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Posts posted by Bottomhole

  1. Never met anyone from here in person. However I saw one of the members of this site in a local arts and culture mag in Dublin and couldn't quite recognise where I knew his face from(he had recently opened a restaurant) When I realised it felt really strange as he was into some of the most extreme stuff imo(like giving guys hiv) yet here he was all nice and innocent looking. A nice reminder that it takes all sorts.  


    EDIT: Oh I have met at least one guy who I found out to be a member on this site, but didn't know that till after the fact.

  2. Hey guys, just wondering if anyone could shed some light on this issue. I'm HIV + and was recently at the doctors with my mother for her vitamin b12 jab. Our family doctor told her she could do it at home every 3 months to save the trip in. So I was the one asked to jab her. Our doctor knows about my HIV but my parents don't. Anyway he showed me how to do it and it went well. However today I got a voice mail asking to call him back tomorrow about those injections. My thought is that he forgot about my condition when he was demonstrating and then realised it might be risky having me inject my mother every 3 months. Could this be the case? Is it ill-advised for a doctor to allow a positive person to use a syringe on a family member? If he tells me I can't, it'll mean I have to lie about the reason to my mother, which will be difficult as she was told it's fine previously. 


    Any thoughts, advice, or if anyone has been in a similar situation, please comment. Thanks :)

  3. When my self-esteem was a lot lower than it was now, and I was considering being fucked on camera, I filled out an application form, received an email for an audition and thankfully ignored it. It's a weird double standard I guess I have, that I don't mind watching porn and believe if it's for you then more power to ya. But I would feel ashamed if my parents or friends ever caught wind of it, if I decided to do it. Hypocritical I know, but it's how I feel.

    • Upvote 2
  4. So it's been about 5 weeks and today I got a call to come back in for more tests. I had blood and urine tests last week and this morning was told that the liver test was a bit wacky. But that sometimes these can just be a once off. I'm a little concerned, I hope I don't have to come off the Eviplera, they are so easy to take. But if they are causing problems I'll have to start again. 

  5. Sorry to hear that cam1972. There is no right way to process things, that's something I learned when I was diagnosed myself. From what I gather you went out of your way to try to help that man, more than you needed to. It was his own responsibility but I'm sure that doesn't help with the feeling your getting, even if you believed that. I have also very recently learned, the best way(for me) to process things and get past them, is to talk out loud with someone close. I'm usually hesitant to do this as I can feel embarrassed or even not know what to say, but once I do talk about things I tent to be able to move past them better. This is probably of no help, but my sympathies are with you, from your posts on this over the years, you seem like one of the more genuine and thoughtful people on BZ. So good luck. 

    • Upvote 1
  6. Thanks guys for all the nice messages. It's nearly been two weeks now and I've not felt any side effects. I go back in a month to get more tests done so we'll see how effective it is. I'm also in a monogamous relationship with a man who I really love and is supportive and caring, and has boosted my confidence and self-esteem so much. It was a resounding "Yes" Bearbandit, big celebrations in Ireland last week, great to see. Also living a more healthy lifestyle in general, (barely drink any more, no drugs) and happier for it(not that I was out of control) I may not be having slutty adventures any time soon, but I'm ok with that. Much happier in fact. 

    • Upvote 2
  7. Hey guys. Today has been a great day as I've finally been put on meds to treat my HIV. I have been talking to a few guys on here and they were wondering about my treatment so I look forward to being undetectable very soon. The medication I've been put on is Eviplera. Is there anyone on this medication? If so, how are you finding it? I'm going to take my first tablet after dinner, which will be very significant for me as it's the first real step to getting back to being myself again. So let me know if you've been on it, I'l be sure to keep people who havent started treatment yet updated on what it's like. 

    • Upvote 3
  8. I personally think you would have to be a fucking idiot to get a biohazard tat and then say you did not know it meant HIV+ but there are fucking stupid people in this world.  You know the saying young, dumb, and full of cum maybe that is this guy?

    I don't agree with that stupid part. I think when you spend a lot of time on these sites you forget what kind of minority of a minority that biohazard meaning hiv positive thing really is. I was in NYC and there was a straight dude with a Biohazard tattoo on his arm. Turns out he was a huge fan of the brooklyn band. Similar to the guy with a scorpion, who happened to be a Scorpio star sign. But if you work in porn then yes, I agree you should be aware of the tattoo meaning, outside of that it's not too well known.

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