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Everything posted by Scanbu

  1. Zeke and Thomas Evil returned to the bathhouse after a long absence. The personas had been mostly quiet during the time with Jason but now they were back with a vengeance. Zeke Evil was unchanged but Thomas was even hotter than before Tommy, now 21, had changed in his three years with Zeke. His bod, always in great shape from dancing was now leaner, his edges now chiseled rather than rounded… well except for that bubble ass Zeke loved so much. His light brown body hair, just a treasure trail to his navel when they had met, had darkened a few shades and now dusted his chest and torso lightly but noticeably. He could still pull off the “Innocent boy look” but that was now the mask he slid over his more worldly, wicked face now. It was a compelling face as boyhood promise had solidified into stunning masculine good looks set off by rich brown mustache and goatee he now sported. Tommy had stopped shaving on a two week camping trip and booth he and Zeke had been surprised by the rich brown color of his whiskers. It hovered just this side of auburn. They visited their barber/hairdresser Butch (That was really his name, it was on his driver’s license) got it trimmed down to the smart shape it now held Butch was a man who looked like a Muscle Bear Daddy and moved, talked and acted like a teenage girl on a caffeine high. After he finished trimming Butch had stood peering at the finished product and then snapped his fingers “That’s what it needs!” And he went to the product shelf returning with two bottles, shampoo and conditioner. Zeke watched amused as Tommy’s chair was spun, tilted back and his hair was soaked before he could say a word. In many ways Butch was just like their choreographer friend Stefan. You just didn’t argue with either of them. It was less painful that way. The biggest difference was that while Stefan ruled the world from the bottom Butch was pure top with a cock that almost rivaled Mike’s. Go figure. He washed Tommy’s hair with the shampoo, then rinsed thoroughly before massaging the conditioner in. “You leve this in for about five minutes” Butch said and after the required wait he rinsed and blew Tommy’s hair dry holding up a mirror Tommy looked, his hair was definitely slightly darker and he said so “The shampoo and conditioner have a very subtle dye in them. These will darken your hair bit by bit to closely match your facial hair though I would stop with your hair still slightly lighter, A daily wash and condition will keep darkening the shade and when it’s where you want it a weekly condition will maintain it” Butch said and put the bottles in a bag he handed to Zeke A week or so later the final results had made Zeke fall in love all over again with his Tommy. No longer a boy but fully a man now. A two day trip out to Las Vegas for some time in Mike’s chair saw a matching biohazard tattoo in the same spot as Zeke’s appear above Tommy’s cock putting the final touch on the whole thing All Tommy had to do was use a little gel to style his goatee to a point and the new and improved Thomas Evil emerged and together with Zeke they stalked the bathhouse. Tommy wasn’t sure who arranged it but on their second visit after their long absence when they walked into the backroom there were two thrones side by side against the back wall Zeke walked to his and with a flourish motioned for Tommy to take his rightful place at his side “How did you manage this” Tommy asked and Zeke pointed to the side wall where a light had always shown down on the name of the bathhouse in metallic silver letters. Now under that was the unmistakable Ze-Corp logo “Ahhhh, those papers I signed last month?” and Zeke nodded The assumed mirror poses leaning into the corner of their thrones and putting one foot on the seat hands lightly stroking their leather covered bulges and turned to watch their minions play/ From the far corner Butch’s unmistakable voice came “Take that cock you little bitch” and they looked at each other and smiled A bit later Butch ambled by with his “little bitch” on a leash. Butch and he had been a couple longer than Tommy had been alive “Little Bitch” was the largest man Tommy had ever seen. Nearly seven feet tall with grizzled white fur covered muscles and a totally bald head. His voice was deep and soft like distant thunder. Tommy had always liked him Butch surveyed them on their thrones and nodded “Perfect!” he said. There was enough space around the thrones and enough noise in the room to keep the conversation private between the four of them private “You do good work Butch” Tommy said grinning. Then he had a thought and asked “Would you two like to grab lunch with Zeke and I some time? I’d like to get to know you better and you can never have too many friends” “I’d like that too” Zeke said. Butch was one of the very few people here Zeke respected saw as an equal “What do you think Pete?” Butch asked “Sounds good to me” came the rumbling reply They made plans to meet the next weekend and then the two older men headed out Then Tommy spotted their prey for the night. It was his favorite kind. The man was in his late 20s but moved like a much younger, more timid boy. Tommy knew that a close examination of his hand would show a lighter band where a wedding ring had recently been. Cheating or divorced it did not matter. The man was in a bathhouse for the first time and was probably looking for his first gay experience. That experience would see him bred and infected with a virus he never thought could affect him. It had been inevitable the moment Tommy picked him Tommy stood and approached as he stood uncertainty in the door and didn’t even bother speaking to him. He just took the startled man’s hand and put it firmly on the bulge in his leather pants his lips silencing any protest with a deep kiss as Tommy pushed his back against the door frame He nuzzled the man’s neck sucking and biting as his fingers found the hapless man’s nipple and twisted “Come with me and let us change your life, let us infect your body and claim your body and soul with our evil tainted seed” he whispered in the overwhelmed man’s ear taking him by the hand and leading him to Zeke who sat stroking his dripping poz shaft Tommy yanked the towel from around the man’s body and tossed it to the side then pushed him to his knees in front of Zeke “Meet your new God” he said as Zeke’s cold ice blue eyes captured him in a gaze he could not look away from. The backroom queued as the minions paused in their activities to watch their Evil leaders work “Understand this” Zeke said in his quiet, sultry voice “We are both HIV positive and highly toxic. We do not use condoms and we do not pull out. If you do not stand up and walk out now we will cum in you and infect you, We want to give you our virus. To taint your blood for the rest of your life” Zeke paused then said “Worship my cock while my lover gives you your first poz load” as he grabbed a handful of hair and forced the victim down on his cock making him gag as his throat was roughly fucked Tommy unzipped and pulled out his cock kneeling behind the gagging man and gripping his hips. He found the unprotected neg hole and plunged in not caring that the man groaned in pain as his cherry was brutally busted by eight thick inches speared up into him With nasty HIV tainted cocks being thrust into him from both ends, something broke in the man’s mind. The concept that this was what he was mode for was burned into his soul rewriting his entire being. He would serve and pleasure other men from now on. Whatever he had been doing with his life up to this point didn't matter this was his purpose now Tommy fucked quickly and brutally his jabbing thrusts designed to abrade the man’s inner walls to make pozzing easier. Tommy no longer even thought about the man he was fucking. He was nothing more than a hole to be infected with a virus that would take him over. He sped up his thrusts making slapping noises that echoed in the quiet room as he slammed into the man's ass until he pushed in to the hilt and fired his load, wad after wad of virus filled cum into that hole sealing it’s fate forever The man was pushed still on his kneed over the seat of Tommy’s throne and Zeke mounted him ramming in with no more concern than Tommy had shown. Tommy grabbed the man’s hair and made him clean his cock then stepped back and watched as Zeke made quick work of adding his toxic seed to Tommy’s making the man clean his cock afterwards in just the same way As they walked away the man’s new brothers came forward to claim him and drag him down into their world of sex and debauchery. Whatever he had been before was now gone and this was his new home. His outside life would fad in importance and became just what he was doing when he could not be here serving other men as he was meant too As they drove home Tommy voiced a thought that had been with him all night “You know, Zeke and Thomas Evil…” he said haltingly “They aren’t really separate personas any more are they?” Zeke asked “No” Tommy said accepting it “They are just who we are now, they were always just Tommy and Zeke” And then he took Zeke’s hand “Thank you for taking that small town boy you met over three years ago and freeing him to be who he really is My love” “No problem, It’s nice to have a true partner who is my equal and shares both the light and the dark with me” Zeke replied kissing his hand but never taking his eyes off the road as he drove ************************* Tommy looked at the classes available for the coming year with dissatisfaction. He had taken every dance and theater class the offered and though he only needed two more credits to graduate what was the point? Though he was by far the best dancer in his class and everyone acknowledged that he was never going to be a professional dancer in a show. He had no need to be and there were plenty of other dancers who did need it It was the day after their visit to the bathhouse and he expressed these sentiments to Zeke asking what he thought “I tell you what” Zeke said “You finish your degree and I will support you in whatever else you want to do in life” “I can do two credits in one day a week” Tommy said “And there is something I have been thinking about a lot lately. My first dance instructor Mrs. Abrams changed my life just by telling me that little boys could dance too. I want to start a video channel introducing people to what it really takes to be a dancer and letting them know how cool it can be. Maybe I can be that first encouraging voice to a lot of little boys who are like I was who just want to express themselves!” Once again Zeke marveled at this wonderful creature who had burst into his life three years ago and changed it so completely. They had reveled in the darkness just last night and today he’s making plans to be a light in someone’s life or hundreds or even thousands of lives. Tommy walked both sides of the line with ease and grace and allowed Zeke to come along for the journey And so the Z&T Do you want to try Dance? Channel was born ************************************************************************ Questions and comments welcome Scanbu
  2. Two days after I had planted the seeds of my father’s downfall, literally planted with my cock in his ass, I sat talking to John who had put on 15 pounds since the start of his drug trial and looked healthier than he had in years. “I want to continue my plan but I when I find gays like my dad betraying people just like themselves for power and wealth I am going to do my best to destroy them as thoroughly as I'm destroying my dad. I just can’t forgive that” “A lot of them have to hide who they are. Even you are hiding who you are” John said trying to mollify me “I am only doing that to bring them down” I said “I’m not actively working to make the lives of every gay person worse” He could not argue with that I went into Grandpa's office, my office now I guess and called Brad Guthrie, Grandpa’s best friend and the state leader of the L Party since Grandpa retired from politics fifteen years ago. He picked up immediately “So is this John or little Eliot? The caller ID says Eliot Jordan but he’s been dead for two years now” came the voice from the receiver “It’s Eliot Mr. Guthrie” I said “Though I’m not so little any more. I’m 18 now” “Oh God” He said “Is it about John? I know he’s been sick and I know why” Mr. Guthrie said in a frightened tone. Mr. Guthrie always knew everything about everybody and besides, he and John were close “No, no! He’s fine! More than fine actually!” I said telling him about the drug trial and John’s rapid improvement “Oh thank God!” Mr. Guthrie said and I could hear the genuine emotion in his voice. “Mr. Guthrie, John and I are together now, we are lovers” I said “it happened for the first time on my 18the birthday so there was nothing illegal on John’s part! Please don’t ever think that!” I didn’t hear recriminations or accusations all he said was “If it makes you both happy then I am glad but why are you telling me this?” “Because soon you are going to hear that I joined the R Party and that I’m working on the campaign of my Dad’s Primary opponent and I want you to believe me when I tell you why” Mr. Guthrie was a political genius and he said “You are doing it because Al Kelper would be far easier for the L Party to defeat than your dad would. You are also letting me know so we can put up a serious fight this time. You working against your father publicly within the R Party might just sway things enough. It would be better if we had something concrete on your dad though” “Like pictures of him sucking four different brown skinned cocks?” I blurted out shocked that he figured out that part of my plan that quickly There was silence on the other end of the line and then “You are not serious! Billy Mathas is gay? And with Hispanic men? It’s just not possible!” “I have the pictures and I personally talked to the men” I said keeping the rest of it to myself “I’m going to have an investigative reporter friend contact you. We can time this to come out a week before the primary… of course you and I never discussed this and this phone call never happened, right?” At this point I want to take a step back and say that in our state and particularly our county if you looked at the methods of the R Party and the L Party you probably could not have told them apart. It was what they did once they won that made all the difference. Enough said “What phone call?” I said “Keep me posted El” Mr. Guthrie said and hung up That afternoon I drove to Al Kelper’s campaign headquarters that doubled as his development company's office. I went in the front door and lets just say it was not a beehive of activity. There was no one there. Through an open door I could hear someone moving around so I poked my head through. Al Kelper himself sat going over some papers he looked up and I thought I saw surprise on his face Al Kelper was a man about 40ish, jock type still in shape, blond hair, green eyes nice even features “Hi Mr Kelper I’m…” I started “Oh I know who you are. There is only one person you could be looking so much like your father but with your mother’s hair. You are Eliot Mathas. It’s nice to meet you Eliot “ He said and stood holding out his hand his eyes roaming up and down me and seeming to linger on my crotch I shook the proffered hand and then sat as he indicated a chair and sat back behind his desk “What can I do for you Eliot?” He asked “Well Mr Kelper, as you may know I inherited a lot of money from my Grandfather so I will never have to work. I have decided to dedicate my life to public service and I would like to start by working on your campaign” I said trying to sound a bit nervous He laughed “Billy Mathat’s son working on my campaign. Won’t that get them talking? Oh and call me Al. I always heard you two didn’t get along but this goes above and beyond” “Yeah I pretty much hate the scumbag” I said “I worked for him in the County offices for years and scumbag about covers it. I mean we all make deals that may not be on the up ad up but he doesn’t even try to hide it anymore. People are going to figure out what is really going on!” Al said confirming he was just as big a scumbag he was just more subtle “So can I help out?’ I asked Al looked at me for a minute then rose and went out the door. I could hear him locking the front door and lowering the shades then he came back and sat on the corner of his desk just a few feet from me “I can think of a lot of ways you can help me Eliot” he said and looked directly at my crotch “It looks like your hair isn’t the biggest difference between you two” Was everyone in the R Party secretly gay? Sighing to myself I smiled and stood unzipping my pants and pulling my cock out “You mean this?” I asked and he nodded his eyes locked on my “fresh” young meat “Get on your knees and suck it Al” I said firmly He dropped to his knees with a “Yes Sir!” and dived onto my cock sucking like a starving man. He was good I will admit he had me rock hard in less than a minute then kept me on the edge for so long that when I finally came I saw stars He stood and without me even telling him too he dropped his pants and bent over his desk, The nice thing about R Party guys is they have never even heard of safe sex so I just bent my knees a little and rammed in balls deep. He loved it. I fucked him for over an hour breeding him three times. I made him suck my cock clean then we straightened up the office. When we got back out to the front door and he pulled up the shade two faces looking like younger versions of Al stood there peering in. As Al opened the door one said “You only close up for one reason during the day so we didn’t bother knocking. This one looks worth it. How much did he cost you?” Al flushed but tried to cover “This is Eliot Mathas, Billy Mathas’ son. Eliot these are my twins Calvin and Salvador” “Cal and Sal” They said together “Nice to meet you” I said shaking hands “How much should I have charged him?” I asked with a wicked grin “That depends on who fucked who” Cal said. “I fucked him: I said watching Al turn so red he looked like a blond strawberry $200 at the minimum then probably more” the Sal quipped “Can we not talk about his on the sidewalk?" Al hissed and we all troupe back into the office I liked the twins and from the eyerolls they gave their dad when he said something particularly regressive and a few not so R Party phrases they dripped I got the feeling we might be of similar minds. They had a better relationship with their dad than I did obviously but they did not miss a chance to needle him. He didn’t like it but he never complained. Something was odd here but I had to get home. I had a date with John! The old theater down town. The one that hadn’t been redecorated since Art Deco was in style was screening “The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert” and we both wanted to see it. It had come out in Australia last year and was just making it’s way to independent theaters in the States now. The lights dimmed and the curtain [pulled back to reveal the white screen hanging above the stage. The movie started and the story of three drag queens played out and I had a huge boy crush on Adam by the end. It was the first time John and I had been out as a couple. The first time he had been healthy enough. We held hands in the dark and even gave a quick kiss to each other as the movie progressed. He nudged me and pointed out another gay couple doing the same in front of us and I smiled. As the movie came to an end we made our way toward the exit and the couple in front of us went the same way. When we stepped into the isle they turned and we came face to face with Cal and Sal After a moment of shock Sal said “There is an all night diner across the street why don’t we go talk?” The diner was attached to the bus station and was done in the same style as the theater. We took the big corner booth and I introduced my “Uncle John" “Oh we know John” Cal said “He used to date our uncle Greg though we were not supposed to know they were dating” “How is Greg?” John asked “He’s great! He’s on that new drug trial and it’s a miracle! I thought he would have passed by now but he just keeps getting better and better!!” Sal said happily “So is John!” I said excitedly “I thought the same about him. Thank God I have not lost him!” And I grabbed his hand and brought it to my lips kissing his palm, then blushed realizing I had revealed to much “Uncle John huh?” Cal said “You were in that theater kissing your twin brother” I shot back “I don’t think you have much room to talk. Besides, John is not blood related! He just raised me! Oh! That sounded so wrong!” All four of us laughed. I looked at John and he nodded and I knew he trusted these two. We needed friends to keep us sane. So I opened up to them trusting my gut. I told them everything over pancakes and milkshakes. I told them my plan and how far I had gone to make sure I could make it stick. I told them what I had done to my dad and then what I had done to theirs To my surprise they didn’t even blink “If he hasn't caught it already from some call boy he would have sooner or later” Cal said. “One of the things he wants to run on is cutting funding for the drug study that is keeping our uncles alive despite knowing it would kill his own brother. Don't worry. It’s an empty threat because the funding is federal but still. If you want some advice. If you are going to continue fucking our dad to further your plan insist on playing safe from now on. You don’t know what you might catch from him” Then they excused themselves and went to the bathroom together coming back a couple minutes later one sitting next to me and the other scooting aground to sit next to John They each leaned closer to us kissing us gently, then Call said “We want to help and we want you to infect us so we can REALLY help" *************************************************** Next Chapter: A Double Infection Injection Let me know what you think! Scanbu
  3. You want to know the truth? Comments like this make it worth the effort. It's so good to know people like what I write Thank you
