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Posts posted by chunkychains

  1. My company had recently won an important contract in Mexico, and as the only analyst who spoke Spanish (thanks to my mother being from Seville), I had been sent to oversee the setup of the new operation. My partner was not best pleased that I was going to be gone for eight weeks, but the large bonus I was to receive was certainly going to help with filling up the pot we were setting aside for trying to have kids through a surrogate in the future, so we both knew that I had to accept. As such, after a comfortable flight over in business class, I was now set up in an aparthotel that would act as my base for the trip.

    The first few days were hectic, but as things calmed down and the new operation found its feet, I could afford to take a bit of a step back. This gave me the opportunity to see a bit of the city and its surroundings, while also hunting for gifts to take back to appease my partner for the prolonged absence. Top of my personal to-do list was a trip out to see some lesser-known pyramids, which I had heard were much less touristy than Teotihuacán and could be visited round the clock. I decided a couple of nights in a nearby basic hotel would be sensible as I was keen to see both sunrise and sunset at the archeological site, so I made a plan to head out there after finishing a bit early on the Friday and then come back to the city on the Sunday.

    Sure enough, pre-dawn on the Saturday my alarm went off, and after splashing some water on my face, filling my thermos with coffee from the room and donning some clothes, I headed out into the darkness. I had rented a bike to explore the site myself, so with the headlight on bright, I rode off up the semi-paved track away from the hotel. Little was I to know I would not actually get to watch the sunrise as planned.

    I managed to find my way to the site, although I could not yet make out any actual pyramids in the darkness. I chained up the bike, grabbed my flashlight and then set off up the path leading from the entrance gate. I figured I would find somewhere to sit and drink some coffee while I waited for there to be enough light in the sky to help me work out where to position myself for the actual sunrise. Eventually I found a sort of shelter, the purpose of which was not clear to me in the gloom, but it had a bench in it that I could sit down on to wait. However, as soon as I did so I felt a wave of tiredness come over me, and having got to the site quicker than expected, I decided I could risk leaning against the back and side of the shelter to rest my eyes for a bit. I set an alarm on my phone for half an hour, closed my eyes, and soon drifted off.

    I was not woken by my alarm, but rather by the sudden jolt of being pulled forward off the bench. It was still fairly dark but I could just make out that there were several figures there, and I knew immediately I was in trouble. At least two men were hauling me out of the shelter by my arms, and of course I shouted and tried to resist once my fight-or-flight response kicked in. At this point my arms were pulled behind me while a bandana or something was pulled around my mouth. Despite my best efforts my assailants quickly had me muted, my arms tied behind me, and then they pushed me to the ground and did the same to my ankles. I was then lifted up by several men and carried away from the shelter, heading for godknowswhere. At this point I was sure I was being kidnapped.

    After being carried in the dark for a few moments, I was placed down on my front on a flat-topped rock. Before I could squirm or do anything to try to free myself, I was held firmly in place while the men untied my ankles, spread them, and then re-secured them apart to something before ripping open the back of my shorts and underwear. The rope tying my wrists together was also secured down to something, so that I was prone over the rock. Then, almost immediately, I felt a hard pressure at my anus, and started to scream out as much as I could over the gag as I was penetrated. Maybe these men were indeed kidnapping me, but I was to be used first, that was for sure. The initial entry was excruciating, especially as I rarely bottomed for my partner, but eventually whichever of the men it was had buried himself in me fully. He then started a rough pounding of my hole, my gagged screams seemingly not bothering any of them.

    The first guy fucked me brutally for a while, then roared out and jammed himself into me fully. I knew I was being bred. He then pulled out and was replaced by another, and the whole ordeal began again. They all took at least one turn, my screams seeming to fade into submission in time with the sun rising and light bathing the ruins around us. Not that I got to see much of that, as any time I looked up to try to see who was doing this to me I was struck in the face by one of the men.

    When they all seemed to be done, a blindfold was tied around my eyes, my ankles were released but then rapidly secured back together, and then I was roughly pulled up off the rock and up into the air again. I was carried to somewhere for a few minutes, and then heard what sounded like a metal door being opened. Moments later I was dropped down onto a hard surface on my back, my wrists were untied from each other, pulled apart and secured somehow. My ankles got the same treatment, and then I heard all the men leaving and the door being closed again. I had no choice but to lie there on my back, unable to see a thing, trussed up like godknowswhat, my mouth still gagged, my used and sore hole continuing to leak, and wonder what was in store for me.

    Over the course of however many hours it was, men seemed to take turns to visit the increasingly hot room I was in, all of them unceremoniously ramming into my hole and fucking another load into me. What was really surprising was that I realised I was getting just a little bit excited each time I heard the door open as someone else arrived, which was crazy given the peril I was in and the reality of what was happening to me. But yes, truth be told, I was starting to want there to be someone there fucking me rather than being left alone.

    Another change of location came later, when a number of men seemed to come into the room together and begin working together to release me from whatever I was tied to, re-secure my wrists and ankles together, and then lift me up and carry me out. Once again I was manually carried for some time, until we reached whatever the chosen venue was now for all this to continue. I had no fight left in me, so when I was put down on my feet I dutifully allowed my ankles to be separated and secured apart to something, before I was bent forward over what felt like a rock. I propped myself up on my elbows, and this perhaps gave them an indication that they had broken me as a moment later my gag and blindfold were taken off. I blinked and got my eyes used to the light, taking in that we were back in the trees around the ruins, but I did not look around at the men. I stared straight ahead of me, just waiting.

    A cock was pressed back into me, and I gave a slight moan as, despite the use and abuse I had experienced and how sore my hole was by this point, there was still a definite sense of what I can only call relief at being filled again. I took the fuck without complaint, and actually squeezed around his cock as he slammed in a final time and unloaded in me. I did the same as all the other men followed suit, never once turning my head to see who these guys were. Somewhere in the corner of my mind, voices were screaming at me to try to stop this, to try to remember that I’m partnered up and planning to have a family, and that this was a repeated act of violence being perpetrated on me, but by this point a deeper, perhaps long-repressed version of me had emerged.

    I had gone into something of a trance I suppose, but was broken out of that when one of the men suddenly appeared next to me, also bent over the rock. I turned to look at him as I was being fucked, noticing he couldn’t have been more than 25, and watched as he grimaced through his own penetration. He did not utter a sound throughout though, and when the man behind him slammed in a final time and then withdrew, the younger guy just stood up and disappeared out of my field of view. A moment later a stocky older man with a bushy moustache took his place and was also fucked by one of the others, all while the rest of them continued to use me.

    The light faded as my gangbang continued, with several of the men having also taken a turn bent over on the rock next to me. I concluded this must be a gang or something, but did not know if they all got fucked or if there was some kind of hierarchy within the group. I found myself wondering how many other men had experienced what I was going through, and whether it was just tourists they targeted. I also didn’t know whether I was still going to be kidnapped and held for ransom, but I was starting to think that maybe that wasn’t going to be the case. Perhaps they would finally expend their sexual energies, and then dispose of me to become just the latest in a long list of Westerners who had disappeared without trace, or maybe I was going to be set free after all this.

    I got my answer long after it had got dark, when the blindfold was suddenly put back on me and I was re-gagged while the last of them finished off inside me. I was then hauled off the rock and quickly re-tied at the wrists and ankles, before being lifted up by several hands and carried off. It seemed like ages, but eventually I was unceremoniously dumped on the ground. I felt the restraints at my wrists being loosened, and then the sound of all the men running away. When it had gone quiet I managed to get my blindfold off with my still-tied hands, realising I was back at the shelter where this had all started. There was some dim light from a nearby lamp, so I could just about make out what I was doing as I wiggled my hands and used my teeth to finally get one wrist free, making it possible to get the gag out of my mouth and then untie the rest of the binds. I was free, and the men were long gone.

    The bike was still there at the end of the path, and miraculously the torn shorts I was wearing still had everything I had set out with in the pockets, so I was able unchain the bike to cycle back. I had to do the whole thing standing up on the peddles as I was too sore to sit on the saddle, and closer to my hotel I wore out and got off to walk the bike the rest of the way. When I got back, the old man at the reception desk nodded to me as I staggered in, and I detected a smirk as I glanced back at him before starting the climb up the stairs. Did he know? Had he been part of this somehow? Was he possibly even one of the gang that had spent the day fucking me? Or was he just amused by the state I was in?

    I managed a shower, gently probing around my gaping, abused hole a bit to feel the damage, before collapsing into the bed and passing out. I had feverish dreams all night, waking in a sweat more than once, and was therefore very slow to get going the next morning. An older lady was at the reception when I checked out, but once again I just had a sense that she knew something. What had I got into by coming here?

    It was a relief when I got back to the city and returned the car to the hire place around the corner from my aparthotel. I slept a little more soundly in my temporary home, and the next day started the process of trying to act normally as I got back on with work. However, as the days of that week went on, a nagging desire got stronger and stronger. I couldn’t deny it as hard as I tried: I wanted to be fucked again, and I wanted it to be anonymous and raw. All it took was a couple of beers with colleagues after work on the Friday, and my inhibitions had been sufficiently lowered to do something about my predicament. That night, and for so many more during my remaining time in Mexico, I was to be found bent over in a cruise club taking whatever came my way.

    Three days after I got home, I woke up with a fever. My partner tended to me through the delirium that followed, and sat by my side in the doctor’s office a week later as I was given the news that I had tested positive. He saved his rage until we were back home, refusing to believe that any version of what I told him was true. He was acting out of fury as he threw accusations my way, and yet everything he was saying did actually now ring true in some way. I had been subjected to what was undoubtedly a prolonged sexual assault, and yet it had awoken something in me that I knew I could not suppress again. I felt strangely liberated, even as my partner’s vitriol went from strength to strength, and found myself zoning out and starting to wonder if my pozzing had been at the hands of the gang or one of the many anonymous hook-ups in the clubs of Mexico City.

    Jump forward to today, and my career has actually advanced significantly since the success of the Mexican operation’s commencement. My partner of course kicked me out, and in his anger and betrayal he made sure our friends and families knew the truth about me. That set forth something of a mass desertion by people I thought I had been close to, but now that I am without the same social responsibilities to occupy most of my weekends and evenings, I am free to live my new life. That life involves cock. Any cock. All cocks. There isn’t one I won’t ride, and no load I won’t take. Hook-ups at home or a guy’s place, clubs, saunas, public toilets, alleyways, parks, beaches… Anywhere, anytime, you can find me and my biohazard tramp stamp swallowing up as many loads as possible. I’m 45, apparently handsome, in the best shape of my life, and a proud poz cumdump.

    But what excites me most is that I’m being sent back to Mexico to oversee the rollout of our latest system upgrade in the office there. I’ve already secured some time off during my stay, and I know just where I’ll be aiming to spend it…

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  2. Jason did return quite regularly after that, and seemed to come out of his shell a bit more with us as he got more used to feeling like what he was doing was OK. It was maybe the fourth or fifth visit to ours that he actually decided to stick around for a bit to have a drink and talk after we’d fucked, and the eighth visit was when we first managed to get him to undress again for a second round before staying the night in one of the guest bedrooms.

    We tested his boundaries a little more with each visit, and discovered that he seemed to respond well to a bit of domination. We took things slowly on that front, starting with strapping him onto the bench, then into the sling, and eventually into a set of stocks that Stone ordered to add to the playroom equipment (which of course we had ‘christened’ with me being put into them first before Stone invited the whole neighbourhood round to join in). However, we also got him to start practicing as a versatile performer, mixing up what we did to him with the occasional topping role, usually with me as the bottom but also a couple of times with Stone. He was certainly a very eager student.

    We weren’t really sure what was happening with him outside of his visits to our place, but one day he decided to talk about it with us over some post-fucking drinks and cigarettes. Evidently the studio had not responded well to his arrest, so despite the charges being dropped they had let quietly him go from his contract. However, one of the execs had put him onto a friend of his, and Jason had started working with him. These were all-black orgy films shot with a single camera around the guy’s house, and Jason always wore a hood as he took up position on his front or back to get fucked and bred by the various tops and versatile performers also on set. He showed us one of the films that had been released onto that studio’s website, and what surprised us the most was that it was so obviously him, given he wore no top so his distinctive tattoos were on full view, and he hadn’t even taken off his trademark gold Cubans. We decided not to say anything about this though, and once he was gone we had looked through all of the videos he had done with this new outfit.

    Despite him clearly getting other action now, he carried on visiting us on a pretty regular basis. On one occasion we decided to take things up a notch or two by ‘forgetting’ that we had invited Frank and Bram over to play, and when they entered the playroom through the side door Jason looked a bit like a deer in headlights. Credit to him though, because after only a brief moment of looking like he was about to freak out, he relaxed and went with the flow. Loads were taken by all that night, though Jason’s hole was obviously the main focus. Thereafter we brought Frank, Bram and some other friends in on the play every now and then.

    Jason did eventually get sick, and Stone and I took it in turns to be at his place looking after him while he converted. He seemed to understand what had happened, and didn’t react too badly when we took him to a clinic and the result was confirmed. He eventually told us that his prep supply had indeed ended when his contract was terminated, but by then he wasn’t able to turn off his need to be bred despite no longer being protected. He had not been actively chasing, but nor did he do anything to reduce the risk of infection and had kind of known it was inevitable. He told us he knew we must be poz because of working with Scorpex, and that he knew he could also maybe just start seeking what he needed from neg or undetectable guys, but somehow had just wanted to keep coming to our playroom. He genuinely seemed OK with it, although we suspected he might need a bit of support as the reality dawned on him so we kept an eye out.

    In the meantime we decided to introduce him to Scorpex, and it turned out they had been enamoured with the hooded blinged-up bottom appearing in the orgy films but had somehow failed to make the connection. Jason was soon signed up for a contract as a versatile performer, giving him access to healthcare insurance so he could go on meds and, in time, get some support when he did start to freak out a bit about his new status. He has become a popular performer with Scorpex, and Stone and I got to appear with him when the execs wanted him to be dominated for a shoot and he had said he would only do that with us.

    Interestingly, Jason has settled into a sort of middle ground in life, having started out as a straight man performing only as a top, becoming a needy hungry bottom with us, but now happily able to talk about his bisexuality. He actually has a girlfriend, a poz dancer he met through a support group, but she is relaxed about his work and also the need to satisfy other urges to keep him happy. As such, while no longer as frequent as it was for a while, he still comes over every now and then to play.

    Seeing Jason find a bit of peace and happiness with himself has spurred me on too. Stone and I are about to go away to a cabin in Colorado for a little break, and I have decided to take the plunge. He and I are perfect together, and when I find the right place and time up in the mountains, I shall be getting down on one knee. Wish me luck!


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  3. I sighed and put my iPad down on the coffee table in front of me.

    “Babe” I called out, “come take a break before you make yourself crazy.”

    A few moments later Stone slouched into the room, looking thoroughly pissed.

    “I don’t get it” he said. “Can’t people just hit the Back button and move on to something they do like? It’s not like I’m getting paid to do any of this, or trying to get famous from it. I mean, my stuff is out there for people to enjoy for free, so why the need to be negative if they would prefer something else?”

    “I know” I replied, “but I did warn you about reading the comments.”

    “Yeah” he grumbled, as he sat down next to me and I put my hand on his leg. “But I want to see what people who do actually like my sort of stuff have to say in case it gives me some more ideas or helps me to make the songs better. I spend time doing this stuff in a way I enjoy myself, and I like talking to other people who have similar tastes.”

    Stone had recently decided to start posting music he had been making, which was a mix of his own songs and covers of others, delivered in a very different way to the originals. His videos were of him performing live, but he obscured most of his face and applied a black-and-white filter to avoid getting recognised. He had no plans to try to make something out of it, and was just doing it in his spare time for his own enjoyment and to hopefully entertain a few others. He was, however, leaning the hard way about what the internet was really like.

    “Listen” I said, “how about we have a bit of fun to work off your frustrations, and see if maybe that stirs up some more positive thoughts for you?”

    “Oh yeah?” he asked, turning to me with a smirk. “Would this ‘fun’ involve me pounding you into next week by any chance?”

    “I’d definitely be up for that” I chuckled, “but I was thinking more of following up on a lead I’ve had.”

    “A lead?” he asked, looking quizzically at me.

    “Jason” I said. “Found out a bit more about what happened, and where we might find him.”

    “Well, that does sound promising” Stone said. “But unless we’re gonna find him waiting outside right this minute, I think we might have to go with my idea first.”

    I laughed out loud, but also knew he wasn’t joking so duly got off the couch and started to pull down my shorts. Mere moments later I was bent over the dining table with the man I loved working out the frustrations of his evening in my hole.

    Once we’d recovered from the rather frenetic fuck, we got cleaned up and then headed out. Having been kicked out of the apartment he had shared with his now ex-girlfriend, Jason was temporarily staying with a mutual friend who had got curious about his nighttime absences and had thus followed him out one evening. Unbeknownst to Jason, this mutual friend was quite into what Stone and I had been doing, so had let me know what he had found out and promised to message me when his new housemate went out. Such a message had arrived just as Stone was erupting inside of me, and we were now en route to the park he had told us about.

    After parking nearby we split up to look around, keeping our phones to hand to quickly message each other. There were a few guys hanging around who seemed like they might be cruising, but others who I thought were probably seeking or selling drugs, making it far more likely the police would be nearby.

       ME: Keep an eye out and be ready to run. Drugs.

       STONE: OK.

    Fortunately it was just a minute after sending that message that I caught sight of Jason, standing by a tree looking at his phone. He seemed to hear me approach as he put it away, stuck his hands in his pockets and looked up to see what was going on, his expression changing the instant I came into a pool of light from on of the few dim lamps around the place.


    “Greg” he muttered. “What the fuck man?”

    “Hey Jason” I said. “Been a while.”

    “Get out of here” he growled.

    “No fucking way” I replied. “Not without getting you out of here too.”

    “Who sent you?” he asked, glowering at me.

    “No-one” I half-lied, “but I heard what went down and we want to help you.”

    “We?” he said, pulling his hands out his pockets and balling his fists.

    “I’m here with Stone” I said.

    “What the fuck” he whispered.

    “Why don’t you come with us and we’ll talk about it?” I said. “Before the police get here again.”

    He glared at me, but eventually nodded as he pushed himself off the tree he had been leaning against. I started walking back in the general direction of the car, typing out a quick message to Stone so he’d meet us there.  None of us said a thing as we got to the car, Jason climbing in the back while we got in the front. After watching a darkened patrol car glide past us towards the park we had just left, I quickly pulled out and set off, doing some cursory checks to make sure we weren’t being followed, particularly as I didn’t know if Jason had anything on him that could be a problem if we were pulled over. Once I could see we were clear, I decided not to freak him out too much by taking him to ours and instead headed to a bar we knew that afforded its patrons with high-sided booths and plenty of privacy. Jason said nothing as we entered, so I got him the same rum and coke I remembered him drinking on set back in the day, while opting for plain cokes for me and Stone.

    “What happened man?” I asked Jason, once we’d been sat in a booth in silence for a bit.

    “Nothing happened” he quietly replied, staring at his drink. “I wasn’t doing nothing, had all my clothes on, had no drugs, no cash, so they had to drop the charges.”

    “You got lucky” Stone said.

    “Fuck off” he snapped, before letting out a deep breath and continuing in a softer tone. “Sorry man. Yeah, I know I got lucky.”

    “So what were you doing there?” I asked.

    Jason said nothing for a while, but we gave him time to gather his thoughts. Then, with a lot of initial hesitation, he started to tell us the story. His girlfriend, a performer herself, had wanted to spice things up a bit and had arranged for another of her female co-stars to join them for a threesome. Then after that it was a different female co-star, and then a third. But one night it was another man she had brought to their bed, who Jason knew worked on hetero, bi and gay films. The sex had all been about her, but then she had invited the same man back again and started taking things in a different direction. Jason was of course well used to fucking men on-camera so had not had any real issues at first, but it was once his girlfriend was asleep and the rum had continued flowing that the ante was upped. His girlfriend woke up to find him on his hands and knees losing his anal virginity.

    Thereafter it had solely been other men she had brought to their bed, and Jason had to get used to her expectations to see him bottoming. However, she had suddenly lost interest in all this and had stopped inviting anyone else into their sex life, cutting him off from something he had really started to get into even if he wasn’t ready to admit that out loud.

    The trips to the park had started initially when he was drunk and his inhibitions lowered, but he eventually began seeking out that release even when sober. He dressed it up as a new exercise regime that involved an intense nighttime run before bed, and seemed to get away with it at first. However, he had not known that his girlfriend was starting to suspect what he was up to, not least because he was no longer performing as well in the bedroom with her, so when he was arrested in a sting and had needed her to bail him out, the writing was on the wall for their relationship. He was out on the street the next day.

    “You know” I said, “you don’t need to go looking for it in such a risky way, particularly when there’s other illegal things going down that attract the cops.”

    “Yeah” Jason mumbled.

    “We could help if you want” said Stone. “Give you somewhere to explore that side of yourself, where you don’t have to worry about it getting out.”

    “Plus, you know, we’ve both been on the same journey” I offered.

    Jason looked up at me, and fixed me with a stare for a while before speaking.

    “Do you think I’m gay?” he asked.

    “Doesn’t matter what I think” I said, “nor does it matter if you are or not. You just know now that it feels good, and you should be able to do something about that in private.”

    He carried on staring at me, before nodding and looking back down at his drink.

    “OK” he said.

    He swirled his finger round his glass, before picking it up and gulping down the contents. He slammed the glass back on the table, and then fixed Stone with a look.

    “Show me” he said, before sliding along the bench and out of the booth.

    Stone and I left our drinks on the table, and followed Jason out of the bar. He had some jumpy energy about him, so I pulled my cigarettes out of my pocket and offered him one. Once we had all lit up, I delicately probed a little further just to see what Jason would be most comfortable with, including whether or not it was actually us he wanted to explore with or if he just wanted our help. By the time we were stubbing out the cigarettes we had settled on him coming back to ours, so we got back into the car and drove home in silence.

    Jason didn’t seem to want to delay things with another drink, so we ushered him down to the playroom where he quickly stripped down to his jock. However, the big surprise came as Stone and I were getting naked, when Jason reached behind himself and delicately pulled a lubed plug out of his hole. Knowing this meant we could just get down to business, we urged him to get down on the bench so he could be comfortable, before Stone took up position and starting gently rubbing Jason’s hole with his cock.

    “Do it” Jason growled, ever so slightly pushing back.

    Stone looked up at me and winked, then focused on the inviting hole in front of him. He started pushing his girthy dry cock into Jason, content that no condom had been offered or requested, and assuming that there was already enough lubrication in there based on how wet the plug had been.

    Jason softly moaned as Stone slowly but firmly pushed into him in one go. My boyfriend held in position for a moment, and then began his thrusts which gradually got faster and deeper. Even with his head down on the bench, it was clear that Jason was loving it, arching his back like a seasoned bottom and letting Stone take full control of the pounding. It was so hot to watch, Jason’s toned body and tight buns seeming to just scream “bottom” now that I was seeing him in this position rather than hammering away as a vigorous top.

    I guess that our earlier rut had taken the edge off for Stone a bit, as he was showing incredible stamina while he pounded away. I decided to mix things up a bit while I waited my turn, so went over to stand next to Jason’s head to just see what happened. It took him a while to realise I was there, but when he did he propped himself up a bit and stared at the hard cock right in front of him while his body rocked back and forth. I stepped forward just a bit more to put it in range, and he stretched out a little and took the tip into his mouth. I let him have just that for a couple of minutes, before shuffling forward a little more to effectively force my cock deeper into his mouth towards his throat. He gagged a little, but didn’t pull off so I just went the whole hog and pushed until he’d swallowed it all. He was audibly snorting as he got used to what I suspected was his first spit-roast, but credit where it’s due, he never gave off any vibe of wanting either of us to pull out of him.

    Stone eventually started to reach orgasm, speeding up his pounding to a frantic pace until he slammed into Jason and held position while he unloaded. His breathing was ragged, and it took him quite some time to calm down and pull out. He staggered back and slumped down on a chair at the side of the room, giving me my cue that it was time to take over. I pulled my cock out of Jason’s throat, and quickly repositioned myself behind him and slid into his cummy hole. I was already pretty heated, so picked up where Stone had left off with a rapid and energetic fucking, Jason responding by moaning and panting his desire for me to keep going. I didn’t last long though, and soon was spurting another load into our former co-star.

    I collapsed on the floor next to Stone, and we sat breathing heavily as we watched Jason just remain in position on all fours with cum leaking out of his gaping hole. After a couple of minutes he lifted himself up onto his knees, and reached behind to lightly finger and explore his hole. He then brought his fingers to his mouth, taking a taste of some of the deposits we’d left back there. I could only see a bit of the side of his face, but I thought I detected what could be a small smile breaking out on his face for a brief moment, before he then slid himself back and got off the bench. He went over to his clothes and started to get dressed, only turning to face us once he was fully clothed again.

    “Thanks” he said.

    “No problem” I replied. “You’re always welcome if you need more.”

    He nodded at me, and then in a flash was gone up the stairs and out of the house. Stone and I remained sitting for a bit, before hauling ourselves up and off to the shower.

    “He’s probably on prep” Stone said, as I climbed into bed next to him a while later.

    “I know” I said, “and honestly I’m happy just to help him get comfortable with being versatile if that’s all this turns out to be.”

    “Me too” said Stone, smiling. “He is hot as fuck, and clearly meant to bottom.”

    “Amen to that” I replied, sliding down and putting my arm across Stone’s chest. “It’ll be fun to watch him realise that for himself.”

    With that, we both gradually drifted off to sleep, safe and comfortable in each other’s arms…

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  4. Stone and I were resting on loungers by the pool, he having drifted off to sleep while I was staring up at the few wispy clouds in the sky, totally lost in thought. Earlier we had enjoyed a long, leisurely, well, I would say “fuck” but I think it is actually more accurate to say “love-making”. This is what was occupying me, as I was realising how deep things had now got with him. I had never in a million years expected to be with a man in this way, and I expect Stone felt the same given he had also identified as straight for most of his life, but the truth was that we had completely fallen for one another. Yes, we still often rutted like animals in heat, but our sex was increasingly something far more meaningful than that.

    I was stirred from my contemplations of life, love and the human experience by my phone vibrating with a WhatsApp message:

       BROCK: Will you teach me?

    Well, there it was, the request I had been hoping for and perhaps kind of expecting, but it was still a thrill to actually see it on my phone. I doubted that I had been the only one to suggest to Brock that he needed to get with the times, or maybe he had come to that conclusion himself a bit, but being proactive in reaching out to him seemed to have done the job. Now I just needed to work out a plan.

       ME: I’d be happy to. When were you thinking?

    Where Dean had already been well on his way to discovering his true self when Stone and I got to him, I suspected it was going to be a bit more of a long game with Brock. He probably wouldn’t react well to Stone being there, at least at first, and I was going to have to take my time in getting him sufficiently adjusted to enable things to be stepped up a gear. I didn’t even know if he was on prep or not, so I could just be helping him to diversify his options with the studio without achieving anything else, but it was worth a shot.

       BROCK: Now. Your place.

    Shit. I hurriedly reached over and shook Stone awake, bringing him up to speed and instructing him to find someplace to go for a bit.

       ME: Sure. Just getting rid of Stone, then I’m all yours.

       BROCK: OK.

    Stone grumbled a little as I helped to get him out the door and into his car, but as soon as he’d pulled out onto the street and driven off, I saw Brock climb out of a truck parked opposite. Smoking a cigarette and wearing a hoodie with dark glasses, he hurried over clearly not wanting to be seen by anyone.

