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About harrysmith26

  • Birthday 12/30/1985

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    Y'all UK (YUK)
  • Interests
    Telling morons they're morons
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
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  • Looking For
    A cure to Bidentardism

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  1. The fuck is that supposed to mean? Would I get that if I watched "Curb your Enthusiasm"...?
  2. A guy had a seizure on me once, cause he had epilepsy and I put it in too quick. Man that was a long time ago now Lucky his fat ass was okay after a few minutes. You really shouldnt be posting the funniest TV show when we're trying to talk sex.
  3. Doing a bottom on a bar-top in a cruise place...... or normal gay bar (him in doggy position) I dont think any big city owner would allow it in today's world
  4. Sorry were you making a Jewish joke there? It's look like you're the only person who's made that suggestion to me actually. So, the answer is you!
  5. Supporting a country you'd never go to, in a war they can't win?
  6. What's the point of America having so many universities, if you can't ask a lexicographer or a politics professor for a definition of a word, and you have to ask random strangers on the internet for one? Do you blame "the reality TV president" for the general uselessness of US academia..? Even though he just spent 4 years at a podium calling a bunch of douchey journalists "fake news" and such..? Somehow he also burned everything to the ground despite being a "inconsequential 1 term loser"... he's a nobody and Stan all at the same time, right? (Just joking, you weren't interested in learning anything, the only purpose of the thread was to suggest and allude to the idea that right wingers somehow invented the word "woke" out of nowhere and they "use imaginary words to describe everything", etc.....)
  7. No, I was talking about the previous poster and his relationship with the website Wikipedia (or anyone else who gave extensive coverage to Covfefe.) Because he said anyone who paid attention too much to typos was petty and childish. So therefore he should ignore anyone who said anything about Covfefe, but neither he or you could address that - that's why you just went on another mind-numbing platitude or "generalism" about "OOGHHGH,, LOTS OF US DO THIS OR THAT FROM TIME TO TIME...", in order to try and bore me into submission like you always do. Yourself calling anyone else "senile" is a joke, as every day since about October 2005 you've wheeled yourself from your shack to your mailbox waiting for Glorious Führer Allah to deliver a magic carpet, as "payment" for sucking up to and fawning over a batshit insane violent "religion" which has only ever been known for violence or threats of violence.
  8. [think before following links] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covfefe Since there's an entire Wikipedia article dedicated to a "typo"/misfired tweet. You must entirely discount anything that website says... , because they're a "cheap insult site". And that includes anything about whether the 2020 election had real non-rigged results or not. And you also discount any of the "journalists" who reported endlessly on "Covfefe", whether they are ones cited at the bottom of that article, or not!
  9. You can't spell the word thought. And also your comment is more hilarious cause earlier one of you little snails mocked me for claiming I'm telepathic or psychic or whatever P.S. You can't spell the word thought.
  10. This is just the lamest suggestion ever!
  11. That's a picture of him in the White House, you said "running". Show me where it said "We all have to go to church" on his campaign website, or shut up and fuck off.
  12. And neither was he. That was just yet another thing from the fantasy file of "things you think everyone knows as facts", but they aren't..... You make things like that up to avoid answering "so why have you "liberals" spent the last 20 years sucking up to the least liberal religion ever (ISISlam)? What's with that?" Now this is the point where you pretend "liberals" didn't and don't do that - or ignore the question completely.
  13. My fingers.. and my BF's fingers when I was like 17............ 20 years ago. It wasnt fun when it was mine in there, cause I'm not a fat chick. but I did enjoy it when it was someone else's. If any guy thinks they can make me into a bottom I'd love to hear applications
  14. What you just posted is pure fantasy and you're missing another point about something, - you were so shocked by reality and... y'know, actual democracy being allowed to happen (when Trump originally won),- that your brain has not processed being beaten by Trump still, and why you were beaten - (because of the left's attachment to ISISlam), and because of that you've forgotten basic things from the (real) timeline... when making your stupid "probablies"... I doubt you want me to tell you what it is - you want to go on your 775th long lecture against me where I'm supposed to turn into a pumpkin and be no longer able to speak, because you said "screed" or "diatribe" L O L Also, you're suggesting he's a "sleazeball" for having sex with a pornstar even though we're here on a website where people (are supposed to) talk about sex all day, and we have *this thread*... everyone wants to have sex with a pornstar, but doing it made Trump bad??!??! LOL!
  15. Which one was that? This is a laughable "fact" that you believe exists in everybody;s collective mind but it doesn't it lives in an extremely limited number of people's "minds". Tell us which laws, imaginary ones don't count
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