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Posts posted by slavetoy4u2use

  1. 55 minutes ago, ErosWired said:

    An aggression of Tops and a submission of bottoms crossed my mind, but those don’t necessarily fully capture the sense of breeding...

    A Spreader of Tops and a Furrow of bottoms?

  2. Part 28

    The next two days were pretty routine for Rob.  Each morning Tanner brought him to the gym for his workout.  Rob looked forward to having his ass stretched and stimulated while he worked his other muscle groups in the gym.  He had gotten to the point where he could squat lower on the giant dildo.  When he would finish his squats, his hole would be gaping.  He learned that there was a method to the madness with the training regime. Due to the other exercises which stimulated him to squeeze his ass sphincter, he had gained significantly more control of his ass.  As a result it didn’t take him more than a minute or two after his squats to tighten his ass muscle and close the wide opening.

    His new ass control was much appreciated by whoever was in the gym at the time of his workout because they would inevitably fuck Rob at some time during their own workouts.  It was like an additional employee perk for them.  The person that Rob looked most forward to being fucked by however was Tanner.  Tanner did fuck Rob each morning after the workout but he always treated Rob like a worthless pig.  Rob really wanted Tanner to say just once how good of a bottom he was.  It only made him try harder to please Tanner.  Tanner was fully aware of what Rob was trying to achieve and that made him abuse Rob all the more. Although Rob had accepted he was a bottom and worked to please Tops with his holes, there was still a part of his attitude that showed he was pleasing the Tops in order stroke his own ego.  That is what still needed to be changed.  Although great progress had been made on making Rob focus only on the Top he was serving; there was still just a little bit of arrogance that needed to be erased.

    Once Rob returned to his room there was always someone waiting there to fuck him some more.  This was the best part of the routine for Rob because not only did he get more cock but he was also given Tina in some form during the session.  Rob learned that if there were no cameras in the room that the session was a private appointment paid for by the client.  This was the case on both days.  The Tops were older and out of shape, just the type the Rob would have completely ignored or even taunted and teased in the past.  Now however he focused only on their cocks.  Thanks to Viagra, both Tops were able to fuck Rob’s ass and throat for a long time.

    As Tanner was escorting Rob to the gym on the third day he mentioned that his celebration party would be held that evening.  Rob’s cock hardened at the thought.  He had been anxiously awaiting this group fuck.  He was especially excited since although he had been fucked everyday by several cocks, those fucks were spread out through the day.  He hadn’t been gang banged since college night.  When he went back to his room after his workout there was a camera man waiting there.  Rob was a bit confused because it was too early for the party and his small room certainly wasn’t big enough to accommodate a gang bang with a dozen or so Tops like Nick had indicated would be invited.  Tanner pointed to the bed and said, “Sit down we have a little surprise for you.”

    Rob broke into a big smile when two men walked into the room.  He immediately recognized the one as Cody.  The feeling of betrayal he had toward Cody was no longer there.  In fact in some way, Rob thought maybe he should thank Cody for his participation in the conversion process.  The guy with Cody looked vaguely familiar.  He was young and trim with curly brown hair.  Cody reached over and hugged the other guy.  He then looked him in the eye, patted his ass and said, “See I told you he was now a slut bottom turning tricks.”  It then hit Rob, the other guy was Dylan.  Dylan was the college student he and Cody had tricked, tweaked and fucked the night before Rob’s photo shoot at the leather shop.  “What is he doing here,” Rob thought.  Cody nodded to the camera man who then started filming.  He then said to Rob, “On your back pig, and raise your legs up to your shoulders; you’re about to get fucked.” Rob did as he was told but he was really confused.  As far as he knew, Dylan was a bottom, so when both Dylan and Cody undressed it made no sense to Rob.

    Dylan turned to Cody and asked, ”Are you sure about this; I love you and don’t want to upset you.”  Cody just smiled and said, “Yes I am sure; if I wasn’t ok with it I wouldn’t be here with you.”  “What about the camera guy; why is he here taking video,” Dylan asked.  “It’s just for our private use baby, just pretend like the camera isn’t here,”  Cody replied. He then nudged Dylan towards Rob’s lifted legs and welcoming hole.  As Dylan lined up his cock, Cody held up a bottle of poppers and whispered in his ear, “Don’t hold back and make him pay.”  Dylan inhaled the poppers deeply, thrusted his cock in Rob’s ass and started pumping.  As Dylan was fucking Rob’s hole, it was obvious that he wasn’t an experienced Top, so Rob began to encourage him by telling Dylan how great it felt.  Cody in the meantime applied some T to Dylan’s cock to so it was pushed into Rob’s hungry ass.  It made Rob moan as he felt the effects of the drug.  Cody wasn’t finished yet.  He applied a tourniquet to Rob’s arm and quickly administered a big slam.   Dylan took another hit of poppers and started fucking harder.  Cody began rubbing Dylan’s ass hole to encourage him.  He lubed his own cock and took a hit of the poppers.  When Dylan was balls deep in Rob’s ass, Cody said, “Hold it there a second baby.”  When Dylan paused he felt Cody’s cock slowly enter his ass. Cody nibbled on Dylan’s neck and ear, “Just relax baby and go with the flow; just follow my lead.” Cody started a slow sensual fuck that had Dylan moaning in pleasure.  Dylan had never felt anything like this.  He loved Cody’s cock in his ass but the feeling of having his own cock in Rob’s wet pulsing ass at the same time was intense.  The poppers only made the feelings stronger.  Cody increased his pace and told Dylan to start plowing Rob again.  It took a minute, but Dylan was soon able to synchronize his thrusts with those of Cody. Once they were in sync Cody started to power fuck Dylan’s ass.

    Although Rob was flying and loving the feeling of the cock in his ass, he couldn’t help but feel left out.  Cody and Dylan were kissing and fondling each other as they fucked.  Occasionally they would stop and inhale more of the poppers. The sexual banter between Cody and Dylan was constant. It was like Rob was only there to serve the purpose of providing a place for Dylan to stick his cock.  To get their attention, Rob tried moaning and crying out about how hot it was to have Dylan’s cock pound his hole. Rob really wanted the pair to include him more in the scene.  Cody and Dylan just ignored Rob; he was just a hole.

    Cody could feel Dylan’s ass tighten so he knew Dylan was getting close.  He started fucking Dylan with quick fast strokes and when Dylan followed his lead they both emptied their loads.  Dylan pulled out and pushed his ass back against Cody’s cock.  The pair made out for another 10 minutes.  When Dylan felt Cody’s cock begin to stiffen again, he asked. “Can we do it one more time?”  “Definitely,” replied Cody, “but we need to make a couple of adjustments.”  “Hey cum dump, turn over on all fours and push your ass out,” Cody commanded Rob. Cody removed his cock from Dylan’s furry butt and walked up to Rob’s face.  “Open up bitch,” he said.  Rob opened wide expecting that Cody was about to fuck his mouth.  Instead however, Cody stuck a ball gag in Rob’s open mouth and strapped it on tight. “You are making too much noise; it's distracting,” he said.  “You’re just here as a place for Dylan to deposit his load; save the dirty talk to us.”  Cody roughly shoved a large shard of Tina in Rob’s ass with three fingers.  He returned to Dylan and said “Ready when you are babe.”  He held up the poppers and kissed Dylan.

    Dylan began to fuck Rob’s hole.  Cody controlled the pace as he likewise fucked Dylan again.  Rob squeezed his ass to milk Dylan as best as he could.  It was a way for him to mask his feelings of exclusion.  Even so, a few tears rolled down his cheek.  Those tears were not from the pain of being fucked. The cock in his ass actually felt great. Rather it was due to his feelings of isolation as it sunk deeper into his mind that he really was just a hole.  20 minutes later, Cody and Dylan both finished shooting their second loads and they gathered their clothes to get redressed.  Nick walked into the room just in time to see Dylan’s furry little ass. “Cody, good to see you,’ Nick said excitedly.  “Uncle Nick, how are you?’ Cody replied.  The two embraced as they greeted each other. “Dylan, this is my Uncle Nick I was telling you about”. Dylan reached out to shake Nick’s hand, “Nice to meet you Sir.”  Nick brushed aside Dylan’s hand and gave him a big bear hug instead.  “No need to be so formal Dylan,” Nick said as he released Dylan from the hug. “My nephew has told me a lot about you; it’s so good to finally meet you.” “Cody tells me how happy you make him.”  Cody leaned down and kissed Dylan on the forehead.  Dylan was beaming, he was so in love that he would do anything Cody asked him to do. In reality Cody felt the same way about Dylan.

    Rob was in shock by the whole revelation that Nick and Cody were related.  It also bothered him that he was still being ignored. “Cody, are you coming to my celebration party tonight, “ Rob stammered.  Cody lowered his eyes and gave Rob a look that he was clearly irritated that Rob was bothering him. “No, for one thing I’m not qualified for that party.” Rob’s jaw dropped in reaction to the terse response. “But I thought you were pretty well off; your house was nice so I assumed you’d be able to afford the party admission like the other high level members that are coming.” Rob turned to Nick and started to speak “Maybe…..” Cody cut him off and said, “Besides I have no interest in you; you’re just a hole to fuck; the only person that I want to spend time with is my boyfriend Dylan.”

    Nick turned to Rob and said “Back in your cage slut.”  Once he locked Rob inside, he joined Cody and Dylan in the hall.  “Dylan, I need to talk to Nick for a minute, can you meet me in the car, I’ll be right there.”  Dylan nodded and reached out to shake Nick’s hand.  Nick stopped him again, “What did I tell you; we’re family now give me a hug.”  “I’ll call Cody and set up a time for the three of us to grab a drink later this week,” he said as Dylan walked away.  “Thanks Uncle Nick for making this happen.” “I needed to do this for Dylan.”  “He just had this lingering insecurity that there was something between Rob and me even though that was never the case.” Nick patted Cody’s shoulder. “No problem Cody; I’ve seen a change in you since you’ve been spending more time with Dylan.”  He smiled at Cody and continued, “I think this one is a keeper for you; I’m not going to pester you anymore about recruiting him as a bottom for our parties.” “In fact I think I need to change your role in the organization all together; no more recruiting for you; that will cause conflict.” “I’m going promote you to manager of the retail store and get you away from all the party organizational activities.”  “You know,  just to show you how happy I am for you, I’m going to give you back the money you paid to pop Rob’s cherry.” BUT, keep that between just us; I don’t want people thinking I’m playing favorites because we are related,” he chuckled. Cody hugged his Uncle and said, “Thanks Nick you’re the best!”  Nick and Cody made small talk as they walked to the warehouse exit.  Before he left, Cody started shaking his head, ”Oh, by the way, I see that asshole hasn’t gotten any smarter during this whole cum dump conversion process.” “After all that has happened, he is still so dumb and clueless about everything including what is about to take place tonight.”  Nick started laughing and said,” Well you can’t fix stupid; there is really nothing I could do to help raise his IQ.”

