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Posts posted by calrockxxx

  1. So, no bathhouses in Boston (just found out on my first trip there)... But isn't there any bookstores or ANYTHING?!! Where to Boston pigs and pervs go for some filthy anon sex?

    Massachusetts may be liberal, but it's still puritanical. Boston has pretty much zoned sex out of the city completely. There are a couple of adults stores for toys and whatnot, but no back rooms or video booths anywhere. There's Main Street Video in Somerville (across the river to the north), but I've never been.

    I used to hang out at the Fens when I was much younger and did get some action there, but it was completely hit or miss. (The cruising area of the Fens is a section of overgrown reeds on the shore at the intersection of Boylston St the Charlesgate ramps to Storrow Drive. It's a few blocks from Fenway Park.)

    The two bath houses in Providence, RI, are a better bet IMHO, and they're only an hour south of Boston.

  2. Yeah I got lost in how to post in "personals > men seeking men" and it took a while to figure it out.

    You have to categorize the post like this:

    personal/romance >

    dating, romance, long term relationship (ltr) >

    i am a man seeking a man >

    and then choose the geographic area you want it posted in

    I don't know why they have these separate sections, since most of the posts in "men seeking men" are NOT ltr posts -- they're just guys looking to suck cock.

    It's also useful to put "m4m m4mm mm4m mm4mm" at the bottom of the message so it gets found in searches :)

  3. I used to buy stuff from Fort Troff, but the melting dildo incident recently (described in another thread - search the forum for "toxic sex toys") has put me off them. Their customer service has been pretty bad.

    My favorite toys are from Ox, so check them out at oxballs.com. I'll only use silicone toys from now on, since they appear to be the safest. Just use water-based lube with them and it looks like you're good to go.

    I'm lucky to have a great fetish shop in Provincetown -- Full Kit Gear (they are testing a new web shop at fullkitgear.com). It's always nice to be able to chat with knowledgeable sales staff and try stuff on before plunking down lots of cash.

    Mr S Leather in San Francisco also has a great selection of basic and advanced toys, and they make a lot of their leather and neoprene gear themselves (they have a web shop at mr-s-leather.com, and you can even buy some of their products on Amazon).

  4. Had a great time last night with a couple of guys who found me on MH. They were both tweeking so I figured what the hell and did a little g, then ended up being the top for the first hour or so, alternating between them, fucking them and eating their asses. I finally got one of them nice and hard. He had a fantastic 7-inch dick with a nice curve, and he was mighty hard once he got his dick inside me. Pounded me over and over and damn I really wanted it. Finally we jerked off together and both shot all over his chest. I slurped up both our loads and swallowed all that cum. His load was nice and sweet. We cleaned up and I left. Hoping I get a repeat with him; always nice to find a guy with a sweet ass and a hard dick who can actually be vers even when he's high :)

  5. Provincetown, Provincetown, Provincetown. I wouldn't live anywhere else.

    Great sex, a small community that looks after each other, crazy fun in the summer, and lots of guys my age. Very little of the UB2 crap here (except during circuit week in the summer). Stunning beaches, lots to do outdoors (whether sport or sex), and a walkable place where you can get by easily without a car. My main mode of transport is a bicycle, even in the winter. It's immaculately clean, incredibly safe, and gay as can be.

    This place has its share of small-town drama, but I enjoy sitting back and watching it unfold rather than getting all worked up about it. It has good health care and lots of support services for folks with HIV. And with ferry service and its own little airport, it's easy to get to Boston, NY or anywhere else for a break.

  6. The easiest position to vid a fuck is if you're the top holding the camera while the bottom is on his back, or doggy style when you're topping (I prefer the bottom on his back so I can get his face too).

    I really like the helmet cam idea though to get the bottom's perspective. You just don't see that in any porn! (Google iPhone helmet mount and you'll see lots of dorky solutions.)

    If you can't get a third guy, the second best is the cam on a tripod or a table. It takes some practice to make sure you are in a good position to get a decent shot.

    I don't have any trouble holding a camera when I'm topping (it's easier with a cam that has a hand strap, but I usually just use my iPhone). It's great to get a nice shot of my dick sliding in and out after I've cum in his ass... love to see my cum on my dick!

  7. So, what brand of toys would you recommend? What online stores should we be able to shop with confidence?

    I'll probably stick with the Oxballs silicone dildos from now on. These silicone things are expensive, though, and the material is firmer than the PVC and rubber dildos I used to have (I like a nice hard dick, so that's not a problem for me!).

    Oxballs was super responsive to questions and I really liked the dildo that melted! Their products are sold all over the place. I'll be doing my shopping locally (there's a great fetish store here in town) so that I can actually judge the size of these things in person.

