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About sirensong26

  • Birthday 05/20/1987

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    St. Paul, MN
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    Art, dance, music, magick.
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    Poz, Not On Meds
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    I'm complicated.

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  1. Hello one and all. For those still following this story, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. After several bouts of writer's block, editing and lack of free time, I'm finally on the verge of completing this epic. Do not lose hope.
  2. Next few chapters will be posted soon.
  3. *Writer's Notes: Hey folks. Back again to entice you with more. Sorry about the wait. Now let's get back into it. The Hunt- Part VI: The Hunted Rise __________________________________________________________ Marcus I was in complete control. My powers were fully restored now, in accuracy and potency. My desire to get back to my beloved fueled the fire within me. The sigil was broken completely, and a simple healing spell took care of the bleeding wound in my arm. I held the man, Joshua as I heard him say before, where he stood without breaking a sweat. I neither knew nor cared who these people were, but they were in for a world of hurt if they kept me from my goals. "You think you can talk like that to me?!" The leatherbound ass was struggling in vain against my power, the veins of his neck and head popping out, his cock still rock hard and aching for release. His little trick was still out cold, and their victim renewed the struggle for freedom. "You have no idea who you're dealing-" He kept fuming and spitting venom, oblivious to the change-up in roles. I've had enough of this rant, I thought. I brought my hand up and gestured, focusing at his mouth, and touched my fingertips together in a hushing manner, causing his mouth to forcibly close. As hard as he tried, my will was keeping him from forming words. "Actually, yes I think I can talk however I so please," I resumed. " and obviously YOU have no idea who the FUCK you're dealing with. Allow me to demonstrate." Channeling my power through my hand, I lifted him off the ground, his booted feet dangling beneath him. With a forcible push, he was slammed hard against the concrete wall behind him. Confident in the strength of my mind, I lowered my hand, pleased that his body still pinned up where he was. His breathing was erratic and fast. Judging by his outfit, I figured he had never been overpowered by anyone in his life. A quick glance down and I saw that his cock was still as rock hard as before. Sicko must like it, I thought. "Now stay there and pipe down," I said, ice dripping in my voice, and as I spoke, I mentally called a glamour to my eyes making them flash bright red. His body jerked in surprise, his eyes wide with confusion and fear. Glamours were excellent to use in scare tactics. I looked over at their victim, who had witnessed the strange events unfold before him. His eyes were wide with fear, his thoughts and feelings racing at a mile a minute. He thought I was gonna kill him, or take a turn. I chuckled a bit from that one. I summoned my power and cast it over the contraption. A controlled snap of my fingers and the rack holding him shattered apart, his battered body crumpling to the cold floor. While I was disgusted with him for what I had learned, I couldn't just leave him there like that. Long ago, when beginning in the Craft, I vowed both to never take a human life or let someone die if I could help them, despite who they were. As he rolled onto his back, I strode over and kneeled down next to him. Placing two fingers on his brow, I thought of healing and strength as I intoned under my breath: "Animo ac corpore sano. Omnia nunc dolor reliquit." (Translation: I heal your body and your mind. All your pain now left behind.) Instantly, his body's various bruises and swelling began to recede. The blood between his legs began to evaporate and the bruises and tears vanished as if they never occurred. His skin was flush with color again and his strength was returning. I removed the ball gag from his mouth. His breathing was still a bit ragged but fuller in sound. He was more freaked at this supernatural display. "Relax and breathe," I told him. His lips quivered, trying to form words and yet finding none. I held up a finger and his lips snapped shut, his whole body flinching from his previous trauma. "Ah ah ah. No need for words. You deserved everything you just got and more for the things you've done. I know. I've seen it in your mind. You will be held accountable for them too someday. But for now..." I explained to him as I looked up and glared at "Joshua", still hanging from his spot on the wall, " I have more important matters to attend to." Remembering that I must be secretive with mortals and not wanting this to come back and haunt me, I met his gaze and commanded: "Omnes magicae vidistis videbitur nisi a vividae visum." (Translation: All the magick you have seen will seem naught but a vivid dream.) With those words, his eyes flashed with white light, telling me that his mind was now void of our previous interaction and the display he'd just witnessed. He shook his head, dazed and sat up mechanically. Before he had time to make heads or tails of the scene, I jumped right in to direct him. "Hey, you gotta get out of here quick. There are others coming!" He looked at me blankly, not knowing who I was, and then at his surroundings. "GET MOVING! GO!!!" I yelled. He didn't waste time after that. Oblivious that he was still stark naked, he scrambled to his feet and ran out the door, huffing and puffing off to find a way out of this strange place. I flicked the door closed behind him to deter any further interruptions, and placed a simple but powerful Barrier Spell upon it to keep out intruders and barring the sound from leaving the room. "Alone at last," I said aloud to my captive audience, his attention snapping back to me. "Now where was I? Oh yes." I rose to my feet and walked slowly toward him. I may have vowed never to take another life if I could avoid it. But if you do some studying in biology, you'd be surprised what the human body can endure. "You, little man," I began, emphasizing the insult," are going to give me answers. If you're truthful and forthcoming, I'll release you and you can take care of Psycho Junior over there," I pointed to his unconscious friend, Brett. "If not, then I will make you tell me what I want to know the hard way." I brought my hand up inches from his face and, thinking of fire, conjured a scorching ball of flame before his widening eyes. His mouth still shut, his muffled cries came pouring out. "Do we have an understanding?" I asked. He nodded his head in response. "That's a good boy," I cooed, taunting him like a little puppy. I let the fireball fade away and with a flick of the fingers, I released the muscles that were holding his mouth shut. He grunted and gasped, feeling the control of his mouth coming back to him. "So, first of all, where the hell are we and why are we here?" Still breathing heavily he answered in a labored voice, knowing not to bullshit me." This place is in the outskirts of Colorado, and we were invited to take part in the Hunt- where we poz negs however we want as a contest." "Lovely," I responded. "Invited by who?" "I don't know anything about him. Only that he goes by the name Nephelim and this is his estate." Mystery ringleader, I thought to myself. A practitioner of some sort too. When I was cloaked, I saw his friend's chest and heard them talk of this 'Nephelim' when it happened. But later on that. "How many more of you sick fuckers are in on this?" I demanded of him, seeing him squirm at this forced role reversal and finally seceding to it." About 12 guys. Well, 6 of us are human. I don't know about the rest." That got my attention. It would probably take longer for him to explain, so I decided to use a technique I was taught years ago: Sapiunt Juncto (Mind Joining, to access the mind of another, gaining their senses, knowledge, memories, etc.). I stepped up to him and placed my thumbs on his eyes, connecting with his mind to see what he had seen of his cohorts. In a flash, the knowledge and memories he held within his mind flowed directly into mine, teaching me about what these sick trogs were playing at. I saw his whole life as he had lived it. Childhood, puberty, adulthood and his present. The email he and his boy received. The lust that awakened within him. Withdrawing the necessary funds to participate and luring a young man into a dark- windowed van. Suddenly, I was in a giant darkened hall, facing a dark man on a dark throne. Nephelim no doubt, I deducted. Wasting no time I looked about to the others, studying their auras with my magickal sight. I immediately found my captor among them. Strange, I pondered. He had no aura. I filled in the blanks quickly- only the dead lack auras. He was Vampire, but of a different kind somehow. I didn't know how I knew that, but I knew. I studied him a moment, his bright green eyes glowing like the will-o'-the-wisp on a foggy night. It was enchantment of some kind. I would have to remedy that if we crossed paths, which was inevitable. The memory of him hunting me down like dog threatened to break my concentration, so I quelled my growing rage and continued my assessment. I saw a Giant next, his hulking form catching me offguard. A Satyr stepped into my view as well. I nearly broke my focus completely upon seeing the thing caressing the Hellspawn with devil horns, its true form unhidden from my sight. I can't believe it, I thought. A Pure Demon, I realized, here and now. My teacher made sure that I commit to memory the many shapes and forms that Demons take- especially those of the Old Ones. These guys are coming out of the woodwork. The last was almost a no- brainer: the composition of his aura and how he glared at my captor told me everything. A Werewolf- natural born enemies of all Vampirekind. {The wolf among the sheep.} Garrett's warning to me returned to the front of my mind. I made a note to beware of him. The rest of the party was human- no doubt as sadistic and twisted as Joshua and his partner. While I knew I was pushing my luck dragging this out, I turned again to the shadowed figure before them. His aura of darkness was pulsing with evil energy. No human being could project darkness like that. No matter how hard I focused, his face and true nature remained hidden to me. Suddenly, his shadowy head turned toward me sharply, his eyes flashing a bright white. My mind nearly went blank. No mistake. Though it was a past memory- he could see me. Pointing a finger directly at me, with the tiniest of flicks, I was thrown back and cast out... What seemed like minutes was merely a second in the real world. I released Joshua's head and composed myself, still taking in all I had seen and what I was up against. Chills crawled down my spine. "Ok. Not all human. Got it," I said to myself. His groan caught my attention, drawing my gaze back to him. He was shaking his head, the strange invasion leaving him dizzy. I took a deep breath and focused myself back to the here and now. Ok, back to business. My hand snapped with lightning speed across his cheek, snapping his head to the left."HEY! Snap out of it! We're not done yet." He glared at me, appalled at being disciplined. Men like these were easy to piss off, and almost always easy to break. " So," I began, recalling the information I absorbed from him, " How many more people are being subjected to this?" His lips tightened into a scowl, dictating he wasn't up to telling me. "Ok, have it your way." Fire enveloped my hand as I slowly reached up to his chest. I slowly dragged my fingers down, the fire's heat increasing and scorching the man's flesh. He tried and failed to stifle his screams, which echoed in the open room. Burns blistered quickly upon him, forming four claw-like trails on his abdomen, the smell of burnt flesh and hair slowly lacing the air. A quick look and I discovered that his boner still had not gone down. I slapped at it with my other hand, exciting a gasp from him. He would never have admitted it, but I felt his lust jump through the roof. Alright, I thought. Since pain isn't getting him to talk, it looks like he needs some more incentive to come clean. My ears picked up quiet groans, Joshua's cries bringing his buddy slowly back to consciousness. A dark thought creeped into my mind, nearly clouding my vision. {I want out of here,} I said to myself. {I want to be back home in the arms of my love.} In a moment, I decided. Kids gloves are coming off. Time to play a bit dirty. I extinguished the fire as my hand stroked his cheek, rubbing my control of him right in his face. A dark smirk crossed my face, changing his expression from rage to confusion. I purred sadistically, giving in to the a dark urge in me that seemed to come from nowhere. "Clearly I'm not hitting the right pressure point. I think I'll focus on a more senstive one," I said smoothly as I stepped away from him and strode slowly over to his weakened protege. Seeing my intent, he struggled again, growling and grunting to get free. With barely any effort, I flicked my hand up, bringing the waking man up on his knees and holding him there. His eyes snapped open, fighting against the pain in his head, blood seeping out of a deep cut in his head. He looked at Joshua, then at me, joining his master's struggle in breaking out of their invisible bonds. "Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty. Brett right?" I asked of him. He stayed silent, in a mix of pain and shock but also knowing immediately he had no chance against my power. A submissive little punching bag. I turned back to his teacher, who cared more for his protege than he let on." Now here's the deal, Josh. Either you tell me what I want to know, or all the pain I had planned for you is going right to your precious little Brett. And you best believe I can get very creative." Their feelings for each other burst forth: Joshua howling in fury desperate to protect his boy, and Brett quivering with fright but willing to suffer for Joshua, the master he loved. Either way, they were both wracked with fear. They were scared of me. Couldn't blame them. With how dark I was acting, I was starting to scare myself. But I couldn't stop. Being separated from my love was awakening a darkness in me...strong and seductive... and I loved it... Bael, Demon of Dark Desire "It has begun." From a pocket dimension, we observed the conjured darkness course through the young Witch, Nephelim's star "Quarry" in this little game. Our Incubus purred in excitement and lust. Laying beneath us on a bed of dark silk, our strong, gigantic cock buried deep within our lover's mortal shell, ceaselessly pumping our dark seed inside ,threatening to split him asunder at any moment. It mattered not to Caelus. He could just find another body in the mortal world to possess and surrender to our unyielding lust. His growing mastery of Dark Magick and Debauchery made us proud and endlessly aroused. "What is it, my Lord?" Caelus asked. "The task Nephelim set unto us in exchange for our freedom from the Underworld: to corrupt this Witch here," We gestured to the shimmering image in the air above us. Clear as a mirror above us were two of Nephelim's invited guests- a devious leather master and his aspiring protege- held fast against the wall by the will of the young Witch, his power and our 'essence' warping his overwhelming wish to reunite with his mortal love. The darkness slowly began to envelope his body, manifesting visibly to his prisoners, their fear of the unknown continuing to grow. {Mortals,} we mused within. {Such weak and amusing creatures. It pleases us greatly to feed of their fear and suffering. Even better is their secret desires hidden beneath their self-righteousness and false personas. Such delicious agony.