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Posts posted by chunkychains

  1. I was heading home for four weeks of leave.  A fellow soldier had loaded me up in the bathroom at the airport, and again while changing planes in Atlanta, but even with all that I was horny when the bus dropped me off in town.  My mom was working nights again this month and I didn't think my dopey brother would be sitting around waiting for me, so after I'd smoked a couple of cigarettes I slung by bag up on my shoulder and headed round the bus station into the woods.  I was still in my uniform, but actually thought that might help me score.

    Man how right I was.  There were actually quite a few guys hanging around that night, all of them middle aged or downright old, and boy did it turn them on having a real-life soldier drop his pants and present his ass to them.

    "You looking to get fucked, Soldier?" asked this fat guy with a big beard.

    "Just here to serve my country, Sir" I replied.  Thought I'd play along.

    That did it, and I soon had a steady supply of cocks going in both ends, until they had all blown in me at least twice.  I hadn't planned on taking that much cock tonight, but there were no complaints from me.

    Once I sensed they were all tuckered out, I fished a tissue from my jacket pocket, cleaned off the worst of the cum lodged between my buttcheeks, pulled up my trousers, and then turned and playfully saluted those members of the group who were still there.  I then grabbed my bag off the floor and set off on the walk through town to our house, lighting up a couple of smokes on the way.

    It being a Friday night, I assumed my brother would be out somewhere.  However, when I got to the house it was dark except for his room, so I guessed he must have a girl up there.  To avoid any problems, I entered as quietly as possible and made my way to the downstairs toilet to have another wipe of my ass before I went upstairs, just in case he intercepted me before I got to the bathroom.

    It was when I came out of the downstairs toilet that I realised the faint sex noises I had heard coming from upstairs did not sound like I thought they should.  It sounded more like what I had become used to, in that there was definitely two or three different male voices.  Maybe he and some football players were gang banging some poor cheerleader.

    I crept upstairs to avoid making a scene, but then noticed his door was closed over but not actually latched.  Curiosity got the better of me, and when I slowly pushed back his door while pressed against the wall outside, I got one hell of a surprise.  There were a load of football players in there as I expected, and it was a gang bang happening all right, but it was my brother who was being fucked!

    There he was, the handsome muscled 18 year old quarterback my mom so adored, on his hands and knees on his own bed while his teammates fucked him mercilessly at both ends.  I had started looking in right as one of them climaxed in his ass, and when he pulled out I could see even from the strange angle that he had been fucking my brother bare.  Jeez, this clearly ran in the family.  Maybe that's why dad wasn't around anymore.  Maybe he was off somewhere getting fucked repeatedly.

    I watched for a bit longer, and then decided just to throw caution to the wind.  I walked into the room quite noisily, causing everyone to stop and heads to rapidly turn in my direction.  I don't think I've ever seen my brother looking so scared in all his life.

    "Hey little bro" I said.

    "Errr...hey" he replied.

    "You having fun?" I asked.

    "Er..." he mumbled, not a sound coming from any of the other scared shitless-looking guys in the room.

    "Looks like it" I said.  "They're not forcing you, right?"

    He stared at me for a moment, and then shook his head. One of his teammates was still lodged in his ass while we had this bizarre conversation.

    "OK then" I said, before reaching to my pants to pull them down.  I pulled each leg off at the same time as the accompanying boot, and then got my tops off too.  That left me standing there in front of everyone in just my jockstrap, my tattooed muscled bod on full display.

    "What are you doing?" my brother squeaked, clearly concerned I was going to fuck him too.  He was still in the same position, a cock lodged in his ass.

    "Well, it looks like you could use some help with these guys" I responded, smiling.  I then looked round the other guys.  "Y'all want to fuck both of us?" I asked.

    Without waiting for a response from any of them, I walked over to the bed and got on all fours from the opposite side so that my head was right next to my brother's, and then I turned to face him.

    "Guess we've both been keeping secrets" I said to him, before a black cock appeared in front of my face.  Without even looking up at the guy it was attached to, I just turned towards it, opened my mouth and sucked it in.  Shortly after another cock was pushed into my hole in one go, and my brother and I settled into an evening of getting completely turned out.  These were young men in their prime, so neither one of us was ever without a hard cock pummelling our ass.

    It was actually starting to get light when I realised the only guy who was still there and awake was the one fucking my brother, meaning I was going to get a break for a bit.  I hauled myself off the bed, threw on my pants and jacket, and then headed downstairs and out to the porch.  I lit up a cigarette, and then leaned on the railing looking towards the beginnings of dawn.  My brother soon appeared next to me, and helped himself to one of my cigarettes as well.  We then just stood smoking in silence, and it wasn't until we'd both lit up another that any words were spoken.

    "When did you start getting fucked?" my brother asked out of nowhere.

    "Strip poker gone crazy during base leave in Vegas a couple of years ago" I responded.  "Was drunk as hell.  Some of my brothers fucked me, and have been taking cock ever since.  You?"

    "Last year" he said.  "Carson saw me checking out his cock in the showers, and made me blow him to stop him telling everyone else.  Then he fucked me."

    I exhaled a big load of smoke.

    "What about when you started being a whore for the whole team?" I asked.

    "Carson told everyone, even showed them a video" he responded.  "Guess I'm lucky they didn't just beat the shit out of me."

    We were silent again for a while.

    "Do you like it?" I asked.  "I mean, so far it sounds like they could just be blackmailing you."

    "Yeah" he said.  "Bro, I'm gay."

    "Well yeah, I figured that much from you checking out Carson's cock" I said, "but being gay ain't gotta mean you like getting gang fucked."

    "S'pose" he sighed.  "But I do.  I fucking love it."

    We were quiet again for a bit.

    "Is it just the team who fucks you?" I asked.

    "Yeah" he replied.  "They're all so fucking horny all the fucking time."

    "So no other guys then?" I asked.

    "No.  But you do, right?"

    "Yeah, I do" I said.  "Took some loads in the woods before I got home last night."

    My brother looked a bit wide eyed after I said that, but I noticed his tongue just lightly touching his lip.  What I just told him had turned him on, so I decided not to hold back.

    "Group of old men.  Could have been anyone.  They all fucked me and bred my ass."

    "Fuuuuuck" my brother groaned quietly.

    "Was still full of their cum when your teammate shoved his cock in me" I continued.  "Guess that makes me a slut, huh?"

    My bro just nodded, his face now fully giving away that the thought of me - or maybe of himself - doing that aroused him.

    We stood in silence for a bit, both lighting up another cigarette.

    "You wanna come with me next time I go to the woods?" I eventually asked.

    He paused, then said "isn't it dangerous?"

    "Probably" I said.

    He was quiet for a bit longer, before looking at me and silently nodding.  I guess he was ready to try something other than the football team.

    Neither of us was to know what this decision was going to lead to...

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  2. Truth be told, I had lusted after guys since I was a teenager.  Enjoyed girls too, and got my fair share of them in high school, but I never acted on the other feelings I was having.

    That all changed one night when me and some of the boys from my battalion where holed up in a cheap hotel in Vegas on a short leave break from the base.  Despite every single one of us being under-age, everyone had managed to score some booze so we were all pretty drunk.  Everyone was broke too though, and after hitting some casinos that afternoon we had nothing left for anything later on.  So, armed with only the illicit liquor we had got hold of and some decks of cards, we made our own fun crammed into the family room we had booked.

    Things got pretty crazy, and once strip poker had left most of us naked, the ante was upped.  Things progressed through licking of each other's armpits when we lost a hand, to a couple of guys having to give hand jobs.  Eventually things reached their peak with me getting on all fours and having my cherry popped by a guy we called Duke.  I think we all had condoms with us, but Duke's impressive cock went in my hole raw.  It hurt like a motherfucker, but by the time he busted his nut inside me I was groaning in pure pleasure.  This didn't go unnoticed by the others, and with everyone getting seriously horny despite the absence of any women, eventually all six of them fucked and bred me.  Duke even took me a second time.

    I was a changed man after that.  Nearly every bit of leave from base we got involved me getting willingly fucked somewhere, even on one occasion in the bathroom at the airport before we boarded flights home for Thanksgiving.  Soon that wasn't enough, and after a bit of heart-stopping trial-and-error, a secluded - almost forgotten - storeroom on the base was found to be the perfect spot for any of the guys who needed a release to use me without being seen by the commanders.  Some wrapped up in condoms, but most didn't so I ended up stashing tissues in the storeroom to catch all the cum from my ass before I went back to barracks.  I happily took whatever they had to throw at me, fully accepting that I was a bottom (a term I had heard to describe men like me). Fortunately none of this affected how we were as a military unit.

    A bit of a turning point came during a trip home, when I found myself seriously needing to get fucked after I'd spent the evening with some school friends.  I didn't dare use any apps or anything, so instead just decided to investigate the rumours we'd all heard as teenagers about what went on in the woods behind the bus station at night.  I wound up on my hands and knees getting spit roasted by two old guys, taking one load up my arse and another down my throat.  I felt dirty as hell the next morning, but also kinda excited.  I went back for more every night I was home on that trip.

    After that experience, while I didn't do it often, I would occasionally seek out some fun when I was able to get off base and there wasn't any military grade cock on offer.  Fortunately I found a middle-aged chubby guy in the local town who was always happy to fuck me, and if I gave him enough warning he could usually get a friend or two to join in. The truck stop on the edge of town was always another option too, particularly once word got out in the teamster community that there was sometimes an active duty soldier bent over in the bathroom taking whatever came at him.

    Things sure did change on one trip home though...

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    My life pretty much exploded after that fateful night.

    Obviously it was over with Sarah, and I moved out as soon as I could.  She completely ghosted me, which I don't blame her for after what she definitely saw come through on her phone/

    I was damn near disowned by my family, although after a few months my sister-in-law reached out and met up with me.  I was told to be patient, that they would come to terms with it, and that they still loved me.  A year on and that hasn't come to pass, but at least she messages me every month or so to check in so it feels like there's some connection.

    I haven't seen any of the guys since it happened, and can only assume that I won't again.  I had caught a few of their horrified messages on the journey home from the club before my phone went on silent, and by the time I turned it back on the next day I had been kicked out of the WhatsApp group.  I suppose I could have tried directly calling or texting one or two of them, but I doubted that would get me very far.

    I'm also off the football team, although one of the gay guys who plays now comes round regularly to breed me, often bringing a mate or two.  I'm thinking of joining a gay men's team if they'll have me.

    I did manage to avoid getting fired, largely because the only person in the office who found out about it was one of the managers in the finance team.  He seemed so straight-laced and proper that it was a bit of a surprise to find myself being essentially blackmailed into taking his loads - and those of whoever else he felt should have a go with me - on a regular basis.  Underneath the grey suits and general ledgers was a toxic pig, it transpired.

    The pierced guy, who I now know as Brian, took me in once I had moved out of the flat I shared with Sarah.  "He's gone" was the only thing he was willing to say about his partner's absence, and I didn't probe it any further.  Perhaps what had been done to me was a wake-up call for Brian, but I didn't think that could be it alone.  Either way, I moved into the basement garden flat and started paying some rent, although it is pretty cheap and I earn my keep in other ways.  Rarely a day goes by when he doesn't breed me in some part of the house.

    I know what you're wondering, and yes, I did of course come down with the fuck flu.  It wasn't too bad, and a quick visit to a clinic once I was better confirmed the diagnosis.  I've gone on meds, on the basis that I may as well stay healthy seeing as I'm just a receptacle rather than a potential gifter.  I now bear a large stylised biohazard tattoo on my upper back - annoyingly meaning I have to wear thick shirts at work even on hot days - and took a lot of inspiration from Ace Era when I elected to get the words "BREED" and "ME" imprinted on each of my buttcheeks.  Free of Sarah's disapproval, I'm still thinking about other tattoos to get, but these seemed like the most important ones.

    For now, I have something of a life.  I have made a couple of new friends to give me some sense of normality, and I have a large and ever expanding list of guys who like to use me regularly.  I also frequently just take my chances on the heath or other cruising locations, eager to satisfy a need that has only grown stronger over time.  Brian sometimes takes me back to the club, although I've never experienced anything quite like my first night there.  My only regret is the way things worked out with my friends and family, but I suppose I've made peace with it.  I'm not sure where things will go as I get older, but I'm keeping any potential loss of appeal at bay with a robust gym regime.  It doesn't hurt that most workouts end up with a recharging or two in the toilets from the toxic doms who run the place.

    To this day I still don't get turned on by men, other than by the prospect of being reamed out.  I continue to find women attractive, and on the rare occasions when I have some alone time of that nature, it is straight porn that I watch.  I don't know that I will ever understand why I'm wired up so wrong, but that's OK.

    I have accepted who I am.

    My name is Christian Berg.  I'm straight.  I'm poz.  I'm a cumdump for any man that wants to use me.  And this was my story.


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  4. I took a deep inhale of my third cigarette in a row, while continuing to stare dumbfounded at my phone.  Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp groups - all had been used to communicate to my nearest and dearest what I had become.  It must have been so early on in the night that he had managed to unlock it by pointing it at my face without me knowing, given how long the pictures had been up.  I had deleted them of course, but the damage was done.  The vitriol in the messages and comments made it clear that people had seen it, and they were not amused.

    No more need to break up with Sarah, she was well aware of what I now was.  Probably no need to get involved with the normally complicated planning of the family Christmas gathering, as I doubt any of them would want me there around my nieces and nephews.  Unlikely to be many more drinks with the guys.  Doubtful I would play football with that particular club again.  Even if not everyone I was connected to had seen the graphic images, they would certainly hear about them.  At least, for now, nothing related to my job seemed to have been affected.

    "I can't believe you did this to me" I quietly said to the pierced guy and his partner, before taking another deep draw on my cigarette.

    "Yeah, well, now you won't have any distractions getting in the way of servicing the many men who will want a piece of you" said the pierced guy, although I detected a slight hesitance in his voice.  I was not convinced he had known his partner was going to do this.

    "You've destroyed my life" I said, a bit more firmly.

    "Your old life" the partner said.  "That's not who you are anymore."

    "Fuck you" I replied.  "That was for me to decide, not you."

    "Oh, he's finally growing a pair" replied the partner, sneering at me.  "Bit late now though.  If you'd shown you had a spine before now I might have reconsidered."

    Man, I had misjudged these two.  Or at least the partner.  I knew they were pushing me into things fast, but I never detected any malice before now.

    "Come on" said the pierced guy, quite gently.  "We'll take you home.  I think you've had enough for tonight."  I was now convinced he hadn't played a part in what his partner had done.

    I looked at him, and then nodded.  "Just you though" I said.  "I'm done with your friend here."

    His partner sneered at me, but the pierced guy looked at him and nodded.  The partner looked between the two of us, and then went back inside in a bit of a huff.

    "I'm sorry" said the pierced guy.  "I didn't know he was going to do that."

    "Yeah, I figured" I replied.  "I'm ruined."

    "You're not ruined" he said.  "If your friends and family love you, they'll come around."

    "After I've apparently sent them graphic photos and videos of me getting gangbanged?" I responded.

    "Yeah" he sighed, "perhaps not."

    We stood looking at one another for a moment, and then he put his hand on my shoulder and encouraged me back inside.  I got out of the restraints, and put my clothes and bling back on.  From the sounds of it there was still plenty going on downstairs, but we slipped back outside and walked back to the car.

    "Where's home?" he asked.

    "Clapham" I replied.  "But you can drop me off at a station or something."

    "No, that's OK" he said.  "I think I owe you at least a chauffeur-driven ride home."

    The drive back was near silent.  I mostly just stared out the window, losing myself in an increasingly panicked cycle of thoughts about what had happened and what was to follow.  Sensing my deteriorating state of mind, shortly after setting out the pierced guy had pulled over, taken my phone out of my hands, put it on night mode and then handed it back, all without speaking.  Thereafter I just watched the world go by, lost in my thoughts.

    Eventually we got back to the quiet street where Sarah and I rented an upstairs flat in a terraced house.  Rather than just stopping and letting me out, he parked the car in a rare space and then sat for a moment.

    "Do you want to come in?" I eventually asked.  Strangely, now that we were here, I felt like I needed company to stave off the panic.

    "Is that what you want?" he responded.

    "Yes" I stated.  "Your partner is a cunt for what he has done to me, but you didn't know about that.  Right now I don't think I want to be alone."

    "OK" he said, before opening the car door and climbing out.  I did the same, lighting up a cigarette once I was on the pavement.  We waited for a couple of minutes for me to quickly finish it, then I stubbed it out and plonked the butt into our wheelie bin.  I then let us in, and we went upstairs.

    How things had changed since I was last there.  I looked around at almost a living museum of the life I had led before the weekend.  It wasn't really who I was, I knew that even while going along with it, but it was definitely a thing of the past now.  I figured I would have to start the process of moving out the next day, although to go where I had no idea.  I doubted I would have many offers of a spare room or sofa.

    "Would you like a drink?" I asked him, putting those thoughts aside for now..

    "Are we here to drink?" he replied, after a pause.

    "I guess not" I said.

    Without any further words, I turned off the lights I had just switched on, and headed into the bedroom.  He followed me in, and within a few minutes I was face down on the bed with his pierced cock once again buried deep up my hole.