  4. Jason closed the door and put his back to it with a look of relief as he stared at Jet. He was fairly sure that it had not occurred to everyone that while they celebrated Jason and Jet’s newfound happiness that the couple had never actually been alone together in a private place. They had actually never seen each other completely naked though dance tights left little to the imagination there was still some mystery to the situation. They had never really talked about sex either though Jason being fully versatile was not as worried about that. They would find something to do he was sure There was also no rush. It would happen when it happened and it would be mind blowing, of that he was sure Jet walked to him and pulled him away from the door wrapping him in his arms laying his head on Jason’s shoulder “Thank you for not giving up on me” he said simply “Like that was ever going to happen” Jason said holding on just as tight then exclaiming in surprise as Jet bent and swept him off his feet to carried him to the bed and lay him gently there. He didn’t crawl on top to make out, he went to the other side and slid in spooning him and pulling him in tight “I want you My Jason but I want to truly know you and for you to truly know me before we take that next step” he said in his soft calm voice Jason felt his heart melt all over again “How did you know that was exactly what I wanted? We have the rest of our lives but we will only get one chance at this beginning. Lets take it slow and do it right” They talked until dawn was creeping through the windows and then for the first time they fell asleep together. For them and for many gay men the act of sleeping in each other’s arms meant more than sex ever could. Sex was transient even superficial for most gay men buy seeing that one special face as you woke and open your eyes every day was what love was all about They rose about noon and went to the kitchen to eat something returning to their room to slide back into bed and continue the conversation Jason found the stories of Jet’s struggle to be a father of a toddler while in High School amusing and enlightening. Jet would do anything for Kip. Sacrifice anything for his son. Except Jason, though it had been a close call. Jason let go of any pain or resentment he held as he came to understand Jet and fell in love with him even deeper Jet loved his stories of how he became a Theme Park Prince and his adventures in Mouse Town. He found the story of Alex taking his virginity on his 18the birthday erotic and kinky as fuck. He had no problem with family loving and Jason wondered where that could lead Jason told him of his meeting with Zeke and Tommy and made no attempt to hide his love for both. They had shaped who he was today and would never be out of his life Jet accepted this as he accepted his love for his son and they went into their future knowing that they came first with each other but that they both had other ties and being jealous of them would only poison what they had. On the third day of their conversation they decided to clean up and go back out into the world but first… They walked into the shower together “I always starts in a shower for me” Jason thought ironically Slowly, sensuously they soaped each other up and cleansed every inch of their life partner's skin washing away any vestige of an existence without the other as the rinsing water carried it down the drain. Jet turned to face the wall “I want to give myself to you first” he said and Jason stepped up behind him and slowly slid in his thick seven inches. They fit together perfectly as Jet’s silky inner walls caressed him as Jason rubbed just the right spot with every stroke. That first orgasm was the best of his life They kissed as their breathing slowed “Thank you” Jet said “You are not done yet Mr. I know you didn’t cum” Jason said turing and presenting his bubble ass like a present If Zeke had not trained his ass it might have been difficult. Jet was every bit as long as Zeke but while the head was smaller the shaft swelled to a spot in the middle much thicker than Zeke’s before tapering down at the base a bit. It was like being fucked with a plug. Jason moaned as his hole was stretched and contracted on every stroke and when Jet blasted him full of cum he broke his record for the best orgasm of his life for the second time in one day While all this was going on Kip was being a little prick tease and having the time of his life. He wore the skimpiest bathing suits imaginable and he bent over a lot for just about any reason showing off his beautiful ass or he would sit sunbathing with his legs spread showing off how well he filled that pouch in the front. They all knew what he was doing. He was trying to get one of them to make a move on him and they would wink at each other behind his back, smirking. It probably never occurred to Kip that they all had more than satisfactory sex lives and while he was adorable it’s much easier to resist when you got off three times last night so they let him play his game and have his fun as they pretended not to notice. Today Kip was trying to lure Zeke again though yesterday it had been Mike in the morning and John in the afternoon “”He will rip your clothes off if he gets you alone” Tommy said “That’s not happening, we are a package deal!!” Zeke said with so much emotion that Tommy was surprised. When he thought back though, except for when Cal drugged and raped Zeke, though they may not been having sex with the same person they had not had sex without the other there since the day they met. Not even with Jason though there had been hundreds of opportunities over the time they had been together. The realization made Tommy love his man even more because though he was just becoming aware of it he knew Zeke had planned it that way ever since that first meeting in the bathhouse. He also realized after all of this time Zeke still feared losing him. Fair enough. Tommy felt the same in a little corner of his heart. “Both or neither” Tommy agreed “like it has been from the beginning” and he took Zeke’s hand in his Kip was watching with a little envy. He hoped he would find a love like those two someday but till then he was young and hot and there was a world of fun to be had. If Zeke didn’t want to play there were others His eyes fell on the huge forms of Hank and Buzz and his fickle little mind changed targets Jason and Jet reappeared later that afternoon walking hand in hand out to the pool and joined the spectators as Kip deliberated finally making the choice none of them had thought of The day before Mike, Jeff and their crew were scheduled to head home Kip walked into a center spot out by the pool, got their attention and with the sublime confidence of youth said “All of you. I want to be bred and pozzed by all of you” and then he looked shy and vulnerable as he looked at Jason and Jet standing together “But I want the first one to be you Dad” Jet looked shocked and his first impulse was to refuse. He glanced at Jason who smiled and gave him a nod then looked back at the son he would give anything to and said “I would be proud to give you my gift son” They took Kip to the play room attached to Zeke and Tommy’s room and put him on the “Breeding bench” which was padded and could be adjusted to exactly fit anyone allowing them to lay on their back with their hole exposed comfortably for hours if need be. It could even be adjusted for the height of the top to give them the perfect angle Jet stepped between his son’s legs and slowly worked his way in, Kip was certainly no virgin but Jet was thick enough at that one spot to be a challenge for anyone. Kip gasped as the bulge finally slipped in. Jet seemed to concentrate moving with deliberation, his thrusts became very slow only moving about 4 inches as he slid just that thick part in and out stretching that boy hole over the thickest part over and over and many of those watching decided they wanted to feel Jet inside them someday. He drove Kip wild making him moan and beg “Ohh fuuukkkkk Dad! Ohhh that feels so good streeeeetch meeee! fuuukkk I need to feel the cock that made me shooting charged HIV cum into me! Come on Dad! Give it to me! Poz your own son!” and his dirty talk sent them both over the edge as Jet plunged in to the hilt and shot his nasty virus filled seed inside his flesh and blood and Kip shot all over his stomach Jet scooped up his son’s sweet cum tasting it then letting Kip lick the rest off his fingers “You all done Kip?” Jason asked “Oh hell no! get over here! You fucking me is long overdue!” and everyone laughed Jason slid in easily and leaned down to kiss this younger copy of his Jet. Yes there was a fire between them, a glimpse of what could have been but while Kip was the intense flame of gas torch, Jet was the steady flames of a log burning in a well built fireplace. Kip was a flash fire that excited and burned with lust and desire but Jet was a comfortable heat that would keep them both warm and happy for the rest of their lives. Jason was no fool. He knew which he preferred. He fondly tousled Kip’s hair as he slid in and out soon depositing a second charged load into the boy then stepping back to the man who was his home and hearth, taking Jet in his arms this time wanting to be his shelter and comfort just as much. He knew many men would have picked Kip ajd been perfectly happy but he wanted a calmer life Tommy went after him with a grinning “Welcome to the family” as he bred Kip. Then Zeke added his load as well, They were all cumming as fast as they could. Kip had many loads to take. They lined up, Hank was next then Buzz added their loads along with their “son” Brad. Then Dale and Alan who seemed to be with the two quarterbacks and their “son” an awful lot. Next was Jeff and then Alex and Mark Then John's husband Sal stepped up in all his salt and pepper haired “Daddyness” and as he fucked the boy in that confident solid way he did everything something seemed to click in Kips head and he clung to Sal’s silver fur covered muscles with an excited “Breed me Daddy!” as Sal shot in him “And that’s how normal twinks are turned into lifelong Daddy’s boys dedicated to men 30 years older than them “ Jeff said dryly as Kip’s tastes in men changed to what they would be for the rest of his life or was it that he just realized what they had really been all along? Chicken - Egg / Tomato - Tomahto. Does it really matter? John was next and though he took it easy on Kip when his ginger pubes ground into the boys ass he definitely felt what a foot of cock in you really meant as the deepest toxic load yet was deposited And finally Mike stepped between Kips legs and he took it easy on the boy… for Mike… which made it the roughest fuck Kip had ever had in his life as Mike’s 12 inch monster pushed all that cum and virus deep into the boy’s guts and past that inner barrier only he and John could reach before adding his own virus tainted cum to the mix Zeke slid a plug up the boys ass and then a strap that ran between his legs and belted at his waist to hold it in and let this boy incubate and absorb all that virus Jason and Jet took him to their bed that night and held him as he slept. He had had a busy day Kip was several days recovering before he even remotely felt like getting fucked. He spent the time finding and setting up accounts on every “Silver Daddy” site he could find. When school started he decided to move into the dorms and within a week was dating a professor who taught pre-law which was a direction Kip would never go though it still caused a bit of a scandal Tommy and Zeke broke down and hired a cleaning lady through a service to come in five days a week and keep the apartment spotless and most importantly to do the dishes ************************************** Let you know what you think Scanbu
  5. We spent the next four months fucking almost constantly and for at least the first month of that John was full on toxic. The initial tests done for the beginning of the trial put his viral load at nearly one million and he shot at least 4 loads a day into me. We got ahold of a couple of the little blue pills and he spent almost 6 hours inside of me without pulling out once. He was teaching me the pleasure of pain and my sore, raw ass just turned me on as I absorbed more and more virus. I set up a video camera and we filled dozens of video tapes with what looked like Death fucking a young auburn Greek god Just before he started the drug trial I could feel his pelvic bones slamming into me when we fucked. He was so fucking beautiful I remember I had bruises on my ass from the it and my nipples ached from being twisted by his bony fingers He took to the medications so well though that he was putting on weight within a month. Thank God but I miss that terrible wraith like “Death John”. He lives on in my VCR through and we still watch the tapes while we fuck occasionally all these years later and eventually had them converted to digital so they will live forever At 4 months I was married to Diana. She and Vickey were happily living in the attached guest house and pretty much out of my hair. Her part would come later I was also confirmed HIV positive and toxic. It was time to start my plan. My father was target number one I called him and said I wanted to talk to him about Grandpa’s money and me joining the R Party. I drove to his gated community house, It was much too expensive for someone on a county commissioner’s “public servant” salary but no one ever seemed to notice that. When I arrived I noticed that all the servants were Latino, male and between 25 and 35... Certain things started to occur to me at that point They were confirmed when I saw my dad pat one of them on the ass when he thought I was not watching. My hypocritical son of a bitch (and as you know grandma was a spiteful old bitch) father was not only gay he had a thing for Latino men If there were two things my father hated publicly it was gays and “migrants” which was his catch all phrase for anyone with skin between lily white and African. I think the fact that his well tanned body was darker than any of these men totally escaped him. It was not really skin tone it was heritage and the perceived voting pattern that came with it, pure and simple As we sat waiting for dinner he offered me a drink indicating the fully stocked bar “I’m only 18 dad. I’m not allowed to drink” I said thinking alcohol would just get in the way of what I intended to do later “Like the rules apply to people like us” he snorted “Water or Coke will do” I said, stressing the word “Coke”” just to irritate him. I was a confirmed Coke boy. None of that Pepsi crap like my Dad. You had to have SOME standards after all “Do you make every choice in your life just to spite me?” He asked “Pretty much” I said pleasantly with a smile Dad rolled his eyes ”Why do I even bother? Give a kid everything and they turn on you” He apparently believed the lies he told when he was asked about me. He always talked like he had won 18 consecutive “Father of the year” awards. I didn’t even blink. I was used to his delusions “Rum and PEPSI Jose” he snarled to his “butler”. “And PEPSI for him!” he added looking petulantly spiteful Jose looked like he could be Ricky Martin’s much edgier brother. As he moved I noticed his black pants were skin tight and the bulge in the front was more than substantial. Was my dad not only gay but a bottom? What an amusing and sick thought for a son to have about his own father As Dad turned away Jose pulled a bottle with a red label and white letters I could have sworn read “Coca-Cola” from under the bar and poured me a glass over ice. Then he topped off the mostly rum and ice shorter glass with a splash and returned the bottle to it’s hiding place with such practiced ease that I was sure this was the norm in this house. He was on his sixth “Rum and Pepsi” by the time dinner came “What’s this about the money and you joining the party?” He asked slurring his words “I just wanted to confirm that now that I am 18 and have control you will never see a dime of it. I am going to join the party and use the money to support your primary opponent” I said with casual maliciousness “What?” he roared trying to stand then he slumped into his chair and passed out. The attitude of the household staff changed as soon as he was out. “I know how you feel about him so I made his drinks extra strong tonight” Jose said with a slight accent. “Besides if he goes to bed sober enough he tries to fuck one of us and with his little “Vienna sausage” that’s usually a disaster” So if my cock came from dad’s side it skipped a generation I thought with a smirk “When he’s passed out like this we all fuck him. He’s a racist bastard but he pays well and he’s got a nice furry muscle butt” He said and gripped the bulge in his pants” “Why are you telling me all this?” I asked “Your Uncle John was a close friend of my first Daddy and after he died we kept in touch. I would warn him when your dad was up to something. He called me and told me what to expect tonight and to look out for you” he replied calmly he and 3 other men expertly got dad to the bedroom and stripped. They were right he did have a nice ass and a tiny cock. They took turns rolling condoms on their huge brown cocks/ all four a match for mine, and fucking him like a bitch or choke fucking him while they snapped polaroid. They had hundreds of them. Dad was not as out of it as I thought at first, he was definitely sucking and pushing his ass back for more. Occasionally he would reach out a hand and snag a drink he knew would be there and gulped it down then pretend to be passed out again. I’m fairly sure this was so normal for him he didn’t even know I was there When they had all fucked him and torn his ass up for me I dropped my pants and mounted my own father ramming in bare. “Make sure you stay absolutely safe with him from now on” I said to the watching men around us “We are all quitting the day you arrange for him to lose his primary or when he drops out. We already have a lawyer and will file a sexual harassment lawsuit against him as well. We can keep him like this every night till then but that will be a bad day for him I think” and I shot my first toxic load into my father just thinking about that day and the look I imagined would be on his face as his life crumbled. He had made so many enemies he would have trouble finding a job and that meant no health insurance… The images of what I was doing to his life kept me hard and soon I bred him again with my toxic cum I was 18 and “healthy” so I just kept going, infecting the man who had started me and then walked away four more times, filling him with millions of HIV viruses before pulling out and zipping up. Leaving him to the tender mercies of his house staff as they were rolling on new condoms to grind my seed into his blood as I walked out with a folder full of the best polaroids. Most showing him fully aware and sucking Hispanic cock. There were a few I would always treasure the most. Pictures of me destroying my father’s life with my cock and my HIV The next day I told John every detail as he fucked me. It got him off just as much as it had me and it was some of the best sex of our lives Tomorrow I would meet dad’s opponent for the R Party nomination and start setting up his fall as well but you will have to wait for the next chapter for that story ************************************************************************** I hope you are enjoying El’s story as much as I am, Let me know! Scanbu
  6. John is based off someone I knew as a teenager. He used to wear spandex shorts with no underwear and he had to be 8 inches soft. He died before I turned 18 through. I still beat off thinking about asking him to poz me on my 18the birthday
