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About fetluvr171

  • Birthday 01/31/1982

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  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
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  1. East side club is my preference
  2. Heck ya, Poppers while great are very very caustic. I've gotten burned on my nostrils, usually from the more expensive brands. And from over use. Poppers are Great just like frosted flakes. On a side note, when I was a tween. I used to experiment with Vicks inhalers. And strobe lights. Things fucking kids do huh. Well, I guess I knew even back then what I was looking for but that's another discussion. Lol
  3. Ohh hell where do I start, I have tried a lot of different brands and compounds. The occasional bath hook up gave me a great opportunity to rate them. From my point of view, Rush is garbage. jungle juice is not much better. Stay away from the butyl compounds. They are Junk. Go for Either Iron Horse, Amsterdam or if you can get it Kix. (A bath buddy let me sample it once ) omg !!!!talk about being putty in someone's hands. you won't be disappointed. Just stay away from Rush. Thanks
  4. when I was cruising the Bath house scene, I used to ask that to everyone. In hindsight that was really dumb. I mean you might be clean when you went in but, maybe not after meeting mister wrong 20 minutes before I met you. Also, I get a kick out if people saying, "just the tip" or " don't shoot in me" you're not serious!!!! I guess people really don't understand about precum. I love the baths but I understand the risks. If you don't want to be truthful maybe you shouldn't have casual anon sex.
  5. Wow, what a movie, I don't have HIV, my eyes have opened up more about the effects of this virus, all the people that have gotten,live with and have died from it, again you have my respect.It is just terrible. Nothing glamorous about it at all. I am not in the habit of judging people. But, I just wanted to say, that I have gained so much respect for all those affected by HIV. Why in the world would people want to bug chase is beyond me. I know I will get a lot of nasty comments but, why does a Sane healthy person want such an illness if you want to kill yourself jump off a bridge quick,easy,done.!!!!! Wasting away, getting sicker by the day in pain doesn't seem the way to go. Well at least to me. And to all those that are Already POZ, Bless you. And I wish you all the best. Sorry if you don't agree. Thank you Ron Woodruff , Ryan white ,and all those that pioneered in an effort to help others. GOD BLESS YOU
  6. This maybe a little confusing and I hope I explain this right. But my question is this, if you had a previous mrsa infection and it was treated how likely is it that you will get it again? Are you more easily able to contract and spread it? I have been getting conflicting answers. Thank you
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