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Everything posted by epicurean86

  1. I am spending some days in Berlin from 20th to 26th December with a trip to Prague for Christmas. I usually go to Lab, Bull, or trying some other places, this time I would like to try Club Culture Houze on Wednesday (Bisex Night). Never been on such an event, any experience from anyone? I usually go alone to these places but I wouldn't mind some company, with no strings attached or even expectations. Although when I am drunk and very horny, I might take advantage of you or let you take it. 😉 But essentially, besides sharing the 2for1 drinks on Friday in Lab it might be fun even to compare loads statistics and perhaps we can assist each other by handing over lube when one is getting fucked in a sling, you know, basic breeding courtesy.
  2. I can confirm about Bull and Boiler. That said, I will be in Berlin myself from 20th December on, Wednesday maybe trying out Culture Houze and later Bull, Thursday Lab, if you feel like having company, message me.
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