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Posts posted by chunkychains

  1. The typical prison-set story would probably involve some new inmate having his cherry popped and becoming the personal cumdump of a dominant prisoner. Maybe it would involve an inmate being used by the guards. Maybe it would even be some sickly love story about two cellmates finding comfort in each other’s arms. But that is not how this story goes. No, for I am actually a prison guard, my cherry was popped years ago, and this is the story of how I was ‘set free’ by a prisoner.

    I had played along with the stereotype for hunky young men in my school, dating a pretty girl, marrying her after graduation, and having a couple of babies shortly after that. I had not gone to college, but instead got a job in a security firm before applying for a role as a prison guard once I was a bit older. Eventually we had moved to a different, larger town after my wife inherited a small house from her great aunt, and I had managed to pick up a job at the prison there.

    This is all well and good, but of course is not the whole story. I had first acted on my impulses when I was a security guard, forcing a drunk guy who was trespassing on the land I was looking after to suck me off so that I would let him go. Another trespasser was made to let me suck him off. When I caught two guys living rough on a construction site I was patrolling, I let them stay as long as they fucked me every night. I made them wear condoms of course, but somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I would rather they went in bare.

    Being a prison guard had opened up new opportunities for me, but these were definitely more limited in the first place that I worked just because of how small it was. It was only once I had got settled in at my current job at a huge state prison on the edge of town that I realised how much I was going to be able to satisfy my need for cock, so that I could go home every night with that itch scratched and duly play my role as the good husband, the doting father, the man of the house. It was very easy to identify the inmates who could give me what I needed, in exchange for cigarettes, weed or whatever they wanted (within reason). However, I also knew that it would be best to not leave much evidence behind wherever on the complex I found to have these interactions, so I got myself on PrEP and finally ditched the condoms.

    There were a few places I could risk getting inmates to fuck me without any issues. There were three different storage cupboards out of view of security cameras that served the purpose well, depending on whether I was guarding the inmates doing laundry, those doing who were cleaning the communal showers, or the ones getting some library time. There was also a secret locker at the back of one of the landscaping sheds which had apparently been put in by a now-retired dodgy guard for storing contraband he could sell to the prisoners, which I took over as my personal pounding room when I was guarding the inmates doing the gardening.

    I had to have my wits about me though, and a chance encounter in a public toilet with a guy called Bill who worked in the security room proved to be very helpful. Thereafter, in exchange for daily access to my ass if he wanted to bust a load, I could rely on him to work things so that I could have a bit of time with a prisoner a few times a week without being filmed or seen. It was a nice arrangement, and meant that I ended most of my shifts with at least two loads in me.

    Then one day I got sick. No, not ‘that’ kind of sick, but rather I picked up a stomach infection. It knocked me off work for a few days, and when I went to the doctor he put me on some antibiotics while also telling me to lay off certain things for a while. Alcohol was one, my PrEP pills were another. Indeed, he told me I should take the opportunity to give my body a break from that regime, and I would just need to adjust my lifestyle accordingly for a bit (though he didn't delve into why a married man was taking the pills). I had already been off them for nearly a week given I couldn’t keep anything down, and now he wanted me to take another three or four weeks without swallowing one.  What. A. Nightmare.

    However, I decided to be a good patient and do as he asked. I spoke to the warden about returning to work but needing a bit of time to get back into the swing of things, and he put me on a few days of admin duties to help him catch the place up after a secretary had left and they’d failed to recruit anyone else suitable. This worked well for me, giving me some time away from the temptation of the prisoners while still allowing me to keep Bill sweet by sucking him off once or twice a day. After a bit of persuading, I also let him resume fucking me as he said he was clean and, well, I needed him to be on side when I got back to doing what I loved.

    I suppose it was naive of me to think I would not be sent back to my normal day job, and when I was finally put back on guarding duties I still had three weeks to go before I could go back on the pills. I carried some condoms around with me in case I got weak, but I focused on trying to stay out of the way of the clique of prisoners who had become my regulars. This wasn’t so easy, but for a few days I managed it to the point that I thought I would maybe make it through until I was safe to resume normal service.

