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Posts posted by TwinkChaserSlut

  1. On 6/26/2023 at 2:56 AM, BootmanLA said:

    This says pretty much all of it.

    I get that monogamy isn't easy (and moreover, doesn't even appeal to a lot of guys). That's fine. Acknowledge that, and figure out how you're going to make things work, to whatever degree of openness, and go have fun.

    And that openness can be anything from "we share a third partner together" to "we each have whatever fun we want on our own"; it can be "we don't talk about who we fuck outside the relationship" or "we tell each other everything and enjoy hearing each others' exploits" - or anything in between, such as acknowledging an outside partner if it comes up, but not mentioning him otherwise. Open can take a plethora of forms, and only the couple in question can decide what form is right for them.

    What makes no sense to me is either or both parties pretending to be monogamous but not actually doing so - and lying about it. I just can't wrap my head around a relationship which has that level of dishonesty so close to the core. It's not the fact of the other partners - sexual exclusivity isn't necessary in a relationship, in my view. But honesty is. For the guys on here who've gushed about how "hot" cheating is: I suspect you wouldn't say that if you were the one cheated on.

    And I suspect you wouldn't feel that way if the "cheating" were something other than sexual. Like, for instance, let's say you found out your partner was skimming $200 a week out of your joint finances to give to a boyfriend on the side. Or to pay off a gambling debt. Or whatever - would you still think it's "hot" that your partner is violating the terms of your relationship? 

    I think what you are missing here is that some people are turned on to the idea of actively cheating on their partner(s) and/or being cheated on by their partner(s) or even cuckolding, which (in my view) is a hybrid of an open relationship & cheating. It's all a potent mix of lust & jealousy & the participants just like to ride that sexual wave. It's a fetish that works for some people/couples but it certainly can go south as well. What is "hot" is very subjective.

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  2. 4 hours ago, cumslut4play said:

    Sweet Mary Jesus, I apologize for the egregious number of typos and other issues in Part 2 especially.  The writing process for this was a bit strange - on Thursday I kept both pictures on my desk and as details or memories came up, I'd type them quickly in to a word document - sometimes just words, sometimes whole paragraphs, sometimes something like "Aaron's Pozzing Gang Bang".  On Friday evening, I sat down with the document, and started to put things in order, regardless of the order I had remembered them in.  I then started a new document and attempted to write everything I remembered from start to finish and did not edit myself at all, writing for approximately 1.5 hours straight - stream of consciousness style.  The final first draft was 16 pages and close to 10K words and typed quickly with tons of spelling spacing and grammar issues typical for this writing technique.

    I did my best to pare things down, fix things along the way, used spell check and what not and still, this is what you get! 🙂 Anyway, it's a little tough to read so apologies.  Still makes me hard.

    This is absolutely hot!😛

  3. I communicated with one of the moderators (Viking8X6) a few months back & he suggested that I post this in the "Tips & Tricks" Forum portion of this site so here goes:

    I think it would be a great idea to increase the mailbox capacity on Breeding Zone because it ends up being a win-win for everyone. Although I love to interact in the forums with public posts & replies which I do often & will continue to do so, sometimes interaction with other BZ members requires a more private/DM setting. In my mind, since storage capacity is relatively cheap compared to other upgrades in the cyber world, it seems like it would be a simple & cost effective solution to a rather small inbox. I have a BZ  buddy right now who wants to continue contact with me but is apprehensive in connecting outside of this site which I can understand, Because my storage is currently at 93%, (and I don't want to delete any of my older messages because I like to re-visit some of those message threads & also sometimes reconnect with those members on those same message threads), this presents a problem. With my "almost-full" mailbox, I am now less receptive to continuing direct communication on this site with other members. By increasing the mailbox capacity, everyone wins AND it encourages members to engage WITHIN the BZ site thereby utilizing the site more & more regularly. Can we earn a larger inbox by increasing our participation & ranking on the site? Can it be an option as an upgrade for a cost? Just some food for thought. So that's my spiel. Any thoughts on the matter fellow members?

