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About sissycrissy69

  • Birthday 01/01/1978

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Music, Pornography, Swimming, Resorts, Partying, Film
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Background
    Bisexual submissive bottom, white, tall curvy and bubble butt. I’m a sissy and into doms but also other sissies and anyone wanting to play really, but I let my femme side flow with a dom, and look awesome in lingerie with my under one inch clit (micro cock) which is fully functional! Im on Prep but like to play safe, but you know how that goes. I don’t go out a lot, I’m married and a devoted hubbie and my wife knows and allows me to be the other side of my bisexual self sometimes, as long as it’s safe and I don’t make her relive the details. Anyhow I’m very kinky and into a lot, again like to play safe but I think I have been bred anyway four out of the last five times I’ve met up with a dom.
  • Porn Experience
    Just love having erotic pictures and videos of myself and plan to hire male gay porn actors to dominate me as the submissive in my own porn productions.
  • Looking For
    I like a dominant man, not just a top, and I tend to be attracted to those who identify as straight and are attracted to femmes and sissies…. Who they don’t see as male enough to make it gay…. But make no mistake even though I’m bisexual, I am still gay!

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  1. I think cuz I wear the sluttiest and tightest slutty panties, helped tremendously by my 1/2 - 1 1/2 inch clit not getting in the way, and other lingerie, but do not attempt to be a passable woman, just some blush and a little feathering in my hair, and will go out in public like this with a small heel makes me a faggot, and my submissiveness and total lack of masculinity but strong female characteristics like empathy, gossiping lol, wide hips and loving smile make me a sissy when combined. The urges I have to suck and get fucked by strangers, and how I am addicted to taking loads makes me a slut. And I think the time I spend day dreaming about being gamgbanged or watching my wife get gangbanged or cuckolding me with a big cock on a dom alpha top makes me a pathetic cum slut.
  2. Amazing cocks guys, all of them I really mean it. I can’t wait until my bitch wife goes away for two weeks to see her mother. I’m gonna find some BBC escorts male gay Dom top minimum 12 inch cock and I am going to enjoy. Your cocks reminded me of my plan and put some excitement back in my life. Wow what a great group of cocks - keep on fucking!
  3. I’ve always thought big dicks on bottoms was not sexy, especially femme or sissy bottoms. Of course I’m biased…
  4. After starting Prep and accepting I was protected I let myself meet all sorts of derelicts whose posts and messages were full of red flags without any idea of plan what would happen. Lots of bareback anal, pungent balls, and conversations with scary criminals.
  5. This is a new account, but I’ve been a follower and admirer of BZ and RawTop, and of all the members here, for years.  RawTop has no idea but he answered a message I sent him many years ago with such grace and genuine kindness, that I was able to carry forward with my sexuality and not try and deny it to myself.  

    The members and moderators here I cannot speak highly enough about their maturity and professionalism.  Rules are enforced and followed for a reason, for the best interests of all.  Rarely, if ever, have I witnessed trolling or other forms of bullying.  

    This site is where I learned about PreP, and like so many other people, it changed my life in ways I will detail in my account.  

    Way to go BZ!  Let’s breed!

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