  7. Jason cheered with the others for Mark and his brother with the others and his smile was genuinely filled with warmth but it all hid that little corner of his heart he was almost ashamed to admit existed. The jealous little corner. Now even Alex, his mercenary user of a brother, had found the person who he could honestly build his life around. Indeed he had selflessly been doing that for months and now Mark had finally opened up his eyes and seen what a treasure Alex was and being no fool accepted ALL of what Alex wanted to share with him. Even Alex had found his one special person He felt that hint of guilt again. He honestly loved Tommy and Zeke and they loved him right back and supposedly they were equals in the relationship, but in moments of stress Tommy always ended up in Zeke’s arms, clutched with the obsessive, possessive love they shared but did not extend to him. Jason knew in his heart if he had met either of them before they met each other they would be together and share a love just as intense but he hadn’t. In a different world he could have lived a long love filled life with either Tommy or Zeke. They were three soulmates who could share something wonderful but that central core of love only had room for two ************************ Behind Zeke’s eyes Ezekiel. Unlike all the humans in the room who were focused on the new happy couple, was focused on Jason with sympathy. This was the moment he would realize what he shared with Zeke and Tommy was not enough for him. Not with the blazing example of true love right in front of him every day. Jason was right about each person having multiple soulmates but just because you shared that bond with someone did not mean they were going to be good for you. And there were many other potential matches out there That ”Specialness” he and Gabriel had discovered in Zeke and Tommy together had acted on it’s own again. Once you found a soulmate that part of your senses was supposed to go dormant. Somehow these two had recognized a third and brought him in and in the process took him out the path of a person who would have turned his life into a disaster. If they hadn't changed his life when they did he would have found a brief blazing true love that ended when that lover chose drugs over Jason and he would have been killed for the money in his wallet trying to drag the man he loved out of a drug den Jason would never be totally free of Zeke and Tommy’s love but it was time for it to change. Jason’s futures branched out before him and one in particular was so bright… Ezekiel knew he man was hurting now but his chances at a spectacular life had been vastly improved by his time with Tommy and Zeke ************************** It was summer and they all were around the pool at the estate, The place was so huge that even with Dale and Alan, Alex and Mark, Mike, Jeff and their entire family and even Stefan there they were nowhere near crowded. Jeff and Mike were using the amphitheater on the grounds to stage their next tour with the crew and musicians staying down in town. It was a huge boost to the local economy which was a plus for Jeff and Mike. The two dancers who would tour with them were working on learning choreography from Stefan. Zeke and Tommy were amused that this dance was virtually unchanged from the one they had done in that video they had done with their cousins which had also been "The dance" One of the dancers fell because the other missed the lift and they immediately started arguing. Stefan moving in to separate them. “I can’t do this!” the dancer doing the “Tommy” role said. “I’m never going to trust him not to let me fall!” and he stomped off like a petulant child “If you were in the right place I could catch you!” The other dancer yelled “Well that was fun” Stefan said dryly, his eyes narrowing in thought then he snapped “Jason! Limber up and get that pretty white ass up here! I know you know this one you and Dan did it for your finals! We need to get Jet up to speed!” Jason shrugged and pulled off his shirt then began to stretch. He and Jet went through the moves slowly a few times making sure they were on the same page then Stefan started the track and as had happened magically to another pair of dancers in the not so distant past Jason and Jet flowed into the dance moving like water, merging and separating in almost perfect unison and then that all important leap… Jet’s hands caught Jason's waist as he leapt and lifted… Tommy watched with tears in his eyes from the shelter of Zeke’s arms which he had instinctively sought within moments of the dances start. Memory and emotion took over as Jason leapt he felt Zeke stiffen then relax in acceptance and Tommy knew he knew. It was time to let their boy go. They could both see it clear as day though Jason and Jet would have to figure it out for themselves. Tommy turned his face to Zeke who tenderly kissed him, tears on his face too. It had been the same dance that made their love for each other undeniable Jet set Jason down gently, perfectly and the dance wound to it’s conclusion with them ending up arms extended up and back Jet leaning over Jason who leaned back their faces inches apart as they panted from the exertion their eyes locked on each other’s Stefan clapped and the tension broke Jason heard one of the crew say “I think that other dancer just lost a job” to the guy next to him They rested then ran through it again a couple times each was magical As Jason and Jet walked towards the house, for some reason Tommy had insisted that Jet come stay at the estate, Jason cast a sidelong glance at Jet and when they were out of earshot of everyone said “You were letting him fall deliberately weren’t you?” Jet blushed and said “He has spent the last week trying to get into my pants. He wanted to date me too and I have Kip to think about so yeah, I was hoping he would do exactly what he did though I didn't think the would find the perfect replacement so quickly” “I’m not that good and I’m still in school I can’t go on a national tour” Jason said blushing “I guarantee you Mike and Jeff will offer you the job before the day is over” Jet said Jason waved that away “Who is Kip? Your lover?” he asked “My son he was 18 last week” and at Jason’s look of confusion he said “I was 13 when he was born and his mother was 14. Her parents were very religious and made her keep the baby. My parents insisted on genetic testing and he’s 100% mine. He’s the best and brightest thing in my life. I didn’t have to worry about him making my same mistake either because he came out when was nine and literally told his grandparents to go fuck themselves if they didn’t like it. He will be coming with me on the tour and I want to concentrate on him before he heads off to college in the fall. Hr got into an Ivy League school on a full academic scholarship and thank god he does not ant to be a dancer like his old man” “31 is hardly old” Jason said smiling as Jet boasted about the son he obviously loved like every father should love his son Jeff and Mike offered him the job at dinner and he started to say no but Stefan cut him off “Don’t be stupid Pretty Boy” He said in that assertive way he said everything “This is the opportunity of a lifetime and will look damn good on your resume” “He’s right Jason” Tommy said “But you and Zeke” Jason started “Will be here when you come back” Tommy said knowing wgen he did come back it could never be the same “You always have a home with us” Zeke agreed “You are more than a lover you are family” and it was settled. No matter what happened Jason would be financially taken care of. Against his strenuous objections Tommy and Zeke had set up a fund for him that he could not take as a lump sum but rather paid him a monthly salary that a fortune 500 executive would envy for the rest of his life The next day Kip arrived It was astounding. Kip had longer hair but it was the same golden brown, the bodies were mirror images of each other as were the faces except for a few smile lines and where Jet’s blue eyes held a calm steadiness Kips were gleefully wicked. They even moved the same way. The easiest way to tell them apart was the small tattoo on Jet’s shoulder that looked like a rose from a distance. You didn’t see the biohazard symbol in the petals unless you were very close. It was obviously Mike’s work His first day there Kip flirted outrageously with everyone but when he spotted Jason he froze “That’s going to cause issues” Tommy said quietly to Zeke as a look of adoring puppy love formed on the boys face “They will figure it out” Zeke said “Keep your nose out of it” Jet saw the look too and quashed his own budding feelings for Jason who was only three years older than Kip. A much better match and he wanted his son to be happy The tour got underway a week later and Jason was glad to have so much to do as an excuse to put off Kip who pursued him like a bloodhound. He even tried slipping into Jason’s room not realizing he still slept with Tommy and Zeke and getting an eye full of some very kinky sex before bolting from the room blushing crimson. He had even told Kip he was poz in an effort to cool his interest but Kip had just said “So? I can take meds” It was not that Kip was unattractive. In fact he was downright adorable and similar to what Zeke and Tommy felt for him there was something there But Jason knew who he wanted and his name was Jet. When they danced together it was electric. The first night of the tour as Mike and Jeff sang their platform rose up like a pedestal in the middle of the stage and they danced every movement saying “I love you” to each other, their eyes full of unspoken emotion and Jason was sure Jet felt it too but all Jet did when approached off stage was push him at Kip It was maddening He and Jet were meant to be together and literally everyone in the country knew it except Kip and Jet Videos of their dance went viral and by the third night of the tour their picture as they finished the dance, their faces inches apart, was on every newspaper front page and every social media platform overheated with the question “Will they just kiss already?” Certain politicians and church leaders had a herd of cows over it but most people ignored them They hit the morning talk shows promoting the tour and when the question was asked Jet would smile and say “I think Jason is already taken” but the sad, hopeless look on Jason’s face told a different story Kip could be forgiven. He was 18 and in love or the first time. He continued to pursue Jason and his antics almost melted Jason’s heart a few times. When this boy found someone who could love him back that man was going to be the luckiest man on earth but Jason was not that man The final day of the tour Kip had cornered him once again and in his frustration at being blocked from making a final plea to Jet that he y just blurted out the truth to the love blinded fool “Kip, you are going to make some man so happy someday and part of me wishes that man was me but I don’t love you. I love Jet and even if he never returns it I will go on loving him for the rest of my life” Jason said Kip’s entire demeanor changed instantly “You want to make my dad happy? You love him? What the hell are you waiting for? Go get him!” Jason wanted to strangle him at that point “He keeps pushing me at you you idiot!! You have not been exactly subtle about chasing me but I remember the first guy I fell for and how he deliberately crushed me. I was trying not to do that to you. But all you could see is what you wanted and Jet saw that too! He wants you to be happy and we are closer in age so…” Kip’s eyes were wide “Oh my god! I’m such a selfish prick. I just would not take no for an answer because you never actually completely pushed me away I thought there was hope” It was 10 minutes till their final dance and Jet passed them heading for the platform. “Come with me he said and dragged Jason along after Jet “Dad! Stop!” he yelled and Jet turned “Jason has something to tell you and you need to listen to him” Kip said pushing Jason forward Jason swallowed and said “I have never come right out and said this but I love you Jet” Jet’s jaw set in a stubborn line “You want me to take the man my son loves away from him? You would be better off with him. I don't love you and I’m to old for you” he said but the lie was in his eyes “Dad!” Kip groaned “Will you climb down off that fucking cross? You don’t get to tell Jason who he gets to love especially when, now that I’m not being a selfish brat, I can see how much you love him too! It's in everything you do and say! Go for it Dad! How many more chances are you going to get at your age?” Don’t you just love young people? “But I am poz!” Jet blurted out his final line of defense “So am I! Did I never tell you? Everyone in our group is poz” he stopped short of outing Mike and Jeff and their family too though “I’m so used to everyone knowing it never occurred to me to tell you I guess” “He told me weeks ago” Kip said ruefully “To try to get me to back off” The lights flashed. They had two minutes and they rushed onto the platform for the last time and it raised them out before the screaming crowd who were there to see them just as much as to see Mark and Jeff this was their last chance… They danced and it was even more magical than before, like they were both fully in it this time and as they finished the band and the crowd fell silent as Jason looked up into Jet’s eyes pleading silently… The entire internet exploded with two words from thousands of phones in the arena then echoed over and over by happy romantics everywhere om the web “THEY KISSED!” Jet looked down into Jason’s eyes and gave in to the love he had felt since that first dance. His arms slowly descended to wrap around Jason and pull him to him, their lips finally meeting. They didn’t even hear the roar of the crowd that shook the entire arena or see Jeff and Mike looking up at them with huge grins on their faces all they knew was the feel of their lips touching for the first time, the taste of each other’s mouth and the knowledge that they had finally and forever found the one they were meant to be with When they got back to the estate some minor changes in living arrangements had been made. Jason and Jet had their own suite much like Tommy and Zeke’s and Kip had his own room as far away as the house permitted. They were also told they had an apartment in the same building as Zeke and Tommy’s but it was only half of the 5th floor Jet had looked confused then Tommy explained “We have loved Jason since the day we met him. He is family to us and we want to keep him near. Because he loves you, you are now family and Kip is your son so he is family” Then he looked at Kip “There are a lot of gay men in and out of this house and you can assume they are all poz and will infect you if given a chance but none will approach you or pressure you. If you approach them and do not ask for safe sex all bets are off though. We wanted to make sure you understand the rules we play by. We are all vey free sexually but you don’t have to be” “I can’t live off Jason’s family for the rest of my life” Jet said stiffly “Here he goes. Getting back up on the cross again” Kip groaned “I don’t think you will have any trouble with money” Jeff said “The tour office has been contacted with four competing book offers, two offers to turn your story into a Broadway musical and seven to make a movie out of it. They want to make a fucking Hallmark Holiday movie out of it somehow but that’s not the best movie offer, Mike and I are waving any rights we or the tour migt have had because of your contracts but our lawyers will sort through the offers. You are family after all” Jet stood with his mouth open During this exchange Kip had been casting what he thought were subtle glances at Zeke from down the hall Tommy stepped close and said quietly “Well his college is in the city and we will need someone to do the dishes” *************************************************************** Comments and questions welcome Scanbu
  8. Thank you! Hearing that means a lot
  9. I will be more careful though each chapter is spell checked twice as it is
  10. I don't think it will, it'd a totally different time frame but you never know
  11. Mom died when I was little and I barely remember her. Just vague memories that come up when I smell a certain perfume they still sell at the higher end stores. Dad mourned for an appropriate time then used “widowed father for family values” sympathy vote to win his first election running for county commissioner. I still have nightmares about the first time I was trotted at barely seven years old out in front of all those cameras to stutter through the little speech Dad had made me say over and over saying “This is important kid. If you get it right I just may win!” putting all that pressure on my tiny little shoulders “Vote for my Daddy Billy so he can protect kids like me from the bad people who want to hurt us” still haunts my dreams to this day Dad always called me “Kid” or “Kiddo” because he hated the name my mom had given me which was Eliot (Everyone but dad calls me El) and hated the man she had named me for, her father, even more because he never approved of their marriage saying my dad was a huckster who would sell out his own mother which turned out to be a fair statement when Dad got his mother to sign a Power of Attorney when she was diagnosed with cancer and sold he house and all her possessions while she was in the hospital for treatments. He planned to hide the money and skip out on all the medical bills Then Grandma made a full recovery but somehow Dad got her declared incompetent though every doctor testified she had her full faculties and forced her into the cheapest nursing home he could find. Her revenge was living long enough to eat up every dime he had gotten from the sale. She died the day the last check cleared leaving eight cents in the account. I loved Grandma but she was a spiteful old lady. Who can blame her though? Till the very end ever time dad was in an election she would call the local newspaper and then give an interview saying “If you vote for my son you are a fool and you deserve what you get!” Like I said I loved Grandma. My Grandpa (mom’s dad) was great too! He had an awesome name and basically raised me because my father was to busy taking bribes and making backroom deals to take care of his son. The only time I saw him was when he wanted to trot me out for the cameras at election time and that stopped when at 14. He had me learn another speech but when he introduced me and I stood in front og the camera, on live television turned to him and said “Who are you Mr.? You kind of look like my father but I’m not sure since I never see him and I live with my Grandpa and Uncle John. From what they tell me he doesn't even help support me financially” Then I looked at the camera and said “So much for Family Values Huh?” Grandpa also pissed off my Dad by remembering to change his will when mom died leaving everything to me and hiring the best lawyer in the state when his health started to fail to make sure my Dad never got his hands on a dime of it, After Grandpa passed the lawyer and Uncle John looked after me “Uncle John” was not actually related to me, He was Grandpa’s stepson from his 2nd marriage his mom who I called Mary at her insistence passed a couple years before Grandpa. She was kind of stuck up but kind to me. Uncle John and I shared a secret. We were both gay. He was the first person I came out to when I was twelve and he was the most wonderful supportive uncle he could be, He didn’t tell me was gay till I was 16 saying he didn’t want to confuse me while my hormones were out of control, I had always loved and lusted after him so it was probably for the best. When I was young John was the most handsome man I had ever seen, he was Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio rolled into one with a little old school Tom Selleck thrown into the mix for good measure. He always wore the coolest clothes and seeing him in his bathing suit awakened my first truly sexual fantasies but I will fight anyone who suggests he was anything other than a 100% proper adult when it came to me. Much to my frustration. By the time I was almost 18 things had started to change, He was still handsome but he was thinner and seemed to be sick more often. It was 1995 and the AIDS epidemic was raging. They even had a man com to my high school right as I was about to graduate to talk to us about the importance of safe sex and not sharing needles (I didn’t get that 2nd part at the time). My Dad had been against it I recall. I was on the student council so I met him personally. Just before he shook my had a little beeper went off in his pocket and he took out a prescription bottle with the name “Retrovir” (better known as AZT I learned later. Popped a pill and stepped to a nearby water fountain to help it go down, as he returned to me I noticed a janitor rushing to spray the water fountain with something that smelled like bleach and wipe it down with gloved hands. “Hey, my uncle John takes those vitamins!” I said He tried to hide it but the look of surprised sympathy gave it all away and I knew. Uncle John had HIV. When I asked him why he had not told me he said he didn’t want to worry me and he was almost done. He wanted to get me to 18 when my inheritance would kick in and then he could go The party my Dad belonged to, The R Party, maintained that people with HIV were all perverted degenerates who were being punished by God. Even the little kids with blood disorders and caught it deserved it somehow according to them. A plan started to form in my mind. One every bit as evil as anything my money grubbing Dad could come up with. Over the next weeks the parts came together more and more. I talked to my friend Diana who was the prettiest lesbian you ever met and we started being seen together I took her and her “best friend” Vicky to the prom and we spread rumors about a drunken 3some in a hotel room afterwards. I was going to be quite well off when I turned 18 and the plan was to be seen together for a couple months more then a quick trip to Las Vegas and we would be married. Vicky would move in as her “personal assistant” and I would live with Uncle John (He was unaware of that part of the plan for now) it would be the perfect cover for all of us. That lawyer Grandpa had Diana sign some papers when she turned 18 to protect my assets and she had no problem with that, Uncle John had been getting even thinner and he was more and more depressed. He told me many of his friends had died and the ones who had managed to stay HIV negative stayed away from him. He was lonely and had no release other than his hand. “I used to be the hottest Top Man in the city. I would fuck three and four pretty boys a night but I think it was the one time I shot up that got me" We were sitting by the pool and the bulge in his swimsuit looked even bigger against his thin frame as he talked about his glory days Finally the big day arrived and 10 minutes after midnight on my 18th birthday I pushed John’s door open, He had his eyes closed and didn’t hear me. He was in bed stroking his huge cock, 9 ½ inches I would later measure, and moaning “El oh my beautiful El I want to be in you so badly, to make you mine. Oh I love you my El, you are so beautiful” Maybe I should pause a moment to describe myself at 18, You have to realize that though my dad was a scumbag he was exceptionally good looking with classic Greek features a hairy chest and piercing green eyes. Pair that with my mothers deep auburn hair and full sensuous lips, a thick 10 inch cock I never did learn which side of the family gave me and my athletic state champion quarterback 6 foot 2 body and I java to admit I was a little more than handsome but back to our story I watched John for a couple minutes with his eyes closed stroking and moaning my name then I quietly knelt next to his bed bent over running my tongue around the head of his cock and then opened wide and took it in my mouth His eyes flew open “El! What the hell are you doing? That’s dangerous!” “We are going to things that are a lot more dangerous tonight John” I told him firmly “What are you talking about?” he asked covering himself with a pillow “You are going to become my life partner for as long as we have together and you are going to make love to me all night to consummate our union. After what I just heard I know you love and want me and I have loved you since I was about twelve” I said looking into his eyes He looked conflicted, struggling with himself so much he actually started shaking a little and finally looked at me with tears in his eyes “Yes I love you and I want you but dammit I will be lucky if I have six months left. I can’t do that to you! Besides you should have someone as