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Posts posted by oinker

  1. Snowing here and  a  black silverodo  with a  plow  came by. The  guy  asked if  i wanted  drive way   plowed  I said  sure  , As he was very  hot masculine  guy .  I  invited  him  in  for   hot   coffee and  purposely  left  a  TIM  flick  on  the  counter. Sure  enough  he  looked  at  it  closely and  I  took a  chance by sitting  next  to  him  and  letting my  leg  rub  against  his . He  looked  at  me  and  i  thought  now  I am in  trouble as  he  looked  me  straight in the  eye and  said  What the  fuck?I  expected  him  to  slug  me  but, he  then  smiled  and  asked   you  want  your   hole  plowed too? Well let  me  tell  you  he   drove that  8 inched raw  tool  deep in my lusting hole  and  dropped  a  enormous  amount  of  his  man  cum  in me .  Said  he  be back  to  plow  again if  the  snow  continues. I  replied   you  can  plow  my  asshole  anytime. With a  big  grin  he  said  sure will

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  2. PART 4 


    The Brotherhood


    Mark scheduled my coming out party to be held the next weekend, assuring me several of his poz and proud buddies would work my hole, leaving me with a new appreciation of the phrase ‘sore ass’.  Mark also instructed me to avoid sex for the upcoming week so when the big party arrived I was certain to be beside myself in sexual frustration.


    The week slowly passed, and I did my best to comply with Mark’s instruction, but doing so was more of a challenge than I anticipated as repeatedly I found myself fully erect at precisely the wrong moment, and as beating-off not an option, I could only try to distract myself so I through myself into work, and in due course Friday night had arrived, and once home and cleaned-up, I made the trek to Mark’s house, heart-in-hand.


    Mark met me at the door to his place, and without a word, blind-folded me, and led me down into his dungeon where he ordered me to don a pair of chaps, a leather vest and a cod piece – which was not surprisingly a bit harder than would have been the case had I been able to see what I was doing, but blind-folded, it was a decided challenge.  Where there’s a will, there is, however, a way, and when I was finally dressed as instructed, Mark assisted me in getting into the sling.  Later I realized Mark had slid a leather-topped table under the sling, which was to serve as an altar of sorts.


    The smell of leather permeated the air in the basement, and Mark gave me something to ingest that added to my sense of euphoria.  My cock was struggling to rise to the occasion, but the cod piece limited the options, even when something cold was inserted into my ass.  While I couldn’t identify whatever the item was that had penetrated my hole, I was quite sure that whatever it was, it was steadily increasing in both length and girth, stretching my hole to new dimensions.  Just when I was certain my ass would be permanently damaged, the device reached full size, only to emit a lubricant into my ass, thoroughly smearing the walls of my ass.


    “Welcome to your coming-out party,” Mark intoned, deftly removing the blindfold from my eyes.  


    Although the light was somewhat dim, still my eyes struggled to adapt to the light-level in the basement, particularly as the only lights were from large red candles strategically positioned throughout the room, but in the mirror on the wall behind my feet I could distinctly see the device in my ass, a silver speculum, which was stretching my hole to frighteningly unbelievable width.  A cloud of incense wafting around the dungeon lent the air of a dream world where I floated amidst a host of leather men, dressed in a variety of leather hoods of differing design.  


    The leatherman closest to me approached and asked "Do you wish to enter into our Brotherhood?”


    “YES, SIR,” was my immediate response.


    He continued, asking “Do you understand this is the Brotherhood of Proud Poz HIV-loving Leathermen?”


    “Oh, absolutely, Sir, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to join the Brotherhood.”


    “Let us begin,” he answered, and with that the leathermen began groping, kneading each other’s crotch, and deep kissing each other, even though each was wearing a full hood.  Fuck, the scene was thrilling.  Five Leathermen demonstrating the highest level of lust and debauchery that comes naturally only to the most depraved men.  Each man opened his cod piece and to the man, each was stunningly well built:  five magnificent, fully erect, manly, poz cocks were on display to me.


    This was not, however, a dream, no, it was reality, a point that became clear when each man stepped close to me, presenting me with a close-up of the cock that would I would be expected to service.


    The leatherman who opened the ceremony continued, saying “You will address me as MR MR.  You have asked to enter into the Poz Leather Brotherhood.  The seed of the brothers will complete your communion with us.”


    Someone removed the cod piece I had been wearing.  Without the touch of anyone, myself in particular, I was at full erection.  The five brothers surrounded me, each man’s poz cock drooling pre-cum at a surprising rate, only to virtually simultaneously shoot his hot poz seed all over my cock, which corresponding shot a load such as I had never before experienced, so the amount of sperm coating my crotch was amazing.  I was no less thrilled when each of the men bent over to lick some of the combined loads that coated my crotch, only to plant on my lips the Kiss of Poz Cum, the Kiss of Death.


    The sweetness and intimacy of this experience was beyond any casual sex I had previously enjoyed, and I yearned to enter even more deeply into the ranks of the depraved.


    Joe, one of the other leathermen, presented me with what appeared to be a white popsicle, which he applied to my lips and tongue.  The texture and taste told me it was a cumsicle.  Smiling with no little pride, Joe explained “This was made from the combined cum of all your brothers.  Savor our poz loads.”


    Damn, it was the best treat I had ever eaten, and as it dissolved in my mouth, Joe murmured “This is just the beginning.  Wait until we feed your asshole our poz seed.”


    My ass twitched in excited anticipation of the breeding to come.


    To be continued.

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