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About HotBudJD

  • Birthday 08/14/1948

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    Oregon, USA
  • Interests
    BB, FF, Hairy, Kink
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
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  • Porn Experience

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  1. I was nervous about my upcoming dysplasia exam. My previous proctologist had retired after my last visit and she had examined me competently and caringly for over 10 years, looking for dysplasia annually and, when polyps showed up, carefully removing them for lab examination and cauterizing the removal site. As a gay man with HIV who engages in anal sexual activity, this has been a recommended procedure for me for years. This year, though, when I called to schedule my annual appointment, the scheduler told me that my doc had retired and had been replaced by a PA with a number of years of experience and asked me if I would be Ok to schedule the appointment with Jason Johnson, PA. I said “sure,” trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, but I was nervous aF. I wondered whether the new PA was a younger man or an older one and whether or not he would be gay friendly and kind or have no personality like some of the specialist doctors I see for my HIV infection or other things. It made for a worrisome morning the day of the exam, which was scheduled at noon. After a light breakfast, I did what I always did before this dysplasia exam – got in the shower to clean out thoroughly. The last thing I ever wanted was to show up in the doctor’s office and have the doctor’s glove or camera get messy with poop while doing the exam. That would just be too embarrassing. I knew what the exam would be like from past experience. The doctor would sit with me for a few minutes and ask me a series of questions to find out whether I had noticed any physical changes in my rectal area since my last exam and then take me into the procedure room, where she would ask me to get undressed and put on a hospital gown and then let me know that she would have an assistant in the room with her during the exam for my protection and to assist her with the procedure. Once I was ready, she would come in with her assistant and ask me to lie on my side with my knees pulled up and then examen my outer rectum with gloved hands. Once that was finished she would apply some sterile lube and then probe my anus with her fingers for any lesions or bumps and then apply a dye and let that sit for a bit. Finally she would insert a probe with a camera and slowly rotate it in my rectum to look for lesions that would only show up with the dye. If she found anything, she would remove the lesion or polyp with a scalpel and then cauterize the spot to prevent bleeding. The whole process would take somewhere between 15 and 30 minutes. Having her find any poop in my rectum would be embarrassing, so my routine was to do a thorough cleanout similar to what I would do before going out for a fuck or fisting date. Today, with a new provider I didn’t even know, I would make sure I was extra clean. I stepped into the hot shower and soaped myself up all over, making sure to lather up my bush and balls and taint to get them all extra clean. Once I felt clean and relaxed, I took down our clean out hose and attached the 24” silicone nozzle I use and slipped it slowly inside, feeling the smooth texture of the nozzle as it slid past my ass cunt lips and went in deep past my third sphincter and flooded my colon with warm water, bringing me sudden jolts of pleasure as I could feel the poop inside dislodging and pushing past the nozzle, out of my rectum and then flowing down the drain. There was something erotic about the preparation that relaxed me and even had me dripping precum. I repeated this several times until the water flowing out was clear and no more solid poop or brown water was visible. Once that happened, I reached around with my hand with a little shower gel on it and gently massaged my hole and then slowly inserted my hand stretching my cunt to make sure that the excess water was draining out, until my whole had was just inside my rectum The feeling of my hand in my rectum made me shiver with pleasure and I saw myself getting a nice chubby on and oozing out a small load of cum. I reached down with my other hand and gently collected the oozing cum in my hand and put it to my mouth and tasted my sweet and salty cum. It calmed me down and relaxed me for my up coming visit. Once I was cleaned up, I got dressed and took the bus downtown to the doc’s office. On the way I kept noticing every time a sexy guy got on and tried not to stare at either his bulge or his hands, both of which would get me aroused. One guy in particular boarded the bus and had on a very tight pair of chinos, which showed very clearly the outline of a very sizeable dong underneath, which he adjusted with a nice, large hand. He caught me