young and as handsome as you are. Just look at me” And he threw the pillow aside His body was thin but not what you would call wasting quite yet. His tall frame equal in height to mine exaggerated the thinness. His now only slightly aroused cock lay across his balls and they definitely did not look thin in fact they seemed to pulse with a light all their own and make me want it in me even more “You are the most beautiful man I have ever seen and never more so than now. I love you and I want, no I NEED you inside of me” I said hotly “I can’t be inside of you, I don’t even have a condom!” he protested but he was weakening I could tell “All the better because I never want you to wear a condom or pull out when you fuck me” I said calmly He sighed “El I am one step away from full blown AIDS and love won’t protect you from it. I’m sorry but it's true” “I know what you have and I don’t want to be protected from it. I want you to infect me as a sign of our love and for another reason” and I explained my full plan to him He looked at me with awe and pride and an evil glint in his eyes “You are a diabolical, twisted, sick fuck and I love you for it” then he thought about it for a few minutes and finally said “Ok I’m in” “No you aren't but you will be soon” I joked "OK repeat after me" and I took his hand in mine “I pledge my life to you for as long as we share this earth together, I will be faithful to you in my heart though I am free to share my gift with others, Our enemies will fall before us and get what they so richly deserve, This I promise to my one true love” and John repeated each line starling into my eyes He pulled me to him his thin strong arms wrapping around my youthful body practically glowing with health and potential for a long life. I was sacrificing that to our love and his virus voluntarily and we kissed with an urgent passion as the the desire to breed took us both He rolled on top of me then rolled me onto my stomach and used his knees to push my legs apart. “You are MINR! This ass is MINE! Do what you want with your cock but for as long as we both live no one touches this ass but me! I love you too much to share this ass!” He groaned, his dripping toxic cock head rubbing up and down my crack seeking it’s new home, finding it and sinking in I bit my lip to keep from yelping as he roughly took my virginity, to caught up in passion and emotion to be gentle. Within a minute I felt his huge virus filled balls flop against mine as I ground ten rock hard inches into the sheets beneath me then he pulled out and slid back in and I moaned as this felt better than I ever imagined it could. John was a consummate top man. Years of experience pleasing bottoms came into play as he moved in and out of me plowing my virgin inner walls and getting them ready to be inseminated by his fertile virus, running his thin fingers over my well fleshed muscular body only of legal age for less than an hour and now to be offers up o our lust and his disease His thrust became frenzied and his cock battered my insides as my balls tightened and finally we found that release together me soaking his sheets and he firing wads if cum and HIV into me and sealing my fate We lay together my head on his chest and his fingers in my hair “Now you are marked as mine forever, Even when I pass part of me will live on in you” “I’m the luckiest man in the world” I replied We made love twice more that night and he lasted longer each time. I think if we timed it he was in me about 3 hours that night. That was a record we broke many times. The very next afternoon John got a call from his Doctor about a clinical trial for a new class of HIV treatment drugs. John agreed to participate and had one of the best results in the study. Over the next couple years with healthy living, lots of physical activities he gradually recovered becoming the man I remembered again and on his 30th birthday he got the news that his HIV viral load was undetectable I on the other had was very toxic and a couple years into my plan. I will tell you how it started when next we meet ********************************************************************* I hope you enjoyed the beginning of my new story. Let me know I am going to let “Somebody to be mine forever” rest for a while but I’m sure Jeff. Mike and Family will continue to make cameo appearances in “Zeke’s Tales” which will continue Scanbu
  12. I hope you liked the answer
  13. Mark fought the cravings and the despair they caused every day. His body however needed sexual release and his mind needed something he could not face. Something he thought he would rather die than face. He was a physically heathy man of 29 after all. The problem was he could not find that release without the combination of a man’s cock in his ass and a feeling of shame. He tried masturbation and even when he had not cun for weeks as soon as he touched his cock it went limp. He tried being with women but could never actually climax with them. Toys didn’t work either He had found a way to relieve the sexual pressure while visiting Tommy. Zeke and Jason at their apartment in the city. Jason’s brother Alex had been there as well though he had moved out on his own. As far as Mark knew, Alex had always had a very transactional view of sex. He would fuck someone he found hot but if he could get more out of it he would. Alex got off on getting people to cheat on their partner with him and he was usually already fucking said partner when they did. He fucked the company owner at work to get ahead and he would boast about all this like others talked about a hobby Mark had awkwardly asked the group if they thought he could meet someone to relieve his needs at the bathhouse they occasionally mentioned when they thought he was not listening “I will help you. I know the situation so you don’t have to explain it all to me, I like the thought of someone who needs to be mentally abused to cum and that’s something I am good at” Alex said “There has to be something more in it for you. Do you want me to pay you or something? You are not known for your compassionate nature and paying you would add that component of shame I need” Mark said not realizing he was basically calling him a whore and totally missing the look of pain in Alex’s eyes. Zeke saw it though “Don’t worry about it Mark, I will make sure Alex is compensated well if this us the solution you decide on” and Mark so wrapped up in his own problems missed the grateful look Alex gave Zeke as well Then it all fell apart as Mark remembered the biohazard tattoo Alex was so proud of “You are poz and I don’t want HIV I have enough to deal with as it is without your nasty disease” he said bluntly and with a certain suspicion in his voice again so wrapped up in his own problems he was unaware of the hurt his words caused to more than Alex this time “I am on meds and undetectable” Alex said blushing as if this admission in front of the others was embarrassing. “I have been asked to be a sperm donor by several women and I need to be undetectable. I decided to have my sperm frozen incase I ever decide I want kids in the future. Well kids I’m going to raise myself. I can also wear a condom if it makes you more comfortable” Mark thought about it as he looked out a nearby window, his own damage and need not allowing him to see that Alex was very insistent that Mark let him help instead of some random guy. In his mind Alex was a whore, a convenient tool ro relieve the pressure. “Ok, you are hired” Mark said. He didn’t see how everyone in the room winced at his thoughtless words Alex took him down in the elevator then to Mark’s surprise they simply stepped to another elevator next to it that required a different fob to open and which opened out into a full floor apartment every bit as luxurious as Zeke’s but in a different style dominated by a huge floor to ceiling aquarium and neon lights. “I think I could pick this apartment out of a lineup as yours, it matches your personality though I don't see you putting in the work to take care of that aquarium or remembering to feed the fish” Mark said “I didn’t realize you lived in the same building” “I pay a service to clean the aquarium and restock the automatic feeder and this is the most prestigious building in the city. Zeke and Tommy own it or I would never have gotten even one of the small apartments on the lower floors. They are technically two floors above us" he said , indicating the high ceiling but there is really only a crawl space and some soundproofing between us, I usually just call up and Jason opens the window so I can use the fire escape when I visit. It drives they security guys nuts. I didn’t want to take you out in the cold or we could have come down that way. My window has an electronic lock and I can open it from the outside” Alex said then he stepped close to Mark. They were the same height but Mark was bulkier “Strip” Alex ordered and Mark quickly complied… It had been so long… Alex handed him a pair of leather cuffs on a short chain and indicated a large metal ring attached to one of the bedpost of his large bed that backed onto the elevator shaft Blushing crimson Mark threaded the chain through the loop lay on the bed and closed the cuffs in his own wrists above his head. He could get them off he knew but he needed the illusion of being forced Alex knew what he needed. He stripped as Mark watched then slowly rolled a condom onto his 9 inch cock and lubed it. He got on the bed and roughly pushed his legs up onto his shoulders and pushed in to the hilt sliding in and out in a slow, grinding. insolent even cocky motion rotating his hips and changing angles “I’m going to twist your mind and make you need and serve me even worship. You are a straight man who can’t cum without a dick up your ass. I'm wearing this condom because you don’t deserve my seed and you will come to need me so much you will eventually beg me for it. You will please with me to go off my meds and infect you because deep inside you want to have my baby” he whispered in Marks ear “Now cum for your Master straight boy” and Mark’s cock spewed weeks worth of built up cum all over both of them as Alex filled the condom “You are not done yet” Alex said scooping Marks cum off both of then and making him lick it off his fingers and then he pulled off the condom and emptied it into Man's mouth. “I won’t breed you but my cum is to valuable to waste” and he pushed Mark's jaw closed till he swallowed then unbound him and sat on the edge of the bed “Get on your knees and worship ny cock with those straight lips and maybe if you do it well enough I will allow you ti spread your legs for me and put my cock in you so you can cum again. Remember you have to earn it this time” Glaring at him Mark sank to his knees and started to suck. He hated it and he needed it at the same time. Alex was hitting the exact mix of shame and humiliation he needed “And he’s enjoying every second of it, the sadistic asshole” he thought as he pit every trick Farid’s cock sucking training had taught him to work Alex moaned and pushed his head down fucking his throat till he finally pushed him off his cock and onto the bed rolling another condom onto his cock and taking him on his back again fucking almost frantically “Tell me you love me straight boy” he hissed as Mark’s balls started to tighten “I will pull out if you don’t” Mark shot daggers at him with his eyes, knowing this was just another way to humiliate him. Not even Farid had demanded this… but he was so close… “I love you” he said putting as much anger and hate into his voice as he could and that sent them both over the edge Alex kissed him deeply ignoring Mark’s stiff responses and carefully puled out again making Mark swallow both loads and then they slept Mark stiff in Alex’s arms as he had been when Farid had chosen him to keep him warm for the night The next day Alex got him off four more times. Mark never considered the effort he was putting into helping him. “He’s a whore, a tool. He’s only doing this because he is a twisted sadistic fuck and Zeke is paying him” Mark thought needing to believe it The next day he flew back with to the estate Tommy and Zeke but Jason stayed behind Alex and Jason looked at each other as they heard the helicopter take off and when the sound of it faded into the distance Jason opened his arms and Alex sobbing like a broken hearted child fell into them Alex was everything he bragged about. Mercenary and always out for number one. The only person in the world who might have had a chance to change that was Mark who Alex had met on a trip to the estate early in his year of slavery and had instantly, totally fallen in love with him. That hopeless love of a gay man for a confirmed straight one, If Mark could see beyond his own issues he would realize anyone who could afford Alex’s apartment didn't need money. The bakery owner, Alex’s old boss who he was fucking had died and while he provided for his two adult children the bulk of his holding had been left to him, including bakeries in 17 major metropolitan areas around the country, Alex had sold out to the largest baked goods company in the country and now was almost as well off as Tommy and Zeke. A few weeks after meeting Mark Tommy had confronted him. He wasn’t breaking any rules but he was being a total bitch when he could “What is your problem?” Tommy had demanded as Alex skulked around the apartment like a rumbling thunderstorm Knowing Tommy would dig till he got the truth he snapped “I’m in love with a straight man/ OK? I can’t get him out of my head or my heart and I don’t know that I want to. It hurts so much but it’s a sweet hurt I don’t want to give it up because that would be giving up on him and I just can’t yet” “Oh fuck, Alex… Who?” Tommy whispered “Your brother” Alex said brokenly Tommy hugged him and suddenly Zeke and Jason were there too having heard it all. It was something every gay man understood. Most having been there at least once in their lives When the Farid thing had happened Mark never noticed that whenever he needed help it was Alex who was there most of the time and Alex had gone on the meds once Mark’s issues became clear. Alex was going to be damned if anyone else was going to help Mark. Who knew what further harm some random guy would do to him. He even talked to Mark’s therapist about the best way to help him. Alex’s seemingly cavalier offer to help Mark had been a selfless offer to tear himself apart for a man who would refuse his help if he knew why it was made. Yes Alex desired Mark but he wanted Mark to love him back far more “He’s so broken and the only way I can help him is to let him think I am a whore just using him because I get off on the mind games and Zeke is paying me” He sobbed into his brother’s shoulder “He talks to me like he hates me as much as he hates needing me and if I don’t keep up the act it won’t do him any good. I can have his body but that just makes him hate me” Mark came to relieve the pressure most weekends and as soon as he was sated he would leave Alex to hang with his brother and his men. Alex stayed away then though most times Jason slipped down to comfort him Alex lost weight from the emotional trauma he was putting himself through and Mark demanded to see his test results showing he was still undetectable It went on for months and Alex seemed barely alive between Mark’s visits. Zeke made him join them for dinner most nights to keep him from brooding over takeout as he had taken to doing but it really didn’t help much During a summer visit home Tommy asked Mark “Are you coming with Zeke and I to the apartment for the weekend?” “Yeah, I could use a visit to the whore” Mark replied Suddenly Mark found himself spun around and punched in the face so hard he staggered back against the wall then slid down it to sit on the floor in shock Tommy loomed over him his fist clenched and yelled “You fucking self centered asshole! I know you have issues but so do others! You told me just last week that you have not had not had a nightmare about Farid for a couple months! Who do you have to thank for that? The man you just called a whore! Did you ever stop to consider that he is ALWAYS available when you need him? That everything he does is to accommodate you? Did you know that since the first time he was with you he hasn’t been with anyone else? That he doesn’t even get himself off to be as ready to help you as he can be? That he cries because you are so broken? That he cries even more because he loves you while you use him, hate him and call him a whore?” Getting control of himself Tommy continued in a cold voice “You were raped repeatedly. You were mentally and physically abused but you know what I Think? It’s not an addiction anymore it’s your fucking fetish and your way of hiding from the fact that you love getting fucked by and submitting to another man! You are the abuser now! Your attitude towards someone who does nothing but help you is monstrous! HE DOES IT OUT OF LOVE FOR YOU! He gives you exactly what you need and ASK for and you call him a whore to his face. I’m ashamed someone that cruel is my brother” and then he stalked off leaving Mark sitting there open mouthed That weekend the sex went unchanged between them but when Alex demanded “Tell me you love me” Mark finally heard he pain in that hopeless demand and it was Alex who missed it this time when his reply was not filled with hate and contempt “I love you” Mark said softly and Alex continued not really listening. Mark raised his hand to Alex’s chest and said “Stop Alex, look at me!” and then when Alex finally met his eyes he repeated “I love you Alex” and put as much of his heart into those words as he could “ I have been so wrapped up in what happened to me I forgot that you are a human being and not a tool. You are a wonderful, selfless angel of mercy who rescued me not a whore. My brother is gay, at least two of my cousins are gay but I could not face it in myself after Farid took me the first time, Somehow I thought that if I ever admitted I was gay it would somehow make what he did to me justified and not rape. When he took me the 2nd time it just made that stronger and I took all that out on you” “How could you not? You were so injured, so damaged and I loved you so much, All I could think of was helping you. I had to save you no matter what it cost me” Alex whispered “Shhhh Baby” Mark said putting a finger to Alex’s lips “My behavior was still inexcusable. You were doing exactly what I needed how I needed it and I never once thanked you. I hurt you while you did nothing but love me: Mark reached down and pulled the condom off Alex’s cock and moved the head back to his hole “I never want anything to come between us again, If you want to come off the meds I would be honored to carry your virus in me for the rest of my life. Now, please make love to me” Alex slid bare into his lover, his Mark for the first time and made gentle passionate love to him cumming deep inside Mark held off cumming however and after a shy request to fuck Alex bred him back his mental block on cumming without a cock up his ass gone as he finally accepted who he was and that he was in love with another man. “So” Mark said later as they rode up in the elevator to share the news with their brothers and Zeke “After all of that are you going to marry me or what?” When the door slid opened they almost fell through their lips locked together then Alex pulled back and said “Yes I will marry you you idiot!” There was a moment of shocked silence and then cheers from Tommy, Zeke and Jason but Mark cheered the loudest
