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Posts posted by Inception

  1. Whoa! If a guy acted like this at any of the tubs I go to, and especially if he was physically violent, he would be kicked out by the staff pronto.

    There are though many bottoms who are quite bitchy. This past weekend I was at a bathhouse and there was a hot young (about 30) furry guy in a jock who was cruising and setting up in the dark areas. I watched him suck a hot younger (maybe 21) East Indian guy with a big cock who was letting a lot of guys service him. He went to fuck the guy in the jock, but first put on a condom. The guy in the jock didn't like this and moved away, and got down on all fours and presented his ass to another group of guys. The guy he had been sucking was young enough and new enough that he didn't understand why the guy refused to let him fuck with a condom and so was confused and left the dark area. He was followed by a gaggle of older men eager to get at his big cock and he was soon being serviced elsewhere so he wasn't pissed off just confused. Meanwhile the bottom in the jock was shaking his ass and putting lube in his hole, but then would refuse anyone he wasn't into. I was hard but he wasn't into me, and another guy older than me but with a way fatter, beautiful horsecock made a play but he refused him a well. Both of us are chubby, and maybe a bit nerdy looking wearing glasses. Actually the guy with the fat cock looks almost exactly like the nerdy tops that Tailgunner describes in his stories on here. Anyways we just looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders. Later on I walked through the dark area and finally the guy was getting fucked by a BB top he deemed worthy because the guy was more fit and slim I guess - though this guy is also on the nerdy side, in his late 40's and wears glasses.

  2. Number 1: Not everyone who seroconverts gets the so-called "fuck flu." If you are concerned about catching HIV, and have been engaging in risky behaviour but think you are OK because you haven't had that symptom, it is not a reliable indicator and you still need to get tested regularly.

    Number 2: The regular flu, especially this year is probably much worse. The fuck flu is ache's and fever, but I don't think projectile vomitting and gallopping diarrhea are symtoms.

  3. where did you find the other clips?

    Just google it and it comes up. Pretty bad amateur vid. This thread caught my eye because it made me think of all the old Laguna Pacific films from the 70's and early 80's. They were all shot on 16mm or something but so fucking hot. I went down to LA one time in the 90's and I wasn't interested in any new porn but loaded up on all these VHS tapes of old 70's stuff that I smuggled back across the border. So funny how the internet has changed things.

  4. I totally get that but it still is fucked up.

    There are so many folks who many of us could take to the blogosphere and pull off a outing similar to what was done to Mason Wyler; but we don't and won't do that because many of us knows what it is like or had our worst nightmare to be someone in Mason's shoes and have that happen AND we are decent people.

    The sword sand other, similar sites really need to hold everyone that works with their parent company to a super high level of scrutiny or place everyone on a reasonable level and show fairness.

    It is pornography. There are no ethical people making pornography. It is all about the dolla$

  5. Went to suburban bath yesterday afternoon, and it was pretty dead, lots of seniors. Finally got sort of hit on by a guy who looked closer to my own age, though I think he thought I was younger than I am. He was staring at me while I sat on the bed in my room so I finally said "How's it going? What are you into?" He said he wasn't sure, maybe some sucking. I figured OK well that's better than nothing. So we feel each other and I see that even soft he is big which gets me hard and I suck him a bit. We get in 69 position and he licks my balls, then says "I had oral surgery and I'd like to go down on you, are you clean?" I'm like "Uhh sure" meanwhile thinking WTF, then I say, "But if you just had oral surgery should you even be here?" He's like, "Well it was a little while ago." I'm like whatever and he licks my balls again while I deep throat him. He likes this and holds my head down. So now I figure maybe he's one of those guys who is just nervous to admit what they want, and he doesn't really want to suck. So I kind of get up and roll over so I am in down on all fours in front of him sucking his cock ad showing my ass. He likes this and rubs my ass, and then gets behind me and pushes me flat on my belly. He massages and kisses my back and says, "I'm just gonna rub between your cheeks for a bit if that is ok?" I just sighed and moaned and figured to play dumb. He poured lube on my ass and next thing you know he head is poking at my hole. "Don't worry I won't put it all the way in," he says, meanhile getting deeper. I just moaned. Then he asks, "Is this ok? Or do you want me to put on a condom? I won't go in all the way so don't worry." I said, "It's ok," and next thing you know he is balls deep inside me and it feels so good. Now he is moaning and telling me how nice I feel but not to worry because he won't stay inside for long. By now his whole act is pissing me off a bit so I pushed up off my belly and got on my knees doggy style so that I could get him nice and deep inside, meanwhile hitting poppers which are getting me really loose and open. He asked, "Is it ok if I do some faster strokes?" and I just growled back "Just fuck me already!" Finally he went to town. He didn't want to move into many different positions, when I'd been fucked for whlle doggy style and wanted to flip over to missionary position he wasn't into that so instead I stood to stretch my legs and bent over. He liked that postion and really got his groove on. But, when he was about to cum he pulled out though and shot all over my back. Once he came he eemed to get embarassed or something and took off. He did have a nice cock that hit all the right spots and lasted for a good length of time. I just wish he had been more confident to just ask for what he wanted instead of thinking he needed to play games to get inside me bare.