    “Hi” I said, as he walked through the open door and into the house.

    “Where are we doing this?” he growled at me as he unzipped his hoodie.

    “OK, slow down” I said, putting my hands up to calm him. “I think we better start with the basics on getting clean and prepared, and then we can take it from there.”

    “OK” he said, as I saw him visibly relax a little. He was clearly very wound up, so I knew I was going to need to tread carefully.

    I showed him upstairs to the guest bathroom, and then went and got a douche. I talked him through how to use it, and then left the room and closed the door so he could have a go himself. A while later he emerged, and saw me sitting in the guest bedroom opposite.

    “I think I’m done” he said. “Not sure though.”

    “No worries” I replied, giving him a warm smile. “We can move on to getting you prepared, so I’ll be able to see if we need to have another go.”

    “OK” he said, his shoulders tightening.

    “Don’t worry” I said, “we’re just going to do some things to get you loosened up a bit. I promise it will actually feel really good, and then when we’re done you can decide if you want to carry on or leave it at that for today.”

    He nodded at me, even giving me the slightest hint of a thankful smile. I gestured for him to come into the bedroom, and then over the next couple of hours I showed him how to loosen himself up with fingers and toys, as well as rimming and fingering him myself. We frequently broke to go outside for a drink and a smoke, and I could see that he was starting to get into having a small plug inside while we did that.

    “I think I’m ready” he eventually said, while on all fours on the bed with my tongue in his ass.

    “Are you sure?” I asked, after pulling back.

    “Just fuck me” he quietly growled, causing me to smile.

    There was one downside for me, in that he had pulled a packet of condoms out of his hoodie. However, I reminded myself that this was the long game, so I duly covered up for the first time in years, applied some lube, and then moved into position. I rested my cock on his hole, and gently moved it around a bit until I saw the tell-tale sign of him arching his back a bit, inviting me to sink in.

    I took it very slowly, frequently pausing on the way in so he could adjust and relax. He was panting the whole time, but let out a big breath when he felt me push my body up against him, indicating I was fully buried. Once again I paused to let him adjust, and then began a slow, short outstroke before pushing back in. This time he let out a low moan, and a louder one when I did it again.  I gradually sped up, until I was properly fucking him and, to my surprise and pleasure, he was putting as much effort in to slam back on me. The power bottom in him had awoken!

    Eventually I roared that I was going to come, at which point he started slamming back even harder while shouting the place down as well. I finally went over the edge and thrust in one more time as I blew my load into the condom, and could tell from his ass spasms that he was coming hands free as well. We were both sweating like crazy and panting for oxygen, but as we calmed I slowly pulled out, removed the condom to toss it in the trashcan, and then turned and collapsed backwards onto the mattress beside him. He slowly sprawled himself forward from the all-fours position he’d been in the whole time, so that he was lying on his front.

    “Fuck” he eventually whispered. “Holy fuck.”

    “You good?” I asked.

    “Yeah” he replied. “That was fucking-A.”

    I chuckled.

    “Now you see why I went versatile, huh?”

    “Yeah” he said.

    We lay in silence for a while, before I hauled myself up while he turned over onto his back.

    “I’m not saying now, but there is more to show you when you’re ready” I said.

    “Like what?” he asked.

    “Well, it can feel different in other positions, and you can also be more in control.”

    “Show me” he said, with the slightest of grins.

    I stared at him for a moment, then reached for the condoms, opened another and pulled it onto my re-hardening cock. I slapped on a bit of lube while he watched, then before he could do anything I bent over, grabbed his ankles and threw them onto my shoulders. Without any of the patience from before, I lined up and slid back  into him, causing him to yell out.

    “Like this” I said, as I started to fuck into him.

    He had thrown his head back and was rightly gripping the bedspread either side of him.

    “Do it!” I shouted. “Show me how you take control!”

    He didn’t change position and I just continued to slam into him, but then he suddenly shot his head up and fixed me with a gnarly glare, let go of the bedspread, and reached to grab my hips. Sure enough, he was now the one controlling my thrusts, and he wanted it even harder than I’d been giving it to him.

    “Fuck me you fucker!” was just one of the many commands he started barking at me, and I have to admit, it really did feel like he had taken control despite being the one getting shafted.

    Having already blown a load I knew this was going to be a longer fuck, so after a while I pulled out of him and lay down on my back on the bed. He got the message, and hopped over to straddle me before lowering himself back onto my dick. Now he could really be the power bottom, and he fucked himself frenetically on my cock until I was filling the condom and he was spitting all over my chest.

    We both took a long time to recover from the rutting, but once we had he decided to call it a day. He grunted a thank you at me after he’d put his clothes back on his sweaty body, and then he was gone. I pretty much passed out after that.

    Two nights later Stone and I were chilling in the kitchen on our second bottle of wine when my phone lit up with a series of WhatsApps.

       BROCK: Ate yo at hume?

       BROCK: fucikin

       BROCK: Got whisjy 

       BROCK: oitside 

    It was clear he was trashed, but if my interpretation of his slightly garbled messages was correct, he was also outside our house and apparently horny.

    “Got him” I said to Stone, smirking.

    “Brock?” he asked.

    “He’s outside” I said.

    I went and opened the door, and sure enough there was Brock on our driveway, holding a brown paper bag while he smoked a cigarette.

    “Hey” I said.

    “Fucker” he growled as he part-walked, part-staggered into the house.

    Stone approached from the kitchen.

    “Two fuckers” Brock barked. “Fucking-A.”

    He reached into the bag and pulled the bottle of whisky out, letting the brown paper fall to the floor. He yanked out the cork and took a swig, before marching over to the stairs and heading up. Stone and I glanced at each other, and then started following him as we pulled off our tops. We shucked down our shorts on the landing, and then headed stark naked into the guest bedroom behind Brock. He got to the bed and then turned to look at us, slightly licking his lips when he saw we had already stripped.

    “Get on your backs” he barked, before ripping off his tank top and shorts.

    We did as he commanded, lying side by side on the mattress with our newly-sprung erections standing firm. Brock let out an unintelligible growl, and then hopped up onto the bed, straddled me and lowered himself onto my bare dick. He seemed loosened and already lubricated, so I guessed he must have been riding a dildo or some other dicks before he got to us.

    He power fucked himself on me for an epic amount of time, before jumping up and moving over to sink himself down on Stone. Then after a while he was back on me, this time riding until I lost it and blew my potent load inside him. He squeezed my dick with his ass muscles until I’d stopped thrusting, then quickly jumped over to Stone and rode him to orgasm too.

    But that wasn’t him done, as he then jumped off, got on all fours on the bed and demanded we clean him up. Wearily we took turns rimming him until we’d both got hard again, at which point I thrust into Brock doggystyle and fucked him hard while he slammed back on me, with me again blowing a load of toxic juices into him when it got too much. Stone followed suit, slapping Brock’s ass repeatedly while they fucked which only seemed to egg on this newly-discovered power bottom. I almost had to hold Stone steady as he orgasmed and added a fourth dose of venom into Brock’s now apparently needy ass.

    Yet still Brock was not done, throwing himself onto his knees on the floor between us to suck off our cum-covered cocks. Where Dean had taken a long time to get any good at this, Brock was either a natural or had more experience than he’d ever let on, and his oral ministrations eventually got us hard again. Stone went first this time, pulling Brock up so he could slide into him while the muscular power bottom carried on sucking me, and then once he’d added a fifth load into the gaping hole we changed positions and I pounded Brock through to his sixth load of the night.

    Stone and I were done in, but Brock only seemed to be getting more heated. To give ourselves a break, we grabbed the bottle of whisky and steered him down to the basement. We got him to lie back on the bench, set up the fuck machine at his hole with a large dildo, and after Stone had fetched him a pack of cigarettes and an ashtray, we left him to it while we went back upstairs and collapsed on the now very sweaty guest bed.

    It was maybe a couple of hours later that I woke up to the bed rocking, and looked over to see Brock slamming himself up and down on Stone’s cock again. My boyfriend was moaning almost like he was in pain, and I soon got my own taste of it when Brock saw that I was awake and hopped over to slam himself down on me. He was unbelievably vigorous, and I couldn’t help but yell out as he thrust himself onto my pelvis repeatedly while my tired cock begged for mercy.

    Thankfully, when we had added another load each to his gaping hole, he finally seemed to be spent. He collapsed onto the bed between us and passed out, giving us the opportunity to cautiously slide off the mattress and exit the room.

    “Fucking hell” Stone sighed as we stood in our en suite shower together.

    “I’ve created a monster” I replied, mustering up a smile.

    We got ourselves cleaned and dried, then climbed into our bed and quickly fell asleep. This time we made it through to morning without being disturbed, and when we did eventually get up we found that Brock was gone. Stone set about stripping the guest bed to put all the cum-covered linens in the washer, while I headed down to the basement to clean up a mess of cigarette detritus, dildos, and numerous spills of cum and lube.

    A couple of days later Stone and I were out at dinner when I got a call from Dean.

    “You’ve got to get down here” he yelled excitedly, over thumping music in the background.

    “Where?” I asked.

    “The Locker” he shouted.

    “Why?” I asked, giving Stone a look.

    “Just fucking get here” Dean yelled, “you won’t be sorry!”

    The call cut out at that point, and I brought Stone up to speed. We decided we’d go and see what was up, so quickly settled the check and then got an Uber down to the club. We got undressed and stashed our things in a locker, including the plug I’d been wearing in case we got a little frisky after our meal, and then headed into the complex to find Dean. When we did locate him he was standing at the doorway of the largest playroom.

    “Look!” he said when he saw us, pointing into the room.

    There, bent over and bracing his hands on his knees, was Brock, and behind him a man was jackhammering into him like crazy.

    “He’s been at it for hours” said Dean. “All bareback.”

    “Wow” I said, though I was not actually surprised.

    “Did you do this?” asked Dean, his eyes narrowing as he apparently saw through my poor acting attempt.

    Stone and I laughed while nodding at him, at which point he burst out laughing too.

    “You fuckers” he said between chuckles. “Turned him out like you did me, huh?”

    “Took more effort” I replied, smiling.

    We stood and watched the scene for a while, before deciding to join in and have some fun ourselves. Stone got to the back of the line waiting to use Brock, while Dean and I headed to one of the walls of the room and bent over to offer ourselves up. In no time at all we were both being railed, smiling at each other as the room filled with the sounds of sweaty, raw, unfiltered sex.

    We saw Brock on and off for the next few weeks, and then one day there he was at our door sporting a new biohazard tattoo on his stomach. By this point we had already started off the process of getting him signed to Scorpex, and for that entire flying visit to see us he only talked about a proposal for a shoot he’d been sent, with no mention of anything else. However, the next day a gift basket of whisky sample bottles turned up on our doorstep, along with a hand-written card:


            Fuckers 1 & 2,

            Thanks. For everything. I mean it.

            B x


    Brock’s career has soared at Scorpex, with no other performer able to match his power and stamina as either a top or bottom. Stone and I actually starred together in a long scene with him, where we played a pair of vanilla boyfriends who get picked up by Brock and have our cocks and asses thoroughly used by him in a triumphant display of his new-found versatility.

    Off-set he seems to be fucking the toned twink from his gym, who Dean says has basically moved in with Brock at this point. We saw them together briefly at a bar, with the twink’s low-cut tank top allowing the new tattoo on his pec to be easily seen and understood. Maybe we did that too, or maybe he had to wait until Brock got to him for the change to take effect.

    Stone and I, meanwhile, have accepted just how much we have fallen in love with one another. I know I’m going to marry that man someday, which is the weirdest fucking thing given we both thought we were straight until recently. However, I can’t see us stopping our fun anytime soon, even if we do start to think about maybe getting a dog or something.

    Speaking of fun, Stone’s just found out that our former studio stablemate Jason has broken up with his girlfriend after some sort of weird late night arrest, and something about the whole story makes us wonder if we’ve found our next playmate…

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  5. Brock Silver was certainly once a very in-demand star, with this steroidy alpha energy about him and of course his repeatedly stated heterosexualiry. However, a combination of moving into his forties but probably more his strict top-only stance had started to lessen his appeal in the age of versatility. Hearing that he had been seen engaging in bareback gay sex off camera - even if still apparently just as a top - had got our interest, and we had hatched a plan. I had done four films with him pre-Covid, including a one-on-one after I had gone versatile myself, so we agreed it would probably be best if I made the first approach even if Brock and I did not know each other that well.

    From what I’d heard he still spent most of his time at the small gym he managed, so I decided to go there under the guise of being a prospective member, and see what came of it.

    I was initially shown around by the only staff member who seemed to be on duty, a toned guy in his twenties who I thought I saw checking me out a couple of times (so that was duly noted). We started in the changing rooms, but when we went into the main machine room there was Brock, looking even more muscled and of course smoking his trademark cigarette while he lifted weights (god only knows how he got away with it here).


    “Greg” he said when he stopped watching himself in the mirror to look at who had just walked in, “long time no see.”

    “Oh, Brock” I said, feigning surprise. “Wow. How are you man?”

    “Fucking-A” he said, looking back at himself in the mirror as he flexed.

    “Cool man” I said. “Fancy a beer after this to catch up?”

    “Sure” he said, doing one last set of lifts before he put the weights down on the floor. “Let me go get showered and I’ll meet you by the desk.”

    He made his way out to the changing rooms, after which the toned twink gave me a stuttering tour of the machines and weights before escorting me back to the front.

    “Let me think about it” I told him. “What time do you finish?”

    “Er, my shift ends soon, at 5” he said. “But someone else will be here until 10.”

    “I’ll be back before 5 then” I said, giving him a wink. He nervously coughed before nodding at me.

    Brock eventually appeared again, and nodded at me as he headed for the door out to the street. I followed him out, walking beside him in silence as he strode to a bar just along the block. He held the door for me and I went inside, and then he followed me in, motioned towards a booth and then went up to the bar.

    “So how are things?” I asked, as he sat down at the booth a couple of minutes later.

    “Quiet” he said, a little gruffly.

    “Oh, how so?” I asked.

    “Not done a shoot in months” he said, before taking a big gulp of beer.

    “Oh” I said. “Sorry to hear that.”

    “Dunno what the problem is” he spat out. “I’m in the best fucking shape of my life.”

    I hesitated, running my finger round the rim of my glass.

    “Well, you know, studios these days prefer performers who mix things up a bit” I said. “Have you thought about giving bottoming a try?”

    “Fuck that” he growled. “I’m straight. I don’t get fucked.”

    “OK” I said, holding my hand up. “But that might be the problem, I’m just saying.”

    “Whatever” he mumbled, “but I ain’t getting fucked.”

    We sat in silence for a moment.

    “What about you?” he asked, looking away from me. “Heard you’ve gone gay.”

    “Something like that” I said. “Quarantine made me realise what I was missing the most.”

    “And you’re with Stone?” he followed up, still looking down towards the end of the room.

    “Yeah” I said. “He’s great.”

    He nodded, then looked down at his beer.

    “Are you with anyone?” I asked.

    “Not got time for that” he said, which obviously made no sense given he had said things were quiet.

    “Fair enough” I said.

    “Fuck, I need a cigarette” he barked, before standing up out of the booth and heading for the door.

    I slid along the seat and followed him, leaving our beers behind. When I got outside he was lighting up a cigarette, and I took one from the pack he offered when he noticed I’d joined him. We smoked the cigarettes in silence, but after stubbing them out he immediately lit another (which I did not).

    “So what would I have to do?” he asked, out of the blue.

    “For what?” I replied.

    “To start bottoming” he said, glancing around before he did so.

    “Oh” I said. “Er, well, that depends. With me they wanted the filmed scene to be the actual first time, but that was quite nerve-wracking.”

    “OK” he said, now fixing me with something of a glare.

    “Given what a power top you are” I continued, “I reckon you might want to get some practice in first and then be more in control on set.”

    He nodded, before taking another big draw from his cigarette.

    “So you’re saying I need to find someone to…”

    “Yeah” I said, “that might be best.”

    He seemed to disappear into his thoughts, before he stubbed out the cigarette and went back into the bar.

    “Let me think about it” he said quietly, once we were both back in the booth.

    “Take all the time you need” I said, holding back my excitement as I realised that he was maybe interpreting my pep talk as meaning that it was me who should train him to bottom.

    He looked at me briefly, before lifting his glass and gulping down the rest of the beer.

    “I need to get back” he said, prompting me to swiftly drink the rest of mine before we stood up out of the booth.

    We walked back to the gym in silence, arriving on the dot of 5 as the toned twink was walking out the door. Brock went back inside without saying anything, and I turned to the younger man who was holding open the door.

    “I’m gonna take a couple of days to decide” I said, before smirking at him. “Unless you feel like coming back to my place to give me a free personal training session as a teaser?”

    “Er, yeah, OK, er, sure” he stammered.

    “Great” I said, “I could really use a workout.”

    He let the door go, and I threw my arm over his shoulders and steered him up the street to where my car was. Some hours later we despatched him home in a taxi, fairly sure his now gaping cum-filled hole was going to be converting soon. With that fun out of the way, we got into bed and I gave Stone the full rundown on my chat with Brock, so we could begin talking the next phase of our plans…

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  6. “I think Dean might be next” said my boyfriend Stone. “He seems up for it.”

    “Dean?” I replied. “I thought he was strictly a top.”

    “So was I, if you remember” said Stone, smirking. “From what I hear, his last girlfriend started pegging him and now he’s a bit more vers.”

    “I didn’t know they’d got him to bottom” I said.

    “They haven’t. But Rex told me one of the fluffers had told him that he fucked Dean in a bathroom to get him turned on enough to perform.”

    I let out a bit hearty laugh, realising that Dean must have become a slave to his ass like I had.

    “But” continued Stone, “they’ve benched him for a bit because his doctor is making him take a break from prep.”

    “Oh really” I said, smirking.

    “He messaged me earlier and sounded pretty pissed” he said.

    “In that case I bet he’d be up for joining us” I said. “Call him, while I go and buy some cameras.”


    It turns out that Dean Hardrock (stage name of course) was in fact very up for it, as it was only the next day that he turned up at our house with two bottles of wine and a lot of nervous energy. We plied him with a few drinks while sitting out the back smoking cigarettes, and then got down to business. Stone just bluntly asked him what he was hoping for from the night, and after a lot of mumbling and looking at the floor he eventually admitted he wanted to be spitroasted for the first time and otherwise just used for as long as we had the energy. He never mentioned condoms nor asked us about status, and as far as we were concerned it was common knowledge in the industry that Scorpex was a place for poz stars to shine so he should know what he was getting into. With no issues on that front to work through, we encouraged him into the bedroom, got ourselves naked, and then placed him on all fours on the bed. While Stone moved into position to allow Dean to suck him, I stealthily activated the four hidden cameras I had set up around the room.

    You could tell Dean was inexperienced in this role thanks to his lacklustre oral efforts, so we quickly moved things along by taking turns rimmimg and fingering his pert, tight ass. Stone then went first, sliding his girthy cock into Dean before pausing to allow the man to get used to it. The fuck was initially slow and gentle, but once I had moved round to let Dean suck on my cock, Stone picked up the pace and really let his expertise as a top shine through. Dean moaned throughout, enabling me to push my cock down his throat and force him to stifle his gag reflex, something he would need to learn if we were to bring him over to Scorpex eventually.

    Stone has legendary stamina, so I had to frequently pull back from Dean’s gradually relaxing throat to stop myself from coming too soon. I made Dean rim me a bit as he got pounded, and then eventually had to stand back and just watch this straight hunk be fucked like he never had been. His grunts and moans let us know he was loving it.

    When Stone finally blew his toxic load into Dean he roared out in triumph, sweat pouring off him. Dean too was a sweaty mess, but he got no respite as I slammed into his stretched, cummy hole as soon as Stone had withdrawn. I power fucked him while he did his best to clean off Stone’s cock, and soon added my tainted load to his hole. I then plugged him up before we put on our underwear and went out back for another drink and smoke.

    For round two we took things into the playroom in our basement, which we had fitted out when Stone had decided he wanted somewhere I could be strapped down to a bench or into a sling for men to come by and use without the hassle of having to go out all the time. We already had cameras all over the room, mostly for Stone to be able to watch proceedings from upstairs, with several angles on the sling as he particularly enjoyed watching me lying back and taking it. On this occasion it was Dean who was put into the sling, with his wrists and ankles secured in place. We unplugged him and then took turns fucking his eager hole, until it got too much for us again and we added the third and fourth loads of infected cum to his innards. This time, however, we did not bring him outside with us for a break, choosing instead to set up the fucking machine with a large dildo. I inserted it into him and put it on a variable speed setting, while Stone fetched the ball gag and got Dean into it while he was still too fucked-out to resist. We then turned off the lights and left him in the dark, heading upstairs to have some more drinks and cigarettes out back before deciding to watch some of Dean’s best porn performances together.

    It was while we were watching a scene Dean had filmed where he did a round robin on three muscled twink bottoms that I got a message from Frank and Bram (the tatted couple I had started hooking up with during quarantine) to see if Stone and I wanted to get fucked by them that night. This was too good an opportunity to miss, so I invited them over to join us in using Dean which they jumped at of course. I suggested they use the separate entrance that went straight down to the basement, and then we got ourselves set up to watch using the multi-screen installation Stone had put together in one of the bedrooms.

    It only took a few minutes for Frank and Bram to arrive, and we watched as Dean reacted to the lights going on and two strangers walking in the side door of the basement while we was secured in the sling having his ass reamed out by the machine. He started writhing and attempting to yell around the ball gag, but it was to no avail and within moments Bram had pulled back the machine and then slammed his cock into Dean. All resistance then ceased, as the gorgeous straight porn star gave in to the ecstasy of Bram’s long thick cock. His attempted yells became moans of pleasure, at which point Frank removed the gag, turned Dean’s head to the side and inserted his own dick into the man’s mouth.

    Stone and I watched in awe as the two men absolutely went to town on Dean, repeatedly swapping positions but otherwise never letting up on the frenetic fucking of the porn star’s ass. We eventually decided we needed to be there in person, so headed down to the basement to join them. Thereafter it became a four-way ganging up on Dean, with us having taken his wrists out of the leather cuffs so he could also use his hands to service our cocks while we waited our turn to be back inside him. In all, he got eight more loads, and I knew that Frank and Bram were pretty potent (indeed, they might have been the ones who pozzed me in the first place) so Dean was probably not long for the neg world.

    We were all pretty exhausted by the end of it, with Frank and Bram wearily making their exit while we finally got Dean down from the sling after plugging him up. He almost needed our help to remain standing as we took a shower together, and then we brought him to our bed for the night. I lay down in front of him and got his dick into me, and then Stone lay down behind, removed the plug and tossed it on the floor, and inserted himself into the fucked-out probably-not-so-straight-anymore hunk. We then all drifted off to sleep in a happy, contented chain.

    Dean seemed to be in no rush to leave the following morning, and eventually we spent the day at our place talking, swimming in the pool, napping, and of course fucking. Stone and I were a bit more versatile, enjoying a hard fuck each from the experienced top while of course also adding several more loads to his hole, which we otherwise kept plugged up. Even by the evening he didn’t seem to be wanting to leave, so after a few drinks we strapped him down on the fuck bench in the playroom, put in the ball gag again along with a blindfold over his eyes, and then invited a whole series of fuckbuddies of ours to come over and have at it. Stone and I were both quite tired, so we mostly conserved our energy by relaxing for a few hours in front of the multi-screens watching the proceedings, before concluding the night by going down and adding our final loads of the day. Once again, after a three-way shower Dean spent the night sleeping in the middle of a Greg and Stone sandwich.

    He did eventually leave the next morning after we’d both fucked him a final time, but three days later he was back. We had some more fun, before inviting Frank and Bram to come by and take Dean away with them. He was very nervous about this, but sufficiently drunk and horny that he agreed to go with them back to their place so Stone and I could get sufficient rest to prepare for a shoot we had coming up together out in the desert.

    Four days later we got back home after a successful couple of days in Nevada. This one had actually been a big deal as Stone had bottomed on camera for the first time in an orgy scene we shot on some boulders in the desert, with me only notionally topping for a bit before being taken by a whole army of men (albeit often in the background as they focused the filming on Stone’s “deflowering”). Anyway, when we got back we soon had a message from Bram saying that they were heading off to Palm Springs for a few days so would be bringing Dean back to us, which floored us both as we had just assumed they would have had their fun for a night before he went home. Evidently he had voluntarily stayed as their live-in cumdump, and had been shared with even more of their network of contacts during that time. This meant he had been taking high viral loads for several days, so PEP was no longer an option for him if he suddenly freaked out and tried to undo things.

    Dean was an unkempt mess when he was dropped off, so rather than picking up where we left off we instead got him showered, shaved, and dressed in some of my clothes. We then left him in peace by the pool, but kept an eye on him as he gradually seemed to start to deal with things. Later in the day I joined him outside, sitting on a lounger next to him for a while until he eventually spoke up and started asking me questions about my own experiences.

    “Have I been pozzed?” he asked, a bit out of the blue given we had been mostly talking about sexual identity.

    “Yes” I said, deciding honesty was probably a good policy at this point.

    “Are you sure?”

    “No, you can’t be until you’ve been tested, but I think you probably will be converting soon.”

    He sat in silence staring at the pool for a while.

    “Are you poz?” he asked.

    “Yes” I replied, “and so is Stone.”

    He nodded, not looking away from the pool.

    “We’re not on meds either, and neither are most of the men who fucked you” I stated, readying myself for an angry or even violent reaction. However, he remained calm and still, just staring at the pool.

    “I know” he eventually said. “I already knew.”

    “You did?” I asked.

    He nodded, but didn’t say anything else immediately.

    “I don’t know why I did it” he said after a while.

    “You were horny” I offered.

    “No” he said. “I mean, yes, but I could have done something else about that. I chose to come here.”

    I decided to just remain silent, instead lighting a cigarette and offering him one which he accepted. We then sat and smoked in silence.

    “Can you fuck me again?” he asked, after stubbing out his cigarette, swivelling round on the lounger and facing me.

    “Are you sure?” I asked.

    “Yes” he said. “I can’t think about this shit anymore.”

    “Well OK” I replied, giving him a warm smile.

    Dean ended up staying with us for a few days, getting used to a new life he was carving out for himself by being fucked repeatedly, while also spending some time talking to us, reading things on the net or just sitting by the pool thinking about what was to come. We decided to let on about the cameras, and he actually got quite into working with the footage to pull together a well edited record of his days-long likely pozzing. He did eventually go home, but we kept an eye on him and were therefore able to be on hand when the conversion started. We brought him back to ours in a delirious state and took care of him, and once he started to come out the other side we did a quick home test before - and with his blessing - starting to invite others over to fuck or be fucked by him. When he was fully recovered we took him to a clinic for a proper test, and then began the process of getting him signed to Scorpex with us as ‘sponsors’ of sorts. Releasing the homemade footage onto the net helped with that for sure, such was the public reaction (a mix of celebration and dismay).

    Where the studio wanted me to maintain the versatility I had shown in my last place, and they have only just started to get Stone bottoming on camera, with Dean they cast him as 100% submissive from the moment he transferred over. It’s actually amusing to re-watch films from the first stage of his career, as it’s hard to correlate that the needy, greedy bottom we now know is the same man.

    He’s never really talked to us about how he feels about us deliberately pozzing him, and actually we don’t see him that much anymore as he seems to always be out on the hunt for cock. However, he did get in touch recently to let us know that he’d seen another of our gay-for-pay former studio stablemates breeding a guy in a club, suggesting that this hunk might be open to a bit of play off-camera. Suffice it to say that Stone and I have started making plans…

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  7. “Have you thought about doing gay porn?”