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  3. Part 27

    Once a month “Master Nick’s” held a college night party at the warehouse. The average college student couldn’t afford to buy a membership and attend the usual parties on a regular basis, but on college night, all a guy had to do was show a current college ID and they were admitted to the party on a heavily discounted one time guest pass.  The parties became an instant success, particularly with the local fraternities.  The frat boys looked at the party as a bonding opportunity as they used some faggots for sexual relief.  With the universities cracking down on sexual harassment, date rape and hazing activities on campus, the college night parties at Master Nick’s filled a void.  In fact, they were so popular that the number of regular club members allowed to attend had to be strictly limited.  The few full members allowed to attend were those that had a particular talent for identifying new talent.  The real reason for these parties had nothing to do with trying to be benevolent to poor college students. It was really like a football scouting camp or a casting call by a movie crew.  It was these events that became a prime way for Nick and crew to find new talent.  Some of the talent were happy to join the ranks of the club's party bottoms others needed some “convincing”.

    Nick thought the timing of Rob’s conversion to a bottom couldn’t have peaked at a better time.  The college guys typically loved to use well-built guys that were slightly older than themselves.  Fucking the 32 year old muscular 6’2” Rob would be a real power trip for many of them.  It was those aggressive “Tops” that made the best targets to convert to new bottoms.  It was also easy to pick out the natural bottoms from the way they were watching the activity.  It was common to have some side action going on away from the main fucking stations; thus the necessity of extra cameras throughout the venue.  After these parties, it took significant time for the staff to sort through all the footage, match faces to college ID’s and gather information on new recruits.  However, the operation had honed the process so it worked like a well-oiled machine.  The club members were always looking for fresh meat to use and the college night parties were a significant source to provide members what they wanted. After the way Rob had  begged for Nick to fuck him earlier in the afternoon, it was almost certain that Rob would bring out some stellar performances from the college boys tonight.

    The college night party format was a little different.  Unlike other parties where the guests could locate and use a bottom pretty much as soon as they arrived; in the college night parties the bottoms weren’t brought out until after all the guests arrived.  The guests had plenty of time to drink beer prior to any sexual activity.  Of course the only beer available was the XG beer that Nick had used to trap Rob and others before him.  By the time the bottoms were brought out for the party, every single college boy guest was drunk, hard and flying on XTC. The arrival of the bottoms at that point was the trigger to release the sexual floodgate so to speak.

    Rob could hear the party as he was brought to an adjacent room with 5 other bottoms.  Each was dressed in a pair of skin tight white briefs.  A couple of staff members fastened leather slave collars to the bottoms and attached a leash.  The bottoms were slammed and given a booty bump before being led out to the party and to the stage in the middle of the room.   As Rob and the other bottoms reached the top of the stage, a voice boomed from the intercom system.

    “Boys – here are your slaves for the evening!” “There is no need to be gentle!”

    The crowd went wild as the staff paraded the bottoms around the stage by their leashes.  The bottom slaves were all brought to the center and one by one their tighty whities were ripped off their bodies.  Rob was last in line and when his briefs were removed, his hard 8” cock stood straight out.  “Look at the faggot on the end,’ someone shouted from the crowd. “He’s hard as a rock, the faggot loves this!”  Rob couldn’t deny it anymore, he was a cum dump.  His world now revolved around being tweaked and used. When Rob was stripped and bent over at the waist, his ass hole winked at the crowd. Each of the bottoms was led to a separate fuck bench stationed around the room and tied down.  Bright red lipstick was applied to their lips so they would leave a remembrance on any cock that fucked their faces.  A majority of the students followed Rob to his station and jockeyed for position to be the first to fuck Rob’s ass.

    Rob howled in pleasure as the first college cock slammed into his ass.  “Fuck me hard,” he screamed. The college stud really didn’t need encouragement, but Rob’s pleas did result in making the Top increase his already rapid fuck pace. The more he was fucked the more Rob begged.  Rob’s verbal pleas added to the sexual frenzy in the room; just like blood in the water of a tank filled with hungry piranhas. .At some point someone called ‘” Shut the pathetic faggot up; someone shove something in his mouth."  That something was a fat uncut cock.  Rob was in pig heaven now that he had a cock in both ends and quickly milked a load into each of his holes. Those spent cocks were replaced by others and the process repeated itself.  None of the college students were interested in a gentle fuck.  They were there for one purpose and that was to get their rocks off quickly, drink some more and then fuck another ass. As would be expected, the college boys began to try to show off their sexual prowess and became more creative in their fuck style as the night progressed.  There were those that would whoop and holler while slapping Rob’s bucking ass.  Others would pull completely out, wiggle their cock and then thrust it back in.  Rob took it all in stride and adjusted the way he worked those cocks with his ass for each and every fuck. The more he was fucked the more he wanted.  He was truly addicted to cock. Rob couldn’t control his urges as he was drilled by cock after cock. As the night went on Rob was spat upon, slapped, verbally degraded and of course violently fucked. Rob’s ass and mouth were very popular. He took over twenty loads deep in his abused hole and swallowed at least as that many.

    About an hour before the party was to end, two staff members removed Rob’s bonds and escorted him to the wet area.  “You’re the designated urinal now for the rest of the night,” he was told.  “The boys are all going to need to empty their bladders before they head home.”  Rob was bound in a squatting position and a funnel gag was secured in place. Within minutes the flow of piss down his gullet began.  As his belly filled with the chemmed piss his head began to spin.  The sight of his hard dripping cock while he was gulping down piss made the college boys impatient to wait their turn for the funnel. Soon he was being drenched by piss as well.  Nick was watching the action on the video screen in the control room. Rob’s behavior tonight confirmed that he was ready for what was next.  Nick started making calls on his cell phone to confirm the availability of some special guests for Rob’s pending celebration.

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  4. Part 26

    Tanner led Rob back to his room. Even though most of the drugs from the previous night had worked their way out of system, Rob was feeling a little run down.  He hoped he didn’t come in contact with someone with a cold or something.  He thought that his resistance was surely compromised from all the activity as of late as well as his lack of restful sleep.  When Rob got back to his room he found Nick sitting in a chair waiting for them.  As usual, there was also a man with a camera so he knew something was about to go down.  Rob glanced around the room and saw there were a fuck bench and two machines he didn’t immediately recognize.  They looked like a box with a metal shaft sticking out of the center.  They reminded him of some sort of drill.  He then heard a noise of rubber slapping against flesh and looked over at Nick again.  Nick had gotten up from the chair and was standing there smacking a large dildo repeatedly against his open palm. Nick held up the dildo and said “Does this look familiar whore; it should.”  Rob shook his head and replied “No Sir.”

    As Nick walked over to Rob, Tanner came up behind him and reached around and started jacking Rob’s cock.  Rob squirmed at the rough handling but his cock soon stiffened. Nick held the latex dildo next to Rob’s cock and balls.  The dildo was an exact replica. Nick smiled and said, “We took the liberty of making a mold the day you were passed out before your first party.” “I have to say we’ve only sold a few in the store; they have sold better on-line where people can make the connection with your profile and videos.” “I have to admit though; they would probably sell better if the picture of you on the box and the marketing info showed you as a Top.” Tanner and Nick started laughing and then Tanner said “But that would be false advertising wouldn’t it Boss?”  Nick smiled and nodded in agreement. “Yeah, the dildo molded from Dolf’s cock is definitely our best seller.” “He’s a true TOP and guys are really turned on by the massive size and the replica of the tattoo on the top of it.”

    Nick turned his attention to Rob. “We thought we would let you experience what all those other bottoms you have fucked in your past life experienced.” It was then that Rob realized what the two pieces of equipment in the room were used for.  They were fuck machines. Rob opened his mouth to say something but Nick cut him off. ”Don’t worry we have one for each hole.”  Nick reached back and pulled another dildo from his back pocket. Tanner shoved Rob over to the fuck bench and forced him down on it.  Once he was strapped down, Tanner produced a point from somewhere and said, ”Don’t worry slut, we aren’t that cruel; I have some of your joy juice for you.”  Tanner administered the slam and then attached the dildo replica of Rob’s cock to the machine.  He lined the head up against Rob’s asshole. After the application of a little T-laced lube, the dildo started slowly pumping in and out of Rob’s hole.  The pleasure caused Rob to moan and open his mouth.  It was then that Nick pressed the head of the other dildo between Rob’s lips.  He reached back to turn the machine on but suddenly stopped.  He turned back to Rob and showed him a clear container holding a large quantity of thick white liquid.  Rob immediately recognized it as cum. “How absent minded of me,” Nick said. “I forgot how much you dislike latex in your holes; this will help with the taste.” Nick poured some of the cum on the dildo and smeared it across its length.  He wiped the excess cum on Rob’s face and hair and then flipped on the fuck machine.  Rob couldn’t believe he was now being spit roasted by replicas of his own hard cock.  Not only could he not do anything about it, but he also could not help but get excited by the realization of what was happening. His cock hardened and began to leak pre-cum on the floor below. Nick looked at the camera man and said “You know what to do; if you need anything text me.” “I’ll be back in a couple of hours.” He then turned to Tanner and said, “Let’s go, we have some extra cameras we need to put in place for all the college boys tonight.”