    Oxballs sells direct online at their shop... shop dot oxballs dot com. My dildo that melted due to the PVC exposure was "the Ogre" which is listed under the "Large" section. I don't know what their customer service is like, so I can't speak to that.

    Anyone else have suggestions?

  8. Ok guys, we don't talk much on here about sex toys, but I for one am a fan.

    But then I had a weird experience. I stored two dildos together for a few months in the same bag. One was an Oxballs silicone dildo (I paid $130 for this gem), the other was a Fort Troff Sticky Bomb 6.5, made of PVC according to their web site (I paid $40 for this one).

    When I took them out of the bag, there was black goo all over both of them. Where the two had touched, the silicone dildo had melted away into a gooey mess. I tried to clean it up, but the part of the silicone dildo where the two had touched had become sticky and still seemed to ooze black goo.

    I was perplexed, so I contacted the place I'd bought the Oxballs silicone one and Fort Troff via email.

    Here's what Fort Troff had to say:

    Some toys have a negative effect when they come in to contact with other

    toys. It's the materials that they are made out of. There is

    unfortunately not a 100% way to know which toys can come into contact

    with each other. We provide bags for each toys that we sell for our

    customers to store the toys in. You should always store them apart from

    each other or in separate bags.

    OK, that was vague, and I didn't get a bag in my order, nor did I get any storage instructions or warning about any possible "negative effect" of toys coming in contact with each other.

    Then I got a helpful message from Ox via the reseller I'd bought the silicone toy from...

    ...sometimes certain plastics, like the really smelly vinyl toys or clear jelly toys, (not TRP like we make) will melt the surface of other plastics or silicones… PVC (vinyl) should not be used as a toy unless you put a rubber over it, btw, it is not approved by any FDA in any country for use on skin or in the body, if a toy has that new car smell, it is toxic…

    I checked my Fort Troff Sticky Bomb and sure as hell it reeked of "new car smell". And I hadn't been using a condom over it. Egad, is this thing I'd been sticking up my butt toxic?

    So I did a little research online. And I quickly learned that sex toys are unregulated, and there has been quite a bit written on PVC toys and the dangers of the phthalates that are used to make them translucent and soft. The most damning was this article from the Village Voice back in 2007: Dangerous Dildos.

    In the article the author has this to say:

    ...many toy manufacturers have begun advertising products as "phthalate-free." ... but dildo companies are not required to list a toy's actual ingredients. This allows the industry to provide misleading and incorrect labeling, which it routinely does, from "hypoallergenic dildos" to so-called silicone toys that aren't made of silicone.

    So what did I learn from this experience?

    1. Don't buy house brand toys, even from a well-known shop like Fort Troff.

    2. Don't store toys together. Make sure they're in separate bags (and not plastic bags, either).

    3. Use water-based lube with toys, not silicone.

    4. NEVER buy a toy that is made of PVC or "vinyl", since these most likely contain the phthalates that are harmful and potentially cancer-causing.

    Now I'm out about $190 in damaged and potentially toxic toys.

    I forwarded the message from Ox on to Fort Troff. I ever hear from them, I'll report back. And it will be interesting to see how they respond when they get my used Sticky Bomb dildo returned for a refund.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Condom porn is too sanitized for me -- look at all the stuff Falcon/Raging Stallion puts out. The guys barely look like they're into it. Clearly there's a big market for it, and I'm just not in their demographic. And Bel Ami's crap is the same, regardless of the condoms. Those guys look *so* bored it's pathetic.

    I definitely prefer watching regular-looking guys having sex over those toned, shaved muscle guys any day. But when guys bareback and then just lay back and jerk off on their chests, that kills the fun for me.

  10. Is it rape when it's consensual? I don't think so. Is it rape just because someone is poz? That doesn't make any logical sense.

    Even before I was poz I always equated barebacking with HIV. I didn't always disclose that I was neg, and that pissed off more than a couple of poz guys I had sex with. They didn't want to feel responsible for passing it on. So if a guy asks you to poz him and he gets HIV, can he then sue you in court in Canada and win? Is there anyway to ever prove sex is consensual? No, it' just he said/(s)he said.

    Bareback = Poz, and the courts need to recognize that the risk of transmission falls on the person who is neg when he willing participates in bareback sex.