    If you’re an aspiring actor in Los Angeles, this is not want you want to hear from your agent. Granted, she had made it clear that she believed there was a natural limit to my talent, and I was going to need to rely on my charm, looks and physique to get anywhere. Clearly this wasn’t working, and I was getting desperate as I toiled away in gym and bar jobs that did not interest me at all, while either getting no auditions or receiving not-so-complimentary feedback from the ones I did attend. I think my agent had given me the suggestion for an alternative career goal so that I could still have some potential for a form of stardom, which I suppose is what I was actually seeking rather than being motivated by a love for the craft of acting (and god knows going into music wasn’t an option for someone so tone-deaf). My counter suggestion that perhaps straight porn might work better for me fell on deaf ears, as when I did eventually relent and agree it was indeed an all-male shoot that I turned up to. By that point I had selected the stage name of Greg Burnside.

    In my first scene I just received oral, but for my second I was expected to fuck a guy. Evidently my performance down well, as thereafter I became increasingly in demand as a top. I’ve got to say that I did actually get into it, finding that there was something that did it for me despite not having been aware of any interest in men before.

    Signing an exclusive contract with a new studio started the next phase of my career in the industry. While initially still just topping, I was now also doing the occasional scene where my rear end would receive some attention, including rimming and light fingering, and I started to suck dicks and rim butts myself in some scenes. I’ve got to admit, this all stirred some real curiosity in me about the whole of the gay sex experience, and when I was offered a wad of cash to lose my anal virginity in a scene that would be heavily marketed as a special event given the star I had become, I eventually agreed.

    The studio I was with had pivoted mostly into bareback, but all of us performers received supplies of prep and regular health checks, so once I had agreed to get fucked it didn’t take much effort from the studio to extend that to me being taken raw. I was allowed to select another top to do the deed, and a couple of weeks later I was to be found in a rented luxury villa getting railed for the first time. It was such a revelation for me that they eventually shot a second scene the same day with another of the studio’s tops who was able to be drafted in at short notice.

    Thereafter I assumed a versatile role for the studio, while still making sure that any interviews or promotional materials made it clear that I am straight. The studio was fully on board with this, seeing the extra appeal this seemed to generate amongst audiences, and they soon started doing joint productions with their hetero studio subsidiary on bisexual films where I would fuck women and get fucked by men, often at the same time time.

    Late in 2019 I was approached by the studio execs again with another wad of cash to do my first gangbang. I mean, I had been involved in one before as a top, plus several orgy scenes once I had gone versatile, but this time they were proposing that I would be the sole bottom in a scene where I would be fucked and bred by at least five other guys. It was proposed that it would be set in a locker room, with me cast as a cocky quarterback being taken down a peg by my teammates. I made a bit of a show of needing to be convinced, but in truth I had sprung the biggest hard-on of my life when I had first read the email about it, and I knew my answer was going to be yes.

    Filming the scene was epic, as they had managed to increase the budget and assemble ten tops from their stable. Two of them were fellow gay-for-pay stars that were friends of mine, and over the week leading up to the filming they had come over regularly to get me ‘warmed up’. Prior to that I had never had sex with men off-camera, but once again I found myself enjoying the exploration of a side of me I had not known I had. Anyway, on the actual day of the shoot, all ten men fucked me in various positions around the locker room, with three of them coming inside me while the others blew on my hole before pushing back in. While being pounded I sucked dicks, rimmed buttholes, and generally got well and truly used. I was a fucked-out mess by the end of it, but strangely satisfied in a way I don’t think I ever had been. Everyone on set seemed to be excited by what had been achieved, and when it was released in early 2020 it was a massive instant success.

    My star had truly risen, and I was making quite an income that allowed me to buy a nice house, an expensive car, designer clothes, and a couple of huge chains that I had always wanted. My career choice had, however, always made it quite difficult to sustain relationships with women, and when the pandemic hit I was firmly single.


    With my normal work no longer an option while we all got stuck in quarantine, OnlyFans and the studio’s own website provided me a route to keep making some income through live streams and other self-made solo videos. Those where I used my toy collection on myself proved to be particularly lucrative, and over the weeks stuck indoors I took delivery of several increasingly big dildos to use.

    However, behind the scenes I was losing my mind. Being mostly single it wasn’t the solitude causing the problem as I was used to being alone at home for extended periods, and masturbation was doing the job for the most part on one front in keeping myself sexually satisfied. No, my issue was that I needed cock. Real cock. On video - but far more in private - I was trying to satisfy an increasingly unbearable itch with the dildos and vibrators, but it wasn’t really working. I was, I now had to admit to myself, missing the bareback breedings I had got used to receiving, and in particular had that nagging feeling that I needed to be properly used like I had been in the last scene I’d filmed before Covid.

    Eventually it got too much, and one night after a few too many drinks and a good hour of riding my biggest dildo, I threw on some shorts, got on my bike and cycled along the deserted valley roads to the start of the nature trail. I had walked and run it by day many times, but it was the nighttime activity it was infamous for that I was now seeking.

    I walked for quite some time without seeing evidence of any activity, but once I got to the toilet block I found a couple of guys just standing around. I stood near them and lit up a cigarette, totally unsure of what was supposed to happen, but when nothing had changed once the cigarette had finished I decided to check things out inside. There was some very dim light in the block, and two men standing at the urinals who didn’t appear to be actually pissing. They both looked at me as I entered and nodded, and then watched me make my way into one of the stalls.

    I had not been into these toilets before, but was not surprised to see large glory holes in each side wall. I had come here for one thing and thought I may as well make that clear, so I shucked down my shorts, pressed my ass against one of the holes, and waited.

    I heard the men outside shuffling around, and soon saw one of them was looking through the hole closest to my head. Then his eye was gone, and a moment later a cock came through. At the same time I felt a finger graze over my hole, meaning I had got the attention of the other guy. I reached out and gently grasped the cock in front of me, stretching my torso out to be able to get the tip of it into my mouth so that I maintained his interest, even though the width of the stall prevented me from being able to properly swallow it as I expected he wanted.

    The guy behind me clearly realised I was already loosened from my earlier dildo ride, so the fingering was brief before he started sliding his dick into me. I moaned in ecstasy around the tip of the cock in my mouth, loving the feeling of a real man sliding balls deep inside me. He wasted no time in getting into a rhythm, and I revelled in the feeling of finally being fucked again while ignoring the “but you’re straight” voices inside my head.

    All too soon the man behind me began to pant and speed up, and then I felt him slam in a final time and unload in me. The guy in front of me pulled out and left his stall at that point, and I didn’t have to wait long before shuffling behind me resulted in the second cock of the night sliding up my hole. His was thinner but longer, so I moaned and panted as his frenetic fucking style probed me nice and deep. He didn’t last long though, before adding his own load.

    He withdrew and appeared to leave the block, but I decided to stay where I was in the hope of more, the cum dripping out of my hole onto the floor between my feet. My patience was rewarded when two other men came into the block, who I guessed were probably the ones who had been loitering outside. Once again, a cock was slid into me while another came through the hole in front of me, and this one in particular got my intention as it was girthy, even longer than the other one I had managed to suck on a bit, and had a huge PA in it. I got so excited thinking about what it was going to feel like that I really went to town with my ass muscles to get my third fucker of the night to blow in me, which he did fairly soon after he first started pounding into me.

    The fourth cock was just incredible, stretching me out while going deeper than any of the others. The piercing rubbing my internal walls kind of hurt but also felt incredible, and I know for a fact I was loudly moaning and groaning the place down in appreciation. Fortunately the guy in me also had stamina, and this fuck was nice and long.

    When he did eventually breed me, there were more cocks ready to take over, either new men who had maybe been drawn in by the noise or the earlier fuckers getting a second wind. Either way, I was taken three more times with minimal gaps before there seemed to be no others on hand. I could have gone on for hours more, but I also felt satisfied at last after weeks of not getting what I apparently now needed.

    The thing was, the onset of the pandemic had also resulted in an interruption in the supply of pills from the studio, something that had not crossed my mind that night or, if it had, I was also doing a good job of burying those voices too in my eagerness to get fucked.  That meant that, when all these men blew in me, I was completely vulnerable to the whatever they might be carrying. When I came back to the trail the next night and got fucked by three men in a clearing, I was at their mercy. When I drove to a rest stop on the interstate the night after that and got used for three hours by various passing men, I was defenceless.

    This risk seemed to be inconsequential though. Spending all day thinking up something to do on camera, filming and editing it, posting the video and monitoring the comments, and otherwise working out my body and regularly riding dildos, was basically making me a needy horny mess every night. Now that I had found a solution, I just could not stop myself from heading out under the cover of darkness to find other men who were ignoring the quarantine rules and getting together in secret. The trail was my most regular haunt, the truck stop a close second, but I also made a couple of visits to a house where a tattooed chubby couple in their fifties that I’d linked up with online saw to my needs and also introduced me to getting double-fucked. They knew full well who I was, and really got off on reaming me out and filling me with their loads.

    Three weeks after my first trip to the trail, and after yet another night on my hands and knees in the dirt, I woke up feeling like death. That went on for a few days, but as all the Covid tests I took came up negative I concluded that I had just caught the flu during my encounters. Once I was fully better, my sex drive appeared to have gone even more into overdrive, and I resumed my nightly quests for cock. It was like an addiction, and god knows there were plenty of ‘dealers’ out there. 

    A few weeks later we were able to resume making proper porn with some restrictions, and so the studio duly got us all booked in for health checks while starting up our prep supply again. Despite my recent antics, I was actually floored and devastated by the doctor informing me I had tested positive for HIV, and it was only once I had retreated into my house and my thoughts that I finally began to clearly see who I had become and what I had been doing. I was the very definition of a cumdump, accepting any and every load without question or protection, so of course I was going to get infected. It then became more of a shock to me that it was only HIV that I had picked up.

    Carrying on my career as it had been before Covid was no longer an option, but behind the murky scenes of the industry my studio had actually invested in another that catered to the growing demand for less mainstream content. I was going to have to deal with making less money, but there was a home for me there if I wanted it.

    So here I now am, the toast of Scorpex studios after having brought a sizeable fanbase with me that has swelled the number of subscribers on the website. They mostly want me versatile, so aside from a particular series of scenes we’ve been shooting, it’s only outside of the set that my true nature as an eager, insatiable bottom gets to shine. I’ve even somehow got myself a boyfriend of sorts, in the form of one of my fellow ‘straight’ porn stars from the last studio who also had a tough time maintaining his heterosexuality during the pandemic. The amount of time he spends buried in my cum-filled hole has done the job of also bringing him into the Scorpex stable, unless of course it was one of the many occasions when he bends over next to me in a toilet block or sex club (and he was a strict top-only before the pandemic).

    As much as I am fine with the versatility on set, my passion project has been that other series of scenes. This is a set of long single-scene shoots that I have co-directed, all being released onto the Scorpex website under the Ganging Greg title in several volumes. Each one has been a large nonstop gangbang, with a different theme in terms of both setting and the type of tops. The most recent volume has caused something of a stir, as I took inspiration from my favourite story on Breeding Zone by shooting it in a filthy sauna complex. The tops were all older men who were obviously poz, that obviousness either being because of their tattoos or the general wasted states of their bodies, and I was used by all of them as I roamed around the various rooms and corridors. Despite working with Scorpex now, I have never actually disclosed my status publicly nor got an associated tattoo, so the latest film has ignited a lot of chatter online that I have found greatly amusing.

    What’s next? Well, at some point I guess I’ll finally end the chatter and get my other arm tatted with something suitable. My boyfriend has suggested we do some sort of video where we appear to both eagerly seek a pozzing side by side, which would probably have to be released as some sort of ‘hidden camera’ sex tape. That does sound like fun, though I do wonder about so overtly lying given the high viral loads we both already have. I’m thinking it might actually be more fun to see if we can find one of our former studio stablemates to induct into Scorpex for real. What do you think?

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  8. Caleb, Jacob and Eli


    One of the world’s most successful art dealers, Caleb now splits his time between homes in London and Antibes, though is often traversing the globe buying and selling paintings and sculptures. He married young to appease his parents while he struggled with his sexuality, and that union produced a son and a daughter, and then some years later two more boys in quick succession, namely Jacob and Eli. However, his increasing exploration of other opportunities eventually resulted in his gifting, which catalysed a divorce when the boys were 15 and 16.

    Although Caleb suspected his youngest sons might be gay, this was confirmed for him when they were 19 and 20 and he found them being used as the main entertainment at a club in Soho. His status had been an object of fascination and envy for the boys, and that night also proved to be the moment they joined him. Having heard about the Foundation from a client, Caleb joined up and brought his sons in once they were ready.

    Jacob and Eli live in Caleb’s London home, and actively mentor junior members of the Foundation alongside their jobs as trainers at the exclusive Mayfair gym and spa their father invested in. Both proud bottoms, the young men have overcome their father’s misgivings and now help him to ‘seal the deal’ on many a transaction through the extra entertainment they provide his clients. Caleb, meanwhile, is in an open relationship with his partner Pierre, and devotes as much time as his life allows to being a role model for his youngest sons and a supportive father to his other two children.

    Well, there we are. You have to admit, Jacob and Eli are quite a pair, and I can see why they are so popular on the scene and with my clients. It took a lot of convincing me that they could play a role in my business, and I remain very selective about which clients I am willing to introduce them to despite their assurances that they are happy and able to take anything that is thrown at them. I suppose, given how I found out about them, that should not surprise me.

    The boys, it turned out, had been following me to see where I went for fun, and then had gone to the same places when I was away to experience for themselves the scene I was into. However, on that fateful day I had made the decision to come back early from Madrid having secured a deal more quickly than I expected, and had headed straight out to my favourite club to celebrate. It was pumping, and I was looking forward to getting down to business. However, as always I did a quick explore to see what was on offer around all the different spaces, and it was in the largest of the playrooms that I had the wind taken out of me. Down on all fours on a mat was Jacob, and lying on his back in a sling was Eli. Both were being spit roasted, with a line of men waiting to take a turn at one of their holes. Biohazard symbols and scorpions adorned many of the men, and I knew there was no chance that any of them were using condoms.

    I watched the scene in stunned silence for a very long time, my paternal instincts to grab the boys and get them out of there being countered by the obvious eagerness with which they were taking on each and every new man. I clung on to some small hope that my sons were sensible enough to be using PrEP, but then again I hadn’t been and a small part of me just knew that they were probably following in my footsteps with some sort of deliberate intent.

    Eventually I could take no more, and forced myself out of the room and indeed the whole club. The entrance was in an alley, which I walked up a bit and then stood to smoke countless cigarettes while I tried to process what I had witnessed. It was there that I watched as my sons emerged from the club, wearing just jocks, tank tops and boots, and lit up their own cigarettes while presumably on a break from their gangbang. My sons, the apples of my eye, were a pair of cumdumps who it appeared had also picked up another of my bad habits.

    I took a deep breath, and then walked back down the alley towards them. As I came into the light from the lamp outside the club entrance they saw me, and the most awkward moment of my entire parenthood began. Eventually they agreed to get the rest of their stuff and come home with me, and that night none of us slept as we talked and argued our way to dawn. However, they eventually wore me down, and I accepted that I had to support them on their journey as they were going down this path with or without me.

    These days my relationship with my youngest sons is something I cherish, and the freedom we all feel in sharing far more details of our lives with each other than most parents and children would is truly liberating. I am very much more of a typical divorced dad in how I interact with my older son, daughter and their families, so having something far closer with Jacob and Eli is very special to me.

    The boys are basically insatiable, and I suspect days when they don’t take at least one load each are rare. They assure me they don’t actually do anything with each other, besides quite regularly bending over together to take on one or more tops. They have proved to be very useful in helping me clinch several important deals, and are always happy to entertain my clients to keep them sweet even when there isn’t a piece of art involved. Despite their focus on getting gifted themselves, they are not particularly fussed about sharing with others and thus keep themselves healthy, something that does give me some reassurance despite how regularly I bring other men over to the cause while on my travels.

    My life with Pierre is fantastic, particularly now that we have largely set up home on the Riviera, albeit with regular trips to London. My work keeps me busy and I have to travel regularly, and we have each other’s blessing to play when I’m away, in my case usually involving explorations of the underground scene wherever I may be. However, when we’re together we are surprisingly vanilla, and I can see that at some point I’m going to want to slow down and settle into that world a bit more. Until then I am happy to continue spreading the reach and influence of the Foundation!

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  9. This is something a little different, which has largely been created through playing around on AI and finding it has a tendency towards making people in the same generated picture look like they are twins (or at least closely related). Many a bored hour in an airport lounge has resulted in this collection, with a notional set of characters and a 'story' now built around it.

    - - - - -

    With the delay to my flight up from the Riviera, I concluded it made sense to just come straight from Heathrow to Cadeau House, rather than swinging by the flat to pick up Jacob and Eli. While they make their way over to Mayfair in a cab, I have had time to check out the renovations on my own. Having taken in the glorious restoration of the grand entrance hall, I was most intrigued to check out the gallery now that all the pictures taken on the shoot last year were apparently up. Man, that had been a fun couple of days, particularly the after-party down in the cellars. In reality only a small selection of the membership had been both willing and able to come to London when Harris had been available to take all the shots, but it was still a good turnout.

    The gallery has been tastefully done, making use of the former kitchen with its bare white walls. Subtle lighting akin to what you might see in an upscale modern art institution, combined with the dark stone floor that had been installed, gives the room a relaxed feel, inviting you to spend time looking at the portraits and reading the story behind each one:


    Harris Penslade (self portrait)


    Photographer to the rich and famous, Harris is as at home shooting covers for fashion magazines as he is capturing for posterity the goings-on in seedy underground clubs. He has been a member of the Foundation for several years, and has now delivered on his goal of documenting the sheer diversity of the organisation’s members.

    Born into wealth in Gloucestershire, Harris has described himself as “the rainbow sheep” of his family, a nod to both his sexuality as well as the challenging relationship he has with his parents and siblings. In this shot he shows how proud he is of who he is and what he is about, sticking the proverbial middle finger up at the conservative world he left behind at 18 when he moved to London.

    Harris is a good friend of mine, and it was such a joy to be able to watch him do what he does best when we had the shoot. He had taken this one of himself in the early hours of the morning before anyone else was due, slipping the print in as a surprise when he delivered everything back to the Foundation a few weeks later.


    Stanislav and Sergey


    Born in Moscow, Stan and Sergey continue to honour the memory of their late father Aleksandr, a founding member of the Foundation. Having fled Russia when their father was first arrested on spurious charges, the brothers settled in Prague where they now actively manage the Foundation’s work across Central and Eastern Europe. The boys regularly host galas in their adopted home city, as well as Munich, Vienna, Budapest, and of course the legendary summer festival at their villa outside Dubrovnik.

    Stanislav is eagerly versatile, while Sergey is a generous and welcoming power bottom. Though both were personally inducted to the Foundation by their father when they turned 18, they are known for their strict boundaries with each other when it comes to the bedroom. Only a select few of the Elite members have ever played with them both simultaneously.

    Not a day goes by when I don’t miss Aleksandr. He was such a kind hearted man, the life and soul of any gathering, and not at all in line with the image many have of wealthy Russian businessmen. I am still so angry at what happened to him, and pray for the day Putin gets what’s coming to him. Aleks was so proud of his boys, and rightly so. I must make sure I get to Dubrovnik this year. 


    Rico and Zsa Zsa La Scorpio


    Timothy’s father left when he was a young boy, and eventually his mother had another son, Rico, by a visiting Brazilian who was soon also gone. Growing up in tough conditions in Philadelphia, the boys outwardly could not have been more different from each other. However, they had each other’s backs, fending off whatever came their way through Timothy’s cutting wit and Rico’s developing brawn. When their mother met a new man and decided to move with him to Atlantic City, the boys decided to go out on their own and both relocated to San Francisco.

    Timothy had not long been in the city when he was gifted, and in time he embraced his status and began to develop his drag alter-ego that honoured his idol as well as who he now was. Quickly becoming a hit on the bathhouse circuit, his success began to fascinate his younger brother who, it turned out, was increasingly wanting to explore his own repressed but burgeoning bisexuality. The first night he attended one of his brother’s shows also became Rico’s first experience with other men. Less than a month later he was himself gifted.

    Rico has now become a central part of Zsa Zsa’s show, providing striptease interludes to entertain the audience during costume changes, before rounding out the night ‘performing’ on stage with the winner of the night’s prize draw. Having embraced that side of himself while largely leaving relations with women behind, his versatility and nearly limitless stamina has helped to make Zsa Zsa’s club nights one of the hottest tickets in town. As members of the Foundation, the brothers regularly host special gala nights to support the organisation and expand its reach on the West Coast.

    Whenever I am in San Fran I make sure I go and see Zsa Zsa’s show at least once. She is wickedly intelligent, and works over her base material regularly to keep things fresh. Off stage, Timothy is now in a long term relationship with a lovely guy, but for some reason doesn’t make that very well known outside of a small circle - maybe it’s to retain the aura of Zsa Zsa or something. As for Rico, the man is sweet but also an absolute sex machine, who can seemingly give and take it without stopping until it’s everyone else that is worn out! I’ve had my fair share of sessions with him in the club’s darkrooms, and have been left with shaking legs whichever way round we’ve done it. Jacob and Eli won the prize draw the one time they came with me to the West Coast, and I have to say, it was quite something to watch the three of them going at it in front of the whole audience, particularly when they were the bread and the far taller and more muscular Rico as the sandwich filling!


    Grant, Corbin and Cade


    Hailing from Minnesota, Grant and his twin sons Corbin and Cade are the newest members of the Foundation. Grant is a long time friend of founding member Rory, and when he realised his sons had inherited his interest in men, he applied to join with his friend as sponsor.

    Grant and his ex-wife have been divorced since the boys were young, and he gained full custody when she moved abroad with her new husband. He has lived as a gay man for the last 10 years, and sought out his own gifting 5 years ago. Grant is a passive bottom, now well known on the circuit in the Twin Cities.

    This photo was taken just a day after the family arrived in London for the first time, with Cade and Corbin being inducted by several members over the course of the next few days before the family were invited to the Sanctuary in Jersey so the boys could be cared for while they converted. They all continue to live in Minnesota, and Grant has reported back on his joy and unending pride at being able to introduce his sons on the scene there. Cade has followed in his father’s footsteps as strictly a bottom, but Corbin has discovered his versatility and is now starting to gift others.

    They are a nice family. I will never forget how proud Grant looked as his sons took everything the rest of us threw at them during that week. 


    Princes Omar, Nasir and Zain bin Abbas Al Saud


    Splitting their time between Geneva, London and New York, founding member Prince Omar and his sons Nasir and Zain are known for embracing their Arab identities while also openly living in a way that means they can never return to their homeland. Omar has made no secret of having personally gifted his sons, nor that he exploits their talents to serve the needs of his many corporate clients, Nasir primarily as a top and Zain as a bottom.

    The men use their extensive network to run the Foundation’s discreet activities on the Arabian peninsula, while also managing boutique hotels and luxury apartments across Europe and North America to cater specially for visitors from the Middle East. Prince Omar helped to establish the Foundation’s headquarters in London by bequeathing the organisation one of his many mansions, and continues to be one of its main financial supporters as well as its most successful fundraiser.

    Omar is a stern man, who knows what he wants and how to get it. However, you cannot deny the extent to which the Foundation is what it is today thanks to him. His sons are rarely around, usually off doing his bidding somewhere, but Jacob and Eli are friendly with them and have regaled me with stories of how wild they get on free nights out in the clubs and saunas of London.


    Kris, Bryce and Dane


    Bryce and Dane are half-brothers, who were adopted by Kris and his partner Clark when they were 5 and 6 years old respectively. Unfortunately Clark lost a long battle with cancer several years ago, but Kris has succeeded in raising two fine young men on his own since then at their home in Atlanta.

    The boys came out to their father together when they were 16 and 17, and two years later they sat him down again to let him know they had both been gifted after celebrating Bryce’s birthday in a very special way. In a most unusual turn of events for Foundation members, it was the boys who then gifted their father, after convincing him they wanted that dynamic in their family. Kris eventually met some Foundation members while on a vacation in Fort Lauderdale, and the whole family was welcomed in soon after. They all continue to reside in Atlanta, maintaining versatile relations with each other while actively engaging on the scene across the southeast United States.

    I am extremely fond of Kris, and I think most in the Foundation would pinpoint him as the one we most admire and respect. You can tell he has never got over the loss of Clark, but has found some salvation in the way things have evolved with the boys. Despite the newer elements in their relationship, his paternal feelings towards Bryce and Dane know no bounds, and he will always end up checking on them, even if they have just rigorously spit-roasted another guy who is perhaps now more in need of care and attention than they are (as I know all too well).


    Jozef, Tomáš and Karol


    At the age of 20, fraternal twin brothers Tomáš and Karol left Bratislava to travel to Prague, where they planned to meet up with their great-uncle Jozef despite his estrangement from the family. The boys were intent on joining their uncle’s porn studio as performers, something that Jozef has said he found deeply amusing given the way his sister had severed ties when she found out about his line of work. Given their stunning looks and apparent skills, they were quickly signed up and put to work.

    The boys’ first film, in which they played a farmer’s sons who get used by a whole parade of hired farmhands, was a storming success that left the studio with a lot of demand for a follow-up. In their second film they played a pair of cadets who are once again the centre of attention at a barracks. In their third highly controversial film, they play long-lost twins who, through a whole series of solo encounters with other men, eventually find one another and proceed to ‘bond’. They have since gone on to build very successful careers as versatile bottoms working for several studios, regularly appearing together as well as making some films on their own. Off screen they are intimate with one another, but also enjoy partying and playing with others around Prague.

    Jozef had been gifted in his thirties, and had ensured that his nephews were supplied with what they needed to stay healthy. However, with their nagging uncle away on a vacation with his partner and both boys wanting to party hard, the regimen faltered and they soon converted. Their status is kept under wraps in the industry, but privately the boys revel in this side of themselves, enough so that Jozef reached out to the Foundation to help them meet other like-minded men without risking their careers. They have since become popular members, and the boys have indicated that they are planning to soon reveal their status so they can start making films that better reflect the sort of fun they actually like to have.

    It certainly came as a surprise when Jozef and the boys became members, given what a fan I already was of their work. The boys are certainly experts in their field, and my two will always make sure they’re free for some double-twin fun when they’re in the same city. Jozef and his partner Goran are very welcoming hosts in Prague, but actually rarely travel and aren’t so involved with the Foundation, having really sought it out for the boys’ benefit.


    Harry, Lance and Jason


    Members of both the Foundation as well as the Scorpion Sting biker club, Harry and his two sons are based in Palm Springs but travel regularly around the United States, Canada and Mexico through their jobs as truckers. Harry had been gifted during one of the many encounters at truck stops while the boys were still young, subsequently splitting from their mother so he could pursue his new life without worry. The boys came to live with him as teenagers after their mother was incarcerated, and regularly joined him on jobs when school allowed. They quit education as soon as they could to follow him out onto the road, picking up his passion for motorcycles, trucks and the freedom that both seemed to bring.

    Both young men also followed their father into the world of truck stops, albeit without any of them knowing about each other. Lance and Jason eventually ran into each other at some park toilets in Palm Springs, and just weeks later Harry overheard them talking to each other about their encounters, thus bringing everything out into the open. By that point Jason had already been gifted, and Lance chose to actively pursue it himself so the bond between the three could be complete.