    Rob settled into the rhythm of the latex cocks pounding his holes.  He greedily sucked and swallowed every last drop of cum off the cock in his mouth.  The man filming the action would occasionally adjust the speed or move the machine to allow it to penetrate deeper into Rob’s ass. He didn’t want Rob to get too complacent.   A few times he held the camera close to Rob’s face and filmed  a close up of Rob deep throating the dildo as he drizzled more cum on it. Rob knew there was something terribly wrong about the situation but his mind surrendered to the feelings of pleasure we was having.  There was a steady stream of saliva running from his mouth onto the floor in front of him; there was also a constant drip from his cock to the enlarging pool of pre-cum underneath. The next time the camera man turned up the speed on the machine in the rear, Rob found he couldn’t hold back any longer and he shot his load onto the floor.  Six massive volleys of cum splattered on the floor. Rob trembled from the intense orgasm but the relentless fuck machines did not stop their continuous assault.  Rob’s cock only became partially flaccid before the stimulation against his pleasure button caused his cock to stiffen once more. The fuck machine in the rear was then set to a variable setting.  The speed of the fuck would change every couple of minutes.  Rob was struggling against his bonds to either escape the cock in his ass or to allow it deeper access. He was flying from the drugs and the constantly changing stimulation was keeping him from focusing on anything but the feeling of the cock in his ass. 

    He started to struggle with his breathing so the machine in front was stopped and the dildo removed from his mouth.  Each stroke he received from the cock up his ass deepened his desire.  He began to groan and pant.  “YES, YES…. FUCK ME!” He began to mutter over and over.  His cries of pleasure also became louder and louder.  At the point where Rob began to breathe in short quick pants, the camera man panned back the shot and then refocused it on Rob’s cock. Rob climaxed again and added even more cum to the pool on the floor.  The camera man wiped the sweat off Rob’s brow but he did not turn off the fuck machine.  He did however adjust the settings so it was now at a constant speed.  Rob’s cock was hard again. While he moved the machine to increase the depth of the dildo in Rob’s ass, the camera man noticed that Nick had re-entered the room.  Nick quietly walked over to where he was standing pointed to the pool of cum on the floor and whispered, ”How many loads?”  The camera man held up two fingers.  Nick nodded and continuing whispering,” Well third time’s a charm.”  Nick turned the fuck machine up to full speed and stepped back to watch Rob’s reaction. Rob gasped as the 8” dildo slammed fully into his ass.  He felt the latex balls slapping his ass with every hard deep stroke. “Ugh, Ugh, Ugh” he chanted.  “Oh my God, pound my ass,” he yelled. Every time the cock entered his ass, Rob would squeeze his ass muscles to try to keep it inside. Lube and his ass juices would bubble around the outside of his hole as he lost the battle with the machine.  The dildo pulled nearly completely out only to be immediately slammed back in balls deep.  Rob’s mind was fried and eventually he could hold back no longer and shot his third huge load of the afternoon.  Six more volleys of cum joined the pool.  Rob collapsed against the fuck bench.  The fuck machine was turned off and the dildo was removed from Rob’s ass.  The air against his now empty ass made Rob shiver.  He was brought out of his daze by Nick’s voice.  “You’ve made quite a mess back here pig; what have we told you about wasting cum?”  Nick leaned down and scooped a large amount of cum off the floor with three fingers.  He held his cum soaked fingers in front of Rob’s face.  Without being told, Rob instinctively licked and then sucked every last drop of cum from Nick’s fingers.

    Nick took Rob by the chin and lifted Rob’s head so they were staring each other in the eyes. “It looks like your conversion to a cum dump bottom is complete.” “How could anyone deny that; you just came multiple times from being fucked with a dildo molded from your OWN cock?” “What a piggy little whore you’ve become!”  Rob processed Nick’s words.  His whole body was telling him that Nick was right.  He was now a total bottom.  He had no fight left in him; his resistance was completely gone; he was broken. Nick patted Rob on the head and said,” Is there anything you’d like to say for yourself pig?” Rob raised his head and stared at Nick with pleading eyes. ”Please fuck me SIR.”

    Nick grinned ear to ear. “Another success” he thought to himself.  Nick scooped up some more of Rob’s cum from the floor and coated his thick cock.  He slammed into Rob so hard the fuck bench scooted up a couple of inches across the floor.  Rob definitely felt the difference with Nick’s cock.  Nick was thicker than his own cock, and Nick started angling his cock so the trajectory of his thrusts hit different pleasure centers in Rob’s fuck tunnel. “Yes Master, pound me; I’m just a hole for your pleasure!”  “Fuck Me, Fuck Me!” Rob continued to encourage Nick to pound harder and deeper for several more minutes until he felt Nick drive balls deep and stop to deposit his seed deep in Rob’s ass.  Nick slapped Rob’s ass and said “You’ve turned into quite a verbal cum dump; who knew?”  Nick released Rob from the fuck bench and pointed to the cage.  Rob obediently crawled inside and curled up in the dog bed.

    As Nick was locking the cage door he poked Rob through the bars and spoke. “Now that you have accepted and converted to a total cum dump, it’s time to celebrate and have a little party.”  “It will take me a couple of days to arrange everything, but it’s time to move your conversion to the next stage.”  Rob looked a little confused but continued listening and giving Nick his full attention.  “It will just be a small celebration with probably only a dozen or so of some of our special high level members.” ”They all love to help bottoms of your status convert to their true selves.”  Rob nodded his head. He believed Nick was just telling him that they were going to have a party to celebrate him becoming a bottom and that only about a dozen special members would be fucking him.  Nick stood and leaned down on the cage with an evil grin on his face. “Don’t worry pig; we’ll make sure your holes are well used until we can pull together your special party.”  Nick walked over to the area of the fuck machines and picked up the two dildos.  He tossed them through the bars and into the cage with Rob.  “Enjoy yourself, but don’t wear your holes out; you have guests to entertain at a party tonight.”  Nick then turned off the lights and left Rob alone.

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  5. Anyone know of a good site to meet guys who want to travel and have fun together?  I travel a lot for leisure and while I don't mind traveling alone cause I can always meet people and have fun when I get there. sometimes think it would be good to t a a FWB type travel buddy or group so there is a ready made party once at location and all we have to do is add others to the fun.

  6. Part 25

    Nick and Tanner laughed at Rob’s predicament for a few more minutes and then left and shut the door.  Rob was left bound in the crouching position with the ball gag and pig tail plug for over an hour before they returned.  They entered the room with a camera man and a few bags of what looked like groceries. “Hey little piggy, we thought we’d take this opportunity to do a quick photo shoot.” Nick took a cell phone and took a quick pic of the trussed up Rob and held it up to Rob’s face. “Thought you might want to see what’s in your ass,” Nick remarked.  Rob blushed in embarrassment when he saw the pig tail.  With the big red ball gag in his mouth he did resemble a trussed up pig with an apple.  The three men lifted Rob off the bed and placed him on the metal cart that was in the room. Nick looked at Rob to answer his questioning look.  “I thought we’d take a few pictures to help promote some of our up-coming holiday parties.” Nick then turned to the other two guys in the room and said, “Let’s make this look like a festive feast.”  The men then started arranging an array of fruits and vegetables on the cart around Rob. Rob now felt like he was part of some sort of deranged buffet table.  Nick removed the ball gag from Rob’s mouth and said, “We need just one more thing to finish this off.” Nick held up an actual apple and pushed the big red fruit into Rob’s open mouth.  The apple was pushed deep enough that Rob couldn’t dislodge it.  The camera man took pictures from all angles and ranges.  Rob was totally humiliated.  He thought it couldn’t be any worse until Nick turned to Tanner and said, ”Let’s take this little piggy to market.”  Tanner laughed and pushed the cart holding Rob out the door. 

    They passed multiple people as they moved through the building.  People would point and laugh and make pig noises at Rob as he passed by.  Several guys opened the fly of their pants and slapped Rob’s face with their cocks. When they passed by the loading dock, the FedEx delivery guy even got involved.  He pulled his cock out of his uniform and ran it around the apple that was stuffed in Rob’s mouth. Rob was then rolled into the party play area and more pictures were taken with some of the bondage gear in the background.  Nick commented to the camera man and Tanner that the pics would really help promote the parties. “We’ll have to have a bottom trussed up like this as a centerpiece for the parties; I don’t know if this particular pig will still be around though.”  Rob overheard the comment and a shiver ran up his spine. What made it worse was that Nick hadn’t elaborated on what he meant by that comment.

    The cart was then pushed to a room adjacent to the party room.  Rob recognized the chair inside the room.  This was the room he was prepped in before his first party.  Rob was untied and then strapped into the barber’s chair.  His legs were spread wide and the pig tail butt plug was removed. Nick held a large tumbler of Gatorade and stuck a straw into Rob’s mouth.  “Drink up pig; you need to replenish your fluids and electrolytes.”  Rob greedily sucked down the drink so fast that he barely tasted it.  In the back of his mind he was sure the Gatorade contained something he wasn’t told about, whether that be cum, piss or drugs.  He was actually right about that; the Gatorade was heavily dosed with G.  The dose had been calculated to keep Rob right on the edge of consciousness.  The video screens in front of him flashed to life.  The video that was playing was very different than the one he watched the first time he was secured to this chair.  Instead of scenes of him topping , all the scenes showed him serving cock.  The familiar penis gag was put into his mouth and he felt the telltale burning sensation as a large shard of T was pushed deep into his ass followed by the insertion of a butt plug.  The Tina was making him horny but at the same time the G was making him very dizzy.  He watched the video for a while and he began to reflexively suck on the penis gag and squeeze his ass on the plug. A pair of headphones was placed on his head and he heard Nick’s voice repeating different commands over and over.

    “You are a worthless cum dump meant only to service cock”

    “You love the taste of piss and cum fed directly down your throat”

    “You would do anything to have your pig holes fucked”

    “You are a cum dump that will take any cock”

    “You must service cock”

    “You will beg to be fucked and used in bondage”

    “Your limits are solely determined by the cock fucking you”

    Nick and Tanner then shut off the lights in the room and left Rob alone. Rob was in a trance like state.  He was reliving what he saw on the screen. The drugs were making him feel pleasure as he saw himself on the screen being fucked, drinking piss and sucking cock.  He could actually smell the asses, pits and crotches in his mind. Rob would float in and out of consciousness but throughout the time he heard Nick’s voice relentlessly demanding that he accept himself as a cum dump bottom while he watched the images of himself being used.  His body reacted to those images and soon he found himself bucking his ass in time to the fuck he was witnessing on the screen.  He would suck hard on the gag, swallow, lick and/or sniff based on what he was seeing.  He was too tired to resist. The video and audio played all night.

