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Everything posted by Scanbu

  1. Mike and Jeff got a mention with a tiny bit more background in my new story Zeke's Tales
  2. Tommy woke up the next morning in a large bed in the middle of a large room. The walls were brick and about 20 feet tall with huge windows and exposed air ducts ran through metal rafters above. The room appeared to be the entire top floor of a building, skylights above letting in more light. He smelled breakfast and coffee. Zeke stood in the kitchen area and seeing him stir said “Good morning Tommy” Zeke looked almost like a different person dressed in a sharp suit, sipping coffee and reading a folded newspaper. His face, so gaunt looking last night, was still thin but now had an aesthetic look. Handsome by anyone’s standard. His hair that had been wild last night was neatly pulled back and ran several inches down his back. “Tommy sounds so undignified” Zeke said in a refined voice barely recognizable as the rough sultry voice that had invaded his mind last night. “Do you mind if I call you Thomas in the light of day?” “That’s fine, that’s what my parents call me” Tommy said As he sat up he felt something around his neck and reached up to feel a metal necklace there. “Don’t fret with it, you will get used to it” Zeke said “I have a business meeting and I will be gone a couple hours. Make yourself at home because this is your new home” Zeke walked to the only internal wall. Pressed a button then seemed to think of something. Taking a fob from a key rack he tossed it onto the bed. “If you go out you need this to call the elevator to this floor. I will see you when I get back” and with that he was gone. Tommy got up and went to a door that he assumed led to the bathroom and relieved the pressure on his bladder then looked in the mirror a polished silver chain hung there held in place by a silver padlock. No use in trying to get it off and did he want to? Then he remembered “The price” of that chain and a moment of panic rose up in him but like the chain there was no way to undo it. He found his suitcase and dressed, they had swung by his hotel and picked up his things last night Zeke was being very trusting. Leaving an almost complete stranger alone in his home Tommy thought then admitted that he would never even think of stealing anything, It just wasn’t him. He rode down in the elevator and stepped out the front door of the building into a very upscale area then went back in and back up. **** As Zeke rode down in the elevator something seemed to separate from him and Ezekiel shifted to the higher plane. Zeke was his unwitting agent in the mortal world, One of many all around the world. It had been this agent who a couple years ago had infected a cheating little tramp named Doug with HIV and sent him home knowing he would infect his unsuspecting lover Mike and later had encouraged Doug to leave Mike when he was having a crisis of faith, Sending Mike quickie and improbably into the arms and ass of a young man named Jeff. Speaking of Mike and Jeff the real Ezekiel sent his thoughts across the world sliding into Mike’s head to silently check on the pair. They had a lot to do on the path they had been set on and if all went right they would change the world. Mike was holding Jeff and telling him how he regretted that their marriage had happened so quickly, that Jeff deserved better and suggested that they renew their vows and have a real wedding. Things were right on track here. Ezekiel slipped quietly out of Mike’s mind. This is what he did. He used his agents to influence certain people. Setting them on different paths to better the world. He had been doing it for a very long time. The boy who’s life he had diverted last night’s future was heading to a sweet though boring life with a divorced man who brought a son to be raised into their relationship. Tommy’s influence on that boy would set him on a path to become a great world leader and eventually destroy the world. Without Tommy’s influence he would lead a normal average life. Sometimes teaching a boy to be honorable above all can lead to disaster. His agent just knew that he had certain insights he didn’t always understand. Like how he knew about Tommy’s past and exactly how to approach the boy. He also knew he could influence things and people to an unusual degree but never questioned it. He had a sadistic love of creating chaos in the lives of those around him and thus was the perfect agent. That’s what Ezekiel was. The agent of chaos in this world. Chaos was not evil though sometimes they aligned. Order aligned with evil just as much if not more. Chaos was change, order was stability and both were needed for the world to advance. Ezekiel slipped back into his agent as he rode back up to his loft silently hiding behind his eyes ready to nudge if he needed too. These two had work to do together. ****** Zeke stepped off the elevator to find Tommy watching TV and approached Tommy standing as he neared. Zeke didn't ask he simply put his large hand behind the boy’s head and pulsed him into a kiss his tongue invading his mouth as he guided his property to the bed pushing him back on it pulling his shorts off and then quickly and efficiently stripping off his suit He crawled on top of the unresisting boy and raising his legs to his shoulders. guided this cock to his hole, punching the head inside causing Tommy’s back to arch in pain. Zeke cut off his squeal with another hard kiss, shoving more of his cock inside and stretching the 18 year old’s hole, abrading the lining and making it more receptive to his virus. It was important to continually pump the boy full of toxic cum to make sure it took and the boy was irrevocably infected, It probably took last night but no need to take chances. Besides, fucking this gorgeous young man was a pleasant way to bust a nut and the boy needed to be trained. He had to understand he was a slave to Zeke’s whims and lust, He was there to keep Zeke’s toxic balls drained. Zeke slid in and out slowly grinding against those silky inner walls that gripped him like a glove as Tommy gasped and writhed under him in apparent agony though his cock was rock hard. Zeke sped up his huge virus filled balls bouncing against that battered ass till with a hiss of pleasure he shot was after wad of poz seed deep, Tommy once again cumming without touching himself as he was bred. They collapsed together sweating and panting. Zeke still lodged inside his boy’s spasming hole
  3. Some of the minor characters in this story first appeared in this story. Zeke moved through the bath house with a confident, masculine, sensual strut knowing the very men who turned away from his gaze deep inside them wanted what he offered. At nearly 6 feet 6 inches and only 195 pounds he looked thinner than he really was. It enhanced the image he wanted to project. Long dark hair with a strand of white here and there hung about his face framing the illusion of sunken cheeks his done structure gave him in low light the sensual curve of his lips curled into a wicked, taunting smile and his eyes. Those ice blue compelling eyes that always seemed to catch the light even in near darkness. His nails were painted black and his body was covered in tattoos with a biohazard prominently displayed above his cock which was currently confined bulging out the front of his leather pants but when he freed it to wreak it’s damage on the men who succumbed to their own dark desires it was thick and hung long, never limp, it always had a slight lifting curve because of the huge balls under it like small oranges hanging low, churning out that liquid poison they all feared and all wanted so badly. He strode through the back room past the benches and slings to a large sturdy chair against the wall on a slightly raised dais, almost a throne and sat surveying his subjects. The men engaged in debauchery before him. Grinding and sweating. Fucking and fisting. All aware of him on some level. Hoping to not draw his attention and craving it at the same time but tonight Zeke paid them little mind knowing his prey would come to him… soon. Sure enough as Zeke looked up the boy meekly slipped through the door wide eyed at the sexual mayhem in the room. Barely old enough to be here. Not a virgin but full of the innocence of small town life where he had to hide who he was. One bight with an older man a week after his 18th birthday and now a trip to the city and this bath house. Zeke saw all this in a glance and smiled as the boy spotted him across the room and blushed red as Zeke’s hand caressed the bulge in his pants and motioned the boy closer. It was time for the game to begin. “What is your name pretty boy?” Zeke asked as he drew closer. “Tommy…. ummm … Tom” he replied trying to sound older “I’m Zeke Tommy, nice to meet you. Now that we know each other, why don’t you come over hare, kneel and accept me as your Master? You will eventually. You will submit and I will yank you out of that boring little life you knew till now and change you” Tommy looked shocked by his directness and wanted to back away but like a rabbit caught in the gaze of a snake Zeke’s eyes held him. “Ummm maybe I should go…” Tommy said though his feet stayed planted. Zeke ignored him and continued. “By the time I’m done with you you will not even recognize the person you have become. I’m going to enslave you to free you. The price is high but you will willingly pay” he said slowly unbuttoning his pants and letting his cock hang out running a finger along a vein in it then up to the base and further up to circle the biohazard tattoo. “Do you know what this means?” Tommy swallowed and nodded “That’s the price for being enslaved and used. That’s the price for being mine. For the things I will teach you. The pleasure pleasing me will bring to you.” Zeke said quietly in a room full of the sounds of raw man sex but Tommy heard every word. “Deep inside you know you want to be mine, you even want my virus to claim you so you very blood will be mine.” Then he dropped his gaze freeing the helpless boy before him. That was one of the rules. It had to be willing. Tommy backed up a step but the seed was planted in his mind and his eyes could not pull away from the motion of Zeke’s finger which had returned to stroking that vein. Finally the boy blinked and stumbled out of the room. He would roam the bath house and many men would offer but his mind would be filled with thoughts of Zeke and his words, He would be back. Zeke watched his minions writhing in the sexual dance and waited. Tommy wandered the halls, looking in the open doors at the men lying in semi darkness hands languidly stroking hard flesh in open invitation. Any of these men. muscular or stout, hairy or smooth could have satisfied his inexperienced needs. Indeed they could have shaped his sexual appetites for the rest of his life with their own little kinks but none of them caught his attention. None of them excited him, thrilled him, made him shiver with hear and desire. His mind kept going back to Zeke. The way he could feel the wrongness, The evil. The malicious intent to taint him for life. To free him… His mind distracted his treacherous feet kept taking him past the entrance to the back room and every time he glanced through it Zeke’s eyes caught him, that wicked, knowing smile on his lips. Finally Tommy gave in, walking to the throne and sinking to his knees. Part of his mind screaming at him to run but his lust overriding all logical thought. Zeke didn’t say a word he just motioned him to stand and walked him to a device like a large X securing his wrists and ankles tightly and began to spank him with a firm hand then a paddle. The pain rewired Tommy’s brain making his cock grow hard and when Zeke clamped sharp clips to his nipples he almost came. Zeke worked the boy's body with an expert touch. Pain and pleasure merging till he was almost incoherent lost in the sensations groaning in wanton acceptance as Zeke’s cock finally probed his crack finding his hole and plunging in almost ripping the boy’s tender flesh as he forced him open his warm, wet, silky insides to him Feeling that smooth bubble ass, so young and healthy looking grind back into him as his massive balls swung with his thrusts “Here it comes Tommy boy” Zeke hissed in his ear “Here comes my tainted seed, my virus to infect you. There is no turning back now just give in to it and let me into your blood and soul.” and his balls contracted, pumping his poison as he came deep inside “You! Are! Mine!” each word punctuated with a long jet of toxic cum filling that battered receptive hole. Tommy’s cock erupted sending his cum flying. The men who had been watching the show cheered
  4. Mike was angry Mike was watching the news. Their Senator was retiring, He was a respected man who while he was very conservative had always performed his office with dignity and honor, Mike hated bothe of the frontrunners to replace them. Jeff, a little tired of hearing Mike complain that there was no good choice, said “Then run yourself!” “I’m not a member of either party” Mike said though he always bored for the left leaning candidate “Do we NEED a party?” Jeff asked. “We would not need their money, We could easily finance a campaign on our own just off royalties and interest. It would not hurt us one bit” and he was right. And so the “Politics from a different perspective” campaign was born. Mike’s platform was simple, “I will never take a dime from special interests or lobbyists, I will look at each issue and make my decision based on what is best for my constituents”. He was pro choice, pro equality and anti big business greed. When reporters or his opponents brought up his sex life and relationships Mike would look at them and say “And?” If they pressed further he would say “I do not subscribe to the social construct of monogamy or the ridiculous idea that there is only room in my heart for one person but what I do in my bedroom with consenting adults has nothing to do with my stance on the issues” It was so unusual for a politician not to lie, deny or make excuses that they eventually gave up. It turned out that people cared more about actually being represented than what Mike did in bed. Mike won in a landslide garnering an amazing 69% of the vote. That always made Jeff chuckle. One of the very first things Mike did was put up a 24/7 live feed of his office from several angles accompanied by a large sign outside the door warning all that anything said in that office would be instantly public and then reduced to meet with any special interest, lobbyist or even fellow Senators anywhere else unless they allowed all conversations to be recorded, The one exception was national security issues he had to be briefed on but the public understood that, Several lobbyist managed to make “proposals" to him in out of the way places but quickly stopped when Mike called a press conference and told the public exactly what had been offered and what they had wanted in return, usually accompanied by recorded audio from his phone. This led to investigations and several arrest followed by a few resignations and many promises to “be more careful in the future” from politicians, many of whom lost their next bid for reelection, A year later Jeff ran for their local congressional seat on the same platform and also won in a landslide though he always grumped that 70% of the vote was not as funny as 69. Mike and Jeff shocked people when they still had time to put out music, the proceeds of which very transparently were used for their reelection campaigns, Mike and Jeff scrupulously avoided entanglements with anyone involved with politics but that did not stop them from having adventures. On vacation one year they had met several men of various ages and bred them. Tony had come to vacation with them and together they worked their way through the “treasures" of many men. One particularly memorable little minx had ridden the three of them to exhaustion. His name was Chuck and je so totally charmed Tony that when he returned to France Chucky went with him, Mike and Jeff decided to retire from politics at the end of Mike’s 2nd term. One of the last things they did was to stop a strange bill that the pharmaceutical companies had managed to slip through congress despite what was called it’s draconian measures. It had tri do with HIV status. The bill stipulated that in order to receive a government ID you had to present test results with your HIV status and that all HIV positive individuals were required to immediately go on medications, Failure to do so could result in being jailed and forcefully medicated. The Bill had been vetoed by President Taylor Swift and the veto override had filed in the House and in the Senate by one vote in each house, The President ordered the Justice Department to take a close look into the drug companies, This move had had an air of desperation to it and she felt the public needed to understand why, *************** The year was 2125 Jeff walked into the living room moving slowly and deliberately and lowered himself to sit on the floor leaning back on the now world famous ottoman. It had happened for the first time on this piece of furniture. He thought back on his life and to the biggest surprise of all, The Justice Department investigation had found after several years that the pharmaceutical companies had been up to something. By forcing every HIV positive person onto meds they were trying to hide the fact that a new strain of HIV was taking over. A nondeadly strain. In later years it would be dubbed "The Angel Strain”. Researchers quickly found where it originated. It had been that nameless boy they had fucked on Jeff’s first trip to the baths. He had known all along who they had been but had played along to be with his idols. He had pointed them to Mike and Jeff being one of the oldest confirmed carriers of the Angel Strain. A quick test in Mike confirmed he was a carrier too and Mike pointed them to Doug who had clean up his act and was living with his husband in Vermont. Test on Doug confirmed that while Mike’s strain came from him his HIV was normal HIV and it was his medications that kept it from progressing. The Angel Strain had originated with Mike and Jeff was the first he had passed it on to. On this ottoman Jeff thought wryly. They had never gone on medications, They never thought about it because they had no adverse health effects. Further research had found that The Angel Strain could override other strains of HIV and that the medications actually made you slightly more likely to die as they suppressed The Angel Strain and if you caught a resistant strain could keep it from protecting you, The drug companies didn’t care. They just saw their profit from the meds vanishing. It was not even a vaccine they could sell so they had tried to hide it to keep the money coming in. So what if a few more people died? This led to a deeper investigation and it finally came out that the drug companies had been sitting on a cure for many diseases, An anti-aging drug that cured cancer, diabetes and prevented most age related ones like arthritis and dementia, The calculation was that they would make more money treating a population kept sick than selling one that kept everyone healthy. This lead to the nationalization of the pharmaceutical industry and the trial and execution of the people who had truly known what was going on. In an unprecedented move they were tried by the Supreme Court to prevent the endless appeal process and not even the most strident anti death penalty proponents tried to save them. The researchers told Mike that like every other thing viruses evolved and it had mutated in him actually becoming far more successful, It had a nearly 100% transmission rate from just precum now and bottoms had an 80% chance of passing it on to a top having unprotected sex with them. Also being non lethal it had a longer lifetime for it’s host to infect others and in a final adaptation it now caused a slight brain chemistry change making it’s carriers more likely to want to spread it somehow. Singer and politician though he was in the end Mike ended up being most famous as patient X for The Angel Strain The Anti-aging drug was distributed to anyone above 35 for free and people were living to 130 to 140 years now some making it to 150, and the family had had many happy decades together. Buzz, Hank and Brad had been the first to go nearly 15 years ago. For Hank’s 120th birthday the three, still in incredible shape, had decided to be dropped from a helicopter onto the top of a mountain to snowboard down. There had been an avalanche… Mike had been devastated. In a very real way Hank and Buzz had been his kids and Brad his grandson. He had guided them, nurtured them and loved them for so long he was inconsolable. Jeff had had to put aside his own grief to take care of him. Sal went next at 141 and swore till the end that he would outlive them all. John did not long survive him, He stopped taking the anti-aging drug and was gone in two weeks. Mike and Jeff got each other through that somehow Then a year ago… the tears started down Jeff’s cheeks. They had celebrated their 100th wedding anniversary just a couple months before when the drugs suddenly stopped working for Mike. They were like that. You lead a long healthy life then you were gone in a couple days. Jeff had felt him go about 3 am but had laid held in his arms softly crying till dawn crept through the windows. And now Jeff was alone. He had mourned and hidden from the world for a while and then made a decision. He had set many things in motion he and Mike had always talked about, liquidating most of their assets and set up funds and endowments so that their life’s work would go on and help as many as possible. He knew Mike would want him to live and be happy but how do you live without a man you spent a century with? How could you go on alone? He sent a thought mode to the sound system in the house and the original version of Heartsong started playing. The song had been covered so many times people had forgotten that Jeff recorded it first. He had stopped taking the medications weeks ago. He quietly sang along “My Heartsong ends without you” Jeff’s caretaker found him. Head down on the ottoman a sweet smile on his face, The reaction of most people when they heard of his passing was “Wow, I didn’t even know he was still with us” The Compound” became a museum dedicated to the remarkable people who had lived there and the ottoman was the central exhibit. ********************** Epilogue: Mike waited, Standing by the road he waited. The was no hot or cold here. No hunger or thirst, He never got tired. He really could not complain. Hank, Buzz and Brad had been waiting 15 years. Sal and John were there too. They waited. People moved along the road, most of them just vague shapes but occasionally someone you knew would pass. They were sharper. Most of them walked past and through the large open gate but some stopped outside and waited. This was not Heaven, At least not the one people expected. Many people, singing pompous hymns and looking like the were smugly victorious found they could not get through the gate, Many protested what a good (fill in a religion name here) they had been and a voice sounding pre recorded and bored would play after a soft *DING* “You spent your life using your religion to justify your hate when you should have been loving your fellow man. Go away, When we have time we will come find you and send you back for another try. Have a pleasant day” it was always the same message. Some people approached the gate warily. Like they knew they could not get through. Mike wondered what they had done in life to cause that, They tried then eventually wandered away. In his waiting Luke had come by and as he had done for most of their lives when he had seen Mike walked up and held him in his arms but soon, just hours later Cathy had come, Kissing Mike on the cheek as she took Luke’s hand and led him through the gate. Mike waited. Then one day he saw him walking down the road and his heart swelled with love, “Jeff!” he shouted Tears in his eyes Jeff came running, looking like he had that first day in Mike’s tattoo shop and threw himself into his arms sobbing “I couldn’t. I couldn't live alone! How could you leave me alone?” “Shhhh shhhh. hush now baby boy.” Mike whispered, crushing Jeff to him as the rest of the family surrounded them “You know I didn’t have a choice. We are together now and you are mine, Mine forever now” And with that they walked hand in hand as a family. Hank, Buzz, Brad, Sal, John, Mike and Jeff through the gate and into their next adventure. ***************************************** And so it ends. I’m as surprised we ended up here as you are but I hope you enjoyed. Is it wrong for something you write yourself to make you cry? Peace and Love Scanbu These characters get mentioned in a new story by the same author.