staring at his crotch and gave me a warm smile and a wink. If only I weren’t headed to the doctor’s office, I probably would have come on to him. But instead, I looked shy and lowered my eyes. I had other things on my mind. I arrived at the medical office and was greeted by a young man receptionist, who, I thought, might possibly be gay. He was well built, well groomed and in his late 20s. He greeted me and let me know that my appointment would be a few minutes delayed as Jason Johnson, PA was still working with his prior appointment. He asked me if I had ever seen PA Johnson before and when I said no, this was my first visit with him, I thought I noticed a sly smile as he told me not to worry, I would like him for sure. This only made me more nervous. I asked the receptionist if Mr. Johnson had been practicing a long time and he told me, “Don’t worry, he’s been around long enough to know the ropes. He’s in his mid 30s and been doing dysplasia exams for almost 10 years.” That took me a little by surprise as I had expected he might be in his 50s or 60s as dysplasia exams aren’t widely available and most doctors doing them have been doing them a long time. I sat nervously waiting to be called back for the exam. After about 10 minutes, the receptionist called me back and put me in an exam room. I’m Justin and I’m going to be your nurse today and I’ll get you ready for Mr. Johnson, he said. He asked me to step on the scale and I started to take my wallet, keys and so forth out of my pockets to get a more accurate weight. But Justin stopped me and said, “Well, since you are going to need to get into a hospital gown anyways, why don’t you change now before I weigh you and that way we’ll get a more accurate weight.” Justin handed me a hospital gown and while I started to get undressed, he sat down at the computer and pulled up my record. I noticed that while he was doing that, he kept glancing at me while I was getting undressed. When I got down to my designer briefs, he said, “Wait, before you put on the gown, why don’t you step on the scale first,” and put his hand on my lower back to gently guide me to the scale. As I stepped on the scale, I thought I sensed his hand slide down my back and brush my tight buttocks, but couldn’t be sure. In any case, it had the effect of making my cock get very erect under my briefs. He looked up from his clipboard and asked, “How tall are you?” “5’10”, I answered. He read the scale reading out loud – “173. That’s a damn good weight for a 52 year old man of your height”, he said. You must be a gym bunny he laughed gently as I turned around and he stared right as my erect penis bulging out my briefs, without saying anything about that. I put on the hospital gown and Justin asked me to sit down so he could take my temperature, pulse and blood pressure. He went through the routine work of doing all three and then took the stethoscope around his neck and asked if he could listen to my lungs and heart. I nodded and he lifted my hospital gown and reached under with his stethoscope and said, “I’m sorry if this is a little cold, I’ll try to warm it up with my hand first,” and put his hand around the stethoscope to warm it up, with the back of his hand resting against my well-developed abs. Once warmed, he placed his hand over the stethoscope and rested it on my chest to hold it in place. This only made my erection get harder and I must have looked a little embarrassed, because he said, “Your lungs sound clear and you have an excellent blood pressure at 105/70 and a very well developed set of abs,” and he smiled. “But your pulse is a little rapid at the moment. You don’t have to worry about getting aroused, it’s something we see all the time and it doesn’t bother me.” He withdrew his hands from under my gown and returned to the computer, where he entered the information. By this time I found I was looking at little more intently at Justin. He had reddish blond thick hair and a scruffy beard and I could see a thick matt of red chest hair poking through the v neck of his scrubs and his arms were covered with blond hair. He wore a diamond earing in his left ear and one of his arms had a colorful tattoo with several concentric rings around his mid forearm. In short, he was fucking gorgeous, I thought, and almost certainly gay. This didn’t help my erection go down at all and I tried my best to seem nonchalant and let the gown cover it up as best as I could. Justin asked me to wait and he would get Jason Johnson as soon as he was available and left the room. I sat trying my best to just breathe deeply and focus on the procedure I was about to have done but my hand did reach down and stroke my cock a few times as I waited. In another 5 minutes or so, Justin returned, following the PA into the room Jason Johnson, PA, was about 6’1” tall and 190 pounds and had a big friendly smile and wore red scrubs. He was solidly built and handsome in a rugged sort of way with longish black hair, thick stubble on his face and hairy forearms