  6. A couple years ago on a pone sex line I chatted with this guy in another city. Well he's actually in a remote small town up north in the middle of nowhere and it sounds like he's probaly closetted. I gave him my number and we had a hot chat about him breeding me. We never met, but he started obsessing over me just from that conversation. He started calling me all the time at like 1:30am and waking me up. Usually it sounded like he was drunk. For a few months it was a few nights a week. He almost always called from a blocked number so I had no clue about who he was. I started turning the ringer on my phone off every night before bed. Then one day I slept in and was over an hour late for work. The ringer was off so I didn't hear the phone and wake up. Work contacted my family, and I woke up to my Dad banging on my door freaked out that something happened to me. Finally the guy screwed up one time and didn't block his number when he called, so I called him the next day when he was sober and told him off and threatened that if didn't stop calling me I would out him to his friends and family. He stopped calling for a couple years. Two months ago I come in late on a Friday night and my phone is ringing and it is him. He's drunk and I ask him why is he calling me. He said he had just come across my number in an old phonebook and wanted to hear my voice. I said very nicely you can't start calling me again. He said but I want to fuck you. I said do you actually have any plans to travel to my city? He said no and I said so then it's not gonna happen so don't call me. He asked if he did travel to my city would I let him fuck me. I said yes of course because I am a slut, but how do you even know you would be interested, I probably look nothing like you imagine, I'm not some porn star I'm just a boring regular looking cubby guy and nothing special. Finally he was like oh ok. But, then he asked, if I did come to your city you would get on your back and spread your legs and let me put my cum in your hole? Then I got angry and told don't call me unless you are actually in town and ready to do that no matter how disgusting I might actually look I real life. He hasn't called since. He was annoying but at the same time I do fell sorry for him since he sounds like he's stuck in that small town.

  7. I figure since this board is full of mostly gay men who like BB sex, have you guys (specifically bottoms) encountered other straight guys like this? I know it's not exactly normal, but I wonder is it more common than a lot of people think.

    Yes, it is very common. There are plenty of straight guys who like the ease of getting laid with gay bottoms. For some it is like straight guys who pay whores to do things their wives won't do like anal or blowjobs. But, gay bottoms are cheaper than prostitutes - and perhaps more enthusiaistic, so some otherwise straight guys will do guys. Some straight guys will only do trannys or cross dressers. Most straight guys who do walk on the wild side would never tell anyone.

    There are many many gay bottoms who are only interested in guys like you, who are generally known as "rough trade." Most gay bottoms will promise you that they will be discrete - which means that when we see you at the mall or grocery store with your wife and kids we aren't going to sashay up and say hello. Most know to play it cool, so don't freak out because your acting weird will put up more signals to you family that something is strange than anything your bottom would ever do. We just want to keep your cock happy. But, you maybe should not interpret "discrete" as meaning that they won't brag about you to other fags.

  8. Had a very odd fuck yesterday at the porn cinema, Guy had a decent cock about 8 inches, Had a bit of trouble getting it in but it finally worked with some spit as lube anyway long story short while this guy was fucking me he starts asking me a load of questions while still inside me like do i live in the city & then asks me for my number so he can fuck me at home. This totally turned me off so i got off his dick & politely left the room, he follows me downstairs & asks for my number again ? whats that about ?? shit if i wanted to invite him to my house i would be doing the inviting & not the other way around. Have any of you guys had something like this before & if so what would you ?

