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Posts posted by Bottomhole

  1. I used to be, certainly. From 2014 to 2015. But now I'm certainly not. Have a new friend who is a serial Daddy hunter. We go to parties and do drugs together, and he is younger and sluttier than I am(not hard at this stage as Im practically celibate) I must admit I feel a little competitive about it. Like he hasnt seen me in my heyday, part of me wants to show him how it's done. 

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  2. On 12/23/2016 at 7:49 PM, bbbearlover1 said:

    I've relied on my saliva and my precum as lube, when I fuck those wonderful male pussies.  Me being a big leaker also helps with those middle of the night fucks.

    Oh my, now I'm hard. I've been fucked a few times without lube and it's a really hot feeling when the guys cock finally pops in and you get a rhythm going. Your ass produces a natural lube, along with the tops precum, should be enough. Poppers help :D 

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  3. I love getting choked out while being fucked. I've done it a lot now, and even have dreams wake up and forget that I was supposed to be meeting a guy for sex(scary at first then gets really hot). I was in a bathhouse once and the guy fucking me would give me a large hit of poppers, then wrap his arm around my neck and fuck me, choke me till I went out, which he said felt great as my ass muscles relaxed completely then spasmed when I came to. It's a dangerous thing, I never did it alone, and don't do it as much anymore. But I have to have some choking going on, I have a sensitive neck and like it to be touched 

    • Upvote 2
  4. Thanks guys for describing your experiences at the market. I still want (badly need) to go, and I'm already booked for the flight and hotel, so will be there for sure. LIke bottomhole, I've never been fucked by a guy with a PA before and want to eventually, but want to take that slow if I can.


    @Bottomhole -- it says on the website that "A mare cannot refuse a stallion, must always surrender to him and let himself be mounted. Except there are, however, two exceptions to this rule. A mare can refuse a stallion, only if the stallion is well-hung, or if the stallion has genital piercings." 


    When you got fucked by the guy with the PA, did you have a chance to refuse or slow it down?  Not that I would likely do that -- I'm a total beta bottom and would have a hard time saying no to any guy who wants to fuck me.

    I guess have turned around and said no to him, I did read those rules before hand. Im not sure how hard they are enforced. It was the first guy though, I didnt want to start off by killing the mood. I can be very submissive too. So I wanted to feel the steel.

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  5. I went there March of last year. I've posted about it before, but briefly. I chose a red hood they explain the risks, you agree, they then number you, and take your picture(back to camera) to enter best in show. One of the helpers liked me and found me a spot by the toilets as he said a lot of tops would see me here. Before you hood yourself you can walk around, have a drink. Check out the place. I noticed there where something like 7 red hoods, compared to the 50 or so whites. I was the youngest of the red hoods by about 10 years. 


    Each mare getting fucked about 20 times is an exaggeration in my opinion, especially because some fuck for long without dumping a load, maybe it's different in Sept. I'd imagine it is. The first guy who fucked me had a PA, which was my first time getting fucked with one, and boy did I feel it. He was rough and after what felt like 10 minutes shot a load in me. During the time he was fucking me more people had surrounded us and fucked my throat etc. I brought poppers(which I recommend) but lost them half way through, luckily every top had some and practically forced them up my nose. I went home with blue lips and blue finger/toe nails. I took at least 8 loads, you can see a little through the hoods but not much. The last guy I fucked wouldn't let me up and really fuck to hurt, he was a young sadist I think. 


    I'm glad I did it because I can say I did it, and the memory was hot, but in reality I wish I had worked up to the PA, that fucked me up. I got Hep C at that event, it's pretty rampant in Europe my doctor told me. I'm not trying to put you off, just giving you a truthful review. Enjoy. Oh at one point three tops carried me from the seating area to a bed so they could better fuck me. That felt hot being thrown around like meet, and I cant be sure but I think one of the staff got their dick in me too. The staff liked me, which made the experience nice. 


    Hope this helps.

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  6. Hey guys, wonder if you nice people could help me out. I'm planning a trip to Copenhagen the begging of September for a week. Anyone know of a cheap place to stay(apartments etc) ebab have no good options, so I thought maybe some of you guys might have experience. Also, any recommendations for some good gay spots, clubs, parties etc. 


    Thanks for the help :D

  7. Hello. I'm in a poz/neg relationship for over a year now. I'm positive and undetectable on meds, and my boyfriend who is top is negative. We haven't had any problems however we don't fuck regularly and we try to be safe. I was told by my doctor the risk is incredibly low of transmission. I would advise against opening the relationship up for a number of reasons. However if you're looking to avoid catching anything and still want to go ahead with it, just make sure you guys are both honest about who you sleep with and whether or not it was protective sex or bareback. There are a number of nasty sti's you can catch that are in ways as back as hiv, so I'd say if you can, play safe when outsiders are involved if you have to go down that route. 

    I'm lucky in the sense that I used to be a sex addict, but now I'm more that satisfied with my relationship that I don't need to be taking those risks. Just wish I met him before I contracted this nasty virus. Good luck.

  8. Mutschmanns in Schoneberg is a good fetish place. TOMS depending on the night, actually along that street there are some good places. The Bull is a real sleazy 24/7 cruising bar with dark rooms, five minute walk from TOMS. I was in Berlin recently(2nd time) and went to an event called Revolver in the KItkat club, incredible music, dark room area, mix of party goers and fetishists, had to be seen to be believed. Check the kitkat club's website to see what's on and the dresscode. The one thing I would suggest you do, is go to TOMS sit at the bar and make conversation and ask. That's how I got word of some incredibly memorable events and met nice people to go with. 

    Hope this helps, have a great time. I'm very jealous. :D

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  9. I learned how painful gangbang was, when I was group fucked by (at least) 8 guys at Fickstutenmarkt in Berlin last year. It was still hot, but more in retrospect, esp because I was blindfolded and lost my poppers halfway through the experience. Many of the guys had piercings too, which was a new experience and probably added to the discomfort. When I finally had enough the last guy would not get off of me for a while too, and I was so exhausted that I didnt have the strength to push him away, he wouldn't stop till he came, which is kind of acceptable in this situation given the rules of the place. But boy did it hurt over the next few days. I was pushing out loads all night when I got back to my apartment

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  10. Oh gosh when the more accurate test came back positive for Hep C. They said the levels were very low and that it might be clearing. Which has made me worry, I'm having another test in Jan to find out what's going on. I really hope I'm in the lucky 1/3 I just wish this would end. 


    The call today confused me, as I was sure he said I had cleared it. 

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