    The men share a house in Palm Springs, although there is often only one or two of them there at any time. However, when they are together they enjoy sharing other men with each other, particularly at their biker club meets around the country for which they will always try to make time.

    The photo shoot was actually the first time I had met all three of them together, but as Palm Springs is somewhere I like to end up every now and then, I do know each of them quite well. They are all so gloriously versatile that a fun time is always to be had, particularly if they fancy introducing you to a biker friend or two. I had one particularly memorable night there once where I joined in at the small local clubhouse in the ‘initiation’ of a pair of Mormon missionaries who had been a little too visibly interested when they’d knocked on Harry’s door. They certainly got religion that night!


    Alain and Jules


    Growing up in a rural French village, these first cousins found plenty of ways to entertain themselves in the many abandoned barns and outhouses nearby. Having moved as a couple to Paris, they were founding members of the Foundation as they looked for a place they could be honest about their familial connection.

    They manage the Foundation’s work across the Francophone areas of Europe, and are known for their multi-day parties that generally see Alain being pounded in a sling for hours at a time while Jules works to spread their gift to as many bottoms as he can find. In their personal relationship they are more versatile, with Alain having revealed that Jules is the only man he has ever topped.

    Alain is a legend in our world, being able to take it like no-one else can. Jules is, in turn, an absolute beast in the bedroom, and I doubt anyone negative who gets naked with him around stays that way for long. What I find funny though is that they are a pair of absolutely softies the rest of the time, so deeply in love with each other and not ashamed to show it. Nothing beats a big bear cuddle from one of them when you’re feeling low.


    Bram, Lucas and Noah


    Most grandfathers would react a certain way if they found their daughter’s twin sons being used in a public toilet together, but Bram is a very special man. Taking the boys under his wing and offering them a sanctuary from their rural Dutch life in the bright lights of Amsterdam, he soon reached out to the Foundation to really let them soar. At the time of this photo being taken, Bram and the boys have been members for a little over a year.

    Bram had sought the company of men after the death of his beloved wife, and soon found a side to himself that has been both exhilarating and liberating. He gives as good as he takes, and since receiving the gift at some point during his explorations of Amsterdam’s many exciting venues, he has been generous in sharing it with others. Meanwhile, despite their angelic faces, the boys are both demanding and seemingly insatiable bottoms who are already well known in Amsterdam. They had been gifted before they joined the Foundation, and in many respects are the gold standard for what a Foundation Junior should be.

    I like Bram a lot. He’s a kind hearted soul who manages to find just the right balance between looking out for his grandsons and letting them be free. The boys are generally quite quiet in gatherings, but I have come to realise that shyness is not really behind it but rather a fixation on finding their next cock.


    Derek, Barry and Dimitri


    Derek and Barry met Dimi the night he broke into their house in Melbourne. Aged 15 and looking for things he could sell to buy more drugs, he had unknowingly found a route to halt his spiral of desperation and addiction. Cornered and trapped by the owners of the flashy villa, he would have expected to find himself in juvenile detention shortly after. However, the men recognised something in him from their own brushes with teenage delinquency, and instead reached out a proverbial hand to the boy to prevent him falling any further. By aged 16 he had been formally fostered by the men, and put back on track through the security and support he was offered at his new home and the counselling and treatment he began attending.

    A dirty needle had already seen to his status, and in Barry and Derek young Dimi found support and acceptance for this too, both men having picked up the gift during the more hedonistic years of their twenties. As Dimi grew into a handsome, confident and self-assured young man, they helped him face up to his burgeoning homosexuality, and guided him as he learned to enjoy sharing himself with others. In time, and with the urging of founding member Kunal after a chance meeting in Bali, the three joined the Foundation and became central to its ever expanding presence in the Asia-Pacific region.

    Dimi is an avid singer and musician, and had become well known in the underground scene in Australia. This photo was taken three weeks before the release of the movie Red Stone City, which included Dimi’s five year old song Hazardous during a pivotal scene. The song has since become a viral hit, and Dimi’s star is on the rise as a proudly poz hunk.

    I am so excited for Dimi, though I know Barry and Derek are concerned that his growing fame might also bring out his old demons again. I know they’ll have his back, and they hopefully know that we have theirs in turn. It does make me a little sad to think that Dimi’s truly incredible rear end might be out of bounds a bit from now on, but I’m sure he will find some time for the Foundation even if his career does go into the stratosphere.


    Akarin, Dusit and Jakkapan


    The first beneficiaries of the Foundation Outreach Programme, these Thai brothers originally hailed from a rural village but had left to try to find some freedom to be themselves. They were discovered working in an alternative bar in Chiang Rai, where they were topping up their meagre incomes through sex work. By that point all three had been gifted, and through the FOP they were able to access proper support and healthcare. They were offered the opportunity to relocate to Bangkok to help establish the Foundation’s new base there, and they now manage a support centre, lodgings and leisure facilities for other members of the FOP in the region.

    Younger brothers Dusit and Jakkapan work at the centre full time, but take time out to enjoy the lively scene in the Thai capital. Akarin has taken on a less hands-on coordination role at the centre, giving him time to serve as a Global Ambassador for the Foundation. He has a particular focus on expanding the reach of the FOP in Southeast Asia, currently focusing on the Philippines and Indonesia.

    I had not met the younger brothers before the shoot, and they were already off back to Bangkok that night as they did not feel comfortable leaving the centre without one of them around for too long. Akarin, however, is someone I get to see quite often through his additional role with the Foundation. If you look at him and think “aggressive top”, you’d be right! Although his past life required him to be more versatile, and on one occasion he reciprocated during a night we shared in a hotel in Manila, you can basically expect to be pounded into next week if you have a session with him.


    Richard, Justin and Marc


    Justin is known for his hard partying, and it was on the scene in his home town of Toronto that he got gifted in his early twenties, and subsequently met Marc too. Sharing similar interests and outlooks, the young men were a good fit for one another and have been together for several years, albeit both having the other’s blessing to play away from home.

    Justin’s father Richard had struggled with his sexuality his whole life, but seeing the freedom and self-acceptance his youngest son exhibited catalysed a change in the older man’s attitude towards himself. Eventually deciding to be honest with himself and those around him, he ended his marriage and attempted to build a new life as a gay man. He sought understanding and support from Justin, but also a guiding hand as he nervously entered a world he knew little about.

    Richard has admitted to having become fascinated by Justin and Marc’s acceptance and pride of their status, a fascination that in time turned to a feeling if need that eventually started him off on another journey of self-discovery. When the time came for his gifting, it was fully intentional and with a man of his own choosing.  When the deed was done, and with his son’s blessing, he adorned himself with two tattoos of a similar design to those that Justin and Marc chose for themselves.

    The three men joined the Foundation at Justin’s suggestion, and Richard in particular has thrown himself into supporting its activities. He has a particular focus on outreach work aimed at married men, and at the time of this photo being taken had just celebrated the first anniversary of his relationship with Kevin, one of those his work has helped in coming out.

    Richard is a lovely guy, and has really made a difference in terms of what the Foundation offers to those who may not even be interested in ever receiving the gift but just need some support to come to terms with themselves. Justin and Marc, meanwhile, are also very sweet men, and their handsomeness still takes my breath away sometimes when I haven’t seen them for a while. I gather from Jacob and Eli that they can really let loose both on the dancefloor and in the bedroom, but as yet I haven’t had the chance to partake. I’m hoping my upcoming trip to Montreal and Toronto might change that!


    Lars, Jan and Johan


    Jan and Johan are perhaps the most publicly recognisable members of the Foundation, having modelled for numerous global brands over the last few years. Their striking looks also serve them well in the many clubs and dungeons of Scandinavia, where they particularly enjoy being strapped down and used all night.

    Lars never expected to be a father, having eventually married a lesbian friend 20 years his junior to appease his religiously conservative parents. However, a few too many drinks one night at home resulted in his boys 9 months later, who the couple agreed he would raise before they went their separate ways. Finding them rutting each other on their 18th birthday, he soon joined in the family fun and invited others to partake as well. Less than a year later all three picked up the gift, and thanks to a contact at the boys’ modelling agency, they then found the Foundation too.

    Lars is now in a committed relationship with the very private Björn, so leaves his sons to their globetrotting fun and regular tours of the Scandinavian scene. However, he remains an active member of the of the Foundation, and runs its activities across Scandinavia with his partner. This includes the annual Gjangbjang, where Foundation members and affiliates from across the world descend on Lars’s private island in the Stockholm Archipelago during the summer solstice, with Jan and Johan always present to provide the entertainment.

    The thing with Jan and Johan is that, despite the hundreds upon hundreds of artistic, professional pictures you see of them, nothing prepares you for just how stunning they are in person. Almost too beautiful to fuck, but fuck them we all do! Lars and Björn are a lovely couple, and a stay at their house in the Stockholm suburbs is always good for the soul.


    Christopher, Adam and Aaron


    Christopher rescued his twin nephews when they were fifteen, after their abusive stepfather had found their stash of gay magazines and reacted with particular violence. Chris took the boys under his wing, and mentored them through their ongoing journey of self discovery. He never intended that they would join him in being gifted, but their secret attendance at a party his friends were throwing a few years later changed that. Christopher sought out the Foundation once the boys had recovered from their conversion.

    The young men have since joined their uncle’s thriving bar business in Chicago, taking over its running so he could focus on his growing property interests. Their stunning looks make them very in-demand tops on the scene in Boystown, while Christopher’s insatiable appetite means he is one of the Midwest’s most legendary power bottoms.

    Heads turn when those boys enter a room, so it’s lucky they have such incredible stamina and vitality as they will always have a long line of admirers wanting a turn with them. They are such a sweet pair though, despite everything they went through before their uncle whisked them away to safety. Christopher is someone I love to see as often as I can, even if that means you have to chat with him while he’s lying in a sling being seen to by a whole parade of men!


    Pravin, Vishal and Ravi


    Three of founding member Kunal’s six sons, Prav, Rav and Vish have continued their father’s legacy with the Foundation while their other three brothers carry forward the family name. During their childhoods it was clear to Kunal that each son had picked up that part of his genes, and he loved and supported them through their journey of self-acceptance and eventual gifting, all while being a good father grandfather to his other boys (and grandfather to their children).

    Since Kunal’s passing, his sons have settled in Delhi and taken on responsibility for running the organisation’s activities in the subcontinent, with Ravi also working as a global ambassador as his father once did. They are known for their incredible work ethic, but do make time to show off their legendary stamina and versatility when the opportunity arises.

    Kunal has almost hallowed status within the Foundation, and he would be so proud of how his sons have stepped up to carry on his work. I see Ravi quite regularly as his wider role brings him to London at least once a month, and he is always a pleasure to spend time with, whether in a restaurant or a bedroom.


    Mateo and Juan


    These brothers from Buenos Aires came to the attention of the Foundation after jointly winning Mr Latam Scorpion, and they became members at the same time as their OnlyFans channel rocketed in popularity off the back of that victory. Despite both being famously well endowed they are enthusiastically versatile, which puts them much in demand both on camera and in the bedroom.

    Their back stories remain mysterious, and they have never confirmed or denied if they play with each other alone. However, as the major studios have started to seek them out, their futures look bright.

    I barely got to meet these two before Jacob and Eli whisked them away after their shoot was done. To this day they remain tight-lipped about what they all got up to, making me think there is indeed more to their relationship than they have ever let on. Then again, it may just be that my boys are deliberately playing with me, knowing I’m dying to find out!


    Mikoław, Filip and Adrian


    The majority of Polish fathers, it is safe to say, would not have reacted as Mikky did to his wife screaming the house down after catching their sons going at it in bed together. Whisking them away from a real sense of danger in rural Poland, first to Warsaw and shortly after to Manchester, Mikky left behind his life, his family and his marriage so that he could protect his sons from the fiercely conservative and homophobic place his country was becoming. Battling against a language barrier and the hardening of attitudes that Brexit had unleashed, Mikky managed to carve out a business for him and his sons working as gardeners and landscapers around the North of England, and in so doing he gave them the space and freedom to be themselves.

    When they told him that they had been gifted, he did not get angry, he did not judge, nor did the support for his sons waver. He again sprang into action and, through a client in Cheshire, learned of the Foundation. Mikky became the first Honorary Member the day his sons joined, in recognition for the extraordinary tolerance and support that he had shown despite his own upbringing, his heterosexuality, and his ungifted status. Mikky now works with the Foundation on outreach in Poland, while continuing to be the staunchest of flag bearers that his sons could have ever dreamed.

    I do not get to see Mikky nearly as often as I would like, as he is such an incredible chap. I have never known someone who seems to hold no judgements on others, and just celebrates people for who they are and what they are into. Hopefully his work with the Foundation will at least do some good for the increasingly besieged gays of Poland.


    Andries, Petrus and Willem


    Andries was 9 years old when his twin brothers were born, and was in his late twenties and already gifted when they came out of the closet too. Shunned by their parents as Andries had been, Petrus and Willem moved in with their brother in Cape Town where they immediately began to explore the scene with him. The gifting of the twins followed soon after, as the three brothers gained a name and reputation for themselves in the Cape Community.

    Andries met some founding members of the Foundation while on business in Johannesburg, and soon secured memberships for the whole clan. He now works full time running the organisation’s activities in the country, including the hugely successful BioHaz nightclubs in Cape Town and Johannesburg. Petrus and Willem share some of the burden, while also running a tour guide and safari business that offers a few ‘extras’ for visitors than other companies.

    I have to admit that I don’t know this clan that well, having only met them a couple of times before the photo shoot. My boys seemed to enjoy them though. I am hoping to book onto a safari run by the younger brothers at some point!


    Haruto, Kenji and Ren


    Tokyo is known for its alternative, underground scene, and these three brothers are famed within that world. Their network of ‘onsen’ bathhouses, ‘ryokan’ inns and private clubs meets the demands of a growing segment of the city’s bachelor demographic, and they recently expanded operations into Nagoya and Osaka.

    The brothers maintain an air of mystery within the Foundation, revealing little of their pasts but always demonstrating a firm commitment to expanding the organisation’s work and influence in Japan.

    I had only met the brothers once before the photo shoot, when I went to Japan on business and was hosted at one of their crazily luxurious ryokans. Despite their formidable reputations, they showed me the absolute gold standard in hospitality, and ensured my needs were well taken care of throughout my stay. I’m really looking forward to going back to Japan with Jacob and Eli on holiday next year.


    Carlos, Alvaro and Antonio


    Founder and promoter of the RegaloX superclub in Ibiza, Carlos is a giant in the Spanish dance music scene. He became involved in the Foundation’s work through a friend at his HIV support group, and set about running annual FoundryXXX nights as part of his regular programme. However, everything changed when his sister sent her twin sons to him for work experience. Having assessed their potential, he soon had the young men up on podiums to show off their incredible physiques, and it was at a FoundryXXX night that he then found both his nephews doing some extra entertaining for customers in the private lounges. Given the clientele present that night, their gifting followed shortly after, as did permanent positions at the superclub. All three became full members of the Foundation the same year.

    Carlos continues to support the Foundation, now running up to four FoundryXXX events each year along with a special beach party to round out the summer season. The twins remain a popular draw both on and off the podiums, but are also now both training as lifeguards.

    Carlos is one of my favourite people. He can be ruthless as a club promoter, but outside of that world there is nothing he won’t do for other people. His nephews are gorgeous but a little dim, so it’s probably for the best he has them focused on what their stunning bodies can do for them!


    Cole and Carter (with Grant)


    Cole and Carter were born 10 months apart into challenging circumstances in Oklahoma. Already struggling to make ends meet, their father died in a car accident just days before Cole arrived, and their mother never really recovering from the ordeal. The boys endured neglect from their mother and abuse from a whole series of boyfriends, before they finally fled at 16 and 17 and slowly made their way to Fort Lauderdale in search of their father’s close friend and colleague Grant, one of the only people they both thought had their backs despite their mother having fallen out with him.

    Unfortunately Grant was away at the oil fields for an extended period, and the boys fell in with the wrong crowd in South Florida. Manipulated into a life of crime and violence, the brothers soon wound up being arrested for a carjacking, and were sent down for the next three years. Although kept relatively safe for the first two years by virtue of being incarcerated in a juvenile facility, a transfer into a more violent prison when Cole turned 18 left them vulnerable to the advances of some of the older, stronger prisoners. By the time they were released to live under Grant’s supervision, they had both been gifted.

    Grant took the boys under his wing and got them back on track, finding them work as mechanics at a friend’s garage. However, he soon realised that other things had changed in prison. Alone and scared, the boys had sought comfort in each other’s arms, something that had turned sexual after the facility transfer despite what they were having to endure on most days. Outside the prison walls this side of their relationship continued and even deepened, and Grant did not feel that the time was right to break it up while he helped them get back on their feet after the chaos, trauma and violence of their first two decades on the planet.

    Grant himself had picked up the gift, the result of a torrid series of encounters with a fellow roughneck during one stint on a rig. Finding support through online communities, he also discovered the sizeable number of chasers desperately trying to find someone to help them. In this he saw potential for a new hobby and outlet for the boys that he could help to organise, and so the makings of their current life were put into action. A chance discovery of the Foundation by Grant also spurred him on to getting the boys joined up, so that they could access a wider support network should they need it.

    Today the young men still live with Grant, and continue to earn an honest living by day as skilled mechanics. By night they do still comfort one another occasionally, but primarily their time is spent working alone or as a duo to service the clients Grant arranges for them to gift. Grant, in turn, extensively vets the chasers, with only a handful ever actually getting to meet the brothers. The clients pay what they can to cover Grant’s costs, and in return are promised what they are seeking from two young studs who already have quite the track record.

    Truth be told, there were some in the Foundation who were a little uneasy about the arrangement Grant had set up for the brothers, myself included. However, some monitoring that we commissioned has shown that the boys are far from being the subjects of exploitation, and indeed appear to be thriving. They genuinely seem to now have a sense of purpose and belonging in all that they do, with the security that Grant offers them being augmented by the comfort they bring each other. They are both quite shy really, but Jacob and Eli usually manage to get them warmed up. Fun fact: Grant is not actually a member of the Foundation, but the boys insisted he be in their shoot as they would not be here without him. You have to give him that.


    Vihaan, Sanjay and Aadi


    Two of seven brothers, Vihaan and Sanjay stood out in their family growing up in a suburb of Delhi. Never destined to follow the sort of path their parents had hoped for, they instead moved together to Mumbai in their late teens and have never looked back. Separately discovering the allure of the underground scene, they soon began to explore its many opportunities together. Attendance at a nighttime party at the docks resulted in them being gifted at the same time, and they have been there for each other ever since.

    The men had both found work in hotels, and in their late forties they used this experience to jointly set up a special kind of yoga retreat in the foothills of the Himalayas, which quickly became popular with tourists from all over the world. Eventually their youngest nephew Aadi joined their staff, and soon also followed in his uncles’ footsteps in other ways. He is now an accomplished yoga instructor and masseur, but is particularly well liked by guests for his other skills.

    Founding member Kunal was one of the first guests at the retreat, and invited Vihaan and Sanjay to join the fledgling organisation once he saw the work they were doing. Aadi became a member more recently following his gifting. All three men devote some of their time to supporting Kunal on operations in the subcontinent, while also working to establish a second retreat in Goa.

    I have been to the retreat a few times now, and have always been particularly taken by Vishaan and Sanjay’s warmth and hospitality. Aadi is also a sweet boy, but thrives on being busy with guests so I have never got to spend much time with him other than during his quite excellent massages.


    Albert, Bobby and Billy


    Kingpin of the semi-amateur boxing scene in London’s East End, Albert threw himself into a new kind of life following the untimely death of his beloved wife Ethel in the early 1990s. Many years later his daughter’s twin boys Bobby and Billy began training with him, and once they turned 18 he introduced them to the rest of the scene as he suspected they would be interested. The boys have since become gifted boxers in every way.

    Albert and the boys joined the Foundation after some members attended an amateur boxing night in Bow, and have since taken on managing its activities across the East End and wider Thames Gateway area. Bobby continues to live with Albert in Plaistow, whilst Billy recently moved in with his boyfriend across the river in Charlton.

    Albert is a friendly chap, and seems to know someone who can come and fix any problem that you may have. Bobby and Billy are both sweet lads whose appearance and profession belies that they are truly gentle and humble young men. Eli in particular spends a lot of time with Bobby, and I do sometimes wonder if there might be something more there.


    Eduardo and Estêvão


    Proudly poz and always happy to share, these brothers from Rio de Janeiro know how to party. Unapologetically sexual with each other, they also make it known that their favourite activity is to be joined by a versatile buddy who can satisfy Eduardo while taking everything Estêvão has to give. Most members of the Foundation have joined in on occasions.

    The brothers joined the Foundation after picking up a member on Copacabana Beach, and now support its activities in Rio when they’re not partying.

    Ah, a Brazilian sandwich. Happy memories…


    Olusegun, Adebayo, Tunde and Kayin


    Olu and his younger brother Ade are the senior members of a wealthy family living in a sprawling seaside compound in the affluent Ikoyi neighbourhood of Lagos. The family has a tradition of embracing offspring who desire an alternative to the traditional lifestyle, and sons in particular are inducted into an inner circle if they are a good fit. As the oldest sons of their father (the head of the family), Olu and Ade were expected to marry and produce heirs despite their obvious interests elsewhere, but once their duties had been done their father sent them to one of his brothers to help steer them on a new path, and their enthusiasm for this world led to them discovering and joining the Foundation.

    Olu’s youngest son Tunde and Ade’s middle son Kayin were discovered by their grandfather exploring their sexuality with one another, and each was sent to the other’s father for mentoring, support and eventual gifting. They are now well known in Lagos’s underground scene, both being energetically versatile and very generous with their gifts. Their fathers focus on managing the family’s businesses and Foundation activities, while discreetly expressing the feelings they eventually found that they have for each other.

    The family has such a close connection with London that I get to see them several times a year, and I have also stayed at their palatial compound a couple of times as well as at a separate beach villa they have further along the coast. Olu and Ade are sweet, although it takes a while for them to relax and be affectionate with each other when others are around. Tunde and Kayin know no such restraint, and have got crazy levels of both appetite and stamina. My boys tend to be better able to entertain them than I am, but I’ve certainly worn myself out a few times trying!


    Klaus, Anton and Max


    Klaus helped to establish the Foundation, after connecting with a select group of other men who had a special relationship with a family member that had been elevated through gifting. In this case it was with his eldest son Anton, who had sought comfort in his father’s arms following the death of his wife while giving birth to Max. The two shared their journey together as they faced up to their feelings, and in time they began to explore all that their home city of Berlin had to offer.

    Max grew up living with his father and grandfather, but in his teenage years began to yearn to understand his background further. He therefore finished his schooling before travelling to Istanbul to stay with his other grandparents, keen to learn more about his mother, his roots, and who he was. It was during the early part of this trip that he had a formative encounter with a male cousin, leading to an exploration of the alternative scene in the city, and by the time he returned to Berlin he knew which way he was inclined.

    Suspecting his father may be gay as well, he opened up about his experiences, and in turn Anton revealed his own story. Klaus joined them to talk about his own journey, and in time the three men realised they all wanted to share in the love and bonding that Klaus and Anton enjoyed. Max’s gifting followed soon after, and he of course then joined the Foundation.

    The three men continue to live in Berlin, and their versatility makes them popular with residents and visitors alike. They jointly work on the Foundation’s activities in Germany, while running the popular and well-renowned Das Geschenk restaurant.

    I don’t know Klaus that well, partly because his English isn’t the best, but Anton is a good friend of mine and Pierre’s, and a regular visitor to Antibes when he needs to escape the Berlin winter. Max is close to Jacob and Eli, and comes to London to stay quite often so that they can go out and explore the scene together, and I know for a fact that he’s joined them in entertaining some of my clients from time to time.

    • Like 2
  10. “Let me know when he wakes up” said Parker, as he emerged into the main cave from the passageway where the rarely-used cells were located.

    “Of course” said Brandon. “In the meantime, you have a visitor upstairs.”

    “I do?”

    “Yes boss” Brandon replied. “I believe he’s in your suite.”

    “You let somebody into my bedroom?!” Parker asked in surprise, whirling round to begin to admonish his staff member.

    “Calm down” said Brandon, “just go up.”

    Parker grimaced at him, but then turned back around and made a beeline for the elevator, keen to get upstairs quickly rather than take the route up the stairs that he normally used to give his legs a little workout. He felt anxiety rise in him as the elevator climbed, wondering why he didn’t get Brandon to tell him who was up there before he stormed away from him.

    The doors opened, Parker stepped out into his suite, and then he gasped.

    “Jason” he said.

    “Hello you” replied the topless man sitting on Parker’s sofa.


    “You’re here” whispered Parker.

    “I’m here” said Jason, smiling warmly.

    Parker marched over as Jason stood up, and then embraced warmly for a long time.

    “But why are you here?” whispered Parker, while they still held each order. “I mean, I’m glad you are, but why?”

    Jason gave Parker a little squeeze, and then gradually pulled them out of their embrace.

    “The HIVe sent me” he said. “I was in Paris and about to head off for Rio, but then I got a message to come here instead.”

    “Why?” asked Parker.

    “I guess I’m hoping you’ll be able to tell me that” said Jason. “I mean, it must be something if they’ve sent me back here rather than continuing my mission.”

    Parker stared at Jason for a moment, and then looked down at the floor.

    “The Doctor” he sighed. “He’s back.”

    “Oh” said Jason, followed a moment later by “fuck”.

    “I know” said Parker, looking back up. “I mean, we’re on it, but now that you’ve showed up I’m starting to wonder if it’s worse than it seems.”

    “Maybe” said Jason, “or maybe the HIVe just wants you to have what you need to put a stop to it before it gets out of control again.”

    “I guess that could be it” said Parker. “I’ve got the youngling out doing some recon tonight, and I’m just back from extracting one of the doc’s minions from a club.”

    “What did you with him?” asked Jason.

    “He’s out cold in one of the cells” Parker said, starting to smirk. “First guy in a while that I’ve had to lock in there for genuine reasons rather than fun.”

    “Ah, memories…” said Jason, also chuckling.

    They stood and looked at each other for a while, before Parker broke the silence.

    “I’m glad you’re here” he said.

    “I am too” said Jason.

    “I missed you” Parker said.

    “I missed you too” whispered Jason. “So much it felt like it was going to kill me at times.”

    “I never stopped loving you” said Parker, tears starting to well up in his eyes.

    “Nor I, you” said Jason. “Maybe that’s something we need to talk about.”

    “Yeah, maybe” sighed Parker. “But not now.”

    “No” agreed Jason. “For now, and I know this isn’t how we usually roll, but I need a little recharge from you if I’m going to be of any help.”

    A smirk began to form on Parker’s face.

    “Well, that I can do” he said, “but only if you promise to resume normal activities afterwards.”

    “Deal” said Jason, before he advanced towards Parker, took his hands on his face, and planted his lips on his former lover’s.

    - - -

    Isaac looked down at the busy warehouse floor, covered with racks and racks of boxes containing the heinous pills the Doctor was now spreading across the city. He could not believe the stupidity the park boys’ dealer had exhibited by directly selling them pills from this location, making it easy for the distribution hub to be found.  He scanned around and saw little evidence of surveillance technology or defensive installations, suggesting that this whole operation was a bit ramshackle.


    Then again, he also could not see anywhere that there appeared to be a lab or anything, so while he and Parker could shut this place down with ease, they wouldn’t be solving the problem. He knew he’d probably be in trouble if he took the initiative with this kind of a lead, so he quietly crept back out the roof hatch and made his way to a safe distance away before calling it in.