  5. The plan they came up with was brilliant. They had tops volunteering to take loads from a family member by the time it was all said and done. Jeff had arranged several smaller “:Give it to me” weekends with the resort and decided to expand things. Give it to me became a popular gay porn website overnight after several months planning, They had started quietly contacting guys nationwide of all body types from chubby to twink to jocks with lots of “dad bod” guys thrown in, who listed themselves on various websites as: Total tops, open to bareback and neg and explained the plan. They could become a “give it to me virgin popper”. They would put a profile on the site and when five virgins they wanted to pop selected them they would be flown down to the resort for an all expenses paid week of popping cherries. The catch was to qualify; they had to give it up themselves, taking at least three loads from a family member. That was gradually expanded to taking loads from selected tops who had been through the program with positive results and it just kept growing, The results were that the resort eventually changed it’s name to “Give it to me island” and just to drive the joke home the virgins would be greeted bt a tall man of late middle years and a much shorter man both in white suits with “My dear guests! I am Mr. Raw, your host! Welcome to Give it to me Island!” and they then proceed to live out their fantasies, Mr. Raw was a popular virgin popper but his co-host nicknamed “Take you” a short man of only 5 feet tall built like a fireplug was constantly booked and had a months long waiting list/ One of the first tops to respond was a big fan of Hank and Buzz named Brad, being a college football player himself though he was much slimmer as a wide receiver. The picture on his profile was faceless but showed a cocoa skinned oiled up body with a cock to rival Mike and an ass almost as perfect as Jeff’s. He had a cocky attitude to match all that masculine beauty as well. He met his match in Buzz though. Hank watched with an amused smile as Buzz pulled a pure “Mike” act on the cocky stud. Aided by the fact he was the kids childhood hero and later go to jerk off fantasy, Buck had sat the young man down for a talk when they got him alone in their hotel suite after a game near the college player’s school. “You can cut the attitude,” Buzz had said firmly in his best “Mike tone” voice. “Yes you are gorgeous and talented and I’m sure the men fall at your feet but you don’t hold a candle to me. Make the pros and make a real reputation for yourself and maybe someday you will but let me tell you something. Even if you do, that attitude will get you nowhere but a life filled with people who only use you and will dump you for the next big dick to come along. You need to treat the people in your life with respect especially the bottoms” and he looked at Hank sitting nearby with a smile of pure love. “You need to listen to what they want” Buzz continued “and do as much as you can within your own wants and desires to give it to them. THAT will keep them coming back for more. You need to experience bottoming with a top who listens to you at least once in your life. I did, though at the time I thought he was just taking what he wanted. He listened and read between the lines. He saw that my attitude was just insecurity and a belief that deep inside I didn’t deserve love so I tried to force it. He gave me love and taught me to be a man and that led to the greatest love of my life. Hank could not stand me before Mike stepped in and I did not realize that till years later but now look at us” “Now” Buzz said “I’m going to breed you and so is Hank. This does not have to be something you just endure. Talk to us, Let us know what you want. How you want it to happen. I know you want to do this for other reasons but why not learn from it as well” What resulted was a three day long fuck fest with pauses only for sleep, food and the occasional group shower. It started with Hank easing his beer can thick but shorter cock into Brad’s ass while Brad fucked Buzz touching places only Mike and later John had. Hank had grabbed those hips and pounded hard after a while seeding that ass with the family’s “secret sauce” of virus and cum making the young stud loose it and breed his boyhood hero’s ass deep with his last truly neg load, then after a brief rest, they had flipped and Hank got to feel that massive black shaft for himself. Buzz, who had held off cumming himself mounted the younger man as he railed Hank and pushed in to the hilt making Brad’s eyes fly open as Buzz was at least three inches longer than Hank and just as thick. Brad gradually began pushing back on Buzz almost despite himself grinding his bubble ass into Buzz’s pubes till Buzz gave him his second charged load, Three days later the three emerged from the suite worn out but satisfied. Friends and more for life. An injury sidelined Brad during his senior year and he decided not to enter the draft though he had fully recovered. Always an academic star as well he graduated top of his class in web design, marketing and business management and at Buzz and Hank’s insistence moved into The Compound with them as their “Son”. The rest of the family was thrilled to have a new member though the meeting between Mike and Brad caused some fireworks when Brad fully understood the dynamics. Mike owned and controlled his “Dads” lives in many ways though he stayed out of their relationship with him after granting permission for them to take a son. That rankled Brad for some reason till he saw that what Mike really did was listen to them and most of the time make the decision they would have themselves only stopping them when he thought they were making a serious mistake. Brad gradually came to respect and love Mike but the two avoided each other sexually. THAT was a clash that could cause trouble though Brad secretly knew Mike would win. Eventually Jeff turned over the running of the “Give it to me” website and also let him manage relationships with the resort. Under Brad's management the site’s subscription fee lowered but it also managed to break even, no longer needing the support Mike and Jeff had happily supplied. It was Brad who finally managed to break Sal out of his stubborn “I only fuck John” stance one night by the pool. Sal and Brad had always gotten along well and the combination of a few drinks and Brad’s gorgeous ass (Not to mention Jeff’s constant campaign and John’s encouragement to join in the fun) finally broke him. The family cheered as without a word Sal mounted Brad and slid in as if it was the most common thing in the world, breeding him and diving into the family sex lifelike a fish into water, Jeff got what he wanted the next day, Sal never bottomed and still fucked John 90% of the time but everyone was fine with that. Brad was happy here and had a life full of love, joy and sex. One day he overheard Mike talking to Buzz, Mike was holding the much larger man but somehow it looked totally natural, “I can’t tell you how proud I am of you Buzz, You changed that young man’s life for the better, Hank told me what he was like when you guys met up.” “I was just paying forward what you did for me Master” Buzz said. “Master” was a term Buzz seldom used for Mike anymore and Mike knew it was an expression of deepest devotion and love now from his Boy so he squeezed him and held him tight, Brad quietly slipped away feeling he had heard something deeply private between the two but glad he had. Any residual resentment for Mike evaporating an even deeper respect replacing it. ************************* Once again I love your feedback and suggestions Let me know what you think!
  6. Jeff was still in a reflective mood. Mike showed no signs of relaxing his insistence that he was going to spend every moment he could with him, most of the time actually holding him. Jeff did not mind at all. It reminded him of how Luke had healed something broken in Mike and in himself just by holding him/ It wasn’t a romantic love and it had never been sexual but they had finally stepped beyond the limits society put on affection and tenderness between men and just openly loved each other. That had been when they renewed their vows and Jeff concentrated on the happy memories of that time. Then he thought about flying Mike’s mom home and their 2nd honeymoon in the South of France… Mike and Jeff lay on the Mediterranean beach sunbathing. Mike wearing a swimsuit that probably would have gotten him arrested on a public beach in the states leaving no doubt just how much nature had blessed him. It was interesting here. Their celebrity was less well known and the European people seemed to be more willing to let the famous couple enjoy their time together. Both Mike and Jeff were still incredibly attractive men though and that drew attention, Jeff had been lying on his stomach his swimsuit only visible as a string running between the oiled up cheeks of his ass when he heard a heavily Italian accented voice say “Ahh my friend. You are the luckiest man on Earth! Your boyfriend is beautiful! Such an ass can only be a gift from the Gods!” Jeff rolled over on his side to see a substantial looking man maybe 40ish, dark hair beginning to turn white at the temples and a salt and pepper pelt on his chest speaking to Mike, The man’s bathing suit showed a girthy shaft and was about to give up holding his balls in. “My husband” Mike said with a relaxed smile “Ahhh my heart is broken!” the man said with a dramatic flare. “I had hoped there was some chance I could spirit this Angel away to my bed and make him mine! I am Anthony. Tony to my friends” “I am Mike and this is Jeff,” Mike said with a grin. Obviously liking this man. Have a seat if you like and I can tell you all about Jeff’s miraculous ass” “Mike! Stop that!” Jeff gasped blushing crimson The three became fast friends, Tony making no secret of his desire to be inside Jeff’s “Gift from the Gods" as he showed them the sights and the gay culture there. He had lived there for 20 years “And been in the treasures of many beautiful boys” he said with a wink at Mike. Telling them of his adventures in boy breeding. Tony was all top and it showed in his almost hypnotic masculinity and confidence “Well I'd let you in my treasure but only if you let Mike in yours” Jeff teasingly joked with him as the three sat at dinner that evening, sure the man would laugh and refuse. Indeed Tony winced “You are a cruel boy Jeff!” He said. a note of rewrite in his voice, “To offer me a night in heaven but to put such a high price on it! No man has claimed my treasure and I have seen the key he would open it with! Far too big for the lock!” and they all laughed though the look in Mike’s eyes told Jeff he would love to fuck Tony Jeff spent the next few days showing off his ass at every opportunity and he could tell Tony was weakening. Finally on the 4th night. after several glasses of wine on the balcony of their hotel suite he looked at Mike “If we do this you can never tell anyone. So many I have turned down over the years! So many would lose respect for me. to know the Mighty Anthony has fallen!” “We swear!” Mike and Jeff said after an evil little glance at each other They each took one of Tony’s hands and led them to the bed, Tony’s ass was covered in dark hair and was large, firm and round. Bigger even than Buzz’s muscle ass but with the padded curve of a man of his age who enjoyed his food as much as his boys. Mike displayed none of his usual aggression as he took this momentous ass, showing the man a respect, a reverence he had never shown any bottom before. He gently worked his way in the cheeks so massive that he knew a lesser endowed man would only be able to get a couple inches in. As it was Mike could only poke at Tony’s inner barrier the tip of his head teasing it as he slid in out of the beautiful ass beneath him finally shuddering in one of the best orgasms of his life as he filled this great bear of a man with his toxic virus laden cum, “That my friend was an experience I will never forget or repeat” Tony said as Mike withdrew. “It has it’s pleasures but they were not meant for one such as me! Come here Angel!” he said enfolding Jeff n his arms, Till that point in his life Jeff had only had Mike inside of him. To his surprise while Tony fell a few inches short of Mike’s length he was actually thicker and the stretching of his hole that wide was something new, Tony also had a forceful way of fucking that only massive bulk can produce and a softness on body that felt so different from Mike’s firm muscled frame, Jeff liked it but missed the emotional connection he and Mike always shared. There was no such thing as a casual fuck between Mike and Jeff... ever. They spent a few more days in France and Jeff let Tony top him twice more After their return home they heard from Tony at least once a week, Jeff loved his stories of how many boy’s treasures he had sampled, “Ahh but none as sweet as My Angel’s!” he would always say and Jeff would laugh Back in the present Mike brought Jeff a drink then sat holding of him, A Sudden idea came to Jeff, “Babe I think we have been going at this all wrong, It is hot and fun to play with virgins and bottoms but if we want to really spread our virus we need to be converting the tops!” They looked at each other and both had a matching evil glint in their eyes. *************************** Comments and suggestions welcome Some day I may do a story about Tony's adventures what do you think?
  7. Mike had been holding Jeff. A lot. Ever since the kidnapping attempt a week ago Mike had stayed close to him and held him at every opportunity. Mike told himself that he was comforting Jeff and helping him feel safe and secure but inside he knew the he himself needed the solid reassurance of Jeff in his arms to banish the fear and the nightmares. They had tried to take his Jeff! It brought back into focus what was truly important in his life. Jeff for his part was perfectly happy with it. He knew Mike needed to hold him and truth be told he did need the reassurance of Mike’s arms. He had nightmares of his own. Something open and trusting in him had died that day. The only good thing that had come of it was that he and Mike were closer than ever. Jeff could not say they had been drifting apart. They had so many people to love in the family that they had started forgetting to let the other know who would always come first. They always acted that way but sometimes you need to heat it. Mike had a newly found brother who was also a lover and they connected on a level no one else could understand. Jeff loved John just as much as Mike did but they both forgot to remind the other that they loved each other more. Then there was the newly married Hank and Buzz while the loved each other both had a deep seeded need to please Mike and get his approval and both adored and worshiped Jeff. Jeff recalled the time three weeks before their wedding that had been one of the few times Hank and Buzz together did something that displeased Mike and Jeff so much that they had come up with a punishment that they would never forget. They had gone on a quick 3 day trip to a secluded seaside chalet where they had no cellphone service and each had assumed the other had told Mike and Jeff. By the end of the first day of them not answering their phone Mike and Jeff had been in a panic. They had a standing order that each was to check in daily and review things with Mike so he could make decisions for them. It was part of the deal. When two days later the guilty pair came driving up and casually walking in Jeff discovered just how much like his mother in full high drama mode he could sound. Every excuse was turned into further insult and shouts of “Irresponsible! Do you know how worried I was? I thought you were lying dead in a ditch somewhere!” rang through the house. He managed to keep himself from repeating the final line though “Just wait til; I tell your father!” never passed his lips. Their authority figured already knew and he smoldered “Your moth… err…. Jeff has not slept a wink for three days! You two will march up to your room where you will sit quietly and THINK about what you did while Jeff and I consider what to do about this. Go! Now!” Jeff was not the only one who could sound like his mother and Mike’s mother was just as good at high drama. The two massive football players looked at each other then at Mike and Jeff and in unison said “Yes Daddy” and meekly marched up the stairs to their room looking ashamed and followed by Jeff's shout of “And keep your hands off each other! This is a punishment not an invitation to play touch and tickle!” It took them hours to calm down and longer for Jeff to convince Mike that flogging would leave scars. The punishment the came up with was so evil and twisted that Jeff was sure neither of the guilty pair would ever set a toe close to that particular line again. Mike and Jeff had been invited to be Grand Masters at a Pride parade in the home town of Buzz and Hank’s biggest division rivals. The spectators were shocked to see Buzz and Hank. Two very recognizable faces who were not well liked as they had knocked the home team here out of the playoffs last year, kneeling in boots, a harness and very brief leather shorts in front of Jeff and Mike on the very first float in the parade. Each had a dog collar around their necks with a leash running to holders on Mike and Jeff’s wrists. The only other thing they were wearing was a ball gag stuffed in their mouths. The spectators loved it. When the parade ended outside the city’s famous 100 year old bath house Mike and Jeff marched them up the steps and into the large pool area where two slings had been set up. Hank and Buzz were strapped in and bound tightly their legs in the air and a queue lined up to take a crack at them Mike and Jeff monitoring and making sure there were no shenanigans. One guy caught Jeff’s attention. Taller and thinner than Mike in full leathers with a cock almost as big he was covered in tattoos including a prominent biohazard tattoo on his stomach looked questionably at Mike who nodded and the guy stepped between Buzz’s legs and slid in bare. He looked like an evil spider with his long thin limbs wrapped around the healthy star quarterback pumping his shat in and out of that muscle ass shuddering as he groaned and shot toxic cum into the already infected ass slapping Buzz’s cheek hard as he yanked out and rested a while before returning to do the same to Hank. They each took about 15 loads of the rival team’s fan's cum. Both of them seething but not willing to make the slightest protest. Mike and Jeff had ordered them not to protest. When they were finally let up Mike shoved plugs up their asses and told them their night was not over yet Returning to their hotel suite, Mike sent the two into the smaller bedroom and waited. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. Jeff let in two huge men. Both defensive linemen from the local team who had complained loudly and publicly when they lost. "You know the deal" Jeff said and the flipped a coin to see which one would get fucked by Jeff and which straight muscle cherry Mike would bust. They were wiling to get bred for a chance at a revenge fuck on Hank and Buzz the one getting bred by Mike would get Buzz. The two bent over offering their asses to a breeding that would give them far more than they bargained for. Jeff and Mike were not gentle even though these two were both virgins. They did use lube to speed the process up. Jeff rammed in balls deep in one stroke causing a squeal Mike took a bit longer because of his size but when he rammed the rest of his shaft in a bellow like a bull who had just stepped on his own balls echoed through the suite. Mike and Jeff just pounded the two intent on cumming as fast as the could not giving a fuck how the two under them felt about it. The each came in about five minutes. The thought of pozzing these two assholes speeding the process as they loaded the unsuspecting athletes with HIV tainted cum. “Ok you two can come out now” Mike called, Buzz and Hank coming into the room and glaring at the two rival players waiting for them. Buzz’s mouth opened and Mike snapped “Not a word! Now you two come over and show these two a good time, Make sure they get off in your asses. You can start by kneeling and sucking their cocks” Both red faced and walking like they had a broomstick up their ass they crossed the room and knelt. “Yeah pretty boy come wrap your lips around this big cock. I bet you been wanting it for years” The one said to Buck as he grabbed his hair and forcefully fucked his mouth. The sound of Hank and Buck gagging filled the room for a few moments then they were bent over chairs, their plugs pulled out and the rival players mounted them, rammed in and rutted in their nasty cum filled asses before adding one more load to each. Once the two jerks got dressed and left Jeff looked at the two thoroughly used jocks and placing one hand on his hip shook a finger in their faces. “Now! I hope you two have learned your lesson! You will always let Mike or I know when you are going to be out of contact!” “Yes Mommy” they said in unison identical fond smiles on their faces. Jeff’s eyes narrowed but Mike just started to laugh. ****************** comments and suggestions welcome!