    Rob was awakened by someone slapping his face and balls.  At some point the headset had been removed and the video had stopped, but Rob didn’t remember when.  He opened his eyes and saw Tanner standing there. “Wake up slut, it’s time to get moving.” “We are going to skip the gym today, but we have another special treat to start your day.” Tanner moved his fingers across Rob’s naval area and showed him the cum he had scooped up.  “It looks like you enjoyed your night,” he laughed.

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  7. Part 24

    Rob tossed and turned in his cage for several hours trying to sleep.  He was so horny and needed relief.  He rarely had found himself in this position where he needed it so badly.  In his past life, he would occasionally jerk himself off to find temporary relief.  However now that thought didn’t even cross his mind, he needed something in his ass.  It was all he could think about.  He tried fingering his own ass but that wasn’t doing it for him.  Finally he was so exhausted and horny that he fell asleep.  Sometime during his sleep he had a very vivid dream.  In his dream, he was at one of Nick’s parties and bound in a sling.   He pictured all the Tops in the room jockeying for position to fuck him while all the other bottoms were ignored.  He had all the attention and he dreamed of cock after cock filling his ass.  He was awakened from his dream by the noise of someone opening the door to his room and moving something heavy into the room.  His eyes popped opened as he heard two men speaking and swearing to each other.  The two were moving a heavy St. Andrew’s cross into the room.  He didn’t know what to make of that and was a bit frightened at the possibilities.  It was then he noticed the puddle of cum running down from his navel.  He had had a wet dream of him being fucked.  He hadn’t has a wet dream since he was a young teenager just beginning puberty.  To the best of his recollection he had never had any type a dream where he was on the receiving end of a hard fuck in the past.  He quickly tried to wipe up the cum with the fleece pet bed before it was noticed.

    Tanner then entered the room and came over to let Rob out of the cage. “Rise and shine pussy boy, time to get that pig cunt of yours to the gym.” “These guys need to get some things set up for future activities,” he said as he pushed Rob toward the door.  Once in the gym Rob began his standard workout regime with a couple of noticeable differences.  The butt plug on the seat of the work out bench was smaller and thinner.  Rob also found out after he completed his first set that Tanner was not going to make the plug vibrate against his prostrate.  Tanner saw the longing look in Rob’s eyes and started laughing loudly.  “Poor little slut, didn’t get your reward today for completing a set.”  “Finish your workout and we’ll see what kind of reward you deserve.”   Rob was compliant and went through all his exercise on the machines but when he moved over to do his dildo squats, Tanner said they were skipping that for the day and told him to follow him to the changing room.  The room was small; just a little shower a few lockers and a single bench.  “Sit your ass down on the bench and look me in the eyes,” barked Tanner.  When he had Rob’s attention Tanner continued. “I did my workout earlier and am a bit sweaty but don’t have any soap for the showers. SO…. I need for you to clean me with your tongue.”  “I know how much you have enjoyed that in the past, so get to work; I even have let a little cheese build up under my foreskin as a special treat.”

    Rob started with Tanners cock as he figured that might be the worst taste because of the head cheese.  Tanner roughly skull fucked Rob and then turned around for Rob to lick his ass and balls.  After a few minutes he told Rob to lie on his back on the bench at which time he sat on Rob’s face. “Now deep clean my sweaty ass.”  When Tanner stood up, Rob knew what was next.  He stuck out his tongue as Tanner kneeled and placed his smelly armpit over Rob’s face.  After both pits were done Tanner stood again and sniffed at his own pits. “Guess that is good enough.”  Tanner then handed Rob a tumbler.  “Here’s your post work out protein shake; bottom’s up.” Rob knew from the taste that the shake wasn’t just protein powder.  He had had enough guys fuck his mouth and throat that he recognized the distinct taste of the cum which had been added to the mix.  The additional tastes that Rob didn’t recognize were the XTC and G that had also been blended in.   His head started to spin.  Tanner grinned, “Looks like you need to lie down a bit.”  “Get on your stomach on the bench.”  When Rob complied, Tanner quickly handcuffed Rob’s wrists to the bench legs and stuffed a used jock strap in Rob’s mouth. “I’ll be right back slut; don’t go anywhere.”  Tanner walked to the door opened it a crack and called out “Hey guys can you come here a minute and help me with something.”  Tanner then grabbed a loaded point from one of the lockers and administered it to Rob.

    Four guys entered the changing room with Tanner and Rob.  “What’s up Tanner; what do you need,” asked one of the guys.  They then saw Rob hand-cuffed to the bench ass up.  The T had definitely hit because Rob was lifting up his ass and clenching his ass muscles to make his pink hole wink at the guys.  The other drugs were also entering Rob’s system and all he could think about was getting some sexual relief.  Tanner grinned at the guys and explained, “This slut has a visitor waiting for him in the other room and we want to make sure he leaves a good impression with him.”  “Therefore we need to get the slut pre-lubed before he goes back to the room.” “Nothing is a better lube than cum.”  “Say no more,” replied another of the guys.  He then stepped up and pushed his cock into Rob’s twitching hole. The fuck was fast and deep, since the guy needed to get back to work soon.  As soon as he finished shooting his load he pulled up his gym shorts and went back to the gym.  The other 3 guys followed his lead and one by one they each pumped a load into Rob’s ass and left.   It all happened so fast that Rob was left still feeling a little unfulfilled; particularly now that the XTC had added to his drug induced euphoria.  Tanner stuck three fingers in Rob’s ass and worked the cum in. “You know what this hole needs slut?”  “Another load, that’s what!”  Tanner thrust his cock in Rob’s ass hard; his fuck was more about abusing Rob than it was about getting his own rocks off.  Ten minutes later he added his cum to Rob’s now slick fuck chute. Tanner un-cuffed Rob and pulled him to his feet. “Come on pig, like I said you have a visitor waiting.”

    Rob was staggering as he was led back to his room. He was flying so high he was basically a sex crazed zombie.  He did notice that in addition to the cross that was being moved in when he left for his workout, that there was also now a fuck bench in the room as well as a cart with some things he didn’t recognize.  In the room was also a large bull of a man dressed in full leather from head to toe. The leather stud was patiently sitting in a chair awaiting Rob’s return.  What was missing from the room however was the usual camera man that always seemed to be present. “Pig, this is SIR Steve; he is a follower of yours on the website and arranged for a personal one-on-one meeting.” “Now crawl over there like the nasty little bottom you are and greet him properly.”  Rob crawled over to Steve and buried his face in the leather clad crotch. Steve grabbed Rob by the hair and pulled his head up. ”Not so fast pig, you need to earn that reward first.” “Get your tongue down there and shine my boots first.” Rob was dazed but couldn’t bring himself to resist the command and lowered his head and started licking and shining Sir Steve’s boots. Satisfied that Rob was going to be obedient, Steve then opened the fly of his leather pants and released his 9” uncut cock. “You may now service my cock; I want it balls deep down your fucking throat so I feel your nose pressed into my pubes!”  Steve’s cock was thick but after a few attempts Rob was finally able to deep throat it.  Steve held Robs head so the cock was lodged in Rob’s throat.  When Rob started to gag and gasp for breath, Steve would release his hold and allow Rob to bob up and down again.  After 20 minutes of cock worship Rob was pushed off Steve’s cock.  Steve stood and undressed.

    Steve was a large hairy built man.  Although his body wasn’t defined, it was clearly packed with muscle.  Steve walked over to the bed and laid down. “Get over here and sit on my cock,” he bellowed. Rob started to squat down on Steve’s cock when Steve stopped him and told him to turn around. “I want to see your faggot face while you are riding my bull cock.” Because of the girth of the cock Rob started to slowly lower himself on the cock.  It was like he was doing his squat exercise from the gym.  Steve had no patience for Rob taking it slow.  He reached up and grabbed Rob around the hips. “Don’t be shy; I said sit on it.”  With that shoved Rob down all the way on his cock.  Rob’s eyes bulged out at the sudden intrusion. “That’s the look I wanted to see,” commented Steve. “Now start riding and milking my cock; you have 10 minutes to make me cum or you will be punished.” Rob started bouncing up and down on the cock as fast as he could. Rob flexed his ass muscles on the big cock to try to milk out a load.  Steve closed his eyes to enjoy the feeling. His cock felt like it was a being jacked in a slick wet flesh jack.  When he opened his eyes to check the clock he noticed Rob had reached around to jack his own cock while he was bouncing up and down. “STOP that slut,” Steve yelled as he reached out to slap Rob’s hand. He then pushed Rob off his cock and onto the floor. “The fuck wasn’t about you faggot!” “Your full focus should have been on servicing my cock, NOT on pleasuring yourself.” “Now get over to the cross to get your punishment.” “Rob started to stammer an apology but Steve slapped him across the face. “Shut the fuck up, you only speak when you are given permission.” Rob was scared as Steve tied him spread eagled to the cross. A look of horror came across his face as Sir Steve picked up a leather whip and started running it across Rob’s back.  “I should lash your ass good,” Steve quipped with a sneer on his face.

    Rob was terrified and began tremble.  He was afraid to plead with Sir Steve out of the fear it would trigger an angry response and he’d be given a beating.  Steve continued ranting at Rob, telling him what a worthless pig he was. Steve’s voice then calmed down as he spoke some more. ”However,” he said, “I was told not to leave any welts or marks or I'd lose my membership privileges.” “They need you at a party tomorrow and can’t have you there as a bloody mess.” Rob then felt the flow of electricity as Steve started using a TENS unit on his body.  There was a slight pain at first especially when the wands hit his cock head or balls, but it soon became pleasurable.  Rob’s cock started to get hard.  He then felt a sharp electric zap on his cock. He let out a yelp. “The TENS was starting to give to pleasure you whore.” “When will you learn everything isn’t about your pleasure?” Steve showed Rob the cattle prod he held in his hand. “And remember this is a punishment!” Steve then zapped Rob’s balls.  Rob again cried out “Please Sir, Please Sir ….” Rob begged.  Steve smirked, “I see that got your attention, just remember you are nothing but a worthless hole meant to serve real men like myself.”   Steve then zapped Rob a couple more times across his body.  Rob writhed against his bonds at his treatment. Steve then released Rob and ordered him over to the fuck bench. “I need to finish my fuck, I’ve wasted too much of my precious time educating you on your role.”  Steve then tied Rob to the fuck bench. “No hands this time,” he said as he drove his cock into Rob’s exposed ass. Steve taunted Rob the whole time he was fucking him. “You worthless pig, take my cock!” “Tighten that sloppy cunt, you are here to pleasure me!”  The insults and name-calling continued the entire time Steve power fucked Rob’s ass.  Rob then felt the sensation of a large volume of cum being released into his ass.  Steve slowly pulled out; his cock remained hard however.  Steve released Rob from the bench and shoved him over to the bed.  Once on the bed Steve took some rope and trussed up Rob bent over on his knees with his face down and ass up. He looked like a pig on a platter.  A red ball gag was placed in Rob’s moth and strapped on tight.  Steve stood back to admire his handiwork for a minute and then moved behind Rob to mount him.  Because Rob’s legs were tied together his ass wasn’t as easily accessible as before.  That did not stop Steve from driving his cock home.  Rod screamed into the gag as Steve power thrusted his fat cock up Rob’s hole. Eventually the fear subsided and the power fuck started to feel good.  It was partially because of the drugs but something in Rob’s mind had snapped and he resigned himself to the fact that he was just a hole to be used.

