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About luisrojas

  • Birthday 01/02/1989

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  1. It's hot when you have sex with people you never imagined having sex with, do you have any stories? For example, senators, high rank officers, known politicians, ambassador, religious leaders, CEOs, presidents maybe? Famous people (artists, sports people, journalists). Of course, I don't expect to reveal who they are, just something vague, you can "I fucked with a grammy winner", "I fucked with the CEO of a known pharmaceutical company", I fucked with a rabbi", etc. The most unusual people I've had sex with are an evangelical missionary and a catholic priest 😈 It's hot when I see the priest I fucked performing the mass 😈 The memories are great for when I jerk off.
  2. That's so hot! What country was that?
  3. Hey, I gave a BJ to the unatractive guy I wanted, his cock was so yummy, so that's progress, as for sluttiness, I haven't taken the big step yet out of fear (stds mainly), but I hope to be there soon, need to work on that. Thank you for your words!
  4. Good tip, thanks, and thatnks everybody else.
  5. Thank you everybody, I wish I had the reaction feature to acknowlege all the responses, but I've read them all and I'll apply your suggestions. I hope to enjoy more my sex life in 2023, that's my goal! Happy New Year!
  6. Hi. I need advice on how I can mentally detach the cock from the person. So let's say someone sends you a pic of their cock and it's beautiful and perfect and they send you a picture of their face but the person it's not your type and you don't feel attracted to them, but you still attracted to their cock, but you experience a turn-off when you meet them. I know some people here are used to that and just enjoys the cock, but this is coming from someone who is kind of new, I can be picky, but I would like to be sluttier, but I don't know how I can just focus on the cock and ignore the rest, how can I cheat my brain? Maybe someone was in my same position before and have tips? Gloryhole isn't an option for me. Thanks.
  7. I have the fantasy of having a "family" where we all assume a permanent role (the dad, grandpa, uncle, the sons, brother, etc), and we all live together at the same home (full-time, not just casually), as well. I'm taking about adults, of course. Probably my wish will never come true, sadly, but I'm wondering, is this is a thing? Are there people living this way or this only happens in porn? I know sometimes an older guy lives with a younger guy and call each other daddy and son, but I'm actually referring to multiple members. And for people who have this experience, I'd love to hear about your household, the dynamics of the relationship, or just some hot anecdote 😏
  8. Same! lol The shrine, the dolls, the nail clippings, the worms, the toys and barbies.... hilarious!
  9. I do! I fantazise often with me being in prison and having sex with lots of dangerous men. When I see documentaries about Jeffrey Dahmer, I think damn it would be hot to go to the past with a travel machine and meet him and fuck, he was hot, but I wouldn't let him murder me of course, lol. Also, I also have a thing for sex offenders. I know it's fucked up since they've done bad stuff that I wouldn't do, I wouldn't kill or rape anyone, etc, but I guess it's the thrill or something. Who knows.
  10. WOw, that's fucking hot, you're so lucky. I wish I could experience the same. Thank you for your advice, man. I'll keep it in mind if I travel to one of those countries.😈
  11. Is it random when you take a cab and then you just do or say something to seduce them and make them honry? Or it's arranged beforehand, on grindr for example. I'm curious, I've always wanted to do something with a cab driver or uber driver but I'm too scare to make the first move. If you don't mind telling me 🙂
  12. It does, i use it as a Fap material 😈
  13. Man, you lucky bast4rd! I got a boner reading this, I freaking need a similar experience! haha So sad that you didn't hear back from him again, that's why I ask guys for their email addresses, if they're married it might be easier for them to be in touch via email.
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