  8. John had just finished his latest painting. It showed Hank and Buzz in tuxedos grinning Hank sitting Buzz standing behind him Hank’s hand over Buzz’s which was on Hank’s shoulder both wedding bands clearly visible. It was his wedding present to them. The wedding was small and private at The Compound and had gone off without a hitch. A restraining order kept the press off of their land which extended quite a distance beyond the stone walls and Mike who had gone online to get ordained had performed the ceremony. The team had hired a professional video crew and the wedding had been included with a box set of all that season’s games undefeated right up through the championship once again. The box set had to be reissued 12 times and was still a collector’s item, Hank and Buzz’s share of it tripling what they had made playing and coaching football that year. Mike and Jeff had written and performed a new song for the wedding and when they released it it became their 9th number one hit. Mike had added “By Hank” to the tattoo on Buzz’s ass and had done a similar one on Hank’s ass proclaiming Buzz’s ownership. Hank and Buzz lived in the compound when football duties did not call them away and the sex life between the 5 of them was unchanged. John packaged the painting so he could safely take it home and present it to the happy couple. It was his turn to be resident artist in the gallery today. The artist who had displays in the gallery had made a schedule so one of them was always there and each only had to come in a couple times a month. One of the other artist however always seemed to show up when it was John’s day. Sal was a man in his late 40s his salt and pepper hair topped a face that featured a prominent nose and piercing blue eyes. His regular workouts keeping him in top condition though he usually hid that body beneath a sharp suit. John, 18 years his junior, was smitten with him and it seemed to be mutual. Sal was all top and had no problem with John's status. He also had no problem with John playing with the family members. Watching him have sex with his brother got him off big time. John having sex with others outside the family was also no problem but he himself only fucked John Jeff had pouted about that for a while to Sal’s amusement but all had been smoothed over when Sal let him watch him fuck John. Sal was a frequent guest at The Compound and spent many nights in John’s bed. True to form Sal showed up about mid morning bringing in a new piece to add to his display. Sal was a sculptor and John loved his work. Jeff stopped by that afternoon to browse for a present for his mom. John and Sal sat talking when something caught Sal’s eyes and a look of anger crossed his face. John followed his gaze to see Jeff animatedly talking to a very handsome man about 35 who was obviously flirting with Jeff. “Excuse me a moment” he said to John and casually but deliberately walked over interrupting the two and offering to show Jeff his new work Jeff looked a little confused but accepted Sal’s offer and excused himself as he walked away with Sal. The man looked more than annoyed and left the gallery. “What was that all about?” John asked when Sal returned to him later “Nothing” Sal said innocently After that John began to wonder if Sal was really coming to see him. It seemed that when Jeff was around Sal was around. Jeff reported having run into Sal several other times away from The Compound and that ir was usually when he was chatting up some guy. Sal was more subtle about it but he always managed to cock block Jeff and Jeff was getting fed up. It all came to a head one night when out to dinner alone John asked “So what is your obsession with Jeff. He is married and it’s not like you could not have had him many times over. Why the jealous cock blocking? I thought it was me you cared about but even at home I only see you when Jeff is there” “I’m not jealous. It’s all just in your mind. I don’t just care about you, I love you incase you have not noticed.” Sal replied taking John’s hand and looking deep into his eyes “It’s hard to tell when you are chasing after Jeff” John said but leaned across the table to kiss Sal. Those three words melting any anger he had The Next day John was in Mike’s tattoo chair at the shop. Mike was working on a “Brotherly Love" tattoo on his arm and when they finished they walked out into the shop to wait for Jeff who was meeting them for lunch. They heard a commotion outside and walked to the front window. Jeff was walking from the parking lot along the sidewalk when a van pulled up next to him the large side door slid open and three men wearing ski masks jumped out and starting towards him. Mike and John rushed towards the door but before they could even open it Sal was there stepping out of the shadows on the side of the building/ It was like an action movie. Sal took the first guy out with a gut punch, swept the feet out from under the second with his leg and then took the third out with a roundhouse kick to the face. The van sped away only to be blocked by two police cars before it went a block. They never got within 5 feet of Jeff Mike burst through the door rushing to Jeff and enfolding him in a crushing hud demanding “Are you alright?” “I’m fine” Jeff said though he didn’t sound fine he sounded scared to death his face pale and his body trembling John was looking at Sal as police cars pulled up and the three on the sidewalk were cuffed and hauled away. As the masks were pulled off John recognized one of them as the man who had been chatting Jeff up in the gallery John looked at Sal again “Who are you?” he demanded “I’m agent Justin Salvador F.B.I." he said, showing them all a badge in his wallet. There has been a plot to kidnap Mr Clayton for months now. “They finally got tired of trying to get him alone and tried a more direct method. You have been under surveillance for months Jeff and when one of them tried to get you alone I or one of my agents blocked them” “Why not just tell us? We could have hired security” Mike demanded “Because a move like that. Obviously protecting yourselves would have just made them change plans. Our informant knew about this plot he may not have known about the next. If they had gotten Jeff they would have demanded a huge ransom but you never would have seen him alive again. Look I don’t agree with how this was handled but I had no choice. The higher ups want the man behind this and we got him. The guy from the art gallery. He’s the leader of a right wing extremist group. This wasn’t about money this was about silencing a voice that they violently disagree with” Mike was fuming as he took Jeff into the shop and sat him down. They had been willing to risk his life to get this guy. That was so wrong on so many labels. John looked at Sal sadly “So was I just your cover? A way to get close to Jeff? Into our house?” Sal looked stricken “No. it may have started out that way but what happened between us was real. I loved you the moment I laid eyes on you.” “That’s a little difficult to believe” john said “But hey. maybe they will give you an award for sacrificing your body in the line of duty” then he walked into the shop following Mike and Jeff and leaving Sal standing on the sidewalk In the following weeks Jeff never left The Compound alone a family member always went with him and the security they had hired was always there but seldom seen popping up out of nowhere when someone got to close to Jeff. According to the feds the threat had passed but they were taking no risks. Several months later an internal investigation found that the less than enlightened viewpoints of the “higher ups” had led to mishandling of the case and that Jeff and Mike should have been informed. There were a couple resignations. A formal apology and a promise of reform. They didn’t hold their breaths. John went downhill fast. He buried himself in sex and alcohol hooking up two and three times a day. He was having fun but t was empty, One day he took a sexy silver daddy up to his loft at the gallery after closing blowing him then fucking him over the rail depositing his seed in his ass having coaxed him to take it bare even though his online profile said “Safe sex only” That was who John went after. The “Safe sex only” guys. He would make promises then get them alone and explain that they did not make condoms big enough for him and that they hurt his cock. One beautifully handsome guy in his mid 20s had offered to blow him but had only been able to barely get the head in his mouth. John spent an hour making out with him and coaxing the guy finally asking “Are you safe?” and John replying “As far as I know” John had not been tested since moving in with the family and as for being “safe” they were in no physical danger he knew of. The guy asked the wrong question and John had answered 100% truthfully. John lubed up and eased in noting that this guy was no virgin but he was a good fuck pushing his bubble ass back to take John all the way in. John had bred him three times before sending him home happy and fulfilled and seeing him several more times over the next few weeks for nasty bare hookups. Most guys didn’t give him that much trouble though. He gave his condom speech and they spread their legs and took his seed. John determined that “Safe sex only” was just something guys put in their profile to look good and he enjoyed giving those posers what they deserved. One night he had been drinking and decided to go to the baths taking an Uber he arrived and wrapped his towel around himself headed for the back room, A frightened looking guy who could not be a day over 19 was being led by some leather daddies to the sling/ They used him hard then John stepped up, dropped his towel to the floor and sank himself balls deep in that abused hole making him cry out and moan. John fucked him with no mercy pulling on the chains to give him self more thrusting power. The guys gathered around and calls of “Breed him” rang out. John buried himself in the kid and shot a huge load of probably toxic cum deep inside him then he wandered naked to the sauna and promptly passed out He woke up groaning and wincing in pain as Jeff yanked open his curtains with a pleasant “Good morning sunshine”. He was in his own bed but had no idea how he had gotten there. “There is someone here to see you and I think you should listen to him. He’s the one who brought you home last night. He helped me wash you up and pour you into bed then spent the night watching you. John. We are all worried about you. If you won’t talk to him talk to me or Mike or we will get you help if you feel you need it.” “He’s awake” Jeff said to someone in the hall and quietly left Sal walked in carrying a tray with coffee and breakfast. “What are you doing here?’ John asked in a flat voice “It’s a damn good thing I was there last night. Those guys were going to put YOU in the sling next till I stopped them.” Sal responded “I could have handled it” John said sullenly “You didn’t wake up when I carried you out of there over my shoulder. Or on the drive here. Or when Mike and I held you up in the shower while Jeff washed you.” Sal said putting the tray down on the table beside the bed “What were you doing there anyway?” John asked “Following you” Sal admitted. “John, I quit the bureau. I work for the company that handles security here. They put me in charge of the detail here three weeks ago at Jeff and Mike's request and you never noticed, You have stumbled right past me several times” “I noticed” John said dully “I thought you were a dream. I dream about you a lot. About before. Honestly I think it’s the only time I have been happy in the last two months. But they are just dreams.” “I tried!” Sal said “You refused my calls and even sent back the flowers I sent but I never gave up and I never will. You mean too much to me.” “Why did you lie to me then?” John asked. He knew he was being unfair but he could not help himself “I had no choice. It was the only way I could protect Jeff.” Sal said with a sigh “I know” John admitted “but it still hurts” “I will never lie to you again” Sal said, making the promise all men make but none ever completely keep. “Liar” John said. Then “Sal? Thanks for beginning me home last night” “Any time” he replied “Sal?” John said “Will you please hold me?” Sal slipped into the bed and pulled John back against him as john’s tears flowed. He cried to get it all our and he cried because it felt so good/ John an Sal didn’t resume where they had left off. They couldn’t but over the next weeks and months they built something new, John gradually resumed his play with the family members but Sal still only was with him. Like his brother he quit drinking cold turkey. Unlike his brother he got help.
  9. Mike answered his phone “Hey mom! Good to heat from you!” “Hey sweetie I have some news I think you should sit down if you aren’t already” his mom said in a serious tone. “I’m sitting” Mike said bracing himself for a shock “Your father had a heart attack. He didn’t make it” She said Mike felt… nothing “He never changed his will so I am stuck being executor. There is no estate or anything just some papers to deal with and a box of old photograph and letters” “Thanks for telling me Mom” Mike said “It’s good to close that chapter of my life” “Mike sweetie. I don’t know how to tell you this. Going through his letters I found out… Mike you have a brother” John sighed and reached for a painting getting ready to pack it to go into storage when he heard the shop door open “We’re closed” He said through the door to his “gallery” which was just a small room attached to the back of his dad’s gas station/convenience store. John’s dad had been an incredible man. He thought back to the day 5 years back just after his mom died when his dad had told him that he had married his mom when John was a year old and had adopted him. “Best thing I ever did in my life” he had said “I could not love you more if you were my flesh and blood”. A complication at John’s birth meant there were no more children and his parents had focused on raising the one child they had right. They had not batted an eye when John came out to them at 14 and had given him nothing but love. John’s dad was gone now too. He had left John a moderate amount of money. the house and the shop. Which was now in the process of being sold. John wanted to open a real gallery somewhere. His art sold well and had won a few awards and he wanted to make a go at being a full time artist. He heard someone moving in the shop and stepped though the door to tell them it was closed again and froze. There were two people in the shop and he knew who they were at once being a huge fan of both. Standing closest to him was Billy Clay. just as cute as he looked on the cover of his first album and behind him was his husband Mike. As he moved his eyes from Billy’s face to Mike’s he froze a second time. He had seen Mike’s face many times but in person there was something. An instant something. A familiarity. The set of the eyes, the shape of the jaw, the curve of the lips into a familiar smile. “Hi. I’m Mike and I think you are my brother” Mike said John just about fainted. “Oh that was subtle” Billy said moving to catch John’s arm and keep him upright Mike flushed “I’m so sorry. I burst in here like a bull and…” “I knew I was adopted by my dad” John said “You didn't blow any family secrets” Mike visibly relaxed. Billy was looking back and forth between them “I could have picked you two out of a crows as brothers Mike. He’s a green eyed, ginger version of you. Just as handsome. I wonder if he resembles you in other ways” he said glancing down with a naughty little smirk John flushed knowing instantly what his brother’s husband was talking about. “Billy I…” “My name is Jeff. Billy is a stage name” Jeff said “Stop teasing him” Mike said “I’m John by the way” John said Mike nodded. He knew a lot about his brother thanks to Jeff’s P,I, Mike was feeling a little shaken himself. There had been an instant connection. An instant love for this complete stranger. John instantly had become one of the most important people in Mike’s life and it was a big mental adjustment. “Oh! Look at this Mike!” Jeff said. It was a painting of two men kissing and the men were obviously Mike and Jeff. John blushed “I’m a huge fan…” “I want this!” Jeff said “Over the mantle to replace that terrible moose picture!” “I love the moose picture” Mike said “Shush you” Jeff commanded “You are really talented. How much is this one?” “I don’t charge family” John said and the realization hit him. After his dad had died he had been alone in the world but now he had a family again. Remembering that Mike was a talented tattoo artist and that he had done the cover art for their album. He asked “do we get our artistic talent from our father?” “Hardly” Mike snorted. “I think we get it from our grandmother, who had hair exactly the color of yours and I know we look like our grandfather” Then Mike told him about “Melvin” “I’m glad I never met him” John said and meant it, He could not stand people who mistreated their kids. “We found out a lot about you locating you” Mike said “I know the man who raised you recently passed and that you are selling this store and your house. What are your plans now?” “Things are kind of up in the air for me. I was thinking of moving to San Francisco and opening an art gallery but I have not decided yet.” “Then you are coming to stay with us for a while to get to know your brother” Jeff said firmly “I would not argue with him” Mike said “He usually gets exactly what he wants and it’s less painful just tp nod and say yes dear” “Yes dear” John said with a laugh nodding at Jeff Sitting by the pool, naked as usual, Jeff could see that John did indeed resemble his brother very much so. John had told them he was gay too when they explained that they had two other men regularly in their bed. They in turn had shared that hey were both HIV positive John commenting that he had dated a couple poz, undetectable guys. Within the first day John had been there, with encouragement from Mike and very little resistance from John Jeff had tasted John’s cum. John saying that he had fantasized about a blowjob from Jeff for years. John was the barest fraction longer than Mike but his balls were a little smaller. In fact Jeff was on his knees keeping both brothers happy when Hank and Buzz walked in having just arrived from back east. Mike and Jeff had failed to mention John when talking to the two on the phone and also who the “other two guys” were. “That’s…” John said as two of his heroes stood naked before him. Buzz just stared then they all laughed at Hank’s reaction. Arms spread wide palms up Hank looked at the sky and said “Two of them. Oh God I don’t think my ass can take two of them” Jeff was being mysterious as he had Mike drive them into town from The Compound having him park in the lot of his own tattoo shop then he led them across the street and along the side of the building there that had a small font actually on the strip. Mike rolled his eyes and John’s jaw dropped. Inside was an art gallery with John’s art prominently displayed. “I got this building too when I bought Mike’s shop” Jeff explained “The tenant's lease was up a couple months ago and they didn’t renew/ I was going to sell it but then we met you and you said you wanted to open a gallery so…” “You decided to take matters into your own evil little hands…” Mike said “What did I tell you about discussing things with me Boy?” this time it was a growl “I’ve neen a bad boy again haven't I” Jeff said in that mock meek voice of his. He knew he was in for a rough session when he got home and that was exactly what he wanted. “Who are all the other works by?” John asked stunned “You don’t have enough to fill the space so I invited several up and coming gay artists to put up displays but the gallery is yours along with the loft studio up there Jeff pointed to an open loft surrounded by huge windows. “Jeff I can’t accept this. I could never pay you back. I…” John said “What did I tell you about him getting his way?” Mike interrupted John swallows. looked around and said “yes Dear” When they got home Jeff very quickly found himself pushed over the familiar ottoman in the living room bound at elbow and wrist while Mike “Punished” His ass and John fucked his throat. Things with John stayed strictly oral for safety reasons. Jeff was in heaven. Mike was always a satisfying lover but when Jeff have him an excuse to be he could be downright brutal, forcing his way in past Jeff's inner barrier and making it hurt like that first night. John’s huge cock in his mouth sprouting from those ginger pubes made it even hotter all and all Jeff was a very satisfied boy by the time they were through with him. John’s look as he watched his brother slide in and out Jeff’s ass was a little envious. A week or so later Mike and John were alone in the house for a day. They decided to watch a movie together and sat together on the couch. Mike’s arm around his little brother’s shoulder John’s head on his big brother’s chest. At one point John glanced up to find Mike looking down at him John tilted his head up. Mike lowered his and suddenly they were kissing and just as suddenly they broke off saying “I’m sorry” in unison Mike looked troubled “We are brothers, we can’t” John looked just as troubled “We are but I have to admit that what I feel for you is more that brotherly love” ”I’m poz! We can’t! Mike said “Mike, you remember I said I had dated poz guys before? Every guy I have dated was poz. I have been thinking about bug chasing for years. I even saw your profile on the bareback site the day you met Jeff (They had told him the full story) If you still had the responses you would find one from me even though I was to old and not a submissive. I have wanted to fuck you since you walked into my shop! When you said you were my brother my perverted brain just wanted to fuck you more!” John said is a shamed ragged voice At this point a very disheveled Little Angel Mike came striding out of nowhere straightening his robe his halo a little askew and planted himself directly in front of Mike’s face “He is your little brother! Shame on you for what you are thinking!” the Angel said pulling up his robe to hide what looked suspiciously like hickeys on his neck Little Devil Mike appeared out of the same nowhere buck assed naked his cock dripping pre. He didn’t bother saying a word he just yanked Angel Mike off to the side, pushed him up against an invisible wall threw the back of his robe over his halo to hang down over his face then slammed his cock up that Angel ass resuming an obviously rudely interrupted fuck. Mike noticed a little biohazard tattoo above Devil Mike’s cock and a matching one on that glowing Angel ass. “Oh! You brute! Stop! I’m an Angel! I can’t be doing things like thi! Came the squeaky Angel voice then a whisper “You promised you would never do this where someone could see” “Oh shut up Angel cakes” Devil Mike said “You know you love it.” Then something else that had been said sunk in. “Wait” Mike said “YOU want to fuck ME!?!” Out of the corner of his eye he saw an Angel’s and a Devil’s heads slowly turn towards him, the Angel peeking from beneath his robe. The fucking stopped and they were suddenly sitting on a couch together with a large bowl of popcorn. They each popped a kernel in their mouths chewing as they watched wide eyed. “You don’t think I’m going to let you poz me without a crack at that ass first do you?” John said with an evil grin “But I…” Nuke said “I can be just as much of a top as you are brother mine” He said cupping the bulge in his shorts “In more ways than one” Mike thought long and hard about it, He had never taken a bigger cock that Jeff’s and while he liked to dish out pain he didn’t take it very well. But the perverted thought of pozzing his own little brother and also all the possibilities that would open in the family gradually won him over The popcorn bowl was nearly halfway empty when he said “Fair is fair. But only the one time and I get your ass directly after. Right after you cum in me.” Mike had his own evil thoughts of how much more uncomfortable it was to be fucked when not completely horny. “Only one time unless you ask for it again. You may find you like it” John said with a grin Mike snorted, out of the corner of his eye he saw a flurry of motion. An Angel and a Devil were setting up lights and video equipment the Devil whispering “We can sell the video online! Call it Mike Gives It Up to his horse hung brother! We will make a fortune!” “Go away you two pests” Mike said irritably waving his hand through them making them vanish like wisps of smoke. John looked confused for a second then said “I know your reputation and lucky for you I am a far more gentle lover and I use lube. You are also not a virgin. Neither am I anally by the way. I do want you over the famous ottoman though you can hold on to the straps” Grumbling Mike stripped and assumed the position while John ran upstairs for some lube. John knelt behind him and gently eased the head of his cock in. It hurt but only for a second. Thank god Jeff fucked him a couple times a month or it would have been much worse. Gentle or not when John slipped past his inner barrier into his guts it HURT. That was virgin territory. John proved to be an excellent top. Siding in and out of his brother his hands caressing and massaging, easing the tension and Mike gradually came to understand if not appreciate for himself why Jeff loved this so much. He could do this for John and Jeff no one else John groaned and bred his big brother filling his guts with maybe his last neg load/ They both took a few minutes to catch their breath then they swapped positions. “You are sure you want this?” Mike said. This was his little brother after all. “I am.” John said Mike pushed in. John was able to take him easier than when it was a virgin beneath him but John had never had anyone this large either and when Mike did his “Final push” he squealed like a stuck pig making Mike even harder. Mike took his time. The thought of being inside his own flesh and blood urging him to rush but his desire to make it good for John making him take his time and give back as tender an experience as John had given him. Eventually though the virus in his balls urged him to thrust faster as his breathing became ragged then with a final balls deep thrust and an “I love you little brother!” Mike filled with his poz seed knowing they would share more than genetics in their blood from now on as he collapsed panting across John’s back. He looked up at the sound of clapping. Jeff stood giving them a round of applause and grinning. “It’s about fucking time!” then to John “Did he give up his ass to you like I said he would?” John nodded with a grin of his own and Jeff leaned down to give him a high five Mike realized he had been set up again and again found that he didn’t really mind. ****************************************************** Hey guys I would love to hear your feedback! Do you like the detailed story or do you want more nasty sex or both? Please let me know.
