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  1. This is a true story about growing up on a farm at the age of 10. Now I never put it together the bull breeding the heifers or the dogs humping each other. It all seemed like a normal process on the farm. It wasn't until we had cousins come from Southern California to stay at the farm for a month changed my view. Well one of my cousins was a girl my age named Cathy. Cathy was also 10 but Cathy had a hip handicap or something like that. I was told to be real nice to her that she was always getting teased at school and made fun of, I said ok to my mom. Well they showed up in a cab camper that fit onto a pick-up truck towing a small camping trailer. This was my fathers older brother and his family that were going to stay with us. They pulled up and got out and their was my aunt, my uncle, boy cousin that was much older then finally my cousin Cathy. We all hugged and said it was nice to meet then went in side the house. I said Hi again to Cathy and tried to be helpful and not so over baring by helping her and showing her around. Cathy was supper nice, average build , had a limp when she walked like hobble but all in all was good looking girl. We started out awkward at first but she grew on me and I on her. I opened doors for her, played dolls with her, colored with her, went swimming in the creek, went on walks with her just really trying to make her feel good. She started hugging me, and always thanking me and a kiss on the cheek every once in awhile. All of the adults though this was great how we got along and they didn't have to worry about her. Well summer was coming to an end and they were leaving the next day. The adults decided to go into town and my older Brothers were going to watch us so they said. Well Cathy wanted to go upstairs and color in the closet like usual. Now that sounds funny but the closets on the farm was huge. About 6' wide and 16' long and 2 lights in it. For a 10 year old it was like our own play fort. You could shut the door go all the way to the back pushing clothes behind you and no one new you were back there or they didn't want to hassle going back there. I had used it many times to hide from older brothers and to just get away with plenty of space to color or play back there. So we headed up to color closing the door behind us moving clothes to cover our entrance or from anyone seeing us. I sat down and started coloring one of the books while she sat across from me. She start saying how nice I was and started leaning at me to kiss my cheek. When I leaned forward she turned my head and kissed my lips real slow, I mean really slow. I was stunned but didn't think much of it and continued coloring. Now I started noticing her move closer to use my crayons and then she sat next to me continuing to color. She looked at me asked if she could kiss me again not really thinking about it I said sure. This time she turned me towards her and slowly kissed me on the lips again but seemed more loving and slow. I could feel her tongue trying to go in my mouth. I remember pulling back asking her what that was about. She said it was a much nicer way of kissing to show how much she appreciated me being nice to her all summer long. I said ok and she had me open my mouth and thats where I learned how to suck on a tongue and French kiss. This went on for a couple minutes then she started asking if I new how to hump. I said oh yah, not really knowing what she ment playing along. She asked if I wanted to I said OK. So she started taking her shirt off, then shorts, and last her underwear so I didn't know any better I took my shirt off and then my shorts and underwear too. I can remember seeing her underwear thinking they were funny looking with all all the colored flowers on them not like my white tighties. She grabbed a summer towel that was in a box and layed it out on the floor. Then she told me to lie down, I still had no clue only that we were naked. She crawled on top of me and started kissing me again longer and even slower. She kept rolling off so I put my arms around her so she wouldn't fall off. She kissed me for a couple of minutes more then she started kissing my ear and down my neck then her tongue was in my ear thats when I could feel something happening to down below. My penis did something it never did before it start getting bigger I was starting to get scared but Cathy said it was normal and to hold her tighter. She then started pushing against me and aiming my penis towards between her legs. I didn't know girls were different then boys at that time. Just like the bull and the heifer I real didn't now why they were doing what they did but they were and it seemed OK. Its funny I remember her telling me its just like what the dogs do but we are lieing down. She didn't seem like it wasn't unfamiliar to her like she had done this before. Well she rolled off and showed me she didn't have a penis and that my penis was to go inside of her pee hole like the dogs do. She told me to crawl on top of her and so I did. Still amazed about me having a penis and her not was kind of freaking me out but I continued wanting to be a good kid. As I got on top she open her legs up and literally pulled her legs up in the air with them bent at the knees . Again, I'm not making it up. She then reached down and touched it, my penis and I was shocked as she squeezed it gently and I felt it get harder. She then guided it to her pee hole and said push, it will go in the hole while she reached around to my lower back and it seemed like she was pulling me in. After pushing in at her I felt something warm as my penis started sliding in. It could have been her peeing, bleeding or me peeing I don't remember I just pulled it out and stopped. Cathy asked why I stopped I said I thought I was hurting her and what to do. She said It didn't hurt that it feels good just keeping going in and out. Cathy reached down and pushed my penis to her pee hole and said keep sliding it in and out you'll know. So I pressed again and it slipped in easier and started to push in and pull out. I don't know if she really was getting off on me fucking her I guess. I wasn't feeling good about it so I pulled out the last time, rolled off of Cathy. I got dressed, headed out of the closet never looking back to see what it was. She never said a word about it that night or morning before they left everything seemed normal. We all hugged and said our good bys and out the driveway and down the road they went. That night my mother was saying what a good kid I was for helping Cathy out, I never said a word. I could never watch the bull breed the heifers again nor watch the dogs hump. I would giggle knowing what they were doing just like Cathy and I had done. We later moved to Southern California right down the street from my uncle and aunt. I saw Cathy in elementary school maybe a handful of times but never said or hung out together like the rest of my cousins. My uncle and aunt moved there family to a remote area in California the next year. I never saw Cathy again. Later when I was in high school one of my other cousins said that my uncle had been molesting all of his kids and thats why they moved. After doing that with Cathy I saw a hole new image of what was going on around me. I have another story about how I accidentally got started master bating with an electric palm sander at 11 years old.
  2. One of my favorites on bareback bastards is, "Alex comes over for Xmas Day" [think before following links] [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/28459/alex-comes-over-for-xmas-day/ So many times I wished it was me. Another definitely wished I was the bottom Pup Starrk Gets Blindfolded and Spit Roasted by BF Pup Axel Frost and Daddy Criss for his 27th B-Day [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5f05e7c525629 Enjoy
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