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Everything posted by cumlatrine

  1. Actually my usual fucker punished me for all 2013 cause I was unable to go with him on one of his business trips as convenient cunt. I am locked in chastity and it could be it lasts all yeas without unlocking if I don't please enough. I have to wear female suspenders and lace as soon as I am home. He doesn't warn any more when he visits. He comes, fucks, shits and pisses and leaves. He sometimes only pisses and shits.
  2. If it would make you more horny, all guys would want to be poz.
  3. Your therapist thinks too much about sex too.
  4. My usual fucker lives next door and is married. He comes in at all moments of day even when he fucked his wife only some time before. I have not come for long times as he keeps me in chastity in a Latowsski belt, when I ever risk to get fucked by another guy. Latowski has an anal device allowing wearing for longer periods (not more than a week). http://www.latowski.de/latowskiFlash/410a.htm http://news.softpedia.com/news/The-Latowski-Chastity-Belt-for-Men-Torture-Instrument-or-Sex-Toy-65603.shtml When I am not in the belt, I need to wank no stop.
  5. Servicing tops was also the prime idea of the "Maîtres Lopeurs" in France (see above).
  6. Low-rise is the rule today. Many see it not access pants, but as an invitation to fuck. http://fagshame.tumblr.com/post/26066398050 Still, some wear so lowrise they don't need to drop pants to get fucked. But I would not consider low-rise as actual access pants
  7. http://bbincumming.tumblr.com/
  8. I think cock denial is one of the most powerful. When my fucker comes with his mates to watch football my place, he plays it as an extreme height. I once got a spontaneous orgasm in front of his mates. I am used to get orgasmic on the streets seeing the men.
  9. Great thread. I agree with all. Perfect.
  10. I worship your eagerness, guys, your need for meat. Kiss your bare asshole.
  11. Typically the kind of guy, when I see him, I dream immediately about how his mansack hangs from his vacant cunt.
  12. Once rimmed a guy all holiday long. Best thing I ever did. We did do nothing else.
  13. http://bbincumming.tumblr.com/post/29041849907/biohazardboi-i-am-gonna-do-this-to-my-jeans
  14. Skinhead http://boysarewelluddered.tumblr.com/image/28928979396 with latowski device including anal bar (at my regular fucker's command; he is married) http://www.latowski.de/latowskiFlash/410a.htm
  15. Beautifull http://holelottalust.tumblr.com/post/15286141878 Kilts give great access too. Are accessible like chicks' skirts, but not pants of course http://boysarewelluddered.tumblr.com/image/28768723307
  16. When I was young, the equation homo= ass= shit prevailed. It made me an utter worshipper of homosexuality in general though I never actually was into ass or shit. Guys needing it so badly they were ready to deal with shit, made me a downright worshipper of anything homosexual. The same happened with BB. I still am not actually into ass or even fucking, but guys needing guys so badly they are ready to take the virus, bewitch me into total worship. What's your stance on BB?
  17. Top is the boss. He is the worker. So, you cann't refuse a top cock, shit or no shit.
  18. Boycunt poetry http://www.tumblr.com/blog/boysarewelluddered
  19. Couldn't agree more. I always wear clothes that contained another guy's "shit". I cann't imagine anything more erotic.
  20. How many tops have fucked without seeing the bottom's ass?
  21. I know a Master/slave set where the slave always must wear tear away pants (stripper pants) in public. It is invisible, but the slave knows the Master can tear them open at all moment. I did it once with that slave at a slave market on instruction of the Master, but it is quite noisy (velcro). So, not ideal for a quickie. http://www.coolthings.com/tear-away-pants/ http://www.ljsewing.com/zenstore/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=46
  22. Worship on my knees all evening at any man's order.
  23. Know the feeling. I have a mate epilating my balls that way.
  24. Go with my married mate to all his abroad conferences. We usually stay in the hotel room as he has huge fuck needs, but as soon as we have to pay some visits, he always wants me in access pants for quickies on the road. Too hot. I always have a few pairs when I go abroad with him.
  25. http://store.nastypig.com/ http://www.rufskin.com/cart/ IloveAIDS Luv your dress.
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