    - - -

    “Oh fuck yes” panted Parker, as he felt his hole fill up with searing hot seed. Jason was fully lying on him, his orgasmic spasms starting to subside.

    “That…was…epic…” wheezed Jason into Parker’s ear.

    Jason’s own hole was still dripping from the two giant loads Parker had planted in there at the beginning of their reunion fuck, and the potency was already starting to take effect as it coursed through him. An ordinary gifted load was enough to give him his powers for several hours, so two from Parker was going to sustain him at peak levels for probably a couple of days.

    “Sir, the young one has found a lead” crackled Brandon over the intercom. “He wants you to meet him urgently down in the old meat quarter.”

    “Sounds like a euphemism if ever I heard one” chuckled Jason.

    Parker, however, was already going into business mode. He shuffled Jason off him, and quickly sprang off the bed towards his outfit.

    “You got your gear?” he asked.

    “Sure do” replied Jason.

    “Then suit up!” barked Parker.

    - - -

    Just minutes later, after they had both used the power boost their tumble together had given them to fly at extra high speed into the city, the former lovers, possible future partners, landed in a gap in the rain-soaked traffic and began to sprint the last few blocks.

    “You ready?” Virus asked as they ran.

    “Fuck yeah!” replied Charge.

    “Then let’s show them what happens when we’re both in town…”


    (To be continued)

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  11. “Isaac!”, Parker called up the stairs. When he got no response, he bellowed it again, then stood with a smirk as he heard the unmistakable sounds of his protege trying to get to the door.

    “Yes boss?” The Gift shouted back at him.

    “Finish up with whoever you’ve got in there, and then get down here” Parker shouted.

    “OK!” Isaac shouted back, before returning to his room.

    Parker stayed at the bottom of the stairs to listen to the young man quickly resuming and rapidly concluded the breeding of whoever he had with him, and a few moments later a rather hunky stud descended the stairs, gave Parker an embarrassed look, and then scurried down the next flight to find his way out. Isaac then appeared a moment later.

    “Another one for the HIVe?” Parker asked him.

    “Working on it” said Isaac, a little breathless.

    “Good” said Parker, before whirling round and heading up the corridor to his office with Isaac in pursuit.

    “What’s going on?” asked the younger man.

    “I can’t establish a pattern” said Parker, “so we’re going to have to check out a few places to understand more about what we’re dealing with.”

    “OK” said Isaac.

    “I’m going to hit the darkrooms” said Parker. “I’ll need all my powers there to fully get a grip on what’s going on, so will be donning the suit.”

    “OK” said Isaac again.

    “But I need you out in the parks tonight to find out if this is spreading” said Parker. “Leave the outfit behind, and just head out cruising.”

    “Cruising” said the younger man. “Like, for real?”

    “Yes” said Parker, trying not to smile at the younger man’s eagerness. “Give and take loads, and use your special senses to see how many of the men may have been snared by The Doctor already.”

    “I can do that” said Isaac. “But I need a bit of time to prepare.”

    “Yes, I know” said Parker, “that’s why I needed you to finish up with that stud so that you would have enough time. Now, go down to the HIVeMind chamber and meditate for a bit, until you feel ready.”

    “Yes boss” said Isaac, turning and leaving the room.

    Parker watched him leave, feeling a slight pang of envy that, for all of his own powers, he didn’t have Isaac’s extraordinary cumpathy. The ability to learn so much about a man in that way was quite something, but Parker was glad that Isaac had at least understood that he should put his powers to good use. Hopefully he would be able to find out just how many men out in the juiciest cruising spots were now taking The Doctor’s heinous pills, and give Parker more data to help him identify where to find his nemesis.
    Isaac loved getting out to cruise of an evening, and when it was considered a work task it was even better. Parker had said there were no issues with him choosing what to wear as long as his costume stayed at home, so aside from doing his hair a bit different to how it was when he was all dressed up as The Gift, he had been free to go for what he wanted from his wardrobe. On this occasion he had opted for some loose track bottoms and sneakers, and then had donned his favourite wrist cuffs and chain. With his growing collection of tattoos, it gave him the look of someone who would eagerly both give and take, and hopefully attract the most men to play with him. Many a young man was now displaying proud symbols of their ascension, so neither he nor Parker was concerned that his cover would be blown.

    He did a circuit of a couple of the suburban parks, but they seemed a little empty so he instead drove his motorbike over to Maritime Park. This was always a lively spot, and it wasn’t long before he came across several men loitering.
    His confidence in himself, along with of course his stunning physique, seemed to get their attention and he was soon bent over under a tree taking one after the other. Neither was particularly memorable, but as they bred him he could immediately sense that neither had ascended yet but also that neither of them were contaminated with Dr Prep’s concoctions. That was a positive start, and with the additional potency the HIVe had bestowed on him for his service, there was a fair chance these men were now on their way to a better status.

    He continued on through the park, stopping occasionally to blow a guy or take another breeding, and was pleased to find that he had not yet sensed anything untoward in their cum. However, it was when he started approaching four young men hanging around a park bench that he got his first tingle of there being something off. They kind of looked familiar, and Isaac wondered if they had been amongst the many of their age who had run off at the sight of his tattoos. Now, however, they remained he approached, all while Isaac began to almost smell the air being wrong.


    “Evening boys” he said.

    They all replied with a ‘hey’ or a ‘hi’, and the one who was standing kept eye contact with Isaac.

    “So what brings you here at this time of night” asked Isaac to the group, but maintaining the stare with the other young man.

    “Nothing really” one of them replied.

    “Just seeing what’s happening” said another.

    “Uh huh” said Isaac. “Well, I’m doing the same thing, and now I think I’m going to go and check in those bushes to see if there’s anything interesting happening there.”

    They all remained silent, with the three who were sitting suddenly appearing nervous and looking down at their feet. However, the one who was standing was still looking at Isaac, and gave him a slight nod. Isaac walked past them and headed off the path into the bushes, and could hear the sound of one of them following. He stopped when he got to a secluded spot, and then turned to speak to his follower.

    “Nothing happening here either” he said, smirking, “but I reckon that’s about to change, huh?”

    The young man said nothing, but just advanced towards Isaac and dropped to his knees in front of him. He reached up and turned his baseball cap around, then pulled the front of Isaac’s bottoms and hungrily dove his head onto the glorious cock. Isaac could not help but moan out in pleasure as the young man swallowed his dick. He enjoyed a few minutes of this, and then pulled himself back.

    “Right, let’s do you now” he said, fully intending to switch positions with the young man. However, before he could even begin to bend his knees, the lad turned around on his knees and pulled his own track pants down, making it clear what he wanted.

    “Well OK then” said Isaac, smirking. He got down behind the young man and stuck his face between the pert pearly cheeks, using his tongue to prepare the hole for entry. He had barely got it in there when a glob of cum oozed out, letting him know both that the man had already been fucked once tonight, and also that the load he was carrying was nice and toxic. Deciding that there was no need to wait any longer, he shuffled up between the man’s legs and then began to push his cock in. The young man moaned out in pleasure as he was penetrated, squeezing Isaac’s cock in gratitude. With no sign of any discomfort from the bottom, Isaac just set to with a vigorous fucking, slamming his hips against the young man’s buttocks as he pistoned in out.

    The fuck was interrupted by the sound of others approaching through the bushes, and sure enough the young man’s three friends appeared. Isaac did not slow down as the three of them took out their cocks and begin to jerk off. He eventually made eye contact with one of them, at which point he stopped fucking, leaned forward over the young man he was inside, and stuck out his own behind. He then smiled and winked at the one he was looking at, with the man getting the message and coming round behind him. A moment later Isaac felt a cock pressing into his own well-used hole, and allowed it to slide in fully before he began to slowly resume his previous tempo.

    The other two men then approached, and Isaac motioned for them to go either side of him. This allowed him to alternate between sucking off each of them, as he continued to pound the hole in front and receive yet another rod up his own backside. However, despite being in one of his favourite positions, something still felt off but he couldn’t yet put his finger on what it was.  The moment one of the men he was sucking lost it and started to blow into his mouth, everything fell into place.  He could sense it, taste it, feel it.  The load was contaminated.

    The man fucking him blew next, and he immediately felt the same thing. So too with the second one in his mouth.  By this point it was almost acrid to him, with none of the pleasure he usually got from taking loads. He felt a surge of anger go through him, and slammed hard into the original young man and blew his own load. This set off the fourth guy, and Isaac made sure to reach around with a cupped hand and catch some of the cum. Just to confirm what he suspected, he brought it up to his mouth and dipped in his tongue, this time almost retching from the tainted contents.

    “Where the fuck did you get them” he growled as the young men disentangled themselves.

    “What do you…” one of the standing lads started saying.

    “Where?!” Isaac barked. “The pills! Where did you get them?!”

    “We didn’t take any…” the one who had been fucking him began.

    “Liar!” Isaac shouted, twirling round and off his feet, grabbing the man by his throat and slamming him down to the floor. He tried to never use the extra strength the HIVe had given him when he was out of costume, but by this point the contamination in the cum he had taken was starting to affect his equilibrium.

    “Oh fuck, you’re him, aren’t you?” said the guy he had been fucking, as he got up off the floor.

    “You’re fucking right I am” growled Isaac, still gripping the neck of the man he had thrown to the floor. “So, before I summon the other one, tell me where you got the pills!”
    Virus turned into the alley and made his way up, the dull thump of music getting louder as he approached the big steel door. He paid no attention to the leather-clad man standing outside, who looked visibly startled to see the superhero suddenly striding past him.


    Parker got to the door, paused briefly to see if he sensed anything, and then pushed it open and headed inside. He let it slam behind him, and then walked up the dark corridor to the light of the lobby area ahead.

    “Oh, er, it’s you” said the attendant, when he saw Virus stride up to his desk. “What, er, can we do for you?”

    “Just doing my rounds” Virus replied.

    “Oh, well, er, OK” said the attendant. “Let me just call…”

    “Call who you want” Virus said, “but I’m going in.”

    He marched across the lobby and headed down the stairs towards the darkrooms, where the sounds of rampant sex made it evident the place was hopping tonight.  He could feel the tingle of ascensions happening, but there was something else there which felt wrong, or missing, or, just, well, different. He walked the corridors trying to identify it, but it was too fuzzy to pin down. He needed a boost in his senses, so he made a beeline for the largest sling room hoping to find what he needed. Sure enough, once his eyes adjusted to the greater darkness in there, he saw that a lean young man was cuffed into the central sling and there were several older, larger men around him. Gripping the rod and whispering a few words, to Virus alone the tattoos of the tops suddenly glowed blue, letting him know that these men were ascendees and loyal to the HIVe. This is just what he needed, so he silently moved to the edge of the room and focused his mind on the young man in the sling. For thirty minutes he absorbed the energy as the older men pumped load after load of toxic cum into the eager bottom’s negative hole, until the moment when the biggest of the men roared out his orgasm and Virus thought he saw stars. That was it, that was the load that would convert the lad, and the extra surge of energy that shot into him through the rod did the trick. Visions of the attendant upstairs filled his mind, and he knew he had found a lead.  He raced out of the room and back up the stairs, where he found the attendant talking to an older man.

    “You!” Virus shouted at the man, pointing his rod at him as the tendrils shot out a blue snare that immobilised the man.

    “What is the meaning of th…” the other man started to say.

    “This one is coming with me” Virus said. “But first, where is his stuff? Actually, never mind, I’ll find it myself.”

    Virus jumped over the counter and looked around, then grabbed a duffel bag sitting on the floor. He ripped it open and saw to both his horror and his satisfaction that it was full of packets of Dr Prep’s blue bills.

    “I…I had no idea” the other man stammered, staring with wide eyes at the contents.

    “I know” said Virus, re-sealing the bag and hopping back over the counter. “But can I suggest you do random checks on the bags your staff bring in here from now on?”

    “Of course” said the other man. “I mean, of course.”

    “Good” said Virus. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and question your former employee a bit.”

    He grabbed the rod and began heading up the corridor to the alley door, the snare dragging the unconscious attendant behind him. The leather-clad man outside looked even more startled when he saw the superhero emerge with a prisoner.

    “Brandon” Virus said into his hidden mic. “Got a prisoner inbound, so prepare the cell.”

    “Yes boss” came the reply.

    “Good evening” said Virus to the startled man in the alley, before bending his knees, looking skywards, and rocketing up towards the clouds with the attendant in tow.


    (Stay tuned for more)

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  12. Parker O’Zayle was on edge. The day’s events had made it clear that Dr Prep had once again found a way to disguise himself to the weak minded, making them vulnerable to his influence even when their intentions were good. Clearly he had found another source of adavurt, and until that was located and destroyed, the city was at risk.


    Normally stripping out of the Virus suit and lighting up a cigarette helped Parker relax after a tough day, but today it was not working. The hum and occasional spark from his pendant gave him some reassurance that the HIVe was still collecting new members at a healthy rate, and while that continued his powers would be sustained. But the prospect of the Doctor’s disruption spreading across the region was too concerning, particularly if it reduced his ability to counter the trouble.

    He booted up his tablet to see if he could start to find any patterns in the recent anomalies. Most had been isolated incidents that he had initially put down to fanatical followers of the Doctor’s teachings, but the incident at the Frat House had made him realise that the head honcho was back in business and as such the data could shed some light on where to find him.

    An hour later, Parker put his head back and groaned in frustration. He could see nothing jumping out of the info he had on his tablet, and without some idea of what the method was in the Doctor’s madness, he would always be on the back foot. Perhaps Isaac would be able to find something that he couldn’t, but he would have to wait a while for that. Those two Swedish tourists Isaac had picked up on the way home would be in his room for a while, and Parker knew better than to disturb The Gift when he was working at what he did best. Still, at least he would feel many more surges of virality go through him before the night was out, as the HIVe welcomed a pair of Stockholm’s finest into its ranks.

    Still, he needed something more. He needed his own release, to clear his head and hopefully enable him to come up a way to get ahead of Dr Prep. Almost as soon as he thought that, he felt the rod come alive where it was resting against the wall, and he got up and went over to it. He grasped it tightly, closed his eyes, and issued a command.

    “I need three.”

    The rod flashed white, its tendrils giving a brief whirl, and then it fell back into dormancy. He leaned it back against the wall, and then went through into the main cavern where Brandon and Brendon were waiting.


    “Guys” he said, “I’ve got some visitors coming. See that they find their way to the playroom.”

    “Yes boss” they said in unison, each giving him a wry smile.

    Parker nodded at them, and then made his way upstairs to the basement level of the mansion. He headed down a corridor, and opened the door to his favourite room in the whole place.


    It was working. As one hunk’s tight hole gripped his cock, another’s impressive dick stretched Parker’s own rear end nice and wide, and the third one’s monstrous member filled his throat, Parker could feel the worries of the day dissipate. A few hours here seeding these men and getting bred in turn by them would be enough to sort him out, with the added bonus that his rod had sent him three who were yet to ascend. His most potent of seeds would surely add them to the membership before the night was over, which would give him the extra power boost that only a conversion at his own hands could generate. By morning he would be ready to devise a plan, but now he needed to focus. The negative hole he was in was primed and ready, and it was time to poz…



    Stay tuned for more!

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  13. The city lights shone bright around them, the noise of traffic drifting up from the streets, and the wind swirled across the rooftop.


    “What do you sense?” asked the younger man.

    “Peril” growled the older one. “It’s strong.”

    “Where?” said his apprentice.

    “I…I don’t know, but it feels close.”

    They looked out across the city in silence, the younger man allowing his master to focus.

    “He’s blocking me” the older man said.

    “The Doctor?” asked his apprentice.

    “Yes” said his caped master. “Which means…oh no!”

    The man swirled round and jammed his rod into the ground.

    “What?!” asked his apprentice. “What does it mean?”

    “The frat house” growled the older man, before bending his knees, looking up into the sky, and shooting upwards towards the stars and swirling away in the direction of the campus.

    “Oh fuck” said the younger man, racing towards the door of the roof.


    “I dunno man” said Chad. “I thought we weren’t supposed to take anything.”

    “It’s just one little pill” said Mike. “What harm can it do?”

    “I suppose” said Chad. “But what if they find out?”

    “How will they know?” asked Mike, smirking.

    Chad shrugged, and studied the tablet in his hand. He then reached for the bottle of water Mike and given him, unscrewed the lid, and went to place the pill in his mouth.

    At that moment the bedroom window blew in, and Chad recoiled under the barrage of wood and glass. As the dust settled, he looked up to see the caped pozsader himself, Virus.

    “Where is he?!” Virus demanded of the cowering pledge.

    “Who?” Chad meekly responded.

    “The one who gave you that pill.”

    “He…” Chad began, before realising there was no sign of Mike. “He was just here.”

    “What did he look like?” demanded the superhero.

    “He, er, was tall and blond with curly hair” Chad said.

    “Damn” said Virus.

    “Wh…wh…what?” asked the hunky pledge.

    “Never you mind” sighed the superhero. “Just a nemesis up to his old tricks again.”

    At that moment the door burst open, and four of the senior frat members rushed into the room.

    “Holy fuck man!” said one of them, looking around the room.

    “What are you doing here Vi?” asked one of the others.

    “Gents” said Virus, giving them a nod. “You had a visit from Dr Prep it seems. Was trying to entice this one.”

    The four frat members darted their heads towards Chad, glaring at him.

    “What gives man?” said the first one.

    “I’m sorry…” said Chad, wringing his hands together. “He said I would have a better time if I took it.”

    “Men” said the superhero, “don’t blame him. The Doctor has found a way to disguise himself again. This boy had no way of knowing.”

    “Still…” said the second one, still glaring at Chad. “Thank fuck you got here in time.”

    “Indeed” said the hero. “But I would suggest you get on with the task in hand, and keep your wits about you.”

    “Yes sir!” the four frat members said in unison, before grappling Chad off the floor and hauling him out of the room.

    The superhero walked over to the obliterated window and looked out, surveying the quiet campus street where Rho-Omicron-Zeta’s sprawling frat house was located. He knew that somewhere out there Dr Prep was planning his next move, working on his next dastardly plan, plotting and scheming to re-make the world to his liking. Somehow, somewhere, Virus had to stop him, once and for all.

    He lifted his arm up to his mouth and pressed a hidden button.

    “Gift, stand down” he said. “He got away.”

    “Roger” replied his apprentice. “Did you get there in time?” 

    “I did, but someday I might not” he said, with a sigh. “Meet you back at the house.”

    He lowered his arm and then began to climb onto the shattered window frame. As he did, he heard the unmistakable sounds of the conversion starting next door, and felt a surge of power run through him as Chad began his ascension to The HIVe. Despite his nemesis having got away, Virus could not help but smile.


    From the deck of his boat way out in the harbour, Dr Prep watched the unmistakable silhouette of the city’s unsung superhero shooting across the sky.

    “I got so close this time” he growled. “But one day I’ll do it, and your destruction will begin. Just you wait Virus, just you wait…”



    Stay tuned for the next chapter…

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  14. “You really fucked up Dylan!” he yelled.

    “I know” I said, looking down at the floor. “I’m sorry.”

    “Sorry isn’t gonna cut it!” he bellowed, glaring at me.

    I couldn’t think of anything else to say other than another apology, so I just stayed silent.

    “You know” he said, a little more calmly, “if this was any other outfit you would be getting whacked right now.”

    I nodded, fighting against the urge to let my eyes well up.

    “You’ve cost me a lot of dough” he continued, “and there’s going to have to be consequences.”

    “I know” I mumbled.

    “So I’ll give you two choices” he said. “The first, I can take back everything I’ve given you as payment for your mess. The house, the car, the bling, everything.”

    I stayed silent.

    “You will then need to work to cover the rest of your debt to me, before I let you go.”

    I nodded.

    “I think you know what the second option is” he said. “So which is it going to be?”

    “I, er…” I started mumbling.

    “I can’t hear you!” he bellowed.

    I looked up at him, and took a deep breath.

    “Two” I said. “Option two.”

    “Thought so” he said, with an evil smile crossing his face. “You sure you wouldn’t rather just go back to living in the Y?”

    “Option two” I said again, maintaining eye contact with him, trying to make myself look confident despite the knots my stomach was twisting itself in.

    “OK” he said, “your choice. Go home then and I’ll send more instructions later.”

    I turned and left his office, making my way out to my car. I got in, gripped the steering wheel, and then started to cry uncontrollably. This was it. I had made my choice, to keep all the trappings of this life that I had worked for, but pay for them with my body. I sort of knew it might come to this some day, given the number of fuck-ups I had somehow got away with before, but actually facing what was to happen to me for real was overwhelming.


    Two hours later, while I was out on the deck nervously smoking a cigarette, my phone buzzed a few times as a series of messages arrived from Frank. I took two more deep draws of the cigarette to steel my nerves, stubbed it out, and then opened up my phone. I read the instructions a few times, before shutting off my phone and turning my head up to look at the few wispy clouds overhead. I stood like that for a while, and then got myself together and went inside to prepare.


    An hour after that I opened the heavy door of the warehouse Frank had sent me to, stepped inside and then let it slam behind me. I stared into the building for a moment, and then started walking further inside.


    There didn’t seem to be anyone about, but when I rounded a corner I came face to face with him. I stopped in my tracks.


    “You Dylan?” he asked.

    “Yes sir” I said, with a tremor in my voice.

    “You know why you’re here?” he said.

    “Yes sir” I repeated.

    “OK then” he said, before turning round and walking off. I nervously followed, and we headed into another section of the warehouse. Round another corner we came upon a second man.


    “This is Dylan” the first man said.

    The second man looked me up and down.

    “Boy” he growled, “you’re lucky Frank owes us. From what I hear you should be at the bottom of the lagoon by now.”

    “Yes sir” I said, looking down.

    “Well, let’s get this done” he said.

    They both walked through a doorway, and I followed them into what turned out to be a large internal room with no windows. There was some dim light from a weak overhead lamp, which was enough for me to see the contents of the room. In the centre was a frame holding a leather sling, and either side of that were a padded leather bench and a mattress. Round the walls of the room were shelves filled with various dildos and buttplugs.

    “Frank been fucking you?” the second man asked.

    “Yes sir” I quietly replied.

    “Anyone else?”

    “Men paid me before I met Frank” I said.

    “Condoms?” the first man asked.

    “Sometimes” I replied, the memories of my days as a rent boy flooding back to me.

    “You gay?” the first man asked.

    “Bi” I replied.


    “No sir” I mumbled. The truth was, in my world most guys running jobs had at some point been turning tricks to make ends meet, and particularly as one of Frank’s boys you had to endure his ‘tests of loyalty’ every now and then. But to actually enjoy being with men was crazily still [banned word], and I had never told a soul before this moment that I was that way inclined.

    “Well” he said with a grin, “you can forget women. Once we’re done with you here, you’ll be working for us as well as Frank, you understand?”

    “Yes sir” I replied.

    “Men will be paying, but you won’t be seeing a penny of it” he said. “Just like your friend Leroy.”

    Leroy. He was the reason I knew what option two was. After that sale had gone badly and he’d only just managed to escape from the cops, he had disappeared for a while before returning with new tattoos and a lot less spare time. He also seemed to walk and sit funny some days, but never told me what was going on. When Pascal had got drunk and told me all about two men to whom Frank owed a debt, and these men just happened to run some kind of specialist escort service, I had come to the conclusion that Leroy had been sold into that outfit as his punishment. I confronted him about it, and while he initially denied it, over time he did let slip a few things that confirmed it for me. A few minutes on Google to see what his tattoos meant had filled in the rest of the blanks for me. Now I was standing here about to have the same thing happen to me.

    “Yes sir” I replied.

    “Get naked” the first man said. When I hesitated, he followed up with a stern “Now!”

    I pulled off my shoes and then quickly stripped down, so that I was just wearing my chains.

    “Get on the bench” the second man said, nodding towards the padded leather piece next to the sling.

    I walked over to the bench, and after briefly examining its strange shape, I got onto it on all fours as that looked like what it was designed for. A moment later the two men were next to me, attaching leather cuffs to my wrists and ankles which they then secured to the bench. The first man then opened a small bottle of poppers and put it under my nose, while the second disappeared from my view. Just as I inhaled from the bottle, the second man jammed his fingers into my hole which caused me to yelp. He roughly thrust them into me a couple of times, and then pulled them out only to replace them with his cock a second later. I couldn’t even get any sound to come out of my gaping mouth as he buried himself to the hilt in one rough thrust, such was the pain of the intrusion despite me opening myself up at home before I had set out. I mean, my hole had seen plenty of action over the last couple of years, but I had never been taken like this straight off the bat.

    He brutally fucked me for only a few minutes, and then slammed into me and unloaded. He yanked himself out, but I had no time to recover as the other man went round and quickly inserted his own dick. This too was a brutal reaming, followed by the second load being dumped in me.

    I was left strapped to the bench while they both lit up cigarettes, which they smoked without either of them saying a word. When they were done, I heard some moving of items on a nearby shelf, followed immediately by the stinging whack of a paddle on my buttocks. I yelped, and then was hit again. This carried on until I stopped yelping, taking each whack through gritted teeth.

    “You understand it now boy” the second man said. “Take whatever is given without protest.”

    “Yes sir” I whispered.

    One of their cocks was then thrust back into me, beginning my third pounding. The fourth followed shortly after, by which time my cum-filled hole was aching like a motherfucker. When I had taken that load, a big buttplug was pushed into me and the men left the room. I had no choice but to just remain there, strapped to the bench while their toxic cum festered inside me.

    A while later the men returned, paddled me a little more to make sure I took it silently, and then removed the plug to fuck loads five and six into me. I did indeed endure all without a sound, gritting and grinding my teeth as I suffered the relentless assault on my rear end. When they were done, the plug was rammed back into me and then they undid the cuffs to let me up.

    “Good boy” said the bigger man. “We’ll let you rest up on that mattress for a couple of hours until the guests get here.”

    “Thank you sir” I mumbled.

    They marched out of the room and pulled a metal sliding door over. I hobbled to the mattress, where there was a bottle of water, a packet of cigarettes and a thin blanket waiting for me. I gulped down half of the water, and then lit up a cigarette that I smoked while stretching my legs out. After stubbing out the butt on the floor, I lay down on the mattress on my side, curling up a bit as I pulled the blanket over me attempting to get comfortable with the huge plug stretching me out. I reached up and gripped onto my chain, needing something to hold onto for comfort as the full reality of my situation hit me. I was locked in a room in a warehouse, my innards were coated with six loads of toxic cum, and more men were on the way to use me. Not only did I have a lot more in store today, but I couldn’t help but wonder if this was how my life would now be.

    I eventually drifted off to sleep, awaking when the heavy metal door was loudly slid open.

    “Round two boy” said one of the men. “In the sling, now.”


    It’s been twelve months since my fuck-up, and I have adjusted to my new life. I spend less time on Frank’s projects these days, though he still has me involved in some of his dealings when he needs an extra body. Most of my time is instead spent serving the clients I am sent to, for whatever they require. Usually it’s my mouth or hole, but some want to submit to me and take what I have to give as a top. I know at least two have been seeking conversion, but I don’t know whether I have actually pozzed anyone myself yet.

    Life is definitely different, but I am actually more relaxed as I have fewer chances to make a mess of Frank’s business dealings. I’ve come to like and even be proud of my tattoos and what they symbolise, though they do cause some people to cross the street to avoid me.

    I chose option two, I chose this life, and I have no regrets.