} Our Darkling gazed with widened eyes at the vision above as we continued to assault his stretched hole. Blood and cum escaped as we pounded our erection deeper and deeper into Caelus. Grunts of desire came from Caelus, but inside, the soul of the host he had possessed was screaming in anguish unable to escape from it. It delighted us. It also gave us the power to warp the deepest desires of mortals and Witches alike. If we can make the Witch take a life in an evil manner, his soul will be forever tainted, which is what Nephelim was after. Why we did not know, nor did we care. While the Witch was fighting the dark temptation coursing through him, it would only be a matter of time before his will would break. We stared again into the eyes of Caelus, which burned in a fiery red iridescence. "More," we growled deeply. Still hardened deep inside his hole, we began to fuck him again, his pleasure and the soul's pain flowing into us, making us more powerful and energized. The darkness flowed out of our being, into the conjured image, traversing the aether between the worlds, into the vulnerable aura of our new victim. Jarek Perched on a rock formation near the infirmary, I took in the sights and sounds of the night. The Moon above was still gradually turning from white to copper red, slowly darkening the landscape with its crimson luminescence. The time draws near. Movement caught my eye. Two of the humans had burst out of the thick woods, cornering one of the Quarry in the open area below me. He tried to get away, but they had him cornered. Barely of legal age, I recognized the flimsy garb as belonging to one of Nephelim's slaves. No doubt acting to resist for their amusement. Staring at his tormentors with wide brown eyes, he had brown hair and a slim build. The men crouched toward him, taunting and playing with him, and then they finally lunged at him, tackling him to the ground. His cries rang out to deaf ears. No one within range would rush to his aid. One of the men, a lumberjack-attired bear, knelt before the facedown boy, his hairy arms held him pinned to the ground. The other, a smooth chested blonde tore the boy's flimsy garments off, forced his legs apart, hauled out his long and thick cock from his black jeans and aimed right at the boy's hole. One glob of spit was all the lube they were gonna give him as the blonde forced his girth into the tight hole. The boys' cries were muffled by the earth beneath him, his body fighting like crazy to get free from his tormenters. But he was powerless against the two hulks as the blonde began to hammer the boys' hole relentlessly. After a long while, the blonde began to fuck faster and faster, grinding the boy into the green grass beneath them. His breathing picked up, his grunts getting louder and louder. With a final slam, he shouted and shuddered, pumping his load into his weeping victim. My eyes detected a small glow and glimmer on his chest- Nephelim's little tallying system. Three tallies total were scored on his chest. Spent, he high-fived his cohort and yanked out his cock, the smell of cum and blood reaching my heightened senses. They quickly switched places, the lumberjack shedding his plaid shirt and unzipping his slacks. His total was three, and he was ready to add another. His beer can cock burst from a thick nest of hair. With one quick thrust, he filled the boys' open hole and stretched it wider dropping his weight into him. A renewed scream echoed through the woods, filled with pain and forced pleasure. The bear pumped the conquered fuckhole, putting the strength of his thick legs and strong hairy ass behind each thrust which illicited a scream from the boy each time. The blood from his torn hole was causing my throat to burn and my cock to thicken, but I resisted my bloodlust. Patience, I told myself. The wait will be worth it. This continued on for another long period of time, the bear taking his time using the beaten hole to sate himself with. Finally, he drilled faster, gripping the boy's waist tight and letting out a deep growl. His body shivered as he pumped his load deep, pulling nearly out and then slamming back in over and over further tearing and coating the torn chute. As with the blonde, a small glow ignited from the dark bear's thick mat of chest hair, bringing his total to four. He ground his cock deep, ensuring that every drop of cum would stay put to absorb in his torn walls. He jerked his cock out hard and then he and the blonde stood above their conquest and laughed together in their triumph. They dressed and wandered off together, leaving the battered boy behind. His blood and their loads flowed from his hole, staining the green Earth. He was so sore he could barely move. So helpless, I thought. The blood called to me, but I blocked out its lure. It was swill in comparison to my goal. {I will have him,} I told myself. {He is mine. He is close, but cloaked somehow. He'll have to surface again at some point, I knew. When the spell wanes-the Witch is mine.} As soon as I finished the thought, his visage flashed in my mind. {Finally, his Cloaking has faltered. But how? And why?} My senses billowed out from me, focusing quickly to detect his location. My sight rested on a large five-story structure about two miles north of him with blackened windows, secured from entry or exit by metal bars. The infirmary Nephelim spoke of, I guessed. My sight altered at my will and natural physiology, allowing me to see the moving bodies of heat within (infrared vision, as some know it). One source of heat was running down flights of stairs toward the lower level. Quarry, I surmised, no doubt trying to escape the building. On the third floor, near the western side, were three sources of heat. While I could make out no descriptions with this sight, their movements told me enough. Two were pinned against a wall higher than the third, fighting against an invisible force between them. I chuckled to myself and said, "Such fools. Humans are no match for a Witch of his power." I summoned forth the magick held within my eyes to see more, and my amusement quickly waned. The Witch's aura, which I taught myself to recognize, slowly from the ground up, was starting to both grow and darken. "NO!!!" I said aloud. "He cannot be mine if his soul becomes tainted!" His soul must remain PURE!!! Instantly, the real world reappeared in all its details. Without a second thought, I jumped down to the base of the rock formation I was perched upon, and then ran toward the building as fast as my feet could carry me, actually praying that I would not be too late.... Taven Hidden by the dark and thick vegetation, I watched the Vampire intently. Every flinch, every turn my Wolf eyes captured and examined, trying to discern what or who he was seeking. He saw the Abomination chuckling and muttering to himself, thinking only the Moon knows what. Suddenly his humor dissipated as quickly as it had risen. His sight lay on the large building a few miles away from the rock formation. "NO!!!!" I heard him shout. "He cannot be mine if his soul is tainted!" The words sounded in my Wolf ears as if he were right beside me. A shrill piercing decibel accompanied it, irritating my senses slightly. {Such aggravating noises these parasites make}, I thought to myself. Suddenly, he dropped off the peak of the rock, landing below on the balls of his feet. Then, just as quickly, he sped toward the distant structure with such direction, power and speed that his footprints were imbedded in the Earth beneath him, providing a clear path to follow. {So what you seek is there, isn't it bloodsucker?} I mentally said, stating more than asking. {I wager that you have a way of tracking certain things with those glowing eyes of yours. A way of finding the 'special' Quarry in this game. Well, not anymore. I will beat you down, leech, and take him from you. As you lay broken and bleeding, I'll make you watch as I capture and fuck your target right in front of you. All this before I rip those sparkly eyes out of their sockets, squeeze them into jelly, and then end your infernal existence!} I gazed up at the Great Moon, Her radiant white body slowly turning ruby red as it coursed through the night sky. I raised a prayer in thought to the deity of my kind: {O Ancient and Eternal Moon, Divine Source of Primal Power, empower my Animal Form on this Night of the Hunter. Grant me the strength and essence of my kind to conquer and destroy any enemy in my path, especially the Vampire, enemy of my people and scourge of the darkness. He shall die slowly at my hand!} The Moonlight shone more brightly down on me, energizing my being. My form grew and shifted, my strength increasing threefold. A deep growl escaped my throat as the celestial Titan also further awakened the wild lust of the Wolf in me, my cock quickly filling with blood and swelling in girth and length. Thanking the Moon for her gift, I dug all four of my limbs into the ground. With a burst of new strength, I set off after the Vampire, following his trail to the prize they both craved.... Marcus {Seeing red......feeling darkness.....shaking all over...... so filled with......rage} The realization of what I was doing slowly floated through my head. I felt ill and I didn't even feel connected to my body. I could see what was going on before me, yes, but it was as if I were watching it from beside my body--an audience frozen in place: my Astral Niger (Astral Projection).I watched as "I" flung the one called Brett to wall beside his master Josh with the power of my mind, feeling the energy coursing through my body as if I were wielding it myself. My face was fixed in an inhuman scowl, my eyes no longer brown or red. They were both now pitch black, without white or color, pools of dark matter void of light.{How did......we get................to this?} My mind tried to make sense of everything that happened up to this point. { Can't remember......so angry} I struggled to regain control of any of my faculties, magickal or otherwise. {Focus,} I goaded myself, fighting the urge to give in to my burning wrath. {Focus......on.......Garrett} The very sound of his name recited in my head was as if someone flipped a switch, releasing power in me and mentally waking me from my clouded vision and train of thought. I was in the Time Beyond Time, watching my body and my surroundings crawling by at a snail's pace, a second lasting a minute and a minute an hour. I realized that conquering the temptation to harm another had activated a latent ability: Temporal Stasis (Habitus Temporal), the ability to slow or stop Time. How I wielded this gift through my Astral Self was a mystery to me, but not one I was gonna stop and evaluate. I looked down, finally discovering the source of this rage: an evil, thick web of Dark Energy that was seeping through my aura, attaching to my legs and slowly creeping up my body, consuming streams of gold and white light from my body in small amounts. {It's eating my Light--my Goodness,} I realized quickly, fighting to keep my awareness from clouding again. Where did this energy originate? I thought back to what I had learned, and found my question answered in seconds: Demon Magick, of a kind unknown to the human world for millenia. {This is the Old One's doing. He must be sending it from an alternate dimension. I have to break its connection fast, before it's too late.} I calmed my thoughts and focused on the power and goodness of Love, Light and Good Magick. I envisioned the Light being consumed by the Dark glowing brighter and stronger, willing it to burn away the tendrils of black matter wrapped around me. With thoughts of warmth and good will, I mentally intoned a Spell I crafted quickly in Latin: "Corrumpitur virtus, anima mea, quod nunc a me recedere. Amove malitiam a carne, cor meum et animam et mentem. Sit mihi armatura fidei lumen jam: viribus defendere et tueri, ut fiat! (Translation: Power that corrupts my soul, from my being now depart. Remove your evil from my body, my soul and mind and heart. May the Powers of Light purify me: defend and protect, so mote it be!) The glowing light of my aura, spirit and magicks burst forth, shining like a lighthouse beacon. The darkness, unable to withstand the radiance, loosened its grip on me and evaporated into nothingness around my body, cast out of my body and aura. The light resonated and pulsed within, cleansing me of any traces of the negative Demon energy. My body and powers were once again my own, time still ticking by in extreme slow-motion. The only trace of the Demon's power was a weak, hair-thin trail leading to nowhere. The Demon's dimension, I thought. It must be. As quick as any cat, I snatched the energy thread with my right hand before it could escape into the aether. I continued to focus on Love and Light, holding it fast, and one by one I summoned the power of the Four Directions, the Four Elements, and the Divine Realms. Channeling them through my hand, I concentrated on using the thread as a pathway to the its origin, namely the Demon, whose form I summoned in my mind's eye to give the Energies direction and intent: to fight against Demonic Evil. I didn't know if the Demon would be vanquished, since I knew not its true name nor had time to discover such knowledge. At best I knew the Demon would be at least weakened and/or incapacitated long enough to reinforce my Shields against it, barring it from possessing me again. The powers of Magick, Nature and the Divine flowed through me. Thoughts of my beloved flooded my mind and heart, my words fortified with strength: "Bonitas Magia voco te ab oriente, occidente, ab austro et aquilone. Aer et aqua, ignis et terra, et lux caelestis Mire addatur. Post tenebras a fonte suo, et cum divina vis vincere. Magiam bonitatis, conjuro te nunc. Servio gladius tuus, sic fiat." (Translation: Magick of Goodness, I call thee forth, from East and West, South and North. Air and Water, Earth and Fire, join with Light and Heavenly Mire. Follow the Darkness to its source, and vanquish it with Divine Force. Magick of Goodness, I now summon thee. I serve as thy sword-- so mote it be.) All the Magick I had summoned shone around me brightly, then swiftly focused into a swirling, sparkling ball within my body where my heart was beating. My spirit lifted within me, feeling the power of the World and the Universe course from my heart, across my chest, down my arm, through my hand and into the tiny thread. I watched as the dark thread turned golden and ignited in a vibrant green and blue flame as the light ball followed it back through the small portal it came from. I bid the energies to fly with the speed of Wind and Lightning to pass through the Realm between the Old One and me. In mere seconds, I felt my Spell hit its target on the other side. I could almost hear the roar of the Demon as Goodness and Light dealt a fierce blow, closing the miniature portal as it did. Reenergized with control fully reinstated again, my Shields erected with effortless ease around my mind, heart, body and soul. My aura glowed and crystallized, the weakened spots in it repaired and refined. Despite the situation that still awaited me when time was flowing correctly once again, I felt serene, peaceful, and powerful. My powers and connection to Magick continued to awe and amaze me, as they always have. {There is no limit to my ascension,} I thought. {No obstacle I cannot overcome.