  10. Jeff had a database of virgins of every body type and ethnicity. His new hobby was going through the steady stream of incoming mail and organizing them into categories. He had an idea. A hot but slightly evil idea and after discussing it with the family he put it onto motion. They all had the first week in December free and Jeff had located an exclusive and very private gay resort on a small Caribbean island. In fact the entire island was part of the resort. He contacted them and they agreed to host the event limiting reservations to only those with a pass code they would be provided. The family including Hank and Jack Ripper, a porn star friend of Buzz’s who was from a famously bareback only studio went through the pictures and letters Jeff had screened and each selected 20 to 30 from twinks, twunks, jocks, sexy nerds, cubs and cubbies. They had decided to start at age 19 to avoid mishaps and proof of age would be required for all selected to attend. During a press conference about an unrelated issue Jef casually mentioned “To all our special fans who wrote to us. Keep an eye on your email. You just might get a response” The next day the emails went out linking a private site: The Holiday Give it to me event One week of giving it up Travel required Proof of age required To be considered please pick your top choices to give it up to You can pick just one or rank all 5 Then a picture of each: Mike, Jeff, Buzz, Hank and Jack with their vital stats Hank was listed as 5 ½ inches beer can thick uncut and Jack as 9 ½ inches tapered cut and you should know the rest of them by now/ Responses came in and each picked their 7 all had a sprinkling of cubs nerds and chubbies in with the others. Jack Ripper picking cubs and chubs exclusively. “Don’t make me quote Sir Mix-a-lot, you can guess why” he laughed in explanation Then the actual invitation went out: Santa invites you to The Holiday Give it up Event 5 tops 35 virgins Come get your Gift This is a no questions asked Bareback event Some of the tops may be HIV positive so consider carefully before attending. No body shaming allowed. You will receive one day of attention from the Top you selected as your number one. During that day your virginity will be taken. No condoms, no pulling out. Click (This Link) to reserve your room. Note: Your rooms and meals are paid for you just have to get here. They had a 100% response rate “The funny thing is that Jack is the only one who’s status is unknown but working for a bareback porn studio most will assume if anyone is poz it’s him. You are a genius Babe” Mike chuckled as they drove to the airport They arrived late the guests would be arriving in the morning. They all went to bed early/ They would need their rest. The next day they all gathered in the inner courtyard “Welcome everyone!” Jeff called out. “In a few minutes each of us will call out their first sacrificial virgin” a chuckle went through the crowd.”If you don’t get picked today don’t worry. Your day will come! I have some sad news though 5 of your fellow virgins could not make it so on the last day you will all have a free for all orgy while we watch! We will probably need a break by then!” Then each top called out the virgin they wanted to start with and they split up to get to popping. Jeff took his to a private gazebo surrounded by a sparkling pool. He was 22 and a college track athlete. He looked like a slimmer Buzz with olive skin and light body hair. He seemed nervous and full of energy. “Come sit here” Jeff said patting a pile of cushions next to him. It took a while of soothing and coaxing. Making out and exploring bodies. Finally Jeff rolled him onto his stomach slowly licking from his tailbone up his spine to the back of his neck as Jeff's body settle above his “It’s time": Jeff whispered as he centered his cock on a virgin hole and pushed forward there was one grunt of pain followed by writhing moans as Jeff slid his toxic cock in and out pounding that spot and making him cum twice before Jeff deposited his tainted seed inside of him. They swam in the pool and relaxed in the sun before a repeat a couple hours later. Jack’s was a chubby 20 year old with a cute face, scraggly beard which Jeff loved and the hugest most beautiful blue eyes. He radiated self doubt with every step, “Why did you pick me?” he asked “Because you are beautiful” Jack replied “Please don’t make fun of me” “I’m not” Jack said walking up to him, putting his hands on both sides of his face and kissing him hungrily. To be honest Jack didn’t know his status and didn’t care. He just had a need to be in this beautiful, damaged man. To show him how beautiful he was. Taking his hand Jack led him back to his room “I have been watching your videos for years, every guy you are with is hot and muscled or a twink with a bubble ass” He said as Jack gently pushed him onto the bed on his hands and knees “That’s my job and I have to take the little blue pill to stay hard most of the time” he started probing his cock between those big round cheeks “No pills today though” he said, pressing his cock to that hole and coaxing it open, little whimpers of pain and pleasure coming from under him. He worked his way in finally bottoming out then just staying there his hand exploring the soft body below him giving words of praise and encouragement as belly and chest were rubbed and hugged. Nipples gently pinched. Jack began to thrust in and out flesh slapping flesh till he filled him with his first load ever making him cum without touching himself. They kissed and cuddle the rest of the day and fucked two more times Hank’s was a short guy who had just missed going to the Olympics for the US as a gymnast. His skin was the color of light caramel, his mom being African American and his dad Mexican/ he had a thin mustache and a big smile. He started calling Hank “Coach” as soon as they were alone. Changing plans Hank lead him to the gym. Things were simple from there. Hank laid on the bench and started pumping iron. The weights so small Hank could pump them all day as his little friend rubbed him down with oil saving his cock and balls for last then he agilely straddled Hank and slowly impaled himself on his cock wincing as the head popped in then bouncing till a groaning Hank filled him with poz seed. They rested a while then Hank laid him on the bench. Bent his flexible body in half shoving roughly into that hole and pounding another toxic load into him. Buzz’s guy was a twink who looked a lot like Jeff. They had chatted online in the days leading up tp the event so they knew what they wanted. He followed the twink to his room closing the door and pressing him face first into the wall “I’m going to take this hole now boy” He growled putting his cock head to it and shoving hard as the twink moaned and grunted in pain not resisting Buzz fucked him like a jack hammer once he was used to it literally lifting his feet off the floor with some strokes pausing to catch his breath then starting again before finally blasting his guts full of the gift Mike had given him (re gifting is a good thing) , The twink fell into bed with him after worn out and panting. Over the rest of the day he found out that cumming five times a day was the norm for Buzz and he was almost limping when he walked back out the door Mike sat by the pool talking to his guy at 26 he was the oldest of the virgins. “Why did you wait so long? You are hot. You should have no trouble getting laid” Mike said “I was looking for love, I just never found it” he replied Mike nodded Sex is a good way to meet people” Mike said “Why don’t you come over here and suck this for a while?” and the oldest virgin there wrapped his lips around the head and shaft “This guy has a lot to learn” Mike thought though he didn’t mind a little scraping from the teeth. “Stand up, bend over and put your hands on the arms of this chair” Mike said The guy complied and Mike spent his usual half an hour working his massive cock into a virgin hole the screams echoing through the courtyard as Mike did his final push” Oh fuck. Oh fuck, oh fuck ringing off the walls. Mike let him get used to it than began sliding slowly in and out fucking him for all to see building up speed until he filled the guy with his virus making him cum all over the chair. Later Mike fucked him again on the edge of the pool filling him with more poz cum The first day went just as planned. There small party in the courtyard at witch the first dayers were given a t-shirt that said “I got popped by a star” Jack danced with his new chubby friend all evening and they were seen headed back to Jack’s room hand in hand. The rest of the even went as well as the first day and many many asses were seeded. Jack made sure every one of his virgins got popped but at the end of the day he was back with his original chub and at the final day orgy they were only with each other. Exhausted the family flew home to get ready for Christmas. They were still in the gift giving mood.
  11. “We really don’t need them” Jeff said to Mike. “Your contract was only for the one album and mine is up in 30 days. The only thing they do for us that we can’t do as well is distribution of hard copy formats and we could contract that out or just go completely digital” “It’s the same with the studio. Now that I’m done shooting the sequel.” Jeff added They had sat down with their money manager/financial planner to review where they were financially. If neither of them ever earned another dime besides the royalties that already had coming in they could not spend it all in three life times. “We also Don’t have anything left to prove” He was rich in his own right without Jeff, though they mostly combined everything now.. Mike had three Grammyphones and Jeff had a total of five from this year and before. Mike had been approached by a five time Tommy winning director/producer and now the songs from the album along with several more he had written as a boy and young man were being adapted into a Broadway musical as well. “”I don't want to retire but I’m tired of having to ask them when I want to do something. They could have turned me down when I brought your music to them. I never want to be in that position again. Besides they don’t really care one way or the other about Gay Issues. It’s just fashionable and profitable to be on our side now” “What do you think of this offer?” Jeff asked It was from a smaller company wholly owned by two gay men. They didn’t have the global reach of the current company and they were not offering as much up front but they were offering a much higher percentage of sales, complete artistic control and they had some interesting and unique marketing strategies. “We want to do Gay Music for Gay People and if the rest of the world likes it all the better” the offer concluded “I like the offer and the thought of total artistic control” Mike said “I will have the lawyers check them out then” Jeff said A couple months later they signed with "Rough Rider Records" and got to work. Their first single. "Give it to me", got banned from radio play in several southern states so naturally it went viral. It’s throbbing beat and more than suggestive lyric playing in every dance club and gay bar on earth and the video breaking “MeTube” quickly becoming one of the most viewed in history featured Jeff and Mike in black and white on a white stage dressed in leather and latex and not bothering to hide the bulging attributes in Mike’s pants on the special “Adult cut” you could only see on adult sites. The Lyrics went: (Billy) I want you. Young and fresh Teach you sins of the flesh Take you. Make you, set you free Blow your mind, Give it to me (Mike) Pretty boy on your knees Open wide. I won't say please Taste me. Touch me, You’ll believe That you should Give it to me (Billy) Find True love? Aww that’s sweet. His first too? It won’t be First time? Be mine. In the sheets Chaste no more. Give it to me (Mike) You should now. No don’t think It’s not love, It’s just kink Be safe? Bareback? We will see Take a risk, Give it to me (Both) It’s your choice, Yes or no There’s no wrong way to go Live life, Be all You can be Take control, Give it to me “Are you really going to release a song about taking someone’s virginity?” Buzz asked when they played it for him. “Mike wrote it and he’s an expert wouldn’t you say?” Jeff laughs slapping the larger man on the ass “This is true” Buzz said with a grin Mike’s hometown had exactly one hotel. A 45 room retreat for hunters and fishers that while rustic in decoration was one of the best rated small hotels in the country. The next nearest hotel was 70 miles of twisting mountain roads away. Somehow Jeff managed to book all 45 rooms for a month “To make sure we have rooms for all the guests”. Then he had mercilessly dragooned everyone they wanted there into promising they would be. Hank and Buzz would be in the wedding and the entire offensive line who were frequent guests at the house tagged along. Luke and Cathy came up to the hotel after Jeff quashed the idea of a camping trip. If it did not involve air conditioning Jeff was NOT camping. Cathay and Jeff became instant best friends and fell to wedding planning. The kids played by the lake shore with seven hulking football players acting as life guards and diving platforms. Luke sat in a lounge and said “Come here” to Mike who, shaking a little, sar as instructed in front of Luke leaning back against him as Luke wrapped him in his arms holding him close. Cathay looked over catching Mike’s eyes nodding with a warm smile. “I wish I had had the balls to do this when we were younger. I’m not sure either of us were mature enough then. You do feel good in my arms though” Luke said kissing his hair Mike searched back through his memories “You know? This is all I ever wanted from you. I have never once had a sexual fantasy about you. I just wanted you to hold me and love me” and something that had been broken in Mike for a long time started to heal. “I’m glad to hear that” Luke laughed “Remember I saw you in the gym shower. Even if I swung that way there is just no way” Mike heard Cathy giggle and ask Jeff “Is he really that big?” “You have no idea” Jeff replied “ But this feels right, something that should have always been. I’m going to store up holding you as much as I can while you are here” Luke said “I need it as much as you do” Mike glanced over at Jeff and Cathy who had identical expressions on their faces. Smiles and tears then he felt a wet drop on his shoulder and realized Luke was crying too. Luke and Mike talked for several hours catching up on everything then Mike heard a voice say “Michel Henry Baxter, This is all very sweet but don’t you think it’s time you introduced me to your husband?” Only one person in the world ever used his full name. “Mom!” Mike said scrambling to his feet and hugging her tight “Don’t break my ribs Son” She said laughing “You must be Jeff, well of course you are it’s not like I have not seen your picture all over everywhere for years” “Hello June. it’s nice to finally meet you in the flesh” They had talked on the phone a few times but had never met. “I thought you were in France! Is Raoul here?” Raoul was the French man she had married after leaving his father. After Mike had grown up they had moved back to his home “No but he sends his best wishes. I do have to tell you your father is in town staying with Garry.” she said with a frown Mike blanched “What is that asshole doing here?” “I’m not sure. I saw him driving in out in front of Garry’s house” she said “I hope he does not think he is coming to the wedding. He is NOT invited” Jeff said hotly. He knew why Mike hated his father. “He would only show up to cause trouble” Mike said “Probably,” June said. She had left the man over his treatment of her son “Any way. On to happier things" and she sat down with Cathey and Jeff, the three as thick as thieves “Cathy is incredible” Jeff said that night in bed after they made love “Not many women would let their husband hold another person like that, so intimately” “”You are just as incredible for allowing it Babe” Mike said kissing him “I have more practice seeing you with others though Luke is the one person I would prefer you never sleep with. He’s the only person I think you love as much as you love me.” Jeff said honestly “In a totally different way maybe” Mike admitted “And I love you more. I survived without Luke I don’t think I could without you” “Good answer” Jeff murmured kissing his husband back About a week later Mike was taking Jeff into the local diner to treat him to “The best sandwich in the world” in his opinion not reacting in any way as they walked past his father sitting in a booth “You’re not even going to say hello?” came the voice from behind them Mike kept walking but Jeff’s hand on his arm stopped him “You have to deal with him. I prefer it not to be at the wedding” and he guided Mike back both of them sitting across from the man “Hello Melvin” Mike said “I’m your dad, can you at least call me Mel?” the man said, wincing. Melvin was short and stocky with a pot belly. He could not look less like Mike if he tried “What do you want?” Mike asked “Son, I have been so wrong, I never meant to hurt you" “Bullshit” Mike said “You spent my entire childhood telling me I ruined your life. Who tells a 5 year old that he had had a paternity test done to make sure I was his?. That my mother was a slut who trapped him into marrying her because of me. If mom had not dumped your ass the first time you hit me I probably would have killed you by now. Every time I saw you after that you bitched about your child support and you spent my teen years calling me a dirty little fag” “I was jealous!” Mel snapped “From the day you were born your mother loved you more than she loved me! I could tell even as a baby you were going to be better looking than me! Then you turned out to be gay and you just went with it like it was something to be proud of! You didn’t have to pretend tp be someone else and marry some girl to make your parents happy! I’m sorry! You have to forgive me eventually though” “No he doesn’t” Jeff said calmly “You have to forgive me is something bad parents say to wipe away what they did and evade the consequences. You were the adult. You knew better. You took your petty little feelings on someone who could not defend himself. Now you are implying that you are gay but that just makes it worse.” “Why don’t you let my son speak?” Melvin shot back “He’s pretty much expressing my feelings Melvin” Mike said coldly “Then there is the question of why now? You have years to try to make things better. Why now? I know you traveled quite a long distance to be here now when you knew Mike would be in town. I have had my people look into you occasionally since I met Mike. Could you be here because your son is a wealthy man now? Maybe because you owe some very nasty people a lot of money? Maybe you think your wealthy son can make your life better?” Melvin looked stunned “How did you know that?” “We have good people Melvin” Mike said “They are going to kill me” Melvin said “How much does he owe?” Mike asked Jeff and Jeff told him “Wow we spent more than that on jet fuel last month. Let’s go get you that sandwich” and he stood walking towards the counter. “Wait! Are you going to help me? This is apparently chump change to you!” “If I had those guys number I would call and tell them where you are” Mike said over his shoulder. “I’ve got it!” Jeff said as he followed Mike “Maybe you should leave town Melvin” Mike was right, it was the best sandwich in the world. Mike and Jeff more or less behaved themselves in Mike’s home town, Hank and Buzz didn’t. There were about 6 guys in their early 20s ti 30s who hung out at the lakeshore. Over the month they were there all six ended up being the meat in a Hank and Buzz sandwich. Each convinced that he was the only one. They would breed Hank and Buzz would breed them. That was the deal. One day they had four of the six guys in bed at various times. The wedding took place on the last day of summer. That high in the mountains the trees were already turning and the evenings had a cold chill in the air. Mike stood looking at the man who had so totally changed his life wondering how he had gotten so lucky. Jeff returning his gaze echoed his thoughts. They said their vows over the soft sound of both moms crying before everyone in the world who mattered to them. Laughing latter as Jeff’s drunk dad flirted with a straight but very polite offensive lineman. Mike’s father was conspicuously absent. Jeff and Mike flew Mike’s mom home and spent a week in the south of France (That adventure coming in a future chapter) then returned home to find bags and bags of mail in the front foyer. “What’s all this?” Mike asked Jeff looked at a few “Apparently its letters from fans wanting to ‘Give it to us” Mike groaned