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  15. Nick and Dane kept up an impressive regime of breeding me for the next two weeks, during which time I also got to spend some time meeting everyone else who lived in the mansion and the outhouses. It was all a bit overwhelming, but the longer I spent there the more I realised it was exactly where I needed to be. I didn’t really know what that actually meant, as while I hoped Bill and Hank would agree to me moving in, I couldn’t believe that they would just take in a freeloader without having him do something.

    “They’ll find a place for you” was all Nick ever said when I raised it with him.

    What I did find odd is that my only interaction with the owners up to that point had been when they first found Nick using me in the trees. I had caught glimpses of them here and there when I was outside enjoying the pool, but I had yet to actually speak to either one of them. Nick just shrugged this off too when I mentioned it to him.

    “They’ll come and find you at some point” he said, “in their own time.”

    What I suspected it meant is that they were trusting Nick to really test out whether I could stay the course, take everything he and Dane had to give, and eventually get myself pozzed. Fortunately my resolve on that only got stronger with each passing day, with a growing impatience in me that it hadn’t happened yet.

    Anyway, two weeks to the day since I had first followed Nick into the trees, I was lounging on the bed in his and Dane’s outhouse, flicking between YouTube videos while I waited for them to get back from an errand they had been sent on. When the outhouse door opened I assumed it would be one of them, but when I looked up I saw Bill standing in the doorway staring at me. I jolted up and off the bed.

    “Hello” he said, giving a hint of a smile while he looked me up and down.

    “Hello” I replied, before adding “sir.”

    “We haven’t had a chance to talk yet” he said.

    “No sir” I responded.

    “Has Nick been taking good care of you?” he asked.

    “Yes sir” I said, “this has been the best two weeks of my life.”

    “And you want to keep it going” he stated.

    “Yes sir” I said.

    “Well” he sighed, “Nick speaks very highly of you, and told me he thinks you’re ready.”

    “Ready sir?” I asked.

    “For the talk” he replied.

    He turned and walked out, and I knew I was supposed to follow so I hastily put on my flip-flops and went after him. He was heading into the trees along the path I had first arrived here on, and I hurried after him until I was a couple of paces behind. We then walked in silence along the path, before taking a turn and heading into a thicker part of the forest. As we did so, I glanced along the path we were turning off and saw a guy I thought might be called Marc just standing there looking at me.


    I briefly paused to look back at him, before he gave me what felt like a knowing smile and a wink. I blinked back at him, and then hurried on after Nick.

    The sound of the sea got progressively louder, and then we emerged onto a small section of pristine beach between two rocky outcrops, with not another soul around. Nick turned right and walked along the edge of the sand for a few paces until he reached a wooden bench that had been placed there facing the sea. He sat down on one end of it, and then looked back at me while in a way that told me I was also supposed to take a seat.

    We sat in silence for a while, just looking out at the waves while my nerves started to go. I just knew that my future here was going to depend on whatever happened during the next few minutes.

    Bill eventually pulled a packet of cigarettes out a pouch on his harness, then offered me one. He lit them both up, and then briefly fixed his gaze on me.

    “So what’s your story” he eventually asked. “Why are you here?”

    I gulped, and then as he looked at me in anticipation of a response, I took a deep draw of the cigarette to gather myself. I then started at the beginning, telling him about my life, my desires, my wedding, and my epiphany two weeks earlier when Nick entered my world. He listened intently, but I could not get much of a sense of anything from his facial expressions.

    “That’s quite a common story you know”, he said when I had finished. “Many a boy who has passed through here has had a similar tale to tell.”

    “Well, maybe you all just have a way of freeing men like me in a way nothing else can” I said, which got a warm smile from him.

    “So you’re a mechanic” he said.

    “Yes” I replied. “I love working with cars, on engines, on anything really.”

    “You sound like a useful person to have around” he said, causing my stomach to jump a little in excitement.

    “I like to work” I said. “I mean, I’ve enjoyed the last two weeks, but I am starting to get a bit restless.”

    He laughed at that.

    “Will have to have a word with young Nickyboy” he said. “He cannot possibly be fucking you enough if you’ve got time to get restless!”

    “They’ve been fucking me plenty” I said with a smile. “But I do want to do something useful.”

    He gave me a warm smile, and then reached over and patted my back.

    “Relax boy” he said. “This isn’t an interview. You’re already in.”

    “Oh” I said, a bit taken aback.

    “You may not know this, but Nick is like a son to me” he said. “He’s the smartest of them all, and a good man. When he tells me a boy belongs here, his word is enough.”

    I didn’t know what to say, and just sat there staring at the ground. Suddenly it was all very real. I would be staying.

    “He’s not the only one who wants you here” Bill continued, causing me to look up at him.

    “Greg?” I asked, after a pause.

    “He likes you” Bill said. “It’s been too long since I saw that sparkle in his eye.”

    “I like him too” I said. “I mean, I’m new to all this, but I do like him too.”

    “I’m glad to hear it” he said. “Just don’t rush into anything, OK? He’s got a big heart under all the shits and giggles, and I don’t want to see it broken again.”

    I nodded, realising my sense of Greg being a gentler, more vulnerable guy than he presented had been correct.

    “Anyway” Bill said, “Nick and Dane will no doubt have you joining the ranks soon enough, and then you can decide how much ink you want.”

    “I can’t wait” I said, my dick gardening at the thought of getting a big biohazard symbol on me somewhere.

    “Good lad” Bill said. “So how about we sort out the rest of it?”

    “The rest?” I asked.

    “Follow me” he said, giving me a wink.

    He stood up off the bench and went back the way we had come, so I hurriedly followed him again. We headed back to the mansion, then went round the side and got into a golf buggy. Bill then drove us down a track that led out of the trees and onto a dusty track, which he followed until we rounded a corner and another huge mansion came into view. Just as we approached the gate a stunning black car that looked to be custom-made pulled up from the other direction, so Bill stopped the buggy and waited. The car door opened and an absolute hunk got out and came round to speak to us.


    “Bill” he said, “good to see you.”

    “Rico” Bill said, “you’ve been working out.”

    “Gotta do what the man wants, right?” Rico said, smiling and just slightly flexing.

    “Is he home?” Bill asked.

    “Come on up” said Rico.

    He got back in the car and slowly drove in through the gates and up the driveway, with Bill and I following in the buggy. Rico took the car off to the side to a garage, but Bill drove the buggy up to near the front door where we climbed out. Just as we were approaching the main door, it opened and another older man came out.


    “Bill” he said, “what have you brought me today?”

    “Just one for decorating” said Bill, with a slightly stern tone. “He’s Nick’s.”

    “But of course” said the other man.

    He came towards me, and then looked me up and down.

    “No ink yet” he said.

    “Yet to convert” said Bill, which caused the other man to turn towards him with a surprised look on his face.

    “Yet you’ve already brought him here?”

    “He’s staying” said Bill, quite firmly.

    They looked at each other for a brief moment, before the other man turned back to me. He approached a bit closer, and the brought his hand up to touch my chain. He lifted it as though to feel the weight, and then let it drop back onto my chest.

    “Not a bad piece” he said, “but from the looks of this one we’re going to need to go a lot bigger.”

    He reached up and stroked his chin while continuing to look at me, and then suddenly twirled around the marched back into the house.

    “That’s Conrad” Bill said, after a moment. When I didn’t say anything in response, he continued after a pause. “Designer to the stars, but his passion is putting silver on hot men.“

    Then it clicked: the ‘look’ that all the men at the house had was thanks to Conrad.

    “Who is Rico?” I asked.

    “His current plaything” Bill replied, as we started to walk towards the house. “Though he’s stuck around far longer than any I have known.”

    “So they’re poz too?” I asked, stating the obvious given their tattoos.

    “Conrad and I got turned at the same time” Bill said. “Same party, probably the same guy.”

    “Wow” I said. “Sounds like some party.”

    “It was” said Bill, chuckling. “Some day I might even tell you the names of a few of the other guests. You’d be shocked.”

    With that, we headed down a set of stairs into the basement, where Conrad was already at work pulling supplies out of drawers and barking orders in Spanish at two men who were sat in an adjacent studio. Bill motioned for me to take a seat on an armchair while he sat on another, and then we waited.

    For a good couple of hours Conrad had repeatedly come in and out of the space where Bill and I were sat talking, getting me to stand up so he could look all around my body, and fire off the occasional question about my gym aspirations, haircut thoughts, and what I was thinking of for tattoos when the time came. After that we were ushered out, and Bill told me we now needed to leave him in peace for a few days to work.

    He drove me back to the house, and as Nick and Dane had returned from their errand I dutifully went back upstairs to their bedroom for another double-fucking. Dane in particular had coached and encouraged me through getting used to it, and while Nick’s piercing still did a number on me every time they both squeezed themselves into my hole, I did start to kind of enjoy it. However, I very much preferred having just one of them in me at a time, as the connection was just so much more intense.

    Before Conrad could finish whatever he was working on, the flu finally hit me. I had got up and attempted to do something downstairs in my delirious state, but had passed out on a chair in a hallway. I was completely out of it for a couple of days, and when I did eventually come back to earth I found myself in a different bedroom. I initially assumed it was a guest room, until I noticed a wardrobe door slightly open showing it had clothes in it. Looking around I could also see some personal touches here and there, albeit no photos or anything. However, when Greg came into the room a little while after I had woken, it did not actually surprise me to find out I was in his bed.

    He checked in on me numerous times throughout that day as I remained in bed to fully recover, and then late at night once his duties at the bar were over he came back in just after I had woken from a sleep. He started bedding down on the floor, but I motioned for him to get into the bed with me. He beamed at me, and then climbed in beside me, put his arm around me, and we dozed off together.

    The next day I felt much more like myself, and was also starving hungry. Max and Kenji cooked me an enormous breakfast, and Greg noted to me that a guy’s first meal after the flu was ‘a free one’ that required no sacrificial offering of a juicy hole to the chefs later on.

    Once I had eaten my fill with Greg keeping me company, we went outside so I could enjoy my first cigarette in a while. After smoking a second one, Greg then told me to follow him. I duly did, and we ended up going down a set of stairs behind a door I had not seen before into a basement I did not know the house had. There waiting for me were Bill, Hank, Dane and Nick, all sat in chairs round a giant red, black and silver biohazard symbol painted on the floor.

    “Welcome back” said Bill, giving me a warm smile as he stood up.

    “You got quite an easy ride compared to some” said Hank, reaching out to shake my hand. “But good to see you on your feet again.”

    “Thanks” I said. “I feel much better now.”

    “Anyway” said Bill, “it’s time to properly welcome you in.”

    By this point all four men were standing, and Greg put a hand on my lower back to encourage me to move forward and stand on the symbol.

    “We have a little tradition here” said Hank.

    “When a man brings someone new into our little family” Bill continued, “he gets to adorn his new poz son with whatever Conrad has created.”

    At this point Nick and Dane approached me, with Dane holding several fairly flat leather boxes. I stared at the boxes, and then at Nick. He had the warmest expression on his face, and then he reached out and pulled me into a long-lasting hug.

    “Thank you” I whispered to him, the emotion of this finally happening causing my eyes to well up a little.

    “I’m so proud of you” he whispered back.

    When we eventually let go of one another, I made eye contact with Dane and mouthed a thank you to him that got a smile and a wink in return. Nick then opened the first box, and my mouth dropped open.



    It’s been five years since that fateful day that I followed Nick off the beach. Every year on the anniversary I go down and just spend a bit of time around the spot where Hannah and I had pitched our umbrella, and this year is no exception. I take this annual opportunity to just think about where things were going for me, what might have been if I had not had the guts to stand up and walk into those trees, and what kind of a shell of a man I might have ended up. Of course, I do also think about what I have lost, the friends and family I have little to no contact with anymore, and of course the awful thing I did to Hannah by maintaining the charade for so long.

    Those thoughts do eventually pass, and for one simple reason: my life is incredible. Curling up with Greg every night in bed never gets old, and it seems like we fall further for each other every morning when we wake up together. The crazy energy he has with other people is just so perfectly balanced by the gentleness, vulnerability and loving nature that only I get to see, and I love each and every day with him.

    Of course, all relationships in this place are open, and we both enjoy a lot of sex with our fellow residents and visiting tourists. Outside of our bedroom I am basically a bottom, and every night’s lovemaking with Greg starts with him cleaning out the loads I have collected that day. With Greg I am more versatile, and only ever really show the top side of myself with anyone else when he and I are playing together. Of course, on plenty of occasions of playing together with others we both end up bent over taking a pounding, and there is now almost an expectation that Greg and I will jointly thank Max and Kenji for their food for at least one of each day’s ‘shifts’ in their room.

    A few more men have joined our ‘family’, and a couple have also moved on to pastures new. Greg and I have not brought anyone in, but have talked about possibly doing that some day if we happen upon a tourist who seems like they might fit in. For the most part the visitors that I play with know full well what they’re getting into thanks to the tattoo on my back, and I suspect most of them are on PrEP anyway. As for Greg, he actually prefers sex with fellow residents, leaving it to the likes of Dimitri and Anton to engage in rampant pozzing of men who thought they were just going to the beach for a tan.

    Then there’s Nick. What can I say about that divine god of the beach? He occupies a place in my heart and in my life that no-one else ever could or will. I love him, and I think he loves me, but it is in a very different way to how we feel about our partners. There was just something about the connection we made over those two weeks that now seems like it can’t be touched, that it can’t be broken, or perhaps you could say with an ironic twist that it can’t be tainted. In the five years I have been here he has not brought any other guys in to the fold, which Bill drunkenly told me one night is because he doesn’t think it would ever be the same for him again after me. Fortunately this bond we have between us has not caused me any issues with Dane, who has become one of my best friends in the house. He and Greg both know that Nick and I just need some time together occasionally.

    Speaking of which, it’s time to head off for the second part of this special day. Most guys in the house have a yearly ceremonial rutting with their pozzer on the anniversary of when they got their results, but Nick and I have always done it to mark the day we first met. Even without turning round, I can already sense that he’s at the treeline waiting for me, so I’m going to sign off now. Thanks for joining me on this journey, and I hope you all have a charmed day.

    Yours pozzingly,



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  16. I woke up to the feeling of Nick slowly moving his cock in and out of me again, and I chose to just stay quiet while he gently fucked another load into me. It felt great, and more intimate than any of the sex I had experienced so far on this crazy day. His increasingly panting breath on my neck only added to the experience.

    After he filled me with my umpteenth toxic load, I gripped hold of the arm round me.

    “Thanks” I whispered.

    “Plenty more where that came from” he breathily said into my ear.

    “Not just for the load” I replied. “For everything.”

    He didn’t say anything in response, instead just giving me a bit of a squeeze. He then started to pull out of me, and I turned onto my back to watch him slide off the bed. He stood up, looked down at me with a warm smile, and then padded off to the bathroom and closed the door. Moments later I could hear the shower running.

    I reached over to the side table and got a cigarette out of the packet there, lighting it up to enjoy my first solo smoke in a long time. I then just lay there, looking up at the ceiling as thoughts about this day began to run through my head. It was all a bit overwhelming, but strangely nothing felt at all wrong about it, and I got none of the panic in my guts that I had done throughout my life when thoughts of men, my true feelings and so on had entered my brain. This truly was where I belonged.

    I stubbed out the cigarette, the shower still going next door, and then reached for my phone. I opened it up to see a litany of messages and missed calls from Hannah, my parents, my brother, and Ben (my best man at the wedding). I looked through a few of them, and then felt a surge of confidence go through me. I opened up the group chat that had been used for my bachelor party, and typed out a message.


    Guys, I’m gay. Always have been. Should never have married Hannah, and I will never forgive myself for this. But I’ve met some guys here who have shown me the life I need to live. I’m staying here with them. I’m sorry. Please tell Hannah I’m sorry. Joe


    I hit Send before I got cold feet, and then turned my phone off. Only at that point did I realise I had been holding my breath the whole time, and I took a huge gulp of air as my stomach started doing somersaults.

    The shower has turned off, and Nick emerged soaking wet and wearing a towel, looking somehow even hotter than he had on the beach when all this had started.

    “You OK?” he asked. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

    “Just told all the boys back home I’m gay” I said. “Freaking out a bit.”

    Nick stared at me for a moment, and then went over to his phone and typed out a very quick message.

    “OK” he said. “Let’s get you un-freaked.”

    A minute later the door burst open and Greg came bounding into the room again, that enormous grin still plastered on his face.

    “This one needs to get drunk” said Nick, pointing at me.

    “Now THAT I can do!” Greg bellowed, holding his hand out to me to pull me up off the bed. “Shorts?”

    Nick opened a drawer in the dresser and pulled out some navy gym shorts that he chucked at me. I duly pulled them on, and then Greg grabbed my hand and pulled me along after him out of the room. We careened down the corridor to a different set of stairs, which he practically pulled me down before leading me down another corridor that opened into a large room that had been done up as a bar lounge.

    “What’s your poison?” he said, letting go of my hand and striding behind the bar.

    “Vodka” I said.

    “Good man” he said, giving me another grin.

    While he set to preparing our drinks, I couldn’t help but take a peek through a door to the side of the bar. It turned out to be a kitchen, where two studs were busy chopping vegetables while they both seemed to be lost in their own worlds, listening to music on big noise cancelling headphones.


    I watched for a moment, and then stepped back into the lounge as Greg put two vodkas with ice on the counter, along with a couple of packets of cigarettes.

    “You’ve met Zahir and Max I see” he said, lighting up a smoke.

    “In the kitchen?” I replied, to which he nodded. “Can’t say I met them. They seem busy.”

    “That’s how they are” Greg said, shrugging a little. “They go into their little zones while they cook up a storm in there.”

    “Do they cook for everyone?” I asked, taking a seat on a bar stool and reaching for a cigarette.

    “Whoever’s around” Greg replied. “The deal is, one guy who eats their food each meal then has to go join them upstairs after.” He smiled and winked at me.

    “To get fucked?” I asked, blowing out smoke.

    “That’s been my experience” Greg said, chuckling. “But I think sometimes they switch it up a bit.”

    “Are they together?” I asked, before taking my first sip of the ice cold vodka.

    “Sort of” Greg replied. “Bit hard to tell to be honest, and they keep themselves to themselves.”

    “What about you?” I asked, before necking back the rest of the shot.

    “What about me?” Greg said, smirking while he reached over to pour me another one.

    “You got a boyfriend?” I asked. “I mean, it seems like loads of the guys here do.”

    “Yeah, they do” he said, with a bit of a sigh. “We’re a lot more loved up here than people might expect.”

    “But you…” I asked, after he didn’t say anymore.

    “Had someone” he said, the smile drifting off his face. “But he left.”

    “Oh” I said. “I’m sorry.”

    “It’s OK” he replied, “I don’t think he was that into me anyway.”

    He started to laugh at that, but I saw the first cracks in his jovial demeanour and realised that some of it was probably just be an act.

    “Well, then from what I have seen so far, he was an idiot” I said. Greg looked a little startled, but then gave me a warm smile.

    “Yeah?” he said.

    “Yeah” I replied, smiling back at him.

    We both necked our shots, and he poured us some more. We then spent a while drinking, smoking and chatting, before being joined by the guys I had seen with Nick on the beach earlier in the day, Zen and Kris. They gave me a warm welcome, saying they weren’t surprised by what they’d heard as they’d noticed me checking the three of them out earlier. They then regaled us of their exploits in the dunes with a 19 year old twink who was on holiday with his family, who was now likely to be getting spit-roasted by Bill and Hank until the sun went down.

    “Just another young thing getting pregnant on holiday” said Greg, raising his glass for a cheers.

    The afternoon turned into evening as we drank more, they gossiped about the guys living there, and I told my fairly dull life story. All evening I couldn’t help but gaze at Greg, who seemed to be taking every opportunity to look back at me when the other two were distracted. There was definitely something about the guy that was growing on me the longer I spent with him.

    As it got properly dark outside, more guys started coming in and getting drinks, slightly overwhelming me with the sight of so many absolute studs of all races and backgrounds, united in the ‘look’ they all went for variations on. My mouth was practically watering.


    Eventually Nick and Dane appeared. They joined us for one drink, and then they grappled me out of the room and back up the stairs. Slightly off my face on vodka, I took whatever they had to give me all the way to dawn, at which point I passed out with Dane buried inside my cum-filled hole and Nick in turn plugging his boyfriend’s rear end. It had been one truly amazing day, and I couldn’t wait for more…

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  17. I think I had my teeth gritted during the whole ordeal, only able to let out the occasional pained groan as I was stretched wider than I thought was possible. Nick’s piercing was being pressed hard into my inner walls by Dane’s cock, and to be honest there was no longer any pleasure in it being there. Maybe just having the two cocks in me is something I could have started to enjoy, but I felt like that PA was tearing up my insides.

    Of course, it actually was, and Nick must have known it as he had a tissue ready to push against by rectum as they withdrew from me. I reached back and took over holding it in place, and then managed to kneel-walk my way off the bed and hobble to the bathroom. The cum soaked tissue was indeed stained slightly red, meaning their toxic seed was going to be working into my bloodstream much more easily.

    I got myself cleaned up, and then hobbled back out to the bedroom where Nick and Dane were once again lying on the bed smoking. I slid onto the mattress neck to Dane and carefully lay down, accepting a cigarette from him. We then lay there in silence for a while, until we were interrupted by someone calling Dane’s name from outside. He sat up, slid off the bed, and made his way over to the window which he then opened.

    “You got some fresh meat in there Dane?” the man called up.

    “Yes, but he’s Nick’s project” Dane responded. “Only I get to help out until he’s done.”

    “Typical!” shouted the man. “Selfish fucker…”

    “I heard that!” shouted Nick from the bed next to me, a slight grin on his face.

    At this point curiosity got the better of me, and I got off the bed and stood by the edge of the window slightly shielded by the curtains. I looked down at the man shouting up at us.


    “Well” shouted the man to Dane, “if we can’t have him, is your hole at least free?”

    Dane looked over at Nick, who shrugged at him with a smile. Dane’s face broke into a grin, and he turned back to the window.

    “Be right down!”

    Dane turned back to Nick, smiling.

    “You sure?” he asked.

    “Yeah, no problem” Nick replied. “You’ve got my two loads today already, so go have fun.”

    Dane beamed at him, and then walked briskly to the door. As he opened it, he turned back and looked in my direction.

    “I’ll come back later and fuck you some more once Dimitri’s given me a recharge” he said. “Promise.”

    With that, he turned and bolted out the door, slamming it behind him. I watched him leave, glanced out the window to see the man now lighting up a cigarette while he waited for Dane, and then I stepped away from the window and climbed back onto the bed next to Nick.

    “Dimitri?” I asked.

    “Horny little twerp” Nick replied. “If he’s not fucking the shit out of someone, he’ll be going all alpha power bottom somewhere.”

    “He’s cute” I said.

    “Yep” said Nick, “and he knows it.”

    “Sounds like you don’t like him” I said.

    “Nah, he’s OK really” he sighed. “I just wish he would be a bit more, I dunno…”

    “A bit more what?” I eventually asked.

    “Nuanced, I guess” Nick said. “I mean, we all do our own thing, pursue things our own way, but Dimitri goes through each week’s new set of tourists like a crazed predator.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “I mean, he just randomly fucks every guy he can” he said. “When Greg said earlier that we don’t get many newlyweds here, he really only meant back here at the house. The truth is, Dimitri probably ruins at least one new marriage a week, whether the guy is here with a wife or a husband.”

    “You serious?” I asked.

    “Yeah” he sighed. “It’s actually lucky I got to you first.”

    “It is?” I said, turning to face him.

    “Yeah” he said, looking back at me with a warm smile. “I think you’re one of us, and I’m glad I get to be the one to bring you in.”

    We just looked at each other for a while, something of a bond forming. Not a romantic one, as I knew he and Dane loved each other, but something else that was special.

    “Let’s get some rest” he eventually whispered to me. “Turn over.”

    I turned onto my other side so I had my back to him, and then felt him slide his body over until he was pressed against me, his enormous chain pushing into my shoulder. He then reached down between us, and a moment later his cock was pressing into my backside. Despite the ache in there from the double penetration, I still lifted up my leg to give him better access, and he slowly pushed his cock back into my hole. Once he was fully embedded inside me I lowered my leg, and then he slid one arm under my neck and put his other one round me.

    I felt safe, and I felt right. It was crazy, given I had started the day a straight man on his honeymoon, but I knew this was the way I needed my life to be from now on. Ignoring the buzzing I could hear from my silenced phone, I flexed my arse on Nick’s cock a few times, then relaxed into his protective embrace and drifted off to sleep…

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  18. Nick led me past the pool and into the house, with Dane occasionally having to give me a prod from behind to get me to keep up as I got distracted by the incredible surroundings. Once inside, I got a brief look at a rather grand room that was very tastefully decorated, before I was directed through a small doorway leading to a set of spiral stairs that we then climbed to reach the next floor up.

    As we started walking along a corridor up there, I could hear laughter getting closer until we reached one of the few open doors. Inside were two men painting the room, and clearly enjoying each other’s company.


    “That’s Kenji and Jake” said Nick from up ahead of me as we carried on walking down the long corridor, taking a 90 degree turn at one point.

    “They’re so cute together” said Dane from behind me. “They try to hide it, but everyone knows they’re in love.”

    Before I could say anything in response, Nick got to a door and opened it, marching straight in. I caught up to him and then looked in, perhaps a bit surprised to see a fairly simple white bedroom, decorated with modern paintings and furnished in a very tasteful, laid-back way. I guess I had expected something grander.

    “This is us” Nick said, as Dane came in and closed the door behind us. “We actually sleep here most of the time, and only use the outhouse when we’re hosting.”

    “But we’ve made an exception for you” continued Dane, giving me a wink.

    “Also, and perhaps more accurately, our shower out there is fucked” said Nick with a laugh.

    “Yeah, that too” chuckled Dane.

    “Bottom boy here detached the shower head for one too many power douches” said Nick, “and the damn thing broke in three.”

    Dane went bright red, which surprised me a bit as he didn’t seem like the type to get embarrassed by anything like that.

    “Anyway” said Nick, moving things on, “speaking of douching, why don’t you get in there to clean up a bit and then we’ll get started.”

    He gestured to a door at the side of the room, so I headed in to a nice modern bathroom. I stripped myself naked and got in the shower, giving myself a quick clean. I noticed the shower had a douche attachment already on a separate hose, so I rather clumsily used that to clean myself inside too, before hopping out and drying off using one of their amazingly soft and luxurious towels. I then re-emerged into the bedroom to see them both standing there naked, which caused my dick to spring into action.

    “Like what you see huh?” said Dane, grinning at me.

    “Yes sir” I responded, licking my lips.

    “Get on the bed on your back” said Nick, “and get those legs in the air.”

    I did as commanded, and then Dane climbed up onto the mattress and began to finger my hole.

    “Still nice and open” he said, before repositioning himself between my legs. He then started to push his cock into me, going firmly until he was fully embedded. I realised he must have lubed it up as it slid in without too much difficulty, although my hole ached a little at being stretched again.

    “Ready?” he whispered, giving me a warm smile. I just nodded in response.

    His cock was nowhere near as big as Nick’s, but it still felt amazing as he set up a steady rhythm in my hole. He held my ankles for leverage, and kept his eyes firmly locked on mine as he fucked me. I could not look away from him either, so it felt like the world had fallen away and there was just him and me. It was intense.

    He did not give me any warning before he came, maintaining his rhythm and facial expression until he suddenly slammed in one final time and held in place, his cock spurting toxic juices into me. Only when he finished did he start to pant a bit, gradually pulling himself out of me and sliding off the bed.

    “Good work” said Nick, before climbing up to take his place.

