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Everything posted by bjfan

  1. by the way according to the poll results until now,i should start anal sex with a gangbang group,even with 5-6 people.advises written here and peoples votes look kinda on the contrary
  2. thanks for the thoughful advice hollywoodslut.i have also read some bad stories abaout gangrapes these two days.however it wouldnt be a rape ,this situation can lead a half gangrape result.i decided to start with on one one and gradually increase the numbers as soon as i am reay for the next steps.my only [roblem is overcoming the anal fear now.i think i really need a very experienced and small sized cock active
  3. excellent replies everyone.esp Rawtops ridea sounds great.What sadistic player has mentioned was my rationale behind the fantasy of groups.being honestly besides that bad experience i faced in there were several attempts as well.unfortunately they were bunch of bi guys who just want a hole to fuck,woman or man didnt matter to them.they were not experienced in particular on anal sex.therefore without even relaxing me or even lubricating they tried to penetrate just using their spits.i was too streching myself therefore couldnt take them at all.there were several attempts i was even scared of the penis size or gave up even before getting started.i know this sounds sillt but the reason i want a gangbang for the first time is getting fucked is unavoidable while i am inside that room,furthermore i am even considering if my hands and legs should be tied to bed or not.dont get me wrong i am not someone who enjoys pain or having a rape fantasy,my idea was making a set up which will make decrease my chances of escaping from anal sex to 0%.hand and legs tied to bed and lets say 4 hard cocks in that room,i will have no chances but being fucked my brains out.i am not really sure i can handle it or not,but this idea which turned into biggest fantasy of my life is really killing me
  4. sorry for the weird poll options.would you please vote for No if you think its a bad idea.if you think i should go for it,i guess there is no need to vote for yes would you please directly vote for the numbers options.either 2-3-4 guys or 5-6 guys.thanks in advance
  5. hi there.i am new to this forum.first of all sorry for the poor english.i have sucked countless of cocks from different nations and races.they were already set up before or at the glory holes.i was not a big fan of anal sex for years.blowjobs and cumshots were my sole obsessions in life and more than enough by means of sex.however some guys asked to try anal sex.i was too timit ,no relaxed ant all,and they were skipping all foreplay,even lubing.they directly tried to enter just with some spit.all of these trials were failure then.these experiences made me have a cold feeet to anal sex for years.actualy one guy was able to enter after a good amount of lubrication period,but he was too rough after that,made me scream and cry.coudlnt handle it more than a minute.that was the only anal experience in my life.i also rejected the ones who asked from then,until now.however,there is this silly fantasy driving me crazy for the last couple months.i want my ass devirginized by a small gangbang group of guys.from 3 to 6 for example.the simple rationale behind that is i would have no chances of rejecting them or surviving my ass from that group of top gangbangers if there is enough crowd to capture me in that room.what do you guys think?is this a silly fantasy or too unrealistic to handle at the first time?any complications can happen?if you think i can handle what should be the right number of guys to start with?what kind of preperations should i make? p.s'i have found and set 3-4 groups from the internet for this fantasy.i have been chatting and talking them for 2-3 weeks .all are waiting my answer .really scared to try but cant throw away this biggest fantasy of my lifetimefrom my mind.please help and enlighten me with your suggestions.
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