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Everything posted by funforus

  1. There are few homosexuals in this world, that get enough cock, and I am certainly among them! We look at an erect penis, as a heterosexual male looks at a woman's breasts. We must touch, fondle, and suck them! It's in our genes. Both tits and cocks stand out from their respective bodies, and attract attention, especially if naked. From here on, I am only interested in cocks. A cock has two buddies, called " balls". They add to my excitement, when I touch them, kiss them, and get ready to suck that cock! From here on in, we all know what satisfies us , and calms our cravings, at least for a while. However, I never have as many as I desire. The only consolation is neither do heterosexual males!
  2. A happy cocksucker!!!
  3. I'm a new cocksucker! Only 9 in total. But I have learned that I love the taste and feel of cum. I have swallowed every drop given to me, and I want more. The feel of a cock in my mouth, is exquisite, and I should have started sucking much earlier in my life.The softness of two balls in my hand, on my tongue , and in my mouth has been a wonderful discovery, All in all, I'm totally gay!!!
  4. I definitely am a semen hunting cocksucker. After my first load, which I joyfully swallowed, I look for that addictive taste and feel with every cock I suck. The sensations I feel when tasting and swallowing a load, almost exceed the sensations of orgasming, but not quite. Yes, I am addicted to semen, and the cock that produces it!
  5. I'm the type of cocksucker that forgets my own needs, and totally wants to please the man I'm sucking. His cock is my most important cock in the world! I kiss it, suck it taste it and continuously move my tongue over it, and, at intervals, his balls. Everything about his cock I crave, until he shoots his cum into my mouth. I taste, savor, and swallow every exquisite drop!. No part of his ejaculation escapes my mouth and tongue. How I love his taste! That is the type of cocksucker that I am!
  6. Earlier I wrote on this subject about how I overcame the gagging reflex. Now I have further comments on the subject. I have been sick for 4 weeks, and have had no sex, let alone sucking a cock. Now I am well, and have planed several cock sucking engagements for next week. To prepare, I used my favorite dildo to practice. I found that I gagged, when deep throating my 7.5 inch toy. So, now I know that once you can deep throat a cock, you must keep it up. I am practicing twice a day for 10 minutes each sesion, and have greatly reduced the reflex, after 2 days. Within the next 2 days, it should stop, and my fun can begin. Just remember that frequent cock sucking, of some sort, is necessary to keep your skills current.
  7. To suck a mans cock, after he has been in someone else's ass, while enticing, is dangerous! I can never accept a strangers cock, even if I want too, because I don't know his cleaning ritual. At this time, I am only comfortable sucking one persons cock, if it has been in my ass, or another friends ass. That is because I know the cleaning procedure that he demands of me, and any friend he fucks. While we are not sterile, our asses are clean of most of the obvious problems, and our sexual population is limited. Not perfect, but works so far., which minimizes potential diseases. Bareback ass fucking is worth this risk, in my opinion.
  8. I am incapable of explaining why I need to suck a mans cock so badly! The physical aspects are obvious( appearance, length, feel, taste, cum, etc). The reward of swallowing his load is so satisfying! The satisfaction of making him ejaculate for both of our enjoyment gives me a sense of power. But, there is something else, underlying all of the above, and is the heart of the reason for the whole sexual act. The nearest I can come to identifying it is craving his cock for myself, and doing everything I can to own that cock. However, the result is that his cock owns me, and I only have satisfaction if he owns me. And I enjoy that sensation, if only for a short time. So, I keep sucking !
  9. As one of the two types of cocksuckers mentioned, I would like to throw in my 2 cents! I am a cocksucker, and love every activity associated with the title! I desire to give pleasure to men, and do! However, they must give pleasure to me, also. It's a quid pro quo. Degrading me, hurting me, and some other activities mentioned, will never be accepted by me! I, and only I, determine what will enter my ass and mouth. If it results in pleasure, you are in. Otherwise, go home.
  10. Yes. I clean my rectum thoroughly, about 2 hours before we meet, to make sure I have no fluid in my colon. Then I shower to be clean all over. Our sessions will be 2-3 hours, and during that time he will fuck me at least twice, plus I will start by sucking his cock, and taking his sperm into me. During rest periods, we kiss and feel each others sensitive spots, to prepare for my next fuck.
  11. I don't know why I love sucking cocks! Sure the physical and emotional sensations, are great, but something else also. When I tell a man that I want his cock, I get a feeling of complete submission to whatever he wants to do too me. Every part of my body is his, and whatever he does with me, i will love. I don't understand this emotion, but it exists as soon as I take him into my mouth. And stays there, until he is fully satisfied with his sexual pleasures. I never had this desire with women, but I certainly do with men. When he is finished, I feel completely satisfied also!