    There was a knock at the door. “Steve glanced at the clock and then called out “Give me a minute.”  He quickened the pace of his fuck and shot his second load up Rob’s ass.  As he pulled out, cum began to leak out of Rob’s abused ass.  Steve grabbed a butt plug of the cart and shoved it up Rob’s ass.  “There, that will keep the juices inside.”  What Rob couldn’t see was that the plug was actually shaped like a curly pig tail on the end. He now did literally look like a stuffed trussed up pig on a platter.  Steve grabbed his cell phone and took a couple of pictures.  “Just a few shots for my personal collection,” he said.  Steve dressed and walked over to open the door.  Nick and Tanner stepped in and roared in laughter when they saw the trussed up Rob. “Have a good time,” Nick asked Steve.  “Definitely,” replied Steve. “It was worth every penny I paid.” “Would love another session next time I am in town.”  “I did heed your instruction and left no marks,” Steve remarked.  Nick nodded and smiled, ”That’s good, didn’t want you  to leave and physical scars at this time; now mental scars that’s a totally different story.”


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  8. Part 23

    The jockstrap party was just as the name implied; the guests had to wear a jockstrap for entry.  While some members would wear leather or latex jocks, the majority would wear cloth. The cloth variety made it much more erotic for the Tops as the bottoms sucked their cocks through the fabric.  It was especially hot when the jocks were well used and sweaty. Nick’s decision was to set Rob up bent over a bench with his head and arms in stocks. His legs were restrained and kept spread with a spreader bar.  That way both holes could be used.  To further emphasize that he was just a cum dump for any cock, Rob was also blindfolded.  As Nick put the blindfold on he instructed Rob,” You are to focus your energy solely on serving cock with your mouth, throat and ass.”  Rob felt the tourniquet on his arm and then the now familiar prick.  As he began to fly, his first cock of the night was pressed against his lips.  He had no idea who the cock belonged to, but obediently opened his mouth and began to service it.  It was actually Nick that was face fucking Rob. He wanted to test Rob’s compliance with the instructions he had just been given before the guests began to arrive in large numbers.  He didn’t say a word as Rob greedily sucked his cock.  Nick noted that Rob had come a long way in the past few days with his oral skills. Rob’s gag reflex was diminishing and he was being more aggressive with the use of his tongue and throat muscles.  Nick smiled to himself because he knew Rob’s psyche was breaking. 

    Tanner had just finished strapping Red to a fuck bench when Nick caught his attention. Nick motioned Tanner over and held his finger up to his lips to indicate for him not to talk.  Nick then pointed at Rob’s ass and nodded.  Tanner understood the message.  He loved the feel of Rob’s muscle ass so his cock immediately hardened and he drove it into Rob’s ass.  Tanner wondered if Rob recognized the feel of his cock.  After all he had just fucked him a few hours ago.  Then again, Rob had been fucked by a lot of different cocks the last few days so in his drug clouded brain he probably wasn’t able to match a cock with a face or name. Nick and Tanner spit roasted Rob for a few more minutes and then Nick pulled out and motioned for Tanner to do the same.  They stood there for another minute before they heard Rob moan and utter the words “Someone please fill my holes, I’m so horny.”  They had some more work to do; the doors to the party would open in about 10 minutes and they still had to turn on all the video screens and program the final bottom line-up and locations into the feedback tablets.  When they were out of earshot of Rob, Nick asked Tanner how Rob’s bottoming skills were progressing. Tanner smiled and said “ He is starting to push back, clench his ass and milk the cock in his ass, so I think mentally his role as a bottom is starting to sink in.” “Great,” said Nick, “He’ll be good and ready then for the next stage by the time that PReP works its way out of his system.” “He’s going to make us a lot of money.”

    The doors to the party opened and the early arrivals rushed to the available bottoms. Rob felt a crusty jock strap rubbing his face and immediately went to work. The dried cum on the jock flaked off as Rob chewed and sucked.  The cum flakes dissolved as they mixed with his saliva. Rob recognized the taste and its recognition caused him to drool more.  He could feel the cock hardening within the jock and soon the head was poking over the top of the strap. After Rob swirled his tongue around the head, the Top could wait no longer and pulled his jock down and fed Rod the entire length. Meanwhile another Top had stepped up and was fingering Rob’s ass.  Rob started grinding his ass against the fingers and was rewarded as they were replaced by a thick cock.  Having a cock pumping both his holes was satisfying his craving somewhat, but he guys’ were pumping too slow for him; his hormones were wanting more.  Rob struggled with how to communicate that to the Tops.  His mouth was stuffed so he couldn’t talk; his hands were in the stocks so he couldn’t grab the guy in front to pull him in farther.  He had limited movement of his hips so couldn’t push back too much.  Through his haze of desire an idea finally came to him.  He rapidly flicked his tongue around the cock in his mouth while simultaneously suctioning it like a vacuum.  It worked; the Top started fucking faster and deeper.  At his backend he started squeezing and releasing his ass muscles around the cock in rapid succession.  That technique got the Top plowing his ass to also increase the depth and speed of his strokes.  Rob started to feel more relief to his yearning.  Both Tops were about to feel relief as well as the sensations on their cocks were driving them over the edge.  Both Tops shot their loads simultaneously inside Rob’s wet holes.

    The next Top at Rob’s face didn’t even bother with the rubbing of his jock covered cock in Rob’s face.  He had heard the moans of pleasure from the previous Top and wanted to get right down to action so he drove his cock balls deep into the awaiting mouth.  However, in keeping with the jock theme of the evening, he had removed his jock and held it over Rob’s nose while he skull fucked him. “Breathe in my funk you filthy pig,” he growled as he fucked Rob’s throat harder. The smell of man sweat was becoming just another one of those scents that triggered Rob’s pleasure centers.  Especially when it was in conjunction with a hard cock in his mouth or his ass.  It was even better if there was a cock in both holes. That soon became a reality when another Top stepped up to use his ass and add his batter to the mix.   Rob sucked one Top after another for several hours.  He also collected multiple loads up his ass during that time.  He was filled with enough cum that he was finding it difficult to keep it inside.  No matter how hard he clenched his ass some cum inevitably leaked out each time he was fucked.

    There was a pause in the fucking as some sort of contest was taking place.  From what Rob could ascertain it was a jock strap contest and the winner got to pick one of the bottoms to fuck on stage.  He heard a winner announced and was anticipating he would be released and moved to the stage to be fucked.  Even though he was still fighting the idea that he was a bottom, he was sure in his head that everyone wanted him regardless of his sexual position. He really expected that he would soon be moved to the stage and fucked.  However nobody came to get him and he was not brought to the stage. Soon he heard the crowd chanting as the fuck show with some other bottom started.  He actually felt a little dejected.  Even though he couldn’t see who the contest winner had picked, he was sure that he was hotter than whoever that bottom was. Rob then felt the presence of someone next to him and heard him say, “Hey loser, how does it feel to be the only cum dump not being fucked right now,” “That’s right, every other bottom in the place has a cock in one or both of their fuck holes right now.” “You’re a worthless loser.” A dirty jock was then shoved into Rob’s mouth and a thick cock began pounding his ass.  The whole time he was being fucked, the Top emphasized to Rob what a worthless cum dump he was.  When the Top seeded Rob’s ass he just walked away and left Rob with the jock still in his mouth and cum leaking out of his ass.  That was Rob’s last fuck of the night.  The blindfold was removed and he was led back to his office.  The remaining party goers just ignored him as he was led through the crowd.  He saw there were men of all types in attendance that night, but since nobody would even return a glance with him, he was completely clueless as to which if any of them had fucked him.  He was still feeling the effects of the drugs and wanted more cock, but instead he was being ignored.  As he settled back into his cage the feeling of rejection set in and he just curled himself into a ball and tried to sleep.

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  9. Agree with majority here - cruising is much more direct and there isn't that back and forth that takes forever  If the guy is in front of you and makes the decision  to go for it and fuck it's a done deal.  With apps seemed to much can happen between initial connect and the possible hookup.  Will say I try apps more when I am in an unfamiliar city and don't know where to cruise.  Though think for some when they see a  some fresh meat visiting from out of town they are more apt to follow thru.  Sites also good to make connection in new cities that I am planning or could plan travel to.

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  10. Part 22

    Rob woke up to the sound of banging. Standing at the front of the cage was a gym-built stud in a tank and sweat pants. “Wake up whore, time for your workout.”  “My name is Tanner and I’m your new personal trainer.” Rob backed himself into the corner when he recognized Tanner as the uncut Top from the party that had made him eat his dick cheese and lick his sweaty body clean. “Out of the cage pig,” Tanner barked. As Rob slowly crawled out, Tanner grabbed him by the hair and pulled.  He then put a leather collar around Rob’s neck and snapped on a leash.  Tanner yanked on the leash and said “Follow me.”  Rob shuffled behind Tanner as they made their way to the gym a few doors down from Rob’s “office”.  The gym was fully equipped, although some of the standard equipment looked as though some modifications had been made.  Tanner led Rob past a couple other guys who just snickered at him as he went by. “We’ll start with your upper body,” Tanner explained as they approached one of the machines. “Hop up on the seat.” Rob started to move then stopped as he saw the seat.  Attached to the seat was a thick 8” butt plug.  He looked at Tanner to question him and Tanner started laughing.  “I suppose you want some lube pansy boy.”  Tanner slicked the plug with some T-laced lube then guided Rob to sit.  Rob tried to gradually lower himself on the plug when Tanner pushed him down hard by his shoulders.  Rob let out a yelp.  Tanner then rubbed his crotch in Rob’s face to stop him from complaining.  The Tina in the lube started to relax him and he started to chew on Tanners sweatpants. “I see you are a hungry little bitch but there will be time for that later.” “Grab the bars and start some presses.” “Give me Ten!” Rob got a big surprise when he completed his first set of ten reps.  Tanner grabbed a remote and pressed a button.  The plug in Rob’s ass started vibrating and flexing.  He let out a gasp at the feeling in his horny ass.