  14. Untold Adventures Volume # 7 Jack’s Revenge ****************************************************************************************************** Earl walked through the door into the bar and most of the conversation died, He loved that. No one wanted to draw his attention. “I will have my usual” He said loudly and headed for his normal table which was quickly vacated. He sat and adjusted his red hat as he waited for Sarah to bring him his Old Milwaukee Light. Earl had refined tastes. Sarah set the beer down and quickly turned away but not before Earl slapped her on the ass “Keep them coming” he said grinning up into her angry look. Let’s face it, Earl was a small minded, MAGA bully. What he called “his due respect” was nothing more than fear. Earl did and said what he wanted. He had seven kids he knew of and didn’t pay a dime of child support. Their moms were all sluts anyway and they had all said “yes” sort of. Somehow the local police could never find Earl to serve papers on him though he had lived and worked in the same places for years, His brother being the Sheriff and his uncle being the County Judge might have had something to do with it. Accusations against Earl were somehow never really investigated and usually anyone who made those accusations found that every time they pulled out of their driveway they were speeding 30 miles over the limit before they had gone a block. Jack, the one guy who had had the balls to beat the ever living shit out of Earl after Earl had attacked him without provocation in front of a dozen witnesses because he didn’t move out of Earl’s way fast enough sat in state prison for 5 years without parole because the Judge had declared it a “hate crime” and never showed his face in town again after he was finally released. Earl had heard that he was doing gay porn now. “It figures that he was a faggot” Earl thought snorting when he found out As Sarah brought his second beer Earl belched and announced “I won an all expense paid trip to some resort down in the islands. I just know you will all miss me while I am gone” Silence As Earl got drunker he blathered on and on to an increasingly empty bar about how many of those island girls he was going to bang and about 2 am he staggered his way home A knock on his door at precisely noon work him and a limo waited outside. The driver waited while a bleary Earl showered and threw some clothes in a bag. Earl wondered as he was in the shower what all the noise was. It sounded like a convoy of semi-trucks was rolling into town. As he walked to the limo he saw National Guard transports in front of the Sheriff's office, Town Hall and the local courthouse and shrugged. He would find out what it was all about when he got back He was driven to the airport and complained loudly 0n the plane that his seat was in coach and that there were no pretty female stewardesses on the flight, only shutting up when a Federal Marshal who happened to be on the flight told him “One more word and I will have them land this plane and have have him in jail so fast your head would spin.” The rest of the passengers cheered the Marshal as he returned to his seat. Earl caught his connecting flight down to the islands and then the flight on the small prop plane to the resort he checked into his room and then called the front desk because his door which was one of only a few pink ones in the resort would not lock or even stay completely closed “We will get right on that! To compensate you for the trouble just give your name to the staff in the main bar and drinks will be on the house” came the reply Earl found his way to the bar and as promised the drinks were plentiful and free “Where are all the girls?” he asked in a slurred voice later A man slipped into the booth Earl was sitting at and said “There are no girls here Earl. this is a gay resort” Even drunk as he was Earl recognized Jack, they had grown up in the same small town “What are you doing here faggot?” he asked “Oh, I’m just letting you know what you are in for this week. As I said this is a gay resort and you are here on the very special ‘Gang rape and poz me week’. The men in rooms with pink doors have all agreed to be used by any man or group of men in any way no matter how rough. No actual violence that causes permanent injury is allowed unless you count being infected with HIV as such but slapping or holding someone down who is saying “No” and “forcing" them” is perfectly fine. You consented to all of this, on camera, with the front desk clerk urging you to read what you were signing. I believe your response was “just give me my room, I’m eager for all the fun and games this week” which may have been a poor choice of words, oh and our lawyers tell me that island law considers written consent to trump any rape claims made. I guess the lawmakers here like to cover themselves” Jack said. It was more consent than several girls in their home town had given Earl “No little faggot is going to rape my ass” Earl said as he finished his 10th extra strong mixed drink “Get out of my booth unless you want to go back to prison, faggot. I’m sure my brother and my uncle can arrange it again” then he snickered to himself. He sis not even notice that it was Jack and a chubby man who got him back to his room with it’s open door or that they stripped him naked and tied him face down spread eagle on the bed and waited for him to sleep it off When Earl woke he had a splitting headache “Drink this” someone said and the bed sagged a little as a chubby naked ass sat on it. A straw was put in his mouth and something that tasted like a sports drink filled Earl’s mouth “Got to keep you hydrated “We wanted to wait till you were awake to start” Came Jack’s voice from behind him and Earl tried to turn over. It was then that he noticed he was bound hand and foot. “Let me up you faggots!” he raged “You know Jack, he’s a really good actor” the other voice said “Maybe you could get him a job in porn. I almost believe he doesn’t really want to be raped” “Would you like to go first Babe?” Jack asked “Oh that’s so sweet of you!” came the reply Earl felt a large soft belly settle on his back and then a stubby but thick cock punch into his hole and screamed “I’m going to kill you faggots” as he was fucked for the first time and quickly bred Taking Jack’s huge porn star cock was a bit more difficult and he screamed for different reasons while Jack who lasted much longer fucked him for almost an hour before shooting deep in his guts “There are your first two poz loads” Jack said as he pulled out of Earl. They put his red hat on his head and walked out of his room leaving the door wide open, It was the general consensus that “Maga boy” as Earl came to be known was the best roleplayer at the “Gang rape and poz me” event. He sounded so earnest as he pleaded to be set loose, saying he was straight and even made up a great backstory but the TV in his room played a constant loop of him signing the consent agreements and saying he wanted to get to the “Fun and games” One couple in their 40s both massively muscled and hung untied him and forced him to shower about halfway through the first day then took him back to the bed and “forced” him loving how he “fought” them. They took care of Earl that week making sure he showered and ate. By the end of the week Earl was calling them both “Daddy” and submitting to them willingly though his eyes seemed a bit glazed. Earl actually cried when they untied him for the last time, hugged him and said if he was ever in their city to look them up for a nice scene On the flight back to the states Earl came back to himself somewhat so when federal agents were waiting for him when he touched down on U.S. soil he actually tried to run. He was arrested on civil rights charges as part of a conspiracy involving his brother and uncle and faced a slue of state rape and assault charges as well. That’s what the National Guard had been doing in town when he left, Subduing the local police and arresting almost all of the local authorities Earl never saw the outside of a jail for the rest of his life when his federal sentence was up he was 65 and went off to start his state sentences. He did file a complaint about what had happened to him at the resort and the feds forwarded it on to Island authorities but somehow it never got investigated ************************************************************* Comments and suggestions welcome Scanbu
  15. Mark tossed and turned as the memories tormented his dreams. His own commander handed him over to Farid, the local warlord he was in league with helping him smuggle opium. Farid was supposed to make sure he vanished leaving his commander and fellow soldiers without blood on their hands. He had been stripped naked and herded towards the large walled house that was Farad's base a mile or so away as Farid rode in a jeep watching. After several attempts to run his wrists had been bound in front of him and a long rope attached by which he was led by the smirking warlord . When he reached the house he was taken to a room that seems luxurious and his wrists were chained above his head to a rope hanging from the ceiling. Farid had entered and walked around him touching him on his ass gripping a cheek then run his hands over his arms testing the muscles there and finally down to his chest stroking the smooth skin between his pectorals. Mark’s body had always been virtually hairless, a small light brown bush above his cock and a dusting of fine hairs under his arms. “Such a beautiful girl you are” Farid said in heavily accented English as he examined every inch “If you can't tell the difference between a man and a girl you are blind or crazy” Mark snarled back “It would be such a shame to waste one so beautiful” Farid said the front of his loose pants showing a large bulge “I think I will spare your life and instead take you as my new wife” and he leaned in to kiss Mark’s helpless lips thrusting his tongue into his mouth then he stepped back and commanded “prepare her for the ceremony” and exited the room “I’m a man!” Mark shouted “He won’t listen” came a soft voice from the side “His culture demands he only be with women so he calls us girls and makes us his ‘wives’. He killed the first cleric who objected and now they ignore the lie to stay alive. He has the loyalty of so many men and the opium brings him so much money that none dare challenge him” said a slim man dressed in silks. He wore what looked like a fortune in jewels and silver and moved in a particularly feminine way. “I was the first and I don’t mind. I loved him since I was a boy but thought we could never be together. This is a small sacrifice to be with him. I am Assad. If you listen to me your life here will not be unpleasant” “Except that I don’t think I will like being fucked by a crazy man. I’m fine with people being with who they want but I am into women only. I don't want to be another man’s wife” “For you it’s a choice between that and death. I think though you will not even be given that choice. With me it is love though he would never admit it. We were secretly lovers for years. With the others” and Assad indicated four other men dressed similarly to him but not as richly and with no jewels “they were all leaders of rival groups who challenged him. He broke them using their own bodies against them. They eventually gave in to the pleasure he brings and the hopelessness of the situation. There is no escape for them or for you” Mark noticed the other four men would not meet his eyes as they released his wrists and forced him into a perfumed bath and finally into the silks that seemed to be almost a uniform. Farid returned soon after with a cleric of middle years and Mark was forced to kneel next to the warlord as the cleric uncomfortably went through a ceremony in his own language Mark could not understand When the cleric finished Farid stepped in front of Mark and pulled his cock from his pants. It was massive 10 inches at leas darker than the rest of his body and heavily veined. One of the other “wives” pried his jaws open and Farid pushed that huge cock in. Mark’s one attempt to bite was rewarded with a blow to the head that made him see stars, He finally just let it happen actually hoping he would choke to death as Farid fucked his throat but Farid had done this many times and knew when to let him breathe The cleric watched with disgust as Farid pulled out till just the head was in Mark’s mouth and came giving Mark first load of many he would be forced to swallow over the next months He was raised to his feet and Farid kissed him deeply and reached behind him to grip his ass “Tonight I will truly claim you my new bride” That night he had been secured on his back with his legs upland spread wide as Farid took his anal cherry. He had taken his time and worked with fingers and small toys gradually opening the unwilling hole and then “Made love” to him repeatedly throughout the night filling his ass with load after load For the first few weeks Mark fought every time. The worst part was that while he hated every moment his body came to crave it he was mortified the first time his body betrayed him by cumming hands free while Farid fucked him on his back. Eventually he stopped fighting though he still hated it every time. The first time he knelt before Farid and sucked him without even a glare the warlord had gloated “Now you are truly my wife” and the next day Farid’s name in flowing Arabic script was tattooed onto his ass A few weeks later Farid had gone on a trip to sell his opium and secure markets that would last for a couple weeks and only took Hasan with him. The night after they left Mark was awakened by a hand over his mouth. It was one of the other “wives” “We get you out, you bring U.S. soldiers. Free all” he said in broken English and handed him his wallet and dog tags What followed was a night spent or running and hiding as he was led to within a mile of the border. Even with his ID and tags he had a hard time convincing the soldiers that this man dressed in torn, muddy silk clothes was a lieutenant in the U.S. Army. The Army had not raided the armed camp to save the men who had helped him escape because they were not "U.S. personnel" and it would have tipped off Mark’s old unit Mark woke up drenched in sweat in his bed at his parent’s house. This had to stop, His therapist told him the dreams would fade but lately they had come more and more often as a feeling of unease grew in him after hearing that The Army in a joint raid with the military of that country had destroyed Farid’s camp and base. He had found out that his four fellow “wives” had not been found and that rumors said they had been killed when his escape was discovered but most disturbing was that there had been no sign of Farid He rose and showered then threw some clothes in a bag. “Mom, dad I’m going to grandpa’s cabin for a few days” he yelled as he went down the stairs “Do me a favor and check the roof, see if it may need replacing soon” Dad called back as he went out the door He stopped in town to pick up some supplies to restock what he had used last time. They always kept a couple months worth of canned goods for the entire family there in the cellar under the cabin and you just replaced what you used They still called it “Grandpa’s cabin” even though Grandpa had been gone many years and Mark went there often to clear his head Mark parked out front and went to the breaker box to turn on the power as he stepped inside he relaxed. The beauty and isolation of the place calming his nerves. It was a three hour drive to get from town to the cabin through country lanes and then up into the foothills and finally along some tight cliffside roads and yet from the sheer cliff 100 feet from the front door of the cabin you could just make out the water tower the loomed above the center of town. It was less than 10 miles as the crow flies He slept like a baby the first night and rose early for a long walk along the cliff feeling better than he had in weeks as he returned and stepped into the cabin Suddenly a strong arm wrapped around him and a sickly sweet cloth was pressed to his face “Hello my pretty little wife” a heavily accented voice whispered in his ear as he passed out When Mark came back around he was on the bed, on his back, bound in a very familiar position. He looked around in panic and his eyes fixed on Farid sitting in a chair watching him, Assad hovering beside him looking odd in normal men’s clothing “So you are awake beautiful one” Farid said with a malicious smile “How?” Mark asked “Slipping into your country was easy, we have been living in your town for the last month and have followed you here twice now. You disappointed me. Where I come from a wife does not run away from her husband” “What are you going to do with me? You can’t lee[ me forever and you can't go back. I know you are on the run” “They think I am hiding in my home country, they will never find me here. As for you beautiful I am going to break you again and then make many videos of you willingly serving me. I’m going to addict your body to me and then when you feel you can not live without me I will ransom you back to your family. Your rich brother and cousin should be able to come up with enough to buy you back. Your brother is even more beautiful than you are. If I can get my hands on him I will steal him away along with his money and break him as my new wife. Then I will just torment you by posting the videos I make now and the ones of your little brother willingly serving me online" “Good luck ever breaking Tommy” Mark thought. He knew some of the games he and Zeke played. Tommy could take more than even Farid could dish out Then Farid stripped and got between his legs taking his helpless hole with expert skill and easily fucked a load out of him spending the next few days expertly manipulating his body and his mind. He broke completely within a week. He begged to be fucked like a good little wife. He willingly sucked Farid’s cock though a small part of his mind writhed in shame every time. He always had a chain attached to his ankle and secured firmly to the wall. Farid kept the key nailed to a tree you could see through the front door but that was 10 feet beyond his reach Farid used his facial recognition to unlock his phone and text his family that all was fine every couple days but after three weeks the texts became more insistent and they started to call/ Finally a call from Tommy came in and Farid handed him the phone “Answer it and convince them you are fine. If you don’t I will drive back to town and kill one of them” Mark clicked answer video call and Tommy appeared “Mark! Are you ok? Why haven’t you answered for days? Why are you shirtless? If you hadn’t answered today we were driving up there to get you!!” “Who needs a shirt when you are all alone in the woods little brother?” he said standing in front of the curtained window “I’m fine I just need some time to clear my head No need to drive up here” “Dale’s wedding is next week, you better be back for that!” “Dale has always been the sweetest guy in the world. You know I won’t miss that” “”I see those curtains are still there” Tommy said flatly Mark held up his phone to show the curtains. The fabric was a tacky print showing a topless girl in a grass skirt doing the hula, Grandpa had loved it, better and as he did he fumbled it turning it completely to the side for a second then bringing it back to show his face “Yeah I know they are your favorite” Mark said “You are sure you are ok?” Tommy asked “I’m just fine little brother. I will see you soon” Mark said and ended the call “Very good pretty girl” Farid said now on your knees and worship your husband’s cock Tommy stared at his phone as Mark hung up then he looked at Jeff who was sitting next to him “Something’s wrong” they both said “How do you know?” Zeke asked “First of all Mark hates going shirtless. He’s the only male in our family who is completely smooth and for some reason it embarrassed him. He used to wear a t-shit into the pool. Second. You heard what he said about Dale, He and Dale fought like cats and dogs when they were younger. Dale’s mouth got much worse when Mark left for military school. Third, Mark knows I hate those curtains. I waged a years long campaign to get rid of them but the rest of the family always said ‘they were grandpa’s favorite thing’ so they stayed” John’s husband Sal came over “Did you record the call?” he asked and Tommy nodded “Play it back for me” and he stood over his shoulder watching intently “Wait” he said suddenly when Mark fumbled his phone “roll it back just a bit” Tommy took it back frame by frame till Mark’s camera faced the side wall where a mirror hanging there clearly showed two other men in the room “Sal” Jedd said “How long will t take to get the entire security team here?” “Well…” Sal said hedging a bit “You mean he doesn’t know?” Zeke asked “He gets upset when he thinks we are going overboard for his security” Sal said sighing “Your entire team IS here patrolling the estate boundaries and the forest below along with the five I have here usually” We have security?” Tommy asked “What abut in at the apartment?” “Our doorman has more weapons on him than a small army, we have two guards monitoring the elevator, the stairs and even the entrance from the roof on closed circuit TV and also you and Jason both have a man who follows you to school, watches you between classes and follows you home. After the attempt was made on Jeff in Las Vegas I hired them. They will never get shot at you or Jason” Zeke said his nostrils flaring just at the thought Mike nodded “And they will never get a shot at Jeff again” Tommy looked at Jeff and Jason and said “I guess they do love us” Sal made a quick call and within half an hour ten men assembled in the back of the house “Equip yourselves for an armed extraction we have at least two hostels possibly armed and definitely dangerous Twenty minutes later they were on the road. Sal rode with Tommy and Zeke extracting every detail Tommy could remember about the cabin and it’s surroundings. They stopped a mile or so from the cabin and followed as their security forces ranged ahead of them looking for traps and guards As they approached the cabin Sal sent half the team to each side and they waited. Nearly an hour then Sal said after receiving the reports “It appears that there are only three people here. They crept closer and when they were only about 50 feet from the cabin they hid behind some low scrub and again they waited. The unmistakable sounds of sex came from the cabin though the words were indistinguishable then all was quiet After a few minutes the door opened and a slim man walked out holding two large buckets and headed fir a stream about 500 feet away . There was a well but it tended to go dry in late summer and the stream water always tasted so fresh. He was followed by a larger stockier man, shirtless with a pelt of fur on his chest who walked off into the woods with the air of someone going for a walk Then Mark came you a few feet. He was totally naked and a chain ran from his ankle back through the door. He seemed to be staring ar something shiny on a tree a few feet away. A look .though Sal’s binoculars showed a key nailed there With a defeated slump to his shoulders he went back inside. Sal made a few hand gestures and a black figure appeared by the tree yanking the key down then quickly went to the open door Mark looked up as the light from the door dimmed and a man in military gear quickly surveyed the room “Is there anyone else in here?” he asked quietly and Mark shook his head. Then he tossed Mark the key and in less than a minute Mark had freed himself, grabbed his pants from where they still lay after being tossed into a corner and was out the door racing to the bushes where Tommy and the others waited throwing his arms around his brother and clinging to him sobbing quietly There were quiet hugs all around, Tommy taking a few steps back to make room and then there was an arm around him and a knife pressed to his throat as Farid stepped from behind a tree and grabbed him “You will all drop your weapons” he said backing up towards the cliff dragging Tommy with him they all complied “What do you want?” Zeke asked feeling frustrated and more scared than he had in his life "50 million dollars deposited into an account in Switzerland. I will keep this pretty little girl till you arrange it. Maybe by the time you do she will want to be my wife as much as her brother does” “Leave Tommy out of this!” Mark said angrily “Will he break as easily as you did my wife?" Farid taunted backing further towards the looming cliff To his surprise several of the laughed “If you think anything you can do will break my Tommy you are a fool” Zeke said though he hadn’t laughed/ He was still too frightened “I love a challenge” Farid said Then Tommy’s hands snapped up grabbing the wrist that held the knife yanking it out then up to his mouth and biting it so hard the knife fell to the ground Farid’s yell of pain and the loosening of his other arm was all Tommy needed/ His strong, limber body, trained by years of dancing twisted and he broke free sprinting into Zeke’s arms Zeke clutched him and held him as if he would never let go Farid roared and started after him but someone stepped in front of him stopping him “No Farid it’s over” he said placing a hand on Farid’s chest “You will never make it out of here alive if you don’t stop” They were standing right on the cliff edge and as if to prove his words three red dots from the laser scopes of assault rifles appeared on Farid’s forehead “My Assad’ Farid said raising a hand to the thinner man’s face “I have always loved you, you were always more of a man than I was” then he kissed his lover with incredible tenderness as together they toppled off the side of the cliff choosing to end it together with the only person they had ever truly loved They all stared at the spot where had stood and then rushed to the cliff. On the bare rocks over a hundred feet below lay the broken bodies somehow still holding hands Sal, all business, took out his phone and made a call. Within half an hour an air ambulance helicopter landed in front of the cabin and a protesting Mark was flown to a nearby hospital, Tommy riding with him. The doctors kept him a few days because in his distraught state of mind he might do himself harm and then he moved into the estate. He could not faxe his parents right now Zeke hired the best therapist in the country to be on 24/7 standby and Mark started almost daily therapy sessions as he slowly came back to himself. The worst part was that while he did not miss Farid, in fact he hated the man, his treacherous body craved him His therapist explained that more than any drug sexual gratification combined with the twisted mind games Farid perpetrated on him and also the total obsessive attention Farid had paid to keeping him on the edge constantly were addictive. Mark’s protest of “But I am straight! Given a choice I would never touch another man that way” had been met by “Sexual orientation has nothing to do with where you can be made to feel pleasure. All men have the same nerves in the same places and they can be manipulated in the same way to bring the same pleasure. Your body is addicted to those pleasures not the man who caused them. You are no weaker than if you became addicted to heroin because you were forcefully injected every day” “How do I deal with this? How do I stop the cravings?” Mark asked “For the drug addict there is only one solution. Learn to live with the cravings. Since you are addicted to something that is not illegal you have a second. Find a way to scratch the itch… with someone sane this time though”