    I often get guys who want my number or or ask if I have a place we can meet at. Sometimes it is just the guy in a hormone overdrive during the moment and afterwards they maybe aren't so interested but also a lot of guys are desperate and don't get laid a much as they would like so when they find someone willing they hope for more in the future. Unfortunately what they don't realize is that desperate is a turnoff.

    Depending on the guy I might not let them know my living situation, or I might say that I can't give my number out, and instead ask them for their number or email or whatever instead - telling them that I will be discrete. There is nothing as discrete as just not calling them. If a guy seems reasonable I might be honest and tell him that I probably won't call him, though this will piss off plenty. Of course it doesn't hurt to take a number sometimes, since later you might decide that they were a good enough lay to be worth another shot.

  9. Thanks for your lengthy reply. I really like reading what you have to say since you always put so much thought into it and are actually living the life and not just one of the people posting here with all fanatasy. It's 1AM my time as I write this and I am dead tired as I spent the night at the tubs, the second night in a row where I was out til midnight when I have to be up for work at 7, so I am not able to write anything lengthy.

    I just came on here to find some porn to jerk to while playing with my wet hole. ;)

  10. I am not a leatherman, and not super knowledgeable about the scen. In my 20's I had some curiousity and met a few older leather guys but realised that it just wasn't my thing. The leather scene is not super huge here but I do think that there is definitely more of a safe sex focus in that scene - especially for guys who are not monogamous. I am curious about your comment in one of your posts about the bear scene. You said, "at least the leather community did not become what the bear community is today. That would be worse." What do you find bad about that scene? In that scene there are people who are some groups of guys who are very open to poz guys and barebacking. Though not all. I met one young bear at the tubs who I didn't realize at the time was super involved in the bear/leather scene here who has a Dom who had trained him to be fisted. He wanted me to fist him at the tubs, and I did a bit but was freaking out about it as it is not my thing, and he was interpretting it that I was scare of HIV, but I was like I'm not worried about that I'm poz myself, what I'm worried about is rupturing your colon because I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I've seen the guy multiple times at clubs and bear events since and he hasn't said fuck all to me, like not even "Hello." The clique he is part of seem to be all very anti-poz people - though I assume they probably bareback within their own group. I was at a bear nite in October and had a young leather guy making eyes at me, until an older leatherman who I have never seen before came up to him and said to him - loud enough that I could hear it - "Oh that one's a baeback bottom," and then the younger guy stopped cruising me. Which is pretty much BS since I am open about my staus and open about being fine with safe sex - I like BB but I'm not hung up on it if it is a barrier to getting cock (not wanting a barrier a barrier to getting cock? wrap your head around that one!). There is definitely a stigma about bareback in my city among some groups. It doesn't help that so many guys equate BB with the PnP scene and meth heads. The hookup site that is most popular here is Squirt and there are lots of guys whose profiles don't just say they prefer safe sex, but in their profiles guys make rude comments about how they are not interested in poz guys or barebackers. And this is in a city with free healthcare where most poz guys are on free meds and are undetectable. Anyways that's off topic about the leather scene.

    I just wanted to make one more comment regarding your statement: "It gives me hope and faith that one I can be a good and strong leatherboy even though I bareback and will become poz one day." You are young, you are horny and doing all kinds of crazy things and yes if you continue youy will likely become poz. I've been there done that. BUT I don't recommend it. You don't have to be such a no holds barred slut that you get poz, you can use the head on your shoulders instead of the one in your pants. Don't indiscriminitately bareback. Ask if a guy knows his status and if he is poz if he is taking his meds and is undetectable. That's no guarantee but it might reduce the risk that you will need to be on expensive meds for the rest of your life. Plus there are SO MANY neg guys and married guys who are genuinely freaked about HIV but would love to be able to let loose and fuck a young hot neg boy like you that you should be able to discriminate and be choosey. Being picky about who fucks you doesn't make you less submissive, it makes you intelligent, and for plenty of guys that's a bigger turn on than some dirty ho or drugged out skank.