    Sunday would be hell.  Sunday would be the fallout.  Sunday would be the first day of whatever life I was now going to be leading.  But for now, I closed my eyes and just accepted my fate.

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  5. God knows what time of the night - or morning - it was now.  I was up on a small stage in a rather dingy basement club, currently squatting down with two enormous cocks in my hole.  By this point I was so used and stretched out that, while feeling pretty stuffed, I wasn't in any pain from the double penetration.

    The pierced guy was next to me holding on to my big silver chain, which they had attached to a hoop on a big wide leather collar they had put me in.  My wrists were back in the restraints from earlier in the day, only this time they had been clasped closely together  in front of me using my chunky bracelet as a connecting double chain.  I was otherwise just wearing a black leather jockstrap the guys had given me, and my own Timberland boots.  Prior to being in this position, but after having been taken doggy style on a fuckbench by a whole succession of men, I had been lying in a sling and looking up at the boots worrying about the numerous cum stains possibly ruining them.  Strange to be focusing on an issue like that while load after load of toxic splooge was being ejaculated into me by a horde of bears.

    They weren't completely ruthless, allowing me regular gulps of water, and even taking me upstairs a couple of times for a cigarette break.  During these breaks some fellow smokers among them chatted to me in a casual, friendly way that seemed at odds with the role I was playing tonight.  The role I guess I would be playing a lot more from now on.  I just went with the flow, deciding that I would properly go home on Sunday and start to deal with all of this then.  I guess I would have to start by finding a new place to live.  Maybe some new clothing.  How the mind wanders once the sex has been going on for a while.

    The double-fucking was a new experience to me, but after the initial pain of the first go, I was actually pretty into it.  In a life that was clearly now going to be driven by a need for cock, getting two of them at once was actually a pretty efficient way forward and one I would be repeating for sure.  I would have to buy some bigger toys to keep me in shape.

    As the two guys in me sped up to a faster rhythm in anticipation of gifting me again, something caused me to turn my head a bit.  There I could see the pierced guy's partner holding up a phone and filming me, but rather than be as horrified as I had been earlier on today, this time I just looked straight at the lens as I bounced up and down.

    "Yes lad" said the pierced guy from next to me.  "Show all those hungry fuckers at home what they're missing."

    I started bouncing a bit hard, then decided to properly go for broke.

    "No-one needs to miss out on anything" I said, loud enough that I thought it would be picked up over the noise in the room.  "My arse is open to any guy that wants it."

    "Yeah?" said the pierced guy, playing along.

    "Yes" I almost growled, really starting to hammer myself up and down.  "No load refused."

    "Old, young, fat, thin, clean, diseased" the pierced guy reeled off.  "You'll take them all, right?"

    "I'll take them all" I shouted, slamming myself down onto the cocks in my hole, pushing their bearers over the edge.  I panted heavily while staring at the phone.  "My name is Christian Berg, I'm straight, my arse is full of poz cum, and I will take any load."

    A round of applause went up from the rest of the guys in the room, and after filming for a moment or two longer, the pierced guy's partner lowered the phone.

    "Good lad" whispered the pierced guy, having bent forward so he was next to my ear.  "That's the way to end a live stream."

    I bowed my head, continuing to pant as I felt the cocks in me slowly begin to soften.  There was still a lot of energy in the room, so I didn't expect this to be ending anytime soon.  However, it did feel like something else had just ended.  I had not attempted to hide my face.  I had used my real name.  I was going to get found out, and it was not going to be pretty.  Still, I would surely have some time to prepare for that.

    It was only then, as his partner approached us and got into the better light over the stage, that I recognised the distinctive blue/white stripes and yellow lion insignia on the case of the phone he had been using to film.  IFK Gothenburg official merchandise.  Just like the case my grandfather had bought last time I'd gone over to visit.  Oh fuck, that was my phone...

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  6. I woke up during the late afternoon, and hauled myself off the bed.  I padded through to the bathroom, took off the leather restraints and got into the shower for the second time that day, this time to clean up the remnants of the latest set of guys to use me.  Once finished and towel-dried, I stood in front of the mirror looking at myself for a while.  There I was, still the same guy on the outside, but now changed in so many other ways.  No longer a straight guy who liked to have some fun with other men between relationships.  Probably on my way to having HIV.  Happy.

    Yes, happy.  A man who is attracted to women should not be pleased about resigning himself to a life of being used by other men, but I could not deny that the decisions I had taken over the last few hours had calmed something inside me.  Maybe, I wondered, this was a sign that I wasn't so straight after all, if I ever was.  But yet, even in that moment of staring at whoever it was I had become, I could not deny that it was women who got me aroused.  I chuckled to myself as I thought of what a psychoanalyst would do with someone whose wiring was so clearly messed up.

    Then there was the virus.  I don't know how many of the loads I had taken on the heath had been toxic, but every single one that had gone inside me in that bedroom this morning had been.  My hole had been roughed up by all those piercings, and I could not see how I was headed for anything except conversion.  I had heard about some sort of drug that you could take, a bit like a morning after pill, but it did not seem to register that this was an option for me.  I was going to become poz, and that's all there was to it.

    This was all a bit too much to think about, so I shook my head and then looked around the bathroom.  I was pleased, perhaps a bit surprised, to see my watch, chains, wallet and other bits still sitting on the countertop where I had dumped it all while my clothes were put into the machine, so I re-blinged and then carried the rest back out into the bedroom.  It was then that I noticed my clothes neatly folded on a chair, so clearly one of the hosts had slipped in while I was passed out.  That was sweet, I thought.

    I got myself dressed, and then decided to open up the doors into the garden so I could have a cigarette.  I wasn't sure where my hosts were, but a bit of nicotine was needed before I headed upstairs to investigate.  I should probably go home too, I decided.

    I enjoyed the smoke in the warm afternoon sun, so lit another shortly after.  Once that was done, I went back through the bedroom and upstairs.  Just as I reached the hallway, the pierced guy emerged from what I could see was a big kitchen.

    "Ah, there's our juicy cumdump" he said, smirking at me.

    "Hi" I said.

    "How are you feeling?" he asked.

    "Not sure" I replied.  "A bit sore."

    "Well, not too sore I hope" he said, his expression now taking on a bit of a leer.  "We have plans for you."

    "You do?" I asked, rather hesitantly.

    "Hell yes" he said.  "The video from this morning are already very popular, so you're much in demand."

    "Video?" I croaked.

    "Oh yes" he said, grinning.  "Every moment was captured and live-streamed, and the recording has got very popular in even just a few hours."

    I gulped.  OK, it was one thing to have submitted myself to that gangbang, but another for it to be out there in full public view.

    "You...you filmed it?" I asked.  "Can...can you see my face?"

    "Of course" he replied, as though it was nothing.  "Pozzing videos are always more popular when you can see the bottom accepting their fate."

    At this point I mentally shut down.  Somewhere, out there, was a video showing me willingly taking toxic load after toxic load.  Whatever hazy plans I may have had about keeping my new life from my friends and family, there was now a good chance that my cover was going to be blown.  My cousin, my sister's brother-in-law, even one of the two gay guys on my football team.  Any of them could be into this stuff.

    "What's more" the pierced guy continued, "we've had an offer in from an acquaintance of ours who rather enjoyed having something to watch with his lunch."

    "What kind of offer?" I asked, glancing back up at him after staring at the floor for quite a while.

    "Well, he's got a load of guys assembling at his club tonight for a bit of fun together, and he thinks you will be the perfect star attraction."  He paused, perhaps waiting for me to say something.  "You know, sort of a live-action sequel to this morning."

    "Oh god" I sighed, looking back down.

    "You said you were free all weekend" he suggested.  "No real reason to leave those guys unsatisfied, is there?"

    "I was going to go home" I mumbled.

    He walked over to me, and put his hand on my shoulder.

    "Son" he said, causing me to look up at him.  "You bent over a log on the heath and took what was coming to you for hours last night.  You didn't fight when we suggested you lie down on the bed and take on another group of men this morning.  This is who you are.  Just embrace it."

    "I'm straight" I croaked out.

    "Yeah, well, boo for you" he said, smiling warmly at me.  "You're a cumdump, soon to be a poz cumdump.  Anything else is just a distraction."

    I stared into his eyes for a moment, then nodded and looked back down to the floor.

    "Good lad" he said, patting my shoulder a couple of times.  "Now, seeing as you're not going anywhere, why don't I make you a drink or two before we get you ready for tonight."

    "I'm hungry" I said, still looking at the floor.  "For food" I added, feeling I needed to clarify what I meant.

    "OK" he said, "but we can't be filling you up, not with what you've got ahead of you."

    He turned and went back into the kitchen, and I paused for a moment before following him in to see his partner sitting at a big glass dining table reading a newspaper.

    "We on?" he asked, looking up at the pierced guy.

    "We're on" he replied, grinning at his partner.

    "Good lad" said the other, turning to looking at me.

    Good boy.  Good lad.  I was starting to feel like a pet dog to these two.  But hey, I guess that's what I was sort of becoming...

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  7. The two burly men and I set off across the heath, and along the way they talked to me a bit.  For some reason I just told them everything, about being a cock-loving straight guy who had kept it all repressed for too long while trying to be a good boyfriend.  They seemed pretty interested by this, and commented on how I had really "thrown the shackles off" in coming up there that night.  They shared a look with each other when I mentioned that my girlfriend was away for a month and I was just going to be taking it easy for the rest of the weekend.

    When we got to their house, which I noted to be pretty large and expensive-looking, they directed me to a door that led down to a sort of basement that had been converted into a self-contained flat opening onto the garden, showing just how hilly it was here given the front door upstairs was at street level.  There was a big bathroom down there, and they had told me to just take as long as I needed to get clean while they put my clothes into the machine for a fast wash-and-dry cycle.  It had initially been a bit awkward getting down to my underpants in the hallway on the ground floor in front of both of them, but needs must.

    After I showered and got myself towel-dried in the bathroom, I emerged to find the two of them waiting for me in the living area of the garden flat.

    "All better?" the guy with the piercing asked.

    "Yes, thanks" I said.

    "Good" he replied.  "Well, the machine is going to be a while, so why don't you lie down for a bit."  He gestured towards the bedroom, which I wandered into.  It was then that I realised that perhaps all the fun wasn't over, as laid out on the bed were some leather restraints and chains.

    "Er..." I started to say.

    "Be a good lad and get onto the bed face down" said the pierced guy, coming into the room behind me with his partner.  "We're going to get you nice and comfortable for the day ahead."

    "What?" I asked, turning to face him.

    "We've got some mates who are sorry to have missed out on last night, so they're coming over soon to give you some more of what you need" he replied, as though it was nothing.  "As I said, be a good lad and get up on the bed so we can get you ready for them."

    My mouth dropped open and I couldn't think of anything to say.  I was fully sobered up, my hole felt extremely well used, and yet here was a guy intending to essentially pimp me out to his friends for however long it was going to be.  Despite my shock and inability to form a coherent reply to him, my dick started springing to attention, which did not go unnoticed.

    "Thought so" said his otherwise very quiet partner.  "We knew you weren't done yet."

    "Put this on" said the pierced guy, handing me a black jockstrap that I hadn't noticed he was holding.

    I stood there in disbelief, and then as an almost out of body experience, I dropped my towel, took the jockstrap from him and slipped it on.  I then turned, took a deep breath, and walked over to the bed.  I climbed up on top of the sheets on all fours, hung my head down, and waited.  The two of them went either side of the bed, motioned for turn to face the headboard, and had me to lie down flat.  They then proceeded to get my ankles and wrists into some thick leather restraints, which they chained to the bed frame spreading me out in an X-shape.  One of them then stuffed a couple of handkerchiefs in front of my nose and mouth, which I could immediately tell had been doused in poppers.  Finally, they started to lube and finger my hole, which I realised was actually a bit sore but also undeniably hungry.

    After a little while the doorbell rang, and the pierced guy went upstairs to let in their friends while his partner continued to open me up.  After lots of heavy footsteps, a group of six or seven guys entered the room, and from what I could from my rather restricted position, all were rocking a similar style as the hosts.  There were lots of "oh my, what do we have here" type of comments when they entered, and then they all got undressed.  I guessed they were in some sort of club given the ones I could actually see had scorpions tattooed on their chests.

    "Hey boy" said one of them.  "Our friends here tell us you're straight."

    "Yeah" I replied, my head starting to swim from the poppers.

    "And you've got yourself a girlfriend" he continued.

    "Yeah" I sighed.

    "But you're our whore today, aren't you" he growled.

    "Yes sir" I replied.

    "Good lad" he finished, before I felt the mattress being compressed by someone else climbing onto it behind me.  I had no idea if it was the unseen guy who had just been verbally putting me in my place, or another one of the group.

    Either way, and without any fanfare or foreplay, the fucking began.  The first guy just climbed on top of me, slid in and began thrusting.  He lasted quite a while before shooting into me, and then another of the guests repeated the whole scene.  In fact, they all did, and this time there were a lot of pierced cocks finding their way into my hole.  As with the night before, and despite the lack of alcohol, I descended into a haze as I lay there immobilised by the restraints, my nose and mouth in a cloud of poppers, with my hole just being used repeatedly.  Yet, and this was strange to me, I somehow it felt like where I should be.

    Once they'd all had a go with me in that position, the chains were unlocked and they turned me over.  My arms were pulled back and chained to the top of the bed frame again, and now each of them took a turn at fucking me while holding my legs in the air and looking down at me.  They each had more stamina this time, I guess from having shot off once already, and also seemed like they needed a bit more stimulation.  This extra drive they got from being verbal with me, which finally got me to understand what was happening.

    "Yeah, take my poz cock!"
    "Busting your hole open for my venom!"
    "Going to infect your straight arse!"

    The scorpion tattoos made sense.  The biohazard tattoos made sense.  It all made sense.  I was being pozzed.  Or perhaps re-pozzed, having clearly taken some viral loads the night before too from at least the two kind gents who had brought me back to their home.

    You would have thought that a straight guy who found himself being repeatedly fucked full of poz cum would have panicked, tried to get away, tried to stop it.  But no.  As man after man had fucked me last night, and as it was all happening again this morning, I had realised that not only was I not going to be with a woman again, but I probably wasn't going to end up with a man either.  I wanted cock, an endless supply of cock, and I wanted to be used.  Maybe just getting my posing over with was sensible, given it was bound to happen some day anyway.

    Once they'd all had a go with me on my back, I was unchained from the bed but kept the restraints round my wrists and ankles.  The guests all left the room, one of the hosts plonked a big glass of water down on the bedside table, and then I was left alone.  I almost immediately passed out.

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  8. I ambled up towards the Heath, not totally sure where I needed to aim for but knowing there would likely be someone there who could satisfy my need for a hard pounding. I hadn't planned on this so had no condoms and of course wasn't on PrEP anymore, but those thoughts barely made a dent in my determination to get fucked. I instead focused on trying to find where the action usually took place, and eventually I got lucky. In a secluded spot out of view of where others may be walking their dogs or jogging at this time of night, I found what I was looking for. A group of guys were standing around, some with their trousers down and all of them feeling or rubbing their crotches. I took a deep breath, and then approached.

    "Evening" said one of the guys. I just nodded in response.

    "What you here for?" asked another.

    I looked around them, took another deep breath, and then made my way over to a large log nearby. I undid my trousers, pushed them down, and then bent over the log with my arse facing the men. Within seconds I felt the first hand on my backside, gently fondling my buttcheeks through the fabric of my CK briefs. The wandering fingers then encountered the base of the plug, which I felt jiggle.

    "Got ourselves a live one here" said the man who was doing the touching. I didn't even glance back to see what he looked like, but instead reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out my cigarettes and lighter. I plopped them on the log, fished one out and lit it.

    "You want fucked boy?" the man asked.

    "Yes" I replied, exhaling a cloud of smoke, trying to calm my beating heart.

    "Well alright then" he said, before gripping my underpants and pulling them down. He then pressed the plug into me a couple of times, causing me to groan, before gripping its base and pulling it out. "Guess we don't need to warm you up" he said, before I heard him shuffle his own trousers and pants down.  The first touch of his cock on my ring elicited another moan of pleasure from me, before he pressed in and filled me to the hilt in one go. It felt so fucking good.

    "Oh yeah, nice arse" he grunted, before starting to slide in and out of me. His pace picked up quickly, and I was soon being slammed pretty hard just how I like it. God I had missed this. The fact I was smoking a cigarette while getting fucked for the first time in my life was also doing something to me, and a state of utter bliss took over my whole being. Added on to this was a bottle of poppers that was repeatedly pushed under my nose, and then eventually left on the log for me to use as I needed.  In no time I was flying.

    The first guy had some stamina, but eventually I could feel and hear that he was approaching orgasm. His thrusts became more urgent, his breathing got faster, and then he slammed into me and spewed.

    "Take my fucking nut you cunt!" he shouted, as he unloaded into my satisfied hole.