} I released the discarnate energies I had invoked back to their place in existence, giving thanks to each of them. Then I focused on merging once more with my physical body, slowly correcting the flow of time while starting to feel the physical sensations of my environment again. I made sure to divert enough of my energy to keep my "new friends" in their places on the wall. While I didn't want to eviscerate them anymore, I certainly wasn't ready to make friends. These people were vile, cruel and still keeping me, as well as others, imprisoned in this depraved form of entertainment. What my Garrett told me in my last dream echoed into my thoughts: "You must disrupt the Hunt and free the innocents trapped with you." ,"The werloga, the wolf among the sheep". The verses stayed in the front of my mind, cementing themselves there to keep my intent from wandering while also reminding me of Garrett's last words: Fear not my love, we shall meet again.... A ripple shook the room, the summoning and displacement of various energies vibrating through the air and whipping the wind around us as time returned to its normal flow. I shook my head lightly to adjust to the return from the Astral Plane to the physical. There I stood, my arms extended, still holding my would-be abusers against the wall with my psychic powers. They continued to stare at me, ignorant of the battle that began and ended within me, fear still prevalent in their hearts and minds. What was minutes for me was seconds to them. Picking up where I last left off with them, I completely threw them off with my shift in personality. "Consider this your lucky day, you sick fucks. I've suddenly had a change of heart, so you won't be subjected to slow and painful torture." They exchanged looks of confusion and aggravation. They turned back to me and opened their mouths to speak. Or yell, I wasn't sure. I didn't give them the chance. Before a sound could pass beyond their lips, I gestured them to seal shut as before, muting the words they were trying to form. I glared at them briefly, asserting my dominion and reminding them that nothing's changed. "I said I wasn't gonna torture you. I didn't say you could talk." They tried to open their mouths in vain, then after a moment they bowed their heads in submission. I smirked mischievously as I lowered my hands and met their stares. "Now, while I won't torture you in ways you never thought possible," I continued with the dark tone I adopted before," make no mistake: if we cross paths on these grounds again, you will both die--painfully." I locked eyes with Josh, his icy blues hazy with the lightest moisture of tears itching to spill down his cheeks. I pointed at Brett, the object of his concealed affection, who backed his head against the cement wall at the gesture. "Your precious boytoy first. I'll make you watch as his soul departs this world." With flaring nostrils and glaring eyes, he growled at me, his mind erupting with profanities against me as well as both anger and fear in his heart. {If you touch him, I will end you}...{You will suffer dearly for this}...{I will skullfuck you in your sleep, you freak}. Thoughts and images exploded from his being. I genuinely struck a nerve with my taunting and threatening of him. I exposed him for what he was in front of his precious student: a mortal man with mortal feelings and mortal limitations. I dethroned him as a God in front of others who would assume otherwise. I stared at young Brett, shivering against the cold wall, a sole stream of tears down his left cheek. "Until then, I will spare your lives," I nodded to him, trying to tell him with my eyes that the monster he just saw in me does not come out unprovoked. Some small glimmer of him seemed to understand my unspoken words, so I continued. "Do NOT confuse my mercy with weakness," I warned, "or you will learn quickly that even my mercy has its limits." I looked back to Josh. I saw his raised veins, the red of anger in his face. Glancing down, again I saw that his erection still had not gone down. By the Gods, I thought, what is with this guy? He has experienced the mystery and fury of Magick in spades and his dick is still his primary thought? Some men. Well, since I wouldn't kill or torture either of them, I would have to settle for giving this sexnut a different lesson in changing his ways. As I stared at his cock, I mentally searched my mental database of Spells, calling to mind the perfect one for this situation. "Still hard I see. Nothing that just happened can take your mind off your cock, huh?" His eyebrows fixed into another confused look. "In other words, I'm gonna give Josh Jr. there a much needed timeout." In a flash, I closed the gap between us and grasped his thick member roughly, inciting a moan from him. Brett screamed through closed lips, anxiety flaring in him. "Calm down, boy. I'm not gonna rip it off," I assured him, feeling a slight jerk from Josh at the word "rip". I met his eyes with a grin."While I'm sure with my power I could, that wouldn't teach you much, now would it?" I teased him, stroking his hard meat, rubbing under his cock's large mushroom head, hearing the groans escape him and feeling the pleasure awaken against his will. After a few minutes of arousing him, I raised power within me again, focused intent by visualizing the effect, and tightened my grip on his throbbing prick as I encanted: "Laetetur cor clausam humanitas mentis vires hic et nunc circum. Succensa est enim quasi ignis, liquor libidinis tuae, sed non potest agere in voluntatem tuam. Fascinum tuum, et non erit ultra resistere cunctis diebus quibus lustrare terram hanc. Fiat, fiat!" (Thy manhood clouds thy closed mind, so here and now its strength I bind. Thy lust will burn as liquid fire, but unable to act on thy desire. No more will thy phallus stand as long as ye traverse this land. So be it!) As I spoke the words of Magick, I felt their power manifesting through my will, working instantly on Josh as he hung there. My Empathy sensed that the fires of ecstasy in him began to ferociously blaze, causing his body to tremble and his breath to catch. At the same time, his swollen dick began to lose its length and girth, shrinking swiftly in size as he looked on in a mix of lust and horror. The Spell finished, I released my grip on his dick, now flaccid and useless, which hung shriveled from his nest of thick graying pubic hair. I could've sworn his eyes got so wide they nearly popped out of their sockets. He started to believe this was permanent and feared he'd never fuck an ass again. I laughed at his shock, then gave him my ultimatum. "Good," I said smoothly as I lifted his head by the chin to meet my gaze. "Now I've got your undivided attention for a change. You're in a little slice of Hell I'd like to call 'Sexual Limbo'. Lust of a 41-year-old sailor, but the equipment capabilities of a 6-year-old. Little Joshie there is gonna stay that way, tiny and wrinkled, for as long as you're within the boundaries of this place, for now and for always. So, if you enjoy fucking little boys as much as I suspect you do, I suggest that you take your little cockpig and leave this place and never return." His eyes darted to his lover, then to his junk, then back to me. "The moment you pass through the land's perimeter in leaving here, the Curse will lift." He was still shock, but some of his relief returned. Now to really mindfuck him. "However, just in case you're thinking about pretending to leave and then circle back to give me more grief..." I quickly decided to put a little extra insurance on his punishment. I waved my hand over his limp cock and again encanted words of Magick: "Si hoc, maledictus erit a te, ut celer admissis labitur, tunc fortitudine tua perpetuo impeditur." (Translation: If this curse be by thee unheeded, then thy virility be forever impeded.) "There, that's better. Now, if you leave and come back, the Curse will return and STAY with you. No more hot sex for Daddy-- ever. So, Joshua, do we have an understanding?" He weighed all his options in thought before me. Finding no solution, he hung his head and then nodded in defeat. "Amazing!" I exclaimed."He can be taught!" SLAM!! A set of doors slamming against the rock-hard walls echoed through the establishment, its sound reaching my ears and the vibration of force felt in my toes. I turned to the closed door. More company. More of these Hunters searching for easy prey. Enough is enough, I decided. Time to take the fight to them. I didn't know exactly how yet to defeat them all yet, especially those of Supernatural origin. Yet inside my head I swore: {But as long as I draw breath and wield Magick, I will find a way to victory and freedom.} I turned back to the wall, Josh and Brett still suspended above the floor, their gazes on each other and defeat in both their hearts. "Looks like our time together has expired, lovelies. Until we meet again- which, for your sake, had better not be soon," I told them both. Once more I raised my hand and channeled Magick upon them, this time only using one simple word: "Somnum!" (Translation: Sleep!) I saw the violet-colored glittering shine of Dream Magick sweep over their open eyes. Their exhaustion assisted in the Spell as both of their bodies slumped in relaxation, their eyes fluttering shut in deep sleep. "That should buy me some time to get out of this building," I said aloud. The Sleeping Spell would grant me at least an hour's time, two if I was lucky. I released the hold I had on their mouths and let them both slowly drop from the wall, their unconscious bodies sliding down to the floor. Brett laid on his side while Josh stayed propped up against the wall, his tiny member sitting uselessly between his legs. Their minds were no longer here, but each in their respective Land of Dreams, shifting restlessly as the images and scenes in their heads enticed them into deeper slumber. "I hope your Dreams teach you more than Life apparently has," I said to them softly. SLAM!!! Who or WHATever was making that noise was getting closer to my position very fast. {I have to get out of this building,} I told myself. {Outside I'll be closer to the Elements and the Moon, and then my powers will give me an advantage against most if not all my opponents.} Another Spell emerged from my memory: a minor Teleportation Spell to move a short distance. It wouldn't get me back home, but at least I'd be outside. SLAM!!!! It was coming closer. Could it be the Vampire who brought me here? The sounds and speed of his coming grew louder and louder, coming to a dead silence just outside the room. I held my breath, hoping my stillness and lack of sound would deter my new pursuer. The knob rattled and turned slightly, its lock and sturdiness amplified by the Barrier Spell I placed on it earlier. Unable to budge the lock, the person outside let go of the knob. Not a single sound was heard for several minutes. BAM!!! The sound of something blunt crashed against the door, bending the metal door inward and causing the Magick upon it to ripple and strain. BAM!!! BAM!!! BAM!!! Each blow bent the metal inward toward the room. The position and repetition of the blows told me that this was Supernatural strength behind closed fists. It must be him. While the Barrier was strong, it wouldn't hold for much longer. Out of time, I quickly imagined the scents, sights and feelings of a natural setting and quickly cast: "Eripe me de hoc aedificium, et salvum natura!" (Translation: Take me out of this structure, and bring me safely to Nature!) In one moment, the Magick of the Barrier shattered like glass and faded away as I felt power and energy swirl around me and pick up speed. Just as the door was punched off his hinges and flew across the room toward me and I closed my eyes, the swirling vortex engulfed me before the door hit and transported me from the cold prison to somewhere else with an explosion of energy and displaced air. Where I was going I was not fully sure, but it was close by and outside on the grounds, where Hunters and unknown dangers lie waiting on the road ahead.... *Writer's Note: To get back to Garrett, his true love, Marcus still must face many obstacles before they can be reunited. 1.)The Hunters, both human and Supernatural, seeking to capture and use him for their own carnal pleasures and (as he is the 'special' Quarry, a fact known only by Nephelim, Jarek and now Taven) any one wish from the seemingly all-powerful Nephelim who was viewing these events hidden in darkness. 2.) His captor, the Vampire, who seeks to possess him- in every sense of the word, for reasons yet to be revealed. 3.) The Wolf, who seeks to possess him to spite his Vampire rival. 4.)The various traps dotted throughout the grounds, which can either help or hinder him. 5.) The task of finding and protecting all the innocents trapped with him on the estate. The list goes on. Will Marcus succeed over his oppressors and gain his freedom or will he succumb to the dark passion of this dangerous game of cat and mouse? Stick around, sex cravers! There's magick to be done! Next time- Part VII: The Witch's Task and the Vampire's Curse __________________________________________________________