    There were two things that I didn’t know in all of this. First, my clique was getting seriously restless, not just from a lack of easy sex but also because their regular supply of contraband had been cut off. Second, two of my fellow guards were also now suffering from the shutdown in the system. Mike and Steve were, it seems, rather crooked and had found out about my exploits after confronting Bill about some oddities in the footage. They had been looking for something to use against a prisoner at the time, but once my activities came to light they had instead decided to make some money out of it. They could have gone down the immediate blackmail route with me, but instead had set up tiny cameras in all of my secret spaces to get some footage they could sell online as well as hold in reserve to use against me if needed. I had, entirely unintentionally and unknowingly, become a bit of a porn star.

    Anyway, my sudden disappearance was becoming an issue. A few days away because I was sick was something everyone just had to put up with, but the knowledge that I was back in the building but still somehow unavailable was going down less well. The fact that I was even now back on guarding duties but still not putting out was, it turned out, intolerable. Bill knew why I was taking a break, but he was also not in a position to deny Mike and Steve’s demands for a resolution to the problem, and thus the three of them formed a plan. They figured I needed to be ‘re-inducted’ to the way of life that made them money, and they were going to see to it that I realised the error of my ways.

    That plan involved me reporting for a meeting I had been notified about through what seemed like an official email, only to find myself alone in the smaller and more remote of the two conference rooms at the prison. After waiting for a bit I got up to leave, which is when I found the door had quietly been locked by someone on the outside. I banged on it and shouted, but no-one came and I soon gave up. I slumped in a seat, quite alarmed at the situation I was in, until I heard the door unlock. Before I could get up it swung open and three of my regulars walked in. Patrick was a big hulk of a man, tattooed from head to toe, always wearing a grimace, and pretty much the most rampant rapist of other prisoners that we guards knew of. Mark was pretty short and looked kind of feeble, but he was sharp as a nail, was at the centre of most of the contraband rings going, and I also knew him to be hung like a horse. Gary was quite a gentle looking man, belying his true nature as a violent thug who rather made up for his homosexuality by behaving as much like an alpha as he could.

    “Been avoiding us” said Gary.

    “Er, guys, I, have, er, been, er, sick” I stammered.

    “Yeah, like two weeks ago” Mark said, sneering. “You’ve been avoiding us since. What gives?”

    “I, er…” I tried to reply, but was cut off by Patrick striding towards me, throwing me face forwards onto the conference room table, and then grabbing the fabric of my pants. He unceremoniously ripped a huge hole at the back, and then immediately tore through my Calvin Kleins underneath. I barely had time to react when I felt his cock ram into my hole, which fortunately Bill had fucked just an hour earlier so I was at least a little stretched and lubed. It still hurt like hell though, and I yelled in pain but also in horror.

    Patrick fucked me like a madman, and then blew his load inside me. Gary followed suit, then Mark. Then Patrick again. Then Gary again. You get the drift. They were damn near relentless.

    I knew I was fucked. Not only do I mean I was being fucked, but in the other sense I was fucked too. You see, not only was Patrick a known rapist, but every single one of the prisoners who he set his sights on would wind up in the infirmary with flu. The other guards hadn’t made the connection, but I knew what was going on. Patrick was clearly as toxic as it gets, and all these men he took as his own were getting pozzed. Now here I was taking load after load from him when I had no protection of any kind, and I guess you could say I knew my fate was sealed.  As for Gary and Mark, I had no idea of their status, although if they weren’t already poz then repeatedly dipping their cocks into the toxic splooge that Patrick was leaving in my hole was possibly going to take them down too.

    In all, while bent over the conference table that afternoon, I took twelve loads.  Five were from Patrick, four from Mark, and three from Gary. My hole was left gaping, dripping cum that I also found had a pink tint to it when I was finally allowed to leave the room and run across the hall to the bathroom. They’d fucked me so much I was bleeding, meaning I was pretty damn sure what was in store for me. I was on the Poztown Express, and life as I knew it would be over.

    Suddenly a calm descended on me as I realised that I didn’t care. If anything, I felt a wave of euphoria and relief flow over me. Orchestrating this secret life on the side had been kind of exhausting, but nowhere near as tiring as maintaining the pretence of being some kind of perfect straight man. If Patrick had kept to his normal form then I was going to be testing positive soon, and maybe that’s just what I needed to break me out of the ‘straightjacket’. I decided then and there that I would resume normal service the next day, and Patrick would be the one I aimed to get with the most.