  12. My first cock was cut. His head was perfect for my tongue to lick, and my lips to excite him. He was,6 inches long, and fit snugly into my throat. His peehole allowed me to open him up for 1/4 inch, which I used. When he came, his sperm coated my whole mouth, and tasted wonderful. Swallowed it all! At that moment, I realized everything I had missed doing with men, and rejoiced that I was a homosexual man!
  13. A cocksucker who swallows ( me), doesn't care about the sperm givers age! He wants the sperm, and as long as it is flowing from the source, he is swallowing! We swallowers love the cum itself. Thick, thin, tasty, bitter.it's cum!
  14. This is the cock size I love!. Fits my mouth perfectly, his cock head gently fills the entrance to my throat , without any effort, and I can use my tongue to lick his balls!! Sucking for a long time, does not tire my jaw muscles, and when he ejaculates, some goes straight down my throat, while the rest, coats the inside of my mouth and tongue, and I get to taste it as long as I want! Excellent!!
  15. I find that married men are preferable for cock sucking activities! They appreciate a good blow job more than singles; they are most likely clean and disease free; and they keep their mouth shut. A good load of cum, is generally given to me, and I love a full mouth! Don't get me wrong! Single men are nice also, but I relax more with married men.
  16. Why would I discriminate against a younger cock( other than being too young). I love to suck all cocks presented to me! My only requirements are they are clean, and disease free. I'm a cocksucker, and a good one!
  17. I have no minimum size. I suck a mans cock to give him pleasure! If I am able to have him ejaculate,I know I have done a good job of pleasing him, and my reward is his sperm. Some men can no long ejaculate, but if their cocks are stimulated pleasantly, they will sometimes orgasm! Their orgasm provides me sexual satisfaction. Always, the feeling provided by my tongue and mouth will give them very pleasant sensations in their cocks, and that makes me happy! I love to give pleasure, because it is normally returned 3 fold.
  18. Generally speaking, a mans penis size averages about 5.5 inches, with a diameter, of slightly less than 1.5 inches.bIn my case, I bought 2 dildos. Each was 7 inches insertable, and the diameters are 1. 5, and 1.625 inches. I practiced sucking the smaller one into my month, as far as I could, without gagging. By the second day, I had the dildo buried to the hilt in my mouth and throat. Yes there was some gagging, but I practiced holding it for 1 second, then 2, then 3,etc...I also learned to use saliva on the head to make it slide easily, and what angles worked best for me. After 3 days, I could deep throat for 3 seconds, without gagging when I, retracted the dildo back into my mouth only. Repeated the process with the larger dildo! In reality the cocks I have sucked were about 6 inches, with under 2 inches in diameter. That size snuggles into the start of your throat, and feels wonderful. No gagging! Yesterday, I had my first 7 inch cock. It went down my throat easily, and felt great. No gagging!. So far, I find a real cock easier to deep throat, than a dildo! You will also. Hope this helps you!
  19. We all should find each other.I need a cock in my mouth and ejaculating every time I see one. Trouble is, the majority of cocks that I see are photos! I've been going th ABS's, but the most cocks I have sucked, is 2 at a visit!. Would love an orgy!!. Anyone in Sarasota?
  20. I love my local ABS. Whenever, I don't have a good cock lined up to suck, and be fucked, I can always drop into my ABS.! Within minutes I will have a nice cock in my mouth, and ,at times, another waiting. No hassle, just suck and swallow. Impossible, not to be satisfied! While the fucking is limited, it is always a possibility. If, on the odd chance there is not a cock available, I suck the managers cock! We know each other, pretty well. He also has a nice sized cock, so I never am disappointed! Three cheers for ABS's
  21. First one at 8 years old. Didn't know what I was doing.. Second cock at 88 years old. I did know what I, was doing , and why I was doing it. Now, I sucks whenever I see a naked one, pointed at me!
  22. I sucked my first cock at 88. It's amazing how much I can do with my mouth, hands, tongue, and ass. They are not age restricted and provide great pleasure to me and my partner for the day. If I had not had prostate cancer, I would be fucking male assholes! I know males at 93, that still actively fuck! And yes, we fuck and suck men who are younger than me, some much younger. Cocks have no problems with age. They just want to ejaculate!! Have fun!!
  23. Never have used a glory hole. I certainly have wanted too. To concerned about potential health issues, to suck cocks anonymously. I use an ABS that has booths, where I see the man and his cock! Always will suck him off, but have him cum on my stomach, until I know him. Then swallow his cum, with enthusiasm!!
  24. Why wouldn't I give a kiss with cum in my mouth, or his? We both love cum, and its taste. Sharing our cum is very sensuous, and indicates complete love for our actions. I will do it every time I have some!
  25. I love to see a cock in a mans mouth. Wish it was my mouth!!
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