    "Yeah, knock him up!" I heard one of the others say.  I didn't know what that meant, and didn't get much time to consider it before my fucker pulled out and was replaced by one of the other men. His dick was thinner but longer, resulting in a fresh round of groans from me as he probed me deep. In time he too shot off, and someone else stepped up and took over. So it went on, as I descended into a complete haze as I was fucked over and over again by an increasingly large group of men. The nicotine from the cigarettes and the pungent aroma of the poppers really added to the effect.

    After some time in that position, I felt something new in my rectum as a guy slid in.  Kind of painful, but also pretty exhilarating.  I figured it was probably some kind of piercing, which was confirmed to me after he shot off, pulled out and then waddled round to the other side of the log to present his dick to me.  As I said before, sucking cock was not really what I was about, but I had accepted that sometimes it was a means to an end if I wanted to get fucked. On this occasion, as a new guy who had slid into my arse got into a rhythm, I was kind of intrigued by the glinting of a big metal hoop through the end of the cock in front of my face, and therefore opened my mouth and allowed him to slip in for me to clean him off.  A meaty cock, coated in cum, with a real metallic tang that seemed to be partly coming from the piercing but also from elsewhere.  I realised it must be blood, probably mine.  These guys were really doing a number on me.

    I don't know how long I was bent over leaning against that log, but by the time the group thinned out and there weren't any fresh takers for my rear end, the sky was starting to get lighter.  I ached in places as I slowly stood up straight, and when I bent back over to pull up my trousers I found they were soaked in cum and possibly some piss.  I had started to sober up a bit and realised that getting all the way back to Clapham in this state was not going to be pretty.

    "You got far to travel son?" asked the guy with the Prince Albert, who I now saw to be a middle-aged tattooed bear of a man wearing a leather harness and ripped jeans.  He had stuck around all evening, with his cock either up my arse giving me several loads, or in my mouth and eventually down my throat.

    "Clapham" I replied.

    "Yikes" he said, "you'll get arrested getting on the tube like that."

    "Yeah" I sighed, wondering if I could find a way to get cleaned up a bit in the swimming ponds further down the heath.

    "Listen" he said, "me and my man here live just over there. Why don't you come back to ours and we'll get you cleaned up?"  He gestured towards another guy who was dressed similarly, who nodded at me.

    "OK" I said, after a moment of looking between each of them. "That would be great."

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  9. This is the story of how I came to be who - and what - I am today.

    My name is Christian, and I've always been straight. Indeed, I still am. I can appreciate when a man is handsome, well-built or whatever, but that has never done anything for me. I am attracted to women, they turn me on, and yet I know I will never end up spending my life with a female. You see, despite how my brain is wired, my body betrays me. When it comes to sex, these days it is all about cock.

    First up, a bit about me. I'm 6'1", pretty well built and lean, and have always had people tell me I'm handsome. I have dirty blond hair (from my father's Swedish roots) that I keep short, and slightly olive skin from my mother's Italian heritage. I played a number of sports throughout school, but swimming has always been my favourite and I go to the pool several times a week after the gym. I have a decent sized cock, and nice tight buns that I keep in check with daily squats. All in all, I tend to get a good amount of attention, and have never had any trouble getting a girlfriend.

    I had my first experience with a man during my gap year before university. Despite having no interest in men really, I was really curious about what it would be like to get fucked. That had always been there since I was old enough to know it was a thing men could do, and fingering myself had been part of my masturbation ritual from almost as soon as I started touching myself. However, it was only once I had been in San Francisco for a couple of days as part of a round-the-world backpacking adventure that I finally got the courage together to look into it properly, and wound up in a bar in the Castro. My older brother had fortunately agreed to 'lose' his driving licence before I left the UK, and as we look so much alike it served as the perfect fake ID while in the US. Of course, that meant I had to remember to call myself Jacob while I was there. Anyway, 'Jacob' got himself picked up by this fairly muscular guy in his mid-30s, and spent the night at a nearby apartment having his cherry firmly popped! Condoms were used of course, and I also had my first go at sucking cock just to see what it was like. It was OK, but being taken up the arse was an absolute revelation, so much so that I allowed the guy to do it to me three times before I left in the morning.

    For the rest of my gap year and through my first couple of terms at university, I hooked up with both men and women depending on what I was feeling. Then I met Joanne, and got into my first proper relationship since my school girlfriend. The man sex stopped until we broke up towards the middle of my third year at uni, and after that ended I almost exclusively sought out cock for a while.  This established a pattern that would dominate my life for the next ten years: I would have relationships with women; they would fizzle out; I would then get fucked by guys for however long it took me to find a new girlfriend; and repeat.

    When I was 25 I had my first bareback experience, largely through being too drunk to function properly.  I let a guy do me in the backroom of a gay bar that I had stumbled into after getting separated from both my friends and my phone. I was out of it, but somehow did manage to remember how liberating and exciting it felt to get used like that. After a couple more safe-sex hookups I realised something had changed in me, so I decided to take the financial hit and got myself on PrEP via online deliveries from the States. Once that was working properly, I became almost exclusively a bareback bottom during my weeks or months at a time of seeking cock, and perhaps most tellingly, I stayed on it when I met my next girlfriend (even getting myself onto the NHS trial so I could get it for free).

    Things changed in 2018 when I met Sarah. She was an American ex-pat living in London, a place she'd chosen to stay after studying at UCL, and we really hit it off. I mean, like crazily hit it off. She was the first woman I moved in with, and it was shortly after that milestone that I decided to properly commit, focus on building a life with her, and try to leave my cock-hunting days behind me.  As part of that, I stopped taking PrEP. I had firmly pledged to myself to leave my wanton ways in the past, and start living the life of a 'proper' straight man. "Yeah right" I hear you say, but at the time it was what I thought I wanted, needed, and should be doing.

    The pandemic was, however, the beginning of the end. Being cooped up for so long with Sarah started to highlight problems in our relationship, and I realised we were gradually drifting apart while also getting on each other's nerves with every passing day. She had made me change so much about myself that I suddenly started to resent her for it, when before I had just been in such a love haze that I happily went along with it all. It was a godsend when some of the travel restrictions eased enough for Sarah to make a trip home to see her family, and she was soon ready for a month back in the States.

    I dropped her off at the airport early in the morning on a Friday, and had taken that day off from work so I could have some extra time to myself. I had lined up a night out with some friends for the evening, and so decided to take a nap when I had been back home for a while as the 4am alarm had started catching up with me. When I awoke around lunchtime I was undeniably horny, and I knew what I wanted. The flat we were renting had some attic space we could use, and given her aversion to almost every type of insect and bug, Sarah was never going to go up there. As such, I had been able to squirrel away my box of toys without her ever finding out about it, and that afternoon I dug it out for the first time in two years.

    It took some work after so long, but eventually I was happily riding one of my larger dildos and finally getting the stimulation I needed. Well, sort of. As much as I was enjoying it, long-buried desires for it to be a real cock took hold. The thought of that made me cum, and yet barely half an hour later I was back on the rubber dong working myself up to another orgasm. And then again two hours later.

    Perhaps it was the couple of beers I drank in the afternoon, or just a feeling of liberation now that she was gone for a month, but when I got dressed for my night out with the guys the whole ensemble was completed with an unseen treasure: a large buttplug stuffed up my rear end. I had never gone out with my friends doing anything like that at all, but that night I headed off to the pub in Kentish Town with my sphincter working overtime. It felt awesome.

    Perhaps spurred on by my courage to do that, I also fished out another box of treasures that I had kept hidden from Sarah.  Inside was the 1.5 kilo silver chain and matching bracelet I had bought shortly before meeting her, which she had made it clear she did not like and that I should sell (which I told her I had).  I donned both, and balanced things out with an enormous chunky Diesel watch that Sarah had also sneered at.  I knew I'd get some comments from the guys with all this bling on display, but hey, it felt good to finally rediscover the old me a bit. Really taking the theme and running with it, I also stopped by the corner shop on my way to the tube and bought a couple of packets of Marlboro Gold and a lighter, deciding that all the nagging about my social smoking was going to be a thing of the past.

    The night out was fantastic, not a full-on drinking binge like it could have been but rather a relaxed evening with the guys. I got a couple of comments about how chilled I seemed from when we had last managed to meet up, and couldn't help but agree that I was happy to have a break from Sarah. Although we didn't talk about it at length, I think my friends knew the writing was on the wall for that relationship. With the restrictions on opening hours, the night ended far too quickly and we all made our way off in search of home. Or at least, they did. The one other friend who would be getting the tube suddenly realised he needed to rush to catch a train from London Bridge so he fled towards the station while I went to the loo for a strategic piss, meaning that by the time I was out of the pub I was alone. It was then I realised how close I was to Hampstead Heath, and a decision was made.

    I wasn't stinking drunk, but my inhibitions were definitely down. My arse had been enjoyably stretched out all evening by the buttplug, and I knew I needed it to get a proper seeing-to. I had already basically decided that I would not be living at our flat anymore when Sarah got back from the States, so despite the fact that I had not broken up with her, my brain when into Single Man Mode.

    For me, that meant one thing: cock...

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  10. The gangbang continued for quite some time, and although Jason and I were the main focus of everyone's attention, on occasions when I got a break from sucking cocks I looked around the room to see some others having an outing as a bottom.  Eventually I moved to one of the cabins for a long threesome with Jurgen and one of his friends, drifting off to sleep with my boyfriend deep inside me.  I woke at least once in the night and could tell there was still action going on in the boat, presumably involving Jason given how enthusiastic many of the guys were at having another cumdump in attendance.

    The following morning I slipped out of the cabin and headed out on deck while everyone else still seemed to be asleep, stopping by the galley en route to get myself a coffee from the posh machine.  Once outside I lit up a cigarette from a pack I found on a table, and leant on the railing to watch the sunrise.  I had a peaceful half hour or so alone out there, enjoying the sights of the bay coming to life as the sun rose higher, before I heard someone joining me on the deck.

    "Morning" said Jason, leaning over the railing beside me.

    "Oh, hey" I replied.  "Didn't expect to see you up so early."

    "Yeah" he said, "I needed to get out of that cabin before they woke up with morning wood.  Bit sore this morning."

    "Not used to that sort of action?" I asked.

    "No" he replied.  "Never had more than one in a night."

    We leaned over the railing in silence for a while, before I reached for the cigarettes and lit another.

    "Give me one of those" Jason said.

    "Yeah?" I said as I offered him the pack.  "Another one of my bad habits you've picked up?"

    "Yeah" he chuckled.  "Always end up smoking the day after I get fucked."

    He lit up, took a deep draw, and then exhaled the smoke as he looked back out into the bay.

    "I suppose you're wondering about me" he said, not taking his eyes off the horizon.

    "Yeah" I replied.  "I mean, before last night you gave me no indication you were into this sort of thing."

    "I know" he said.  "I wanted to say something when we met up, but something stopped me."

    "Are you ashamed?" I asked.

    "No, not any more" he replied.  "I mean, I was, but recently I've stopped feeling that way."

    "When did you start sleeping with men?" I asked.

    "Last night" he replied, smirking a bit.  "Honestly, that was my first night sleeping with a guy.  But if you mean when did I start having sex with men, that was at uni."

    "You mean you just had hook-ups and then left?" I asked.

    He paused to take another deep drag of his cigarette.

    "Yeah, on the few occasions I did it at a guy's place or in a hotel.  Mostly it was other places."  He paused again.  "Parks, toilets, clubs.  You probably know the drill."

    "I do" I said.

    We stood in silence for a little while again, finishing off our cigarettes.

    "You know" I said, "pretty much everyone who fucked you last night is HIV positive, and not many of them are on meds."

    He nodded.  "Are you?" he asked.

    "Yes" I replied.  "Some of the guys here worked to get me pozzed a few years ago.  I've been on meds since then, mostly."

    "Did you know they were pozzing you?" he asked.

    "Yes" I said.  "I realised it's what I wanted."

    He was silent for a while.

    "It's what I want too" he eventually said, almost whispering.  "I don't know why, and I know it's a bit fucked up, but once I realised that I don't want to be spending my life pretending to be something with a woman, and actually just want to be getting used by men, thinking about getting the virus sort of followed on soon after."

    "So you're not poz already?" I asked.

    "No, although who knows after last night" he replied, before turning to face me.  "I hadn't actually planned on doing what I did last night.  But I saw you getting fucked so openly, and I just sort of let go."

    "Fair enough" I said.  "I think I would have got gangbanged anyway, so it was good to have someone to share the burden with."

    He smiled at me.  "Any time" he said.  "It seems like you're a bit of an expert in how to be what I want to be, so it would be good if you could show me the ropes while I'm here."

    "Ropes" I said, smirking, "so you want to be tied up?"

    He laughed.  "Hey man, I'm up for anything".

    "Are you sure?" I asked.  "I mean, if you are, and you do truly want all this, then there's a couple of guys here who could take you on the same journey that I've been on."

    He gazed at me for a bit, before reaching out for the pack of cigarettes to light himself another, offering me one in the process.

    "Yes" he eventually said, breathing out a big plume of smoke.  "I mean, I don't know that I want to end up with all the tattoos that you have, but if I can leave Sydney with what I came here for then I'll be happy."

    "So you want some going away gifts?" I asked.

    He looked at me quizzically.

    "Gifts" I repeated.  "You know, gifting, the act of passing on HIV to someone else."

    "Oh" he replied, chuckling.  "Maybe you better start with getting me up to speed on all the lingo."

    "No problem" I replied, smiling, "but I think that will have to wait to later."

    I nodded towards the lounge area, where a few guys had appeared and were getting coffees.  However, Gus and Steve were just standing there looking out the window at us, and the looks on their faces told me all I needed to know.

    "We're about to get fucked again, aren't we?" Jason said, having looked round to see what I was staring at.

    "Yep" I replied.

    "Awesome" Jason said, turning back to face me with a smile on his face.  "I'm about ready for a few more gifts."




    Thanks for all the 'positive' comments on this story 😉

    I shall leave the rest of their story up to you readers to imagine.  Will Jason get what he came for?  Will he actually end up getting some ink?  Will any more of their school friends turn up bearing a dirty little secret?

    Over and out.

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  11. Jurgen and I invited Jason over for dinner a few nights later, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that he was relaxed, charming and fun to spend the evening with. Jurgen did notice our guest gazing at me on quite a few occasions, but interpreted it to be some form of hero worship rather than anything else. However, after he told me about it when we were getting ready for bed that night, I wasn't so sure.

    Jason joined us again for dinner on an evening when Aiden and Peter were also over, and seemed to make a good impression on them too.  One thing led to another and they eventually invited him to join us at an upcoming gathering on the beach, despite my slightly wide-eyed glaring at them.  Jason did seem to be relaxed around a bunch of gay men, but I wasn't sure how he would cope with the antics that usually went down on these Big Beach Barbie days.  I determined to find a way to get him to head off once it started to get late, even if I had to take him away myself and then come back later.

    However, as it turned out, that wasn't an option.  Rather than all just heading to a beach by whatever means, our next trip turned out to be a much more involved affair with everyone piling onto a stupidly huge private yacht owned by some guy called Alexei that Steve knew.  He presented as a flashy Russian, but actually turned out to be a quiet and gentle guy who just wanted some company for a couple of days.  The dozen or so of us attending thus all got settled into the various cabins before he motored us up to his chosen anchoring point, from where we could swim or use a smaller boat to get to the beach. Throughout the day people went back and forth to the boat to fetch more alcohol and food, thus fuelling a truly messy day.

    The sun hadn't even gone down by the time I was first ushered off into the trees by a couple of guys, and when night did eventually fall I was already carrying several loads inside me.  Despite the alcohol consumption I was at least able to do my best to slip away at points when Jason was engaged in conversation with someone else, but that all became moot when it was dark and we all headed back over to the yacht for the rest of the night.

    Barely ten minutes after we were back on board, and despite my protestations that maybe we should go to a cabin, Gus had me down on all fours on the main deck.  There was now nothing to be done to protect Jason from seeing all this, and I was very aware that he was one of the several guys standing around watching me getting bred.  Indeed, he stayed watching as Gus blew his load, withdrew and was replaced by guy after guy after guy.  I had deliberately worn black speedos to hide the 'CUM DUMP' lettering on my buttcheeks from him, but there was no way he couldn't now see them thanks to the light spilling out of the windows of the yacht onto the deck.  I was truly out to him now.

    Eventually Jurgen reappeared from somewhere and settled down to sit in his favourite spot at my head, so I could gently nurse his dick while others went to town on my arse.  My awareness of what else was going on diminished at that point and I just disappeared into my normal cumdump role, but when there was no-one fucking me anymore I let Jurgen's cock slide from my mouth and sat up. We were alone on deck, but could hear quite a bit of noise coming from the lounge area inside.

    "What's going on?" I asked Jurgen, being unused to the gangbangs tailing off like this.

    He smiled back.  "Let's go inside and find out" he replied, giving me a bit of a wink.  He'd been sat on the deck with me all this time, but seemed to know more than he was letting on.