    After a minute or two the plug stopped and Tanner added more weight to the machine and ordered him to do another set.  Again after the set, Rob’s ass was given a treat with the vibrating plug. For the next hour Rob was put through a series of exercises working each of his muscle groups.  Each and every set was followed by the reward of the vibrating plug.  Rob thought he was done after the leg lifts when Tanner helped him off the butt plug.  He was wrong.  “”You have a couple more areas to work,” Tanner said as he led him over to what looked like a modified squat machine.  Rob’s wrists were tied to the hand holds and he was told to squat down.  He repeated this a couple more times while Tanner figured out his limit on the amount of weight.  Tanner then rolled over a table with a humongous dildo attached to hit.  Rob knew what was coming next.  As soon as Tanner released the catch the weight would push him down on the dildo.  Rob was scared of the look of the dildo. It got thicker towards the base. It he let the weights push him all the way down he was sure he’d be split wide open. As he was psyching himself up for the exercise Tanner stepped up with something else in his hand. “Several guys have commented on how much they like your low hanging balls; so we thought it would be good to develop that a little more too.” Tanner then attached a parachute ball stretcher around the base of Rob’s ball sack and added some weights.  While Rob was distracted by the pain in his balls, Tanner released the catch on the machine. The weight pushed Rob down quickly so that at least 6” of the dildo entered his ass before he regained control and lifted himself off of it. Tanner added more weight and released the catch.  More of the dido entered Rob’s ass this time but he was able to lift himself off again. Tanner didn’t add any more weight but did make Rob do reps for 15 more minutes. On the last rep Rob could hardly lift himself up, so he was glad Tanner said the workout was over for the day and that he released him from the squat machine.

    Tanner removed the ball stretcher and handed Rob a pair of plain white briefs and told him to put them on.  Although he would wear a jock to the gym, Rob just didn’t like to wear underwear, but he had to admit the support of the tighty whiteys was a comfort to his aching balls. Tanner clamped on the ankle shackles again and told Rob he had a special treat for him. When he pulled out a point, Rob’s eyes lit up.  He could use a little boost right now. Rob knew the routine and held out his arm.  Rob was getting more and more dependent on the meth.  He dropped to his knees and released Tanners cock from his sweats and started sucking on it like his life depended on it. “You are getting better at cock sucking pig.” “You know what I like, get your tongue under that skin.”  Tanner motioned over two of the other staff members who were working out.  Soon Rob had three hard cocks in his face.  He greedily went back and forth between each of them, often taking two at a time in his mouth.  He tried for three but his jaws just wouldn’t open that far.  It wasn’t long before each of the cocks fed Rob a big load of protein.  “Nothing like a protein shake to help build muscle after a workout,” laughed Tanner.  The other guys high-fived him and said they had to get to work.

    Tanner led Rob back to his room.  Rob was still horny and his ass was begging to be filled.  When they entered the room, Rob saw they weren’t alone.  Inside the room were two skinny geeky looking twinks with black rimmed glasses dressed in cartoon character-shirts and jeans. There also was a cameraman. Both of the twinks were very pale as if they never went out in the sun. Tanner pushed Rob down on all fours and removed the leash and collar. Tanner pushed Rob’s ass with his foot and said, “Why don’t you crawl over there and give your visitors a proper welcome.” The two twinks had removed their t-shirts and jeans and were standing there in tighty whiteys and white socks. Each stood about 5’7” and both were very smooth.  One had black hair and the other was a strawberry blonde. They appeared to be in their early twenties. There was another thing they seemed to have in common; each was sporting a huge bulge that their tight underwear barely contained. Rob was still flying and horny from his slam and quickly moved toward the twinks and began mouthing their cocks through the white briefs.  He heard the unmistakable sound of the twinks inhaling poppers.  When they were finished they handed him the little brown bottle. They waited patiently for him to finish but as soon as he handed the bottle back they each pushed his head into their crotches.  Rob sucked and drooled so much on their crotches that their cocks were becoming visible though the wet white cotton material.  It was then that they removed their briefs and released their cocks.  The cocks were humongous.  They were at least 10” long and fairly thick.  They looked so disproportionate compared to their small thin frames. Rob started deep throating the big cocks, going back and forth between the two them.  The twinksgrinned aer to aer and  felt in control of the muscle stud servicing them.  “That feels awesome jock boy,” the blonde moaned as Rob worked his cock. The other twink moved back to Rob’s ass and started rubbing Rob’s crack through the white briefs. The twink grabbed Rob's briefs and made a small rip in them over Rob's hungry hole.  The twink then told his buddy to give Rob another hit of poppers.  As Rob inhaled, the twink stuck his cock through the hole in Rob’s briefs and plunged it deep up Rob’s hole.  He then began a hard deep assault on Rob’s surprised asshole.  Rob let out a muffled moan as he was spit-roasted by the pair of nerds.  Soon Rob felt the telltale signs of being loaded with seed.  The twinks quickly changed places and the blonde began fucking Rob’s cum lubed hole through the tighty whiteys.  The dark haired guy was hard again and urged his partner to hurry up because he wanted to fuck Rob’s ass another time. The blond took a little longer than his buddy but soon added his load to Rob’s ass as well.  When the dark haired guy came around to the rear he grabbed Rob’s briefs and tore the hole larger to expose Rob’s entire ass.  A couple of quick slaps to Rob’s ass later and he was driving his cock home.

    The blonde in the meantime was slapping Rob’s face with his flaccid cock.  “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue jock boy,” he demanded.  He then slapped Rob’s tongue with his slimy cock.  This action caused the remnants of cum and ass juices to splash Rob’s face.  Being as young as he was, the blonde quickly recovered from his fuck and was rock hard again and began skull fucking Rob.  When the dark haired twink came the second time, the pair of twinks switched places. “You gave him two loads so I need to do the same,” the blond said as he pressed his long cock balls deep into Rob.  He was slow and deliberate this time making sure that Rob felt every inch and that the camera man got some great slow motion shots of the monster cock fucking Rob's ass. He finished his second fuck and moved to push his partner out of the way so Rob could clean his cock.  With that, the pair grabbed their white briefs from the floor.  Instead of putting them on however, they shoved one pair in Rob’s mouth and placed the other over his head.  The cameraman gave them a thumbs up and stopped filming.  “Thanks guys, that’s a wrap.”  The two redressed and left the room with the camera man.

    Rob thought he was done until he felt another cock pressing at his ass opening. “That scene was hot,” Tanner said. “I think I need a little relief before I put you back in your cage.”  He reached over to secure the white briefs in Rob’s mouth with his hand and then fucked Rob doggy-style for 20 minutes. Afterward he pushed Rob into his cage and locked the door. The 5 loads up Rob’s ass started to dribble out onto his fleece pet bed. “Rest up cum slut, there is a party tonight for you to work.” “It’s jockstrap night; I’m not sure which station you’ll be at, but I’m sure Nick will make the decision based on the feedback he got from the last party.”

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  11. Part 21

    It was early Wednesday afternoon before Rob finally woke up.  When he opened his eyes and glanced around he realized that he was definitely not in his hotel room.  He was naked in a small nondescript room containing a couple of chairs, a large cabinet and a small bed.  He wasn’t in that bed however.  He found himself curled up in what appeared to be a fleece pet bed inside a large dog cage with thick metal bars.  He went to test the strength of the bars but found his hands locked and encased in thick stiff mitts. He couldn’t really grasp the bars; all he could do was hit against them with his open palms. There were also iron manacles around his ankles connected with a short chain so even if he did get out of the cage he wouldn’t get far. His ass was immensely sore.  He was afraid to look, but tried to position himself to catch a glimpse in the full length mirror across the room.  He could only rise up on all fours due to the height of the cage and it was narrow enough that he couldn’t really turn enough to see his ass in the mirror.  When he touched his ass with his mitted hand he found it to be very tender and it felt swollen to him.  That was the least of his problems, he had come down of his drug high and his whole body itched and ached for another fix.  He was trembling and didn’t know why.  He just knew he needed something to make him feel better.

    Rob called out “Hello… Hello; Can anybody hear me?”  There was no answer. All he could do was lay there in the cage curled up in a ball and try not to think about how horrible he felt.  He also was parched; he really needed something to drink.  There was some sort of bottle hanging from the cage door down near his feet.  He crawled around and managed to turn himself to face the door.  Sure enough it was a water bottle with this strange looking nozzle. Rob tried to remove the bottle and nozzle but without his fingers he was unable to do so.  He stared a little longer at the nozzle and realized it was shaped like a penis.  He needed water so he took the penis nozzle in his mouth and sucked on it like a baby bottle.  He was rewarded with a trickle of water.  He recognized the strange taste.  Where ever he was, it also had the same strange tasting water as the water at Master Nick’s Leather shop. He was so thirsty he drank nearly the whole quart bottle and then he lay back down.  He still felt bad but the water did perk him up a little.  It also made his cock harden.  Now he was in misery and horny.