    But that wasn’t enough. After finding some fresh pants and starting the drive home, I felt compelled to find some way to keep things going that same day. A beast had been unleashed in me, and that beast needed feeding. I circled back round off my normal route, and headed for the overpass where I knew I could find what I was looking for. Sure enough, when I pulled up nearby and got out of my car, I could see a couple of fires burning in barrels, and the shapes of various men hanging around. I took a deep breath, then walked over towards them all. When I reached the camp and looked around, I briefly paused to take in my surroundings before finally recognising the man I had come to see. Standing a few feet away and staring intently at me was Willy, a former inmate that we guards knew was Patrick’s boy and who had, as we were not surprised to hear, joined the ranks of the homeless after being released.

    “What the fuck you doing here” he spat out at me.

    I didn’t reply, but instead just walked towards and then past him to a gap in the tents and cardboard boxes that I could see beyond. I stepped into that gap, noting it felt a bit like a dark alley being out of the light from the barrel fires, and then took another deep breath. As I heard the crunch of someone walking up behind me, I undid my new pants and pulled them down, revealing my torn underwear beneath. I then bent forward, put my hands on the concrete of the overpass for support, and pushed my butt back.

    The message was heard loud and clear, and in mere moments I felt a cock being pushed into me. I don’t know if it was actually Willy or one of the other guys living there, but he fucked me good and hard for a few minutes and then blew his load. Another followed suit, his cock being so thick it made me yelp as it went in despite how stretched I was by this point. Once he was done, a whole procession of more average-sized guys stuck their dicks in me and blew a load. Maybe some of them had a second go, but I never looked back to see. All I knew is that Willy at least must be diseased, and I was willing to bet that many of the others were too. Indeed, I suspected I was getting more than just HIV pumped into me.

    After a bit of a clean-up by the car with some moist towels, I went home to endure the wrath of my wife for being so late. I chuckled to myself at how angry she was going to be when the truth came out, and the fact that I found the prospect of that funny only assured me that I was finally on the right path. The next day it was much the same story. I managed to get a session in with Patrick in the landscaping shed, and then after clocking off I went back to the overpass to take some more dirty loads from all the homeless guys who fancied using me, then home to fury in woman form. The day after, Patrick took me in the laundry storage room, followed by Gary in the landscaping shed, and then it was back to the overpass that night on the way home. You get the idea. I was a man on a mission.

    The warden was deeply displeased when I called in sick with the flu just a few weeks after being off with that stomach bug, but there we go. We were already short staffed, so I knew my job was safe despite what was about to go down in my personal life. Sure enough, once I was better I got myself tested, and then proudly put the results in front of my wife. HIV, and at least three other STDs. She of course went apeshit, and I was out on my ass. I stayed with Bill for a couple of days while I got an apartment of my own sorted, and barely three days after moving in the divorce papers arrived. My wife took the kids and moved back to her mother’s, the house went on the market, and that was that. Old life gone, new life started.

    I was free. By raping me with his toxic cock, Patrick had not only possibly been the one to poz me, but he’d set me loose from the constraints that I had built up around my world. Now I was an open, happy pig, able to visit any bar, club or bookstore in town without worrying about who saw me, and readily accepting any man who happened by to come round to my place to spend the night buried inside me. I decided not to stop my community service at the overpass, and to this day I’m there several times a week chasing down whatever bugs the men have picked up.

    As for prison life, things got interesting. Bill knew my status but didn’t stop fucking me, so he eventually got taken down with the bug. Mike and Steve crossed a line with Mark on a contraband deal gone wrong, and soon found themselves being set upon by Patrick, Gary and a load of other guys when they were on garden guarding duty, before being made to bend over in my secret shed to take their punishment. That’s two more staff now pozzed. The warden getting drunk and coming on to me one night took the tally up to five, and got me a promotion as well in exchange for my silence on the matter. He also agreed to shut off a couple of cameras periodically, so I'm now a lot more free to get what I need from a much larger group of regulars.  Funny how things work out.

    Anyway, I told you this wouldn’t be your normal prison story. Who knows where things will go next in my life, but for now I have to run. We have a busload of new prisoners arriving soon, and I want to go and see if I can guess which one will be first to succumb to Patrick’s DNA.  Lucky bastards...