showing and an upper chest covered lightly with dark hair showing in the V or his scrubs on his chest. My gaydar didn’t seem to be working very well and I couldn’t tell whether he might be gay or not. He reached out his hand to shake mine and said, “Hi, I’m Jason and I’m going to be doing your dysplasia exam today. I see that Justin has already taken all the medical information, so let me ask you some questions that will help me evaluate what I need to be looking for. First, have you noticed any areas of discomfort around your anus in the last six months?” “No,” I said. “I’ve been pretty comfortable lately down there.” “Ok,” Jason said, “well, do you participate in any activities that might put stress on your anal sphincter?” My previous doctor had never asked me anything like this before and while it made sense, I was a little surprised and not sure how to answer. But Jason had put me at ease instantly and I decided the best policy was to be completely open with him about my sexual activities that might cause issues, so I answered, “I don’t know if it puts much stress on my anus, but I’m pretty active sexually and as a gay man I bottom more than 50% of the time.” “OK,” Jason said, without showing any signs of surprise or concern. “Anything else?” “Well,” I said, “I’m also into fisting and pretty versatile, so that means I occasionally have a fist penetrating my anus. Sometimes that can feel pretty intense, but it always clears up within a day and I never have any bleeding or lasting effects.” Again Jason showed no signs of surprise or concern and seemed to understand exactly what I was telling him. “Thanks for telling me that,” he said calmly and with an easy gentleness in his voice, “that makes it easier for me to know what I am looking for and what I need to do and since you are a fister, I’m going to add a couple of steps to the exam to make sure we don’t miss anything. Is that OK?” “Sure, Jason,” I said. “Whatever you think is appropriate I’m down for. I want to stay healthy.” I noticed out of the corner of my eye that while I was explaining to Jason my fisting proclivity, Justin was smiling broadly and approvingly and clenching his fist ever so slightly on the arm with the ring tattoos. “Ok,” Jason said. “Let’s get going – follow me to the exam room across the hall. Why don’t you bring your clothes with you so you can get dressed there after the exam. Is it Ok if Justin is in the room with us to help me out with the exam?” “Sure,” I said, and followed Jason and Justin across the hall and into the exam room. The exam room had a motorized examination table in the middle of the room and a TV monitor and some high-tech equipment mounted on the wall opposite one end of the table. As he entered the room, I noticed that Justin slid across a sign on the outer door that read “Free” so the sign now read “Exam in Progress, Do Not Enter”. Then, when we were all in the room, Justin pulled a curtain across the door for extra privacy and I thought I maybe also heard him flip a lock but wasn’t sure of that. Jason put his hand on my side and indicated that I should climb onto the table and lay on my side, but also said, “I can either do this the traditional way on your side, or, if you’re ok with it, I can use a newer technique and have you on your back with your legs raised up in stirrups to give me good access to your anus. If you choose to be on your back, you’ll be able to watch what I’m doing on the monitor, so you might enjoy it more, but you can choose.” I jumped at the chance to be on my back with my legs up for these two beautiful men, even if it was just for a medical procedure. I said – “Ok, let’s try it on my back,” and laughed nervously as I added jokingly, “it will be a little like being in a sling.” Both Justin and Jason chuckled back and smiled. I thought maybe they looked knowingly at each other as they chuckled, Justin asked me to remove my briefs and had me lie back on the table and pulled out the stirrups and put them in place and then put my feet in them. It was, in fact, very much like being a sling. By this time I could no longer hide the fact that I was hard as a rock but figured it didn’t really matter since no one seemed to notice. Justin gave me a pillow to put under my head so I could see what was going on, and pulled the hospital gown up to my groin to expose my ass for examination. Jason started by asking Justin for nitrile gloves, which he put on, and then some lube so he could begin to feel for any irregularities. I could feel his fingers touching my hole and it made my hard cock twitch. I was sure they noticed that, but no one said anything. I noticed that the head of my cock was forming a drop of precum and tried to ignore it. Justin’s fingers were now moving around the outside of my man cunt and then he gently inserted his forefinger into my cunt lips and gently started moving it around the edges. I writhed a little on the table and this time I was sure they both noticed my body movements. “Are you Ok?” Jason asked. “Does