore this side of me.
  14. So I got my first load this week and I have a question. I’m new to this so I apologize if this is a ridiculous question but here goes. while getting fucked I had the extreme sensation that I needed to go to the restroom. I cleaned out and there was no mess during the sex which was a relief!! while getting fucked I was clinching like you would to not shit yourself. If I had not been clinching like that would I have likely made a mess? The clinching, while tolerable, was a distraction for me. I’m just wondering how I can make this already enjoyable act even more enjoyable for me and my boy. I know that with practice I’ll figure more out but in thought I would seek the advice of some more experienced bottoms. thank you in advance gyro
  15. So I’ve written about this young man that I’ve been sucking off for a month. He’s perfect, handsome, and his loads taste great. A couple of weeks ago he asked if I would be willing to let him fuck me. I’ve never done that and was quite nervous and needed to figure out how to properly clean etc. I was very apprehensive about making a mess and embarrassing myself. well I’ve been practicing cleaning and getting my fiber intake correct and watching what I eat and today was the day. He topped me and it was the most exhilarating experience I’ve had. He fucked me for 45 min and was slow and gentle to begin with then I asked him to pick up the pace and get aggressive. I’ve never felt this way before and it was perfect. I’m so glad he was my first. He shot a big cum load into me and then fell onto me with all his weight. It was heaven on earth. This young man made an older daddy so very happy. I just wanted to share. I’m still loaded up 🙂
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  16. I don’t have that attraction but I wear these everyday.
  17. Thanks for sharing Hoss. Do you get a lot of action in prison? Are you able to have conjugal visits or is that one of those TV myths?
  18. You will manage just fine. Look, you already have one taker! I hope this isn’t inappropriate but what are you in for?
  19. I get this. My friend is a Dr. he is the best in his field and probably in the top 20 in US. He burned out, got in trouble, and lost it all. Divorce, etc etc. he enjoyed the money but that wasn’t his driving factor. It was always the patients. He can’t have a normal conversation with people and that’s partly why he got in trouble. He’s the guy all the other doctors wanted to work on them. He would always take holiday call and the hospital and other doctors wore him out. He mouthed off to a nurse and she filed a complaint, gets called to the carpet after a three day call weekend where he saw a couple dozen or so patients, and mouthed off in that meeting. Granted he’s mostly to blame but with all the good he did and his very low loss rate, no one stood at his side. He’s a great man, old school, and all the young bucks were afraid of him. He still has a good practice but struggles. He just can’t carry on a relatable convo in a setting outside of a medical procedure. In the OR he’s 120% all the time. He’s just an awkward fella. anyway. I’m not sure how that relates to your post but I care a lot about my friend. He is able to talk to me and I’m grateful for the bond we have. So I applaud your desire to take care of your friend. merry Christmas
  20. had a girl in my teens that loved sucking cock. She was really good and just loved cum. I couldn’t see her without her asking for my load. But, then I met someone else and got married. She never sucked, didn’t like it at all. This was such an issue for me during my 20s and 30s being married to a woman that wouldn’t suck my cock. Well, I craved it and found an older fella that was very willing to suck me anytime I wanted. That went on for a while and I was really appreciative. Now that I’m in my 40s, I’ve now become that cocksucker. I love helping young men and have embraced the fact that now it’s my job to serve in this role.
  21. Currently I prefer the head in my mouth but not all the way in. I want to feel the young man pulsate and fill my mouth with the precious seed while I maintain a good suction and coax the cum out with my tongue. I love the taste, I love looking at him while he is unable to control himself. I give him some relief and then kiss his leg, his stomach, his lips. Pleasuring him with my mouth is what I’ve learned is my mission in life.
  22. Hello. I’m a 44 yo engineer exec and have been getting blown or topping guys off and on for 20 years. Not many mind you. I had a couple of FWBs. Early on it was just because I had a high need for sex and couldn’t get enough from my wife. I took a long break from hooking up. My wife is not interested much in intimacy or fucking so I’ve been craving attention and giving attention. I’m not as good as I used to be, have some ED at times, and I’ve been hunting a younger man to fuck me. I’ve been wanting to try bottoming so I’ve been reading a lot of the hot posts here. I’ve found a young stud and we have hit it off so he may take my ass soon enough. I’ve enjoyed sucking him and letting him cum in my mouth. I’m excited about this new chapter for sure. thanks everyone for your posts, kinks, and thoughts on this forum!
  23. I’m currently servicing a younger man and I’m loving sucking his dick whenever he wants it. I’ve not yet let him fuck me as I’m nervous but I’m trying to learn how to prepare. But, I’ve definitely got him cumming in my mouth and it’s delicious. I’m hooked!
  24. My best friend is a dr and an absolute expert specialist in his field. But, he can’t talk to anyone outside of medicine with out it being awkward except to me. So he might just be too smart. Why not just tell him you are into him and enjoy the friendship and would be open to more if he likes. I wish I had not waited to explore this stuff when I was struggling finding my sexual self. I’m not as good looking as I once was and finding a young man that likes or wants a daddy type is challenging. I finally found one and am having a great time. Don’t waste the time!
  25. It continues to go well. This young man is so hot. He’s fit, has great manners, and loves for me to rim him. When he cums in my mouth he wants me to kiss him and share it. Fun times for sure. I’m hooked and love pleasing him and taking his loads in my mouth. Hopefully I’ll get the courage to let him fuck me.
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