  4. Thank you. Didn't think I'd get this far on it. But more is on the way.
  5. *Writer's Note: Hey all. I know I'm throwing a lot of chapters, perspectives and dialogue at you, but my inspiration tends to veer in different directions, not all of it erotic. This one, however, should prove to be very hot, and may shed some light on any questions as well as introduce another perspective or two. Thanks for sticking with me this far, and input is always welcome. Now, where were we? The Hunt- Part V: Hunter's Moon Taven, the Wolf I sprinted towards the open entrance. Already the changes in my body began as I stripped off my clothes. My hatred for that impudent fucking bloodsucker was replaced by my unquenchable thirst for flesh, both to fuck AND to rend with my teeth. I could feel my mortal form shifting and reforming, bones breaking and mending with lightning speed, my mind surrending to the beast within. My face and nose began to lengthen and shape into a snout, my jaws stretching in size, my teeth now sharp as daggers and increasing size, and my ears becoming pointed as my sense of hearing magnified. Coarse, dark brown fur sprouted from every part of my body as it doubled in height and strength, my arms billowing in girth, granting the ability to hold my prey fast in an iron grip. My hands widened as well, the fingernails becoming black and morphing into the claws that can penetrate steel. A powerful jump into the air as I reached the open doors of the mansion allowed my legs the chance to change and become the muscular legs of a wolf, increasing my speed exponentially, my agility and reflexes at enhanced levels. A thick tail sprouted from my lower back to complete my transformation. Now a fully-formed Lycanthrope, I inhaled the night air into my more powerful lungs and I let out an earsplitting 'HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWL' up towards the luminous Moon, my kind's sacred symbol, a nexus of our power and might. Still possessing my intelligence and restraint (only possible through years of discipline), I began to reach out with my eyes, nose and ears. I saw as the humans, the clumsy Giant and horned up Satyr scattered in all directions. The humans paired up naturally and headed toward the distant structures. They always did go for the 'strength in numbers' mentality their kind liked to comfort themselves with. The thumping of the Giant faded into the nearby tree grove he ventured toward, while the Satyr darted into the labyrinth off to the eastern point of the grounds. My nose suddenly caught a scent, which quickly whipped by me in a blur of speed, unseen to the human eye. The smell of ice and death, and halted decay. I snarled in fury. {That leech,} I thought angrily, unable to speak words in this form. {How dare he- }I began to mentally fume, but reeled my feelings in as I detected his movements and path. The Quarry were already begin to spread out in the grounds, afraid and oblivious to their fate. Easy pickings, even for a Vampire. But he showed no interest. One of them even came into the open, directly in his reach- but he ignored him, whipping past him at a speed that sent the boy flying back to the ground.{What is he looking for?} I asked myself. {What does he know that I don't?}I began to follow his path, following his horrid stink across the grounds, keeping just out of range of his senses so that he suspected nothing. Whatever or whoever he was looking for, I would take it from him first. Merely for the sport of it. To prove between us which species was dominant. To prove myself the Supreme Hunter by defeating, outmatching and killing this arrogant flea....... Marcus, [Minutes before the Hunt begins] I huddled in a corner of my cell, slowly working the sharp chicken bone against my brand, hoping to disrupt its hold over me. The skin was still sensitive from being scarred by fire, but the pain motivated me to work more quickly. I scratched with the sharp edge, drawing blood, trying to remove every part of this binding spell. After half of it was scratched and oozing blood and fluid, I began to feel better than I was, feeling my body re-energizing and my sight expanding. I paused to see if my attempts made progress. I reached my hand out at the plastic tray on the floor before me, focusing my mind. Nothing at first. I kept trying, willing with all the focus and desire I could muster. Suddenly, the tray began to move. It was slow and sporatic, but it was moving! "Thank the Gods," I said aloud. Inspired by my success, I continued to scratch away at the sigil, ignoring the pain and focusing on obtaining my freedom. All of a sudden, I heard mechanical sounds coming from the door, the creek of locks and bolts releasing, unhinging. I steeled my nerves to defend myself, preparing for who or whatever was about to enter. The door slowly opened, its hinges creeking from age-- to an empty doorway. There was no one there. No kind of guard standing watch. Not even those strange lackeys 'Green Eyes' sent after me. I got up and slowly approached the quiet hallway, any nearby sound muffled by thick walls. There was no one there. A glimmer of light out of my peripheral caught my eye. The locks on the old doors were recently replaced. I entered the hall, still on guard and looked in every direction, then glanced above my door. Between the top of the door and the ceiling, I spotted some kind of wire transmitter jutting out above my door, its end emitting a steady red light. [Must be some kind of locking door, activated elsewhere by remote control,] I thought, knowing already deep down that I was right. My other psychic faculties began to take roots within me once more, boosting my confidence and desire for liberation from this place.I started down the long hallway, dimly lit with fluorescent lights that flickered on and off incessantly. My eyes began to adjust to the flux in lighting, which was much brighter than the light in my prison. [How long was I unconscious? How long was I in that room?]The questions flooded my mind. There's never a sense of time when you're caged, no matter how long or short a time it is. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWL! My thoughts stopped dead in their tracks as a bone-chilling howl echoed through the hall, so strong I felt the vibration of the sound waves in the walls. I didn't know what the hell that was, but it definitely wasn't human. Or animal, for that matter. Almost sounded like- "Help!" My thoughts were disrupted once more by this muffled cry, much closer to me than the howl's origin. I focused, trying to cast out my senses to find its source. "Hello?" I called out cautiously, not wanting to draw any attention to myself. I moved steathily forward, aware of my surroundings, my hearing much clearer. "Help Me!" A man's voice called out again, this time closer. "Hello?" I called louder, seeking response. I turned right down another hall. "Who's there? GET ME OUT OF HERE!" The voice was coming from the room ahead of me, its door swung wide open as mine was. I slowly peeked through the entrance. Inside was a man, late twenties or early thirties, white freckled skin, dirty blond hair and golden brown eyes, bound and locked in chains between two metal poles and what looked like a giant metal ring which matched his height and width (it reminded almost of a modified man-sized gyroscope to me), naked with his legs spread wide open in the midst of the room. I nearly mistook him for a her until I saw his flaccid cock poking out barely from his bushy pubes (had this not been a possible life-or-death situation, I would've made a wisecrack about his junk, but now's not the time). "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" I asked of him. "My arms and legs are numb, but not hurt, and I am NOT alright! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!" he screamed, struggling against his bindings. "OK! No need to shout!Just stay calm, and let me see what I can do." I hurried over to him, tugging at his chains, finding them sturdy and taut. The skin of his wrists was ice-cold from the manacles, as were his wrists. He must've been there longer than me. "Who did this to you?" I asked as I studied the contraption looking for a release. "I-I-I don't know. I was heading home to my wife from my buddy's after a couple beers, and the next thing I knew I woke up here." he said, trying to keep calm in spite of the circumstances. While I worked to free him, I cast my combined telepathy and empathy (which combined we'll call 'telempathy' for short), both of which were beginning to function properly again. His fear and uncertainty was legit, but his thoughts rambled on, speaking of a more colorful tale-- {..had some beer, couple shots, a few lines of coke, then sucked him off and fucked him when he passed out. Wonder if they took the money and stash I stole from...} Ugh! I couldn't hear anymore. Just as I figured: typical married, "straight" man. People. "How long you been in here?" I broke the mind link, trying to hide both my disgust and irritation. "I don't know. Last time I checked my phone, it was Wednesday night, I think. The 12th." Doing some quick math, remembering the date I saw last before this place: "It's sometime after the 19th, so you've been here about a week." A sudden wave of fear rolled through him. "Did you hear that noise a few mintues ago? It sounded like a hound from Hell!" His breathing became faster as he thought about it. " Yeah I heard it too. Don't know for sure what it was, but I think I have a fairly good idea. But let's worry about that when we get to it. There's gotta be a way to break these." "I've been trying for days and they won't budge. I think they knocked me out with something here and there, though. I first woke up on the-" My ears, as sharp and sensitive as before, detected the sound of movement. "Shush!" I quickly cut him off. The approach of footsteps echoing in the hallway cut him off and rendered us both mute. I looked at him firmly, holding my finger to my mouth, which he understood to keep shut. I mouthed silently but clearly: "I'll be back. Stay calm." He protested briefly, but obliged. I tiptoed to the doorway, carefully looking for signs of approach. All clear so far, so I step out slowly, out of the enchained guy's line of sight. A moment later, shadows began to dance and ripple on the wall of the hallway to my left. Someone was coming. No time to think of an offensive strike, and I had no idea what I was dealing with yet, so I decided to play defense and keep out of sight. This guy would serve to distract them. I would've hated myself for it if I hadn't gotten that glimpse of this creep's true nature. If there's one thing I actually hate in this world, it's people who take advantage of others who can't defend themselves. Maybe they'll give him a dose of his own medicine. Summoning within my returning magick, I whispered carefully with intent: "Sim defensus ab oculi elit. Invisibiliter et mente." (English: Shield me from the eyes that find. Out of sight and out of mind.) Relief slowly creeped over me as a veil of magick encircled me and bent the light around me, making me invisible to these strangers. I backed away from the room and into a far corner of the hall just to be safe. The shadows grew taller, their bodies getting closer to turning the corner, their distant voices growing louder and clearer. Be ready in will, I said to myself, but cautious in action. Don't strike or cast until you know what you're dealing with..... Jarek It happens in a split second, stopping me in my tracks. Gone. Vanished. He couldn't be dead. Impossible I would've sensed it, or at least his fear if he were being attacked. I looked back in my mind where I had sensed him before as well as the movements of my opponents. The mangy mutt was still tracking the path behind me, clearly still believing that I was unaware of his presence. He underestimates my power, the arrogant furball. The Satyr took off into the labyrinth, his syrinx softly playing an Ancient Grecian tune, its tones drawing his intended audience into his grasp like moths to flame. The Giant, deep in the dark tree grove, cries ringing out from the unfortunate souls who ventured within, their bodies too fragile to handle the strength and might of the Colossal's lust. The Demon and his lover were no doubt on a parellel dimension, ravishing each other. The closest persons I sensed even remotely near his holding cell were all human: one of the collected Quarry and two of the Hunters I saw back in the Hall: a leather-clad master and his slave, also leather-clad. The others were running to and fro like rats in a maze.What happened to him? He cannot be gone, I told myself. Suddenly I remembered from his earlier capture: He also disappeared from my senses, in the downtown city we found him, until he reappeared at the tree park. So that means he must've- [Very good, Witch,] I smiled and thought to myself. [You found a way around the Ligans Ad Signum (Binding Seal) and cloaked yourself again. This will truly be an exhilarating Hunt for me. Not merely fulfilling my desires at this stage in the game. But the chase, the final battle and the inevitable conquering- only makes the blood tastes even sweeter--] Master Josh and his Progeny Brett "God, this is such a fucking rush!!!" I growled loudly to my Boy and protege, close at my boot heels as I strolled down the hall. "It's been too long since we've pumped our spunk inside fresh, tight holes that fight all they can against us. Makes me cum so fucking hard! Not like those loosened-up sluts back home, right Boy?" "Yes, Sir," my submissive boy answered promptly. I was proud. I trained him well. Normally I'd leave all my boys at home for something like this under the care of other masters, but his progress through my rigorous training, which most of my other boys failed, earned him a reserved place at my side, at home and on this cryptic adventure. The e-mail invite was too tempting to resist: THE HUNT: A GATHERING OF DEVIANTS AND PERVERTS, BROUGHT TOGETHER FOR ONE THING: POZ BREEDING AND SEEDING! We invite you to join us for a night of Lust and Debauchery, on the night of the Hunter's Moon (10/20/2014), to fulfill your darkest desires to track down bottoms gathered from every corner of the world and fill them with your cum, whether they like it or not. No safe words, no rules- ANYTHING GOES!!! WE ALSO OFFER MONETARY INCENTIVE: Bring a bottom or versatile bottom (however possible, NEG bottoms preferred) to add to the group of the HUNTED, and receive $250,000 IN CASH, with payment given upon arrival at the estate, as well as a special and unique GRAND PRIZE for the most successful participant! You may also bring one (1) additional guest to participate in the tracking, catching and FUCKING of the prey! Send a direct reply to this e-mail to R.S.V.P. and receive directions and additional information. You will be given a luxury suite at the host's secluded estate FREE OF CHARGE prior to the event. JOIN US, AND SURRENDER TO THE DARK BEAST WITHIN!!! It sounded too good to be true, but sure enough, after replying, a message was sent giving directions and general "guidelines" of the host's estate- until the Hunt took place, that is. Then it was anything goes 'til dawn. I decided this was the perfect opportunity to start kicking up my Boy's training: going from satisfying my EVERY need and taking my toxic loads, to releasing the twisted fantasies I inspired in him, letting him spread his own hot seed to other hungry bottoms that are just like he was when he first crawled over to me, barely 18 then, to my stool at the leather bar and offered himself to me. After shoot load after load of my virus deep inside him, he was mine to command, and he was only too happy to do it. He was still a young boy yet, barely 25 compared to my 41. Somewhat of a wild buck at first until I straightened him out, but with an unexpected imagination for depravity that rivalled men 3 times his age and experience. While I stood 6'1" at 200 lbs (pure fitness-sculpted, suntanned muscle [legs, arms, chest , stomach and round ass] from my gym rat days) with salt/pepper hair neatly trimmed around with a matching goatee and chest hair, blue-eyed, gifted with a 10x5" uncut cock (which my Boy couldn't help but slobber on, suck, impale himself on and drain whenever I permitted him, after some begging, of course), he was a sturdy 5'9", 170 lbs (slim/athletic build), brown hair (kept trim, body smoothly shaven to my liking), brown-eyed with a 8x5" cut piece of meat (which he was quickly learning to use on the other junior Boys I kept). 