    I hesitated, and then clambered to my feet and headed towards the door.  As I turned into the room and pushed my way through a couple of the guys standing in front of it, I was greeted with a sight that made my stomach drop.  There, on all fours in the middle of the room, was Jason, hungrily sucking on Alexei's cock like a man possessed.  But it was his other end that caused me the greatest shock.  Steve, his scorpion and biohazard tattoos on full display, was balls-deep in Jason's arse and fucking him to kingdom come. There definitely wasn't a condom in use, and based on what I could see there was already at least one load in Jason's passage.

    "What the..." I muttered.

    "Looks like you're not the only Pommy cumdump in town" whispered Jurgen into my ear, chuckling slightly.

    "I...I guess not" I sighed, unable to take my eyes off what was happening in front of me.

    Jurgen put his hand on the small of my back and urged me forward.

    "Go join your friend" he said.  "Show him how it's done."

    I hesitated, but eventually relented and started to slowly move towards the spitroasting trio.  I =then got down on to my knees and crawled forward until my face was almost against Jason's in Alexei's crotch.  He noticed my presence and pulled off the substantial cock, turning to face me while his body was rocked back and forth by the force of Steve's pounding.

    "Hey" he said, his eyes glassy like my own get when I'm starting to get completely fucked out.  "Thought...I'd...give...it...a...try..."

    I just stared at him, and then when he turned back to Alexei I did the same and we began to share our host's dick.  In no time someone else had joined the party and I too was getting fucked.  Initially my head was going a thousand miles an hour as I tried to process what was happening, but eventually I calmed and relaxed into the familiar feeling of being a cumdump. My cocky straight friend was apparently one too, the way things were going he'd probably be getting pozzed if he wasn't already already carrying the bug, but that could wait until morning. For now, there were dicks to serve, loads to take, and a whole lot of fun to be had.

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  12. Over the next few days I fell into a bit of a rhythm, getting tatted each morning, resting in the afternoon, and then taking toxic loads wherever and whenever Gus and Steve decided in the evenings. Sometimes locations and positions had to be changed to allow for minimal issues with my fresh ink, but what remained consistent is that while I was getting pounded I would only be wearing the jockstrap, the big new chain, and maybe some form of footwear. After a few days I was taken back to the piercing place to get the studs replaced with big chunky hoops, after which I was moved on to a salon to get my hair cut and shaved into a new style that just screamed "slut" when I finally saw the reflection.

    Eventually all the main ink work was done, and just in time too as I started to feel a bit rough. Guessing what was coming, Gus and Steve packed up what things I had at their place and drove me back to Aiden and Peter's apartment. I was welcomed back with big smiles and a lot of appreciation for my new look, before being ushered into bed.

    What followed I later learned was the 'fuck flu', and I felt about as bad as I had ever done. I was never entirely with it, but was occasionally aware of one or more of the guys being beside me and looking after me. I'm not even sure how many days it went on for, but finally the symptoms passed and I was able to get up and leave the bedroom. Aiden then took me to a clinic to get tested to confirm that I had now converted, before driving me back to Irwin's tattoo parlour to get the final part of the work done.

    That evening as I sat back at Peter and Aidan's place, trying not to fidget with the big biohazard sign adorning my right pec, they finally told me that I had been sick for so long that I had actually missed my flight home. They reassured me that they had sorted things for the time being with Home Affairs and that I hadn't gone AWOL somewhere in the country, but advised me to call my family and explain.

    It was then that I found myself wondering whether I really wanted to go back. Some of this was the fear of what might happen when everyone saw me, but by then I was also feeling like maybe I belonged in Sydney. I suspected Jurgen had been the one to buy me the big chain, and I sort of had an itching inside to explore that a bit more as I did really like the guy. I loved being somewhere so sunny, where I could wear a minimal amount and show off both my body and my new ink. I had grown really fond of Aiden and Peter, and actually felt a lot of warmth towards Gus and Steve. These guys all really knew me, accepted me for who I was, and had helped me to get there myself. Back home no-one did, and I suspected not one of my friends would understand or be able to get on board with it. I'd have to start over, in the grey drabness of Brexit Britain.

    After an evening of quietly contemplating all this, the next morning I spoke to Aiden about it. Being a lawyer, I thought he might know a bit more about whether it was even a possibility for me to stay if that's what I decided I wanted to do. It turns out they had been talking about whether to ask me if I would consider staying, and had even done the legwork on finding out how it might work.

    To cut a long story short, one filled with many conversations with my baffled family and a lot of red tape, I enrolled at the University of New South Wales after arranging a transfer of the place I had been offered at the University of Nottingham back in the UK. I stayed on in Australia under a student visa that allowed me to work, and got a job as a barista in a trendy coffee shop that seemed to appreciate having staff who were inked and pierced.

    I moved in with Jurgen, initially just taking a small box room he had for a notional rent, but in reality sleeping with him in his room each night as our relationship blossomed into something loving. He had indeed been the secret admirer who had bought me the chain, and over time he added to my collection with big chunky bracelets that I wore on each wrist. I tried to resist his spending on me, but in truth he earned an absolute fortune as a property developer while having few desires of his own other than what I could offer him in companionship. It was a bit of a sugar daddy relationship, but I eventually realised I loved him and certainly never took any of it for granted.

    I did make some friends at the university, particularly through an LGBTQ group, while also continuing to spend a lot of time with Peter and Aiden, Gus and Steve, and variously with all of their friends. Jurgen and I were not exclusive, and indeed he seemed to greatly enjoy watching other men fuck me, so there were regular parties that I would spend most of on my back or my hands and knees.  I mostly stayed on meds, but occasionally would take a break from them when Gus and Steve had found another guy who wanted to be taken on a journey. Those were the only men for whom I would perform as a top, otherwise remaining a true cumdump bottom.

    After graduating I was able to arrange the necessary permits to stay in Australia and work, allowing me to really get into the world of coffee that I had found a bit of a passion for while working as a barista. I joined the team at a new start-up that eventually grew into a very successful roastery, and led on the opening of its first shop in Surry Hills a couple of years later. It didn't hurt that some of the delivery drivers I had hired happened to be guys I had recognised from various cruising spots I had been whored out in, giving me a regular supply of both coffee cups and toxic cum.

    About two years after I had graduated, I got an email from Jason, one of my old school friends back in London.  I had largely lost contact with them all, other than through the sort of relationship you maintain on Facebook with people you don't really know anymore, so it was a bit of surprise when he reached out to me.  He had joined his dad's business straight out of uni, was being sent to Sydney for six months to work on a project, and wanted to reconnect with me (I assumed so that he would have at least one person he knew in the city, not that he was modest enough to say so).

    I didn't reply immediately, as I hadn't actually got around to coming out to any of them, and assumed that my parents (who had visited during my third year at uni) wouldn't have said anything to them after they left the city in such a state of shame and disgust at who I had become. However, I eventually got back to him, let him know I would be happy to see him, that I was gay and in a relationship, and wasn't quite the person he once knew.

    He then took a few days to reply, but eventually did and still seemed to want to meet up.  And so it was, a couple of weeks later he called me after he had arrived and got over the jet lag, keen to go out for a beer.  I had pretty strong butterflies as I headed to the bar we had agreed to meet at, but felt a surge of self-confidence when I saw him do a clear double-take at his first sight of me as I walked towards his table.

    "Fucking hell James" he exclaimed as I got to the table. "What the fuck happened to you?"

    I smiled and winked as I sat down.  "Told you I'd changed a bit" I said, clanking my big bracelets down on the table.

    "Fuck me" he replied, scanning my tatted arms, as well as the upper part of the biohazard that was visible thanks to my choice of a tight black low-cut tank top.  "Your parents said you looked a bit different, but I had no fucking idea it was like this."

    I shrugged and picked up the bar menu that was on the table.  "What else did they tell you?" I asked, not making eye contact.

    "Nothing" he replied, "they didn't seem to want to talk very much."

    "Figures" I muttered, recalling their faces when they too had first seen me.

    "And you're gay now" Jason said.

    "Yep" I replied, making and maintaining eye contact with him.

    "How did that happen?" he asked, before checking himself.  "I mean, were you always or was it just..."

    "Just when I got spit-roasted on a beach?" I finished, causing him to flinch a little and look down, leading to a short uncomfortable silence.

    "You what?" he eventually asked, looking back up at me.

    "As I said" I replied, shrugging but not breaking eye contact.  "The family gifted me a few nights at some posh resort up north, met a couple of guys there, ended up in bed with them, and the rest is history.  Wasn't gay before, just maybe a bit curious, and now I'm all about the cock."

    I hadn't necessarily planned to be as direct and crass as I was being, maybe it was some sort of defence mechanism, but to be fair to Jason he was rolling with the punches.

    "You are, huh?" he said, smiling.  "Never would have thought of you like that, but each to their own."

    We sat looking at each other for a few moments, before somehow moving past my revelations and lapsing into our old conversational style.  Fortunately this was without some of the attempts to impress with macho bullshit that I had known Jason for in days gone by, and although he still came across as a bit cocky, it was familiar and comfortable and I ended up having quite a good evening with him.  We talked about our families, lives now, our time at uni, what everyone else we mutually knew was up to, and so on.

    "So" he said, as we started to wind down towards the end of the night, "would it be OK if I met this sugar daddy boyfriend of yours."

    I must have been visibly a little startled that he was wanting to see more of this other life I now had.

    "I mean, I don't know anyone else here" he continued, "and I'd like to hang out with you again so I should probably get to know your other half."

    "Er, yeah, sure" I replied.  "I mean, you could come over for dinner, or drinks, or something.  There's fucking awesome views from our terrace."

    "That would be nice" he said.  "Got to meet this guy who turned the school stud into someone who is "all about the cock."" He winked as he said that.

    "Well actually it wasn't..."  I started, before stopping.  "Never mind.  OK, sure, I'll text you once I've spoken to him."

    We wrapped up shortly after, and I got up to head out.  However, as I was walking away I briefly turned back to see Jason's gaze firmly fixed on me, with a wistful sort of expression on his face.

    I realised then that things could be about to take an interesting turn...

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  13. I slept for hours, finally being woken by the amount of light in the bedroom. I soon needed an urgent piss, and as I got up, donned the now rather used leather jockstrap I had left on the floor, and headed for the bedroom door I noticed a real ache in my rear end. Those guys the previous night had really done a number on me.

    While I urinated, some of the things Gus and Steve said to me the night before went back through my head and I felt a significant churn in my stomach at the prospect of what might await me. If anything I was more nervous about this next stage than I had been about getting pozzed, presumably because they clearly intended to change how I looked and that wasn't going to be something I could just hide from friends and family back home.

    I stood at the toilet for a while after my flow had finished, before drawing a couple of deep breaths, washing my hands and then heading downstairs. I was only wearing the jockstrap, but assumed there would be no issue with that. Gus and Steve were in the kitchen drinking coffee, and both looked up at me and smiled as I came in.

    "Morning" said Gus. "You sleep well boy?"

    "Hi" I replied. "Yes sir."

    "Good lad" said Steve.

    "Ready for the day?" asked Gus, giving me a sly smile.

    "I don't know" I replied. "What will you be...be doing to me Sir?" I continued.

    "Nothing you don't want" said Steve, giving me a more gentle look than Gus was. "We'll be taking you to a few places, giving you a few options, and then you can decide for yourself."

    I nodded and looked down at the floor. "What sort of places?" I asked.

    "Just wait and see" said Gus.

    "Now" said Steve, getting up and heading across the room, "you can't go out like that, so Aid has dropped these over for you."

    He handed me a cloth bag, which when I looked inside appeared to have some of my clothes.

    "He also left this for you" said Steve, turning round and picking up a box off the counter that he also then handed to me.

    I opened it up to reveal another smaller, flatter box inside, which seemed pretty fancy and heavy. I opened it up, to be confronted with the largest silver chain I had ever laid eyes on.

    "Wh..." I mumbled, looking up at the two of them.

    "Don't ask us" said Steve. "He told us it was a gift for you from an admirer."

    I plonked the box down and lifted the chain out, only then realising just how heavy it was. At least an inch wide, it had to weigh a kilo or more.

    "Well" said Gus, "you better put it on."

    I hesitated, and then undid the boxy clasp and put it around my neck and re-secured it. It felt so heavy, but also so good.

    "Sexy stuff" said Steve, winking at me. "Someone must really have a thing for you."

    I turned towards the oven to get a bit of a glimpse of my reflection in the glass, and loved what I saw. I had never worn any jewellery, nor even thought about doing so, but I was immediately taken with how this beast of a chain looked on me.

    Gus had begun rummaging through both boxes the gift had been in, but then turned towards me and shrugged.

    "No card, no nothing" he said. "But someone you've put out for must really have wanted to see you in this."

    I stood gazing at my reflection for a bit longer, before I felt a sharp slap on my exposed buttcheeks.

    "Enough of the self-loving" said Steve as he bounced away from me. "Get some proper clothes on over that jockstrap, then have something to eat. The coffee's hot."

    About an hour later I had eaten, and was dressed in a pair of cargo shorts and a tight black tank top, whilst the new chain was on full display. We then headed out in their car again, driving a little while to a set of shops on a quiet road in some part of the city I didn't recognise. I still didn't have my mobile phone, so remained in the dark once more about where on earth in Sydney I was, something I was getting used to as I largely just did what the guys told me to.

    After parking the car we wandered up to a tattoo parlour, which hadn't yet opened so we paused on the pavement outside to have a cigarette. In time the owner appeared on the other side of the door to turn over the Open sign, and then we went in.

    "G'day Gus, Steve" said the owner, a big bear of a man wearing a muir cap. "What can I do for you today?"

    "This is the friend we called you about the other day" replied Gus. "He's here to see what you're proposing."

    "Ah, I thought so" replied the owner, looking me up and down. "Got yourself a bit of a stud this time. Well, let's get to it then."

    This time, I thought, as we headed through a curtain into a back room. Clearly I wasn't the first to be going on this journey.

    The owner walked over to an island desk, and pulled out a portfolio from a shelf below it. He opened it up at a certain page, and then turned it around towards me. I slowly walked over to see a series of sketches on a generic man's body of an array of tattoo art, including some designs on the upper arms and lower legs. However, what really caught my attention were the sketches from the front and back, the former showing a large biohazard design on one of the pecs, whilst the back one had a scorpion design below the neck and then fairly large letters on the upper buttocks spelling out CUM DUMP. My eyes must have widened significantly, as both Gus and Steve started laughing.

    "What do you think, boy?" chuckled Gus.

    "I..." I mumbled, unable to really form words. Was this really what they wanted to put on me? Could I say no? Did I even want to say no? Why was my dick getting hard?

    "You don't have to say yes or no now" said Steve. "What Irwin here is going to do is draw on some of this with a marker so you can see how you feel about it for a few days. Then, if you want it, you can get his brother in London to actually ink it in when you get home."

    I stood there staring at the images, before a wave of calm mixed with euphoria rushed over me.

    "No" I said.

    "No?" asked Gus.

    "No marker" I said quietly. "I want the needle."

    I'm not sure where this was coming from, but I also knew I was sure about it. Maybe it was a rash decision, but as I stood there looking at the sketches of some generic man, I somehow realised who I was and what I needed to be. I *was* a cumdump. I *was* probably well on my way to being poz. Why not just be that man?

    "Are you sure?" asked Steve, who looked a little ruffled as I turned to face him. "You don't have to."

    "No, I want to" I said, then turning to the man whose name I now knew was Irwin. "When can we start?"

    "Blimey boy, you don't beat around the bush do you?" he replied. "Well, I've got no bookings this morning so we can start right now. But it will take a few sittings to get it all done."

    "Fine" I said, maintaining eye contact with him. "Let's start on my arse and then work through the rest from there."

    My sudden and unexpected determination was clearly not something any of them had been prepared for, but things soon moved on and Irwin got me prepped to begin. Gus and Steve hung around for a bit, but decided to head on out to pick up some of the other things they had initially planned just to show me, given I was clearly up for a big change.

    Getting tattooed hurt, there's no denying it, but I barely flinched or uttered a noise as Irwin began to transform my smooth, tanned, unadulterated skin. By the end of a marathon session he had adorned my behind with its permanent advert to other men, the outline of the scorpion on my upper back was mostly done, and he'd even made a start on my arms. The biohazard would come when I had truly converted.

    Gus and Steve picked me up later on, and took me to another place in some other suburb. There, while working around my need to not sit down on the new letters stamped on my behind, my ears were pierced and big silver studs put in them, and my nipples got the same treatment. It all hurt like fuckery, but I seemed not to care. From there we went home, and I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening in various positions trying to get comfortable, smoking to deal with my restlessness, and eventually riding their cocks and taking their viral loads in a bid to feel something more pleasurable.

    By the time I went to bed my head was somehow both numb and super busy. In the space of a couple of days I had gone from being a hot young guy with any future he wanted ahead of him to someone who was permanently marked as a poz cumdump slut both on the outside and, probably soon, the inside as well. How would anyone at home ever understand? Would I even be able to resume any degree of normal life? Would I be rejected by everyone I knew and loved?

    These thoughts, and the pain in various parts of my body, plagued me for hours until sleep took me and I passed out.

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  14. I'm not going to lie: the first one hurt. Despite the lubing and fingering I had engaged in on the car ride over, the rough, uncompromising entry of a very girthy, pierced dick was painful. The guy wielding this silver-ringed phallus was aggressive and clearly riled up, so I had little choice but to just stay bent over and yelp my way through a hard pounding until, thankfully, he spurted his toxic babies in me after only a few minutes.

