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Everything posted by wolfguy

  1. Who knew. To be honest till i found this site i never really knew there was such a thing as bugchasing. All i know is i fall into this catagory, i am a total botto that loves barebacking and i don't wantnto be pozzed but i do know and accept that it could happen.
  2. Despite what it may seem I have said at the beginning of this post I am not really chasing and given a choice i really am not sure i want to be pozzed, the thing is i was wanting advice for if/when it happens. I love barebacking and enjoy being a cum dump, and despite what it may seem i don't do it just for attention. as for making friends and deciding what i want out of life i have done a lot of that the problem is due to cercomstances i can't really do much. socializing was never easy for me and since i basically have to depend on my family trying to have my own life is difficult at best. and as much as i would like to i am not able to meet guys as often as i would like to. what i want is advice if and when i get pozzed because i like being prepared.
  3. I am also introverted and shy plus haven't had many dates, hookups and absolutely no relationships because I am on the chubby side and most guys i have met be they neg or possibly poz are too interested in apperances. So the social aspect i don't think would hit me all that hard but who knows. but then even if i was not chubby due to other reasons i would have problems finding a guy, for example my job is minimum wage at best, i don't drive because i was hit in college among other things. still i know what i like and what i want to do if ever given the chance but don't want to not be able to get meds if necessary. concerns or not though given the chance i won't turn down a load because i want to be/am a cum dump on the submissive side.
  4. lol maybe but i don't want to risk lessening my life anymore than necessary when i get the gift. i want to enjoy it for as long as i can and not having meds could lessen that. I just have no clue where to look online to find the information i need. Though i have to admit the thought of not worrying about meds as much as i don't really care about being pozzed is exciting. Wish i could meet guys more easily and be able to live out my dream as much as possible. This neg bottom wants to be a cump dump for as many guys as i can and if and when i get pozzed all the better .
  5. any ideas where i can find out the possible cost of meds or if there are programs in wv to help if you don't have any insurance? i desperatly want to be a cum dump for a single or as many guys as i can. i am a total bottom and figure at some point i'll become poz since i only like barebacking. i don't care if the guy or guys are poz or neg i don't ask. the big problems i have are knowing if i can afford the meds and lol even if i could meeting the guy or guys. i want it just don't know how to get it or how to afford it. Still the more i read posts and stories from this site the more i want it and the more i wish i could live out my desires.
  6. will definitely look into that.
  7. Thanks for the replies and adivce and thanks for any more i get. The biggest problems i have with cost of the medd are yhe fact i don't have any insurance tight now and i'm only making minimum wage. I just don't want to limit my enjoyment but i also don't want yo get into a situation i can't handle. All advice and possible solutions yo look into are appreciated. I will be careful but don't wsnt yo eliminate barebacking completely. I enjoy it too much and don't want to have to stop.
  8. Like the title says I am torn and could really use some advice. I am a total bottom who loves barebacking. I love the feel of a guy's cock in my ass and I love the feeling of him shooting his load in me. I love all the stories on this site, they make me horny and want to do it more and more. I understand the risks that I take whenever I do it but I just love the way it feels. I basically want to be a cumdump for as many guys as I can. I can't say I am a chaser because I'm not actively seeking to be pozzed or get any other STDs but I don't really bother to ask guys their status. The problem is I'm not 100% sure that if i do get hiv that i can afford the meds among some of the other possible problems. Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to give up barebacking or my dream of being a cumdump for guys but i do have those nagging thoughts. thanks for any advice or ideas.
  9. I am willing to take the chance because I love being a bottom and want to be a cumdump for as many guys as i can but given a choice i don't know if i want to be pozzed but i do love the risk and if it happens it happens.
  10. I'm torn. I love bb and am a total bottom. I love tops shooting their loads in me and I want to be a total cum dump for as many guys as I can. I just am not actively chasing or want to be pozzed. I know it will probably happen eventually because I don't ask guys their status and won't refuse any load i can get. Still would rather not be pozzed if possible.
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