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Posts posted by calrockxxx

  1. I think of myself as vers, but it's complicated. I used to have one of my profiles set as versatile/top, since I was in a fucking mood, so I got tons of hits from total bottoms, which was great. If I wanted to get fucked, that vers/top profile was keeping guys away. Changed it to vers and hello! the vers/top and top guys who ignored my profile before were all about wanting to fuck me.

    So I think it's a marketing thing. If a guy has a pic of his dick and you're looking for a bottom, you'll skip that profile. Goes the other way too. I dont want to look at a top's ass, I want his cock.

    I rarely flip when I'm playing 1 on 1, but give me two or more and I'll want all my holes filled and I'll want to fuck and piss and get fisted. And I get what I want :)

  2. Had a monogamous relationship with a guy for 15 years. In retrospect, the sex was pretty bad (a new world opened up for me after we broke up).

    I don't know if I'd do the open relationship thing. But relationships are complicated and I'm definitely of that "I don't want an LTR" mindset right now and make that pretty clear up front. NSA all the way.

  3. I agree there are some tops who just aren't fun. I had a guy once with Viagra dick who clearly wasn't going to cum and there was a line of guys waiting to dump loads in my ass. I politely told him I needed a break (I was bored), he obliged, and once he was gone I just turned around and said "who's next?"

    If you're in control, why don't you just tell him what you want? I've found most guys take direction pretty well when they're naked and fucking, especially if they're newbies. (I like newbies since they tend to cum quickly and then I can move on to finding the next trick to give me a load.)

  4. Yeah I only go to parties where I know I'll be able to have sex. No use stripping down that much and not fucking!

    The one exception is Sat night at Pugatory in Ptown. It's a decent scene for hooking up and going back to his place. All the tourist wear their undies. I just wear my clothes and just pick out a guy based on his dick. :)

  5. Don't beat yourself up over how you think other people see you. There are *plenty* of guys who would love to see you fuck on camera!

    There seems to be a studio for every taste these days. But I think it's hard to break into video if you don't live in one of the major production regions (LA/SF/Vegas, NYC, Montreal, I'm sure there are other hotspots). If you don't live near the places where the studios shoot, even if the studios think you're great, I don't think you'll get anywhere (I keep trying and keep getting told I should move to SF). Without a studio nearby, you're kinda stuck shooting DIY amateur fun videos with your buds :) That, in itself, is not a bad thing.

    I have a little POV fuck video I put on Xtube a few years ago and promptly forgot about. I found it yesterday and it had been viewed over 61,000 times. That's the equivalent of it being watched 55 times a day, every day, for three years! That's a lot of exposure and I'm getting hard thinking of all those guys watching it :)

    Now I think I need to go shoot a little vid of me jerking off...

  6. The hookup sites seem to vary a lot from place to place. Manhunt rocks in London, but BBRT works a lot better for me in NYC or Boston or SF. Grindr was amazing in Greece; those boys are not shy!

    I used the word "bareback" in the video chat room on Manhunt the other night (someone asked to see one of my xtube vids) and got the 3rd degree from a whole bunch of 20-somethings. They just went on a tirade (which is easy to do when you're in a chat room and not showing your face). When I told them I'm poz they finally shut up.

    On my iPhone I now have six hookup apps: Grindr, Growlr, Manhunt, Mister, Scruff, and u4Bear. Plus the BBRT web site.

    I think we need a Cumdumpster site and app so we can get rid of all these others!

  7. I just block them, no discussion, no reply. If they can't bother to read my profile, I won't waste my time and be courteous.

    Every now and then I do a search for guys who have neg only in their profiles and go on a blocking spree.

    I wish Manhunt had a similar field so I could do the same. I get a lot of messages there from guys who say they're neg in their profile but tell me they're poz in their messages to me.

    I don't mind having sex with neg guys. I just find the time waters obnoxious.

  8. Yep I've had that happen a couple of times with guys I've met outside of the context of sex parties and the like. Both guys were not supportive of my slutty ways though and we just kind of drifted apart.

    I've discovered I don't like the friends with benefits thing either - I prefer to have friends for social and emotional support, and that gets awkward for me when I need support and all I get is "I want you to come over and cum in my ass." it actually makes me not want to have sex, and that's saying something. I pretty much keep my sex life and social life separate these days. It's kind of odd sometimes, and a few guys have moved from one to the other over the years, but it always changes the nature of the relationship for me. I still enjoy the occasional cuddle or sleepover but it's always in the context of some piggy bareback fucking. Enjoying someone's company is one thing; dating is something else entirely.

  9. First, great to see this discussion here. I haven't seen any other forums where people actually go this deep into this topic (please point me to any if you know of some).

    As I mentioned I'm another thread, I was in an early PrEP study and they put me on meds (I was neg then). Six months after the study ended I tested poz and it turned out that the HIV I had was resistant to those meds. That left a bad taste in my mouth about playing guinea pig in the future.

    When I tested poz they asked me to participate in the START study and I declined.

    I've been lucky enough to live in a city with some of the best research and teaching hospitals in the world, and I used to be thankful for that. After this experience I'm not so enthusiastic about it.