    Thereafter things got a bit easier, as the two guys that followed weren't nearly as well-hung and my anus had relaxed a bit and been lubed some more by the first load.  They both lasted longer than the first guy, meaning he was good to go again by the time they were done. Fortunately it was a more comfortable fucking second time around.

    I stayed over the barrel for quite a while, only occasionally getting a moment to stand up straight and stretch before someone else stepped up to have a go in me. I was aware there were other men in attendance after a while, but I have no idea if any of them were poz as they weren't particularly vocal. I suppose it didn't matter though, as by that point I was on a second consecutive night of taking highly toxic loads so was probably well on my way to conversion anyway.

    Things shifted up a gear when a large group of men arrived en masse, such that I wondered if they had come on some sort of pozzing coach excursion. Once they were there I was allowed to move from the barrel to the filthy mattress, and was then flipped repeatedly between missionary and doggy-style positions depending on each fucker's preference. As the night wore on and my hole got looser and looser, they moved on to double-fucking me, again in various positions, and often with a lot of poz talk to keep everyone aroused. Interestingly, all focus throughout the night was on my rear end, with only the occasional presentation of a dick to my face for me to lick or suck, and usually only to clean after it had fired off in my backside. I was otherwise free to occasionally smoke when Gus or Steve presented a cigarette to me, and otherwise just stare ahead of me to the water or up through the trees to the starry night sky.

    Throughout all this I was increasingly in a trance-like state, almost like I was witnessing this happening to someone else. I was obviously feeling all the fucking, the changing of positions and the hard slaps on my buttocks some of the guys chose to land on me, but somehow it didn't feel real and as such I didn't entirely engage. Perhaps some of the guys there would have preferred me to be either begging for their loads or whimpering like I was being raped, but I didn't really utter much at all after my yelping during that first brutal fuck. I don't know, maybe it was a defence mechanism to help me mentally cope with what I was allowing to happen to me.

    However, in time it all started to take its toll, and I was apparently wincing for the first time as two well-hung guys ploughed into me in tandem. This is when Steve and Gus started to bring things to a close, but not before I had taken their loads in the final double-fucking of the night. They then hauled me up from the mattress and handed me a bottle of water.

    "You did good, boy" said Gus.

    "Thanks" I whispered.

    "You sore?" asked Steve.

    "Yes" I replied, "but I'm OK."

    "Good boy" Steve said. "Now let's get your hole cleaned up so you don't mess up the car on the way home."

    They made me squat near the river before squirting water out of a couple of bottles at my backside, and then handed me some wet wipes and a towel to finish off the job myself. There were still a few of the other men hanging around and it was all a bit bizarre doing this with an audience, but at least they weren't fucking me any more. Once clean, I threw all the wipes and towel in a plastic bag Gus held open for me, and then we set off back through the bushes to the car. I was sore, but it was still a blessed relief to sit down in the back seat once we got there.

    "Relax boy" said Gus, as Steve started driving us home, "you're going to get a bit of a break for a couple of days now, apart from us two needing your holes."

    "But tomorrow" continued Steve, looking at me in the rear-view mirror as he drove along the deserted roads, "we'll be taking you out to start your other conversion."

    "My other conversion?" I asked.

    "Yes boy" said Gus. "It's one thing to have the virus, which I'm sure you will do soon, but it's another to actually look like a true poz cumdump. Tomorrow we'll get you started down that road too."

    I started trying to form the questions that were entering my head, but then sighed and turned to look out of the window.

    "Yes sir" I responded quietly.

    "Good lad" Gus said, before we then drove the rest of the way in silence. Once back at their house I took and shower and then limped to bed, my arse starting to ache more and more, all while my head was swirling with anxieties, questions and flashbacks. What would they be doing to me tomorrow? What did a true poz cumdump look like? What if I didn't want to have done to me whatever they were planning?

    Eventually physical and mental exhaustion took me over, and I turned on to my side and closed my eyes.

    "What will be will be" I whispered to myself, before drifting off to a restful sleep.

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  15. I awoke later in the day while it was still light outside, and spent a few confused moments wondering where I was. However, as I noticed the leather accessories I was still wearing and the ache in my rear end, it all came flooding back to me. Yes, I had really spent the night in a dingy warehouse sex club, taking load after load of toxic cum. My stomach churned at the thought, and yet my dick started to harden again.

    I lay in the bed for a while, staring at the ceiling as I processed everything in my head. Although it hadn't entered my mind since I had arrived in Sydney and resumed my role as Peter and Aidan's personal cumdump, I now knew that all prospects for going back to my old life were gone. I was never again going to be the popular, hunky, athletic jock with a string of girlfriends and female suitors. I was never again going to be the alpha. But, I found myself wondering, did I really care? Was that ever who I actually wanted to be? Sure, I loved being athletic and sporty, and I seemed to be both comfortable and happy making lots of friends and being popular. However, maybe the girlfriends thing was me just playing a role. Maybe my ever-present curiosity about what it would be like to be with a man indicated that it was really a suppressed desire. The willingness with which I had submitted in the Whitsundays, the cock hunger I had exhibited as I made my way around the country, and the peace and calm I had felt while living with the guys in their apartment and taking several loads a day all seemed to indicate that my true nature had now been found.

    After realising that I could still be the popular sporty guy if I wanted, but just one who lived a different kind of life to all the colour-by-numbers types who normally inhabited that role, I felt at peace and ready to face whatever the rest of the day was going to hold. I therefore hauled myself out of the bed, opened the door and wandered off to see what the rest of this house was like and who exactly the two kind-faced gents were who had brought me back here after participating in my gang-pozzing.

    As it happened there didn't seem to be anyone about, but I found a note that had been left for me on a table by the front door. I was invited to make myself comfortable, eat or drink anything I wanted from the kitchen, and get myself cleaned up in the guest shower room by the back door whenever I fancied. A loose-fitting pair of shorts and a tank top had been left for me in there, so after having a couple of glasses of water I took up their offer and had a long, hot shower. Sensing that it was expected of me, I also detached the shower head and used the hose to get my innards cleaned out. Once all dried off and dressed in the clothes they had left, I made my way out into their little back garden to smoke a cigarette from the pack that had been left with the note.

    I was sat at a chair in the kitchen eating some scrambled eggs on toast I had made when the two guys came back from wherever they had been, about half an hour after I had got up. They were both shorter than me and a bit chubby, with a range of tattoos visible on their limbs and each sporting a significant piercing or two. The one with a big nose ring introduced himself as Gus, while his partner with the chunky hoop earrings told me he was called Steve. They told me they were friends of Peter and Aidan's, and had been hearing about me since the other two had got back from Queenslands.

    "I hope you're feeling well rested" said Gus, "you have a long night ahead of you."

    "Yes sir" I replied, sensing I should maybe adopt the submissive role.

    "Good boy" said Steve, "it's right that you should know your place now."

    "Yes sir" I replied again. "What will I be doing tonight?"

    "Tonight, boy, you're going alfresco" said Gus.

    "Alfresco?" I asked.

    "Yes boy" said Steve. "There's a special place by the river where you'll be the star attraction tonight."

    "We've put a couple of little bootie calls out for you" said Gus, "and there will be plenty of others passing by who will want a piece of you."

    I looked between them, and then down at the floor.

    "Sir...will they all be pozzing me?" I asked.

    Gus laughed. "I can't vouch for all of them boy, but the guys we've invited along are definitely very toxic."

    "Plus you'll get a few more loads from each of us, and we practically have AIDS" laughed Steve.

    I visibly winced at that last comment, while continuing to stare at the floor.

    "Don't be scared boy" said Gus, coming over to me and rubbing my back. "From what Pete and Aid have told us, this is who you are meant to be. But that doesn't mean you can't go on meds when we've finally converted you, just like they have. You can be a perfectly normal, healthy jock, who just happens to be a poz cumdump."

    I nodded again. "Thank you sir" I said quietly. "I think that's what I want."

    "OK, good" said Steve. "Well, we'll focus on getting you pozzed, and then Pete and Aid can talk to you about the rest before you go home."

    Despite all this talk of me knowingly and deliberately catching this disease, their comforting words seemed to sort out the muddle in my head, at least temporarily. We then spent the next couple of hours sat in the garden chatting, smoking, eating and drinking, and I found that I actually really liked the pair of them. I was actually feeling grateful that I got to be taken care of by them during this journey I was on.

    Once night had fallen they decided we better get ready, which involved little for me other than another clean-out and then putting back on the leather jockstrap from last night to wear under the loose shorts. Gus and Steve changed completely so that they were back in leathers, and then they proceeded to spray me from head to toe with insect repellent. 

    "We want you pozzed, not eaten alive" said Gus as he rubbed the stuff up my inner thighs.

    "You'll also want to get some of this inside you" said Steve, handing me a tube of lube. "Once the guys get started on you later, you'll only have their loads to lube you."

    I duly squirted some out and rubbed it into my hole, then pulled my shorts back up and slipped the tube into one of the pockets. I then put on a pair of flip-flops Gus threw on the floor for me, and headed out the door with them into what appeared to be a quiet suburb. This time they walked me to fairly conservative looking car rather than the van they'd brought me home in last time, meaning I got to enjoy the view out the window as we drove. Sitting in the back seat I was also able to quietly finger and loosen myself up, adding more of the lube to really get myself ready.

    I didn't know Sydney enough to recognise anything for quite a while, so was still just as in the dark about where their house was as I had been the night before. However, at some point we were suddenly close to a big stadium that I realised meant we had reached the former Olympic Park, and from there it was only a bit more driving into increasingly quiet areas before we stopped at a giant, deserted car park and got out. From there it was a bit of a trek through some trees and fields until we arrived at a spot near the water that seemed to be completely secluded, with the only people around being three guys who seemed to be waiting for our arrival.

    "Here he is boys" announced Gus, as he and Steve led me towards an old mattress that had a large barrel standing next to it.

    "Get him over the barrel" one of the men said, which resulted in Steve urging me towards it. We stopped just in front of it, and he grabbed my shorts and pulled them down, encouraging me to step out of them. He left the tank top on me, and I bent forward to rest my hands on the barrel.

    "OK boys" said Steve, "get to pozzing!"

    So my night truly began...

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  16. Apologies for the long delay.


    I gave myself a couple days of rest after the all-nighter in the basement, and concentrated on starting to spend my winnings on things I had always coveted as well as stuff I felt I would now need. However, I was soon starting to feel the itch, and so set about creating suitable profiles on various sites. In no time I was fielding a steady stream of interested guys coming by the flat, keeping my desires satiated with load after load up my rear end. I wasn't specific about what I was looking for, but many of the men took great pleasure in telling me to take their "dirty loads" as they filled me up.

    The fuck flu took longer to set in than I had maybe expected based on my research, but when it struck I holed myself up at home and allowed the change to take its course. What energy I had was spent answering questions from estate agents and lawyers as my house purchase proceeded, as well as setting up fucks for when I was feeling better again. Of course, I occasionally allowed guys to swing by and coat my insides with more charged seed, as long as they were up for it given the state I was in.

    Three weeks later I was back to normal, had confirmed my status at a clinic and got started on meds, and was now going through another major life change. I had bought a relatively remote newly-renovated house that was ready to move into straight away, so was already getting my relocation underway. Being as rich as I now was, I paid a gang of men to do all the work for me. Fortunately I noticed a biohazard tattoo on the leg of the most rugged of them while he was hoisting up a particularly heavy box, resulting in both him and me getting a bit of regular fun during their tea breaks.

    In addition to my status and living situation, I set about some appearance changes. I started working with a tattoo studio recommended by the rugged mover to sort out how to mark my body, agreeing some designs for my arms and chest as well as the font to use for the words on my buttocks, and getting the transformation underway in a number of sittings.   I also got him to pierce my ears, and then bought in a load of chunky silver hoops and studs.  I also excitedly received some of the orders I had placed early on, allowing me to adorn myself with the huge silver chains I had always secretly looked at on the internet but never gone anywhere with because of how averse to such things Rachel was. By the time everything had been delivered, I wore a near-kilo bracelet on each wrist and two kilos round my neck.

    Throwing off the mental shackles of my relationship with Rachel also extended to other aspects of my new life as a poz cumdump. My conservative haircut was out in favour of something a bit sexier, and I allowed myself to start smoking again having been forced to quit by her during university. The clothes I wore - when I bothered - got tighter, highlighting my increasingly muscled frame, and to complete the look I bought some leather accessories like cuffs, a collar, a harness and some seriously sexy boots.


    About three months after my night in the basement, Ben texted me out of the blue to ask if I was up for helping him out with some clients. He was a bit vague about what sort of clients they were, but my role in assisting was clear. I would spend a long weekend at a country mansion tending to every sexual need the men had, refusing no loads and expecting nothing in return from any of them. Although my head told me I should be insulted about him expecting me to take on such a role despite having left the company, in my heart I knew I would say yes.

    A couple of weeks later a car came for me, with a bottle of champagne ready in a cooler in the back for me to enjoy on the drive out to somewhere in the Cotswolds.  The driver had evidently been briefed beforehand, as he stopped a couple of times along the way to bang a load into me while I had a cigarette or two, which suited me just fine. As he dropped me off at a sizeable stone mansion, he patted my backside and told me he was looking forward to the drive back on the Monday. I made a mental note to see if wanted to be my regular driver.

    I was met at the door of the mansion by a young stud dressed as a butler, who showed me to a spacious and luxurious suite. In addition to a living area and main bedroom, there was a second bedroom fitted out for the sort of fun I had been drafted in for. A bed with various restraints attached and ready for use, a sturdy free-standing leather sling, a fuckbench (a personal favourite of mine), and numerous dispensers for lube and poppers. A little flutter went through me as I took in the room, imagining what might happen to me in there over the next few days.

    I returned to the living area and opened up an envelope that had been left for me on the table, giving me some basics about my stay. I was evidently free to roam around the building and make use of the gym, indoor pool and other facilities when I wasn't otherwise engaged. Any food and drink I desired would be brought to me on request, and other coded wording suggested I could also be provided with any other substances I wanted.

    A second page of notes provided me with the info I was really after:


    This weekend you are to be the cumdump for a group of clients who will be staying here as part of a project we are all working on. Some of them are straight, some like a bit of everything, some are neg, others have declined to say.

    As you may have seen, we have set up a special room in your suite for this fun to take place in, but be ready to be called to other parts of the building and grounds if that is what our guests request. They all know that the lobby and the kitchen are off limits, but you will bend over wherever and whenever they want elsewhere.

    We will also be having a special group event on the Saturday night out in the stables, where you will be assisted by some of the other staff we have drafted in for the weekend. You will get more information on that earlier in the day, but we will make sure you have sufficient time to rest beforehand.

    In the meantime, please feel free to relax for a while before getting ready to start your duties from 6pm. Some guests may have specific requests for what they want you to wear, but otherwise you are free to dress however you feel comfortable.


    After reading it through a couple of times, I decided to order a chicken salad and some more champagne, which arrived promptly and was delivered by yet another young stud in a valet's uniform. He licked his lips when he saw me, but I decided it was probably best to save any playing with the staff until late. Once I'd finished my food I had a cigarette out on the small balcony, and then chilled out on the enormous couch for a while and watched some TV. At 5pm, after another cigarette, I decided to get myself ready.

    After showering and thoroughly cleaning myself out, I donned my wide studded leather harness, a black leather jockstrap and my boots. I finished off with the huge chains and my chunkiest silver hoops, before taking in the view in the full-length mirror in the bedroom. Content that I looked the part, I headed out onto the balcony to enjoy the late afternoon sun and have a cigarette and some more champagne. As it turned out, from that vantage point I got a great view of various luxury cars turning up and guests arriving, many of whom also noticed me showing off their entertainment for the evening.

    I knew then that this was going to be a fun night.

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  17. It had been some hours since I was delivered to this place by Peter and Aidan, and I was starting to show signs of wear and tear.  I had stopped counting loads at twenty, and that was quite a long time ago.

    When I had first walked in the room, I was set upon by a group of men of all shapes and sizes who swarmed around me and began groping and rubbing me all over.  One had eventually encouraged me to bend over a little, before a whole succession of them took turns rimming and fingering me.  Eventually I started to be given several huffs of poppers that got my head swimming, before I was suddenly pulled up, pushed towards a rig in the corner, turned around and lifted off my feet and into a sling.  Before I really knew what was happening my ankles were raised and pushed through some leather hoops, and then my wrists had been lifted and secured to the chains using the cuffs I was wearing.

    The rimming had continued for some time after that, but eventually moved on to a lot more fingering.  I repeatedly felt them nicking my insides with their nails while they were doing this, causing me to wince and yell out until a big chubby bear turned my head to the side and stuck his girthy cock down my throat to silence me.  He didn’t pull it out until the first of the cocks had been pushed up inside me and the fucking had begun.