  11. OK, so I had a random guy on Grindr ask me to fuck him. I was kinda in the mood, it was early, so I said what the hell. I told him I was poz and whatnot and he said he wanted me to fuck him with a condom. Yeah, like I'd do that. I thought I'd be respectful and put a few condoms on the nightstand. When he showed up and we started playing, he wanted me to rub my dick against his hole. Then he wanted the head in. Then a little more. Finally he just pushed himself all the way down on my dick and started riding. His ass was one of the tightest I've ever fucked. So I came pretty quickly, I told him I was gonna cum and he leaned forward and pulled my dick out. I shot all over his back. Then he said "wipe it off and push it in," which being the cum pig that I am meant "wipe up all that cum and push it in my hole." That's what I did but that wasn't what he wanted. He wanted my dick wiped down and pushed back in his ass. Oops. So much for communication.

    I got soft and he really wanted me hard, so he turned around and started sucking on it. This was not the behavior of a guy who wants to use condoms!

    Do any of you guys ever have this happen? A guy who says he wants condoms and then doesn't use them?

    I found it annoying, since I'm pretty damn clear about what I want (well, most of the time). I haven't used a condom ever (I only remember jacking off in them when I was a kid), so I wasn't really planning to use one anyway.

    • Upvote 2
  12. Well, I'd just say do what you enjoy and are comfortable with. Anytime you have sex there's a risk, whether bareback or with a condom. I got one of those little lectures this morning from a healthcare provider about using condoms even though I'm poz - he went on about how I could catch another strain of hiv or get stds. Well, duh. I'm damn private about my sex habits, so it made me wonder if he watching me on bbrt or manhunt or something... (then again, I'm in a small town where people love to gossip so I pretty much assume everyone here knows I'm a slut - that won't stop me).

    The fantasy of bare fucking is great, for some that's all it is (like the getting pozzed thing). The reality is certainly different, so you need to assess the risk vs the pleasure and short-term gratification.

    I hate getting stds - I don't like having to take time off from fucking to get better. And there are some nasty things, still -- anal warts, hpv, hep-c -- that don't go away, but I don't know anyone who's contracted those. I know more guys with hiv than any other "std".

    Anyway, "be safe," however that translates for you. Take care of yourself and have fun.

  13. I thought shyness was now classified as an anxiety disorder. Don't they have meds for that? :)

    I think it helps to have a system for picking guys up. I have three questions I ask to see if they meet my basic criteria. When it comes to sex I'm not shy at all. If I tell a guy I want to fuck him and he says no, there's always someone else. And I've only wasted the time it takes to ask three questions. But it took a while to get comfortable being direct.

    I used to be really shy about hitting on guys who I thought were super hot, or guys who were younger than me, thinking they would look down on me. And I wasn't really into most of the guys who hit on me in bars. Then I had a really hot 20-year-old muscle kid pick me up at a sex party and it completely changed the way I looked at myself.

    I had a bit of a complex about how I looked for a long time. I hated my clothes, I hated my hair, I hated my body. So I hid. But then I started paying attention to the times that people complimented me. Huh, people tell me I have beautiful eyes when I'm wearing blue. That black jock strap really got me lots of action. Guys I find hot really like the beard. My piercer told me "you have a really nice dick, and I see lots of dick."

    Listening to the good things people said really helped me get out of my shell.

  14. I only keep track on special occasions, or if I have a particular goal in mind. I counted the first hundred this summer in ptown but lost track after 4th of July. And I counted 53 loads over the course of the Southern Decadence weekend, and that was a new personal best for me. I usually can't keep track very well since I'm pretty occupied thinking about other things.

    I've never kept track of how many guys I've fucked, but I know I tend to top more than I bottom. I doubt I'll be able to ever fuck more than I did last summer, though. 2011 was a really great year :)

  15. I've been in situations where I'm surrounded by four or five guys, and because I'm bent over and my mouth is busy, I don't even know who's fucking me! And sometimes they cum and just leave without saying anything, so I have no idea whose cum just got shot into me.

    I do this all the time at Dick Dock during the summer in Ptown. I start sucking a guy and make sure my ass is up in the air (I never kneel when I'm giving a blow job) so tops can just stick their dicks in and breed me. And the best is when a top starts telling others how hot my hole is and gets other guys to come over and breed me. It's a great feeling to get a few loads from guys I never see and just feel the different cocks pounding away at my ass and releasing their cum inside my ass.

  16. Um, it's not rocket science. We bareback cuz it's hotter than "safer sex."

    But I'd separate out bug chasing as a tiny percentage of guys who bareback. It may seem that's what the whole world is about since that's the theme of this site. But there are plenty of guys who are hypocritical, act holier than thou, and still bareback. They may bareback only with other neg guys, but they bareback nonetheless.

    Paul Morris of Treasure Island Media gave an amazing lecture about the allure of danger (and barebacking) at the 1996 World Pornography Conference:

    No Limits: Necessary Danger in Male Porn

    It's definitely worth the read!

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