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Posts posted by NastyRigPig

  1. Listen to your friends, it sounds like they have a good pulse on what was going on.

    I agree that you might benefit from some counselling, but I do understand that it can be pricey.

    And, if I might offer some advice. Don't be in a hurry to date or have casual sex. It sounds to me like your still vulnerable, and I'd be afraid of being played again. Take some time with yourself, go do some healthy things that interest you, maybe even blog/journal (anonymously of course) about whatyou feel amd where you're at emotionally. Asmen we have a tendency to subvert our feelings and emotions, and it sounds like that'd be bad for yoi right now. You need to figure out why you let someone make you feel like this, otherwise you might get back in a similar situation.

  2. For the past 8 months I was in a relationship which just ended. Stayed monogamous for the duration of it but in the end I just wanted more sex then my partner and that didn't work out. No bad breakup, it ended.

    But during the time we were together I put on a lot of weight for the first time in my life, almost 30kg.

    I'm planning to start swimming for three nights a week to lose some weight, and start eat healthier. Still have to research what real healthy food is, but that's the plan at least.

    Do any of you guys have experienced this type of situation before, and got any tips?

    I really want to go back to my old weight as quickly as possible (1m93, 85kg)

    I've been on weight watchers for 4 weeks and I've lost 16 pounds. It is a healthy way to lose weight because you're eating real food instead of some chemical garbage that is high in sodium.

  3. Really great writing style. Please so my poor cock a favor and make certain you post all portions of thos story. There's aome great chem stories on this site that aren't finished, and I understand that the writers have lives and all, but there's a dearth of hot chem stories on the web, amd when a good writer (such as yourself) writes one, I want to see it continued.

    I other words, you bone me up good!

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