    Every single man in the room had fucked and bred me while I was in the sling, ordering me to take their “toxic loads”, “hot loads” and “personal strains”.  I was strangely numb during all of this, just looking up at each of them as they pounded me hard.  All of them had tattoos of some description, including biohazard symbols, scorpions, skulls and crossbones, and one of them with a giant cobra winding down his torso to the snake’s flared, open mouth above his groin.  I concluded these were all markings to indicate their status as aggressive poz fuckers.

    Once I had been bred in the sling by everyone, I was allowed a bit of respite and fresh air in a small courtyard out the back.  I chose to stand to get the blood back into my arms and legs, which invited several men to come up behind me and push their cocks into my sloppy rear end.  At some point a cigarette was pushed between my lips, and I happily stood there and smoked a couple while being gently fucked.  I had enjoyed smoking a bit as a teenager, and as I stood in this place knowingly having a deadly virus repeatedly pumped into my backside, my previous health concerns about puffing on cigarettes seemed to fade.

    In due course I was then taken back inside, pushed onto a padded bench, strapped down and a blindfold put on me.  A pair of headphones was then put over my ears, blocking out almost all sound and pushing me into a state of sensory deprivation.  From then on all I could feel was the hard pounding I was taking up the arse, as well as the taste and stretching of the occasional cock pushed into my mouth and down my throat.  Based on the tang of blood and cum on some of them, I guessed they were fresh from breeding me.

    This is how my night continued.  Time seemed to lose all meaning, so I never knew how long I had been in each position before I was released, taken back outside and allowed to drink some water and smoke a few more cigarettes.  However, the final time I was escorted outside (after having been on my knees on a mat taking a succession of double-fuckings) dawn had broken.  There were considerably fewer men present by then, and my final stint indoors was a more sedentary affair as I got on all fours and took a few low-energy spitroastings.

    Once it was all over, I was hauled to my feet by a couple of hairy, slightly chubby guys in leather while everyone else remaining headed out and left.  The two guys had surprisingly gentle expressions on their faces, and took the time to check how I was.  They then escorted me through a side door to a filthy bathroom where I was able to take a quick shower while still dressed in all the the leather gear, and then once they dried me off with a raggedy towel they led me out of the building to a white van.  I was put in the back, which was fitted out with a dirty mattress, and then they climbed in the front and set off.

    As there were no windows in the back I just lay on the mattress, braced myself against the sides and closed my eyes, passing out into a deep sleep almost immediately.  I therefore had no idea how long we had been driving when I was awoken by one of the guys opening up the back door to allow the fluorescent light of a garage to pour in.  I climbed out and then followed them into a house attached to the garage, which I was surprised to find was just an ordinary dwelling.

    “Here you go” said one of the guys, “welcome to the Moulin Spooge.”
    “The Moulin Spooge?” I croaked.
    “Just a fun little name we have for our home” replied the other.  “Now, let’s get you to bed so you have some energy for this evening.”
    “This evening?” I asked.
    “Round two” he replied.

    I sighed, too tired to even ask any more.  I allowed them to lead me into a bedroom, where I collapsed onto the bed face first.  I felt my legs being lifted and my boots removed, before sleep took me over and I passed out, not knowing what the evening would bring but knowing I would take it all.

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  18. The journey to the life I now lead began on my 19th birthday, in the tropical setting of the Whitsunday Islands in Australia. I was there for my gap year before university, and while I was mostly staying in cheap hostels on my trip, my family had paid for me to stay for a few nights at a luxury resort in the Whitsundays for my birthday. At the time I would rather they had just given me the money, but hey.  I had arrived relatively late one night, and after the best sleep of my trip so far, I had spent the day relaxing by the pool and on the beach, taking full advantage of the free food and drink at the all-inclusive resort.

    That evening, as I sat by the pool and sipped on the champagne cocktail I had chosen to splash out a bit of extra cash to buy to celebrate my birthday, I kept noticing a couple of guys eyeing me up.  They looked to be in their 40s or maybe early 50s, they were both pretty rugged and muscled, and the matching rings they wore suggested they were a couple.  They would look away when I caught their eye, but each time their gaze would fall on me again shortly after.  It was clear they were interested in me, and the longer this went on and the more of the cocktail I drank, the more fervent the butterflies in my stomach got.

    I was the popular kid at school.  Tall, athletic, and apparently good looking based on the interest girls showed in me.  My involvement in virtually every sport going, as well as a regime of training at the gym from the age of 16, had given me a great body that I continued to work on in Australia, even though I had to make do with lifting rocks at the beach rather than working out in an actual weight room.  My time in the sun Down Under had also resulted in a nice tan all over, and I continued to shave much of my body hair to remain smooth and allow my muscles to really shine.  My normally dark blond hair had lightened under the sun, and I kept it short and simply styled.

    I had lost my virginity at 15, and had a steady stream of girlfriends until I left for Australia.  Indeed, I had also hooked up with quite a few women on my trip.  However, I did have a curiosity about guys too.  Not a longing or desire as such, but I did occasionally wonder what it would be like to be with a man.  As the older couple continued to leer at me, and the alcohol loosened my inhibitions, I decided to see where this would go so I could perhaps satisfy that curiosity.

    To cut a not particularly long story short, before the day was out I was on my hands and knees on their bed, experiencing my first spitroast.  The two guys, Aidan and Peter, were energetic and just the right amount of aggressive in their regular alternation between my front and back ends, such that I was rarely without both their sizeable cocks inside me.  I loved it, and got to enjoy taking several loads from each of them up my arse and down my throat before dawn broke.

    For the remainder of my time in the Whitsundays I served as their cumdump.  We spent almost all our time together, and I got to know them as kind and generous guys who had had to get creative with their sex lives given they were a pair of pure tops who had happened to fall hopelessly in love with one another.  I, meanwhile, explored this new-found passion I had for bottoming, and was basically open to anything they wanted to show me.  Double-fucking, bondage, fisting – you name it, we did it.  They had travelled to the islands prepared for whatever they found, meaning I could be fully inducted into the ways of mansex with all the supplies you would ever need.

    We parted ways when my stay at the resort came to an end but with a promise that I would give them a call when I arrived in Sydney, which I had decided would be the city I stayed in for a longer period to find some work and earn some money before I set off on my travels again.  Sure enough, a few weeks later I got in touch with them as I prepared to leave Melbourne, and was pleased when they insisted I save money on a hostel by staying with them for a bit.  It wasn’t said directly but clearly implied that my rent would be paid with my holes, which I was absolutely fine with.  Despite not being entirely sure about myself after I left the islands, and continuing to sort of believe I'd get a girlfriend back in the UK at some point, I soon found that I had an almost unquenchable desire to be fucked again. I had therefore been happily taking cock across the country as I travelled around, using hook-up apps, bars and even the odd public park as my means of meeting men. Despite being barebacked by Peter and Aidan, I had played safe thereafter and made every guy who got inside me use a condom.  I wasn’t to know that I would never use one again as I boarded the bus to Sydney.

    I ended up staying with them for several months, occasionally going off travelling for a couple of weeks at a time, but otherwise working in a couple of shops, hitting the gym regularly, taking in all the entertainment and amenities Sydney had to offer, and then getting loaded up at night.  Aidan and Peter enjoyed hosting parties, and I was soon one of the attractions on offer in their luxury apartment when their friends came to visit, often donning a skimpy waiter’s outfit over my increasingly muscular frame to notionally serve drinks and canapes to their guests but actually more so there was something for the various male visitors to rip off.  For some reason I never asked anyone to use condoms, trusting in Peter and Aidan to look out for me.  I even gained a sort of boyfriend in their close friend Jurgen, a Swedish ex-pat who lived nearby and had always been a regular dinner guest, and who now borrowed me on regular occasions to spend the night with him.  In essence, I had become a very happy and well looked after manwhore.

    However, it was all too quickly the end of my time in Australia.  Given the fun I was having and the money I was earning, I decided to cancel my plans to head over to New Zealand for a month and instead just stay in Sydney longer and then head straight back to the UK from there in August, prior to starting my university degree in late September.

    A couple of weeks before I left for the long journey home, Aidan and Peter let me know that they had organised a very special party for me to see me off, which I would ‘never forget’. They were tight-lipped on the detail, but I had to promise to keep myself free for the weekend, and be fully clean and ready by 8pm on the Friday so the festivities could begin.  

    Friday evening came around, and at 8pm on the dot Aidan and Peter arrived home carrying a couple of shopping bags.  They ordered me to strip, and then gradually tossed me bits of gear from the bags to get dressed into.  By the end of it, I was standing before them in big heavy black leather boots, a tight-fitting pair of leather chaps, a black leather jock, a multi-strap leather harness, and a fat padded leather collar with red trim and matching cuffs.  They seemed pretty happy, and I had to admit I loved the look too, mentally adding “leather fetish” to the list of things I was finding out about myself.

    We left the apartment and headed to their BMW in the basement car park, from where Aidan drove us for some time to an industrial area.  We left the main roads and entered the back alleys, and eventually parked up behind what looked like a warehouse.  There were a few men hanging around outside the door smoking, some in bits of leather but others dressed more casually, and they all turned and looked as I emerged from the car and walked with Aidan and Peter towards them, sizing me up and down as I approached.

    “This the boy, Pete?” asked one of them as we got closer.
    “Yes, ready and waiting” Peter replied.
    “Cool” said the man. “Get him inside and then you can be on your way.”

    I turned my head to Peter as Aidan urged me forward to the door.

    “What’s going on?” I asked. “Where are you two going?”
    “We’ll explain inside” Peter replied, not making eye contact with me.

    I had been nervously excited on the drive over, but now just felt exclusively nervous as the night seemed to be taking a bit of an unexpected turn.  However, I trusted the two of them, so allowed them to lead me through the door and into the building, which was dimly lit and seemed to be deserted.  They led me across an empty warehouse space and through another door, beyond which I could hear some low thumping music and lots of muffled male voices.  Aidan closed that door behind me, and then they stopped and turned to face me.

    “What’s going on?” I asked again.
    “Well boy, this is how it is” Aidan replied.  “You are a cumdump.  A natural.  You didn’t know it before you met us, but there’s no going back, is there?”

    I shook my head after a pause.

    “So” continued Peter, “tonight we’re helping you to complete your transformation to what you really are.”
     “The guys here tonight will be taking care of your needs for the next few days” said Aidan,  “and then we’ll take care of you before you go home to London and start living your life the way you’re meant to.”
    “What does that mean?” I asked, my voice slightly high and shaky.
    “It means, boy” replied Peter, “that you need to be free of any constraints so you can get that perfect arse of yours fucked by anyone and everyone.”
    “It means” continued Aidan, “that you will be taking loads tonight that will change you forever, and for the better.”

    It started to dawn on me what they were talking about, and I felt a sinking feeling replace the nerves.  Peter and Aidan were intending to get me pozzed.

    “You understand, don’t you boy?” said Peter.
    I looked down and nodded.  “Yes sir” I replied, referring to him in a way I had only previously done during some evenings of role play.
    “I think you want it” said Peter, “and I know you need it.”

    After a pause I nodded again, saying nothing.  My heart was kind of breaking, and yet I couldn’t deny that my cock was rapidly hardening in the confines of the leather jock.  This didn’t go unnoticed.

    “Thought so” said Aidan. “We’ve known a lot of cumdumps over the years, and can always tell which ones just need a little push to give themselves over to their true nature.  You, boy, are a classic case.”

    I just stood there looking at my feet, my mind seemingly both racing while also going blank.  I knew I could just get out of there and stop this, but somehow I also knew I would be seeing this through.

    “What you don’t know is that we’re both undetectable” said Peter. “In fact, pretty much everyone who’s fucked you in this city is.”
    “What does that mean?” I asked.
    “It means that we’re all on meds and shooting blanks” said Aidan. “The guys in here tonight are the exact opposite, and you won’t be leaving here until you’re riddled with the bug.” 
    “But this is your last chance” said Peter. “If you want to back out now then we’ll take you home.”

    When I said nothing, Peter smiled and patted me on the back, before turning and pressing a button on the wall.  Moments later, another door opened and the corridor we were standing in filled with noise.  I stood and looked towards it, until Aidan gently pushed me in that direction.  However, this time they didn’t come with me, and as I approached the door I turned to look at them.

    “Have fun, boy” Peter said. “When you’re ready your bed will be waiting for you.”

    I nodded, then then turned towards the door and walked through.

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  19. Sorry for the delays guys, work has been kicking my arse this week.  Here's the next part.


    “So” said a big beefy guy covered in a quilt of tattoos, “are you going to be a good submissive cumslut for us, or do we need to gag you?”

    “Er, er, I’ll be good” I said, rather meekly.

    “Good boy” he said, “because we’re all knocking you up tonight whether you want it or not.”

    I stared at him for a moment.  “I want it sir” I said quietly.

    I knew what the array of plus signs, biohazard symbols, scorpions and so on I could see inked on to their chests and arms probably meant, but somehow I was OK with it.  The thought that I could get pozzed had crossed my mind a while back as I contemplated what I was becoming, but it didn’t scare me in the way I thought it should.  Certainly not the way getting a girl pregnant had scared me into always playing safe with my previous partners.  I actually found it a bit of a turn-on, in a butterflies-in-the-stomach kind of a nervous way.

    “Good boy” the big guy said.  “Now tell us again what you want.”

    I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and then vocalised what was deep inside.  “I want you all to fuck me sir.  I want you to fill me with your loads.  I want you to knock me up.”

    He looked at me with one eyebrow raised, but didn’t say anything.  I realised he was waiting for a bit more.

    “Please breed me sir.  Please.”

    He nodded, and then gestured to one of the others in the room to step up.  A shorter guy of quite a stocky build with a shaved head who looked like he was Southern Europe somewhere stepped in between my legs.  He didn’t make eye contact with me until he had lined his cock up with my hole and pushed it inside, and even then it was only a brief glance before he looked back down at where his dick met my rear end.  He then started to fuck the brains out of me, far faster than I thought he would.  My heart was going like the clappers as he fucked me, knowing that I was about to get my first poz load.  I knew there’d be no turning back, that I would be firmly and finally transitioning into a complete cumdump, but I didn’t care.  I think maybe my lottery win had started to make me feel a bit invincible or something.

    The stocky guy went at a fast pace throughout the fuck, but as he neared orgasm he sped up to a crazy speed, slamming in and out of me like nothing had before.  I’m not even sure a pneumatic drill would have done to me what he was.  Then he slammed in one final time, threw his head back and roared, spurting his toxic load into me.  I felt myself yell out almost in relief, both at the power-fuck being over but also at the release of finally getting what deep down I now knew I wanted.

    “There you go boy” the big guy said, still the only one of them who had spoken.  “You’ve taken his gift.  Are you ready for the rest of us?”

    “Yes sir” I panted.

    Their gifts I got.  At that point there were seven of them in the room, and they all took turns fucking and breeding me as I lay back in the sling.  They were all pretty rough with me, but after the night I’d had my hole was sufficiently stretched and coated with cum that I could take it.  After their first round, some of the guys fucked me again, but eventually they were all spent.  The big guy then came over and unfasted my the clasps holding my wrists and ankles up on the chains, allowing me to lower my aching limbs and slowly stand up from the sling.  Cum flooded down the inside of my legs and dripped on the floor below me.

    “You had enough boy, or do you want more?” he asked, putting his arm around me in a tender way I wasn’t expecting.

    “More” I said, now completely lost in the fucklust of getting gang-bred in this dingy basement.

    “Well OK then” he said, encouraging me to slowly walk out of the room.  He guided me over to the other side of the room and had me stand in front of the padded bench.  I took the opportunity to stretch my arms and legs a bit, before kneeling on the bench and lowering myself forward on to all fours.  It was clearly designed for fucking, as there were supports for my legs, arms and torso.  As it turned out, there were also clasps on the bench too, and before long I was secured down on it as I had been on the sling.  I now had my bottom facing towards the doorway, and could only see the corner of the room ahead of me.

    What followed was something of pure fantasy for an emerging cumdump like myself.  Without ever seeing any of them, guy after guy fucked me and planted his seed in my hole.  A few of them grunted words at me, and a couple yelled comments about taking their dirty load as they came, but otherwise most were fairly quiet as they went about their business.  I really don’t know how long I was there, but as the numbers of men breeding me started to dwindle I guessed that it must be getting pretty late.  After a lull when no-one was at my rear end, I heard the familiar voice of the big guy from earlier.

    “Well my boy” he said, “I think that’s probably your lot for tonight.  I’m going to give you one more load, and then we’ll get you cleaned up and into a taxi home.”

    “Thank you sir” I replied, right before his enormous cock began to work its way into me.  He had definitely been my favourite fucker earlier on when I could see who was inside me, and despite the fact that my hole was definitely now quite sore, it was still nice to have him back up my channel fucking me.

    Throughout the fuck he gently goaded me with comments and observations about what I now was and what my life would be.  I felt a sort of calm and serenity washing over me as he worked his way around inside my hole, thinking of my new-found financial and sexual freedom.  I never needed to work again, I could go anywhere in the world I wanted and do pretty much anything, and after tonight I was also free to be the man I clearly was without fear and without remorse.