  4. On 6/28/2023 at 1:45 AM, Pozguyinchi said:

    I had the opportunity recently to reconnect with an old friend that had moved away. He is married and I have also known his husband for many years.  I have never done anything with either of them sexually but as a whore bottom I wouldn’t say no. When we started talking we got into a long conversation about relationship do’s and don’t’s. My friend chuck whom I have the long relationship is a dom and his husband is very sub. He told me that when they first got married his sub was always cheating behind his back because he was not getting what he needed at home. They came to an agreement that they could each do whatever they needed to keep their sexual needs met. Over time they grew tired of random hook ups and started cuck play. They enjoy it much better. Of course this is all a lead in to my dom friend breeding me while his husband watched. It was hot for me. My friend surprised me was a big girthy cock and treated me like the cum dump I am. It was a win win for everyone.

    That sounds amazing!

  5. 15 hours ago, hotpussyboy said:

    I will give your thick sperm a very good home. I don't know offhand how you can get it to me, but once I have it, I'll certainly make good use of it. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Hey Jamie, I have received your  messages to my inbox & I really appreciate that you have reached out to me repeatedly. Recently, I dont get online as often as I'd like. There are a few other reasons I have had a difficult time connecting with you too. 1) My inbox is almost full (91%) & until (hopefully) Rawtop increases my inbox capacity, I'll be out of space in order to send direct messages to other members on this site.  2) I have repeatedly mentioned to you in past messages that I prefer to exchange messages through another site (email, WhatsApp, Telegram, Twitter, text messages, etc.) but you haven't given me any options to do that. That would be the ideal solution because all of those options are free & unlimited. Is that possible Hi? 3) Everything I try to reply to you on this site (Breeding Zone), it indicates that "hotpussyboy has left the conversation" so you don't receive my reply messages since you "left the conversation". I would LOVE to continue our chats & maybe even some phone or sexting but I can't figure out the best way to keep in regular contact with you. Any ideas sexy? By the way, I LOVE your new hot profile pic!!!😛😛😛

    Hit me up, Matt

    This is your most recent message you sent me 5 days ago:

    ["Hi guy, what's up with you these days? I haven't heard from you and wondering what's happening in your world. I would sure like to chat with you. Cheers


  6. On 6/25/2023 at 10:01 AM, justsexnowatl said:

    I’ve fucked with attached guys for a long time. Lots of regulars. Open is fine, but cheating and sending them home to their partners is definitely more of a turn on from my end. Always hoping their partner will fuck them and suspect there’s a load in there already. 

    for myself, the older I get I fantasize about a cuckold relationship. I’m the cuck. I score a younger, hotter, hornier bf. I bring plenty to the table, but we both know he’s hot AF and slutty.  We try monagamy for a few weeks but he’s already cheating and it’s not very discreet. A couple more weeks and he’s arranging hookups on his phone and not even hiding it. First he’s heading out to fuck, then I get him to agree to have guys come over. I start out thinking it’ll turn into a 3way or 4 with another couple, but sometimes he takes them straight to our room and leaves me out. The lucky times they fuck on the couch and I get to watch. The REALLY lucky times my bf will fuck me AFTER the other stud breeds and leaves him with blue balls. I get to felch the studs cum from his ass for my bf to use as lube to fuck me. 
    no matter what I always know my place and know I’m lucky to have this stud bf  I feel like a good cuck just writing that 😜

    Omg, your description is blazing hot & the part: "felch the studs cum from his ass for my bf to use as lube to fuck me" is euphoric. That mix of jealousy & lust is potent.