  11. Please note: I found that individuals who insist upon tops using condoms during anonymous sex often get less action and some guys I know said they had experienced a feeling of rejection or feeling of being left out when tops refused to put on a condom, and just moved on to someone else willing to take their loads.

    I think this varies by location. Whenever i talk to someone who has travelled to the States they always mention how differentb attitudes are there. The men are definitely way bigger sluts. Perhaps it is a reaction to living in a country with such a messed up culture - everything is so hyper conservative on the outside yet rotten to the core.

    Where I am I find most guys I meet who want to fuck put on a condom. Possibly because I have a clean cut, preppy look, a lot of neg guys hit on me who assume that I am neg. There are plenty of sleazy cumdumps around lying in wait ass up, and after reading this site you might find this surprising, but there are lots of guys who are not into that and find cumdumps disgusting. When I go to the tubs I almost never go into the darkrooms, and usually don't lay ass up, but I get hit on and cruised non-stop. The ass up bottoms always seem to be very frustrated.

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  12. My build is naturally number 2 and I get a lot of attention. Now there are a lot of guys who won't give me the time of day if I am at a club or tubs where lots of muscle fags go, but I pull my share of well built guys. I find that there are many bi/ straight guys ho are used to fucking chicks with lots of flab to them and they don't mind a bit of belly. Went to a Bearacudda event this past weekend, and there I felt skinny.

  13. There is no fucking contract. You are lucky someone is even willing to put their cock in your hole. When I go out, like this past Sat night at Steamworks here in Van, the place is full of bottoms ass up begging for cock and some even for fists. They put messages on the chalkboard by the urinal listing their room numbers and if they want loads or are safe and if they want to be fisted too, just in case anyone doesn't get the point of what they are looking for with their asses up. And then they wait. And wait. The place was hopping with between 50 - 60 guys there and only two hot bottoms in their 40's who aren't regulars got used a lot, while I counted at least half a dozen ass up anon bottoms getting nothing.

    So if a top deigns to stick their cock in you you should be happy wih that.

  14. If you're in Canada and you're poz, you now have to disclose at all times unless SNIP

    Actually that's not new. Non-disclosure was already considered a criminal act. What is new is that the court has now decided that if you have a low viral load and wear a condom you do not need to disclose. This decision actually vindicated an HIV+ individual wh had been convicted of sexual assault even though they were undetectable, had used a condom during intercourse, and didn't infect anyone. The editorial quoted is a bit of an hysterical misinterpretaion of the ruling.

  15. I find barebacking to be thrilling due to the taboo nature, and yet also do see it as an intimate act. When In was younger I hought it would make the guys I let do it like me more. But 99% of barebackers are selfish, conscienceless scum. I find it satisfying to think that likely most of the guys who barebacked me when I was younger didn't live to the era of better ARV's and likely died horrible deaths. It is very gratifying to think of them suffering.

  16. Not every bottom is an extreme doormat/sub. Honestly, if a top is going to blacklist me because I said no to anal sex one time, I'm glad to be rid of him. There's fewer tops than bottoms, but it's not like tops are a rare commodity either.

    I agree. I am not a "hotty" but I turn down tops all the time and not just because I am unclean, sometimes I am just not into it. I'm nobodies sub just because I bottom. Generally I find that guys who are into me hit on me again and again no matter how many times I turn them down because they know when I say yes I rock their world.

    A couple months ago I aquiesed to this older Somalian immigrant gentleman, about 65, who chases me around the tubs. Once he had me in his room he asked me, "Are you clean?" Thinking he meant am I Poz I said no, and he shuddered and asked me to leave. Whatever I thought.

    The next night I was still horny and back at the tubs. He was there again and approached me and asked, "Tonight, are you clean tonight?" and I realized he had actually been asking if I had shit in my ass. When I said yes I had cleaned he smiled so big, and said "Ahh you are a very good boy for me tonight," and we went back to his room and he fucked me. He loves my big fat ass and can't get enough of it. Sometimes he is already excited and cumming just from squeezing and pinching my ass cheeks with his fingers. Whenever I see him now he always asks if I am a good clean boy - which I am - and I give him my ass since it makes him so happy. There are usually younger, more dom tops around - but I find them to be complete morons. Last week one was watching as I spoke to this older black gentleman and I could see that he thought it was gross that I would let someone so much older fuck me, but it just makes me feel so good being with someone who is so appreciative of what I do for him and who LOVES my big ass.

