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Everything posted by Heath

  1. I have bred and been bred several times with Michael Vincenzo and a couple of times with Jesse Santana.
  2. Go to a colon rectal surgeon and ask him to band it. He places a rubber band like item around it cutting off the blood supply and it will fall off without any pain in about seven days. This is done in the doctor's office and is a very inexpensive/non invasive procedure. A month from now you will never know you had a hemorrhoid.
  3. Does anyone have any experience with Jack Ryan, Jason Branch or Logan Krewe? I think that all three of these guys spent some time escorting and were supposed to be versatile.
  4. When I go to Dallas, I go to the Midtowne Spa. Sometimes it is great and sometimes not so good. The Club Dallas used to be very active but the last few times it has been empty. If you can time it right, you might want to go to a party listed on BBRT. If anyone else has some suggestions, I'd like to hear them myself.
  5. I have always been turned off by the straight female escort threads. Since this is a gay men's site, why don't we discuss gay bareback escorts?
  6. Does anyone have any experience with Ty Roderick?
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