i finally hooked up for the first time in over a year because i got a reply to my CL ad from a big black cock and I've never tried one before. he didn't disappoint and was big and very thick. he kept breaking the condom before he could even get in me. when i finally got him in he fucked me so hard and fast i was wondering if it would break again but all thoughts soon disappeared since he started hitting my prostate and had me face down in his headboard. when he said he was cumming he kept fucking even faster for at least another 2 minutes before pulling out of me. i didnt even check or notice the condom when he pulled out and just got dressed and left with just a few words but sure enough when i got home it had started coming out and my balls were soaked. i tasted to see if it was just lube and nope definitely a shitload of cum. im disease free but his cock was so big i didnt care what he wanted to do i just took it. so much for no bare sex.