    About an hour later Nick entered the room.  “Nice to see you survived your party,” he said.  “Nick please let me out of this cage, I need to go; people will be looking for me,” begged Rob. Nick just shook his head and then sternly replied, “First off boy, you need to address me as either Sir, Master or Master Nick, do you understand?”  Rob did not reply so Nick kicked him through the cage bars. “Do you understand?”  “Yes Sir,” replied Rob.” “Next,” Nick continued, “I don’t think anyone will miss you; in fact most people will be glad you are gone, apparently you didn’t treat people too well.” “As far as your job, you put in your resignation on Monday via your cell phone.”  Nick paused and looked at Rob’s shocked face.  He then started laughing, “Well actually you were fired after those pornographic pictures of yourself were sent to the company wide e-mail distribution list from your phone.” “Who knew your HR department had such stringent rules about the distribution of pornographic material via company e-mail.”  Rob was horrified and speechless.  He knew the power of sending pictures on someone else’s phone, after all he had done it many times and had a record of destroying peoples’ relationships, reputations and lives in the process. He never expected that he would be caught up and ruined in a similar manner. After Nick decided his last informational tidbit had settled in with Rob he continued with more news. “Since you have your rent, utility and other bills all on automatic payments, none of your creditors will notice you are gone either.”  “We’ll keep an eye on things for you though; that file you stored on your phone with all your account numbers and passwords is so useful.”

    “But enough of that chit chat, we need to help you in your quest to be transformed into a cum dump bottom.”  Nick walked over to the cabinet in the room and retrieved a loaded point from it.  He returned to the cage and squatted down to get closer to Rob. “I imagine you are feeling pretty sick right now.”  “Coming down from the party drugs is such a bummer.”  “It’s only going to get worse unless you get another fix.”  With that Nick started waving the syringe back and forth in front of Rob. “You ready to feel better pig boy?”  Rob now fully realized why he felt so terrible.  Although Rob tried to act the part of a tough guy, he knew he needed the meth.  He extended his arm through the cage bars to get slammed.  He felt so much better once the drugs were in his system.  Now between that and the fuck water he had drunk, he was ready for some sex.

    Nick sent a text on his phone and a few minutes later two men entered the room.  One was a young well-built ginger that had a familiar look to Rob.  The other guy was carrying a video camera and started filming. The ginger took off his clothes and his hard cock sprung out and pointed at Rob.  “You remember Red don’t you,” Nick asked Rob.  Rob shook his head no.  In fact he was a bit apprehensive about the question.  He had to admit though the guy had a good body. “Red, turn around and spread your ass cheeks maybe that will jog the pig’s memory.”  The ginger smiled and then turned around, spread his cheeks and pressed his ass against the cage bars.  It then hit Rob; it was the ginger from the first party.  He had fucked that ass at least twice he recalled.  Rob licked his lips and patted the smooth ginger’s ass with his mitted hand.  “Have a seat Red; the pig will be over in a minute.”  Red sat in a chair spread his legs and started to slowly stroke his cock. Nick turned to Rob and said, ”Time to hone your oral skills, crawl over there and suck Red’s cock.”  Nick unlocked the cage and opened the door.  Rob exited and tried to stand, but Nick quickly hooked his boot on the chain connecting Rob’s ankles and tripped him.  Rob fell with a thud. ”I said CRAWL over there and service Red’s cock.”

    Rob took Red’s cock in his mouth and started to slowly suck.  Red grabbed Rob by the back of the head and forced Rob down on his cock. “Don’t be shy pig, I may be a bottom but I do love when a fellow pig services my cock.” Once Rob had his face buried in the ginger pubes, Red held him there and said “Breathe in that smell and concentrate.” “You are there to pleasure me that should bring you pleasure as well.”  The slam had twisted Rob enough that it was easy for him to not think about what he was doing but rather only the pleasure of doing it. Red started pumping Rob’s mouth and throat.  He grabbed Rob by the ears to control the depth of his strokes. Rob quickly was deep throating on his own and Red shot his sperm down Rob’s throat.  “You’ll get better with some more practice.”

    Red and Nick helped Rob to his feet and led him to the bed.  Rob was confused as they got him positioned on his knees with his ass pointed toward the center of the bed.  “Red just said he was a bottom, why would he fuck me,” thought Rob. Red took two fingers and probed Rob’s ass, Rob just sighed at the intrusion.  Red then got on the bed in the same position with his ass pointed towards Rob.  It made no sense to Rob until Nick showed up with a double headed dildo.  Nick greased the dildo up with some T-laced lube and pressed one end in Red and the other in Rob’s ass.  Having something in his ass was meeting another need for Rob and all his pleasure signals started firing to his brain again.  He slowly bucked his ass to try to get the toy to slide across his prostrate but wasn’t having a lot of success. Red chuckled and yelled back to Rob,” This is what you need ass muscle control for.”  With that Red squeezed his ass tight on the dildo and thrust his hips back toward Rob. The motion drove another 4” of the dildo up Rob’s ass in one quick movement. Rob yelped.  Red then gripped the dildo with his ass and pulled out a few inches of the dildo from Rob’s ass, only to repeat the previous action and drive more back in.  After a few repetitions Rob started getting the idea and started to mimic Red and would drive the dildo further into Red.  While his ass muscle control wasn’t on par with Red, he was learning.  It became almost a contest to see who could impale the other the deepest on the dildo. The pair fucked each other on opposite ends of the two headed toy for nearly an hour before Nick stopped them.

    “That’s enough for today boys.”  “We got some great footage for the website.” “I think the subscribers are going to love it.”  Nick pulled out the dildo with a plop.  Red jumped up and got dressed. “I’ll be here Thursday at the normal time for the party,” he said as he walked out the door.  Rob on the other hand was put back in his cage. The cameraman brought in a dog bowl full of soft mushy food and placed it in the cage with Rob. He also refilled the water bottle. Nick looked at Rob as he was relocking the cage and said “Eat up; you’ll start your work-outs tomorrow morning.” “We need to have you fully recuperated so you can be in service tomorrow night for the jockstrap party.”


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  12. Part 20

    Rob was led to a padded fuck bench and pushed down on his stomach across its length.  As he was being tightly bound to it, Nick spoke. “It’s like you’ve come full circle in a way isn’t it slut?” “ You began your conversion bound and spread on a fuck bench just like this one; only this time you are fully aware that your ass is about to be used hard.”  Once Rob’s legs were fully spread Nick made a couple more comments. “There is sure a lot of cum dribbling out of your ass; you’re going to have to learn to control that better.” “I do have one more thing that will give you a little sense of Déjà vu.”  Nick dangled a popper mask in front of Rob’s face.  Rob started shaking his head no as Nick continued.  “Don’t worry; we will use real poppers this time instead of chloroform.”  Nick let out an evil laugh as he placed the mask over Rob’s head. Rob wasn’t sure he believed Nick and tried to hold his breath.  That effort ended when he felt a thick cock slam into his ass.  He let out a big gasp and in the process started to breath in the poppers heavily.

    The poppers were putting Rob in a trance-like state as his ass was being pummeled. He could not think clearly at all.  Images started flashing through his head of one cock after another pounding his ass in the sling from the beginning of the party.  His will was bending; maybe being a complete Top wasn’t what he was meant to be.  The cock in his ass was starting to feel wonderful as every stroke in and out sent pleasure signals to his brain.  He let the feelings take over and he started to push his ass back on the cock that was invading his ass. 20 minutes later he was brought out of his trance when the poppers mask was suddenly removed.  He opened his eyes and saw Roger from his hometown standing there. “I’m back for round number 2.” “You won’t need this anymore; besides I want to clearly hear you moan and beg while I’m fucking you again.”  Rob just bowed his head down in submission.

    Rob felt a burning sensation as Rodger entered his ass.  His hunger to have something in his ass increased as the bump of T made its way into his bloodstream. In comparison to when he had fucked Rob on the table, Roger was able to drive his cock in much harder and deeper it seemed. Rob couldn’t help but grunt and moan from the assault.  “The guys back home are going to love the video of you getting fucked.” “As soon as it’s available I’ll make sure it gets played regularly both at Renegade and at that twink bar Dreams located down the block from us.” “The whole town is going to know what a cum dump bottom you have become!” Roger loved the feeling of fucking the cum filled ass in front of him.  The feeling was fantastic. “I bet there will be several Doms that would love to collar and own this ass if you ever show your face back home again.” “I just hope they are willing to pimp you out, cause I’d love to use this hole on a regular basis.” Roger started to slap Rob’s ass cheeks to get him to clench for those last few strokes as he pumped the latest load into Rob’s sloppy boy cunt.  Rob sighed as Roger’s cock exited his ass, but he didn’t have to wait more than 10 seconds before he was refilled and back in pig heaven. This time an additional Top stepped up to his face and started to throat fuck him as well.  Rob had gotten to the point that he was so spun he didn’t even look at who was fucking him.  If a cock slapped his face or pressed against his lips he would just open his mouth to allow it to enter. When a cock finished fucking his ass he could feel his hole remain open for the next.  Although his pleasure centers had long given in to desire, there was still a part of his mind wishing this whole ordeal was over.

    Rob felt a hand grab him by the jaw and lift his head up. He automatically opened his mouth ready for another cock and cum snack.  When nothing entered his mouth he cracked open his eyes and saw Cody squatting down at his eye level. “Hello slut, I see you are starting to learn your place.” “That bottom pussy of yours looks a lot looser than when I took your cherry almost a day ago now.” Cody tilted Rob’s head up a little more and spat into his open mouth. ”This, you little bottom cum dump, is what is known as karma.” He stared deeply into Rob’s eyes and slowly licked his lips. Cody then stood and started slapping his cock hard across Rob’s face.  “Open wide, I want you to deep throat my cock with one thrust.” Soon Rob’s nose was buried in Cody’s pubes. Cody only throat fucked Rob a minute or two before pulling out. “As sloppy as your ass is I really don’t need any lubrication, but since your mouth was open and drooling I figured I might as well use it.” “Get used to it whore,” Cody said with a firm voice. “Now let me do a comparison on how your ass feels now compared to earlier; like a before and after fuck.” It was so much easier to thrust his cock into Rob’s ass in a single movement.  All the cum in the fuck channel made it so slick, warm and inviting.  Cody knew the party was winding down.  The crowd had thinned considerably.  He was probably Rob’s last fuck for the night so he took his time with slow deep strokes.  Each time he would pull his cock back, cum would slide out of Rob’s ass with it. He saw Nick and two other staff members walking toward them so he decided he’d better quicken the pace lest he be kicked out of Rob’s ass without cumming again. When Nick stepped up, Cody lifted one finger to let Nick know he was close and to let him finish.  Nick obliged and Cody soon shot his load.  After he pulled out he knelt down and licked Rob’s dripping ass and quickly sucked out a mouthful of cum.  He didn’t swallow it, but rather he walked back up to Rob’s face and began to kiss him.  He let Rob swallow the cum as it flowed from his mouth to Rob’s. “See you later slut,” he said as they both licked the stray droplets of cum off their lips.

