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Everything posted by cockslave449

  1. So HOT! The phone questionaire got my cock hard and dripping. I wish someone would compose one and use it on strangers getting them to admit to all their sexual history, fantasies and dark things they've done. Looking forward to the next installment.
  2. Short but hot!
  3. Where does race come into this? The author is in a bathhouse (was it frequented mostly by white men, they usually are at least the ones in Toronto are), he's naked, face down on the pillow in a room with the door open. While it's not an invitation to fuck it's sure sounds like an invitation to touch. Are you ok with young, attractive white men touching you in those circumstances? If so it's not race it's age and body type. Take the advice of some of the other posters and sit up with you back against the wall and watch who stands at the door. If you like him then starts stroking, if not then hands off and look slightly away. And remember it's a bathhouse for pet's sake you'll run into all types, some you want some you won't and that it's all about sex.
  4. Are you writing about the old Fort bar in London? I was in London once and couldn't find the damn place but I read it was pretty wild in days past. Closed now.
  5. Very much looking forward to part two. Already hard and dripping re-reading part 1.
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