6 hot, wild, cum-filled years later, here we are, dressed in our best leathers (Me: peaked cap, vest, harness, arm and wrist bands, jock, chaps, boots/ Him: harness, collar [with a metal hoop for leashes], wrist bands, jock, chaps and boots) and playing in the big leagues. I had never been so hard in all my life! Before we turned right down the corridor, I turned back to him, hooked my index finger through the loop of his collar and pulled him close, giving him a rough, sloppy kiss: the kind he loved, which cause his erection to stand at attention in his thin, leather jock. After some heavy groping and lip licking, he was more hot, bothered and short of breath than I was. "That's my Boy! Make me proud today! Keep an eye out for those holes. Got it?" I commanded. "Yes, Master Joshua. I will, sir!" he replied formally. CLINK! I heard it from around the corner and jerked my head up. He heard it too, nodding as I looked back to him, a smile spreading across our faces. I held my index finger up to my lips (shhhh) and moved slowly to the edge of the wall. I held my finger up and mouthed "stay", to which he mutely nodded. I'll get the drop on my first one tonight, I pictured, and lunged around the corner, letting out a low snarl. Too soon. Nobody there. I didn't give up. I prowled slowly, like a carnivore hunting for its next kill, and found the door open to the only visible room in the hall. Taking my cap off, slowly peaking in head first,my gaze caught a very welcoming sight. A scared twenty-something freckled little white boy, wide light brown eyes, stark naked, his shriveled cock almost hidden in his bush of dark blond pubes that matched the hair on his head. He jumped and shook when he saw my face there, his eyes red, probably from crying like a bitch. "Please help me. Get me out of here." His voice cracked and broke as he struggled at the chains holding him in what looked like a big gyroscope frame and gimbal, with him making up the spin axis and rotor. Like a little chained-down present, all ready and waiting for us. An appetizer before the buffet. My face turned into a devilish grin, standing tall as I put my cap back on, stepping into full view and displaying my leather for him. His face quickly draining of any hope had, the little bitch's eyes begin to slowly water as the realization dawned on him: we were NOT with Search & Rescue. "Hey Boy! Come here! Get a load of this!" He came promptly, took one look at the prisoner before us, and began to chuckle and smile with what could only be described as pure glee at the sight. I liked the way he looked when one of his freakish scenarios was flashing through his devilish mind. I created a monster with imagination in him. I stood behind my boy, grinding my pelvis against his ass, my rock hard cock rubbing through the leather of my jock on his hairless ass, occasionally grazing between his cheeks, on his smooth and tight hole. He reached behind, massaging my neck with his right hand and my bicep with his left. I nibbled on his neck, right on the carotid, his body shivering in response. We began circling around him-me going one way, my Boy in another as we teased and taunted our prey, watching his occasional but futile bouts of desperation. Again and again he tried to break free from his bindings, realizing, by mere instinct alone it seemed, what was about to occur. A "please let me go" here, a " don't touch me" there- sweet music to my ears. Finally, getting annoyed and impatient from his whiny noises, I drew my open palm back. CRACK! "SHUT UP!" I barked at him, the echo of the slap rang out, silencing the whiner, and causing my Boy to jump with both pleasure and surprise, his breath catching in his throat. He loved seeing and hearing me get physical with the tricks and the other boys, even if he was left out. He wouldn't become jealous or feel ignored of the many partners we encountered daily, whether they be my bitches or the mystery 'johns' I would set up for him. The perfect Boy. But, childhood has to end eventually. "Brett," I said firmly. He stopped completely, slowly raising his eyes from the sniffling cumbucket, meeting my gaze with his wide brown eyes, a shred of recognition igniting within him. I have never, ever, in all these years he's been with me used his real name. I always called him Boy, #1 Boy or Head Boy, but never his birth-given name. "Yes, sir?" he said, softly. "The time has come. You are no longer one of my Boys-" to which I quickly added due to the hurt look on his face,"-but here and now, you are a Man." His mind put at ease, his body relaxed again. "Your first task as a Man-" I said while reaching into my inner vest pocket and pulled out a ball gag, which I quickly jammed into the mouth of the captive before us ignoring his protest,"to split this bitch open with your Man cock. Fuck and pound it 'til it bleeds! Shoot your venomous load deep inside. You get it nice and opened up for me, ok?" Each request ellicited a whimper or muffled cry from the boy, each answered with a open-handed smack to the his face or a quick and sharp tweak of one of his already hardened nipples- which served to turn my new Man on further."Yes, Mas-" he started, but I quickly held up a finger, cutting him short. "A Man has no Master but himself. You will discover this in time. Manhood-" I emphasized to Brett as I glared at the cowering bitch boy, "is earned, not given. From now on, you can address me as your equal. Just Josh- or Joshua. But no more Master or Sir. Alright?" He grinned, feeling on top of the world. "Yes S- I mean, Sure-Josh," he tried out his newfound freedom, that wicked little smile never leaving his face."Good. Alright, enough of this mushy bullshit. Get to work, Brett. We only got 'til before dawn so let's make 'em count." "HELL YEAH!" he barked. "First, let's get this boy hole into a better position for you," I offered. Having experience with fuck racks like this, a quick study of the contraption revealed a hidden set of buttons on each side. These brought the top half of the circle, along with the boy's arms, down to a bent-over position that locked in place. "That's better," I grunted. The bitch continued to whimper through his gag, trying to form words, but his cry fell on deaf ears. "Shut it, twat," I gruffly said, back handing him then grabbing a fist of his hair and looked him in the eyes, now puffy and red from his tears. "My Boy is becoming a Man today, and YOU WILL take his load- then you'll take my fuckstick whether you like it or not. I like my bitch's holes open and sloppy with cum." I glanced over to Brett, little doubt that all our years together prepared him for this moment. "You know what to do. Make me proud." Brett unbuttoned his jockstrap, freeing the throbbing rod within. Already leaking precum, he slapped his meat on the hole before him, making the bitch jump. He spit on two fingers and started rubbing and pushing into his hole, opening his tight chute. His struggling renewed, trying in vain to escape. Brett gripped him by his waist and continued to finger his pussy hole. The screams of pain caused by his short but sharp nails, scraping and opening the walls inside like I taught him. He pulled his fingers out roughly, briefly plunging in with three digits and yanking them out again. He held them up, smiling at the thin traces of blood and ass juice he found. "Very good. He's ready." I said, unsnapping my own jock, my long and thick cock flexing up and down as I slowly stroked it. I started edging as I watch Brett work, leaning against the wall off to the side and taking in the view of my progeny. A final glob of spit hit his cock as he lined his cock head with the hole. He looked right at me, with that shit-eating grin and glint in his eye. He thrust inside all at once. No waiting to adjust or open up. Bitch Boy screamed, saliva and mucus bubbling around the gag. "There you go. Yeah! That's what a real Man's cock feels like, bitch! You're hole's nice and tight, fucker. (*smack to the back of the head*) But not for long. It's gonna be so torn after we're through, you'll never walk right again." This was hot. I couldn't have scripted it any hotter. Brett had a very creative vocabulary and a vivid imagination. He drove his cock into the bitch hole without mercy. No breaks, no slowing down- nothing but hard and long strokes, pulling out all the way then slamming back in. Over and over and over, slapping his ass harder and harder. Blood began to trickle down the inside of his thigh, making my dick even harder. This bitch's hole was being fucked raw and bloody, which only made my new Man pump his hole harder. After nearly a half hour, Brett yanked his cock out, wet and tinged with blood. "Very nice," I told him, driven crazy from edging and breathing heavy. "Finish him off." "You got it." He jammed it back in and began pounding that crevice like a jackhammer. His breathing got shorter, his grip on the boy's waist got tighter. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum," he growled. "DO IT! FILL THAT HOLE!" I shouted. Every muscle in his body tightened. "FUUUUUCK!!!" His shouts echoed through the halls as he slammed into that hole once more, shuddering as his balls emptied their venom into our prey, passed out from pain and exhaustion. "You fucked him to sleep! I'm very impressed!" "Well, I had the best of teachers after all," he winked at me. My pride was interrupted briefly as I saw a glowing line appear on his chest."What the fuck?" I asked as I pointed at this strange mark. He followed my gaze and saw the same, the line glowing like fire and then fading into black: what looked like a thick tally line. "What is that?" he asked. The puzzle clicked together quickly from our host's last words to us."Well, that Nephelim character did say it was impossible to fake our numbers at the end. Looks like this is what he meant." "This is some fucked-up shit, man. First those other players, whatever they are, and now this. It's freaky, but so fucking cool!" he said. "Twisted," I answered."Well, the rules say you still get a point even if you're not the first, so looks like you're up." he offered the battered hole to me, wiping himself off with a hankerchief he kept."Yes indeed," I chuckled. I slapped the bitch's ass, rousing him out of his stupor. "Wake up, boy! That was just round one. Ding, ding! Round two!" I spit on my hand, lubing my cock and aiming it right for that abused fuckhole. Suddenly, my body halted. My mind was screaming at my body to obey, but I couldn't move! I tried to force my body forward but I was stuck there! "Josh? Josh, what's-" Brett began as he started to walk toward me. Suddenly, Brett was flung across the room by some unseen force, his head smacking hard against the concrete wall before falling to the floor. "Brett!" I cried. "What the fuck is this?!" Frozen in place, I struggled and ordered my body to obey me. "You can't move, Joshua." The voice came from nowhere, hidden from sight. "Who's that? WHERE ARE YOU?!! SHOW YOURSELF!!!" "Ok," the voice replied. The air before me began to ripple, shimmer and shift, like a reflective veil coming down, slowly revealing the face and body of a young man standing in front of me. {This short little twat is doing this to me?'} I asked myself. Barely 5'10", average build, mid twenties if I had to guess. Mocha colored skin, brown eyes and black hair. His hand was outstretched before him toward me. "Hey," he barked at me, stirring my rage further. No one talks to ME like that. "This short little twat just floored your little hellspawn, so I'd curb that tongue of yours." I was seething. The fucker was reading my mind! "Who the fuck are you, and what did you do to me?" I demanded of him. He smirked at me."Me? I'm Marcus. As for what I'm doing, we'll get to that. But first I want answers, and you're gonna give 'em to me- whether you like it or not." *Writer's Notes: Well, Marcus has gone on the offensive. Interesting. Don't you just love these plot curves? Stay tuned, readers. Next time- Part VI: The Hunted Rise
  6. The Hunt- Part IV: The Hunter's Gathering Marcus I must've dozed off. I woke up in a field of wildflowers on a breezy summer day. I knew this was a dream. Witches are naturally adept at telling the difference between the real world and the Dreamtime, as it is known to some. I looked around and saw my beloved Garrett standing feet away. 'Garrett!' I cried out. We embraced and kissed. So passionately, the Sun above us began to heat the landscape. Suddenly he broke our kiss and looked me straight in the eye. 'I haven't much time, my love. I've been given one chance to help you and this is the only way you will survive.' 'What do you mean? Where are you? Are you ok--' the questions billowed out of me, but he cut me off. 'There's no time to go into all that. You cannot let these people complete the Hunt. You must disrupt it and help the innocents trapped with you.' 'But how?' I asked. 'My powers are gone.' 'Not gone, suppressed. You can revive them.' Suddenly my arm began to sting- right where I was branded, my memory told me. Slowly he began to fade away. 'NO! Please don't leave yet!' I cried. 'Beware of the werloga, the wolf among the sheep. Fear not, my love. We shall meet again...' I woke in a sweat and short of breath. I had hoped it was all a dream and that I was back home with Garrett. No, I was stuck in the same dingy cell that I was put in. God, there had to be a way out of this. Then the dream came back. My arm! I touch the sensitive brand, still healing. There had to be some way of breaking this binding. I began to scour around for anything sharp that I might use to at least scrape a part of the brand away. When a sigil like this is altered or broken, it loses its power. The spark of hope within me rekindled, my desire to be reunited with Garrett keeping me going. The door rattled, causing me to jump back in defense, ready to strike. A small opening slid open in the lower part of the door, sliding through a plastic tray with what appeared to be baked chicken, mashed potatoes and carrots with clear plastic utensils. A small bottle of water rolled in after it, and then the opening shut quickly. Now I know for a fact that they wanted me alive, at least for now. They probably wouldn't feed me otherwise. Then it hit me. Chicken has bones. Bones can be sharpened. I took up the tray of food, making a show of eating. I figured I was probably being watched in some form, so I had to be sneaky about this to pull it off. I ate ravenously, deliberately snapping the chicken in half to get all the meat from it. As luck would have it, one of them snapped in just the right way to create a sharp edge. Perfect, I smiled in thought. Jarek I flipped through my old copy of Malleus Maleficarum, studying up on my Witch lore, my naked body spattered with blood. The slave had come back as I instructed. After breeding him a second AND third time, my bloodlust got the better of me. His now pale and cold body lay there beside me, his neck perforated by the punctures of my fangs. It made no difference to me. After all, Nephelim did say 'do as you wish' and he had a plethora of other obedient slaves to serve him. Which reminded me. I rose from the bed and took in hand a velvet rope hanging nearby from the ceiling. A gentle tug produced the ringing of a bell. Within moments, Dagon was gently knocking at my door, his heart beat only slightly elevated. I pondered a moment: Strange, most humans have a faster beat when working to get through a house as big as this, adding to the mystery and identity of his master that continued to elude me. "Come in," I said. Dagon opened the door and bowed low. "What can I do for you, Master Jarek?" he said as he raised his eyes to me. I pointed to the bed. Dagon straightened and went to examine the body. My first thought was that he would warn me that Nephelim would not be pleased. His apathetic reply to the scene before him declared otherwise: "Such a shame. He would've made such a fine servant." He began to caress the body's frame almost sensually. "While it is not necessary for me to sleep" I spoke, waking him out of his necromantic fantasy," I would like this cleaned up." "Of course, sir. I was just coming to see you. The rest of the invited party have arrived. Nephelim requests your attendance in the Great Hall. The festivities are about to begin." "I see." I replied, and with lightning speed, I cleaned myself off with a towel and put on clothes, favoring black for a color as usual. As I strode out the door, Dagon was already quickly at work wrapping up the boy's lifeless body in the sullen bedding, and other slaves were hurrying in to assist with cleaning supplies in hand. I made my way through the house to the Great Hall, along with other men and beings of various body types and garb. A good share of them were human, their scent easily recognizable and each one unique. My eyes were drawn to one who was much taller than I. Much taller than any of us. A half Giant, I realized. I had thought the world was void of their kind. Wide, sullen eyes, thick arms, torso and legs, with a short but tussled mane of hair growing from his head. He seemed like an ancient and prehistoric form of man prior to Homo sapien, only taller and far stronger than many beings I've ever encountered. I pitied the poor soul that encountered this leviathan during this event. Surely the