    “OK butt boy, time to close down shop for tonight,” Nick announced. The staff members released Rob from the fuck bench and lifted him to his feet.  Rob was still flying and incredibly weak.  He couldn’t stand on his own.  The staff supported him as Nick stepped up inches from his face. “There is one more thing though.” “There are still a lot of guys here that want to give you one more thing for you to remember and cherish about this special event.”  Nick started walking to the other side of the room and motioned for the staff guys to follow with Rob.  As they escorted Rob to the other side of the room, Rob was leaking a trail of cum behind him.  When they stopped, Rob opened his eyes and saw what looked like some sort of metal high-backed medieval torture chair sitting on a tiled floor.  He didn’t know what was in store for him, but did recognize that he was in the wet area that was intended for water sports play at the party.  He tried to struggle as they two staff members sat him in the chair and started locking thick metal restraints around his wrists and ankles.  His head was pushed against the back of the chair and a wide metal collar was locked in place to keep him from lowering his head.  Rob was basically immobilized in a sitting position and forced to look straight ahead.  Nick got a huge grin on his face as he walked up to Rob and showed him a spider gag.  The gag was placed around Rob’s head forcing him to keep his mouth wide open.  “Perfect target,” Nick commented as he stepped back.  Rob realized what was next as six guys stepped up with their cocks in hand and surrounded him at close range.  Rob had flashbacks to when he was a kid and attended the local carnival.  He used to love the game where he would shoot a water pistol into a clown figure’s mouth trying to be the first to fill the balloon and win the prize.  The difference here was he was now the “clown”, the players were shooting piss not water and there was no balloon to fill.  If anything filled it would be his stomach.  He’d either swallow or drown. Nick stepped further back and said, “He is all yours!”

    The piss started flowing.  Rob tried to move his head to avoid a piss stream, but he was surrounded.  Any movement only succeeded in him getting drenched without actually  stopping his mouth from being filled.  The party members had been waiting for this and in fact had been drinking heavily to insure they had full bladders.  More and more guys joined the activity.  Rob was literally getting a golden shower and was completed drenched.  When one guy emptied his bladder another would push their way to the front to replace him.  Gradually the group of pissers shrunk and Rob was left sitting in the chair with piss dripping from his hair and face.  Nick stepped up and wiped a droplet of piss off the end of Rob’s nose and then removed the gag. He turned to the remaining staff members and said, “Hose him down and get the stench off him, then bring him to his new office.” “He’s going to need some rest before we put him to work.”


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  13. Was in Orlando this past weekend, while cruising the sex sites looking for a little fun I was hit up by a Top on A4A.  He was in another hotel nearby so I agreed to go over to his room for a quick Romp. He had no pics on his profile but said I wouldn't be disappointed.  When I arrived at his room I was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by a guy I estimate to be in his early to mid 40'2.  He had a decent body and I could see an obvious bulge in the gym shorts.  Turns out he was about 7" with a shaved crotch and balls. He half pushed/ half led me to the bed and pulled down my shorts.  He handed me a bottle of poppers as he started to finger my ass. At first he started slow with his fuck but then picked up speed.  He then said - lets see how rough you like it.  Maybe as rough as the way bottoms get used in you BZ stories.  That's when the power fuck began.  It actually didn't take him long to cum and he got dressed immediately afterwards.  I left wondering who he was.  His A4A profile is deleted and I have no idea who he might be on BZ (or other sites for that matter).   Guess I'll just chalk it up to showing a little fan appreciation  to someone that liked my story here on BZ.

  14. Part 19

    The next guy to enter Rob’s ass was a tall lean guy with defined muscles including six pack abs. The guy had full tattoo sleeves and long dark unkempt hair. However, what Rob noticed most about the guy had nothing to do with his physical appearance.  Somehow the Top’s cock was pressing firmly against Rob’s prostrate.  That only intensified the yearning he was feeling to be fucked.  After the guy plowed Rob for a few minutes he pulled his cock completely out of Rob’s ass and it was then clearly evident why Rob was feeling the extra pressure on his prostrate.  The long thin cock had a sharp upward bend near the end.  So when it was driven into Rob’s ass, the cockhead made a direct hit on Rob’s love button.  The tattooed stud resumed fucking with fast shallow strokes.  The feeling was driving Rob crazy.  He moaned in pleasure and actually uttered the words “Please fuck me.”  The Top picked up speed and then made a move that completely caught Rob off guard.  The Top reached over and started stroking Rob’s hard dripping cock.  Rob started writhing on the table, but because of his restraints was unable to escape.  The Top stroked Rob’s cock in the same rhythm as he was fucking Rob’s ass.  If he felt Rob tense up he would slow down.  In Rob’s drug crazed mind, the activity was just strengthening the association of pleasure with being used. After a considerable time of edging, the Top finally pushed Rob over the top and Rob shot 6 large spurts of cum. Of course due to his position with his legs pulled back towards his shoulders all that cum shot directly onto his own face. In his life as a Top Rob was used to a little relaxation after he had cum to recharge.  That was not going to be the case today. As soon as Rob stopped shaking from his intense orgasm, the tattooed Top drove his cock fully into Rob’s ass and started fucking with hard deep strokes.  The feeling was so intense that Rob started grunting loudly with each stroke. Ten more minutes and Rob’s ass was filled with yet another load.

    As the tattooed Top walked away, Rob heard a strange sound.  “Hiss, Hiss…..Hiss.” Jerry was back and asked Rob if he was ready for his snake.  Jerry gathered some of the cum on Rob’s face and started working it through Rob’s hair like it was some sort of styling gel.  He then wiped up some more cum with his cock and pressed it against Rob’s lips. “Lick it boy, you must learn to not waste cum even it if is your own,’ Jerry quipped.   Satisfied that he had sufficiently degraded Rob for now, he moved in to fuck.  Jerry was slow and deliberate with his fuck. He swiveled his hips from side to side as he pressed in his cock. Rob’s asshole had opened enough that it did seem like a snake slithering up his fuck channel. Jerry hissed at Rob a few more times and then picked up the speed of his fuck. It took a while for Jerry to cum but after he did, he returned to Rob’s face and planted a deep kiss.  “See what you were missing boy?” “You could have had my cock up your ass the first day you walked into the leather store; but you insisted on being a tease and playing hard to get.”  Jerry slapped Rob’s face with his cock a couple more times while laughing and then strolled away.

    Another two guys fucked Rob before one of the staff members walked over to unfasten his legs and let him get his circulation back.  “Don’t get too relaxed pig, those legs are going back up in the air in a few minutes,” the staff member commented. “In the meantime though, suck my uncut cock.” The staff member pulled his cock out of his leather shorts and waved it in front of Rob’s face.  “Stick your tongue out pig and lick the head.” “Get under the skin; I have left it nice and ripe and cheesy for you.” “I want my cock spotlessly clean when you are done.”  A bottle of poppers was brought out and Rob’s took a deep hit from each nostril. It helped to put him in the mood and made the taste of the cheesy dick not seem so bad. Rob sucked and licked the cock to get it clean.  Due to Rob’s position with his head on the table, Tops really couldn’t throat fuck him.  That didn’t stop them from trying though. The staff member did make sure Rob licked every bit of his 7”.  He would rub the shaft across Rob’s lips and tongue then stick the head and a few inches back in Rob’s mouth.  When he pulled away Rob hoped that was the end of it.  He had a foul taste in his mouth that wouldn’t go away.  The staff member had another idea though, and he got on the table and dipped his low hanging balls toward Rob’s mouth.  “Now suck and clean my sweaty balls.”  Rob obeyed and licked and sucked the Tops balls for what seemed like forever. In reality it was for just long enough to trigger the Top to cum.  He pulled his balls out of Rob’s mouth pointed his cock at the empty opening and sprayed his cum into the awaiting hole.  Ron was fed more poppers as the Top got off the table.  “One more thing before we get your legs back up and your ass open for business again.” “I didn’t get to take a shower before coming to work tonight so I am getting a little rank.” He raised his arm and lowered his armpit over Rob’s face.  “Clean away my stench with your tongue little piggy.” Rob nearly wretched at the smell but he did as he was told again and gave both pits a good tongue bath one after the other.  When he was finished, Rob’s legs were raised back up and the restraints reattached to the eye bolts.  A shard of Tina was inserted into his ass and he was ready to resume servicing more cock. The next Top stepped up to take his turn.

    This pattern of fucking Rob continued for several more hours.  He would get plowed by a few Tops and then his legs would be lowered to help restore his circulation.  Several of the Tops had been emboldened from watching the staff member force Rob to clean his cock, balls and pits.  Therefore every time his legs were lowered, Rob’s mouth would be used as a wash station.  Each new fucking cycle would start with little Tina shard to refresh his compliance. When Rob saw Nick’s face appear in front of him he was relieved.  Surely this party had gone on long enough he thought.  Nick ran his tongue across his lips and started fingering Rob’s hole with 3 fingers. “It’s time to move you to your next station,” he said.  Rob’s jaw dropped.  Yes the drugs were still making him crave cock, but he didn’t know how much more he could take. Nick started pushing his fingers in deeper and started twisting them back and forth.  “Normally I don’t participate in the festivities since I have a lot of things to supervise with these parties, but in this case I will make an exception.” “You’ve already had a glimpse of my big cock and now you will get to feel what it’s like in your ass.”  Rob felt Nick’s hefty cock slapping his ass for a few seconds and then he felt the sheer force of it driving into his hole. “Cocky arrogant Tops like you always make great pussy bottoms…. Eventually,” Nick laughed as he plowed his cock in and out of Rob’s now loose and cum-filled ass. “We WILL convert you to a total bottom and more,” Nick emphasized as he continued to fuck. ”You are picturing that in your mind aren’t you slut?” “Your horny ass will soon rule your mind and you will thank us for making you see the light.”  Nick stared fucking harder and faster.  Rob’s confused mind didn’t know what to think.  Right now his sole focus was the cock in his ass and how it felt. He soon felt Nick’s cock throbbing as it added more seed up his gut. “OK slut, let’s get you over to the fuck bench to round out your fuck positions.”

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