  12. “I’m ready to be yours” Buzz said still down on his knees “And Jeff’s” Mike added Buzz nodded then he looked at Hank again “I want a chance with you but I realize that I need to do some growing up as well. I want to be as good a man as you are.” Hank’s eyes softened a bit and he said “Mike can help you find who you really are but what you do with that is up to you” “Ok. we need to talk then. Alone” Mike said pulling Buzz up off his knees and pointing to a chair opposite his favorite one “Sit” Hank headed upstairs and Jeff went into his “Office” which had a collection of every game council known to man from Atari to the Steam Deck and thousands of games most of which Jeff had never played. “I need to make sure you understand what you are agreeing to.” Mike started. “Yes, if you prove you are worthy I will let you date Hank. I’m not guaranteeing this will be successful and the future of your relationship will be decided by me. Don’t think I’m going to be arbitrary about this. You will need to make Hank HAPPY. Make him want to be with you. But all that aside this is going to start with building a relationship between you and I that will continue no matter how things work out with Hank. You are making a lifetime commitment to Jeff and I. Hank tells me you have the best agent you could have and great people managing your money. I would never intrude into those areas” “Except he can never play for Mathisburg” Came a shout from the “Office” as Jeff spouted his hatred for his favorite team’s division rival who had prevented Jeff’s team from making the playoffs every year while Jeff was growing up. “I hate the Corn Shuckers! I will NOT own a Shucker” Mike and Buzz both laughed. “I hate them too. No worries there” Buzz shouted back Mike walked to the office door and closed it, a muffled “Spoilsport” coming from the other side “Seriously though, you are committing to me making every other life decision for you. You have a different personality from Hank though depending on your personal growth there may come a time when I allow you to disagree and even argue with me but in the end you will abide by my decisions. You can keep going the way you were. You have the fame and the looks to walk through life on your own terms but looks and fame are transient and I think once they faded the way you were going would lead to an empty, lonely, shallow life. Understand. We would be committing to you as well. I said family and I meant just that.” “Life decisions, submission and cosmetic control of your appearance are non-negotiable but during our “Getting to know each other phase” you CAN say no to things. You just need to really consider WHAT you say no to. Does it make you uncomfortable or is it a hard no you could never see yourself doing. I’m personally not comfortable being fucked. never have been but when I stopped being selfish and let Jeff top me it changed and deepen our relationship and our level of trust. One of my hard limits is eating ass. I know a lot of guys love it but I won’t do it or let it be done to me by a mouth I am ever going to kiss again. Just no…” Mike said with a shudder “I accept that you will have hard nos too. You need to be able to tell me without fear. You also need to tell me what makes you uncomfortable because that’s where I will take you. I admit I am a sadist. I will never injure you but I enjoy causing physical and mental pain. My goal is not to damage it’s to take something you hate and turn it into something you crave from my hand.” “Hank submits easily and naturally. You are different. You will need reminders. In this house you will refer to me as “Master” and Jeff as “Sir”. You will know we trust you if we allow you to use our names again someday” Buzz had been nodding throughout this “Yes Master” he said “There is one more thing” Mike said “This may be a deal breaker and I understand if it is. I will let you walk out and maintain a friendship with Hank if he wishes it.” “Go on” Buzz said “I am HIV positive and unmedicated. If you stay I will fuck you regularly. I will not use a condom and I will not pull out when I cum, ever. I will deliberately infect you with HIV and you will accept my right to do so.” Mike said looking directly into Buzz’s eyes Buzz looked stunned but he didn’t jump up and walk out “I don’t want HIV” That made Mike’s cock twitch sensing prey “Taking my cum is non-negotiable” Mike said firmly “Is this something I can think about?” Buzz asked “No” Mark said “If you stay I will breed you within the hour” “Hank has HIV?” “Yes. I gave it to him personally but like you I gave him a choice before I did” Mike watched as the man who was probably the most famous athlete in the world right now struggled with it. The thought of infecting this man with a virus he didn’t want but willingly accepted making his cock rock hard. “I have always been a top. I’m an anal virgin. Will you take it easy on me Master?” Buzz asked in a meek voice “Of course Boy” Mike said with a smile of victory on his face. They gathered in the Livingroom to witness Buzz’s submission everyone fully dressed except him kneeling naked before Mike It was time for Buzz’s first real test. “Crawl to me, take out my cock. Kiss it then put it in your mouth. You are going to drink my piss. They watched the play of emotions on his face like a little war then finally “Yes Master, this makes me very uncomfortable though” he said as he crawled to Mike “Drink every drop” Mike ordered as he let his stream flow A surprised and sour look crossed Buzz’s face but he swallowed and managed to choke down most of it. Mike admiring the perfect body of his new trophy and the way his blond chest hair stood out against his tan skin Jeff tossed a black sheet over an ottoman that looked suspiciously like the one from their original penthouse suite, leather straps attached to the legs and all and Mike directed Buzz to lay over it, hold the straps and not to let go “You accept that I am going to cum in you and infect you with my pox seed?” Mike asked “Do I have a choice?” “You can stand up, get dressed and walk out” Mike said “No one will stop you” Finally “I don’t want it but I accept your right to infect me Master” Buzz said Mike didn’t ask again, kneeling behind him he started to work his bare unmedicated cock into the top player in professional sports at this time using only precum for lube Mike was as gentle as he could be but he still enjoyed the grunts of pain his cock was causing, even more he enjoyed the slight tremor of fear that shook the athlete’s body. “Shhh Baby Boy, just accept it. You belong to me now.” Mike reached under, finding and twisting both Buzz’s nipples hard. “ I’m going to infect you. You were born to be infected by me. There's no stopping it now. My virus is taking over your blood. My HIV will be in you forever sealing you to me. Marking you as mine. NOW!” The he threw back and moaned as his toxic cock blasted wad after wad of virus and cum into the Championship game’s MVP for the first time. The next couple weeks Jeff and Hank entertained each other while Mike concentrated on Buzz breeding him three and four times a day. Frequently pissing in him after the breeding was done or making him suck him clean and letting him drink it. Buzz adapted to his new life like a fish to water. Mike had called a friend to come out and he had very professionally pierced both of Buzz’s nipples showing him how to care for them as the wounds healed Mike worked for hours on a tattoo on Buzz’s left butt cheek. Beautiful block letters with highlights and shadows that spelled out the word “Owned” After a month Buzz found his devotion to Mike growing. The way Mike pushed him to the edge but never beyond. The savage brutal sex that Buzz didn’t just endure he matched Mike blow for blow demanding more to the point their sex looked like a wrestling match with Mike always winning. Then Mike would hold him and praise him saying how proud he was at Buzz’s progress and new found self control. Buzz was a new person because of Mike. Two months in Mike decided the issue of Hank and Buzz was kind of moot. Weeks ago he had issued a general rule that anyone in the family was free to have sex with any other family member if both were willing and they all knew Buzz had the OK to try to win Hank. More and more he found them together Buzz laying on Hank’s chest often calling him “Daddy” as Hank surprisingly took the more dominant role from the bottom. Neither Hank nor Buzz shirked their duty to Mike. One day Jeff walked out to the pool to find two muscle asses on display. One a paler tan covered in dark hair the other a tanned olive tone with blond fuzz covering it. He walked over and added the option of a slim hipped smooth bubble butt and Mike spent an enjoyable afternoon playing “switch a hole” giving each a load of cum eventually. The day before Buzz had to fly back east to report for camp Mike was called up to the bedroom and waked in on quite a sight. Hank on the bottom being fucked by Jeff. Jeff in the middle getting fucked by Buzz and Buzz’s ass waving seductively in the air before him. He didn’t resist. They were all his. Four men bound together by love and lust and a virus. Buzz signed his new contract., expertly negotiated by his agent. The Team’s decision to give a rookie a one year contract costing them big time. The next day he called a press conference and in no uncertain terms came out of the closet. The world exploded. The state the team was located in had an anti discrimination law covering sexual orientation so the team came out in full support of him because they had no choice. The offensive coordinator quit in protest though and they offered the job to Hank who after long discussions with the family took it “This is something I am good at” Hank said“ It’s something I can do and do well and it’s something I love” Hank signed his new contract expertly negotiated by Jeff's lawyers. The next day he called a press conference, came out of the closet, announced that he and Buzz were engaged. almost making Buzz faint and then run up on stage to hold his fiancé and the Buzz continued that if Buzz thought this would make Hank go easy on him he better think again Buzz visibly swallowed and the entire room laughed at his meek “Yes dear” Some offensive players on several other teams made comments all sounding something like “I’m going to flatten that little queer”. 5 of them forming what they called “The Avenging Angels” and places bets on who would sack Buzz more but the offensive line Hank put together that year became a legend. Nicknamed “The Stonewall” they became the first offensive line in history not to allow a single sack from the beginning of pre-season to the end of the Championship Game and the “The Avenging Angels” became “The Impotent anger” Jeff and Mike bought large private house in the team’s home town and the adventures continued.
  13. Buzz got off the plane and there was Hank waiting to pick him up. He was going be a guest of this Mike guy and his husband Billy Clay. Buzz saw red every time he thought of that. This guy had Billy fucking Clay as a husband. Billy was the cutest guy on earth, well next to his Hank and that was not enough for him. Buzz knew he would fuck Billy in a second given the chance. What right did this guy have to keep the man he loved from him? He knew he could make Hank love him back if he could just get him away from this jerk Mike. Hank had told him that if he wanted to stay with them he had to accept their open, anywhere any time sexual relationship and that he might see Mike or even Billy fucking Hank at any time. If he could not accept that he could stay in a hotel. It was all just so unfair. Why did this Mike have everything he wanted? He was going to take Hank for himself and show Billy what a real fuck was like. This Mike guy didn’t stand a chance against a stud like him. Buzz’s mind continued in this selfish, self pitying, childish circle as Hank drove them to The Compound. Hank. noting the anger in the eyes and the petulant poutiness of Buzz’s lips rolled his eyes. This kid needed to be taken down a peg or five. He knew the culture Buzz came from. Everyone telling him how special he was because he was the star quarterback now. There were thousands of guys out there who would fall into Buzz’s arms at the drop of a hat. So who did Buzz insist on having? The one guy who told him no, Mike would handle him. Buzz was like a pretty present all wrapped in a bow Hank was giving to Mike. Mike and Jeff were waiting out front when they pulled up and Hank introduced them “Billy! It’s so nice…” Buzz started “It's Jeff” Jeff said mildly Buzz flushed, not because he had been corrected but because he had been interrupted “Yeah… ommm… right… I have always thought of you as ‘Billy with the gorgeous ass’ that’s hard to get out of my mind” “It’s nice to meet you Buzz” Mike said in an even voice extending his hand. Buzz looked him up and down ignoring the hand “This will be easy” he thought squaring off against the man. “Hank tells me he will never sleep with me unless I ask your permission” “No” Mike said “what I’m sure he told you is that he would never sleep with you unless I told him to.” Buzz ignored that “He also says you own him and male his decisions. That you control him” “No” Mike said “Once again I am sure what he told you was that he has given me the right to make his decisions and control him. That he has given himself to me.” “And what does that mean?” Buzz demanded “Hank what would you do if I said I wanted to fuck you right now” Mike asked “I’d drop my pants and bend over” came the reply “If I told you to take Buzz upstairs and let him fuck you?” “I’d take him upstairs and let him fuck me” “If I told you to drive him back into town, find a wedding chapel and marry him?” “I’d take him into town and marry him” “If I told you to never see or speak to him again?” “I’d drive him to a hotel, drop him off, block his number and never speak to him again” “It’s not right for you to take control of him that much!” Buzz yelled “You must be blackmailing him or something! He should be with me! I love him!” Then he balled up his fists and started towards Mike. A quiet voice from behind him stopped him cold “If you touch Mike I will end you tight here and now” Hank said “And if he doesn’t I will” Jeff said stepping in front of Mike Mike felt tears in his eyes as his two men defended him Hank stepped in front of Buzz putting a finger on his chest and backing him up several paces. “Look here punk. You have not been listening. Mike did not take control of me. I GAVE him control, happily. Gratefully. It’s not some huge privilege for him. It’s a responsibility! He decides things I don’t want to. He protects me. He respects me but he pushes me to be more than I am now. Mike what would you do if I actually told you No I can’t do something you asked of me?” “I would smack him so hard” Jeff said his eyes hard “Oh Hank, baby boy “ Mike said the tears actually flowing now “Baby if I pushed you that far, knowing how much you want to, need to please me I would have fucked up so bad, pushed you to far, not listened to you. I would stop instantly and probably hold you for hours apologizing and letting you know how much I love you” “And I would be right there on the other side holding you too and occasionally bopping Mike on the back of the head for being so stupid” Jeff added “Mike takes what he wants from me but it’s never more than I can or am willing to give. You on the other hand only see what you want. Only see me as a way to get what you want. You don’t want to love me you want to possess me and to prove you can take me from Mike. You would selfishly take me from a situation I have told you over and over makes me happy to satisfy your ego. You even want to take Jeff. You know what his real name is but you tried to cram him into your fantasy of him, disrespecting both him and Mike. You come into their home as a guest and you do this.” Hank said with contempt “When I first took Hank I abused him” Mike admitted “I told him he wasn’t a man compared to me, He forgave me for that and taught me what a man really is. I have only just realized he is probably the best man I know besides Jeff and what a truly magnificent gift he gave me when he gave himself to me. We had a plan. It may have been a bit twisted but it was a plan to offer you a possible place in our family eventually. Right now I don’t even know if it’s safe to even offer you the guest room” “What was the plan?” Buzz asked in a subdued voice. “For you to submit and become mine like Hank is. To prove you can put someone else’s needs before yours, muzzle that ego and control your temper. I was going to use you and push you to the edge then if you proved yourself I was going to let you DATE Hank and see if you could love each other under my hand. I swore to protect Hank and I don’t know if you would be good for him” Buzz nodded then he looked at Hank with something akin to actual love in his eyes “I will think about it” Later once Buzz had been shown to his room Hank joined Mike and Jeff in bed. They needed to be together, to touch and to hold each other to affirm the new level their relationship had grown to today. “I meant it Hank” Mike said “You are more of a man than I deserve. I’m sorry for making you feel less than” “Nah” Hank said “I love when you talk about my little nub, it gets me going. It puts me in the mindset to take that monster between your legs. I would not change a thing between us Mike” “That was an intense encounter but it went pretty much how we planned” Mike said and Hank nodded, reaching out to stroke both Mike and Jeff wanting to get used hard. The next day naked by the pool Buzz had strutted out sporting a hefty, respectable 8 inches and still harboring some illusions then he saw Mike hanging longer soft than he was hard. Laughed and gave up. He stayed for about a week and he did see Hank getting fucked several times then had to fly back East for a mini-camp while Jeff and Mike flew to Hollwood for the awards show. The day before the show Mike was thoroughly intimidated by the choreographer. His name was Stefan and he was a Queen Bitch on wheels and let everyone know it. He was ebony skinned, dressed only in tights and a pair of shorts, an inch taller than Mike and every bit as muscled as Hank he could intimidate an army by himself. Singing on live TV before a national audience was scary enough without Stefan looming over him and telling him to get it right. Mike didn’t have to dance but he did have to move through the dancers without collisions. Dressed in a t-shirt and sweats (No underwear at a mischievous Jeff’s insistence) he scampered across the stage to “No, no! Move like you are a big confident man! Not a cock roach afraid the get stepped on!” Finally Stefan called for lunch “You!” he said pointing at Mike “Come with me, You have to much work to do for lunch breaks” and stalked off stage “Go on” Jeff said trying to keep from grinning “You have work to do” Mike hurried after Stefan seeing him go in the door of an office partially closing it. When Mike pushed it open Stefan was bent over a desk his shorts gone and the back of his tights lowered “Come on Boy you have a lot of work to do” He growled. Instantly hard Hank closed the door and locked it. Dropped his sweats and slid balls deep into that ass with one stroke pounding that bouncing ass while Stefan growled “Harder Boy give me that dick” Mike dumped two toxic loads in him before they returned to the stage. “Did you work hard?” Jeff asked and Mike blushed making Jeff laugh “Stefan is a legend and he loves big dicked white boys” Jeff giggled “I was to young and to small for him thank god” “You set me up” Mike said not really minding that much. The next night was a blur in Mike’s mind. He barely remembered his own performance though he got a standing ovation. He remembered every second of Jeff holding his hand and singing “Heartsong” to him with his heart in his eyes. They both lost out on “Best Male Vocalist” and “Best Duet” Though Mike won “Best Newcomer” and they took “Album of the year”. Finally “You never knew” was announced as “Song of the Year”. Mike gave a quick acceptance speech as it was his third time up there that night then he looked right into the camera and said “Well Luke, I guess you know now”. They partied so late into the night that they just collected their bags from their room and went right to the airport (Having a private jet is nice). Mike’s phone went off with a text while he was driving . Checking it when they got home he saw it was from Luke “Call me” The phone rang twice and a woman picked up “Hey Cathy” Mike said “It’s Mike is Luke there?” “He’s out back” she said then “Oh my god Mike, I KNEW I had heard Heartsong before the first time I heard it on the radio. We didn’t figure out it was you till halfway through your “You never knew” performance. Luke broke down when he realized ut was you and who you were singing about, Here he is now” “Hey Emo” Luke said. Luke had called him “Emo” since he had gotten bangs in the worst hair choice in his life. “Hey Wipeout” Mike replied. Trying to jump a skateboard over a curb and failing seven times in a row has it’s consequences. “Mike, listen, I always knew. I loved, love you too just not in that way. I never said anything because I was afraid to ruin our friendship. Next to Cathy and the kids you are and always will be the most important person in my life” It was Mike’s turn to break down and Jeff who had been standing close enough to listen wrapped him in his arms. “Same to you Wipeout” he said sniffing “Why don’t you bring Billy...” “His real name is Jeff. Billy is a stage name” “Ok, why don’t you bring Jeff to visit next summer? “We can take Cathy and the kids and go up to the lake fpr a couple days. The kids should get to know their God Father and his husband” Luke said “We will do it. We are planning on renewing our wedding vows and maybe we can do it in my home town church” Jeff nodded smiling “This time you can stand up for me” “I’d be honored” Luke said The next day Buzz returned walking up to Mike but looking at Hank he got on his knees and said “{‘ll do it”