    He eventually flooded me for one last time, and then held in place inside me while he came down from the orgasm.  He gently stroked my lower back and buttocks as his giant cock softened, before gently pulling out.  He was gone for a moment, before I felt a pressure on my hole that wasn’t like any cock I’d had.  Then something popped inside, and I realised he must have put a plug in me.  He then released the clasps on my ankles before coming round the side of the bench to do the same with my wrists.  He helped me up off the bench, and then turned me to face him.

    “How do you feel?” he asked, gently stroking the side of my face.

    “Tired” I whispered, “but satisfied.”

    “You did well tonight” he said.  “I’ll be sure to tell Ben what a good little cumdump you were for us all.”

    “Thank you sir” I replied, smiling at him.

    “Now let’s get you cleaned up” he said, turning and putting his arm round me again.  He walked me out of the room and down to the changing rooms, where with a huge amount of tenderness he proceeded to help wash me down in the showers.  Several times he made sure the plug in my hole was secure and holding the loads inside, but as it was clearly going nowhere he eventually let it be.  Once I was washed, he helped me dry my aching body and then I got dressed into the tracksuit I’d worn the night before.  I pulled my phone out and had a look at the time, shocked to see it was nearly 5am.

    “Blimey” I said, realising how many hours I’d spent getting fucked.

    “This won’t be your first all-nighter” the big guy said, grinning at me.  “Cumdumps like you eventually sleep all day and ride all night.  It’s in your nature.”

    I wasn’t sure I liked the sound of that as a lifestyle, but nodded at him anyway.  Then we headed upstairs and out into the dawn where two taxis were waiting.  Before he got into his he handed me a business card with another mobile number handwritten on the back, and then he was gone.  I watched his taxi drive off, and then climbed into mine.  I gave the driver my address, and then just as we pulled away I booted up Google Maps and put a pin in my current location, not wanting to lose the opportunity to come back here again.  I then sat back, closed my eyes and thought about the start of the night when Rob had said the rest of my life was beginning there and then.  I realised he was right, but I’d had no inclination of just what a change was coming.  Involuntarily I found myself smiling, then opened my eyes to watch the waking world go by outside.

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  20. Knowing that I was probably going to be getting a right workover that night, I spent my time waiting for Ben by lubing and loosening my hole as best I could.  I retrieved a rather large carrot from the fridge, peeled it and then put it in some warm water for a while before working it into my arse, and once I was used to that I had a go with half a cucumber.  By the time I was done I was pretty loose, and had squirted quite a bit of lube up there in the process.

    Ben turned up shortly after 7pm, dressed in a tracksuit and carrying a sports bag.  After I let him in he set the bag down on the coffee table, stood and looked at me for a moment, and then sat down on the sofa to start unloading the bag.  A few minutes later and I was standing there with a really fat padded leather collar round my neck, matching wrist and ankle restraints, and a wide leather harness tightly gripping my chest and shoulders.

    “Right” he said, “that’ll do.  Now, put this on.”

    He handed me a loose tracksuit, which I put on over the leather accessories.  He then pulled out a big pair of leather boots and told me to put them on, allowing me to go and get some socks to go underneath them.  We had to adjust the ankle restraints to their loosest so they would sit just above the top of the boots, before zipping up the bottom of the tracksuit legs to cover them.

    Once I was dressed and ready we headed out, getting an Uber for quite some time.  I realised we must be somewhere in northwest London, perhaps near Kilburn, but I wasn’t sure as I hadn’t seen any tube stations or other landmarks to identify the area.  Ben had made me leave my mobile at home, and from where I was sitting I couldn’t see the driver’s satnav.  We pulled up in an area of dark and deserted buildings that looked like warehouses, some of which had broken windows and barbed wire round the fences.  The driver checked we were sure we were where we wanted to be, which Ben acknowledged before we got out.

    He led me round the corner and in between some buildings, and then round another corner I saw some men up ahead hanging around outside a door smoking.  We passed in between them to get to the door, all of them giving me looks as I went through that ranged from smirks to leers.  Once inside we made our way along a corridor, and then right into a surprisingly clean and well-lit room where there were benches, lockers and an adjoining set of showers.  Ben then had me strip out of the tracksuit, before he did the same with his.  Underneath he was wearing a similar get-up to me, with the addition of some leather armbands but without a collar like mine.

    “OK” he said, taking my hand, “let’s get you downstairs.”

    He led me out of the changing room and through a doorway opposite, through which was a staircase that went down between red-painted walls.  At the bottom we went through a curtain, and emerged into a full-blown sex club.  There was a large area with a bar, and I could see several rooms off at the sides and far end.  There were only a few guys there standing at the bar, and I quickly realised they were Mitch, Rob, Gavin and some of the others from work.

    “Here he is!” said Rob, smiling broadly at me.

    I smiled back at him, and looked around at the others.

    “Hey guys” I said.

    “You ready?” asked Mitch.

    “Er, I guess” I said, “but I’m not sure for what.”

    “The rest of your life” said Rob, winking at me.

    I smiled nervously at him, and was grateful when Gavin handed me a beer.  I took a few swigs and began to relax, despite everyone else except Ben being dressed in normal casual clothes while I was there in a leather fetish outfit.  I managed to join in the conversations, and eventually had sunk two beers and a couple of cocktails.

    “Right” said Ben, “let’s get on with this.  Is the room ready?” he asked Rob.

    “Yep, got the big one down the end” he replied.

    They all then set off down to the far end of the bar room, milling around me and encouraging me forward as they did.  We went through a door into another corridor, and then at the end turned left through an arch into a fairly large room.  In the middle was a sling attached to hooks on the ceiling, and over at the side was some kind of padded bench.  There were a few seats around the room, a couple of bottles of lube on the floor, but that was otherwise all there was to it.

    “OK my boy” said Ben, taking my hand and leading me to the sling, “let’s get you settled.”

    He encouraged me to turn around, plant my buttocks on the end of the sling and then lie backwards in to it.  I shuffled a bit once in position, and then he hoisted my legs up into the air.  He put my boots through some hoops, and then attached the ankle restraints to the chains with a couple of clasps.  He then made his way to the other end, raising my arms and attaching the wrist restraints to the chains in the same way.

    “Fuck me, his hole is gaping” said Lucas.  “You already fucked him?” he asked Ben.

    “Not for a few hours” he replied, before turning to me.  “You been working on yourself?”

    “Er, yeah, just some things from the fridge” I said, blushing.

    Ben smiled.  “Awesome” he said, “that means no waiting around.”  With that, he lubed himself up and then pushed into me, starting a fast and furious fuck almost immediately.

    I don’t know how long I lay there with my former colleagues using me, but they all bred me at least twice.  I was completely helpless with my wrists and ankles restrained on the chains, so I just took the fuckings without protest.

    Eventually the guys tired out, and started to zip up their trousers and put their tops back on.  Each of them came over and gave my arse a playful slap before leaving, so that I was finally left alone with just Ben.

    “So” he said, smiling at me, “did you enjoy your leaving do?”

    “Yes sir” I said, smiling.

    “Good” he replied.  “Now I think it’s time for the second part of your night.”

    I looked at him quizzically, and then he turned and left the room.  He was gone for a few minutes, leaving me prone in the sling to contemplate what he had lined up for me next.  Then he eventually reappeared, with a few guys I didn’t know following him.

    “Gentlemen, here he is” he announced.  “He’s well-loaded already, so just enjoy yourselves.”

    He then came over to me and stood beside the sling, putting his hand on the top of my head and stroking my hair while he looked down at me with a slightly sad-looking smile on his face.

    “Boy, it’s time for you to become who I think you really are” he said, “so you can enjoy the rest of your life free of inhibitions.”

    “What?” I asked.

    “Don’t hate me” he finished, before leaning down and kissing my lips.  Then he was gone, and I was alone with a roomful of men leering at me and my gaping hole.  It was then that I noticed their tattoos...

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  21. So began my new work routine.  Someone would find a way to have me leave for a longer lunch than normal, usually dressed up either as a working lunch or an offsite meeting.  I would then find myself in the disabled loo three floors up, getting my arse and throat reamed out by a whole host of men who would all dump their sticky goo inside my holes.  I never asked who anyone was, nor acknowledged what we’d been up to with any of them that I knew when we were dealing with the firm’s business later on.  In time, I was having sessions at which none of the gang from the Barcelona trip were present, even though that prospect had initially unnerved me.

    Things started to go up a gear when additional sessions before or after the working day started to be added to the equation.  Ben always initiated those, especially after another project he was working on began to eat away at his ability to join us for the lunchtime gangbangs.  He would use the online communicator to tell me to stay behind a bit late of an evening, or I would get texts while at home with Rachel telling me to be in an hour before normal.  Gavin, too, started using these routes to get more time from me, such that I would regularly find myself in at 7.30am for one of them and still hanging around past 7pm for the other.  Saturdays even started to come into play, with phantom meetings or working group sessions being set up for me in the office when in fact I would just be getting reamed out again.  On those occasions, as the only people in for the day, I would usually get bred on our own floor to up the ante somewhat.  Whoever it was and whenever it was that I was summoned for a breeding, I always complied.

    All of this began to take its toll at home, as the amount of time I spent there with Rachel gradually diminished.  I felt for her, I really did, but I just wasn’t in it any more.  I knew I had morphed into a true office cumdump bitch, and was increasingly comfortable and happy about that, so trying to act out as someone I wasn’t any longer at home was getting harder and harder.  Eventually the inevitable happened and she left, moving to Clapham to take up the spare room of a friend of hers who had recently also split from her boyfriend.  I was sad about the way things had ended between us as I did really like her as a person, but truthfully I was just glad to be free of one more potential barrier to my true slutty nature.

    With Rachel gone, I started to get home visits from guys at the office who lived within reach, most of whom would cover the excursion from their wives, girlfriends, boyfriends or whoever as being a trip to the gym.  I suppose there was an element of truth in that, given they gave themselves a decent workout when fucking me senseless.  What it meant was that the whole weekend was now open for me to get bred by my colleagues, and with eleven of them now taking advantage of what I had to offer, not a day went by without me taking at least three loads.


    The next big change came six weeks after Rachel and I broke up.  It was a Saturday morning, and I woke up quite early with plans to go for a jog before Ben came over.  I was quite excited about the visit this morning, as he’d finally decided to bring one of his own fuckbuddies over to have a go with my arse and as such I was going to get a breeding from someone who I didn’t work with for the first time.

    I’d done my teeth and got dressed into my jogging gear, but then picked up my phone to check my messages.  That’s when I noticed I had texts and emails from the National Lottery, which peaked my interest.  Whenever I’d won two pounds before I would just get an email telling me to log in to my account for some news about my ticket, but this time there were many more messages and I saw the word ‘jackpot’ for the first time.

    I didn’t go jogging.  Instead I spent the morning staring blankly at my emails and the lottery website, trying to take in what I was being told.  EuroMillions.  One hundred and forty million pounds.  Sole winner.  Even when I phoned in and went through dozens of questions to confirm things, I still couldn’t take it in when the lady confirmed I would be getting that much money in to my bank account in the next few days.

    Ben and his friend Frank arrived late morning, and I calmly allowed them to fuck me for a few hours without really engaging.  Ben could probably tell something was up, but he didn’t let on and just enjoyed spitroasting me with Frank.  They even double-fucked me without breaking me out of my near trance-like state, which Frank interpreted to mean I was just such a slut I had gone in to a cum-driven high.  I was happy to let him believe that, as it just seemed to spur him on to fuck me harder and thus cum faster.  When they eventually left they had each dumped four loads in my throat or arse.

    I was a bit more with it on the Sunday, so was able to engage a bit more effectively when Lucas from HR came round in the morning to breed me, and also when Vikesh from Ben’s other project stopped by in the afternoon to fill me with seed.  The following week I went through the motions at work and in the toilets, still a bit disbelieving that I was suddenly that wealthy.  However, when Thursday evening came round and I got home at 9pm after a particularly heavy session with Gavin and his assistant James, I finally got the nerve to log in to my HSBC account.  Sure enough, the money was there.  I was fucking loaded, in every sense of the word.


    I started dealing with what had happened by calling Rachel.  It was nice to speak to her actually, and she agreed to meet me for a coffee.  When I told her that I was giving her seventy million pounds she assumed I was telling some kind of weird joke she didn’t understand, but eventually she started to believe when I explained my reasoning.  We had been together when I had bought my rolling EuroMillions ticket, it had kind of been her idea but I had been the one to actually register the account and make the purchase, I had picked her birthday as some of the numbers, and all in all I wanted to make sure she got what I felt she deserved.  I then apologised to her for the way things had gone between us, and told her I hoped that we could still be friends.  Unsurprisingly, with me having volunteered up a share of an absolute fortune that she would not otherwise have known about and certainly wasn’t entitled to, she forgave me for all that had gone before and we have remained quite close ever since.

    My next step was to quit my job.  As much as I enjoyed working there, I didn’t need the money and, to be honest, having to do 40 hours of actual work a week was starting to cramp my style as a true cumslut.  The guys would still be welcome to breed me whenever they wished, and I would be happy to stop by the office for trips to the disabled loos if they wanted me to at lunchtimes, but I didn’t want the hassle of having to pretend like I was this high-flying ambitious guy who wanted to climb the career ladder.

    I worked some of my notice period, and then took my outstanding annual leave for the rest of it so that I could bring my time in the office to an end.  I was thrown a leaving party by my team and the others on the floor, and we all went out for drinks at a nearby pub afterwards.  As it was a Friday night it was really busy in there, so there weren’t any trips to the loos with Ben, Mitch or any of the others to get my arse the seeing to it needed.  However, at the end of the night Ben took me back to my flat, and for the first he stayed over in my bed, fucking me several times before we both got up mid-morning on the Saturday.

    “So, Mr Wealthy Slutbags” he said as he sat down at the kitchen table, “what do you have planned now?”

    “Househunting” I replied, as I poured us both a coffee.

    “Well, that sounds like a daytime activity” he said.  “Does that mean you’re free tonight?”

    “I am indeed” I said, smiling.

    “Good boy” he said.  “In that case, a few of us guys want to give you the send-off you deserve.”

    “Oh?” I said, cocking an eyebrow as I walked over with our coffees.

    “It’s a surprise” he said, taking the cup out of my hand and then having a sip.  “I’ll be back later to pick you up.”

    “What time?”

    “Whenever I feel like it” he replied, giving me a bit of a glare.

    “Oh, er, yes, sir, of course” I stammered, surprised at how we had switched from pleasant chatting to our normal dominant-submissive relationship.

    He winked at me.  “Just kidding boy” he said.  “But seriously, be ready and cleaned out from 5 o’clock and I’ll be here at some point after that.”

    I breathed out in relief at his warmer tone.  “OK, I will be” I replied, “sir”.

    He smiled at me as I added the last word after a short pause.

    “What should I wear?” I asked.

    “Jockstrap” he said.  “I’ll bring the rest.”

    “Oh” I said, suddenly understanding that this was not going to be night out drinking or clubbing with the guys.  “OK sir.”

    With that, the conversation switched back to what I was now going to do with my life.  We talked about where I would look to live, where I wanted to travel, the things I would buy, and the people in my life I would take care of.  He never once made even the remotest suggestion that I should include him in any of that, and actually gave me some really good advice about how to dish out my winnings to my loved ones without causing offence or creating rifts between everyone.  It was then that I decided he would be a beneficiary, once I’d figured out the perfect gift to give him.

    Ben left later that morning, and I spent the day registering with various high-end property consultants so that I could arrange some meetings the following week and start my search.  I spoke to my parents, read a heartwarming and unexpected email from Rachel’s mum, and also got on to a few other websites to begin splashing out on things I’d always wanted to own.  Then, later on, I headed for the bathroom and began a really deep clean, getting myself all washed out inside, shaving my chest, having a good shower, and then sorting out my hair.  I then selected my favourite black jockstrap and put it on, doused myself in the Armani fragrance I loved, and then made my way downstairs to wait for Ben.  Whatever the night held in store, I was ready and eager to find out. 

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  22. Thanks for the feedback guys.  Here's the next chapter.



    The next morning I woke up to the pressure of Ben fucking me from behind, and knew that his cock had probably been buried inside all night as we were still in the same position.  It felt really good to start the day like this, and I was quite happy that he was taking his time.  Still, all good things must come to an end, and he eventually filled me with his load.  What surprised me this time though was that he nuzzled his face into my neck afterwards, letting his cock soften inside me before he eventually pulled out and got up.

    The guys were actually quite cool at breakfast, treating me like normal with none of the weirdness from the day before.  I guess with the cat out of the bag and their cum up my arse, there didn’t need to be any pretences.  We all chatted about the final day of the project and what we needed to achieve, before setting off for the client’s offices to get started.  It was another heck of a day, and by the evening none of us really felt like going out drinking again.  Instead we went back to the hotel and had some bar food with a drink, before heading upstairs.  This time Mitch and Rob just came straight to our room, and it wasn’t long before I was filled with cock again.  No-one had as much energy as the night before so I only got two loads from each of them, and then of course Ben’s cock up my hole for the night once again.  In the morning he chose to breed me in the shower before we packed up our things, went down for breakfast and then checked out.