  17. I haven't been recording many lays for a while, but had one worth posting about here tonight. Was in the city so decided to go to tubs downtown even though it was already 9:30 PM on a Sunday . This is a not really a town where people - even fags - are out late Sundays so I didn't have high hopes. It was quiet with mainly bitches who are usually there all the time, and staff said it had been very busy earlier in the afternoon. But one cute, short, brown boy (East Indian ) with a smooth beefy body and a scruffy face kept checking me but seemed shy, so I said hi in the hallway and asked what he was after. He wanted to know if I was a top and grabbed my crotch to feel my cock. While mostly bottom, cute boys get me hard, and when I am hard bottoms like what they see. I told him he had to suck me first and he invited me back to his room. He wasn't a good cocksucker, and I grabbed his head to push down his throat and he choked and gagged. I sucked him a bit and he maybe started to realize that I know what I am doing. But I didn't forget that he had asked me to fuck him, and I absolutely DID notice that instead of the lube they hand out he had beside the bed a jar of Vaseline brand petroleum jelly. I got up on the bed and laid back and he started to get down between my legs but I said, "No, sit on my face while you suck me." He was eager for that, and his hole was shaved smooth and delicious; it actually smelled better than his breath. His sucking was good enough to get me hard and my tongue in his ass had him wet and excited and he wanted it in his hole, so he straddled me reverse cowboy and sat right down on me without a condom. He said just don't cum in me. (!!!) Then he asked me if I was ok with poppers. (!!!) Heck yeah I wanted him doing poppers! I explained that if he wanted a long ride and to keep me hard that he'd better not let me do too many though. We fucked in a variety of positions for about 30 minutes and he was loving me inside him When switching positions I would take the opportunity to eat him out and he loved my tongue in his hole almost as much as my cock. At one point the poppers did start to make me lose my hard-on so I had him suck me hard again. My cock was covered in his own ass juice and my saliva which was the only lube I was using. I told him that he needed to make his mouth feel like a pussy for me - wet and soft. I told him, "You are a pussy boy and all you want is your ass to get filled. If you were mainly a cocksucker you would be trying to get my load but because you are a pussy boy whenever you are sucking you need to make your mouth feel as much like your cunt will, so that guys will turn you around and make your hole feel good." This got us both excited and he was soon sitting back down on me again. His hole was getting very loose as I had now been fucking him for about 45 minutes. I had him in doggy style position and turned the lights on bright so that I could look at he sweet open hole, and it was so hot. People send me messages all the time about the post I did a while back in the fiction section, with a craigslist ad looking for a cute anal cum goblet; this boy would definitely fit the criteria - almost. He was hard and leaking and needed to cum bad, while I could have happily sawed away for a while longer since I topping doesn't usually make me cum. But I wanted him happy so I pounded him deep very roughly, ramming against his guts until he shot. Then he collapsed. Then he looked up and said, "I don't usually bareback. You're safe right?" I avoided answering the question outright since it didn't seem like the time to explain about undetectability etc, but I did say that I assumed he was poz since he sat down on me bare but that it didn't concern me because tops don't catch it and I get tested regularly and I know my status. Kind of all bullshit on my part, but it kept him happy - though the Vaseline makes me wonder how much of his act was BS too? He is 25, visiting from a small town on business. I really wanted to give him my number so I could do him next time he comes back, but I didn't just in case he was serious about not usually BBing.

  18. Not everyone has it in them to be fabulous. Also there is a difefrence between being unihibited about expressing your sexuality, and being unihibited in your sexual practises.

    You are in New York where there is an explosion right now of new queer and drag rap artists, and their influence is spreading thanks to the internet, especially music sites like Pitchfork which cover them.