    • Like 1
  7. On 5/8/2023 at 10:31 AM, tallslenderguy said:

    To me this topic is way too big and complex for me to come to a simple, absolute conclusion.  i do have some thoughts, but wouldn't want to come off as arguing from a conclusive general position, this is just my personal, individual thoughts/feelings (some may be kinda out there lol, like the first one below).

    i wonder about the Chinese population (in China). For many years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dictated to the Chinese people that they could only have one child. One of the awful results was male children were valued more than female.  According to Encyclopedia Britannica: "The one-child policy produced consequences beyond the goal of reducing populationgrowth. Most notably, the country’s overall sex ratio became skewed toward males—roughly between 3 and 4 percent more males than females."  [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.britannica.com/topic/one-child-policy

    i wonder if the Chinese gay population is more Top heavy as a result?  i'm on one dating site that is a bit more relationship than hook up oriented (for a gay site), and there are Chinese guys living in China on the site (using a VPN). Those i've encountered, looking at profiles or being looked at, have almost all been top?  That's obviously purely subjective info, but it got me thinking, if we only apply supply and demand notions, and consider the bisexual male population of China, there may be more Tops in China than bottoms. For the pedants among us, yeah, i know this is not scientific, it's just a thought to add to the mix, not an argued conclusion on my part. my point is, there can be lots of complex factors that can affect the number of tops or bottoms in a population.

    For a versatile to conclude something along the line that total bottoms are just selfish assholes, strikes me as divisive and   a problem, not part of a solution. i've heard that notion before, but never heard a versatile  (i.e. the kind who make the universal judgement that all men are really like them: versatile)  proffer that: "all Total Tops are just selfish assholes."  This attitude makes me think of my time spent in the cultural fundamentalist ideals prison where i was conditioned to believe all people are heterosexual. It seems particularly ego centric and 'selfish' to me to dismiss an entire population who identify as "bottom."  i think reality is, anyone can be a selfish asshole, whether they be Top, bottom, versatile, gay, straight, Bi, Trans, ad infinitum.  

    Ones sexual identity doesn't make them selfish. Those guys running around at ABS or sex clubs, closing doors and trying to divert attention away from others could  be versatile, bottom, or even Top. To me, whatever their sexual identity, they prove themselves to be "selfish assholes," by their attitude and behavior.  When i encounter such people, i typically just leave the venue.

    i don't want to be around people like that. Even at my horniest, i'm not so desperate that i would want to steal or thwart an opportunity to fuck or get fucked from another guy. 

    i do not think much about the Top/bottom ratio, but more about the gay population in general. i live in a smallish town with a smaller gay population. i travel to a larger city or a place with a larger gay population if i want multiple guys to fuck me, and never leave disappointed. 

     i have come to a place in my life where sex is more about quality than quantity.  i confess, both can be hard to find, but i also have discovered (about myself) that when i am getting quality connection with a Man, i don't need the same quantity, and the ratio of Tops:bottoms becomes less of an issue for me. 


    I agree with you. I've heard this "total bottoms are selfish" argument before too. People like what they like. I can make the argument that tops are selfish because they don't want to do the prep work required to be a power bottom. They just show up, pull they dick out pump, nut & bolt. Easy peasy.

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  8. On 5/5/2023 at 11:13 AM, NudistBBBLK said:

    I personally don’t have an issue finding tops. In my case I am not really big on apps and don’t log on often, once in a while I do, but not often. Reason being is that I have no patience to log online, search, chat, arrange etc etc. What I have managed to do over the years is keep in touch with tops. If I hook up with a top and we enjoyed the time, I keep in touch. I saved their number, I let them know I had good time & want to keep in touch. I invite them back & I try to setup a rapport with them. This leads to where I stand today which is I have about 20ish top in my contact list in my hometown. I hook up 2-3x a week with someone in that 20. Someone is always available & they all know to just reach out to me if they are in the mood and I’ll rearrange. my schedule for them, if possible. In addition, 3 of the tops I regularly meet as they are similar to me in that they don’t have desire  or energy to go online and rather just call someone they know. A few of the tops I’ve known for years. In fact one has been a fuck bud of line for 13 years and I meet up with him at least once or twice a month.  