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    I don’t know how many loads Justin took that weekend, but it was a hell of a lot. Rather than sleeping in the warehouse bedroom, he spent the two nights with me back at the hotel, my cock buried in his hole while we slept. When we were alone we talked about everything, giving me a chance to get to know who my son really was deep down, and bringing us closer than we ever had been before.

    I dropped him back at his halls on the Sunday evening, and a couple of weeks later he texted me to let me know he had the flu. I took the week off work and went up to Nottingham again, spiriting him away to a hotel where I could take care of him for a few days. I wish I could say I just nursed him back to health, but I did of course fuck him quite a few times during that stay. When he seemed to be better and we'd got him tested to confirm what we already knew, I took great pride in allowing him to drop the first poz loads of his life into his father.

    I eventually went on meds, but Justin told me he was enjoying his new-found status and was going to hold off for a while. In time he let slip that he’d got a bit more versatile, and in so doing had managed to poz several members of the various sports teams at the university, as well as a couple of his lecturers. Although I was concerned that this could all blow up on him, I could not help but be turned on by his stories of breeding the closeted jocks and married men that he had pursued. Of course, he had also continued to be a proud and active cumdump, and I thoroughly enjoyed the stories he sent me of his exploits taking loads wherever he could. Being a father I did of course make sure that he was keeping up with his studies, which he assured me he was.

    Justin really took to being out and proud, both as a gay man and as a poz pig. He got the biohazard tattoo on his chest that he had wanted, as well as a big scorpion design on his back. Given he was regularly naked in the changing rooms with his football teammates, I was particularly surprised that he also got his buttocks adorned with a second biohazard symbol on one cheek and the words “FUCK ME” on the other. However, he said that rather than being disgusted by it, most of his teammates were so horny all the time that they took it as more of an instruction. I doubt he ever told them what they were risking by doing so.

    We were like rabbits in heat whenever he was home, and really had to hold ourselves back during the Christmas break to keep it from Jacob. However, while we may have just about achieved that initially, it all went to pot two days into the Easter break.  We both thought Jacob was going to be out all night so were not holding back as we ploughed each other in my bedroom, but it turned out he’d come home early after breaking up with his cheating girlfriend and had thus been sitting downstairs listening to us going at it upstairs. He was remarkably cool about it, saying he suspected as much and that we should not worry about him, but things took a real turn when he came into the room a couple of nights later while I was taking Justin doggystyle on the bed. Jacob just calmly sat down in my desk chair and motioned to us to keep going, so with a bit of hesitation I went back to buggering my younger son while the older one watched.

    Thereafter Jacob was a regular voyeur of our activities, until the evening before they were both going back to university. As per normal, he got out of the chair after I had blown my load in Justin, but rather than leaving the room as he usually did, he instead undid his trousers, climbed onto the bed and casually slid his dick into his brother. He fucked him for only a few minutes before blowing his load, and then removed his cock and presented it to me. I nervously leaned forward and took it in my mouth to clean it off, then he pulled back, did up his trousers and left the room. Not a word was spoken by any of us throughout, and all Justin and I could do was look at each other with wide eyes. Jacob left in his car early the next morning, before Justin and I had even woken up.

    When the long summer break came around, everything was different. Jacob was barely through the front door after driving himself down from uni before he had me bent me over the kitchen counter, and after breeding me he went upstairs to his brother’s room. Justin had been taking a nap after I’d let a load of truckers loose on him at a service station between Nottingham and London, but he was soon woken from that by his brother mounting him and giving him a long, loud pounding. This, however, was not Jacob just letting off some steam after a term away from us both, as Justin and I were taken by him regularly throughout the three month long break. He also continued to watch us when we were fucking each other, occasionally joining in to either make it a spit-roast or a chain-fuck.

    Justin, it turned out, had managed to get a bit of a following on OnlyFans, so rather than spend his summer break waiting tables or temping in an office, he just churned out video after video of his exploits. He was clearly earning quite a bit, as one day I got home to find him wearing some enormous pieces of silver jewellery just like my own, leading to the first of many very loud, clanging fuck sessions for us both. New tattoos kept appearing too, and it was clear he was going to have quite intricate full sleeves in due course.  I didn’t mind, as he definitely had the body for it.