it hurt when I am touching you there?” “Not at all,” I blurted out. “It feels fucking amazing!” I said. But then I quickly realized what I had said and added. “Sorry, I didn’t mean…..” Jason and Justin both laughed. “It’s fine,” Jason said. I understand and it’s not a problem.” Jason continued with the exam and now he inserted two fingers and then three fingers to open up my hole and get me ready for the camera. I moaned a little and both Jason and Justin smiled knowingly. “Let’s get the medical part of the exam done,” Jason said, “and then perhaps I can make sure there isn’t anything else going on down there that shouldn’t be.” I was a little puzzled, but decided to wait and see what he had in mind. The exam proceeded much like it had in the past and Jason proved to be very professional and Justin a good helper, giving Justin the tools he need and writing down the results Jason asked him to as needed. As he put the probe with the camera into my dilated ass, I was enjoying watching the video results as the camera rotated around and inspected my anal tissue. In about 10 minutes, Jason removed the anal probe and camera and said, “Well, with the normal means, everything looks pretty good and I don’t see any irregularities that I need to excise today. But I wonder if you’d be Ok with a little deeper probing so to that I can tell if there’s anything further in that might be amiss?” I wasn’t going to object to this beautiful man probing me however he wanted to, so I said, “Sure, Jason, however you think it would be best.” “Well,” said Jason, “I could do the extra probing with my fingers, but more deeply, but seeing at how aroused you are, perhaps you’d like me to use something else.” He grinned and looked over his shoulder at Justin. “Uh,” I stammered, “Yeah, uh, what did you have in mind?” I could see that under his scrubs he had more than a chubby and it was big. I tentatively reached over and brushed my hand over the bulge in his scrubs. I was sure he was going to pull back and say something harsh, but he just smiled and leaned into my hand. “Is that something you’d like,” he said. I reddened and gulped. “Yes,” I said quietly. “I’d love that.” My pulse was racing by this time and I could hardly believe what was happening. Jason moved closer and bent over me and gently kissed me on the lips. I reached into his scrubs and discovered he wasn’t wearing any underwear under his scrubs and his chubby had become a full hard on – at least 8” long and 5-6” around. The head was smooth and taught and the shaft was hard and veiny. I caught my breath and kissed Jason harder, opening my mouth for his tongue to enter it. Meanwhile, Justin had taken some gauze wipes and cleaned the surgical lube off my man cunt lips and had positioned himself with his mouth at my hole, licking my cunt and sticking his tongue into it. I moaned with pleasure and raised my hips. Jason pulled back from kissing me and asked if it was Ok if he took his shirt off since it was getting hot in the room. I reached up and helped him take it off without answering and gasped as his beautifully formed hairy chest came into view. I pulled my gown off as well and put my arms up to pull his furry chest down to my well-defined abs as I continued kissing him and enjoyed Justin’s bearded mouth on my pussy. After a few minutes, Jason moved around to stand between the stirrups and laid the head of his cock against my pussy. “May I probe you?” he asked. “Yes, please,” I gasped. Jason entered me slowly and gently slipped his hard eight inches all the way in until his thick bush was up tight against my hole. I gasped and moaned and pulled him down to kiss me again, while he just held his cock still in my hole. After a few moments, he began to ease it out and then slide it back in again and again and soon he was thrusting into me with a lot of power as he leaned over and kissed me. “I’m going to cum” he suddenly cried out, “is that OK? Where do you want me to cum?” “Deep inside me,” I responded. “I want your cum deep inside.” Jason kept thrusting and said, “I’m Poz but on meds.” “I don’t care, I poz too and also on meds. Please give me your load Jason.” Just then Jason pushed deep inside me one last time and stayed there as I could feel his cock throbbing and his jizz filling my hole. “Damn,” I said. “That’s beautiful and the best exam I’ve ever had.” Jason pulled out slowly and smiled. “It’s not quite over yet,” he said. “I’m pretty sure there are no problems down there after my exam, at least as far I could reach, but I think we need to do a little more. I’d like to see how well your anal sphincter stretches and how elastic your second sphincter is and how deep your can take my cum without irritation. Can I let Justin help me with the exam?” I smiled broadly and nodded. Justin was already in place, his hands full of a thick slick lube of the type I hadn’t noticed before. He moved up to between the stirrups and gently began massaging my cunt lips with his lubed-up hand. He inserted one finger