human quarry would perish from the assault he would bring their fragile bodies. Behind this behemoth, I spotted another rarity of the Supernatural world: a Satyr. The muscular and hairy face, chest, arms, and swinging erect phallus of a man with the horns, legs and short tail of a black goat, his face set in a cocky smirk, a syrinx(pan pipes) tied to his waist. My eyes noticed a bright aura emanating from them, indicating some form of enchantment was placed upon them. No doubt to help draw in unwilling or frightened people for him to ravish. It was said that Satyrs were always wanting sex, prepared for more even after they've had sex countless times. My awe of these mythical beings was disrupted by a scent that stung my nose and began to slowly boil my blood in a muted rage. I recognized it instantly, reminded deeply of an ancient feud that began long before even my human life and continued on to this very day: a Lycanthrope (Werewolf or Lycan, as is the popular term), a natural and particular enemy of mine as well as most of my kind. While different breeds of them (others being panther, tiger, etc., collectively called Weres or the Two Natured) were found scarcely across the world, Wolves were most prominent in number, ferocity and duplicity, turning even on their own kind if it served their own agenda. While some covens and tribes have found ways to coexist, others it seemed were naturally meant to be at war with each other. The source of the acrid odor came from the man coming up behind me. A man of my height and build, though darker in his complexion. I knew not his name or his nature, but I detested him immediately. It was without question that the feeling was mutual. His eyes flashed a primal yellow as he snarled and sneered at me, grabbing at his swollen crotch as he did so. Ignore the primitive little dog, I said to myself. While there was to be no vendettas settled in our hosts' house, the grounds outside were a different matter. Just give me a reason, I thought at him, my face set in stone. I turned back from him, keeping my eye on my prize rather than foolish pride. We all arrived together at the Hall doors, which swung open before us by some unseen presence. Upon a dark throne sat our host, Nephelim, whose shadowed form gazed upon us with unseen eyes. We all entered the Hall, found a place to stand before him and bowed. The Giant got down on one knee and bowed. The Werewolf kneeled down and bowed with his hands balled into fists upon the ground. No matter which way they bowed, it was to pay homage and respect to this being of power. "Welcome, one and all!" his voice boomed throughout the Great Hall. "Before we begin, my servants will assist me in calling forth our final guest." His hand gestured toward his left, where we saw a group of five of his slaves, all cloaked in black, standing at the points of a pentagram etched into the floor. They all suddenly produced ceremonial daggers, athames, which they all pierced their left palms with. Blood dripped onto the diagram before them. It was calling to me again, enticing my bloodlust to rekindle. Nephelim began to speak in a dark and ancient language, thick with malice, as he gestured towards the pentagram. Those with the eyes able to see saw the blood moving on its own, filling in the etching upon the floor. Suddenly the aroma that was usually alluring to me turned sour and rank, like the coagulated blood of the dead warmed thrice over. The slaves slowly back away as smoke, fire and darkness billowed up from the wide crevice that opened in the etching. They didn't get far, however, as the darkness formed prehensile tendrils which grasped them tightly and dragged them kicking and screaming down below, the echo of their cries sounding in my ears for several moments. Sacrifices, I realized. The rituals and use of this primal dark magick usually required a steep price. A column of fire soon erupted, nearly blinding the lot of us. I took a moment from the sight to glance over toward Nephelim. Maybe the light of this hellfire could produce the face of our host. Nothing. The darkness hid his face from me. A deafening roar from the column drew my attention back. The fire began to ebb away, revealing one of the most feared yet desired beings in existence- a pure bred Demon. Not one of the modern-day, watered down, hybrid Demons that can only possess other beings on this plane. This was one of the original breed, the Old Ones that existed long before the creation of man, their power surpassed only by the Gods. Every being in that Hall connected to the Supernatural could feel it. His form began to shift, no doubt of his own accord. His form shifted through several features before settling on an appearance. Dark hair, eyes that became a piercing blue, skin which mixed evenly to a soft, cream-colored human shade. The fires subsided, and the crevice closed up as if it had never opened. The Demon slowly descended down from levitating above us to touch down softly on the etching that helped to bring him forth. His body sculpted as if from marble, hard features and strong stance. Strong pecs and abs leading down to a thick, hanging cock, which no doubt tripled in size when erect. These Demons were known in all lore as 'destructive lovers' being that any mortal who tried to mate with them was killed in the process. One of their many descendants is the Incubus- one of whom was gathered with us in that Hall, obviously possessing a human host, only discernable from a human by his bright red eyes and the sharp devil horns protuding from his wavy black hair, his head bowed lower than all of us at the sight of his ancestral brethren, which soon proved to be much more than that. The Demon moved with speeds faster than mine over to his kin, gesturing him to rise. He did so, and the two embraced like long-divided lovers, kissing deeply and passionately before us. "Bael, I bid you welcome to my house," Nephelim interrupted. Bael broke the kiss, touching the face of his kin gently. The skin of the human he possessed burned slightly from the touch of the Old One, an event unnnoticed by his admiring Incubus. Even though they possess humans and use their faculties and functions, Demons, hybrid or pure, feel no pain unless brought on by magick or exorcism. "Nephelim," Bael bowed slightly to our host, his words resounding like a chorus of voices speaking in unison, emitting different pitches and tones; some distinct, others a whisper. "It has been too long. I thank you for inviting me, and reuniting me with Caelus, my bethrothed. I see that the mortal realm has been kind to you." So these two knew each other, I realized. Another question answered about our host. Obviously inhuman, powerful, skilled in the Black Arts, and acquainted with a pure Demon, the last sighting of one being nearly 3,000 years ago from the ancient tomes I studied during my long life. I filed what I had witnessed in the back of my mind to be pondered later. Nephelim chuckled deeply and replied, "It has indeed, and now, the gathering of the new breed of deadly and virulent Hunters and the imprisoned Quarry is complete, and just in time. All your service fees are paid in full for your part in making this tradition of perversion a reality once more. Now the Hunter's Moon begins to rise in the sky." As he spoke of it, the curtain of one of the Hall's grand windows drew apart unaided, revealing the luminous Hunter's Moon, which now began to slowly eclipse, a small sliver of it taking on a copper-red hue. I spotted out of the corner of my eye the Wolf, twitching and shuddering at the sight. Their kind has always been empowered by the Moon, I remembered. While it was intriguing to others, I personally found it unimpressive. "The time is upon us. You have been selected to participate in a competition of masculinity, strategy and debauchery. Dagon, open the doors and release the Quarry." Dagon appeared from the shadows, pulled back his left jacket sleeve, and pressed a button on a device worn on his wrist. The doors leading out onto the estate swung open, the early evening air rushing in, bringing in the smells and sounds of the coming twilight. In the distance, at a range far beyond that of a human's, I heard the collective unlatching of doors and bolts. The captives had been released. My fangs shot out in anticipation. Others growled and shivered in kind. "The quarry you collected have been released from the old infirmary across the vineyard, and will be led out different paths to different places. As a treat for some of you, I've included as well a few single-minded bigots as well as some of the pathetic inbred swine that dare to call themselves Hunters, as well as a few of my personal slaves to the quarry count.You will have the grounds, this house, the garden labyrinth and all materials found thereon to assist you. You can team up with others on any of the quarry, or do it alone. I leave that for you to discuss, but they must receive your 'gift' internally to be counted in your favor. Also, there are a few various challenges for both you and your prey to make things more interesting." Well, I surmised, it seems I have much more in common with this lot than I realized. It seems like every single one of them was chosen because of some virulent strain they carried, like the one I was cursed with centuries ago. Possibly the very same one. In this age, humans discovered it by accident with science and named it the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). While it is incurable even now, it is treatable for them with synthesized medications and changes in nutrition and lifestyle. I've been alive long enough on this Earth, discovering the dark side of the lifestyle surrounding this virus to know this for what it truly was: behind the mystery and suspense, this was a Pozzing party, and our quarry were to be infected (if they survived the encounter), whether they wanted it or not. "You are given a certain amount of points for each being you vitiate. Humans give you one point. A Fae will give you two points. A hybrid being of any sort will give you three points.Those that have already been 'hunted down' prior to you will give you an additional point. The points will be tallied just before dawn,and the one with the most wins. It is IMPOSSIBLE to falsify your numbers, as you will soon discover. However, the one who has conquered our 'special quarry' (his darkened face turning in my direction as he emphasized this, hinting it seemed) will be granted title of 'Supreme Hunter' and be granted one wish. Any one thing you can imagine, I will bring to fruition. Nothing is beyond my power. Now go forth, and LET THE HUNT BEGIN!" His form, shadowed though it was, began to fade even further into the darkness, shimmering out of sight, his hand raising up and producing a final, echoing snap, signaling us to begin.... In an instant, the others began to race out to prepare their strategies while searching for the prey. The Giant strode out, his longer legs thundering as he lumbered and ducked down below the door frames. The Satyr let out a wild shriek and broke into a run, the hooves of his goat legs clicking against the floor. The Demon, known as Bael, as he wrapped his arm around his Incubus lover, Caelus, whipped his other hand about, conjuring a dark fog of living smoke that enveloped them both, after which they vanished from the room as our host had. The Wolf sneered at me, looking sure of himself and took off in a run, shedding his garments along the way, probably to shift into his canine form to become faster and tap further into his animalistic senses. Egotistical mutt, I thought. But enough of him. Now to claim what I've been waiting for. To hell with this petty little contest. The money, Nephelim's wish, it didn't matter in the slightest. My prize will be far more satisfying: the Witch, the one I've been seeking for centuries, who holds within the key to my ultimate desire, will be mine, mine alone- and woe to he who stands in my way.... *Writer's Note: Now the Hunt truly begins. Stay tuned... Next time- Part V: Hunter's Moon
  7. Hope you're all ready for more. The next chapters are gonna be interesting, and hopefully the confusions will be cleared up, if any. Next time- Part IV: The Hunter's Gathering & Part V: Hunter's Moon
  8. Thanks. Just wait. The wheels are already turning in my head for the next few chapters. More adventure and ecstasy!
  9. Greetings once again, readers. Sorry about the delay, but inspiration can't be rushed lol. Btw, the previous part needs some adjustments, which I'll get to in a short while. For those waiting for this story to get erotic, the wait is over. Again, this is a work of fiction from my very eccentric and vivid imagination. Some may like it, some may not.Anywho, let's get back to it... The Hunt: Part III- The Hunt Begins Marcus, the Hunted Their instructions given, the two men flanking 'Green Eyes' fixed their dark gazes on me and began to cross the streets and weave through the crowds, making a beeline in my direction. My body reacted, speed walking in the opposite direction, trying to put as much space between us as possible. 'What does this psycho freak want?' I asked myself. My first thought was he was an overzealous Witchhunter, direct descendants of Hunters who lived during and participated in the Burning Times of the Salem Witch Trials, seeking to kill me. But that couldn't be. Whoever he was, he was using some form of magick in all this. Specifically, he had shielded his thoughts and emotions when I tried to read him, the time lapse at the library, his eyes, and the dampening of my powers - it was magick without a doubt, something that I knew for a fact (learned from spying on small groups of these Hunters throughout the city) was forbidden to them to use. No matter if they used it for the group's benefit, if a Hunter was caught using anything remotely related to magick or witchcraft, they were killed on the spot in cold blood by the entire group. Glancing back periodically through the crowds, I saw that his men were still in pursuit, even pushing innocent people out of the way to get through. 'Fuck, this is bad. Come on, Marcus think!' I mentally said to myself, trying to figure a way to lose them. With my powers depleted, I couldn't get an accurate read on them. Clothed in tight-fitting black, these guys looked like bouncers at a seedy bar. Thick arms and legs, husky builds, dark and piercing eyes, they were both shaved completely bald, and each man bore an intricate tattoo over one eye. I couldn't make them out at this distance, but wasn't about to head their way for a closer look. I had to create a distraction to slow them down somehow. Then something occurred to me. While I couldn't use my active abilities at the moment, I was still a witch. There could be a chance that I could still defend myself. I focused on the spells, both offensive and defensive, I had learned and crafted in my studies over the years, picking out a few from the corners of my mind, hoping that my spell-casting wasn't affected. Another glance revealed that there was still plenty of space between me and my pursuers. I focused on a row of about eight to ten windows of the buildings behind me which they were about to pass, the distance between us filled with dozens of oblivious but easily frightened people. Slipping into a light trance to access the magicks deep within as well as the energy all around us (invisible to the human eye), I intoned with determination and faith: "Specularibus integi debebunt, iubeo disice." (English: Panes of glass, I bid you shatter.) My spells have always been more effective when spoken in Latin. Sure enough, as instructed, the glass of all ten windows cracked and shattered above the heads of the unsuspecting crowd. No one was seriously harmed, but they all freaked, running like lunatics in the direction of the men after me, stalling their progress in getting to me. I breathed a sigh of relief, encouraged by this stroke of fortune that my basic magick skills were still accessible. While the men worked slowly through the panicked crowd, I took full advantage, and directing my will and focus, I turned left at the next corner, fortunately finding the street void of people, entered into my trance state and spoke in a strong but whispered tone: "In metu, ad adiuvandum me fugit. Pulchritudo pallio et ego invocabo se a malo accedere." (English: In my time of fear,help me to disappear. Glamour and cloak I now invoke to hide from evil drawing near.) Slowly the air around me began to ripple and shimmer, wrapping around me like a blanket, shading my body out of the visible spectrum. Once cloaked, I ran. