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Everything posted by ddhachubbear

  1. I'll be visiting soon, but staying with family. Are there any hourly rate joints on the west side of the city?
  2. I would love to take you toxic load when I'm near Houston next week!

  3. You've gotta do what's right for you. If you aren't comfortable with the look, then, do what you can within your means. I think it's a hot look myself. Even the cut off facial pics Pig Bottom posted got me hard and twitchin'.
  4. I'm leaving the DC area for a good long while and I really want to leave with some DC DNA in me. This chub vers bottom bear is looking to fill up some free time (and my whore hole) between now and 10/10.
  5. Thanks for the friend request. I'd love to take your toxic seed ;)

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