and then two and then three and kept rotating them. I groaned with pleasure. He inserted a fourth finger and then made a duck bill with his hand and gently began pushing on my hole as it slowly opened up for his hand. Before you know it, Justin’s hand was fully inside my anal cavity and rotating into place to find my second sphincter and then gently began to push Jason’s cum up through my second sphincter as the tattoo rings on his forearm reached my hole and then disappeared inside. “You definitely have a beautiful anal cavity,” Justin said, “There’s nothing amiss that I can find in here. His hand inside of me was making me really crazy and I reached down and began stroking my dick, but Jason reached over and removed my hand, grabbed some lube and slowly began stroking my dick for me. In no time I was orgasming anally and then shot a big load, which Jason bent down and caught in his mouth and then leaned over again and kissed me, pushing my own cum into my mouth from his. Justin gently pulled his arm and hand back out of my ass and took some paper towel and a wipe and cleaned me off as I recovered. “Well, looks like you are in great shape down there,” Jason said. I hope the exam wasn’t too much for you.” “Hell no,” I said. “It was great!” “Good,” said Jason. “I like to keep my patients happy. That way they come back and I am able to keep them healthy.” “Don’t worry,” I said, “I’ll be back next year for sure for my dysplasia exam!” Jason smiled at me and gave me a quick kiss and then left the room. Justin cleaned up the room and then gave me a hug. “Thanks,” he said. “You have a beautiful ass. If you ever want to do something out of the office, here’s my card. Give me a call” and handed me his card with his phone number. “Take your time and get dressed. Make sure to stop at the desk and schedule an appointment for next year as you leave.” There’s no way I was going to forget that!
  2. Came across you with long hair streaming and chest hair inviting me to lick it and tug on your nipples with my teeth and I couldn’t resist. My hands wandered over your chest hair and my cock hardened to match yours. "Take it in your mouth" you whispered and nodded toward your thick cockhead as my tongue licked your chest hair and then my mouth drifted down down toward the thick shaft you were already pumping hard and slow. My mouth displaced your hand on your cock and I slowly took it all the way down my throat, my no gag reflex throat sliding it very deep and then sliding it out to my slips and back deep inside again. My hands stroked your hairy chest as my mouth stroked your meat faster and faster, my tongue playing gently with the rim of your mushroom head each time I slid your prick out toward my mouth again. You began to breathe hard and I knew you were close, I could feel the tenseness in your cock, especially the thick vein that ran up from the base to the head and I could taste the precum oozing out of it already before you exploded in my mouth. And then your came in my mouth, filling it up with your sweet-salty, thick and slightly basic tasting cream that I was tempted to swallow but didn’t as you withdrew your cock from my mouth and turned over on the bed. I went to work on your beautiful ass next, such a nice tight butt and sweet hole that I could not resist licking it with your cum in my mouth. As I stroked it with my tongue, your hips raised and your hole opened for my tongue to go inside and push your cum deep inside of you, lubricating your sexy hole with the best lube ever - fresh cum. Your ass raising up invited me in and I reached down to my own hard 7 and half inches complete with my 0 gauge prince albert curved barbell in place and placed the 1/2” ball of the barbell at the door to your ass and you drew it in, followed by my own thick cock, your own cum lubricating the way for deep penetration. I sunk my meat deep inside you now and reached around to hold you and feel your chest hair on my hands and your long, soft hair on the back of your head in my mouth and whispered “I love fucking you, stud” into your ear. My body pushed my cock into you over and over again while you grunted softly with pleasure until I was ready to cum as well. I gently slid it out of you and came into my hand, a big wad of sticky warm cum ready to use as lube for my own hole. I reached down and used it to lube up my own hole as you flipped over, once again hard as stone and put me on my back, placing your hard bare cock head against my own well lubed tight hole and easing it inside me, then pumping hard and deep as your long hair hung down in my face and my palms massaged your hairy nipples and pecs until you came a second time, this time flooding my insides with your beautiful jism. I felt full and satisfied and happy and you bent down and kissed me long and gently with your tongue deep down my throat and my tongue inside your mouth while your hair hung all over my face and then we both collapsed into sleep.
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