    We did a few more hours at the client’s offices, and then headed to the airport.  Rob and Mitch were both going to Gatwick and departed an hour the Heathrow flight Ben and I were on, so the two of us had a bit of time to kill.  In the past that would have meant some shopping, maybe a coffee, probably a bit of watching the planes through the window, but it may not come as a surprise that on this occasion I instead found myself kneeling on the seat of a toilet, trousers hung on the door, and Ben’s cock up inside my hole again.  It was quite a turn-on to be getting fucked while other guys used the urinals and lavatories around us, even if it did mean that Ben had to keep stopping his deep thrusting and instead switch to very gentle movements in and out so that we would not be heard.

    On the flight home I tried to relax a bit, not moving too much so as not to dislodge the wad of tissues shoved in my hole to keep Ben’s cum inside.  He had made it clear he wanted to bookend the flight by using me again in the loos at Heathrow, and it would be a lot easier to get inside me without any unwanted squeals of pain if I was already lubed with his load.  Hoping that no-one could smell what was inside me I did my best to act normal on the plane, but my levels of paranoia were raised somewhat as one of the male flight attendants kept glancing at me as he passed.  I think I even saw him smirk at one point.

    Sure enough, the toilets at the far end of the baggage hall saw what may have been their first male-on-male breeding after we landed, with Ben thrusting me up against the wall in one of the wider disabled-access cubicles and ramming me senseless.  Once he’d bred me for the umpteenth time he cleaned himself up, stuffed the tissues back into my crevice, and then made for the door.

    “See you in the office” he said with a wink, before ducking out.  I dived for the door and re-locked it, then got myself sorted out.  With a combination of tissues, spit and some water from the bottle I’d bought at Barcelona Airport, I managed to get my rear end cleaned out so that I had the best chance of not accidentally revealing to Rachel what had happened to me when I got home.  Satisfied that both my body and my clothes were clear of any evidence, I then made my own way out of the bathroom, through customs and onwards to the tube.


    To say things had been awkward at home is putting it mildly.  I thought I’d be fine, but in truth I could barely make eye contact with Rachel all evening and she eventually went off to bed without me in a huff.  Maybe she suspected I had been up to something while away in Barcelona, but I would bet my life that she would never have guessed just what that something actually was.  I knew she was awake when I finally joined her in bed later on, as no-one who is asleep can turn their back on their partner so angrily.

    I tried my best the next morning and I think managed to make up for the night before, coming up with some cock-and-bull story about things not going so well in Barcelona and being a bit stressed about what that may mean for me back at the firm.  Not sure she bought it, but it was enough to enable her to say ‘goodbye’ as she set off for work.  I then tried to gather my shit before heading out the door too.

    Things seemed normal in the office, and my scrutiny of everything that was said to me, how people looked at me, jokes I heard being told elsewhere etc. gave me some solace as it would appear the other three hadn’t said anything to anyone else.  Ben and Mitch were both wrapped up in meetings most of the morning so I didn’t see them, whilst Rob gave up nothing when he talked to me briefly.  It was almost like it had never happened, until he gave a quick wink before walking off when we had met at the coffee station.

    I was just starting to think of going for lunch when I saw a group of men and women come out of the biggest conference room at the other end of the office.  Ben and Mitch were amongst them, and I watched as everyone chatted for a bit before dispersing.  Eventually Ben was striding down the office towards me, and I looked down to avoid eye contact.  However, when he stopped next to my desk I had no choice but to look up at him.

    “Jake, come have lunch with me” he said, smiling.  “I want to catch up on where we left things with Barcelona.”

    I stared up at him for a moment and then nodded.  I locked my computer, grabbed my bag from under the table and then stood up and followed him as he walked towards the lift lobby.

    As we went through the doors to the lifts I finally spoke.

    “Are we really going to lunch?”

    He smiled and turned his head.  “Of course not.”

    With that, he walked past the lifts and opened the door into the stairwell.  He then started bounding up the stairs, and I hurried after him.  We went up three floors, well into the unoccupied part of the building.

    “This should do” he said, going through one of the doors to where the toilets were.  He then opened the door to the disabled toilet, holding it open for me to go in.  He then followed me in, closing the door and putting the latch down to lock it.

    “There” he said, smiling, “now the only people who should disturb us are the ones I’ve invited to come and join us.”

    “H-h-how many?” I stammered.

    “We’ll see” he replied.  “Mitch and Rob, obviously.  Plus my boss.”

    “Gavin’s going to fuck me?!” I squealed.

    “Probably” he said, smirking, “or he might just want a blowjob.”

    I gaped at him, then looked down at the floor suddenly realising what my life was going to become.

    “Let’s get started” Ben eventually said.  “Get your clothes off and hang them on the door.  You’ve got a meeting at three and I don’t want you covered in cum.”

    I complied, realising that he’d planned this out to the extent of even checking when I needed to be back at my desk.  Lunch was normally only 45 minutes, but as he’d made a show of saying we were going to be discussing the Barcelona project he could basically keep me here as long as he wanted.  Once I was down to my underpants, I waited for my next instruction.

    “Good” he said, eyeing me up and down.  “Now, tell me what you want.”

    “I’m sorry?”

    “Tell me what you want.”

    “Oh” I said.  “Oh, right. Er, well, sir, I want you to fuck me.”

    “Good boy” he said, now smiling.  “But first I think you should get me ready.”  He then held his dick and looked down at it.  Knowing what was required, I dropped to my knees, shuffled forward on the cold tiles and started to lick and suck his cock.  I kept this up until he was breathing deeply, and then I decided to take a bit of control of the situation.  I stood up, and looked up at him.

    “You’re ready” I said.  “Please fuck me.”

    He smirked, and then spun me round.  I bent over the toilet, rested my hands on the closed lid, and waited.  He then suddenly appeared next to me, and bent over to retrieve a bottle that was hidden down the side of the toilet.  Oh my god, he had planned this out so much he’d even stashed some lube here earlier.

    He disappeared from view, and I heard the squirting sound as he applied some to his fingers.  A second later I flinched as I felt the coldness against my arse, and he then pushed a lubed finger in.  Initially I was pleased that he was going to open me up, but then the finger was suddenly removed and he took up position behind me.  Oh well, this was going to be a bit of a rough entry.  He firmly pushed himself inside of me, and then slid the entire length in.  It hurt, there’s no denying that, but I also felt a wave of euphoria sweep over me as I was penetrated again.

    “There you go boy” he said rather gruffly, holding still once fully buried, “now you’re back where you should be.”

    He then started to fuck, thrusting in and out of my hole as I relaxed into it and loosened up.  His pounding was steady and felt fucking awesome, but after a while we were interrupted by what seemed to be a coded knock on the door.  He swiftly yanked his cock from me, stepped back and flipped the latch on the door, and then returned to his position and rammed back inside of me as the door was opened.  With my back to the door I couldn’t see who had come in, but from the steps and shuffling it was definitely more than one person.  For some reason I chose not to look around, continuing to stare in front of me as Ben’s cock sawed away inside my guts.

    He eventually sped up, grunted loudly and blew his load, filling me with a huge quantity of his seed.  He got his breath back and then withdrew, and in a matter of seconds I felt another cock being pushed in.  Once again I was fucked, but this time I didn’t know who by even though it probably had to be Mitch, Rob or our department’s head, Gavin.  I tried to decide if I thought the rock hard cock barrelling away inside me was familiar or not, but wasn’t sure.

    In just a few minutes the guy inside me blew his load and bred me, and then another stepped up.  During that fuck there was another coded knock at the door, but this time I couldn’t tell if just one person had come in or more than that.  It occurred to me that Ben had left it rather open as to whether it was just going to be him and the three others he mentioned breeding me that day, so it was quite possible some other guys were there.  Despite my curiosity peaking, I still didn’t look round.

    In all, I was fucked seven times and took all of their loads up my arse.  Then, when I sensed it was over, I straightened up and breathed deeply, feeling the cum running down my legs.  I then slowly turned around to see who else was in the rather crowded disabled loo with me.  Ben.  Mitch.  Rob.  Yep, Gavin was there.  Fuck.  But who the hell were the other three?

    “Thanks mate” one of the strangers said, smiling at me.  Whoever he was, he was cute.  Man, I was thinking a guy was cute.

    “He doesn’t need to be thanked” said Ben, rather sternly.  “Isn’t that right boy?”

    I blinked at him, before nodding.  “Yes sir” I said, before looking round the room.  “Thank you for breeding me.”

    “Good boy” said Ben.

    With that, the others all started to file out of the toilet and make their way back downstairs.  When they were gone, Ben locked the door again and turned back to me.

    “Get yourself cleaned up” he said, with a much gentler tone than before, “and then you can go.”

    “Thank you” I said, before adding “sir.”

    He smiled at me, and then started to grab some paper towels from the dispenser.  I set about getting the loads wiped out of my arse, and also cleaned up my legs given the stream of sticky cum that had run down them.  Once washed and dried I got dressed again, and then hoisted my bag off the floor.

    “Right” Ben said, opening up the door, “let’s eat.”

    I was a bit dumbfounded, until he made his way through the door on to the dark, unoccupied  office floor rather than heading back down the stairs.  He walked to the kitchen area, where I was surprised to see some M&S sandwiches, crisps and drinks sitting out.  Man, he had really planned this well.

    We hurriedly ate the food he had dropped off this morning, not saying anything to each other but exchanging occasional looks and smiles.  Ben started wandering around the floor as he ate, taking in the view from three storeys further up the tower, and I eventually did the same.  When we were done with our food Ben carefully gathered up the packaging and put it into the plastic bag he’d brought it in, and then we made our way back downstairs to resume our work for the afternoon.

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  23. The next morning I was awoken by Ben pushing his rod into me.  It was dry and hurt, so I reached out and grabbed the tube of lube from the bedside table in front of me.  Applying some to my hands I quickly reached back and rubbed some on his dick, before sticking my fingers in to my hole to try to relax and lube them.  Ben allowed this for a few seconds, before swatting my hand away and pushing his dick in.  This time he managed to sink it fully inside me, and although it hurt I put up no further protest.  I lay on my side and he fucked me until he blew a third load into my hole, before he pulled out, got off the bed and headed into the shower.  I heard him lock the bathroom door, so I guess he didn’t want company.

    We didn’t say anything to each other until we were standing waiting for the lift, both washed and dressed for the day.

    “You sore?” he asked, a little gruffly.

    “Yes” I said, continuing to stare up at the LED display to see the lift approaching our floor, “but I’ll live.”

    We met Mitch and Rob down at breakfast, where they had already been for a while.  Ben sat down and waited for a coffee to arrive, but I was hungry so asked Rob to order a cappuccino for me while I went to the buffet.  Coming back with a plate of food I saw Rob and Mitch looking at me quizzically, slightly smiling.  I tried to avoid their gaze, wondering why the sudden attention my way, but when I was seated, had put my napkin on my lap and picked up my cutlery, the two of them were still staring at me.  Ben, meanwhile, was checking his phone but had a smirk on his face.

    “So” I said, blushing a bit, “how was your night?”

    “It was good” said Mitch, still smirking.

    “Er, great” I said, forcing a smile at him.  At this point he looked away, but the smile didn’t go.  I was now convinced that Ben had told them what had happened last night.

    “So” said Ben, breaking an uncomfortable silence that had then ensued.  “We all know what the plan is for today?”

    With that, and to my relief, conversation turned to work.  There was a lot to do, and I was able to focus on the job at hand for most of the day, only really being brought back to reality when I sat down without care and realised how tender my thrice-fucked arse was.  We worked all through the day, eating lunch during a meeting so as not to waste time, and it wasn’t until gone 7pm that we finished.  A few of the people we had been working with took us to a nearby bar for some drinks, and we once again ended up having tapas for dinner rather than staying out to go to a restaurant at the late hour the locals tended to eat.

    We then walked back to the hotel, taking in the vibrancy of the city after dark.  No-one suggested stopping for a drink anywhere as I thought they would, and indeed no-one was really talking.  I was feeling pretty self-conscious after the weirdness at breakfast, so kept my trap shut too.  Back at the hotel we piled into the lift in silence, and then Rob and Mitch got off at the third floor without even a ‘goodnight’.  Ben and I then continued on up to level five, and headed to our room.

    “Bathroom” Ben said gruffly as I closed the bedroom door.


    “Get in the bathroom” he commanded.

    I stood and stared at him for a moment, and then found myself complying.  I walked into the bathroom, with him following close behind.  Once inside, he pushed me towards the sink and bent me over, my silk tie resting on the taps.  He then reached around my front and undid my trousers, pushing them and my trunks down to my knees.  I watched in the mirror as he then undid his own trousers and pushed them down a bit, reached into one of the pockets and pulled out a sachet of lube, ripped it open with his teeth and then I felt it squirting between my arsecheeks.  Seconds later his cock was against my tightened hole, and I did the best I could to allow him access as he pushed in.  However, he had not rimmed or fingered me at all, and it hurt like a bitch.  I yelled out as he popped in.

    “Shut up!” he said, pushing himself the rest of the way in.  Then, without any pausing to let me get used to the invasion, he started fucking me deep and hard.  I know I had my eyes squeezed shut at first, but in time I opened them again and looked in the mirror.  As much as it hurt, it was a hell of a turn-on to see both Ben and I fully dressed in business suits, but with him fucking the daylight out of me.

    He didn’t last long before he bred me, and then ripped his cock from my hole.

    “Get undressed and get on the bed” he commanded, as he pulled me up and pushed me out the door.  He then shut and locked the door to do, well, I don’t know what.  I stood in shocked amazement for a bit, and then started to get my jacket, tie and shirt off.  I removed my watch and chucked it on my bed, then sat on the end of his to get fully naked.  I paused again, and then climbed up on to the bed and positioned myself on all fours.

    While I waited I remembered the tube of lube from this morning, so crawled over and retrieved it from the drawer.  I applied some to my fingers and then reached back to work it into my hole, trying to stretch myself a bit.  Ben’s dick had already done a number on me back there, but it had hurt throughout so I wanted to get a bit more relaxed if he was going to fuck me again.

    Ben came back out of the bathroom, and our eyes met as I looked back over my shoulder at him.

    “On all fours” he said, before going towards the bedroom door.  I heard him open it, not knowing what the fuck was going on, but when I then heard the clear sounds of more than Ben walking into the room everything fell into place for me.

    “Fuck” I heard Mitch say, “you weren’t joking!”

    “Is he ready?” asked Rob.

    “Slut’s all yours” replied Ben.  “Just bred him, so he’s good to go.”

    Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.  That’s pretty much where my head was at.  I looked back at them as they stripped out of their clothes, not quite believing what was about to happen to me.  But I didn’t protest.  I don’t know why, but I didn’t protest.

    Rob went first, stepping up to my rear end and slapping me with his cock a few times.  He saw the tube of lube next to me and grabbed it, applying some to his cock for which I was grateful.  He then pushed against my hole and slipped inside, and I was pleased to find that he didn’t have the girth of Ben.  He was much longer though, and as he went deeper inside I found myself moaning as new parts of me were opened up.

    “He loves it” said Mitch, who then came round to the other end of the bed.  He kneeled on the mattress and shuffled forward, presenting his erect dick to my face.  Without a great deal of choice in the matter, I opened my mouth and allowed him to push inside.

    And so it was that my first spitroasting began.  Rob got himself fully buried, and then began to piston in and out of my recently-virgin hole, while Mitch set up a rhythm in my mouth.  Somehow I managed to swallow his cock without gagging, and so my throat got deflowered by Mitch as Ben had done to my arse the day before.

    The two of them started thrusting in sync, so that I was getting reamed at both ends in tandem.  I have to admit, even though my mind was screaming, it felt amazing.  I relaxed into it, letting the two guys use my holes.  In time, they swapped places, and I got to savour the various tastes now coating Rob’s cock as he thrust it in and out of my throat, while Mitch took over the reins at the back end.  They swapped back once more before Rob blew his load in my arse, and then Mitch went back there and hammered me for a bit longer until he too had bred me.  Ben took over at this point, ramming into me and dumping another load.  By that point Rob was back in gear so he gave me another fucking, and then Mitch added his second load of goop to my overflowing hole.

    They rested for a while on my bed, cracking open some beers it appeared the other guys had brought with them, and I turned over an lay on my back trying to recover.  None of them spoke to me at all, just chatting between them about what a good hole I was, how I compared to the girls or guys they fucked back home, and how many loads they thought they could get up me before we went back to London.  They were clearly trying to themselves aroused again while my holes lay unused, and it worked.  Still lying on my back, I then took one more load from each of them with my legs up on their shoulders, before they called it a night.  Rob and Mitch threw on their trousers and shirts and headed off, while Ben climbed in to my bed.  I lay on his for a bit longer, and then sat up and looked over at him.

    “Should I get in with you?” I asked softly, the first time I had spoken in a long while.  He didn’t respond, but just threw back the covers.  I climbed in turned around and rested back against him on my side.  I could feel his cock was hardening again, so reached back and took hold of it.  I briefly rubbed it, and then guided it back into my gaping hole.  Ben let out a moan of appreciation, and threw his arm over me to hug me in.  Sleep then took us both, with him buried to the hilt inside me.

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