  16. “Sit there” Zeke said to Alex the next morning pointing to a stool Zeie, Tommy and Jason settled onto the couch as he complied sitting on the stool and facing them “I will start by saying that this is not a negotiation. As a slave you have no right to object to the will of your Owners. The only rights you do have are food, shelter and aftercare if you need it. None of us will cause you any injury more serious than some light brushes If you can not accept any of the terms dictated to you them walk away now and there will be no hard feelings.” Alex nodded that he understood .“The first thing you will do is get a job. A real job not selling your ass or cock. I will provide you with a phone that has a GPS tracker and you will keep it with you at all times. You will also keep a diary accounting for every minute of your day and it will be checked against your GPS. You will also take over all cleaning chores here and the apartment will be kept in good order. Jason will continue to do the cooking, shopping and outside errands. You will be sexually available to the three of us at all times” Zeke said “That should be enough for now but it’s subject to change at any time. You are the kind of person who likes to push your boundaries. Don’t. The first time you step over the line you will find yourself on a plane back home within 24 hours” Zeke promised “I’m going to give you time to think about it. The three of us are going out to lunch. We will be gone for about two hours. If you decide no then fine. If you decide yes then I expect to find you naked, gagged, bent over that stool and handcuffed to it" He indicated the gag and cuffs on the coffee table "You will be then infected with HIV and your year of slavery will begin” Zeke finished and he, Tommy and Jason rose and left Over lunch they discussed the odds of Alex accepting and then if he did how long before he broke a rule. “Those rules you set might keep him from fucking half the city but I noticed you did not forbid him to fool around with others. You just made it really difficult” Jason said with a grin “I also don’t intend to let him get off more than once a week when he is with us. I gave him a lot to do and told him he had to account for where he was but I didn’t say he has to be in the apartment during any free time he has. I left him lots of loopholes. I want to see how creative he gets if he accepts” Zeke agreed “The goal is to let him think he is getting over on me till I yank the rug out from under him” They all laughed When the elevator door opened Alex was cuffed and gagged, his vulnerable neg ass on display with it’s smooth cheeks and just a few hairs around the hole Without saying a word Zeke dropped his pants and roughly pushed inside the defenseless hole and the gag muffled a loud protest. Alex may not be a virgin but this ass was seldom fucked “What was that? Remember you no longer own this body. It’s my property to use as I see fit” Zeke said grabbing the slave’s hips and punching the rest of the way in with his 10 inch toxic cock roughly preparing Alex for insemination by his virus Tommy walked over and bent down “Poor neg boy” He said in mock sympathy “Let me take your mind off the pain” and he clipped a small weight on a 6 inch cord to each of his nipples with vicious alligator clamps watching them swing as Zeke fucked him Alex yelled into his gag butt it didn’t sound like a protest this time... much Jason came over and knelt on the other side “Here let me help” he said kneeling then reaching between his brother’s legs he caught the large swinging balls and hung another larger weight swinging on a leather cord to them looping the cord several times before tying the knot. He did note that the cock attached to those balls was rock hard and dripping pre Zeke began to hammer the neg boy’s ass, the weights swung in time with his thrusts, enjoying his victim’s pain all the more because he was in this position of his own free will. “Here comes my virus to infect you slave. You chose this and there is no going back now! You will carry my HIV in your blood as long as you live. It’s what you deserve” he whispered in Alex’s ear as with one final thrust he shot the load that would change this man’s life Alex did not need to learn how to dominate others. He needed to learn that domination was always a choice, a negotiation. You could use every ounce of persuasion you had, every hidden desire in their mind but though it had never happened to Zeke if the mouth was saying no and the body was not willing no meant no. It was that thin distinction. That hint of a moral compass Alex had to learn. Zeke had been drugged and raped himself and in his therapy sessions since then he became uncomfortably aware of how close he had come to the line in his own life though he could honestly say he had never crossed it All this flashed in Zeke’s mind as he pulled his cock out of the charged up hole and Tommy mounted for his turn breeding their slave Zeke knelt down and released the clamps on those stretched nipples allowing the blood to flood back in making them hurt even more than they did before for a brief moment and then settle into a steady dull ache Tommy quickly shot his load then Jason fucked his brother for the first time in his life. Alex had always been on top with him and Jason’s jabbing thrusts at different angled showed that revenge was sweet as a third toxic load followed the first two Zeke uncuffed Alex and shoved a thick plug up his ass “You will keep that in till tomorrow morning unless we decide to fuck you again. Now clean up this area, wash up those dishes and I think the bathroom needs some attention” Alex reached for the cord around his balls but stopped at a barked “leave it!” from Jason followed by a smirking “Oh and no jerking off either, you only cum in this apartment with permission and for now it’s denied” Alex glared daggers at his brother and Jason said “That look earned you some time over my knee and 10 strokes with a paddle. Want to go for more?” then grinned evilly as his brother looked down and began to clean “Well done” Zeke said proudly They used Alex constantly for a couple days then ignored him for almost a week while he looked for and found a job in a bakery of all things. He worked the overnight shift and slept while they were at work and school. “You smell so good” Zeke said one morning as he fucked him leaning down to take in the smell of fresh baked bread that still clung to his hair The first weekend they flew to the estate Mike and John were in town. The rest of their family had obligations and Alex spent most of two days in a sling learning the difference two little inches could make Mike and Zeke had a few long talks with him about their experiences and the responsibilities of being a dominant. “He’s going to come close to matching us someday. To bad he’s not hung enough” Mike said in his condescendingly superior voice when he and John were sitting apart watching the three younger men in the pool “Douchebag” John said and Zeke laughed “And I’m sure Jeff would love to hear that he’s not hung enough for you” Zeke said Having a 12 inch cock made Mike somewhat of an elitist. He grudgingly admitted that at 10 inches Zeke might be big enough but apparently Alex’s 9 inches just was to small for a proper Dom “You realize that if he had an average cock he would probably be the subbiest bottom in the world” John said watching Mike out of the corner of his eye “I would have made him my personal bitch years ago” Zeke nodded also watching Mike “Fine!” Mike said a bit sullenly “Cock size is not everything, attitude and looks count too. You two never give me an inch do you?” “I gave you 12 once” Mike’s equally hung brother reminded him and Mike glared at him “You have no idea how much I would have paid to see that” Zeke said “Jeff has a video” John grinned “To this day he swears a little angel and a little devil who both looked just like Mike told him to bring his phone and hurry. He may show it to you if you ask nicely” “He better not” Mike said darkly Needling Mike with John was one of Zeke’s favorite things to do A couple months later Zeke quickly figured out that Alex was fucking the gay couple on the third floor when “In the apartment building” started appearing in his daily diary of where he had been. The GPS showed him there but the security cameras showed an empty apartment, He would sneak down when he could get one of them alone which was surprisingly often since they they both knew full well that Alex was fucking their husband “behind their back” it was a game they played After this had gone on for several months Zeke invited the couple up for a dinner which Alex served in a bowtie and nothing else and they amused everyone but the waiter with tales of hiding in the closet watching their husband get fucked and showed several videos on their phones of Alex’s ass rising and falling as he pounded one or the other Though he Tommy and Jason shared something special he found that while Jason loved him as a brother none of them grew very attached to Alex and at the end of his year he moved out on his own. His rise at the bakery had been meteoric due to the fact that he was fucking the owner twice a week and he was now night shift manager with a nice salary. Zeke felt that while he was still reckless he had learned all that he could from him, He was a little surprised when Alex asked Mike to give him the same biohazard tattoo Zeke had adding the words “Want to join me?” below it
  17. Untold Adventures Volume #6 Boom I fucked your boyfriend *************************************************************************** Mike sat on the edge of the bed looking down at the ginger head that was staking more than a few inches of his cock into his inexperienced mouth as Mike’s hand pushed him down further He was in town because of a stupid promotion. They had used it to raise money for a charity that Jeff and he supported. Everyone who donated mote than a certain amount had their names entered and the winner got to meet Mike or Jeff and got a song. Jeff always got picked for these things but this time they had chosen Mike The winner was a young woman named Shelly and Mike was to sing at her wedding reception tomorrow, Shelly was a total bitch. When she had met with Mike earlier here in his suite she treated him like a hired wedding singer giving him a list of songs she wanted and Mike would have been happy to do a couple but her attitude made him dig his heels in pointing out that the promotion said “A song” and that was all she was getting. She had stormed out slamming the door leaving her fiancé standing there embarrassed He was a cute ginger of about 22 and he looked adorable as he made excuses for her bad behavior with much practiced skill. “Why do you stay with her? She’s going to make your life miserable” Mike asked “At this point I’m not to sure” he said “She convinces my family that I am straight is about all" Mike made a few quick decisions and walked over to close and lock the door where her slam had made it bounce back open “Why did you do that?” Asked the ginger boy who’s name was Corey This boy reminded him so much of Hank when Mike had broken him and taken him as property after his girlfriend had dumped him. Not physically but in attitude that Mike snapped “Because I’m about to do what you want deep inside. Give you a man to worship and serve. Come over here, kneel in front of me, take my cock out and worship it with that pretty mouth of yours” and knew he would be obeyed “I’ve never done anything with a man before. I don’t think I will be good at it” Corey said Mike smirked and said “See you are already worried about if you can please me or not. It was your first thought. You didn’t even think about refusing. You were born to serve other men. It's your natural palace in life pretty boy. Don’t worry I just want you to get me hard so I can breed your ass and infect you with my HIV. That would happen to you eventually anyway. You are too submissive to insist on condoms if a man wants to breed you. It might as well be me I love speeding it o little sluts like you” Corey didn’t protest as he knelt before Mike and unzipped his pants. His eyes did widen when he got a look at how huge Mike was, “Trust me it’s going to hurt but you will love it” Mike said grabbing a hand full of hair and guiding those virgin lips to his cock “Kiss the cock that’s going to give you HIV” he ordered and felt the soft kisses on his shaft and down to his virus filled balls Mike took him into the bedroom and they both stripped. Mike sitting on the edge of the bed awaiting servicing, “He’s going to be a good cock sucker” Mike noted as after an initial reflexive gag Corey was now taking more than half his cock in his throat only occasionally coming up for air Mike pulled him off his cock and Corey looked slightly disappointed “Time to get you knocked up” Mike told him “I’m going to teach you to love the pain my toxic cock can give you” Mike had him lay on his back and stuffed a pillow under his ass then raised those lightly ginger furred legs up and slipped between his them his cock head finding the hole and coaxing it to open for him with just precum and persistence grinning as Corey moaned in pain as the head popped in “Good Boy, take the pain I give you in let it posses you over like my virus will” then he started the slow in and out motion easing in a fraction more with each stroke. When he reached that inner barrier most men could not even touched he simply pulled most of the way out and rammed his cock through it knowing it would make this tight silky hole even more vulnerable to his infection. “OH FUUUUUKKKKKKKKK” Corey screamed as Mike pulled out and rammed back in again repeatedly “Here it comes Corey, here comes my poz babies to get you pregnant. I’m about to dump millions of my viruses into your battered guts. I’m going to infect you! NOW!” and he bred this pretty ginger boy changing his life forever A little later Corey had his cock back in his throat and seemed to have no intentions of stopping and time soon Mike had risen and unlocked the front door leaving it slightly ajar then had Corey text the woman he had no intentions of marrying now telling her to come back up to the suite because Mike had changed his mind Mike heard a knock and yelled “We are back here” Shelly froze in the doorway eyes wide as Mike guided those pretty lips up and down his shaft with a handful of ginger hair “Did you know he has almost no gag reflex? He’s going to be one of the world’s best cock suckers I think” he said calmly as he held Corey in place his nose actually in Mike’s pubes He let the boy breathe and continued “I decided to give you one extra song, Here goes" and he started to sing the Salt N Pepper “Classic” as Corey finally choked from trying to laugh around his dick ************************************************************************* Sorry I couldn’t resist when the idea popped into my head Scanbu
  18. It will probably come tomorrow. I'm working on a new Untold Adventure for "Somebody t obe mine forever" Now
  19. “Hey little brother,” Mark said as Tommy sobbed. When they finally separated Tommy instinctively took a couple steps back and pulled Zeke’s arms around him. He knew Zeke would be there without even looking. When Tommy was hurt or confused or overwhelmed Zeke was there to protect him. He had promised Zeke held and whispered to him, bringing him back, keeping him in the moment. Zeke recognized this. It was the starting phases of the trance Tommy went into when Zeke pushed him beyond a certain point. It was caused by completely overloading his senses with a mix of pain and pleasure that Zeke was the master at providing. Apparently any emotion or shock strong enough could push him over that edge and Tommy was totally vulnerable in that state. “Come back to me, I’m here. I’m not going to let go, calm down and come back to me Baby boy” Zeke whispered to him stroking his face as Tommy’s eyes became rational again. “Thank you” Tommy said as he burrowed into Zeke’s arms for a moment then straightened turning to face his brother more calmly “Is he ok?” Mark asked Zeke “He will be fine” Zeke said. “Seeing his dead brother alive and well was just a bit to much for him I guess” Zeke has known about Mark and had caught an occasional quiet reference to him from Tommy’s parents, seen a few pictures here or there about the house but Tommy never brought him up and Zeke didn’t push. A little digging had found out that Mark had been nine years older than his brother, had joined the military attending that western army school on the point, been assigned to a unit everyone knew was military intelligence though it was never admitted and had been killed in some middle eastern country while on a mission there. His body never recovered He had made a quiet inquiry to Tommy’s mother and she told him that Mark’s commander had personally brought them the news and then cautioned them about the people who had killed Mark saying they might come after his family. He advised them not to even put a death notice in the paper “To keep your family safe” They had remained quiet about it for a different reason though. Tommy’s reaction to his brother’s death had been to do his best to blot him out of his mind. He would get upset and run from any mention of him. His parents had called the number the commander had given them for grief counseling and set up regular phone sessions to help Tommy that went on for about six months “They told us you were dead” Tommy repeated “And that counselor I talked to on the phone every week always said it was dangerous to talk about you so I should try to forget you” Tommy’s parents looked surprised. “He told us he was working on the issue with you and not to push you. That you would come out of it when you were ready” his dad said angrily “They wanted you to keep quiet and not go to the press” Mark said grimly “They were the people who didn’t want any ruckus made about me. I found out that the commander and most of my troupe were in league with one of the local bandit chiefs and making a fortune helping him smuggle opium. They handed me over to their friends when I threatened to expose them then reported me killed in a raid. I was supposed to be killed but I was young and had a strong back so they put me to work in the fields instead. In the beginning they watched me closely but they eventually relaxed because they thought they had broken me. A friend helped me escape and I made my way to the border where a platoon of U.S. soldiers were stationed. The Military kept me under wraps while they investigated and last year they finally arrested my entire former troupe. Military trials are slow but they are all now sitting in a military prison/ I’m sorry I could not contact you but any hint that I was alive and the investigation would be compromised and I probably would have been killed” They all looked at him stunned. “I’m out now. Full discharge with honors, a few medals, a couple years of back pay and benefits for life such as they are” Mark said and they could all see he was barely holding it together. His Mom and Dad hugged him fiercely “I’m supposed to go to the local VA for an evaluation and I think I need to set up some counseling, this has me a little messed up” He said in a gross understatement “Oh fuck that” both Zeke and Jeff who had been hovering in the background with Mike, they had stayed up at the estate to visit with family while Zeke and Tommy were