    A few weeks back a friend and I went to a kind of independant gay night at a grimy punk bar in the bad part of town here. It was so fun, with crazy young drag queens and a mixed crowd that included lesbians. The music was great and there were kids who looked like they underage and came in with fake id's running around and doing all kinds of bonkers dancing. People didn't seem to be there so much to cruise, though there were some hotties including a built beefy blonde who I later saw ass up at the tubs ( though I don't know if was barebacking). It was a fun time.

    Versus this weekend, which was a holiday long weekend in Canada and there were some bear and leather events throughout the weekend. Friday night late at the tubs was an afterparty with lots of hot guys an groups of roaming bears. There was a big bareback orgy going on in one room. But a lot of the guys there were partying on crystal and just messed up. You could tell that they were off in the own headspace, and probably thought they were having a blast, but to anyone not high they were just gross. Guys not into the bareback scene were visibly distressed and it upsets me that it makes people think all barebackers or poz guys are duggies. I did get fucked by a big chub bi guy who likes to do it with the door open so guys can watch him, so people definitely saw me getting plowed. But he's married so plays safe and uses condoms. He also always turns the TV to the channel showing straight porn and likes to look at chicks getting fucked while he does a guy - weird.

    Sunday night there was a bear themed dance party at a classy club in a better hood with a dj up from San Fran. These nights are popular because the crowd tends to be more open to bigger, hairy guys but there were still a lot of muscle boys with their shirts off. Definitely a more consevarative crowd - denim, plaid shirts, some leather. I am a big guy but dress less conservatively, and when I came in I definitely was checked out. Everyone was on their phones either looking at Grindr or gossipping to friends across the club. The music was OK techno, nothing outstanding like the great mix of stuff the dj at the dive bar played. I was dancing and having a good time, and at one point I got the impression that a young leather guy was trying to cruise me . He was awkwardly dancing towards me until some old leather queen - who I have never seen before in my life - looking at the screen of his phone, comes up behind the youngr guy and says to him "Oh that ones a bareback bottom," and the guy who was cruising me promptly tuns around and goes off with the grizzled old queen - I'm guessing his daddy. OK whatever. Someone thinks they know everything about me when they clearly don't.

    Back to the point of this: 1)fabulous gay culture exists but you gotta search it out, 2) whether on the cutting edge or in the more conservative scenes, uninhibited sex may not be accepted, and 3) the actual hardcore barebacking scene is not always that fabulous itself.

  19. The main reason I commented was because it semed that there was a misconception that these are a legal drug manufactured for human consumption. The fact is that they are manuactured using loopholes in law, and sold labelled as not for human consumption, even though the only reason they are manufactured is for use by gay men. Even most medical professionals who don't deal with gay men aren't familiar with them as they are not commonly used anyore for heart patients.

    I am not a doctor or scientist or anything myself. Here's a hazardous substance fact sheet prepared by the New Jersey Deparrtment of Health:


    This does point out that further study is needed as to cancer risks.

    It also mentions that long term use can cause anemia. This was also mentioned in an issue of Instigator that had a good article on poppers within the last year or two; but I can't find it right now and they don't have their magazine's content available online.

  20. Dude, you hit on ME on a bareback chat site. Now you mad? You are the one who is in a committed relationship with a female but needed a hole and now I'm the one who needs to be stoned to death? Seriously, dude, I need you to miss me with that bullshit.

    Right there you've got one more type: clueless bi guys in relationships with women.

    I as at the sleaziest tubs in the city the other week and this guy who had been checking me out a few times just came up and grabbed my ass. So we went back to my room. When I was sucking him I noticed the wedding ring. He put on a condom to fuck me. After a while he whispers to me and asks if he can take it off. I said, "If you want, but you should know that I am poz." He was like "What?" Then he said, "Umm maybe I'll keep it on." Once he came he thanked me for telling him, & then he was all concerned thinking because I still look healthy that I just recently caught it. I explained to him, no I've had I for at least 10 years and that I am totally healthy. Then I pointed out the wedding band, and asked, "so your married? to a woman?" Yes and yes. Then I asked him, "You do realize that pretty much every gay guy here tonight over 30 has HIV right? So if you're wanting to bareback and don't want to chance bringing a surprise home to your wife this isn't the place to do it." He was incredulous, thinking that just because guys aren't wasting away that they are neg.

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