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Everything posted by Sobemaster40

  1. thats weird since he's a healthy guy. RIP
  2. indeed, Ryan if i smell someone butt, its time to jet out:)
  3. Fucked a person in bath house, turn out used poppers to help him. However, he couldn't tell when I came in his ass. He was happy afterwards and Thank me for my load. I was a freak about it since people never says that to me. I would like to meet up again with that beautiful young bottom boy:(
  4. I dont know about believing everything the Govt/CDC tell people. The large number system is all about getting funding from the Govt. Like bush lying to the public about WMD's in IRAQ..
  5. tested by Terros for HIv and Syphilis neg. next test in 3 months ( no sex until that time) i always show my papers as proof profile updated
  6. I met a "men of color" at a bath house which I really like. We had one date so far in which we had lunch and ascertained more about each other. However, we are twenty years apart which I think some people have problems us being together (our parents). We decided to take it dilatory because we are virgin's at the dating game.
  7. No standards.. I love all my gay brothers (cock is cock)
  8. I concord with your on your post, about who's jobs in telling status. People should be honest up front about their status. When I was 22 years old, I bareback an African brother that told me after dumping my load he was POZ. I ask what was the point in tell me after the fact? He tells me you should know since; you dump your load in my ass. I loved the person so I would've had protected or unprotected sex with him. However, to this date I'm still negative as 5/2/2012. When I was 15years old, a Youth Group Leader and his lover that pin me down while GYL dump his POZ load in my virgin ass. I just wanted a ride home wasn't looking to have sex with old people that smelled bad. anyways, I just ascertain and join my local bath house. I'm having fun there with three people I BB. I only dump my load in one of them. only want to see the 18 and 22 year old that I barebacked.I want to know why some people get POZ and others don't? I'm not asking to come POZ, its just weird some get it and others don't. I'm kinda want to try BB with a person that will take it slow. Because I run into people that want to show me pain. However,this event always take me back to the day i was raped. i dont know how to get pass it.
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