away, said together and Zeke knew they were having the same thing. He nodded for Jeff to continue “There is no way you are going to depend on some VA counselor or their medical care. Mike and I have the resources and so do Tommy and Zeke to get you the best care money can buy. both mental and physical. The VA has a bad reputation for letting people slip through the cracks so lets not give them a chance” “Only the best for my big brother” Tommy said and Zeke nodded willing to do anything to make Tommy happy “And who are Mike and Zeke?” Mark asked “Our husbands” Jeff and Tommy said together Mark took a minute obviously making some mental adjustments then smiled saying “Congratulations!” and crossed to shake both Mike and Zeke’s hands “I always knew cousin Jeff was gay and I suspected Tommy was too before I left. Thank you for making them happy” “Oh we aren’t the only ones” Jeff said impishly “Just two weeks ago, at Tommy and Zeke’s wedding reception, Cousin Dale asked Tommy’s friend Alan to marry him in front of the entire family” Mark just gaped at him They offered to put Mark up at the estate but he said “I have been dreaming of my little room upstairs in this house for years. For now I need to be here. This is home” Over the next couple weeks Tommy spent a lot of time with his brother. Mark seemed to need it even more than Tommy did. It took years for Mark to get through the issues his ordeal had caused but eventually he came to terms with it all and found peace Two weeks after they got home school started again and Zeke walked Tommy, Jason and Alan to the gate before heading across the street to his office. They had made their first helicopter trip from the estate this morning with Zeke expertly piloting and landing on the apartment roof. About mid week Zeke and Thomas Evil showed their boy off at the bathhouse for the first time, their dominance instantly reestablished despite months of absence. Jason turned out to have a natural gift for finding first timers of various ages from corn fed farm boys to recently divorced men and he faithfully delivered them to Zeke and Tommy to be infected, joining in himself once his test came back poz. No one was safe. They pozzed five different guys between the three of them.in one visit once Jason was not into pain the way Tommy was but he loved bondage. Zeke would immobilize him and make him watch as he and Tommy played and eventually they would breed him while he was completely helpless. Things were working out just fine About three months into the school year Jason’s brother came up for a visit. He had broken up with his girlfriend. Jason’s ex when the baby she was carrying turned out not to be his or Jason’s and needed some space. Alex was hot and he knew it. He was also trouble on two legs. He was the kind of guy who probably would have five different guys raising his kids without knowing they were his and at the same time be fucking all five of five of those guys behind their wives back and all the while keeping a rich sugar daddy or mama happy and satisfied He was two years older than Jason, had the same dark skin, glossy black hair and dazzling smile but where Jason was stocky and well fleshed Alex was lean and wiry he sported a hefty 9 inches and his ass was perfect for his smaller frame. He moved with a confidence that reminded Tommy of Zeke and he was surprised that the two did not clash. They had not hidden their sexual activities from him and he had quickly joined in breeding his helpless brother as he lay restrained and saying “Just like the old days” with a vicious grin as he slammed in. Jason had moaned and cum without touching himself They had taken him on a visit to the baths and he had watched in genuine awe as Zeke’s personality and charisma dominated the entire place and how Tommy and Jason just added to the overall effect A leather daddy had walked in with two boys of his own on leashes. "You have beautiful boys” He said approaching Zeke as he sat on his throne with Tommy and Jason kneeling on either side of him “Would you like to do a swap for the night?” he had said and rubbed his impressive bulge “I’d only ask that you play safe we are all neg and want to stay that way” Alex stood nearby getting blown by a cute twink and watching Zeke had stared at him for a few moments rising to tower over the man and fingering his biohazard tattoo “No, I don’t think so” he had said finally The man had dropped his eyes and said “To bad, it could have been fun” and he started to turn away “Did I say you could go Boy?” Zeke had snapped “Look at me when I talk to you” The man angrily looked back saying “I’m no boy” and Zeke had slapped him. Hard “Did I give you permission to speak?” he asked in his quiet deadly voice and he slapped him again on the other side if his face This man who had never been dominated in his life stared at Zeke who’s ice blue eyes held him immobile like a frightened bird in the gaze of a cobra. “No Sir” he said finally “When I said No it was to your request that I play safe. I don’t care if you want you and your boys to stay neg. I am going to breed you and fill you with my HIV and you will thank me for it. My boys are going to do the same to yours, None of you will leave here neg Now get on your knees and worship he cock that is going to infect you and change your life” The man struggled with himself but finally knelt and kissed Zeke’s cock on the tip which was dripping toxic pre already as Tommy and Jason took the leashes out of his hand pulling their victims over to two crosses and securing their wrists “Master?” one of the two asked in a frightened voice but his former master was choking on Zeke’s cock as he was brutally throat fucked “Shhhh just accept it, don’t fight it, it will be over soon and my virus will live in you forever” Tommy said turning his head and kissing the frightened slave then he kicked his legs apart and pushed his poz cock deep into that neg ass as Jason did the same with his fuck toy for the night Zeke pulled his cock out of the former Dom’s mouth and bent him over the throne. his favorite place to poz arrogant posers like this and yanked the man’s leather pants down around his ankles. “Beg me to poz you” He said “Beg me to shove my cock up your ass and breed you with my toxic cum” Zeke slapped his ass and the man yelled “Poz me! Give me HIV” begging and pushing his ass further up in the air Zeke slammed up inside of him wanting it to hurt getting harder as the man yelled in pain as Zeke’s poz invader tore at the silky lining of his seldom fucked hole getting it ready to receive and absorb the gift of his virus. Zeke’s huge balls slapped into his victim’s as he slid in and out. He looked over at his Boys breeding their targets and sped up his pace as the other men gathered and stroked themselves their ragged breathing accenting the triple slapping sound of asses getting pounded and pozzed Zeke heard the unmistakable sounds of his husband getting and Jason’s tell tale moans. That pushed him over the edge. He slammed in and filled this pompous neg ass with his poison seed his balls pumping out an extra large dose of virus especially for this former top as Tommy and Jason did the same to his former boys That’s what you get for challenging Zeke on his throne Zeke stepped back and motioned to the crowd “Have at him boys” he said and Alex was the first of many to add his load to Zeke’s as all three newly pozzed men were used for the next few hours by anyone who wanted As they left the back room Alex said to Zeke “Will you teach me? You are what I want to be when I grow up!” with a cheeky grin “You will have to let me poz you and I will require a years service as my slave. Not as a Boy, Boy’s have rights, but as a totally controlled slave” Zeke said exhausted a little annoyed at this upstart’s attitude and also thinking he would never submit himself to such treatment Zeke was surprised when Alex immediately said “Deal… Master” in an almost respectful voice ****************************************************** Next Chapter: The enslavement and pozzing of Alex Scanbu
  20. It's something the family didn't talk about because it hurt to much so this is the first mention. All will be explained in the next chapter
  21. Tommy and Zeke were in Mouse Town down in Florida and they were staying in that hotel the monorail goes right through in a top floor penthouse with it’s own pool. They were there for two weeks so they decided that heir first full day they would relax and unwind there. Just one day to recover from the stress of the wedding and travel then the fun would begin. They ordered breakfast from room service and were unpacking and listening to Tommy’s playlist on the suite sound system when it was delivered The man who brought it was a handsome dark skinned man with glossy black hair to his shoulders Tommy and Zeke also noticed just how tight his uniform pants were, barely holding in a bubble ass so round Zeke had to slap Tommy's hands as he made squeezing motions behind the man’s back. They both looked innocent as the man turned putting the trays on the table, “Hey! You look like…” Tommy said “I play him over in the park. You have no idea how tired I get of little girls and some not so little asking me to ‘show them the world’ or to fly on my carpet” he said with a smile. “I’m just filling in over here and picking up some overtime, saving money for school If I can save enough I can start my first year this fall. Oh I’m Jason by the way” and he pointed importantly to his nametag Tommy and Zeke laughed “They told me to check and make sure you have enough towels and that the bathrooms are stocked” he said “We could use more towels” Tommy said “Not a problem” Jason said popping out to a linen closet in the hall As he reentered to the room carrying about four days with of towels “Give it to me” started playing and Jason unconsciously moved his hips in time to the beat. “I live Billy and Michael’s racier stuff” he said as he replenished the bathroom supplies “Yeah. Tommy said watching that ass bounce through the door “They are our cousins. They sang live at our wedding just yesterday” name dropping for all he was worth “Shameless” Zeke smirked quietly “Oh wow! Really? I am their biggest fan!” Jason said then he popped a quizzical head out the door “Your cousins?” “Mike is his cousin and Billy is mine” Tommy said pointing to Zeke and remembering to use Jeff’s stage name. “We believe in VERY close family relations” he finished with a wink “And you two are married?” Jason asked “For almost a day now” Zeke said with a smile “Cousins marrying cousins, that sounds so wrong and so hot” Jason said then in a conspiratorial whisper he asked “Is Mike really as hung as they say he is?” his eyes glittering and his white teeth flashing in a naughty grin “Well I don’t like to tell tales" Zeke said "but I can tell you that Mike is 2 inches shorter then I am” and he held his hand out lowering it from above his head to his midsection “and 2 inches longer than I am” and he moved his hand away from his midsection “So now I just need to find out how long you are” Jason said then blushed realizing he was hitting on a married man in front of his husband “Oh don’t worry” Zeke laughed “He’s been watching your ass even more than I have” Jason bit his lower lip and said “I need to take the cart back and then I’m off but I need a shower then I’m supposed to meet my girlfriend” “You’re straight?” Tommy asked “Bi and leaning more and more towards gay the longer this conversation goes on” he said with a wink “Well, you can shower here” Tommy said, winking back. “We certainly have enough towels” Jason was back in under ten minutes. “There is a very big walk in shower in here, want to join me?” He said pulling off his shirt and waling through the bathroom door They soaped him up and made sure he was squeaky clean both of them making out with him then Tommy knelt to suck his very nice 7 inches as Zeke started to step behind him Jason stopped him and ran a finger over his biohazard tattoo “Does that mean what I think it does?” “We are both poz unmedicated. Is that a problem?’ Zeke asked Jason shivered “I have been thinking about chasing for a long time but I always black out” he said Zeke took his shoulders and firmly turned him to face the wall and Tommy moved to keep sucking. “No backing out this time, I’m going to infect you with my HIV” he said the head of his cock probing that crack and locating the hole as Tommy reached up and spread those cheeks for his man “Wait!” Jason said in a panicky voice “No” Zeke said and slid in balls deep with one quick thrust then puled back out and slid in again reaching in front to pitch both of the feebly protesting man’s nipples. He whispered in his ear “It’s time to stop being a tease. This is going to happen, I’m in you and I’m not pulling out till you are dripping with my virus” “Fuuuk, please” Jason moaned shaking his head as his ass betrayed him pushing back onto Zeke, meeting his thrusts “I don’t want…” “Your body is saying you do” Zeke said “That bubble ass is saying ‘infect me with your toxic seed, poz me’ loud and clear to me and I’m going to listen to that pretty ass of yours” Zeke growled low “Say it! Say you want my virus in your blood forever!” “Oh God! Oh no! Fuck fuck fuck! It was just a fantasy I never was going to go through…” he moaned his ass pushing back even harder “Say it!” Zeke barked Jason’s inner slut took over at that point “F-fuuuuk yessss, fucking breed me! Give me your nasty toxic poz seed! Infect me!” and he shot in Tommy’s mouth as Zeke loaded him up with virus filled cum Tommy has been edging and as Zeke stepped back he stood, rammed his cock up that neg ass and with two thrusts added his poz load to the mix. Then he turned the newly pozzed man and started kissing him Later the three lay in the huge bed in the main bedroom Zeke and Tommy taking turns making out with Jason “I’m glad it finally happened and it had to happen that way if I was ever going to live out that fantasy. What my body wanted finally overruled what my mind was so afraid of” he said to Zeke “Thank you” Later as the three hug out by the pool Tommy asked “So what did you tell your girlfriend?” “That I couldn’t meet her because I was going to get fucked by two hot guys” He said “She kind of broke up with me} “Smooth” Tommy laughed “It’s all good, she's been fucking my brother behind my back for months now” he said shrugging “Why did you stay with her then?” Tommy asked “Because I have been fucking him too when she’s not around” Jason grinned “Nice” Zeke chimed in “I don’t have a brother but I do fuck one of my cousins” “Me too!" Tommy said "What schools have you applied to?” Zeke asked Jason rattled off a list of primarily school with great fine arts programs including the one Tommy attended “I will probably have to start next year though I doubt I will have saved enough in the next few weeks" “You never know” Tommy said The next few days they got a behind the scenes tour of the park and met several other cast members who were very friendly. One spookily dressed young man took them through a door in the haunted house and all three of them seeded his ass not five feet from where the park goers rode in their high backed couches facing the opposite way Jason whispered to Tommy as Zeke pounded the unsuspecting boy “I can’t wait till I am toxic and can spread it myself” They bred “the boy who never grew up” on a flying pirate ship as people rode by about 15 feet under them. Someone had put a mattress. This place was obviously used fairly often. “Peter” got an extra load from Tommy The main mouse bent over for them minus the head in a closed restroom his cute face watching them in the mirror as his oversized gloved hands pushed the sink to meet their thrusts They all cracked up when Tommy innocently asked “Oh my! What will Minnie say?” “Prince charming” was a nasty little slut up in the castle bedroom as he groaned “Fuck that glass slippered bitch. I’m the princess today! I want dick up my ass” They happily obliged leaving an ass full of virus as a parting gift One of the best parts of most days was the show Jason performed in, dancing with a genie and a monkey. The caught it several times during their stay He’s really good Tommy said as “The prince” belted out a song while dancing Zeke nodded. That night over dinner they discussed a couple issues like the fact that they both hated house work and over the summer they had been spoiled by the house staff. It had been the one thing thy had ever actually fought over. WHO was going to do the dreaded dishes and Tommy was forever forgetting to pick up the dry cleaning Zeke made a quick call to Stefan the next day and then they made some plans The last two days they took a vacation from their honeymoon and stayed in the hotel. Jason taking those two days off to join them. The were both quite fond of this bubble butted charmer and he had spent several nights in their bed “Sit down Jason, we want to talk to you” Zeke said “Is this the part where you guys try to give me a big tip, thank me for all the fun, pat me on the ass and send me on my way?” he asked smiling though the corners of his eyes were wet “No” Tommy said “This is the part where we ask you to come work for us. We need someone to take care of our apartment and run errands for us. We are both hopeless at domestic things. The position includes tuition assistance and a fairly good salary and the apartment is two blocks from my school. Zeke called a friend on the admittance board yesterday and found out they mailed your acceptance letter last week” “I don’t want to be your house boy and fuck toy” Jason said “You need to understand somethings” Zeke said “First I totally respect and understand how you feel but we are not trying to buy you, Before I met Tommy it had been years since I slept with someone more than once except for one person and I was fucking him for very specific reasons. Since I met Tommy except for family members we have never been with anyone more than once or twice. You have been here for two weeks and Tommy and I both feel something for you. We can’t call it love but it’s something we want to explore with you and we can’t so that if you are not with us” “I feel something too” Jason said. He thought for a few minutes then said “If you really want me I will do it but I have to warn you I am a terrible cook” “That’s ok” Tommy said “There is always take out and the school has a great culinary department for you to learn at” Two days later they flew home. Jason would fly out in about a week When they were almost back to town Tommy got a text from Jeff “Get to your parents house NOW” Zeke floored it and they arrived 10 minutes later Tommy rushed up the front walk and through the door going “What happened?? What is wr….” then ne froze a foot inside “Mark?” he whispered “MARK? They told us you were dead!” Then he threw himself through the door Zeke following to see Tommy sobbing on the shoulder of a who held him tight, a man who looked even more like him then Dale did. A mam who looked enough like him to be his brother. ************************************************************** Questions and comments welcome Scanbu