  14. The album dropped three weeks before Christmas along with the first twi singles: “You never knew”, with Mike singing and Jeff doing backup and “Heartsong”, with Mike backing up Jeff. To Mike’s more that pleased surprise the album shot to number one and their singles spent the next 12 weeks trading the number one spot on the charts. That’s not tp say everyone was thrilled. Right wing politicians and groups like “Mothers who have not updated their hairstyle since 1999” as Jeff called them came out with that tired old “They are coming for your kids” threat but if anything their negativity just spurred sales more. There was a almost sad moment when Doug’s ridiculously outraged face with a promotional picture of Jeff and Mike happily holding hands in the lower corner appeared on the tabloids with the headline “Man claims Billy Clay broke up my happy home” The story did not go as Doug had planned though. When contacted for comment Mike had forwarded the “I’m leaving you” video Doug had recorded on Mike’s own computer which started with the line “I’m going back to God you fa**ot” then he proceed to use every anti gay slur in the book also saying several times that Mike would be unhappy and alone forever because he was gay. The story read: Doug Ashpole. An unemployed man currently in a County lockup for drug possession in rural Virginia claims that pop star and actor Billy Clay-Blake ``swooped in and stole his man'' breaking up a happy relationship and then said man, Michael Clay-Blake as he is known now. an up and coming pop star in his own right, And Billy pursued him to Virginia. Breaking up his relationship with then fiancé Heather Jones and getting him fired from his job. However, irrefutable evidence obtained by this reporter strongly disputes these claims. In a video provided by Michael within minutes of being contacted for comment Mr. Ashpole says. And then the entire content of the video was quoted word for word. Also contacted for comment Ms. Jones said “I broke up with Doug when I caught him cheating on me with another man for the third time. He was fired from his job a couple weeks later when an internal review found he was misusing company funds on porn and call boys” Then she added a personal message to Billy and Mike “Could you tell them I did love their album and it changed my mind about many things?” The story then became a commentary on how the album was giving hope to so many LGBTQ youths, letting them know they are not alone and finished listing resources for those young people if they needed support. Another story came out in “Rolling Rocks” magazine but this time they had sat for the interview. Video excerpts were going to appear on Christmas day on that TV news show that made such a big deal about being an hour long. Sitting together holding hands Jeff blithely said “We met, got married, had sex then fell in love. We did all the same things other people do just in a different order” then refused to elaborate further. He then gushed about almost all of Mikes good features, leaving out the twelve inch cock. Finishing with “And on top of all that he is an award winning tattoo artist! He just finished my first tattoo!” Jeff said standing. pulling off his shirt and turning to show it off. The tattoo showed sunlight coming through a window set in stone falling on a single rose on a wood table. Sunlight however causes shadows and very subtly in the shadow of the rose a scorpion lurked shiny black in the dull black shadows. “It’s a stunning piece of art does it have a personal meaning?” the interviewer asked “It’s to remind me of a lesson I learned early in life. The most beautiful things can hide a nasty surprise” Jeff replied Mike then answered some questions about his tattoo art, the awards it had won and how it was to work with his husband on the album A month or so later Mike got the shock of his life when the nominations for Grammyphones came out. “Life and love from a different perspective” was up for “Album of the year” Both he and Jeff were up for ‘Top male vocalist” and “Best duet or group performance” Mike was up for “Best Newcomer” and both “You never knew” and “Heartsong” were up for “song of the year” it was overwhelming Mike spent a lot of time tattooing Hank. It was the best stress relief after sex for him. Hank was different since he had returned to their lives. He had an almost fanatical devotion to Mike now. Mike was fairly sure there was nothing Hank would not do for him. Mike loved pushing his limits and Hank always told him when something made him uncomfortable, not to get Mike to stop but because he knew Mike loved to push those things even further. Hank was on the phone with Buzz Anton, the rookie quarterback he had mentored who looked like a young Greek god, green eyes, blond hair and a body almost as perfect as Hank’s, several times a day and during every game he took notes while watching on TV to share but the calls were not all business. From Hank’s tone and warm words there was a lot more going on than football advice. They talked for hours after Buzz almost single handedly won the championship game for his team. MVP and all “He’s kind of obsessed with me” Hank said in answer to Mike’s raised eyebrow after the call. “He told me he’s had a crush on me since my rookie year with the team, he used to beat off watching my ass during games apparently” Hank laughed “He's never come out but it’s an open secret to anyone who knows him. He can be an ok kid but most of the time he’s an arrogant prick to hide the immature little boy inside. He tried to get me into bed the first time we were alone and me turning him down made him try harder and now he thinks he’s in love with me. He hates you by the way” “Me?” Mike asked “I told him one of the reasons. The main one. I would not sleep with him was because you own and control me and that I was happy with that. I didn’t tell him you had infected me though” Hank replied “He doesn’t understand it all and thinks I am being taken advantage of” “You are and you love it” Mike laughed “This is true” Hank said with a smile and a look of devotion for Mike “He can be irritating and petulant but I’m stringing him along, keeping him interested, hinting that I could maybe have feelings for him while also telling him the only possible way to have me is with your permission” “Why would you do that? Do you want to be with him?” Mike asked “I don’t want to be with anyone you don’t tell me I want to be with” Hank said and meant it. “I’m doing it to manipulate him into a position where you can use his “love” for me to collect him as another trophy and get your virus into him” Mike just stared at him for a moment the rewarded him with the most brutal fuck he had ever given him. ********************************* Hey folks I'd love to hear your comments, feedback and suggestions. Let me know if you like where I'm going with Mike, Jeff and Hank
  15. The Year was coming to an end. Mike was exhausted. The Hollywood premiere of Jeff’s movie had been exciting. The after party was a blast though Jeff grumped, Newly 20 he still could not drink. Mike stayed sober as well he had had a problem with alcohol in his early 20s and had quit cold turkey the morning after he had woken up on the couch of a friend who had “rescued” him from a woman who had been buying him drinks all night in an effort to get in his pants. The “friend” had ridden Mike’s cock though Mike had no memory of it but at least there was no chance of a baby. The one who had been drunk was that actor. Alex was his name. he had played one of the human heroes in that three film fantasy epic about rings and short people back in the day and still looked hot in his late 40s. His room was in the same hotel and theirs on the same floor so they had helped him. In the elevator in the elevator he had admitted to a crush on “Billy” and said if he was not straight he would so fuck him, then tried to kiss him but passed out. They got him into his own room passed out face down on the bed. It was so tempting but they were wiped out as well so they went to their own room and fell into bed. The following Jeff had woken up in his favorite way with Mike easing his cock into him. Things were progressing nicely when a knock on their door stopped them. Mike threw on a robe that didn’t do much to hide his erection and Jeff pulled a sheet up just to cover his ass. Mike yanked the door open with a surly “What?” Their friend from last night stood there looking much worse for the ware, a carafe of coffee and a news paper in hand. “I wanted to thank you guys for your help and I thought Billy might like to see the reviews” he said holding both up “Reviews!” Came from the bedroom door and a very excited very naked Jeff burst into the foyer yanking him in pouring coffee for all three in the sitting area then snatching the paper and plopping still naked into a chair. “Billy Clau’s debut role as the bullied boy turned world saving superhero was both refreshing and believable” he read out loud after scanning for a second then he continued reading making happy noises. During this ALex had been staring at Mikes not so concealed cock. Seeing this Mike had fully opened the robe and when Alex had looked up at him Mike had snapped his fingers pointing at the ground at his feet. Without a word Alex sank to his knees and began sucking with practiced ease. Looking upJeff stood and guided Alex’s hungry mouth to his own cock. They took him to the bedroom simply yanking his pants off made him kneel on the floor his top half on the bed and his ass in the air. Jeff mounted him roughly pushing in as Mke sat on the bed legs spread and Alex licking his oversized balls . There were no questions about status or condoms once again “I wanted to do this last night” Jeff said thrusting and slapping that ass “I was hoping you would” Alex said and Jeff slapped his ass harder Jeff finished inside the actor when no mention of pulling out was made then Mike took his place giving Alex the fuck of his life and also breeding him with his poz cum no questions asked Later that afternoon they flew home arriving at The Compound about 6 pm to find a familiar car parked out front Hank waited inside and they walked up to him holding hands Hank smiled then with no shame at all knelt on the floor put his arms around their hips pulling them both into a hug and said “I’m home and I missed you”
  16. While still on the tour in a major Northeaster city Mike took Jeff to his first bath house. He had made Jeff some temporary tattoos and used a concealer he had found to cover some of his. They got a room and changed into their leathers. Mike had to admit that custom made and fit leather looked incredible on Jeff the each donned a leather mask and went out to cruise the halls. Their cocks hanging out and asses exposed by their chaps. A few guys tried to interest Jeff stroking themselves suggestively but he only smiled and shook his head. One man didn’t want to take “no” for an answer looing over Jeff and calling him “Boy” insisting Jeff come back ti his room with him and showing a respectable 9 inches promising he would stretch Jeff so good’ Jeff pointed to Mike wo was a few feet away chatting with a younger guy abd maybe a quarter hard “You see him? He fucks me at least daily. I’m sorry buddy I’m afraid I would not even feel you in me.” The guy looked at Mike’s cock. Realized he was outclassed and made a hasty retreat. They wandered off together and through the locker room. There they met a young man. 18 last week he said. From a small town upstate. His first time in the city and in a bath house. A total virgin. “It’s my first time too” Jeff said. “You better stick with us. They will eat you up in here, I have him to take care of me so ket us take care of you” then he placed a hand on the young man's cheek and kissed him gently even holding his hand as they led him back to their room. Jeff and Mike took turns making out with the fresh meat. Mike expertly manipulating his body, pinching nipples lightly, stroking muscles all the while showing Jeff how it was done. Jeff went down on him giving him his first blowjob and swallowing his sweet cum leaving him a relaxed heap of flesh “I want to take your virginity” Jeff whispered in his ear “You are so pretty I want to be your first” “I want you to” their young victim said totally relaxed and seduced by them “I have dreamed about giving it to someone like you” he didn’t ask about status or condoms Jeff pushed him gently back onto the mattress raising his legs to his shoulder and slowly working his cock in with only pre for lube. The neg man calling out in pain as Jeff popped in then slowly working his seven inches into the sweet tight hole as they shared kiss after kiss Jeff’s breath coming in ragged gasps as he got closer finally losing himself in the bliss of shooting toxic cum into an unsuspecting now ex-virgin” “Did you enjoy that baby boy?” Jeff asked between swell little kisses “Oh yes though it hurt at first” the bred boy said Jeff laughed “I know how you feel, he took my virginity” he said pointing to Mike who stood stroking his monster as it drooled pre. “You should feel how he fills a hole up. It’s incredible” “He’s so big but I want to try” he said “I will be gentle” Mike said moving between the still spread legs and slowly pushing the head in his kisses more demanding and dominating “Oh my God, so huge” came the reply when Mike pulled his tongue out of his mouth Mike worked abut 8 inches in then said “It’s easier to take the rest all at once but it will hurt for a bit “Ok, I want it all” came the reply Mike pulled back and rammed forward and Jeff winced in sympathy remembering the first time Mike had passed his inner barrier The young man moaned in pain and pleasure as Mike truly fucked him and quickly. mercifully bred him with his own poz seed staying buried in the spasming hole thill he started to soften They both continued to make out with the now pozzed boy Jeff fucking him twice more and Mike breeding him again once , They quietly dressed as the man they had deliberately pozzed lay sleeping sweetly unaware of the virus invading his bloodstream slipping out the door and shutting it. Holding hands as they walked towards the exit “What was his name?” Mike asked “I don’t think he ever told us” Jeff said as they left the building
  17. Work on the album was done and Jeff’s movie was coming out in a month. Mike had been thinking about his relationships. He had Jeff and something was developing between he and Hank as well. Not romantic love but a protectiveness that grew out of Hank’s trust in his domination. He knew there was something between Jeff and Hank too, a more subtle domination based on the fact that Jeff so easily got Hank off by fucking him It made Mike proud but there was a slightly guilty edge to it. He had taken advantage of the situation. Hank had his problems, mostly being kissed by another man. He would meekly accept being brutally fucked but Mike but if he or Jeff were gentle telling Hank how pretty he was and kissing him deeply he squirmed obviously liking it but not wanting to admit he did. Hank would be flying out east for a couple weeks. He was getting an award from his college and had agreed to mentor the new quarterback his team had picked up in the draft. The day before he left Mike did something unusual after a discussion with Jeff. He sat in his favorite chair and motioned Hank over to sit in his lap. Something only Jeff had done till now. Wrapping his arms around the big man Mike said “we need to talk” Hank blushed and nodded “This is becoming something more that it was. I have real feelings for you. Not like what I do for Jeff, and I don’t think you want that anyway, but they are real feelings. I love abusing you, controlling you and breeding you. I love pushing your boundaries but you need to know I will never actually hurt you. I will always protect you in my own way. What I need to know is if this is truly what you want. I want to take things further but I need you to be absolutely sure you want to give me that much control. I know you hate making important decisions and I want this one made by you with a clear mind not influenced by my physical presence, but if you come back from this trip and willingly submit to me it will be the last decision you will have to make. You need to understand where I will take you after that to make this decision. Every important life decision of yours will be made by me from that point. You probably won’t even be asked for an opinion. You will sell your house and move here. I will not touch your finances though. I don’t need to. You will learn to suck cock (it was the one thing Hank had actually resisted) and if I chose you will drink my piss. I will modify your appearance if I chose with piercings and tattoos and you will have no say in what our where. You will sexually service any man I tell you to in any way I tell you to. There may be more but that will be for me to decide. I really want you to think about this Hank and also know Jeff and I want you as part of out lives. We will be committed to you as well, We want many many years of abusing, protecting and loving you but only if you can love us back” Then he squeezed the big man and just held him for a while The next day after they had seen Hank off Mike took Jeff to the same chair and held him “I have some regrets” Mike started “I regret that there was no way to know how special you are and how much you would come to mean to me when we met. I know we had fun. I think my cock would have exploded if I hadn’t gotten in you when I did but you deserved more. You deserves to be romanced and wooed. I took something from you you can never get back” “I think things were pretty mutual back then. If I created my dream man in a lab he would come out just like you” Jeff said then sighed “It was never going to happen any differently but I wish it could have” “Stand up for a second” Mike said then he stood and sank to one knee taking Jeffs hand and looking into his eyes “Jeff, I can’t imagine my life without you, I love you so much. Will you marry me again? I'm talking a real wedding, church,, family friends and all” Jeff’s eyes filled with tears “I would be honored to” then he giggled “Hank can be the flower girl” And they both laughed Two days later they were in Northern Virginia on the movie’s promotional tour and so they could attend a political fund raiser. They had a few free hours so they walked from the hotel to a nearby shopping plaza. Jeff was wearing his “Clark Kent” glasses and oddly enough they worked. Mike thought he looked so cute and made a mental note to fuck Jeff in them and he was almost never recognized. Mike was standing on the sidewalk as Jeff was looking through a classic record store. Jeff loved vinyl, when he heard an unwelcome voice behind him “Mike? Is that you?” Sighing Mike turned “Hello Doug” he said in am even voice Doug stood there with a blond woman on his arm “Mike! It’s so good to see you! This is my fiancé Heather. Her dad owns the company I work for” Heather was… chunky… big boned but pretty “This is Mike?” she asked not quite hiding the condescending slightly disgusted tone in her voice. “Nice to meet you” Mike said “He’s older than I thought” Heather said “Doug has told me all about you” she said, then her voice became slightly malicious and she continued in the casual calculated cruelness of her kind when they think someone will be to polite to come back at them “You know, God can fix you Mike, just like he fixed Doug. God can even forgive you for giving Doug that terrible disease. Thank God there are medications to control it now” then to Doug “I see my sister over there. I need to tell her something, I will be right back” walking away quickly Doug blushed a little but then a familiar smile touched his lips “Sorry about that, I had to edit our story a bit and tell her you pozzed me. What hotel are you in? Maybe I could stop by tonight and we could get reacquainted” Mike just stared speechless and like magic Jeff, who had been browsing the outdoor display and listening to every word, suddenly appeared at his side “Oh, you are busy I see. Who is this little bit of nothing? He might be fun in a threesome though if he doesn’t mind being a third wheel” Doug said in a spiteful jealous voice. Jeff took off his glasses and looked Doug up and down “Ummmm no… I would not touch you with someone else’s dick. You better wipe that look off your face here comes Heffer, I mean Heather” Heather walked up and positively took Doug’s arm Mike, who had been willing to let things go till Doug insulted Jeff was out for blood now “Doug, Heather” He said in a pleasant voice “This is my husband Billy Clay, Billy this is my Ex and his fiancé Heather” “You are married?” Doug asked stunned “Yup, the very same day we last talked on the phone. I never knew what love was till I met Billy" he said looking Jeff in the eyes "You left just in time. It saved me from having to throw you out and cleared the way for Billy and I. Billy was there in the shop when you called and we were married about 4 hours later wasn’t it Babe” If Doug could lie he could stretch the truth a little himself “About that” Jeff agreed “Mr Clay I have all your songs on my playlist and I have watched your videos for years!” Heather gushed but then her true nature took over “But I didn’t know you were gay. Gad can fix you Mr Clay! He really can!” Jeff looked at Mike and just said “wow” then “You didn’t do Doug justice when you described him Babe, ‘moderately slimy’ doesn’t come close I think ‘complete scumbag’ comes much closer.” Then to Heather “I’m going to do you a favor though you don’t deserve it. Firstly it was Doug who cheated on Mike and brought that 'terrible disease’ home and I’m not just taking Mike’s word, Doug admitted it when you walked away. Secondly your ‘God fixed man’ next tried to arrange a hook up at our hotel tonight he even suggested a threesome. I don’t think he’s good husband material. You could never trust him not to bring something home to you. But hey! If you give me your address I will make sure you get an autographed copy of our new album when it comes out. I’m sure you will love it.” Then to Mike “Come on Babe we have to get ready for dinner with the President” Then he turned Mike and marched him away leaving the “happy couple” standing in his wake. Mike made a mental not to never really piss his husband off he was vicious. That night in the hotel Mike said “I have not let anyone top me since Doug infected me but if you want I would love to feel you in me. I love you so much and I want to experience you in every way” For once the sex between them was gentle. They made love all night long fully sharing in ways they never had before. Life was good.