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, weaving through any oncoming people in my path, my presence completely unnoticed by them as I hauled ass toward home. After what seemed like an eternity, my lungs began to burn and my feet screamed for rest. I gradually slowed my sprint to a jog, I looked back to see if my tails kept up. Seeing no one, I came to a stop under the shade of an oak tree to catch my breath, the cloaking spell slowly wearing off. While most humans would drop from exhaustion at this point, my training in the Craft helped shorten my body's recovery time. Finally able to draw a steady breath, I took in my current location. I was so caught up in escape that I didn't have a clue where I was, but one look around ended that confusion: I was back at the park. The same one I had received the incoherent vision. A feeling of unease went through me at the memory of it. But I had to get home quickly, and I couldn't turn back now. I looked up at the oak tree before me. Remembering that the Oak Tree is a source of strength and power, I put my hand on its trunk and spoke in respect: "Potentia quercum Confirma me in tempore necessitatis." (English: Power of the mighty Oak, give me strength in my time of need.) The energy of the Oak, from its leaves, bark and roots began to course through my hand and throughout my body, clearing away some of the fog still clouding my head and imbuing my form with energy and strength. Recharged, I quickly made my way into the empty park, lit now only by the light of the waxing Moon above. I kept my ears open and my eyes peeled, watching every flash of movement that crossed my sight. Nothing so far except the rustling of trees branches in the wind. I turned around, still in motion, to check my path into the park to see if I was followed. No sign of them. Just the dark shadows-which gave me pause as the sense of de ja vu dawned on me. The vision! I was chased by these strangers, just like in my vision. As I pondered this, clouds overhead covered the bright light of the moon and veiled the park in darkness - just as I saw in my vision. I turned back - and froze in an instant. Standing between me and the path to the other side was Green Eyes, flanked by his two servants. Before I had the time to react or speak, he came at me-in a blur of unnatural speed-his hands grabbing my arms and holding me tight. His eyes quickly brightened in the darkness, holding my gaze. They became brighter and brighter, projecting a dazzling light that rivaled the light of the Sun and Moon combined, which I realized was the same blinding green light from the second part of my vision. It was the last thing I saw before everything went black.... The next thing I knew I was alone in a dimly lit room on a damp mattress. Still dazed and groggy, I stumbled to my feet, and was suddenly visited by a sharp, burning pain in my arm. I brought it close to the light, and found that I had been branded. The center of it was circular and unscarred, and rimmed with an intricate Celtic knot design that also incorporated various occult symbols, some of which I recognized had the ability to negate magick of all kinds. To test my suspicion, I stared at the mattress I woke up on. l focused my gaze upon it and tried to move it mentally. Still no luck. I tried an old levitation spell from my younger days to lift it off the ground. Not a budge. Great, I thought. Now ALL my powers are completely blocked. What's next? I looked around. No windows, no other furniture aside from the mattress. Just a large, metallic door you'd normally find in a penitentiary which I quickly found to be locked. I turned around and sank to the floor. I didn't have it in me to cry or even scream. Nothing to do now but wait. If they wanted me dead, they would've done it already. They've kept me alive for something. But what? Jarek (Green Eyes), the Hunter "A job well done. You brought back your quarry much sooner than the others." The deep, resonating voice echoing in the great Hall was that of my employer, simply known as Nephelim. He never showed his face at these meetings. As far as I know, no one even knows what he looks like. Even my enchanted eyes, powerful as they are, could not pierce through his conjured glamours and see his true form: an enigma that continued to puzzle me. From the shadows emerged one of his slaves, a young man, early twenties, brown hair, smooth body, dull blue eyes, wearing nothing but a leather collar, harness and jock, a silver tray in his hands that presented a thick envelope. My payment. I accepted it, even though my desired payment will come soon enough. "Patience. You will have the Witch in good time. On the night of the Hunter's Moon." "Thank you, Nephelim," I replied, bowing my head low, adding "I look forward to it." Then I stole a glance at his young slave, who's head was correctly bowed lower than mine. I saw a a young man in total submission, and I felt an insatiable sense of lust. Of course, the sensation pales in comparison to personally breaking the spirit of one who puts up a fight or attempts to flee, such I expected the Witch would when the time came. The mere thought of what was to come made my cock thicken even further. "Until then, perhaps you'd like to amuse yourself with the young one before you?" The young man straightened his stance as I came over and more closely inspected him, noting that he shivered uncontrollably as I ran my hands over his smooth body, cupping his round ass in one hand and gently flicking one of his hard nipples with the other. Nephelim's voice echoed "Do with him as you wish, and send him back when you're finished," when from the shadows rang out the sound of Nephelim's finger snapping. His Head Servant, mid thirties, brown hair, brown eyes and finely trimmed beard, clad in a butler's attire, appeared swiftly and bowed low, and received Nephelim's command "Dagon, show my guest to his room." "Yes, Nephelim," he replied as he presented to me a leather leash which I clipped to the metal hoop in the boy's collar, and giving it a firm tug, I followed Dagon up the grand staircase and through the halls to my reserved bedchambers. Dagon opened the doors, revealing an elegant suite with a gigantic bed with silken sheets and a glass door leading out to the balcony overlooking the grounds of Nephelim's estate- the site of the coming events. "All of your things have been put away and your previous requests have been fulfilled as you asked. If you require anything further, I'm merely a bell ring away. Enjoy yourself, sir," he said hospitably, and with a low bow, he strode away, no doubt off to complete his duties and prepare for the other arrivals. Closing the door, I pulled the leashed slave close to me, raising his lowered head until his eyes met mine. Just as my quarry had done, his eyes widened in awe at the glow of my eyes. "Until I am fully sated, your mouth and ass belong to me. It's that understood?" I asked in a voice that allowed for only one reply. "Yes, sir," my slave replied, a tremble of fear and excitement rippling through him. "Good boy," I told him with a light tap to his cheek. With that I lead him over to the bed, securing the leash to the bed post. His willful obedience made me even harder, my hard cock aching to be released. I stripped off my black tee, flexing my pecs and arms, making a show off it as my slave looked on, some of his fear replaced with carnal lust. "Kneel, " I ordered. He immediately dropped to his knees in front of me, arms at his sides. I walked up to him, grabbed him by the back of collar and pushed his face into my crotch. He immediately began to lick and mouth the outline of my stiff cock, pausing briefly at times to marvel at the size and girth of my member. I did notice a flicker of worry when his eyes met my belt buckle, which bore a red biohazard symbol I had had cast into the metal. "Yes, it does mean what you think it means," pulling his short hair back roughly, his doe-like eyes met mine as I answered the thoughts crossing his mind, "You're gonna worship my big, thick POZ cock - with both your holes." "Yes, sir," he replied. "Good little cock whore," I responded. I sat back on the bed in front of him, pointing to my boots and pants. "Take them off." He immediately began unbuckling my boots, removing them and my socks and setting them aside. Then he unhooked my buckle, his hands trembling as he did. He then undid the buttons of my pants and pulled them off swiftly. Not held back by underwear, my veiny, eleven-inch cock sprang out, already dripping with precum and throbbing as I flexed the muscles, making it bob up and down. "Lick up that precum, boy! "I barked. Tongue out, he began lapping up the droplets, sticking the tip into my piss slit and kissing the head gently. "Suck my cock, boy!" I told him, grabbing the back of his head and shoving it into his open mouth. He struggled to fit all of me down his throat, gagging as the head hit his reflex. His head still in my hand, I began to slow fuck his little mouth, pulling out then shoving it back in as he sucked my monster cock, making it harder and harder. After about 20 minutes, I began to crave the boy's round ass, which I could view from above as he worshipped my cock. I pushed it deep inside, making him gag and choke, slathered two fingers with saliva, reached down between his cheeks and snaked them into his hole and began to massage the softness within, which actually caused his throat to widen and swallow more of my meat. I thrust in and out, soft and rough. He made attempts to stifle his moans but couldn't. The sensations were too much for him to keep quiet and submissive. I pulled my two fingers from him, a muffled whimper escaping his mouth as he continued to suck. They were warm and wet, with the faintest hint of blood. The fragrance of that trace amount was so enticing I had to restrain every fiber of my being from being overtaken by it. I lifted him off me and gave him a brief moment to catch his breath. His mind was reeling, and body tingling. He was mine to bend. To fuck. To seed. "On the bed, ass up," I said grabbing his arm and lightly flinging him on the bed. "Yes, sir, " I heard him say as he got on his hands and knees doggie style, arching his back and displaying his smooth ass for my pleasure, his tiny pink hole winking in anticipation. "You want my cock, don't you boy?" I taunted him as I rubbed my cock up and down his smooth crack. "Oh god yes, sir," he gasped, his inner slut starting to awaken. "You want this hard, poz cock inside that tight hole?" He briefly froze. I slapped my rod against his smooth hole, causing his body to tremble and his mind to seemingly go blank. "Yes, sir! Please sir! Give me that raw, poz cock! Own my hole, sir. " I began to surrender to my primal side, precum leaking out of my throbbing rod. Spreading his cheeks wide, I bent down and shoved my tongue deep into his winking hole, driving him wild with pleasure and ecstasy while lubing his hole with spit. Shivers rippled through his body as he stuck his ass out further, his hole beginning to loosen, allowing my tongue to go even deeper. "Oh please, more sir! It's all yours sir! Please fuck my tight hole!" If only he knew what he was really in for, I thought to myself. I was handling him with only a small fraction of my true strength and moving at a normal person's speed. Time to take things up a notch. With lightning speed, I lifted him back up on his knees, and spitting on my cock and his hole, I aimed it right at his opening. I began to move my cock's muscles so fast it was literally vibrating with speed, allowing me to further loosen his hole as I thrust it inside him with little effort. I did this all so quickly he didn't even realize that I had my entire cock inside him until my full swinging balls hit his own, after which he let out a deep guttural groan. I unhooked the leash from his collar, held him tight to me, and began to piston my fuck stick at a fast-than-normal speed, inciting more lustful howls from the young slave. One hand pulled his head back gently to meet my gaze. My other pinched his sensitive nipples as I began altering my rhythm of fucking from lightning-fast pumps to slow, deliberate strokes, pulling completely out and then slamming back inside. His eyes rolled back in his head, lost in sexual bliss. I began to slow down again, flexing and pulsing my thickness deep inside him. His body shivered again. He had never been fucked like this, I realized. Never to the point that he felt all-consuming pleasure. It made no difference to me, but I found it extremely - fascinating. I yanked my cock out roughly, making him scream, flipped him over on his back as if he were a pillow, which took his breath away. Before he could speak, I thrust my vibrating rod back into his stretched hole balls-deep. His eyes opened wide, his mind lost in passion. For one brief moment, which went by at a snail's pace for me, I could see his soul freed of its physical and fragile shell, shining radiantly. "You're gonna take my load, boy." No response, he was gone mentally. No matter. I resumed the speed fucking to bring him back, howls erupting from him in waves. My balls drew up in their sack. I couldn't hold it anymore. "TAKE MY POZ LOAD!!!! A final deep thrust, and I let out a feral roar as I pumped my load into him. Volley after volley of my cum poured into him as I flexed all 11 inches in his battered, now bleeding hole. The smell of it drove me wild. My fangs grew from their hiding place within my mouth, the blood singing like a Siren to me. I zeroed in on the carotid artery in his neck, exposed with his head turned to the side. Holding him down with barely any strength at all, I bit down on my hidden spring, taking in life-force held within the liquid crimson. His body tensed and shook, but he merely gasped at a high pitch. I felt his erect cock spasm as he came without ever laying a finger on his cock, while his sloppy hole tightened in its own orgasm, milking my throbbing cock for more of my hot cream, which was now slowly seeping into the scrapes and tears deep inside him. Becoming part of him. While normally content with draining a human dry, I showed restraint for this poor soul. Only taking a minute amount of his blood to tide my hunger over, I withdrew from him completely. My fangs from his neck, which receded back to how they were, and my cock from his hole. He lay there dumbfounded, puncture marks in his neck dripping blood, his hole oozing with cum and ass juices. I walked over to the dresser and picked up the pack of smokes I requested of Dagon when I'd first arrived the previous night and lit one. The exhausted slave sat up, finally awaken out of his daze. "I would like to be alone now. Leave," I said to him. "Yes, sir," he said wearily, hurrying as quickly as he could to leave. Before he reached the door, I was there in front of him in a flash, causing him to jump. "I expect you back here at midnight so I can open you and fill you up again, understood?" "Yes, sir," he answered and quickly hurried out, gently closing the door behind him. I walked out on the balcony where the breeze caressing my skin and the warmth of the slave's blood still coursed through my veins. As I looked out at the moonlit grounds and Nephelim's labyrinth garden, my cock began to harden once again. Five hundred years on this Earth, and I had yet to master the art of patience. Still, the time drew ever nearer. The time that marked the end of my wandering through the ages and through space. I just had to play by this 'being' Nephelim's little game, and then salvation shall be mine. I could hear it from here, pumping through the body and heart of an exceptional Witch. I look forward to the Hunt and the challenge he would bring. Told you there'd be some heavy action. There is a lot that doesn't make sense now, but this is just the beginning... Next time on The Hunt: Will Marcus escape his imprisonment and regain his abilities? What is being planned for him and these 'new arrivals'? What is it about Marcus that draws Jarek (Green Eyes) so intensely to him? Who is this mysterious man, (or being), known only as Nephelim? Coming soon: Part IV: The Hunter's Gathering