    I had kept my legs raised, and he too grabbed hold of my ankles as he poked his cock at my hole until it found its target. He then pushed into me, causing me to squeeze my eyes closed as he stretched me open again.

    “Poppers” he growled, and I opened my eyes right as Dane thrust a bottle under my nose. I took some deep huffs as Nick bottomed out in me, but got no chance to adjust as he once again immediately got to the fucking. This was not a man with any patience when it came to breeding.

    He pounded into me like crazy, his piercing rubbing my insides to the point that all I could do was yelp and groan at the intense mix of pain and pleasure. As with the previous fuck with Dane, Nick and I were staring into each other’s eyes throughout.

    “About to give you your fourth pozzing” he eventually said, before slamming into me. His body spasmed as he pumped me full of semen. The sight of it, and the thought of what was going inside me, caused me to cum hands-free all over my torso.

    Nick eventually calmed down and slowly slid out of me, and with my strength gone my legs fell to the mattress. The other two guys climbed onto the bed on either side of me and lay down, with all three of us just staring at the ceiling as we came down from the sex.

    “It’s probably time you let that wife of yours know what’s up” said Nick, after a while. “Or at least that you’re OK. We’re not going to be done for a while yet.”

    I sighed, but eventually sat up and slid forward down the mattress to get off the bed, and then went through to the bathroom where I had left my phone in the pocket of my shorts. I stood looking at it for a bit, before deciding what to type out:


    Hannah. I’m sorry. I thought I could make this work, but some things have happened to me today while you were asleep that have made me realise I can’t keep living a lie. I shouldn’t have married you. I was never going to be able to be what you want me to be. I’m sorry. Jobber


    I signed it off with that name as only she ever called me it, just to make sure she knew it really was from me. I felt like shit for doing it in this way, but I couldn’t face dealing with her in person or on the phone. Not yet.

    I stared at the message I had sent for a little bit, then turned the phone to silent, took a deep breath, and headed back into the bedroom. Just as I was crossing the floor to where Dane and Nick were still lying on the bed, now both smoking cigarettes, there was a knock at the door followed by it opening before anyone had responded. Standing in the doorway with a grin on his face was a gorgeous man, grinning at us and clutching a bottle of vodka.


    “Dannick my boys” he bellowed, “I hear you’ve got yourself a newlywed in here!”

    “Greg” Nick sighed.

    “Dannick?” I asked.

    “My little nickname for these lovebirds” Greg said as he strode into the room, still grinning.

    “What are you doing here?” Nick asked.

    “Yeah man” said Dane, “this one is our project.”

    “Oh I know I know” replied Greg, “but it’s not every day another honeymooner finds his way to this place.”

    “Huh?” I said.

    “Greg was on day two of his when Hank and Bill got him” said Nick.

    “Yep!” said Greg, looking proud. “Fucked me senseless all over the Honeymoon Suite while the wife was having a massage.”

    “Poor girl” said Dane, but with a big grin on his face. “No woman wants to walk in on that.”

    “She caught you?” I asked.

    “Being spit-roasted” said Greg, his grin somehow getting bigger.

    “Jesus” I said. “What happened?”

    “Dunno” he replied. “For all I know I’m still married to her.”

    “Bill and Hank kept him on to be our barman” said Nick.

    “And here I am with the drinks!” Greg said, holding up the bottle of vodka. “Let’s have a couple of shots, and then I’ll let you get back to it.”

    He slammed the glasses down on a dresser and messily poured out four shots, before handing them out to each of us.

    “To marriage!” he said, and we all downed the shots. The vodka burned my throat.

    “To the getting of gifts!” he cheered, after pouring our seconds.

    “To fun and fuckery!” was his cry for the third round.

    “OK, that’s enough” said Nick, before Greg could dish out a fourth round.

    “Yes boss” said Greg. “You know where I am if you need a bit more of a buzz.”

    He grabbed the bottle of vodka, turned to me and gave me a wink, and then headed out the door slamming it behind him.

    “Christ” said Dane. “That man is a menace.”

    “I kinda liked him” I said. “Seems fun.”

    “Oh, that he is” said Nick, “until you’re face first in the bushes throwing up pure tequila while he fucks you senseless from behind.”

    “Fun times” said Dane, grinning.

    I laughed at the image, knowing there as no exaggeration at all in what they had just said.

    “Anyway” said Nick, “enough of this. Time for you to get both our cocks in you at once!”

    They both fixed me with an intense look, and I knew my day was only just beginning. I gulped, and then started walking towards the bed…

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  19. OK, I no longer seem to be able to add images, and my attempts to insert from or add links to hosting sites have failed. Will just have to be narration from here on…
    - - -

    I sat there looking out at the sea, thinking about what I had done and what lay in store for me. I was going to be getting fucked. A lot. If I wasn’t already, I was going to be getting pozzed. Everything I had planned my life was going to be in tatters. I could not stop this. I did not want to stop this. Images of Nick and Dane filled my mind, and my imagination took over as I pictured a house full of tatted studs like the various men I had seen Nick associate with so far. My dick got rock hard again.

    I don’t know what it was, but something caused me to turn and look back towards the trees. There, standing at the edge of the forest, I saw a man staring at me, smoking a cigarette.

    I knew he must be one of “the kids” from the way he looked, with the biohazard tattoos, the enormous chain, and the ripped body. Then something in me clicked. I wanted to look like that. I wanted to live like they did.

    I took one last look down at Hannah, and then stood up again. I grabbed my flip flops, and walked up towards the man. He watched me approach, his face remaining emotionless, and then as I neared he turned and walked into the gloom of the forest. I paused to watch him disappear, and then followed. I eventually caught up to him, as he had stopped to lean against a tree.

    “Are you Nick’s?” he gruffly asked, to which I just nodded. “So then why are you here now? He wants you solo.”

    “I know” I said. “But I don’t know how to find him. He said he would let me know when he wanted me.”

    “And?” he asked, glaring at me.

    I took a deep breath, and then closed my eyes.

    “I don’t want to wait” I said. “I don’t want to go back. I want to stay.”

    I opened my eyes and looked at the man, who in turn had a quizzical expression on his face.

    “So your wife…”

    “I’ll tell her, and get an annulment” I said. “Please, help me find him.”

    He gazed at me for a few moments longer, and then reached into his pocket for a pack of cigarettes. He put one in his mouth, offered me one that I accepted, and then lit them both up with his lighter.

    “OK” he eventually said. “I’ll take you to Nick, but it’s Bill who decides if you get to stay.”

    “Thank you” I said.

    The man, whose name I still did not know, pushed himself off the tree and then briskly walked off with me in pursuit. He took a couple of turns at what seemed to be random places in the trees, and then we emerged into a clearing. On the other side of it I could see Dane bouncing up and down on a man who was lying on his back, who I guessed was Nick.

    “Let’s give them a minute” said the man. “Dane gets cranky if he doesn’t take Nick’s load at least twice a day.”

    We stood in silence for a moment watching across the clearing at Dane enthusiastically fucking himself on Nick’s cock, before I spoke up.

    “I’m Joe, by the way” I said.

    “Anton” he replied.

    “How long have you…”

    “Three years” he said. “Bill hired me to do gardening just after I moved here. Hadn’t even been here a month and I was pozzed.”

    “Jesus” I said.

    “Yeah, my girlfriend was not happy” Anton continued, smirking a little for the first time.

    “Oh, you had a girlfriend?”

    “I’m bi” he replied. “You?”

    “I think… I think I’m gay” I said, admitting it to myself at the same time as I spoke the words.

    “Then your wife really isn’t going to be happy” Anton chuckled.

    Before we could say anymore, a couple of loud shouts from the other side of the clearing told us that Nick was breeding his boyfriend.

    “You’re up” said Anton, starting to walk over towards them. I quickly followed.

    “Gents” Anton said, as we reached the couple. “I found someone looking for you.”

    Dane and Nick both looked up at me, still coupled following their fuck.

    “Joe” said Nick, “what’s going on?”

    I waited until Dane had lifted himself up off his boyfriend, cum gushing out of his well used hole. Nick then slowly got himself up off the ground, and then stood in front of me waiting for a response.

    “I don’t want to wait” I said. “I got back to Hannah and just didn’t want to be there anymore. Please, I don’t want to wait.”

    Nick examined me for a moment, being joined by Dane who put his arm round his boyfriend.

    “You know, some things can’t be rushed” Nick eventually said. “It may take a while.”

    “I know” I said. “But once a day isn’t enough.”

    “Well, OK then” said Nick, smiling. “Knew you’d get here eventually, but didn’t think it would be within the hour!”

    All four of us set off walking out of the clearing and back into the trees, the destination unknown to me. During the walk, Nick and Dane told me their own story of how they had come to be here. Despite a ten year age difference between them, a hook up had turned into something more, and Dane had eventually moved into Nick’s apartment. They had come here for their second anniversary, which is when they’d agreed to open up their relationship to keep them both satisfied and into it. Bill and Hank had overheard the conversation from a nearby table, and had made their move later that evening. Nick and Dane had accepted their invitation for drinks and a moonlit dip in the men’s pool, and lubricated with the champagne the evening had progressed. Dane eventually joined Hank in the poolhouse, while Nick found his way to the couple’s bedroom. Dane bending over and taking loads was perfectly normal, but Nick was a top so it was more of a surprise when he lay back on the bed and opened his legs for Bill. By the following morning, both Nick and Dane were full of cum, and they stayed that way for the duration of their trip. This was an extended break for them both after Dane had been made redundant and Nick had just finished a very intense project, so there was more than enough time for them both to come down with the flu before they were due to fly home. Once recovered, they happily accepted Bill and Hank’s offer of a different kind of life, and soon moved in to the older couple’s sprawling mansion. They had never looked back.

    I listened in awe, somehow knowing that I needed some version of this for myself. I had held myself down for too long, and allowed others like Hannah and my parents to hold me down too. Somehow I needed to convince Bill and Hank that I should be allowed to stay, once Nick and Dane had converted me of course.

    The trees eventually started to thin out a bit, and then we started encountering high-end looking beach bungalows dotted around. I could not see any other people, but there were definite sounds of sex coming from a couple of the buildings as we passed them.

    “These are the outhouses” Nick said. “We each have one, but Dane and I also have a bedroom in the house.”

    “Lucky fuckers” said Anton.

    “Hey, you should be grateful you don’t have to just sleep in the gardening shed” laughed Dane.

    “Fuck off” growled Anton, although he smirked a little.

    After passing a few more of the huts, they rounded a corner and the main building appeared. It was huge.

    “Bill bought Apple stock at the right time” said Nick, sensing my awe. “I think they were already rich from property, but now they’re mega-rich.”

    “Wow” I said.

    “Yup, pretty much what we all said the first time” said Dane. “Just wait until you see the pool.”

    We made our way through an archway in the perimeter wall, and my mouth dropped open. There in front of me was a sight I knew I wanted to see every day. The pool and the loungers around the side were full of men who absolutely fit into the ‘look’ that these men had, but most prominent was a Russian-looking Adonis standing closest to us. How he was standing with so much silver round his neck I do not know, particularly with the huge scorpion pendant on the chain.

    “Welcome” said Nick. “This is our home. That there is Sergey, the pool boy.”

    I nodded at Sergey, who nodded back.

    ”Now” said Nick, “let’s get upstairs and see if we can’t make it your home too.”

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  20. “Who are those guys?” I asked, blowing out a puff of smoke. I had just got up off my knees after cleaning Nick’s cock for a second time, his cum still dripping out of my gaping hole.

    “The older one is Bill, and Hank is his husband” Nick replied.

    “How do you know them?” I asked, intrigued by Nick calling the older one “sir”.

    “I live with them” he said. “We all do.”


    “Their kids and grandkids” he replied, smirking. He let out a chortle at what must have been a stunned expression on my face.

    “Not actual kids” he continued. “Just a collection of guys they have picked up and pozzed, plus one or two more that one of us has gifted.”

    My stomach just about fell out of me at that point, as the high from the sex was replaced by panic from having taken two poz loads in my beat-up hole.

    “There’s me, my boyfriend Dane, Zen, Kris, and a few others” Nick said. “But we’re always on the lookout for more housemates.”

    I coughed out the smoke I had just inhaled, making him chortle again.

    “I better get back…” I eventually said, once I had calmed myself down.

    “Of course” he replied, “though you may want to hit the showers first. Tell her a seagull shat on you or something.”

    “Yeah, er, I will” I said, before taking a final draw of the cigarette and stubbing it out on a tree.

    “But don’t forget” said Nick, “I’m going to be wanting more of that hole, so start figuring things out.”

    I nodded, but then heard more crunching as someone walked towards us from behind me. I spun around in a panic thinking it might be Hannah, but was instead greeted by the sight of another stud.


    “That’s Dane” said Nick, “my boyfriend.”

    “Holy fuck” I whispered, causing Nick to laugh out loud.

    “You know, I might make this a joint project with him” said Nick.

    I mumbled something, entranced by the man approaching us.

    “Dane!” he called, as the stud got closer. “Just told Bill this one was for me, but what do you say about pairing up?”

    “Always happy to share” Dane called back. “It’s nice to do things as a couple sometimes.”

    He got to us, and then stopped to look me up and down.

    “Nice”’he said, before looking up at me and reaching out his hand. “Dane.”

    “Joe” I stammered, hesitating before taking his hand for a shake.

    “Honeymooner” Nick said. “Wife was asleep on the beach.”

    Dane gave a deep laugh, and then slapped my shoulder.

    “She may as well just get on a plane home at this point, right?” he said, grinning.

    They both laughed, but I could not see the funny side of it.

    “Aw boy” said Nick, “don’t stress about it. Now get yourself to those showers, and we’ll see you tomorrow.”

    “Er, er, yes sir” I said.

    I hurriedly put my CKs on, electing to carry my shorts until I had made a dash into the showers to clean off the evidence of my wrongdoings. I then gave each of them a final look before turning and scampering away towards the shower block. I heard them chuckling as I fled.

    My hole smarted like anything, but I managed to get cleaned off and then stood outside in the sun in my CKs to dry off a bit before I put my shorts back on. I then headed back to where Hannah was, noticing she was still asleep. However, as I tried to get back onto my towel without waking her, she stirred.

    “Hmmm, what time is it?” she asked, her face fortunately being away from me as I winced while sitting back down.

    “Er, about two” I said.

    She groaned, then turned onto her back and sat up. She faced me, and then got a strange expression on her face.

    “Are you OK?” she asked.

    “Yeah, why?” I replied.

    “I dunno” she said, “you just look a little rattled.”

    “Oh, yeah, er, when I went to go for a swim a seagull shat on me, so I’ve just had to go and shower” I said.

    “Gross” she replied, screwing up her face.

    Then she lay back down, and within moments I could tell from her breathing that she had fallen asleep again.

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  21. I walked off the sand and into the trees, but couldn’t immediately see where the God had gone. I was about to turn back when I saw him step out from behind a tree ahead of me, blowing out a cloud of smoke as he did so. I took a deep breath, and then carried on to where he was.

    “Hey” he said, giving me a flash of that gorgeous smile.

    “Hi” I said, my voice shaky.

    “I’m Nick” he said.

    “Joe” I replied, feeling like I was maybe about to vomit.

    “Nice to meet you Joe” he said, reaching out his hand. As I took his and we shook, the giant bracelet on his wrist filled the trees with a clattering sound that turned me on even more.

    “Who’s the lady?” he asked.

    “Er, my wife” I replied. “We’re on our honeymoon.”

    He chuckled.

    “Is that so?” he said, grinning. “Yet here you are.”

    “I, er, I…” I stammered.

    “You’re not the first, believe me” he said. “How long are you here for?”

    “Two weeks” I replied.

    “Excellent” he said, grinning and winking at me.

    He then fished out the packet of cigarettes again and put one in his mouth, before offering me one. I was so nervous I took it, popped it into my mouth and then allowed him to light it for me. I took a deep draw while he lit his own, remembering how much I had enjoyed smoking on nights out until Hannah had put a stop to it.

    “How long until she wakes up?” Nick asked me.

    “I don’t know” I said.

    “We better get to business then” he responded, pulling down his shorts while the cigarette dangled from his lips. As he stood up again I could not help but stare at the giant cock that had just been revealed, complete with a huge Prince Albert.

    When I finally tore my gaze away and looked back at up at his face, he cocked his head to the side giving me a “well, come on then” look. I took another deep draw of the cigarette, and then nervously undid and pulled down my shorts and the CK trunks underneath.

    “Bend over against that tree” he said, now sounding quite commanding. My heart was going like the clappers, but I did as he asked. He then crouched down behind me, grabbed hold of my buttcheeks and planted his face in my crack. I nearly shot off just from the first lick he gave of my anus, something I had never experienced before.

    He rimmed me for a couple of minutes, eventually adding his fingers to the mix. First one, then another, then a third. He only paused to pass me another cigarette when I had finished huffing on the first one, clearly noticing I was using it to quell my nerves. My body seemed to be exploding like fireworks as he opened me up, and the smoke was making me dizzy and a bit euphoric.

    Rather abruptly, he stopped what he was doing and stood up.

    “OK, here’s the deal” he said, putting a hand on my back to keep me bent over. “I fuck raw, and I breed. I also never fuck just once, so you will be getting this every day while you’re here. I only stop once a hole has left town or the deed is done. So, last chance: do you want this?”

    I was too turned on to refuse, so vigorously nodded for him to continue.

    “Good boy” he said, taking his hand off my back. I heard him rummaging in his shorts, and then he thrust a small bottle and a bandana in front of my face.

    “Take a couple of sniffs, and then put the bandana in your mouth” he said.

    I did as he said, getting even more high from the weird smelling bottle. I guessed the bandana was to keep me from screaming the forest down.

    He pressed his cock against my hole, told me to push out, and then I started to see stars. I had only ever been fucked once during a moment of madness at a rest stop, but now the God’s huge monster cock was stretching me open like I was a complete virgin back there. I could feel the PA scraping along my insides as he slowly but firmly pushed himself into me in one go. Thank goodness for the bandana stuffed in my mouth, as I was trying to scream throughout the whole entry.

    Once he was inside he did not pause to let me get used to it, but instead slowly withdrew most of the way before pressing back in again. He repeated this a couple of times, and then suddenly started to speed up until he was pounding me like crazy. It hurt like fucking hell, but it also felt amazing. I screamed and groaned into the bandana, holding on to the tree for dear life.

    Nick eventually sped up his thrusting, and then rammed into me one final time. I felt the cock in me thicken and spurt, and knew he was pumping his seed into me. That set me off, and without touching my dick once, I reached orgasm and came all over the forest floor.

    He pulled out of me, and I involuntarily dropped to my knees as I felt the cum running out of my hole. Nick repositioned himself in front of me and presented his cock to my face, and I could not help but open my mouth to take it in. There was a metallic taste that seemed like it wasn’t just from the large PA, and I realised then as I came down to earth that it was probably my own blood. While sucking on that enormous cock, the panic began to set in as I finally realised what I had done. An obviously HIV positive man had just fucked and bred me, and he had made me bleed.

    The crunch of people approaching made me pull back in horror, but Nick put his hand on my head to hold me in place, the smash of his giant bracelet on my scalp rather startling me into submission.

    “Stay” he commanded. A moment later two older men appeared next to us, and man were they a sight.


    “Nick” said the older one, “we thought we’d find you here. Your favourite spot.”

    “Yes sir” said Nick.

    “Got yourself a new plaything I see” said the other man.

    “Yes, he’s on his honeymoon” Nick replied, smiling. “Wife’s asleep on the beach.”

    All three of the men laughed, looking down at me as I knelt in front of them.

    “So is this a solo project?” asked the first man.

    “Yes sir” Nick replied, “if that’s OK?”

    “Of course it is” the man said. “Besides, we’re on our way to help Zen and Kris with a twink they want us to meet. You don’t happen to know where they are?”

    “The dunes” Nick replied, smirking.

    “Of course” said the other man. “Their favourite hunting ground.”

    The three men all laughed again, before the two strangers walked away. Nick then looked down at me and smiled.

    “Bend over the tree again” he said, “I’m not done.”

    I should have run. I should have got the hell out of there. I was clearly involved in something much deeper and darker, and I should have fled while I had the chance. But I didn’t…

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  22. I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. Every time I turned away, such as to check that my new bride was still asleep next to me, I would find myself turning back to gaze at him. What was happening to me? Well, that I knew just fine, having been working hard to suppress many things and live how my father wanted me to, but still, I never usually struggled this much to keep a lid on it. Maybe it was just because he was so bold about everything he was in how he presented himself, looking the way that I secretly wanted to deep inside.

    Well, dear readers, how did he look? I could do my best to describe it, but a picture says a thousand words:


    Quite the sight, isn’t he? Perhaps you can see why this closet case’s gaze was always on him as he lounged around on the beach by himself. That body. That chain. The cigarette. Oh, and the tattoos. I knew what they meant, and my stomach was churning as I realised how turned on I was by them.

    My parents hated tattoos and so did Hannah, so my lean and muscled body remained untouched by the needle despite my desire to get inked. My only act of rebellion against the conservative views of those around me had been to get myself what I thought at the time was a pretty hefty bit of neckwear, something Hannah hated but had learned to live with. However, it was nothing compared to what the current object of my obsession was sporting.

    Anyway, this is me:


    The Beach God hadn’t been by himself the whole time, having had a couple of friends with him when he arrived. However, they had soon taken off, albeit heading for the dunes further down which suggested to me that they were getting up to no good. They too had caught my gaze, but with Hannah being awake at that point I had needed to be more discreet. Here they are:


    Back to the God. So far I had watched him do some yoga or something, then he’d rested for a while, and now he was back on his feet doing some stretches as though he was about to go for a run . It was during one of the moves that we made eye contact, and I hurriedly looked away. However, I once again could not keep from gazing back at him, and I found that he was still looking at me. When we made eye contact again he smiled and gave me a nod, before turning his head to look up towards the trees. He then turned back to me, and just stared at me for a moment. I could not turn away, and it felt like our expressionless staring at one another went on for hours.

    He then looked down as he fished a pack of cigarettes out of the pocket of his shorts, lit one, then gave me a brief look again before he turned and started walking uphill off the beach and into the trees. As I watched him go my stomach went into overdrive. That was an invitation. He knew what I wanted deep down, and in just a couple of moves of his head he had said “well then, come and get it”. I was newly married and sat beside my sleeping wife. Yet, and perhaps finally after all these years, my suppressed desires got the better of me. I quietly shuffled myself out from under the umbrella, got to my feet, and followed in the direction he had just gone…

    (to be continued)

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  23. A mid-life crisis can be a funny thing to watch happen, but it isn’t so amusing when you’re caught up at the pointy end of it.  That was my lot in life.  Three days before my 40th birthday, my partner of twelve years tells me he doesn’t love me anymore, and has been fucking the neighbours’ 19 year old son since I started going back to the office after the worst of the pandemic was over.  Talk about a gut punch.

    Anyway, I did what you have to do in that situation, and started re-building my dumpster fire of a life from scratch.  The house went on the market and sold pretty quickly, and while Alan took his share of the money off with his twink to a rented flat in Hackney, I opted to move down to the river in the East End where I bought a small but perfectly fine new-build apartment.  The shredding of our mutual friendship network eventually settled down, and life went on.

    I was not, however, at all interested in getting back out there to find a new Mr Right.  The betrayal had cut me deep, and I intended to enjoy myself for a while before deciding what was next.  I had kept myself in excellent shape, managing so far to avoid the onset of any hint of a dad bod, and I threw myself into an even more rigorous regimen in the gym and running by the Thames so that I would maintain some appeal to the men on the apps, in the clubs and wherever I was out hunting for some cock.

    I had never been much of a top.  Although I’m reasonably hung and am perfectly capable of giving someone a good pounding, I’m wired up to want to be the one on all fours getting filled.  I think I’m pretty good at it actually, although being back on the market had re-opened my eyes to how the same cannot be said of all the guys who call themselves tops.  As much as he was a lying, cheating little shit, Alan had been a very competent fucker and had kept me satisfied for over a decade.  It was rather deflating to think that I had not been able to do the same for him.

    The first few hookups had involved condoms, but after so long not using them while I was with Alan, I found it to be yet another disappointment in the sex department.  Having a few too many vodkas one night and ending up being barebacked in the club toilets pretty much brought my brief return to safe sex to an end, and while nursing a hangover the next day I resolved to get myself on PrEP.  But you know what it’s like when you have a to-do list that includes a dozen tasks relating to a place you’ve just moved into…

    There was something else nagging at me.  During the lull in my sex life right after being dumped, I had descended into a bit of a reliance on porn as a means of escape.  Once I did start to hook up with men again, I was nearly always left feeling a bit flat because what I had really wanted was to experience what I imagined the bottoms in my favourite scenes had been.  I had assumed that would pass as I got more used to putting myself out there, but if anything the problem got worse.

    A solution presented itself one day when I was hit up by a guy online who was looking for a hookup, either solo or with his partner.  He said they were both versatile, but happy to be exclusively tops if that’s what I was looking for in a session.  Nothing particularly unusual there, but what got my interest was the suggestion that rather than either one of us hosting, I could come to a warehouse they owned where they played sometimes.  Given both he and his partner were black and muscled, I realised that the opportunity was there to recreate one of my all-time favourite scenes where Marco Paris is blindfolded and taken raw by Kam Run and Chase Coxxx in some kind of industrial setting.  I decided to bite the bullet and let him know that this was something I’d be into, and he just replied with the smile and thumbs-up emojis.

    Sure enough, a couple of days later on a Friday afternoon he messaged me again to suggest meeting that night, and gave me the address of the warehouse.  He let me know how to get in before they arrived, so that I could truly live out the scene and not see either of them.  Fuck, this was actually going to happen.  I hurriedly cancelled my evening plans and found a way to get out of work early, and then made my way home to get showered and douched.  I decided to open myself up a bit with a dildo, and then inserted some more lube and a plug to keep my hole ready for them.  I then set out in an Uber to the address they had given me, and once there I found my way in the darkness around the side of the building where there was indeed a locked-looking door that was actually able to be pushed open.

    Inside things looked a bit different to the scene, with dusty boxes everywhere and various other things under tarps, but the industrial feel of it still got me going.  Over in the corner I could see a mattress on the floor with a black sheet on it, and was also pleased to see a heater nearby given it was bit chilly.  I made my way over there and then stripped out of my clothes and removed the plug, tossing them all to the side.  I then pulled the roll of duct tape out of my jacket pocket, tore off a decent length of it, and carefully looped it round my head to recreate the blindfold Marco Paris had worn in the scene.  I then set back and waited.

    After only a few minutes, I heard the door open and the guys entering.  I stayed in position while I listened to them undressing, and then felt a hand on my head immediately before a cock touched my lips.  I opened wide and it slid in, tasting divine but also feeling both thick and long.  I felt the presence of someone to the other side of me, so reached up with my hand until I made contact with a thigh which I then followed up to another, thinner penis.  I gently grasped that cock began to wank it as I sucked on the other one.  I then switched so I could taste the second one, using my other hand to begin wanking the slicked-up first one that I had just been swallowing.  I then went back and forth between the two.

    Eventually the second guy pulled his cock away from me, and I felt him running his hand down my back to my arse.  I shuffled my position to enable me to get onto all fours, still sucking on the first guy while I made my rear end more accessible to the second.  As soon as I had done, he began to push a finger into me, followed by a second.  It was so hot that I barely reacted when I felt him curve his fingers inside me a bit, but I jolted when his nails made contact with my inner walls.  It was kind of a turn on though, despite the scratchy burn, and I just pushed my arse out more towards him as he continued to do that. He then withdrew, and I felt him shifting position behind me and the tip of his cock starting to press against my hole.