  18. Mke was walking through the kitchen when he heard Jeff’s phone, the ring ton indicating it was a message from family. “Who is that Babe?” he asked as Jeff read a text his eyes going wide “Ummm you should read this” Jeff said, holding out the phone. Mike read the message from Jeff’s dad and flushed Jeff’s parents had divorced amicably when Jeff was 18 and when Jeff had taken over his own finances they had separated his Dad moving out so they could pursue their own interests. Mary, Jeff’s mom, who at 48 looked 30 had stormed the penthouse two days after the wedding taking to Mike instantly and berating her son for “trapping” this “poor innocent” boy and he better make Mike happy. Jeff had just laughed and hugged her. That night she had shocked them both by asking “Jeff, how the hell do you walk when he is done with you?” Mike loved Mary He did not meet Jeff’s dad till about a month after they had moved to The Compound. Jeff had been in New York on business and was due back the next day when Jay arrived. After sex 2 or 3 times daily since they had met Mike was really missing his husband. When the figure stepped out of the taxi in front of the house Mike at first Jeff was a day early but the hair was salt and pepper and close examination showed a few smile lines Jeff did not have/ “Hi I’m Jay, Jeff’s dad. You must be Mike!” he said extending his hand “Great to meet you!” Mike said adjusting fast “I’m staying with a friend in town but I wanted to pop out to meet you” “Jeff is out of town till tomorrow but come on back by the pool and lets talk” Mike said “I didn’t bring a suit” Jay said “One of Jeff’s will fit you I’m sure” Mike replied They chatted for a while Mike uncomfortably aware of how similar Jay’s body was to Jeff’s and after a week of denial his cock responded in entirely inappropriate ways “I realized I was gay when Jeff was about 10” Jay said “His mom and I had drifted apart sexually but we stayed together for the kids and because she’s always been my best friend. Since we split I for real I have been down in Jamaica sampling the fresh fruits” he said with a laugh “I’m guessing you were popular. I hope you played safe” he was Jeff’s dad after all “Life is no fun without taking risks” Jay replied noting Mike’s problem “and I’m going to take one now” he said dropping his suit and walking over to Mike and freeing his cock from the thong that was about to give up anyway he straddled the frozen younger man and slid his ass SO much like Jeff’s down in his cock. Instinct rook over and Mike grabbed those slim hips thrusting up inside Jay was much more aggressive that Jeff “Come on boy, fuck that ass. Breed this old man” Mike groaned loud filling his father in law with toxic seed. Jay rode him a bit longer shooting his own load then he pulled up. Put his suit back on and continued getting to know his son in law like nothing had happened. The next day Mike was by the pool when Jeff came home. He dropped his bags in the front foyer and came out back for a quick kiss. “I met your dad yesterday, he was here” Mike said “Oh! How long is he in town for? I hope I get to see him. I’m gonna take a shower” Jeff said turning and starting back inside “Babe” Mike said nervously “Things got a little out of hand, I kind of fucked him, well he didn’t give me much choice he just sat on my cock” Jeff stiffened and slowly turned. Mike was secretly surprised gis eyes were not glowing red, He loomed over Mike reaching down to grab one of his chest hairs “You” he said yanking out the hair “pozzed” each successive word accompanied by another lost chest hair “my dad and you didn’t delay it so I could watch!” Mike relaxed as the import of Jeff's words sank in. He could lose a few chest hairs. It was better than losing a husband. Jeff paged through his phone and made a call ‘Dad? Yeah it’s Jeff. If you want to use my toys you need to ask me first. YOU taught ME that! Yes I’m talking about Mike! What? Yes we are free, see you then” and hung up “We are meeting him at seven for dinner” Jeff said and went in the house to shower. Jeff bumped him and his mind returned to the present. The text read “Boys just letting you know I have tested HIV positive. My Dr says every partner I have had since my last test should get tested themselves. Sorry to put this on you” They looked at each other and Jeff texted back “Mike has been to the Dr no surprises”
  19. Hank was happy. He had never really felt like this before. Despite his physical prowess, his almost perfect body, his fast tactical mind able to make snap decisions on the fly, his drive to win he had felt inadequate since the first time he had stepped into the locker room shower in high school. All of his achievements in life had hidden that feeling that he didn’t measure up as a man. Honestly it had started before high school with a loving but domineering father, the home town hero, state champion quarterback Hank spent his childhood thinking he could never live up to. Somehow Mike had seen through all that to who Hank really was inside. Hank didn’t want to make decisions, he didn’t want control. He wanted someone in authority to make them for him that way right or wrong, Hank was not responsible. Hank was actually straight. Women turned him on and men did nothing for him sexually. He held men like Mike, men who had the attitude, the commanding presence, the unconscious sense of confidence that was only enhanced by a massive cock in awe but he didn’t want to jump into bed with them. Moreover he found getting fucked by a man like Mike uncomfortable most of the time and quite painful fairly often and the thought of being infected wit Mike’s virus was not one he would make. And there it was. The reason Hank was happy. Mike had made that choice and the choice to fuck and breed him for him. He had not asked he had simply asserted his natural dominance and Hank had submitted. There would be consequences down the road but Mike would be there to decide for him how to handle them. Hank knew this was where he belonged to the core of his being “How did you know I would not freak out and leave or just flatten you with my fist” Hank had asked the next day while Mike was casually fucking him on his back just because he could. Hank had already accepted that his body belonged to Mike and Mike could use it how he saw fit. Mike thrust hard into him and he grunted in pain. “You really don’t like getting fucked do you?” “No” Hank said honestly “You know that just makes it hotter for me,don’t you?” Mike asked “I kind of figured that out” Hank said wincing again “You could not keep your eyes off my cock at the pool or even Jeff’s but you were not turned on. It was more resigned and ashamed like you were wishing you were bigger but it seemed deeper than that.” Mike answered his question “Your cock is awesome. I have never seen one that big but Jeff’s is perfect. I envy him more than you. His cock could not be more perfectly proportionate to his body” Hank said blushing. Every time Hank saw another man’s cock in the locker room or elsewhere he compared and every time he found himself lacking “You were turned on when Janise was here, your little nub twitched every time she insulted you small as you are I could see that. You came when she told you to shut up and slapped you.” Mike said with a smirk “She had you but I knew I could break you if she ever ;et you go. You showing up all upset right after she dumped you just made it easier” Mike said, thrusting hard into Hank making him groan in pain. “Jeff also got his positive test results yesterday he’s infected with my HIV and we were going to fuck all day to celebrate till we saw you there. Jeff has always wanted to watch me poz someone so I decided to reward him in a different way” Hank’s face went from shock to anger to acceptance of what was now inevitable in a few seconds. “So this was all a cold calculated game for you. You changed the direction of my life to give Jeff a reward and because I was vulnerable and you could take advantage” he said with a slightly sullen hurt tone “Yup” Mike said. thrusting even harder into Hank’s ass and casually slapping him across the face “I wanted to breed you the first time you walked into my shop but I never thought I would get the chance” Mike said and casually slapped Hank’s other cheek harder this time. “Don’t get me wrong. I care about you as a friend and Jeff adores you but I had the chance to break your mind infect you and take your body as a trophy so I did. Things are pretty much irreversible now anyway. You would not walk away and have to pretend to be a man again if you could. Would you?” Mike asked a cruel, condescending smirk on his face sliding his cock in and out of his property, digging his way deeper into Hank’s psyche “No” Hank said and spread his legs wider Mike groaned and filled him with another load of virus laden cum. Later that day after they had cleaned up and Hank was in the gym learning how to work out with a huge plug in his ass. Mike insisted that he would keep that trophy body perfect Jeff’s producer and a rep from his record label arrived. Mike started up the stairs but Jeff said “Babe could you join us?” Curious Mike sat in his favorite oversized char after shaking hands with everyone and Jeff sat in his lap. “Mike” the producer said “We have been working with Jeff for a couple weeks and we are at the point we need your approval before going further. “Why would you need…” Mike started as the producer pulled the cover sheet off a display he had set up and Mike stopped The first thing Mike saw was his own artwork. A slightly abstract picture of Luke and him in a field. Neither boy really recognizable then he saw the words: Life and love from a different perspective Vocals by: Billy Clay-Blake and Michael Clay-Blake Music and Lyrics by: Michael Clay-Blake “Blake?” Mike said his mind picking the least absurd thing on the display “That’s subject to change but you don’t want to use your real name it makes you to easy to find through public records” the producer said “Jeff what the hell is going on?” Mike asked “Babe, I love your music! Here is how we want to arrange the song order.”: Different - which was a song he had written about realizing he didn’t quite fit in with the other kids You never knew - The song Jeff had sung at his house A wonderful disaster - a song about him losing his virginity with another equally inexperienced boy in college - “We are going to work that one into a duet! It’s hilarious!” Jeff chuckled King of the world - A song about being the young hot and hung new kid in town Three general songs about the life of a young gay man More than that - A song about realizing your “friends” just see you as an object and that life has so much more to offer Heartsong - A love ballad - “I wrote that for Luke’s wedding and sang it for their first dance” Mike said “And I’m going to sing it for you to close the album” Jeff said. snuggling deeper into his lap “Jeff these songs aren’t good enough for…” “I disagree” the producer cut in “They need a tweak here and there and we want to work at least two more into duets but I think as a whole they stand up well. Besides it’s time a mainstream album written from a LGBTQ point of view came out” “All we need is your agreement Babe” Jeff said “I have a contract right here” The producer said Jeff snatched it out of his hand “And we will get back to you AFTER our lawyers have reviewed it” he said The producer sighed “It was worth a try” he muttered Alone later Mike asked “Babe are you serious about this?” “Didn’t you ask me that before a long time ago? I am serious. You realize doing vocals and writing the music you will probably make more off this than I will?” “If it’s successful” Mike added “It will be” Jeff assured him They walked back to the gym and found Hank just finishing his workout covered in sweat. “Stand against the wall. Legs spread and hands on your head” Mike ordered working out the plug after Hank obeyed. It was Jeff however who stepped up and slid his cock into that firm muscle ass pounding him hard fast like only a 19 year old cab and introducing something new. Jeff’s smaller cock pounded that spot that Mike’s monster ignored as it slid past. Hank’s shame deepened as he realized he was enjoying getting fucked in fact he loved it. Hank let out a moan and Mike grinned knowing exactly what was happening. Jeff tried to make it last but he had not cum yet today and soon lost control breeding the moaning quarterback Jeff pulled out sitting on a bench to catch his breath as Mike stepped up and rammed his entire length into the cum slick hole making Hank groan in pain. “Daddy’s home” Mike said through a slightly malicious grin “Did you miss me?”
  20. Sorry for my attempts at poetry/lyrics in this chapter it will make sense later ************************************************************************************** They had decided to keep Mike’s house as a rental and tax write off so they swung by to pack some personal things and the rest of Mike’s play equipment. Jeff picked up a picture of Mike in his show choir uniform from high school “Awwwww look at the Emo Twink! You were SO adorable! Were you any good?” “I got a few solos so I guess so” Mike replied sitting at his computer and finding the video file his mom had made “Here” he said clicking play and a much younger Mike popped up on the screen singing a show tune “Why didn’t you tell me you could sing?” Jeff asked “It just never came up I don’t think about it much” Mike shrugged “I also wrote music though it’s not very good” “Do you still have them?” Jeff asked “Some of them, I think. Look on the top shelf in the closet” He said pointing to the bedroom “A black box has some of my drawings and songs” Mike shut down the computer and started disassembling it to pack as Jeff headed for the bedroom “I knew you could draw but these are really good Mike” came down the hall then the sound of papers rustling followed by a long silence followed by a very soft “Oh my” Jeff came down the hall holding a piece of sheet music as Mike looked up he started to sing and the story of two boys, best friends finding fun and mischief came from his lips then the first course: Always together, Just me and you Our boyhood dreams under skies so blue I kept my secret, you never knew That my heart beat Just for you Then more adventures but this time tinged with sadness ending with one boy flying off to college and the second course: Always apart now, me and you My broken dreams flown into the blue I bit my tongue, you never knew That day my heart broke because of you Mike sat there stunned as Jeff crossed the room to sit in his lap “Mike that was beautiful, your music does not suck” he said and gently kissed him. Mike blinked away tears and said “I wrote that for Luke” and he pointed at a wedding photo of a blond man and woman in white with Mike standing behind the man in a black tuxedo “I was the best man at his wedding. You made that sound much better than I ever could. I don’t think I ever sung it out loud actually” “You must have really loved him” Jeff said a bit sadly “I thought i did” Mike said looking him in the eyes “But lately I have been rethinking what love is” They packed a few more things and left the rest for the movers Jeff walking out the door with a black box tucked under his arm. Hank was a regular visitor at The Compound now that he had retired from football “I want to get out while I am still young, pretty and have my health” he joked by the pool one day as the three sat naked in the sun Jeff had insisted that when it was just the boys this was a naked pool and Hank after some coaxing had ditched his swim suit. “I really don’t know what to do with myself though, I never thought about what I would do after football” Hank’s reluctance became obvious almost at once. His cock which would have been average on a normal man looked somewhat undersized on his huge muscled frame and with Mike swinging like a pendulum a guy could get self conscious. Neither Mike or Jeff (Jeff not Billy Hank reminded himself) seemed to notice so he quickly relaxed and just had fun. Mike and Jeff had gradually opened up to him about the dynamics of their relationship showing him their dungeon. Jeff modeling the custom bondage equipment they had had built especially the self locking bench where motion sensors closed the restraints when an ankle or wrist was placed into them. They could be released by a button on the wall and were on a half hour timer as well to prevent accidents. They even told him after swearing him to secrecy that Mike was trying to poz Jeff. Hank accepted it after being taken aback for a bit. What they did was their business. Today Hank was telling them about his fiancé Janice. They had been dating for 5 years. “You should have her out here for a party so we can meet her!” Jeff said “She is flying back east in two days” he said “Have her out tomorrow then!” The following day the four of them (properly swim suited this time) sat by the pool and Jeff had already decided he did not like Janice. She always seemed down on Hank giving him veiled insults and demeaning him though Hank looked at her with disgusting puppy eyes for a man his age. Even when she told him to shut up and lightly slapped him on his cheek. The party ended early much to Jeff’s relief. A few weeks later Mike and Jeff drove into town, their destination was Mike’s (and now Jeff’s) Doctor. Jeff had had blood drawn a week ago and the test results were back. They sat holding hands as they got the news “Jeff your test results are positive and your strain is exactly the same as Mike’s” the Dr. said then sighed as they shared a deep kiss to celebrate. “I suppose like Mike you are going to refuse medication?” “At this time Dr.” Jeff said As they drove home fully intending on fucking for the rest of the day Jeff smiled. He had Mike inside him forever! On pulling through the gate however they saw Hank’s car parked and Hank standing next to it. “Hank, this is not a good…” Mike started “Janise left me” Hank blurted out “She said she needed a man who could satisfy her and with a dick like mine I didn’t qualify as a man at all” Hank finished Jeff started forward to hug him but was stopped by Mike’s harsh words “She’s right” Mike looked around angry at this interruption of his plans and said “Follow me lets not do this outside” and led them into the side building to the dungeon in the back then he stepped in front of the stunned quarterback and unzipped his pants pulling out his cock and balls and letting them hang “This is what a man has between his legs” He said motioning for Jeff to do the same. Bewildered Jeff pulled out his own hardening cock and let it hang “Now” Mike said in a harsh voice ‘Strip and show us what you think makes you a man” Blushing and squirming Hank obeyed “Put your hands behind your head” Mike ordered and Hank complied Mike walked around him feeling a muscle here and there then taking both Hank’s nipples in his fingers he twisted hearing a moan escape his lips and smirking evilly as Hanks cock spewed cum on the floor ‘You are not a man.” Mike said “You are a little small dicked bitch pretending to be a man and hoping no one notices. You didn’t come here for comfort, you came here because you knew I was here and it’s in your nature to submit to a real man like me” Hank tried to say something but Mike barked “Shut up bitch!” and stepped forward to rub the head of his half hard cock over Hank’s small shaft “I’m going to tell you what is going to happen, You can either obey or you can get dressed and leave.” Mike walked over to a shelf and picked up a ball gag “You are going to put this in your mouth then you will walk over to the bench and place yourself in bondage. Once you do this I will mount you and I will fuck you. I won’t pull out when I cum. I will deliberately infect you with my virus and you will be grateful that a real man is using you like you were always meant to be used. Don't think this is sex for your pleasurer you are simply submitting yourself to the will of a real man and his desire to breed you. When I release you you will never think of yourself as a man again you will think of yourself as my property” Hank bent down reaching for his clothes and his face bumped into Mike’s half hard cock after a moment he straightened. took the gag from Mike’s hand and put it in his mouth then he walked over the bench laying over it and letting each restraint close on him testing them and finding not even he was strong enough to break loose Mike disengaged the timer. This was going to take more than half an hour Jeff was looking at him with awe in his eyes his cock literally drooling pre as Mike worked the muscle ass in front of him once again using no lube but pre eventually popping the head in then working the shaft into his new bitch past the inner barrier and fully into the guts sliding in and out edging for over an hour inside that “straight” ass before leaning down and whispering “Here comes my virus bitch” into Hank’s ear as he shot wad after wad on toxic cum up that hole. Mike stepped aside motioning to Jeff who had been edging the entire time. Jeff stepped behind and rammed his cock into Hanks battered hole blasting his first confirmed poz load into his helpless friend
  21. Mike laid back in his chair relaxing his cock standing proudly like a flagpole and dripping pre feeling Jeff’s mouth sucking on one of his nuts then the other he could get both in his mouth but it was not comfortable for either of them. Jeff loved the taste of Mike’s cock but could only take the head and a couple inches in his mouth. Mike never tried to force more because any potential damage to Jeff’s voice had to be avoided. Jeff’s head popped up with a quizzical look “Are you really 10 ½ inches Babe? I know you are huge but…” Jeff said in a teasing tone of voice Mike had known this question would come up eventually and said “There is a measuring tape in my case, grab it and measure for yourself” then he sat back with a smirk waiting. Jeff stroked him a few times to make sure he was fully hard then put the tape at the base amd unrolled it his eyes going wide as he stopped “Umm Babe this says you are just over 12 inches long” “Does it now? I guess you inspire me to new lengths Baby Boy” Mike said dryly “You lied!” Jeff said though he didn’t sound unhappy “Guys have a hard enough time believing 10 ½ you can call the extra inch and a half a bonus if you want. There are bigger dicks than mine out there but not many” “I knew I loved you for some reason” Jeff piped up cheekily then continued in a more serious voice “This last week has been wonderful and not this the sex, I never get tired of talking to you and I’m addicted to sleeping in your arms but if you got a man in your life you love him having a 12 inch cock is a nice bonus” then he swarmed up into Mike’s arms kissing him reaching down to point Mike’s cock at his hole and impaling himself on it riding him till Mike filled him with poz seed. Later as they lay in a sweaty heap Jeff asked “Mike are we going to have an open or closed relationship?” “Well I know no one else is touching you till I am 100% sure my virus is in your veins” Mike growled “That’s not what I am talking about” Jeff said reaching down to stroke Mike’s girth “What other man will I even feel after this monster? I a perfectly happy giving my ass only to you. There is something else I want” “And that is?” Mike asked Jeff bit his lip then blurted out “I want to watch you infect other men! I want to help you even to lure them in for you to breed” then he flushed looking down “I’m sorry I know that’s wrong” Mike put a finger under Jeff’s chin and tilted his head up till he was looking this man who was everything he had ever wanted even in his darkest fantasies and said “You really want that Baby Boy?” Jeff nodded the squealed as he was pushed on to the floor on his stomach his legs were forced apart and Mike roamed his full length in him thrusting in an animalistic frenzy and letting out a strangled groan as he came deep inside. Minutes later when Mike cam down from his orgasm he said “I’m sorry Baby Boy that got my cock so hard it hurt I had to get a load out. I would love to poz as many men as you want me to” Then they kissed and made out for hours. The next day was their one week anniversary and they were house hunting having deciding on Vegas as a home base. They had seen several in town but this one was a property about 10 miles outside of town the realtor referred to as “The compound”. They pulled up a private road to a gate in an impressive stone wall then through to see a large house with another building to the side. The house was beautiful with a huge pool in the back with an attached hot tub , a full gym with showers for four and a sauna. The outbuilding turned out to be a full recording studio though the equipment needed updating an attached art studio and a large empty room in the back. “That art studio could easily be converted into a tattoo studio for you Babe” Jeff said as they wandered the grounds getting a feel for the place “and with some updates I could record my music here. I’d rather make them come to me than fly out to L.A. each time. Did you know this place was owned by that famous singer who died in the plane crash?” Mike nodded. They met the grounds keeper and the two man house staff, a cook and a pool boy who shared housekeeping duties. All three handsome men in their 20s who appeared to be related and lived in a small cottage at the back of the property. They seemed friendly enough. They viewed several more houses and thought about it for a few days before putting in an offer on The Compound at asking price and a quick cash sale later were the proud owners of their new home christening it over the next week by fucking at least once in every single room.