  10. Greetings, readers. Sorry about the delay. Tried posting this three times here already, but I lost all my work trying, so trying a different format. I know it may seem out of place in this forum, don't be dissuaded. Be patient, you deviants. The sex will be hot, intense and stimulating. Though I am an amateur at this, I think it'll excite some part of you readers, either in mind, body, or both. Anyway, let us pick up this tale where we left it... The Hunt-Part II: The Hunter The sound of cheerful whistling and water cascading against stone stirred me from my blissful trance, the tingling sensation of ecstasy still ebbing away from me, yet still could stand to go a few more rounds if presented the opportunity. As I slowly rose stretching from the bed, I reached back and caressed my swollen, well-fucked hole, feeling his hot, fresh load slowly ooze from me. Gently, I used my finger to push what had escaped back inside, where it belonged. As much as I would've loved to stay in bed all day, there's no rest for the wicked like me. Had to do some put off housework while Garrett was at work, as well as hit the city to look for work. Before that, however, one thought crossed my foggy mind: breakfast. While Garrett's serenade echoed through the hallways, I threw on a tank top and shorts, excluding underwear today. The heat wave we'd been having finally lowered to a bearable degree, which was a relief for us. We've been producing plenty between the two of us already. I made my way to the realm of sustenance aka the kitchen, wanting to give Garrett a good meal before his long day of work. Though time was short before he had to leave, when you're like me, you can take a short time to make something hearty for your true love, if you possess the knowledge and 'special' skills. In an instant, I felt the energies grow within me, raising power as I focused on my immediate desire and began my work. Channeling energy through every part of my body, my eyes and hands especially, I turned my gaze to the fridge. My thoughts brought to life, the door swung gently open. A beckoning gesture of my right hand brought out all the food I needed: eggs, bacon, butter, orange juice and a small container of strawberries, with another wave bringing the loaf of bread out of its box on top. While many others of my kind struggled regularly, or work endlessly in some form at the beginning level, I was a natural prodigy in wielding the ability of telekinesis, mastering and controlling it in a short time while I was still a mere student. pyro kinesis, or fire-starting I mastered soon afterwards, followed by a cornucopia of various others. Visualizing the element of fire in my mind's eye, I manifested a small rotating circle of fire hovering above the stove, increasing its temperature to the memorized degree, which I had learned through trial and error, would completely cook everything in less time than the regular slow way. Feeling the flame's warmth caressing my skin, and seeing the sun's golden rays shining through the drawn window blinds, I decided a cross-breeze was in order. As I moved a skillet, making it hover in the ring of fire by thought, while bringing out a plate and utensils with my right hand, a wave of the left unlocked the kitchen patio doors, making them open with a muted creak. In flowed the gentle summer breeze, which gently swayed the hanging chimes, creating beautiful music, almost in time with the bird song resounding through air. The sweet floral scents of lilac, rose, bleeding hearts, other various plants and herbs filled the room, adding elemental power to the space. Refocusing, I lifted three eggs, four slices of bacon and two slices of bread from the packaging, after which I waved them back to their proper places. With accurate precision and control, I split the eggs open, separating the shells from the edible goodness inside, then whirling and mixing them to liquid form to scramble, pouring it gently into the heated skillet with the bacon alongside, gently starting to sizzle and cook in the conjured flame. For the bread, I again thought of fire, focusing the power of heat through my left palm. I held this heat to the bread hovering in front of me, which slowly began to brown. Finishing that, I used my actual hand to spread a thin layer of butter across each piece with a knife, while my mind alone poured out two glasses of juice from the pitcher, which then floated back to its place in the fridge. The delicious aroma alerted me that the food was done - in record time. Bringing the raised power down, the circle of fire began to slowly dissipate, sputter, then vanish as quickly as it appeared. Everything looked and smelled great as I used my mind to plate it, slowly lifting the used dishes to the sink. Finally with a final thought and burst of power, all the open doors of the fridge, cupboards, and drawers closed gently in unison. I looked out on the beautiful day, a single thought crossing my mind: I love being a witch. "As do I, my love," Garrett's voice echoed inwardly in my mind and heart. I smiled and turned to face my partner, my handsome Adonis, who had witnessed the end of my magick display. Tall, clean cut, thick chest, strong and loving arms, dressed sharp for work with a pressed suit and shined up shoes. His deep brown eyes sparkled at day, speaking volumes without saying a word. While not a witch, he was gifted since childhood with telepathic abilities, able to read the thoughts of others. My arcane knowledge, other psychic skills, as well as our love and sexual connection over time created a powerful psychic bond, which enabled us to speak mind to mind and feel each other's emotions, a trait that came in handy during sex. "Hope you're hungry," I spoke in thought. "In so many ways, " he responded. I didn't need any special ability to know what that meant. "But that will have to wait till tonight," speaking by mouth this time, sensing my growing lust at that last remark. "Any time, me ami," I smiled, strolling over to him, embracing him. His soft lips meet mine in a kiss that made my heart skip a few beats. Never in life had I ever had a love like his: a love that made me feel like everything was possible. While he ate, I took a warm shower and got ready for the day. Like a sitcom couple, we walked out our front door, kissed once more, saying 'I love you' before he drove off to work, waving goodbye from the wheel as he ventured off. (Yes I know. Getting cheesy with romance, but bare with me.) It didn't take long to finish the remaining housework, which I did by hand this time. While I loved using magick, it doesn't replace hard work. Not to mention that we lived in close range to normal 'humans'. While I'm not certain what would happen if discovered in this age, but if history was any indication, secrecy was the safest option. After some stretching, aerobics and meditation, I freshened up, dressed in decent clothes, deciding to get some resumes and applications in while I still had daylight. Leaving a note for Gary and food for my feline companion Bastet, I locked up and set off on foot, basking in the gentle sun. Nearing the downtown area, I cut through a neighboring park to see the bright blooms and green leaves of the trees dotting the spacious, largely unpopulated park. Beautiful and inviting as it was, it carried a long standing reputation of strange disappearances-mostly young or middle aged men, missing even to this day. Most dismiss it as propaganda, gossip and rumors to scare off the degenerates, gang bangers, and various other hooligans from the surrounding areas. In my single days, I'd had many steamy adventures in the secluded parts of it, at all different hours of the day. Hence, these rumors didn't phase me much, but I still keep a vigilant eye for any possible threat. Although a pacifist by nature, I was by no means a pushover. Feet away from the city streets, I was suddenly overwhelmed by the presence of strong emotion, followed by random flashes of images flooding my mind's eye. I dropped to my knees, trying to ground myself in the Earth below. The first vision had me running away from some dark shadowed being slowly gaining speed. The next was nothing but darkness, broken shortly after by a radiant green light. After that, I was stumbling through a dimly lit corridor of locked rooms, the sounds and signs of several men growling, grunting, swearing, the sounds of flesh meeting flesh, unbridled scream of pain and forced pleasure. Overlapping visions of bodies, violence, sex, repeating over and over in whirling colors, ended by a sudden silence, save for a man's voice and four chilling words: 'I'll catch you soon, witch." Suddenly I was back in the park, the images and sounds echoing in my head. As disoriented as I was, my senses detected a nearby presence. Unknown to me, but far from human. Raising protective shields, I cast my senses out, searching for the source. As if aware that I was using my powers, the presence disappeared completely. I clutched my pentacle amulet hanging around my neck, invoking its protective qualities to boost my shields. Not wanting to linger any longer, I hurried out of the park through the downtown entrance. Until I could figure out what the hell just happened, I decided to take the bus back home after I was done. I realized a few moments later that, despite how disturbed I was by this phenomenon, I was also hot, bothered and nearly rock hard. Shrugging it off, I readjusted my cock and continued on. After about an hour or so of completing and returning work applications, I stopped by the library to print out more resumes. Upon refilling my stock of them, I started to pack up, eager to get home before Garrett got off work. Then again it came. The same presence I felt after my vision. In my search for its source among the crowd of patrons, I accidently bumped into someone. I whirled around, staring at the chest of the tall man who seemed to come out of nowhere. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you..." my voice trailing off upon seeing the man's face. Taller than me by almost a foot, short dark brown hair accented his fair yet muscular face, a 5 o'clock stubble around soft lips that spoke in a smooth, deep voice: "No harm, no foul, brother. " It was the eyes that really caught my attention. At first I thought he was wearing contacts, but was close enough to see they weren't. A bright shade of emerald green, brighter than any I'd ever seen. I then realized he would likely be uncomfortable by my prolonged gaze, but then I realized he was giving me the body scan himself, a smirk on his face. An awkward silence continued, others passing by as if we weren't there. I took a few quick glances at the rest of him while we stood there. Dressed all in black, right down to the biker boots, the clothes were obviously big name designers that accentuated his muscled chest, vein-riddled arms and thick legs. Adjusting his shirt as we stood there revealed a shiny belt buckle, a crimson red biohazard symbol, his eyes flashing as he showed it off. I smirked in my mind, thinking he likely thought I was some dumb twink looking for cheap thrills. Well, I may be partially insane, but I'm not brain damaged. I knew its symbolism, as does anyone who chooses to wear it. But enough was enough. This was a weird day that needed to end. With a nod, I said good bye, turning from him towards the door. His parting words, however, chased any fuzzy feelings from my mind, replacing them with a frigid chill that ran down my spine: " I'll catch you soon, witch." The exact same words from earlier that had been echoing in my head since then. I turned to confront him, only to find he vanished. No trace of him anywhere in the lobby. 'That's it', I thought, 'I'm getting the hell home'. I rushed out of the library into the crowded street, finding that it was much darker than it should've been. One of the towers read 9:10, which made no sense. What time did I get to the library? How had I lost that much time? I calmed my questioning intuition and set off for the bus stop I needed to get back. Mere seconds after reaching the next block, my head exploded with searing pain, which nearly floored me. Fortunately the pain quickly subsided, although it left my head intact but my with a mental cloudiness that would not recede. Then I realized what had happened: some of my mind-based gifts had been blocked. I sent a call to Garrett, but there was no reply. I tested my telepathy, again only finding silence. Now, beginning to freak out, I turned back towards the direction of the library, only to find the black clad stranger staring directly at me with those green eyes, eyes which, even from a distance, I was positive were now glowing brighter. Out of the shadows and the crowds, two hooded men flanked him on each side, facing my way. 'Run, Marcus', a faint whisper of Garrett slipped into my mind, slowly fading but firm in the message: run.... Next time on The Hunt: what do this green eyed stranger and his phantom lackeys want from Marcus? Was he a witch-hunter perhaps, bent on Marcus' destruction? Was it a sick game of cat-and-mouse for this man's own dark and twisted sexual pleasures? Or something other plot entirely, orchestrated by an even more sinister hand? Coming soon: Part III - The Hunt Begins
  11. Hey all. I'm back after a bout of writer's block. I'll have the next few parts posted here soon. I think it's quite an improvement over the first, with perspectives from various new characters and a few twists and turns you might not expect.... Coming soon: Part 2- The Hunter
  12. Thanks for the tip man. Been wanting to try writing a few stories, but haven't had much experience.
  13. Well this is my first try. If people like it I'll give it some more. This account is entirely fictional, and is merely fantasy. Hope you enjoy the musings of my somewhat twisted mind. _________________________________________ Sweat poured down my face as my naked back hit the cold wall. While not completely dark, I had to focus my eyes as the shadowy figures moved closer to me, some standing upright, others in a crouched position ready to pounce should I make any attempt to bolt. My heart pounded, my body trembling with both fear and excitement. Something I knew they could detect. It's almost as if they could smell it. They had finished with the others. I was the only one left. They were saving me for last... Perhaps I should start at the beginning. Me: I'm a young black man living in the big city. I go by the name of Marcus. I'm 25, about 5'11, 175lbs, average athletic build, an otter with plenty of fur. Got a 9 inch cut cock and bubble ass to boot. While not a gym rat, I do my best to take care of myself when I can. Running around the city looking for work does wonders for your physique. Not to mention the workout you get from sex. That I could get in spades. Been with a great man for about seven months now, and I can get all the sex I want from him, not to mention a deep love of which some men can only dream. But today, things changed. I woke up to my man (Garrett) sleeping soundly beside me, his arm pulling my body close to his, spooning me with his morning wood. He's about my size if not slightly longer, but a hell of a lot thicker than me. We take turns in roles since we're both vers, but the depths he can reach inside me send me over the edge and keep me begging for more. Even though we went to sleep fucking, we always were geared up for more. I stirred lightly, not wanting to wake him, and slowly reached down and stroked his cock. Either he was faking or still deep asleep, but he didn't react. I lined his throbbing rod up with my well lubed and well fucked hole, and scooted back, feeling the head slide through my opening. While it was slightly sore, I didn't care. I had to have more. I eased back more, feeling inch by inch slide into my chute. He must've thought he was still dreaming, because he sleepily started sawing in and out of my hole, eyes closed, breathing soundly, and making various noises and grunting. I was sure he had awakened as he grabbed me tightly, rolled me onto my stomach and sank balls-deep into my hungry hole. I looked back and to my surprise, his eyes were still closed and he was still sound asleep. His dick pulling all the way out and slamming home soon took my mind off questioning that, and I thrust my ass back to meet him, opening more to his assault. Twenty or so minutes went by and we were lost in ecstasy. Soon he started to go faster and faster. I've been with him for a while now to know what that means, and tightened the muscles in my ass to milk out his warm cream. It was at that time that he opened his eyes, those beautiful dark brown eyes, and realized what was going on. A smile spread across his face and mine as I looked back to him, and he leaned down and started to kiss me all while pumping his big black cock in me. His breathing grew ragged and more labored, and with a few quiet but guttural grunts, he gripped my body tight and held his cock deep inside. I can always feel a man cum, and Garrett is no exception and always shoots gallons. Rope after rope of hot, sticky cum glazed the inside of my hole, adding to the three loads he deposited last night. I clamped down, my entire body caught in a wave of intense orgasm, seeking to squeeze every drop he could muster. We collapsed in a heap on the mattress, coverd in sweat and fluid. He kissed me on the neck and back, knowing full well it would cause my hole to spasm even more while he continued to make his cock pulse and throb inside me. "Good morning." I said finally. "Good morning" he replied. "Did you sleep well?" I asked. "Shit, I thought I was still dreaming" he chuckled. He kissed me again softly and deeply, then got up to head for the bathroom. I didn't imagine it would be a long time before I saw him again. To be continued
  14. Trying to post pics to my profile. Anyone one know how to navigate that from a mobile or do you need a full sited computer?
  15. Absolutely fucking hot. Hope to hear more.
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