    I agree there are more bottoms than top but I’ve circumvented this issue by just sticking to guys I know and have met and keep in touch. There are time I crave something new and when that happens I either attend fuck parties or log on. The thing that works in my favor is that I am consistent bottom: I can be available, I don’t bring or create drama, and I rarely cancel. Tops like this above all things, a bottom they can rely on. 

    Your pointers on maintaining a stable of regular tops make perfect sense. In fact, like you I have a stable of regulars myself. So your advice is a terrific way to keep busy servicing tops in the vast sea of bottoms. However,  a bottom observing that bottoms far outnumber tops is not necessarily a reflection on how an that bottom personally fares against all the competition. I do quite well despite the disparity. In fact, I quite like other bottoms & try to support & compliment other bottoms as often as I can. Bottoms can make excellent tops, even if they only top on occasion. One of my fbuds is this cute-as-fuck white twink who is the hottest cumdump bottom ever but for some reason loves to pound, rim, & breed me every month or two. It's super hot because he knows what a cumdump loves because he himself is one too. 😛

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  9. On 5/5/2023 at 9:48 AM, ErosWired said:

    On occasion at the bathhouse I have discovered the work of other bottoms trying to sabotage my chances - taking the welcome sign off my room door, closing my room door when I wasn’t aware of it, erasing a reference to my room number on the chalkboard, or, more ckeekily, changing it to their own. More than once I’ve found guys stopped looking in at me in my room shooting daggers from their eyes, then stalking off. I don’t know why. It’s not as if there’s anything overtly special about me - I’m just another ass up in a room. But it may be that they’re jealous because I do have the gumption to actually hoist my ass into mounting position, and they don’t. I can’t help them with that.

    Good for you dude 👍 

  10. On 5/5/2023 at 8:44 AM, austin_submale said:

    Here in Austin it seems like it's 99% bottoms.  Even guys who are top or vers top on the sites seem to mostly be interested in bottoming or at least flipping.  And yes, tops are VERY picky.  I hear a lot of "not my type".  If you aren't young, thin and good looking, forget it.  Old, chubby pigs like myself usually only get interest from a few guys.

    And yes, I think it is pretty much true everywhere to some extent but some places seem more so than others.


    Yeah I hear ya.

  11. On 5/5/2023 at 6:55 AM, YourNoLimitsBottom said:

    Not only is my area overflowing with bottoms, most of the "tops" you meet online are flakes that are there for the cyber-thrills then they vanish. I had better luck when I went out in the world to physically meet people, but even then you meet mostly guys that want to bottom for you.

    For sure, I have observed this as well.

  12. On 5/2/2023 at 10:03 AM, ErosWired said:

    I wonder, though, how much we can attribute to ‘hardwiring’, and how much to cultural conditioning. There are studies on sexual attractiveness that demonstrate, for instance, that defined abdominal muscles make a man more sexually attractive because they signal that he is of reproductive age and fitness, whereas a bulging stomach signals unfitness and is a trait also exhibited by young children. So humans have been zeroing in on certain physical characteristics for optimal reproductive partner selection for 50,000 years, and we can consider that hardwiring.

    But a standard for what makes a person attractive is not a universal, timeless constant. The modern benchmark of female beauty, with its emphasis on slimness, is a product of its time. If you look back to the turn of the 17th Century, at the works of Reubens, you find that the paragons of womanhood were what people today would call plus-sized. ‘Fleshy’ or ‘ample’ might be other terms. And he wasn’t just depicting common-or-garden women this way - he was painting Venus. Some of the earliest depictions we have of the female shape, in the form of clay effigies, depict a figure with hips/ass hugely out of proportion with the rest of the body. These are likely object of fertility ritual, so big hips for birthing were apparently a premium item.

    That pornography has grossly skewed our modern view of the ideal male body is beyond argument. The fact that many men think an 8” cock is average, or even common, is proof. If porn studios had from the beginning used performers whose bodies reflected the reality of men’s actual bodies in the population, I guarantee there would be a much different landscape for fucking than there is today.

    You make very good points dude. 😀

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