    I instinctively pushed back while relaxing my hole, and he steadily slid the entire length inside me.  I moaned around the cock in my mouth, and continued to do so as the guy behind me started to slide back and forth.  His hands gripped my buttocks, and he got into a steady rhythm.  It felt fucking amazing, particularly as my mind was flooded with images of the porn scene we were recreating.  Finally, some sex that properly got me going.

    I was spit-roasted for a good long time, before the man behind me showed the unmistakable signs of reaching a climax.  Sure enough, he took one final plunge into me and then held in place, yelling as he unloaded into me.  I did my best to shout “breed me” around the cock in my mouth, so utterly turned on by what was happening that I never gave a moment’s thought to the fact that their status was not on the app profile and we had never discussed it.

    Once my fucker had calmed down and finished spurting, he pulled out and they swapped positions.  In the porn scene it had become a twosome at this point, but in this real life encounter I found the cummy cock that had just been up my arse being pushed into my mouth.  As I hungrily wrapped my lips around it, the other guy was pushing his finger into me and once again I felt it curl up a bit followed my more scratching of my innards.  I moaned around the cock, at this time noticing for the first time that there was a metallic taste to it.  However, before I could give that any thought, the finger inside of me was pulled out and immediately replaced by the thick cock I had been loving in my mouth just a few minutes before.  I moaned even louder as I was stretched open, and almost could not believe how far up inside me it went before I felt the guy’s body and pubes press against me.  He then immediately began to pound me, rocking me forward and back on the cock in my mouth.  This was heaven.

    This second fuck was a bit more frenetic than the first, and I was almost seeing stars in the blackness the blindfold had created.  I lurched back and forth, only getting a respite when my fucker slowed a little while his partner turned around and, I’m guessing, got on all fours in front of me.  My face made contact with his buttcheeks, and as I took the hint and started to reach out with my tongue for his hole, the pace of the fucking re-intensified.  I gave my first fucker the best rimjob I could while enduring such a shafting.

    All good things come to an end, and my fucker eventually went over the edge and blew his load in me.  I encouraged him on by yelling obscenities into the hole of the first guy, feeling the dick in me flex and spurt.  When his orgasm had subsided he slid out of me, at the same time as his partner pulled forward away from my face.  I slumped down on my front with my legs splayed, panting from the exertion of taking such a hard fuck.  I then felt a finger pushing into me, and this time was not surprised when there was a bit of scratching.  This was clearly their thing.

    The finger was removed, and I was about to reach up and see about removing the blindfold.  However, a body climbed on the mattress behind me, and I knew which one of them it was as I felt the thinner of the two cocks poking at my hole.  I relaxed and it slid inside in one go, before he began to pump himself up and down.  This time his partner didn’t join in, perhaps needing a while to recover after cumming in me, so I just lay there pushing my arse back at the invading cock while moaning and groaning in pleasure.  In time, a third load was added to my hole, and of course a finger went back inside me once the cock was removed.

    I lay there wondering what was next, before I felt myself being gently pulled up by my armpits.  I took the hint and got myself stood up, before being walked off the mattress and over the concrete floor a few steps.  It was pretty disorientating, but I kind of liked how vulnerable I had made myself to these two guys.  He indicated for me to stop, and then told me to bend forward.  I did so slowly until I felt my arms make contact with something that felt like a barrel, at which point I used them to support myself while I adjusted my legs to get them open and my arse out.  No sooner had I done that than the thick cock was pushing back into me, setting up yet another hard pounding.  I clung onto the barrel for dear life as he fucked my brains out for a second time, my head this time filling with some hazy images of a similar scene in the same porn flick as the scene I had come to recreate.  I loved that these guys had done their homework.

    He lasted quite a bit longer this time, and I loved every minute of it.  His cock was huge, and was hitting spots in me that no-one ever had reached before.  I just gave in and allowed myself to moan, groan and yell my way through it, making sure he knew how fucking good it was.  I could have stayed there for hours, but he once again got to a climax and I was filled with my fourth load of the night.  I slumped over the barrel when he pulled out of me, feeling the cum run down my balls as my gaping hole emptied.

    “You want more?” one of them asked me.

    “Yes” I panted, now totally lost to the fucklust.

    “Cool” he replied, “but we need to rest for a bit.  Why don’t you come sit down over here until we’re ready to fuck you again.”

    I wearily stood up straight and cautiously turned around, before feeling a hand on my arm encouraging me to walk in a certain direction.  My toes touched the mattress, and I stood up onto it before sitting down.  I then heard the sound of a lighter firing up a couple of times, followed by the smell of smoke.

    “You want a cigarette?” the other guy asked.

    “Yes please” I said, despite having quit in my late twenties when I met Alan, a non-smoker.  One was slid into my lips and lit, and then I took a deep inhale.  The rush was intense, but I also loved it.  I exhaled, then shuffled myself forward a bit until I felt like there was enough mattress behind me to lie down on my back.  Reaching out occasionally to tap off ash on the concrete floor, I happily lay there and smoked my first cigarette in over a decade while my arse throbbed in a mix of pain and pleasure.

    A short while later a second cigarette was popped into my lips and lit, followed immediately by my legs being lifted into the air and onto a set of shoulders.  A finger was pushed into my hole, and this time I winced as it scratched me a bit before being removed.  The thinner cock was then pushing into me, and soon enough I was being fucked for a fifth time while I puffed on the cigarette between my lips.  Oh yes, this was going to be a thing I did more often from now on.

    When I had finished that cigarette and the stub end of it had been taken out of my hand, the cock in me was removed and my legs lowered.  I didn’t think he had blown in me, so I assumed a change in position was happening.  I was right, as I was pulled up and eventually put into a kneeling position with my legs open. They encouraged me to raise up a bit as one of them slid under me, and then I was lowered to take in the thinner cock that had just been fucking me.  I propelled myself up and down a few times on the erect penis, and then a hand on my back pushed me forwards.  I knew what was coming, and gritted my teeth and did my best to push out as the thicker cock pressed at my hole and then began to slide inside.  It seemed to take forever and I could not help but yell out repeatedly, but eventually both of them were inside me side-by-side.

    They let me get used to it for a moment, with a bottle of poppers presented at my nose that I gratefully huffed on, and then the movement started.  The guy behind me did most of the work, vigorously pushing in and out of me in a way that caused me to also move up and down his partner’s cock too.  I felt fuller than I ever have in my life, and who knows what sort of noises were coming out of my mouth while I took my first ever double-fuck.  With the blindfold on and the intensity of the sex, I almost seemed to drift out of my body, imagining from any number of porn films I had jerked off to what this must look like.  It all got too much for me, and I involuntarily and hands-free reached orgasm, presumably covering the guy lying on the mattress with my cum.  They didn’t let up though, and I was starting to think I was going to cum again when they both finally went over the edge together and filled my innards.

    After remaining in a panting heap for a bit, they gradually disentangled us and I slumped over on my back beside the other guy.  A cigarette went between my lips again, and in a semi-conscious state I lay there and smoked all of it.

    “I think we’re fucked out mate” said one of them a bit breathlessly, after we had rested for a while.  “But I reckon you’re not yet.”

    “Never” I replied.  “Need more.”

    “Thought so” he laughed.  “Well, you just lie there while we see what we can do.”

    I had no idea what that meant, but was too fucked-out to care. I just lay there while they did whatever they were doing, presumably sending messages on their phones or something, only stirring at one point to ask if they had any water.  A bottle was put into my hand that I took a few sips from, before I decided to turn over onto my front. While doing so my hand made contact with a packet of cigarettes that had a lighter inside, and with a bit of trial and error I managed to get one lit despite not being able to see a damn thing.

    Eventually one of the guys re-joined me on the mattress, and I felt the now familiar poking of a finger into my hole. I opened my legs wide to give full access, and just lay there as he wiggled and occasionally scratched around inside me.  It’s obvious now what was happening, but in my haze I just passed it off as a kink or something. To be honest, my hole had become so insatiable that I was just pleased to have something inside it.

    It turns out that they weren’t completely fucked out, as the guy with the thinner cock pushed back inside me eventually and slowly humped me while I lay prone on the mattress.  It was pretty gentle and lacking in energy, so I knew it was probably more about keeping me going than him needing to cum again.  He kept at it for a while, and then I heard the door to the warehouse opening and the shuffle and clomp of more guys coming in.  There were definitely at least two of them, maybe more, and from the sounds of it they were all soon undressed.

    My fucker withdrew, and then unknown hands pulled me up onto all fours.  Something was pushed into me that felt very unfamiliar, but I now know was probably a toothbrush or something.  I winced and yelped a bit as it was thrust around inside me, before it was unceremoniously pulled out and replaced with a cock.  Only this also felt unfamiliar in a way, as there was something else there that I concluded must be a Prince Albert.  Man did it feel weird at first, but once its wearer began thrusting in and out the sensations on my prostate were incredible!

    My moans and groans were soon stifled by a cock going into my mouth, which also had a really thick gauge PA on it.  Swirling that giant piece of metal around in my mouth was yet another new sensation, but soon I had to contend with it going down my throat which really tested me on the gag reflex.  The guy seemed unconcerned though, and thrust himself forward towards me so that I pretty much had no choice but to choke and moan around his pierced dick while the other one sped up his epic pounding at the other end.

    They swapped places after a while, and then again a while after that…  I actually lost track of who was in each end given how similar their cocks and piercings were, but I suppose that as I couldn’t actually see either of them it didn’t really matter.  Eventually the one in my arse blew his load in me with a roar, after which the other one took over and very quickly spilled his seed in me too.  After he pulled out I collapsed onto my front, but was very quickly turned over and my legs parted to allow another man to push into me and start a rapid fucking that very quickly resulted in yet another breeding.

    As soon as he withdrew, hands grasped round my wrists and ankles and I was hoisted into the air,  Being unable to see I did not know where I was going until I was briefly lifted even higher and dumped into what I knew must be a sling.  I guess the metallic bangs and clangs I had been vaguely aware of during the spit-roast must have been related to this being got out or set up.  Anyway, my arms and legs remained held in the air as the men worked to put some kind of leather cuffs on them, and when they let go I was properly held in position.

    It was at this point that I felt some tugging at the duct tape, followed by the cold of a blade or some scissors at the side of my head.  Then, with no warning or care whatsoever, the whole thing was ripped off in one painful go, causing me to yelp out in agony.  I blinked at the influx of light into my eyes, and then I blearily looked around me at the five black men standing in front of me.  One of them looked familiar enough that he was presumably the one whose profile I had linked with on the app, and he was standing so close to another that I presumed that must be the partner.  They were both lean and muscled.  The other three were a different deal altogether, being tall and built like breeding bulls, all sporting huge gold chains with scorpion pendants.

    That was my first clue, but my eyes finally adjusting properly gave me my second.  The breeding bulls were adorned with huge biohazard tattoos on their impressive pecs, and I then noticed smaller ones on the other two guys on their flat stomachs.  I could not remember if one had been visible on the app profile photo or not, but either way, the scratching of my hole now all made sense.

    “Fuck” I said, to no-one in particular.

    “That’s what we’re here to do” said one of the bulls, before he stepped up and jammed his pierced cock into my hole.  I yelped as I helplessly hung there, now knowing that the cock in me was toxic, the loads I had in me were all toxic, and this was nowhere near over.

    “You know you want it” said the profile guy, watching me being mercilessly pounded.  “We could just tell that you wanted it.”

    And I did. In that moment, all I needed was for these guys to continue to use me until they were spent.  Yes, the porn scene set-up had been a massive turn on, but as the PA ravaged my innards I had something of an epiphany.  This is what I had been missing.  This is what I needed.  It’s like this toxic cock was finally bringing me into the light, where I could see the person I truly was inside.  All those years of identifying as a bottom, when in fact I was so much more than that.  I was, and would continue to now be, a truly unadulterated cumdump.

    “Yes” I wheezed out.  “I need it.”

    The guy fucking me let out a demonic laugh, and then upped his pace even more until he growled and blew his load.  One of the other bulls stepped up and ploughed in.  When he had blown, the third followed.  Then the first again.  So it went on, with me dissolving into a profanity-filled fuckhaze, screaming at them to breed and poz me.  Despite the number of times they blew, the bulls only seemed to get more energetic and eventually all three of them were fucking constantly.  The partner guys now joining me as bottoms, bending over from each side of me so they could make out with each other, share sucking duties on my cock or puff on cigarettes (which they shared with me) while they were ploughed.

    The first signs of daylight appearing at the windows up by the roof of the warehouse seemed to take the energy out of the room, and after each of them blew one more load into my hole, they uncuffed my wrists and let me down from the sling.  I was very shaky on my legs and had to lie down on the mattress for a bit, before eventually using a rag that one of them threw my way to wipe some of the cum off my balls and legs.  I inserted the plug I had worn at the start of the evening, noting that it only just stayed in now, and then got myself dressed.  By then they were all ready, and the bulls surprised me by each shaking my hand as they muttered a goodbye and left the building.  The partner guys then offered to drive me home, putting a different rag on the back seat for me to sit on for the ride so I wouldn’t mess up their car, something I noted they also did on their own seats.

    “Make sure you let us know how it goes” said the profile guy, as his partner shut off the engine outside my building.  “We can always have another go.”

    “Whenever you want” I said, smiling at him.  “Might see if there’s any other scenes I’d like to do.”

    “I don’t think what we did tonight is in any porn I know of” his partner laughed.

    “Then we’ll just have to make our own” I replied, smirking.

    They both laughed, and then gave me a warm smile as I got out of the car.  I watched them drive off, and then headed into my building and up to my apartment, grateful that I had not had any neighbours in the lift with me.  I resisted the urge to collapse into bed straight away, taking the time to have a shower and clean myself up, but soon enough was passed out.

    When I woke a few hours later, I could only think of one thing.  Normally it would have been coffee, but today it was porn.  I grabbed my phone and got a few of my favourite sites up on different browser windows, clicking into my Favourites on each so I could look over the scenes that tickled me the most.  However, my focus was on the interracial scenes, and I soon found what I was after.  Joseph Ox being used by four hung muscled black guys, including Kept Secret.  Man, the loads I had blown to that one.

    I booted up the app, and messaged profile guy asking for a way to contact the bulls and also sending him a link to the video.  He replied a short while later with multiple ROFL emojis, but also providing me a name and number.  I hurriedly got in touch with whichever one of the bulls it was, and then hauled myself out of bed.  I dressed in a tracksuit and trainers, and then headed out the door to get a caffeine hit but also pick up some cigarettes.  Fuck Alan and his rules.  Today was going to be the first day of the rest of my life.

    And so it is, that really just a few hours after the most epic night of my life, I’m naked on a bed in my apartment waiting for the bulls to arrive.  They’ve found a fourth somewhere so that the porn scene recreation can be vaguely accurate, and I know I will enjoy that immensely before they inevitably throw the ‘script’ out the window and focus on getting me pozzed.  Profile guy and his partner are so intrigued that they’re coming over to watch, and maybe join in.  They’ve hinted at possibly bringing some other people round later too.  All the supplies we could need are laid out, and I’ve got things started by giving myself a bit of a brushing.

    This one is going to be epic…




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  24. The typical prison-set story would probably involve some new inmate having his cherry popped and becoming the personal cumdump of a dominant prisoner. Maybe it would involve an inmate being used by the guards. Maybe it would even be some sickly love story about two cellmates finding comfort in each other’s arms. But that is not how this story goes. No, for I am actually a prison guard, my cherry was popped years ago, and this is the story of how I was ‘set free’ by a prisoner.

    I had played along with the stereotype for hunky young men in my school, dating a pretty girl, marrying her after graduation, and having a couple of babies shortly after that. I had not gone to college, but instead got a job in a security firm before applying for a role as a prison guard once I was a bit older. Eventually we had moved to a different, larger town after my wife inherited a small house from her great aunt, and I had managed to pick up a job at the prison there.

    This is all well and good, but of course is not the whole story. I had first acted on my impulses when I was a security guard, forcing a drunk guy who was trespassing on the land I was looking after to suck me off so that I would let him go. Another trespasser was made to let me suck him off. When I caught two guys living rough on a construction site I was patrolling, I let them stay as long as they fucked me every night. I made them wear condoms of course, but somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I would rather they went in bare.

    Being a prison guard had opened up new opportunities for me, but these were definitely more limited in the first place that I worked just because of how small it was. It was only once I had got settled in at my current job at a huge state prison on the edge of town that I realised how much I was going to be able to satisfy my need for cock, so that I could go home every night with that itch scratched and duly play my role as the good husband, the doting father, the man of the house. It was very easy to identify the inmates who could give me what I needed, in exchange for cigarettes, weed or whatever they wanted (within reason). However, I also knew that it would be best to not leave much evidence behind wherever on the complex I found to have these interactions, so I got myself on PrEP and finally ditched the condoms.

    There were a few places I could risk getting inmates to fuck me without any issues. There were three different storage cupboards out of view of security cameras that served the purpose well, depending on whether I was guarding the inmates doing laundry, those doing who were cleaning the communal showers, or the ones getting some library time. There was also a secret locker at the back of one of the landscaping sheds which had apparently been put in by a now-retired dodgy guard for storing contraband he could sell to the prisoners, which I took over as my personal pounding room when I was guarding the inmates doing the gardening.

    I had to have my wits about me though, and a chance encounter in a public toilet with a guy called Bill who worked in the security room proved to be very helpful. Thereafter, in exchange for daily access to my ass if he wanted to bust a load, I could rely on him to work things so that I could have a bit of time with a prisoner a few times a week without being filmed or seen. It was a nice arrangement, and meant that I ended most of my shifts with at least two loads in me.

    Then one day I got sick. No, not ‘that’ kind of sick, but rather I picked up a stomach infection. It knocked me off work for a few days, and when I went to the doctor he put me on some antibiotics while also telling me to lay off certain things for a while. Alcohol was one, my PrEP pills were another. Indeed, he told me I should take the opportunity to give my body a break from that regime, and I would just need to adjust my lifestyle accordingly for a bit (though he didn't delve into why a married man was taking the pills). I had already been off them for nearly a week given I couldn’t keep anything down, and now he wanted me to take another three or four weeks without swallowing one.  What. A. Nightmare.

    However, I decided to be a good patient and do as he asked. I spoke to the warden about returning to work but needing a bit of time to get back into the swing of things, and he put me on a few days of admin duties to help him catch the place up after a secretary had left and they’d failed to recruit anyone else suitable. This worked well for me, giving me some time away from the temptation of the prisoners while still allowing me to keep Bill sweet by sucking him off once or twice a day. After a bit of persuading, I also let him resume fucking me as he said he was clean and, well, I needed him to be on side when I got back to doing what I loved.

    I suppose it was naive of me to think I would not be sent back to my normal day job, and when I was finally put back on guarding duties I still had three weeks to go before I could go back on the pills. I carried some condoms around with me in case I got weak, but I focused on trying to stay out of the way of the clique of prisoners who had become my regulars. This wasn’t so easy, but for a few days I managed it to the point that I thought I would maybe make it through until I was safe to resume normal service.

    There were two things that I didn’t know in all of this. First, my clique was getting seriously restless, not just from a lack of easy sex but also because their regular supply of contraband had been cut off. Second, two of my fellow guards were also now suffering from the shutdown in the system. Mike and Steve were, it seems, rather crooked and had found out about my exploits after confronting Bill about some oddities in the footage. They had been looking for something to use against a prisoner at the time, but once my activities came to light they had instead decided to make some money out of it. They could have gone down the immediate blackmail route with me, but instead had set up tiny cameras in all of my secret spaces to get some footage they could sell online as well as hold in reserve to use against me if needed. I had, entirely unintentionally and unknowingly, become a bit of a porn star.

    Anyway, my sudden disappearance was becoming an issue. A few days away because I was sick was something everyone just had to put up with, but the knowledge that I was back in the building but still somehow unavailable was going down less well. The fact that I was even now back on guarding duties but still not putting out was, it turned out, intolerable. Bill knew why I was taking a break, but he was also not in a position to deny Mike and Steve’s demands for a resolution to the problem, and thus the three of them formed a plan. They figured I needed to be ‘re-inducted’ to the way of life that made them money, and they were going to see to it that I realised the error of my ways.

    That plan involved me reporting for a meeting I had been notified about through what seemed like an official email, only to find myself alone in the smaller and more remote of the two conference rooms at the prison. After waiting for a bit I got up to leave, which is when I found the door had quietly been locked by someone on the outside. I banged on it and shouted, but no-one came and I soon gave up. I slumped in a seat, quite alarmed at the situation I was in, until I heard the door unlock. Before I could get up it swung open and three of my regulars walked in. Patrick was a big hulk of a man, tattooed from head to toe, always wearing a grimace, and pretty much the most rampant rapist of other prisoners that we guards knew of. Mark was pretty short and looked kind of feeble, but he was sharp as a nail, was at the centre of most of the contraband rings going, and I also knew him to be hung like a horse. Gary was quite a gentle looking man, belying his true nature as a violent thug who rather made up for his homosexuality by behaving as much like an alpha as he could.

    “Been avoiding us” said Gary.

    “Er, guys, I, have, er, been, er, sick” I stammered.

    “Yeah, like two weeks ago” Mark said, sneering. “You’ve been avoiding us since. What gives?”

    “I, er…” I tried to reply, but was cut off by Patrick striding towards me, throwing me face forwards onto the conference room table, and then grabbing the fabric of my pants. He unceremoniously ripped a huge hole at the back, and then immediately tore through my Calvin Kleins underneath. I barely had time to react when I felt his cock ram into my hole, which fortunately Bill had fucked just an hour earlier so I was at least a little stretched and lubed. It still hurt like hell though, and I yelled in pain but also in horror.

    Patrick fucked me like a madman, and then blew his load inside me. Gary followed suit, then Mark. Then Patrick again. Then Gary again. You get the drift. They were damn near relentless.

    I knew I was fucked. Not only do I mean I was being fucked, but in the other sense I was fucked too. You see, not only was Patrick a known rapist, but every single one of the prisoners who he set his sights on would wind up in the infirmary with flu. The other guards hadn’t made the connection, but I knew what was going on. Patrick was clearly as toxic as it gets, and all these men he took as his own were getting pozzed. Now here I was taking load after load from him when I had no protection of any kind, and I guess you could say I knew my fate was sealed.  As for Gary and Mark, I had no idea of their status, although if they weren’t already poz then repeatedly dipping their cocks into the toxic splooge that Patrick was leaving in my hole was possibly going to take them down too.

    In all, while bent over the conference table that afternoon, I took twelve loads.  Five were from Patrick, four from Mark, and three from Gary. My hole was left gaping, dripping cum that I also found had a pink tint to it when I was finally allowed to leave the room and run across the hall to the bathroom. They’d fucked me so much I was bleeding, meaning I was pretty damn sure what was in store for me. I was on the Poztown Express, and life as I knew it would be over.

    Suddenly a calm descended on me as I realised that I didn’t care. If anything, I felt a wave of euphoria and relief flow over me. Orchestrating this secret life on the side had been kind of exhausting, but nowhere near as tiring as maintaining the pretence of being some kind of perfect straight man. If Patrick had kept to his normal form then I was going to be testing positive soon, and maybe that’s just what I needed to break me out of the ‘straightjacket’. I decided then and there that I would resume normal service the next day, and Patrick would be the one I aimed to get with the most.

    But that wasn’t enough. After finding some fresh pants and starting the drive home, I felt compelled to find some way to keep things going that same day. A beast had been unleashed in me, and that beast needed feeding. I circled back round off my normal route, and headed for the overpass where I knew I could find what I was looking for. Sure enough, when I pulled up nearby and got out of my car, I could see a couple of fires burning in barrels, and the shapes of various men hanging around. I took a deep breath, then walked over towards them all. When I reached the camp and looked around, I briefly paused to take in my surroundings before finally recognising the man I had come to see. Standing a few feet away and staring intently at me was Willy, a former inmate that we guards knew was Patrick’s boy and who had, as we were not surprised to hear, joined the ranks of the homeless after being released.

    “What the fuck you doing here” he spat out at me.

    I didn’t reply, but instead just walked towards and then past him to a gap in the tents and cardboard boxes that I could see beyond. I stepped into that gap, noting it felt a bit like a dark alley being out of the light from the barrel fires, and then took another deep breath. As I heard the crunch of someone walking up behind me, I undid my new pants and pulled them down, revealing my torn underwear beneath. I then bent forward, put my hands on the concrete of the overpass for support, and pushed my butt back.

    The message was heard loud and clear, and in mere moments I felt a cock being pushed into me. I don’t know if it was actually Willy or one of the other guys living there, but he fucked me good and hard for a few minutes and then blew his load. Another followed suit, his cock being so thick it made me yelp as it went in despite how stretched I was by this point. Once he was done, a whole procession of more average-sized guys stuck their dicks in me and blew a load. Maybe some of them had a second go, but I never looked back to see. All I knew is that Willy at least must be diseased, and I was willing to bet that many of the others were too. Indeed, I suspected I was getting more than just HIV pumped into me.

    After a bit of a clean-up by the car with some moist towels, I went home to endure the wrath of my wife for being so late. I chuckled to myself at how angry she was going to be when the truth came out, and the fact that I found the prospect of that funny only assured me that I was finally on the right path. The next day it was much the same story. I managed to get a session in with Patrick in the landscaping shed, and then after clocking off I went back to the overpass to take some more dirty loads from all the homeless guys who fancied using me, then home to fury in woman form. The day after, Patrick took me in the laundry storage room, followed by Gary in the landscaping shed, and then it was back to the overpass that night on the way home. You get the idea. I was a man on a mission.

    The warden was deeply displeased when I called in sick with the flu just a few weeks after being off with that stomach bug, but there we go. We were already short staffed, so I knew my job was safe despite what was about to go down in my personal life. Sure enough, once I was better I got myself tested, and then proudly put the results in front of my wife. HIV, and at least three other STDs. She of course went apeshit, and I was out on my ass. I stayed with Bill for a couple of days while I got an apartment of my own sorted, and barely three days after moving in the divorce papers arrived. My wife took the kids and moved back to her mother’s, the house went on the market, and that was that. Old life gone, new life started.

    I was free. By raping me with his toxic cock, Patrick had not only possibly been the one to poz me, but he’d set me loose from the constraints that I had built up around my world. Now I was an open, happy pig, able to visit any bar, club or bookstore in town without worrying about who saw me, and readily accepting any man who happened by to come round to my place to spend the night buried inside me. I decided not to stop my community service at the overpass, and to this day I’m there several times a week chasing down whatever bugs the men have picked up.

    As for prison life, things got interesting. Bill knew my status but didn’t stop fucking me, so he eventually got taken down with the bug. Mike and Steve crossed a line with Mark on a contraband deal gone wrong, and soon found themselves being set upon by Patrick, Gary and a load of other guys when they were on garden guarding duty, before being made to bend over in my secret shed to take their punishment. That’s two more staff now pozzed. The warden getting drunk and coming on to me one night took the tally up to five, and got me a promotion as well in exchange for my silence on the matter. He also agreed to shut off a couple of cameras periodically, so I'm now a lot more free to get what I need from a much larger group of regulars.  Funny how things work out.

    Anyway, I told you this wouldn’t be your normal prison story. Who knows where things will go next in my life, but for now I have to run. We have a busload of new prisoners arriving soon, and I want to go and see if I can guess which one will be first to succumb to Patrick’s DNA.  Lucky bastards...

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