  22. The next morning Mike woke up wrapped around his new husband kissing him as he eased the buttplug out rolling him on his back and sliding into that still slightly red and swollen hole holding back the last few inches trying to be gentle and show Jeff the tender side of sex. That lasted about a minute before a timid Jeff asked “Mike, can you do it harder? Deeper? Can you make it hurt like last night?” Mike grinned. Here was a man who didn’t just endure the pain his oversized cock could pain he loved it. “You got it Baby Boy” Mike said pulling his hips back then slamming forward past that inner wall making Jeff’s entire body spasm his hole clenching and relaxing around Mike’s throbbing shaft as Mike pounded him “Fu-uuuuuuuuk I’m cumming" Jeff whimpered sending Mike over the edge as he shot into that willing receptive ass. After a quick repeat against the shower wall Mike and Jeff dressed and clean up things in the living room. “I have never cum without touching myself before last night” Jeff said. “It hurt like hell when you first popped in but when you got deeper the pain stopped being a bad thing. You said you liked causing it and my body just sort of channeled it to my cock instead of hurting it got me closer to cumming” “I hit the jackpot yesterday then and I’m not talking about money” Mike said sinking into a large char “My Ex and most guys I knew before him took a week to recover from a good satisfying fuck.” The phone on the end table rang and Jeff answered/ “Oh yes, send him up and could you send up breakfast for three? Thanks!” he said then he plopped down into Mike’s lap kissing him and snuggling. A couple minutes later the elevator opened and a man who looked like what Mike imagined Jeff would in 5 or 6 years if Jeff had dark hair stepped out, pausing a second seeing Jeff in Mike’s lap then walking in. “So you really did it, I blame mom and dad” he said, stopping to stand a few feet away annoyance and amusement warring on his face. “Mike this is my brother Robert. Not Rob or Bob and god help you if you call him Bobby. Just Robert. Robert this is my husband Mike” Jeff said with a huge grin “Nice to meet you” Mike said a bit uneasily. What he had actually done yesterday sinking in a bit more “Oh don’t worry about me. I feel sorry for you. My little brother decided he wanted you and he got you. He’s a lot to handle. I hope you are a patient man” Robert said, leaning down to shake Mike’s hand “What did you mean you blame your mom and dad?” Mike asked “Mom and dad have always done right by Jeff. They took most of what he made as a kid and put it with the best money manager in the country and they always made sure he had the best representation when dealing with the music labels. They also wrapped him in bubble wrap and kept him out of almost every important decision in his life. It took him a little while to realize once he turned 18 he didn’t have to put up with it any more. I told then he would do something crazy once he got loose. He and I contacted all the people mom and dad hired for him and told them they worked for Jeff now and if they didn’t like it they could be replaced. They got the picture real quick. So now this little beast is free to do whatever he wants. I’m a C.P.A. I look over his books and his lawyers look after the rest” Robert said “Beast!” Jeff protested and they all laughed. The elevator opened again and a breakfast big enough to feed a football team was brought in and set up on a side table “So tell me about yourself” Robert asked as they helped themselves. “Well as you can see I’m a sucker for brown eyes and a beautiful smile” Mike said a bit sheepishly and they all laughed again. “I’m a tattoo artist. My shop is just off the strip” “Winner of the South West Region Tattoo Artist Of The Year three years running!” Jeff chimed in “How did you know that?” Mike asked Jeff gave him an amused look “Mike, I have two private detectives and seven lawyers on retainer and my Uncle is local county Sheriff. By the time I got to your shop yesterday I knew more about you than your mother does. I’m reckless but I’m not stupid” Mike just sat there looking like a poleaxed mule “Close your mouth Babe” Jeff said “I told you I feel sorry for you” Robert followed Mike cleared his throat and continued the conversation lasting for a couple hours as he got to know more about his husband and his brother then Robert said “You have that photo shoot for your movie in 2 hours” Jeff sighed “I’ll go get dressed” he said rising “You want to come?” he asked looking at Mike Actually I have a one pm appointment at the shop so I should go myself. Jeff gave him a quick kiss and headed to the bedroom. “He’s glowing” Robert said once Jeff was out of the room “You really make him happy” “In one day he’s become the center of my life” Mike said “Don’t worry I will never hurt him” silently adding “emotionally” in his mind. Mike got to the shop in time to tidy up and his afternoon appointment went well working on the shoulder of a very large very straight quarterback who won the superbowl a couple years back and the tattoo work had it’s usual affect on Mike. As they were exiting the shop Mike saw Jeff in the parking lot shaking hands with his landlord but quickie forgot that as Jeff spotted them and yelled “Hank!” running up and hugging the quarterback “Billy! What are you doing here?” Hank asked hugging back “Just waiting for my new husband to get off work” he said proudly taking Mike’s hand “Husband!?!?” “Uhh hu just yesterday” Jeff said holding up his hand showing off the ring “Congratulations to both of you!” Hank said warmly “I’ve known Billy since he did the halftime show he’s a great guy! Billy, call me! We will hit the town to celebrate!” Then he shook Mike’s hand and headed for his car. All Mike could do was pull Jeff to him and put an arm around hiis shoulder as he watched that firm muscle ass walk away. “What were you doing with my landlord?” Mike asked as they stepped off the elevator into the penthouse “Oh! I was buying the building your shop is in! No more rent for you Mr.” “Jeff! You shouldn’t have done that!” “Well then you probably don’t want to know that I also paid off your mortgage, your car, your credit cards and your business loan either then” Jeff said with a smirk “Wha…” Mike said “I’m your spouse and i have good lawyers who work fast” Jeff said “Jeff!” Mike yelled “you need to talk to me about things like that first” Jeff’s eyes went wide and innocent “Have I been a bad boy?” he asked Mike had to bite his lip to keep from laughing at the look on Jeff’s face finally managing to growl “Yes you have. Come with me.” leading him into the living room, taking a paddle from his suitcase and sitting in a chair “Get those pants off and kneel” Mike ordered watching as Jeff obeyed then bending the younger man over his knees tapping that firm round ass with the paddle a couple times before giving it a hard swat hearing a sharp inhalation from Jeff “You will discuss important matters like this with me BEFORE you do them from now on. Do you understand me Boy?” Mike growled adding another harder swat “Yes Sir!” Jeff said “I didn’t hear you Boy” adding two hard swats “Yes Sir!” Jeff yelled Mike added three more hard swats before pushing the Boy off his lap and over the same ottoman. Not bothering to speak Mike dropped his pants got on his knees and pushed deep into Jeff’s waiting hole and knowing tenderness would be wasted proceed to pound that 19 year old hole within an inch of it’s life injecting two hot loads of virus and cum before carrying his husband to the bed and fucking him a third time on his back collapsing on top of the smaller man as he came and falling asleep still inside of him.
  23. Here comes the sex **************************************** Mike aske Jeff a few questions then gave him some instructions before driving home to pick up some documents, shower and pack two suitcases one with a few changes of clothes the other with some equipment. The he dressed in his best suit and drove to Jeff’s hotel meeting him out front as the bell boy took custody of his suitcases. “Did you get them?: Mike asked as they drove to one of the nicer wedding chapels just off the strip. “Yep! Two wedding bands, a matching necklace and a matching bracelet, platinum because gold is just SO tacky” came the cheeky reply. He was dressed in a much nicer suit than Mike was with the top two shirt buttons undone and no tie The walked in, presented the proper documents and in a surprisingly short time were standing before a minister (Jeff was slightly disappointed he was not dressed like Elvis) They exchanged rings and got to the “You may smooch on each other” part then Mike stood straighter and said “Kneel” Jeff sank to his knees looking up “Do you accept my Dominance in our relationship? Committing yourself to obey and serve me?” Mike asked “I do” Jeff said and Mike put the necklace around his neck, locking the clasp. “Do you promise to guide and control with a steady hand and to respect my limits?” he asked “I do” Mike said extending his wrist for Jeff to clasp the bracelet on him. The minister took all this in stride and wished them luck as they left. A quick drive back to the hotel later Jeff lead Mike past the elevator banks to a small single door elevator he called with a pass key. The elevator opened directly into the penthouse. Jeff moved to step out but Mike held him back, sweeping the smaller man up in his arms and carrying him out while kissing him hard. When Mike set him down his entire demeanor changed “You will stand there and not move or speak till given permission. Nod if you understand” Jeff’s eyes went wide but he nodded. Mike too the larger of his suitcases from the foyer and opened it on the couch pulling out a black sheet and throwing it over a large. square, cushioned ottoman then threading a leather strap under it behind the legs and attaching a leather loop to each end. Returning to Jeff he walked him to the ottoman and said “Lay over this knees on the ground hands through the loops we are not going to tighten them but you will not pull your hands out. Nod if you understand”. Jeff nodded and obeyed Mike stepped in front of him “Look at me” he ordered as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his hardening cock slowly stroking it his balls big even in proportion to HIS cock hanging low and moving up and down with his motion as Jeff’s eyes followed them “We are not going to make love tonight, We have the rest of our life for that. I’m going to take your virginity and do my best to infect you with my bug. This will be painful for you because we are not using any lube but my precum. I don’t want anything between my virus and your bloodstream. Nod if you understand and consent to this and know I won’t stop once you do” Jeff hesitated the sight of Mike fully dressed his cock and balls hanging out of his fly dripping toxic pre mesmerizing him then he slowly nodded “Good boy” Mike said as a huge drop of pre formed at the tip of his cock “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue” he ordered letting the drop fall “now swallow then kiss the cock that is going to poz you” smirking down as Jeff obeyed Mike stepped behind his boy taking a small knife from his case and carefully slitting open the seam on a pair of pants that probably cost more than his house payment tossing the knife back in the case then ripping them open with his hands exposing Jeff’s beautiful vulnerable ass before reaching under to pull his boy's hard cock back pointing it down the side of the ottoman so he could see it. Jeff had a proportionate cock a little less than seven inches he would guess. Stroking himself to full dripping hardness he coated his fingers with pre and roughly pushed one then two fingers up the tight pink pucker twisting them as his boy moaned “Say goodbye to your virginity and your life without my DNA in your blood” Mike said as he placed the head of his cock at the hole and started to apply pressure slowly pushing the hole coaxing it to open for him with little “push push relax” motions his pre coating and slicking his way till the head popped in along with a couple inches. Jeff grunted and stiffened his muscles tensed “This is happening on way or the other now.” Mike said running a finger up and down Jeff’s still rock hard cock “There is no way you are getting me out of you. You can stay rigid and make me conquer your hole or you can relax and make it a little easier on yourself. I actually prefer you stay tense and tight, It’s more fun for me to force your hole to submit and you know I like causing sexual pain” then he chuckled as Jeff’s shoulders and back slowly relaxed. Mike took it slowly groaning at the tightness of Jeff's virgin hole, working his way in till his cock hit Jeff’s inner barrier “I have about 3 inches to go” he said “Nod if you want it fast to get it all in” Jeff nodded “As you wish” Mike said as he backed out a few inches putting his hands on Jeff’s shoulders then pulling back as he thrust in hard bursting past the barrier and fully into Jeff’s guts, Jeff let out a sound somewhere between a moan and a scream and Mike felt something wet on his leg realizing Jeff was cuming, “My Boy likes pain” Mike said happily as he started to slide in and out watching Jeff’s body twitch each time he pushed past the inner sphincter his huge balls slapping the length oh his boy’s cock with each stroke building up speed and pressure till “Here it comes Boy, here comes my poz load to change your life forever” pushing in to the hilt and feeling his cock spurt eight individual wads of virus laden cum into the hottest celebrity in the world. Collapsing across Jeffs back Mike gasped for air slowly catching his breath still rock hard inside his new husband eventually fucking him and breeding him twice more keeping his promise to “Fuck him till he couldn't walk then fuck him again then again” before he finally pulled out of the gaping hole reaching into his case for a buttplug and shoving it in to keep his cum from leaking out. Looking down he saw what looked like a full cup of cum running down the sheet and pooling beneath Jeff's cock “You can talk now Jeff. How many times did you cum?” he said helping him stand then just carrying him to the bedroom. “I think I lost count at 9” he said “My balls hurt as much as my ass” though his cock bounced still hard. Mike helped him out of the ruins of his suit then stripped himself, helping him into the shower before joining him and washing them both, drying them both and carrying Jeff to bed. “I love you Mike” Jeff said as Mike slipped under the covers pulling the smaller man against him and wrapping him in his arms “I love you too Jeff” Mike said and realized he really did.
  24. The next day Mike headed in to work in a funk having found several things his Ex had left behind and tossing them all in a box. Finding his client waiting at the door for his 9 am appointment to continue work on his tattoos. They had mapped out his eventual full body coverage in small detailed sections. It would take years to finish but each section was complete in itself ready to be added to. Tattooing was sexual for Mike the artistic expression and if he was honest with himself the act of causing a hot man a little pain keeping him at least semi hard through his sessions the tight jeans he wore making it obvious how much he enjoyed his work. A few of his bolder and hotter clients had found that a few squeezes and rubs got them a little extra time in the chair though Mike had always rebuffed anything further with a smile and a wink. As his client left about noon Mike was feeling relaxed and in a better frame of mind. Then his phone rang with the tone that said his Ex was calling. Taking a deep breath he answered “Hello Douglas how can I help you?” “Mike, I’m so sorry I left without telling you. I had…” “Please, Stop” Mike ground into the phone “This is exactly how you always handle things. I’m honestly not interested in why. It just is.” as he heard the shop door “I will be right with you Mike called over his shoulder “I… ummm… left…” “I know I found some of it. Text me a list and I will ship it to your parents place” “I already miss feeling you inside of me” Doug said in that submissive voice he always thought fixed everything. Mike stared at his phone for a second then ina tightly controlled voice said “Really? Five years together and all you can say is you miss the sex? Goodbye Douglas” he sad ending the call and struggling not to hurl his phone across the room instead placing it gently on the counter before kicking an empty trash can through the door top the studio where it crashed loudly but harmlessly against the wall. “You handled that better than I would. I was afraid for your phone, your shop and the city of Las Vegas for a second there” came a voice from behind him. Mike whirled and found himself staring into the bright brown eyes and somehow shy smile of… “You’re Billy Clay” he said managing to keep his jaw from dropping A pained expression crossed the young man’s face “Please, call me Jeff even Jeffery is better than Billy. Billy was my dog’s name/ I used it in that first video and have been stuck with it ever since” he said extending his hand “Nice to meet you in the flesh Mike. I’m Jeff Clayton” he said his smile widening as he looked Mike up and down Stunned Mike shook the proffered hand things clicking together in his mind “The Jeff I talked to yesterday?” he asked his jaw dropping open a little this time. “Here, this should explain things” Jeff said pushing a button on his phone making Mike's phone ding. Mike picked it up and clicked play on the video message he had received. The video started with clouds through the window of a plane “Your soda Mr. Clay” a voice said and the camera turned to show a darkly handsome young man in a tight steward’s uniform “Thank you” another voice said. Then “Miguel am I being held hostage, threatened or coerced in any way at this moment?” Miguel laughed a bit and said “No Mr. Clay. You are sitting on your own private jet alone, flying to Las Vegas. Will there be anything else?” “No Miguel, thank you.” came the reply the camera lingering on Moguel’s ass as he exited then turning to face Jeff “Hi” he said “I’m Jeff Clayton. Billy Clay to most people and I want to make some things perfectly clear. I am flying to :as Vegas on business but I also plan to meet a man named Mike Baxter. I am fully aware of Mike’s HIV positive status and that he is unmedicated and capable of transmitting HIV at this time. I understand the risks of bareback anal sex. I understand the dynamics of a BD/SM relationship and power transfer and I trust Mike to abide by set limits and to stop if I use my safe word which is “strawberry” by the way. I am a fully consenting adult and I am going into this with my eyes wide open. Oh and I fully understand the legal ramifications of getting married with no prenuptial agreement. I guess that’s it” and the video ended. Mike’s phone was snatched out of his hand and jeff paged through “What is this contact list called my emails?” “My personal and business emails only I have access to them” Mike said to shocked to think at the moment “I sent the video to them and to your cloud backup” Jeff said handing back the phone “You can’t be serious” Mike said “I think I already proved that I am” came the reply Mike paused to consider the moral implications of the situation. Little angel Mike rose up “You should pat this poor misguided kid on the head and send him on his way” Then little devil Mike walked up and punched the angel in the face sending him flying into the studio after the trash can. “Look you idiot. The hottest star in the world is offering you his virgin ass to fill with your toxic cum then train him to be your perfect sub, He’s also offering to marry you and make you rich.” then a truly evil smile spread across his face “and if all that is not enough, think of how your Ex will react when he sees on the news that you married the hottest man in the world within days of him leaving you” Mike's cock which has been slowly hardening during this speech snapped to full attention “No! Those are terrible evil reasons to get married!” a faint voice came from the studio Mike reached out a hand rubbing the front of Jeff’s shirt till his nipple perked up then grabbed it with a twisting yank pulling Jeff against him tilting his head down to kiss him forcing his tongue in and tasting his new boy “Fuck it, lets do this” as he broke the kiss.
  25. Mike woke up the next morning with his head splitting making his way to the bathroom then the kitchen needing coffee. As he sipped his first cup he heard a muted “ding” from the headphones on his desk and went to check it out. Plopping down in his chair he caught sight of his own profile groaning as he read what had seemed so sensible last night. He was about to delete the entire thing when another ding made him look up. He had 97 messages in his inbox. Groaning again he opened it and scanned them. Almost every one started with “I’m not this but…” listing the criteria they didn’t match but wanting to try anyway. Towards the bottom he saw one saying “I’m 19, a virgin and you look and sound perfect!” Snorting Mike opened the profile of the sender. One picture of a very nice body taken in a hotel bathroom mirror the flash blanking out the face but a nice rounded ass peaking above the counter Stats 5 foot 8 19 years old brown/brown neg and that was it. Just for fun Mike replied “Nice but how do I know that is really you?” then deleted all the messages and set his profile to private to hide it. Before he could stand up a reply came back “Oh wow! You replied! I’m at the pool. Let me get back to my room and I will send you more pictures!” and after a quick trip back to the kitchen for more coffee and some toast he sat back down to the site’s app flashing “Video call incoming." Making sure his camera was off he hit Open call. The window popped up showing a young man sitting on the edge of a bed from the neck down “hey there, I’m Mike” he said to let him know he was watching “Hey! I’m Jeff!” the reply came then he stood up, turned and lowered the back of his shorts a few inches, teasing that ass. “See it is me. Now, how do I know it’s really you? Fair is fair.” Laughing Mike turned on his camera also not showing his face but showing his chest with the same tattoos then standing to grip his cock through his shorts letting the fabric bulge around his cock “Yep it’s you” He heard Jeff giggle as he sat back down. “Your profile is the hottest thing I have ever seen” Jeff said, sitting back on the bed. Mike flushed “I was drunk when I wrote that I got dumped yesterday and I was not in my right mind” “What Idiot would dump you?” Jeff shot back “But you must want those things on some level if you wrote them I would marry you today” “Probably on some level and you are a sweet kid” Mike agreed The conversation went on all day Mike telling about his tattoo business and life even a little about his Ex. Jeff saying he was a virgin but since he could find porn he had been drawn to stories of BD/SM in various forms. How he had never thought about being pozzed but the idea was making him hard as a rock. How he had promised his parents he would not have sex till he was married that last part said with a bit of an ironic smirk in his voice “You live in Las Vegas don’t you? I’s on your profile” “Yeah” Mike said. “I’m actually going to be there tomorrow for a month or so” “Cool, I will be working tomorrow” They talked about movies and music Jeff asking his opinion on various celebrities “What do you think of Billy Clay”? Jeff asked “I would fuck him till he couldn’t stand up then fuck him again, then again” Mike laughed Billy Clay was a pop star who had gone from posting on Youtube to having 4 number one hits before he was 18. Now he was working on an album and had filmed a movie set to be released during the holidays. He was gorgeous. Jeff mentioned a few more celebrities then said he had a flight to catch in the morning. They exchanged numbers and logged out.
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