  22. Tommy was a little frazzled. The wedding was in a few days and though every detail was handled he still fretted. He was convinced if anything went wrong Zeke would change his mind and walk away. Zeke was such an incredible man and Tommy was just Tommy Zeke watched him work himself up over minor details with amusement and then when it had gone far enough he would step in, put his arms around his intended and talk him down off the edge of panic. It wasn’t that Zeke was not anxious too, he just didn’t sweat the details. Until Tommy said “I do” Zeke was afraid he would change his mind and walk away. Tommy was so special, so loving and Zeke was just Zeke. So Tommy needing him to calm him down soothed Zeke’s quieter fears as well, Their friends and family watched them both and shook their heads. Nothing short of act of god would keep these two apart and god liked them both apparently. But all soon to be married couples went through this to some degree, with the possible exception of Mike and Jeff who had married the day they met in person only having met online the day before. Mike, Jeff and family were staying at the estate helping where they could and staying out of the way when they couldn’t. Two days before the wedding Zeke approached Tommy who was sitting and talking to Jeff. “Could I see you in the library? There some papers you need to see and sign” Zeke said to Tommy “Ahh the prenup” Tommy half joked “I have been expecting something like this” “I got married without one and I’m just fine” Jeff said loftily To Tommy’s surprise Jeff rose and followed them after a nod from Zeke When they got into the library Tommy said “I understand you have to protect things and I trust you so I will sign whatever you feel I need to to protect your assets so I can't take half of everything you own if I dump you” in a light tone “It’s a little late for that” Jeff laughed “He already gave you half of everything including Ze-corp and this estate” “I started the paperwork just after the first of the year” Zeke said “Wait… what?” Tommy said confused as all the times Zeke had referred to his things as their things suddenly made sense “And how do YOU know about this?” he demanded of Jeff All the property deeds and stock transfers just finished going through” Jeff said ignoring him “And these papers say I get to keep it if I stay married to you?” Tommy said actually sounding hurt “You don’t need to bribe me to stay with you” Now Zeke looked hurt “I would never be with someone I thought I had to buy and if you think that about me” “KNOCK IT OFF” Jeff shouted then he glared at both of them. “You two are such idiots! You keep looking for reasons for the other not to love you! You both think you don’t deserve the other I can’t fucking wait for this wedding to be over so you two will finally BELIEVE you are worthy of love” Then in a calmer “I’m explaining something to an idiot” tone he said to Tommy “Zeke brought the papers to me because he knew you would not understand all the legal mumbo jumbo. He asked me to have my lawyers review then because he knew you would trust me when I told you what was in them. He isn’t giving you half of everything, he GAVE you half of everything. It’s already yours. If you marry him it’s yours. If you don’t marry him it’s yours. If you marry him then divorce him it’s yours. THAT’S how much he loves you! All these papers do is give him your permission to keep running things like he already was before he became only a 50% shareholder!” Tommy stared at Zeke “But I don’t have anything to give back I’m just me” he said Zeke walked to him and took him in his arms looking n his eyes as he said “When I met you my life was empty and I was teetering on the edge of darkness. You filled me with love and more. You didn’t banish my darkness or even judge it. You joined me in it but you kept one foot firmly planted in the light and let me cling to you.” and in a very un-Zekelike gestured he laid his head on Tommy’s shoulder holding tight “You honestly saved me from going mad. Zeke Evil was taking over. Now he’s just a persona I put on and can take off like a coat any time I want. Even more than that, You shared your family with me and led me back to my own family. You have given me so much more than I could ever repay” “Zeke Evil?” Jeff asked “I will explain later” Tommy muttered “Ugghhhhhh you two make Mike and I seem normal and boring! Drama Queens! Both of you! Will you just sign the bloody papers?” Tommy sat and signed where they told him The wedding of course went off without a hitch. Mike officiated as he had for Hank and Buzz “Do you pledge your life to each other, in good times and times of trouble, in times of health and sickness, in times of light and of darkness for as long as you both shall live?” He asked them each and received the customary “I do”s as Zeke and Tommy finally totally believed Later at the reception Tommy was stepping out to get a breath of fresh air and overheard a conversation near the entrance between two latecomers who had missed the ceremony and surprisingly knew both voices “You are not dropping out of college to be with me! I’m not worth that! You are so talented and beautiful. You can’t waste that” Dale said from just outside the doors, “I don’t want to be separated from you for months at a time!” said Alan’s quiet voice in reply Alan from his school? THAT Alan was Dale’s Alan? How the hell did they even meet? Tommy was dumbfounded “I can come visit you. You have to go back to school!” Dale insisted “You have the shop and you can’t keep dumping it on your mom, that's not fair” Alan said back At that point Tommy stepped through the doors “I might have a solution if you two want to listen” The two looked like a pair of kids caught stealing sweets as the turned to look at Tommy “Zeke and I are planning on coming here almost every weekend. It’s a lot easier when you have a helicopter. It takes just over half an hour We are going to fly out Friday nights and back early Monday mornings, We can land at our apartment and that’s only a two block walk to school the copter seats up to five so…” Tommy offered Alan blushed seeing Tommy who asked casually “How did you two even meet by the way?” He just had to hear this story “You may not be so generous when we tell you” Alan said blushing deeper. He then explained his obsession with Tommy the previous year. How he had driven here when he saw Tommy’s wedding announcement and how Dale had stopped him before he did anything stupid “Well…” Tommy said his thoughts adjusting quickly “First of all I am flattered and all you really did was steal some towels. I’m not sure we should tell Zeke about this though” “Too late” came the “Zeke Evil” voice from just inside the door Zeke stepped out so handsome in his tux and drew himself up to his full height looking down at the shrinking Alan “I” Zeke said and paused for dramatic effect “am going to send you a bill for those towels young man!” Tommy let out an explosive breath and glared at Zeke “You… Are… Just… So… Wrong!” he said and all four laughed Then Dale said “I know it’s your big day but all the family is in one place and I have something I need to tell them and they have someone they need to meet” he said looking at Alan with his heart in his eyes “We would be thrilled to let you steal a little of our thunder if you are truly ready for this Dale” Tommy said Dale nodded "It's now or never" Tommy put a hand on his shoulder “I am so proud of you and I know Jeff feels the same way. We will be here for you” he said Zeke and Tommy stepped through the doors and raised their hands to get everyone’s attention “There is someone here who has something to tell you” Tommy said They stepped apart and Dale came forward to a few dark mutters “First of all” he said “I want to apologize to all of you. I know I have tried your patience over the years and what I said about Tommy and Zeke was inexcusable” “It’s forgiven and forgotten” Tommy said looking sternly at those who had muttered “I have been an asshole, always taking out my anger on others but someone has come along to teach me how to love and I’m not angry anymore” He said reaches his hand back towards the door Alan came forward and took his hand “Everyone, this is Alan, my lover” he said in a shaking voice Silence Then Dale surprised them all even more. Pulling a small black box out of his suit pocket he sank to one knee still holding Alan’s hand. opened the box to show him a set of rings and said “Alan, ny world was a dismal, gray place before you came. I could not even admit who I was to myself. You brought me color and light. Now I know who I am and who I want to be. I want to be your husband. Will you marry me?” “Yes” Alan said through tears nodding quickly There was a general cheer as they slipped the rings onto each other’s fingers Dale faced everyone again and said loudly “Correction: This is my fiancé Alan!” Jeff came up and whispered in Tommy’s ear “That’s cousin Dale for you. Always disrupting things” but there was happiness in his voice as he went to congratulate his cousin Jeff sternly asked as he stepped up onto the stage later “Ok! Any more cousins ready to come out of the closet? We don’t have all day!” to a loud laugh from everyone then he and Mike sang “Heartsong” together for the first dance, Zeke and Tommy gliding across the floor gracefully in a special dance Stefan had choreographed just for them that started like a waltz but quickly became a flowing expression of their love reminding everyone that they both had studied dance for years. It was their party and they would show off if they wanted to The party lasted late into the night as they had many reasons to celebrate **************************** On the higher plane Ezekiel and Gabriel celebrated as well. Zeke and Tommy’s wedding would open so many wonderful possibilities and end so many that led to destruction not just for out happy couple but for the entire world. Their troubles were not over but things were looking even brighter ********************************************************************** I hope you are enjoying Zeke’s tales. Let me know what you think Next Chapter: Zeek and Tommy’s Excellent Honeymoon Scanbu
  23. Untold Adventures Volume #5 Jeff proves that straight boys are idiots ***************************************************** Jeff slid up and down on Mike’s massive cock moaning loudly and excessively making a show of it as he put all his vocal training to work, really projecting his passionate cries. They were down at the “Give it to me” resort by the pool. They had arrived on the plane with a group of young college aged guys and had overheard their whispered conversations about all the trouble they were going to make when they got there. “We are going to show all those queers” and other such moronic phrases homophobic straight boys use when they think no one is listening. Straight boys could be so stupid. Jeff doubted they really wanted to hurt anyone. They probably just wanted to let “the queers” know that they were not free from harassment anywhere. Not even at a private gay resort. Indeed, the plan was just to intimidate and harass then leave. In their book queers should always be afraid some straight guy was going to kick their ass in the back of their heads. These boys were so privileged and obtuse that they forgot that “The queers” were also men and that they were probably going to be vastly outnumbered. These idiots actually seemed convinced that most gay men were “wimpy little pansies” who were easy to push around. “ What decade were these guys born in?” Jeff thought as he noticed they were close enough to the island to have cell service and quickly sent a text on ahead to resort security. He felt totally safe with Hank and Buzz along not to mention John’s husband and Jeff’s bodyguard Sal who was always packing even on a plane due to his government agent past When they had touched down instead of being met by the usual greeters, Mr Raw and his sidekick “Take you” in their white suits a small but very well armed contingent awaited them, The troublemakers were subdued without even a raised word. There were only five of them. “Look, we don’t want any trouble” one of them said, suddenly all cooperative now that reality had set in. “We will just get back on the plane and leave” Then the plane’s engines roared to life and it took off leaving them standing on the dock “Ummm when is the next flight?” the same guy asked One of the security detail checked a list “The plane needs maintenance so not for 7 days” The five had their phones and wallets confiscated and were given half pink half white metal bracelets snugly locked on their wrists “The bracelets are color coded. Dark blue indicates a top. Light blue is for bottoms and medium blue for versatile. The various colors on the other half indicate kinks.” They were told “What does pink and white mean” the same guy asked Jeff knew it meant “Nonsexual visitor, please respect that” But the security officer said in a dry voice “It indicates that you are into being violently gang raped and bred and that any protests you make should be ignored. I’d suggest you stay in your rooms. We have a great room service menu so you won’t starve” So now Jeff rode Mike’s 12 inch cock in full view of the rooms the now very frightened five had been given, one to a room, making a huge show of it as he bounced up and down loving that after their years together it still hurt just a bit to take Mike completely. That pain was an expression of love to Jeff Mike grinned at Jeff’s antics as his lemon sized balls swayed with his bouncing and saw several curtains twitch as he glanced towards the rooms. Grabbing Jeff’s hips he thrust upwards and filled his husband with toxic seed After a few minutes of making out they rose and made their way towards the beach, cum running down Jeff’s inner thigh. “I just wanted to say I’m really sorry” came a cocky voice from the slightly opened doors of one of the rooms. “It was a stupid idea. We never wanted to actually hurt anyone” His tone indicating his insincerity “Things like this can easily get out of hand” Mike said, turning to face the door. “I think you boys will regret it even more when you leave, This is not the USA and this resort is a big part of the economy here. I expect a few weeks in the local jail on the main island is in store. I hate to say it but the local jail has a very bad reputation. You have to work for your upkeep, one way or another...” The door opened and they could see the young man inside. Dark blonde hair and blue eyes wide with feigned fright “But we didn’t actually do anything. My dad will just kill me if I miss the start of the school year because of this!” he sneered “You should have thought of that before you hatched this stupid plan then” Jeff said coldly “We have so few places we can truly feel safe and be ourselves and you wanted to take this one from us just to stroke your little egos. The fact you thought you could just walk in and push us around makes it even worse. Maybe your dad should kick your ass and I don’t care if you ever get back to school. I’m sure the local authorities will be letting the admissions board of your college know what happened here. You may not even have a school to go back to after they hear about this” The other four doors were now open and all five guys were looking at Jeff and Mike in horror. “You boys really didn’t think this through did you? How did you even find out about this place?” Mike asked “My roommate was planning on coming here to use his virginity” the first man said a bit smugly “he didn’t clear his browser history and I went through his computer because I thought he was a fag then I told everyone about it when I had proof” “You fucking idiot” groaned one of his friends Jeff saw red and Mike stiffened. They both remembered that while on tour this spring in the mid-western town where these guys went to school and seeing a local news story about a young gay student who had attempted suicide. They had visited the young man in the hospital hoping to cheer him up and he had told them that his roommate had found stuff on his computer and outed him. When he had confronted the roommate he had been told “If you complain to the school I will just say you kept making passes at me. I have four friends who will swear they saw you do it” and that threat had made him drop out and try to take his own life Mike and Jeff had given what support they could and promised that the next year they would pay for the young man to attending a much better school on the coast famous for it’s large gay population as long as he kept up with his therapy sessions which they also paid for, Being rich has it’s perks “Your roommate was named Jesse wasn't he” Jeff demanded “How did you know that?” The man who was obviously an imbecile asked A groan of “Will you just shut up?” coming from another friend Mike had to hold Jeff back as the slight man launched himself at this malicious buffoon “Jessie tried to kill himself!” Jeff raged struggling to escape Mikes grasp “Yeah, I know” came the uncaring reply “Dude! Shut the fuck up!” coming from all his friends “What are these fags going to do?” he asked sneering his bravado “You know our dads can get us out of any jail with a big enough check” “Well for starters” Mike said “It’s going to be hard to convince the authorities that you boys ‘didn’t do anything’ when it’s your word against the word of the 100 or so other people here. A suitable story should be easy enough to come up with. We can probably turn a few weeks in jail to a few months or even years” By now a crowd had gathered and the other men nodded muttering darkly “And no matter how big a check your dads can write I guarantee you I can write a bigger one. I can also make sure that this story is in every newspaper and website in the world. You five will never get into any school or find a job as long as you live when I am through with you” “And who are you to do all that? Just some little rich queer on a power trip” he sneered One of his friends rushed him tackling him to the ground covering his mouth with both hands “If you ever listened to anything but country music you would probably know that these two are Billy and Michael Clay-Blake you idiot!” he growled to his pinned friend and seeing his eyes widen “I see even you have heard of them so you know they can do everything they say they can!! The idiot finally shut up “Look” he said getting up and letting his moronic friend get to his feet “the four of us really didn’t do anything except go along with him…” “Except threaten to lie about Jessie” Jeff snapped and four winces confirmed that there were indeed the four in in question “There has to be some way we can resolve this” he said but he didn’t look hopeful Jeff started to shake his head then he spotted the slings and stocks along with other restraint devices set up in the courtyard. A fitting but evil plan popped into his brain “I tell you what” He said with pure malice in his voice “You are here for a week. If you don’t want to spend the next few years in jail and then be released t a wrecked life you will strip naked, allow yourselves to be restrained out there” he said pointing to the courtyard. “You will spend the week you are here being fucked and sucking any man who wants to use you” “Dude, none of us are gay. Guys do nothing for us” the reasonable one said “So?” Jeff said coldly “I don’t care i you enjoy this. I prefer you don’t” Many of the guys in the crowd leered and groped themselves with nasty grins “No fucking way I’m letting a bunch of fags use my ass” the idiot said as his friends dragged him to the center and bound him to a low bench then allowed themselves to be bound as well Jeff got down to look the idiot in the eye “We aren’t going to rape you. You have to consent to this but at this point I think we can cont on even your buddies to help us make sure you never see the light of day again. That you stay in that jail for 50 years if you don’t” “Damn right” came four replies He glared at Jeff but finally nodded, giving up Mike and his brother John along with two other guys almost as hung as then took up positions behind the other four. “Just so you know boys” Jeff said “There aren’t going to be any condoms wasted on you and many if most of the guys here are HIV positive. You probably figured that you may get pozzed during this week. Take it as a virtual guarantee you will, Any problems with that?” eventually five heads shook and each said “No” in a scared voice “Just so you know” Jeff purred to the idiot “I have special plans for yout cherry but you can suck cock till then then he grabbed a handful of hair and stuffed his cock down his throat choke fucking him and he he heard the other four moaning in pain as cocks far bigger than average took their anal cherries with uncaring brutality He heard Mike whispering to his new fuck toy “You are going to win the HIV lottery on your first fuck and I’m so going to enjoy infecting you with my virus” His reply was cut off by Buzz stepping up and stuffing his cock down his throat as Mike brutally slammed into his ass and he writhed in pain Jeff quickly shot his load then just to make his point held his cock down his throat as he pissed making him drink it or drown. Then he pulled out his phone and made some calls as Mike and John slammed into their victims and filled them with the first of many virus filled loads to come The guys seemed almost relieved when the next cocks rammed into them were not on the scale of John or Mike and for the next few days the would blanch when they saw either of the two approaching with evil smiles on their faces The idiot’s ass remained untouched for two days and he actually got pretty good at sucking and deep throating cock. Like he had a choice. Jeff heard a helicopter and saw it land a single figure stepping out and approaching. Jeff pissed down his throat for the 7th time as he said “I’m glad you finally got here, we have been saving his ass for you we have decided his ass is yours to use or share as you see fit” “Hello roomie” Jessie said stepping into the idiot’s line of view. He was a gorgeous young man, pale skinned, light green eyes and black hair that went down to the middle of his back, He slowly unzipped his jeans pulling out a hefty cock Jeff suspected was every bit of 10 inches and slipped it between those lips this man had such a hard time keeping shut “Do you know how many times I watched him sleep and wanted to see his pretty lips around my cock? He;s got such big pouty lips” he said to Jeff as he pushed into his throat After a little throat fucking Jessie had the idiot transferred to a sling bound on his back with his legs in the air and slipped between those secured thighs. To Jeff’s surprise he didn’t ram in but instead lubed up his fingers gently opening that virgin hole while telling the idiot who’s name was apparently “Biff”, go figure, what a good and pretty boy he was and how he had been made for Jessie to fuck, how he belonged to Jessie, how he always had and always would be Jessie’s Boy. Then so gently Biff didn’t even wince Jessy slipped his cock in leaning down to meet Biff’s lips with his own pushing his tongue in, tasting his mouth and kissing with a loving tenderness. Tears stood out in Biff’s eyes and he started to shake “Shhhhhh Baby Boy” Jessy whispered “Master has got you and I won’t let anyone hurt you. Give yourself to me. Let me claim your heart and soul. Let me make it all better" and he started slowly sliding in and out of his ass as Biff’s cock hardened for the first time in the days he had been bound “I’m going to breed you my beautiful boy” Jessie said softly looking Biff in the eyes “I’m marking you as mine forever. Do you understand and accept me as you Owner and Master?” “Yes Master” Biff whispered and the tears now ran down his cheeks “Mine!” Jessie yelled throwing back his head and cumming in his new Boy as Biff shot all over both of them After he recovered Jessie started undoing Biff’s restraints “I want to get him in a bed and make love to him” he said “Are you sure?” Jeff asked “He could be faking” “I have to show him that I will always protect him and keep him safe, He’s very vulnerable right now and I need to show him that I love him” Jeff choked on that a bit “Oh I have been in love with him since he first walked into our dorm room” Jessie said a bit sadly “That’s why what he did hurt so bad” Jeff silently thanks god for Mike. “How did you know he would accept all this?” Jeff asked “It’s not how I would have approached him” “I'm not the only one who doesn’t clear my browser history” Jessie said with a smirk then he lead the submissive Biff away back to his room. The other flour were released as well and all four spent the rest of their time there trying to get Mike or John to fuck them again The next day Jessie shyly asked Jeff to take his anal virginity and Biff asked Mike to breed him with genuine humility That Christmas Jeff received a card from Jessie and Biff showing Jessie in a leather Santa suit and Biff kneeling at his feet in a leather jock and reindeer antlers. The card contained warm holiday greetings and a wedding announcement for some time in the summer Jeff. Mike and the entire family were in attendance ******************************************************* I love questions and comments Scanbu
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