    I've seen two docs who are leading researchers in HIV and each of them were on different sides of this fence about starting treatment early. When the decision is staring you in the face you make the best choice you can based on the information at hand. I've chosen not to start meds since my cd4 count is over 1000 and my viral load is consistently around 10k or lower (with some weird fluctuations that the doc has said may have been bad blood samples) .

    But to add to RawTop's anecdotal evidence about top docs acting not always in the patients best interest... I was diagnosed with a neurological problem in childhood and treated by the head of the epilepsy program at a top hospital. He put me on Dilantin and Mebaral and I took that combo for nearly 20 years. When he retired, his successor thought that was unnecessary and stopped the meds. There was little evidence that the meds actually did anything to prevent the disease they originally thought I had, and I had been taking large doses of a barbiturate for most of my life. I was told the diagnosis was wrong and I shouldn't have been on meds all that time. My parents consulted a lawyer and really wanted to sue the hospital, but due to the hospital's inability to produce med records from 20 years before it was hard to put a solid case together. So I just went on with my life -- and experienced significant personality changes after finally ending the meds (it took two years to safely titrate down the meds). I lost out on a lot of childhood experiences because of fear and stigma associated with epilepsy.

    So personal experience has led me to always get a second opinion and read the current literature whenever I've been told I should take a prescription med. And I'm fortunate to live in a city where that's easy to do (it's not easy to get an appointment with the top docs, but persistence pays off).

    At the end of the day it's a personal choice, and the docs I've seen still present it that way. There's risk either way, and it's up to the individual to make an informed decision. When a doctor tells me they don't know what the long term effects of a med are, and I might not really need to take it, I remember my 20 years on two meds that are rarely prescribed today and make a choice that makes sense for me.

  10. My first instinct was to post something saying "no meds, no side effects" but I realized that isn't possible for everyone. My docs thought I was an elite controller when I was fist diagnosed (cd4 560, viral load 66) and it turns out I have bad levels and good levels but my cd4s went up to over 1000 and have stayed there for a long time. I've been healthy with no immune related issues.

    They are really aggressive here since getting people on meds seems to be more of a public policy thing about reducing transmission -- they just want to get us all to undetectable. The stuff about the spread of the virus into the brain and other tissues seems to be an attempt to grasp at some rationale for handing out meds. One of my docs told me she'd rather have me on meds for ten years and avoid dementia than take the risk of waiting until I'm at an AIDS diagnosis to start meds.

    The long term effect of these meds are unknown, and since I'm not symptomatic I'm avoiding taking anything until I need to. I was in a PEP study (post-exposure prophylaxis, to see if drugs can prevent HIV after you've been exposed to it) back when I was neg and they had me taking a combo regimen... When I tested poz six months after the study ended it turned out my virus was resistant to those meds.

    Anyway, I totally get why someone would want to go on meds as a preventative measure. It's just not something I'd do until there's more science to convince me that it's necessary. Everyone needs to find their own comfort zone, and It really is important to do the labs and have those conversations with your docs to make the best choice for you.

  11. Yeah that's how I got double fucked the first time. I was playing with two guys, one was fucking me and the other was online trying to find a fourth. I was on my back with the first guy inside me when I felt my ass opening up and the second guy pushed his cock in with the first one. I didn't see it coming but it was fucking amazing. We fucked like that for a while and then they went back to tag teaming my ass until they both shot inside me. I've done it a few more times but none were as good as my first :)

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  12. I have a 4g PA which I'll upgrade to an appy this spring - going in behind the head on the top and out through the PA hole in the bottom, if I can get my piercer to agree to do it that way. Also have 10g nipples that I love, I go so fucking hard when they're sucked, but they really act up if I get them played with too much. The worst thing about having piercings is the damn healing time that puts you out of commission for a while. But it's well worth the wait! :)

  13. "Marriage material"? What's that? You sound like my mom! The last thing I want is a ball & chain, and I don't want someone who wants that either. The things I used to think I'd get from a relationship I can get from roommates and friends -- sharing living expenses, emotional support, companionship. And I don't get judged for my sex life. And I don't get in-laws! Just because you're hot, successful, and financially independent doesn't mean you have to get married.

    Too many of the guys I know who get hitched (literally, this is Massachusetts) are desperate for companionship and others need the financial support or have kids. I know more divorced gay couples now than successfully married.

    I occasionally date guys but I'm not about to settle for someone who can't keep up with me, sexually or otherwise. A multimillionaire sugar daddy, though, might make me change my mind :)

  14. I really get into public sex - particularly outdoors - but I find guys usually just want blowjobs and don't want to fuck in public. Their loss, I suppose :) I did get one amazingly hot fuck at night on a street in Provincetown. The guy who topped me made me take all my clothes off, which made it feel super risky and really got me going. Thankfully he got to shoot a load up my ass just before a neighbor came walking down the street. Love to do it again!

  15. Lol yeah well I had a guy flip out saying my fingernails were sharp -- and I'd just had a manicure that morning! I think sometimes paranoia can just cause people to flip sometimes, which is why I never take tricks home. Poppers and all those other drugs can really warp reality, so it's kind of up to you to learn your limits and not get yourself in trouble.

    Why'd you post this anyway? It sounds like the poppers made you paranoid, not this site!

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