    The last day of the Easter break had been a big turning point in the relationship between the three of us, and so too it turned out was the last day of the summer break. Justin and I had been out in the morning picking up the car he had bought for himself, and when we got back at lunchtime we found Jacob standing in the kitchen wearing just a jockstrap, a cigarette hanging from his mouth. He motioned for us to follow him into my bedroom, where we watched in shock as he grabbed an ashtray and then climbed onto the bed on all fours. He wiggled his arse, saying nothing to either of us but letting us both know for sure what he wanted. We worked as a team to get him ready with our tongues and fingers, while he happily huffed poppers and smoked cigarettes. I then had the honour of popping my oldest son’s cherry, gently but firmly sliding my raw cock into his virgin hole. He moaned throughout, but was also pushing back on me whenever I slowed down so I knew he was enjoying it. Rather quicker than I would have liked, I went over the edge and blew my undetectable load into him.

    Justin, however, did not step up to take over when I eventually pulled out of Jacob.

    “I’m poz” he said.

    “I know” replied Jacob, speaking for the first time since we had got home.  “You both are.”

    “No” said Justin, “Dad’s on meds and is shooting blanks. I’m not taking anything, so I’m like, properly toxic. I could infect you.”

    “Then fuck me already” replied Jacob, turning to smile at his brother.

    “Are you sure son?” I asked him.

    “Yes” he said, closing his eyes and turning his face back forwards again. “Fuck me Justin.”

    And so it was, that my younger son slid his cock into my older one and gave him his first poz load. An hour later he gave him his second. Another couple of hours later he gave him his third. By the time the evening came round, a couple of my poz mates had joined us to ensure that Jacob’s newly-opened arse was never empty of toxic cocks. Man, did I regret being on meds that night, and made the decision to stop taking them until Jacob had converted.

    Sure enough, the virus did not seem to take that night, nor from the weekend visits that Jacob made to his brother or back home to me during the first term of his final year at uni. Thus, when the Christmas break came around, we spent a couple of days of it back at the warehouse letting Peter and his friends work with us on the family hat-trick. Jacob took everything they had to give, and Justin greatly enjoyed being on hand to be used by the men on the side. I, however, focused my energies entirely on trying to get my older son converted, but of course will never know whether it was my own demon seed or someone else’s that did it. Either way, Jacob woke up with a fever on New Year’s Eve, and while Justin and I took care of him we also continued to fill his hole regularly throughout his battle with the fuck flu. We then joined him for his HIV test the day before the boys headed back to university, and Justin readily accepted his brother’s first poz load in the disabled loo at the clinic just minutes after we got the positive result.

    Three years later, and both of them are still living with me at home. It just makes sense financially for the time being, and of course we get a lot of benefits out of having ready access to each other’s bodies.  Jacob is definitely more of a top, and seems to also have hook-ups with women off Tinder from time to time, but is happy to bend over for his dad or his brother when we’re in the mood to use his hole. He also enthusiastically joins us on the nights when we head to a sex club, cruising spot or wherever it is that we have chosen to bend over side by side and get railed by as many men as possible, something we’ve come to jokingly call ‘the family picnic’.  All three of us bring men back to the house too, and I know that Justin and Jacob particularly enjoy finding a versatile guy that they can put in the middle of a family sandwich. They enjoy it even more when they get to poz a guy together, or find someone particularly toxic to recharge them both.

    We now all sport on our backs variants of the scorpion design that Justin first got, and both my boys have biohazards on their impressive pecs while mine is of course a tramp-stamp beneath the scorpion’s stinger.  Justin has turned into a bit of a size queen in the accessories department too, having replaced his already heavy silver chain collection with even larger units so that he has over 4 kilos of extra weight on him most of the time.  Jacob is less into all that but he does sometimes put on Justin’s spares when he’s in the mood, which is usually enough for me to bend him over whatever is nearby so I can do my fatherly duty on his rear end. Indeed, I think he only puts on the bling when we wants me to fuck him, knowing that it always turns up my dial to full in no time.

    Yes, we’re a slightly fucked-up family, but we are loving, close and eternally bonded to each other in a way that few other families could be. I’m not sure how long it will be before one, two or even all three of us seek something a bit more long-term with a partner, and the thought has crossed my mind that Justin and Jacob may end up being that person for each other in the future which I’m actually on board with if it happens (obviously I have no problems with incest!). Indeed, as I’m writing this at my desk today, the boys are next to me on the bed enjoying cigarettes and beers following some particularly good sex we just had.  Jacob had his first go at riding my and Justin’s cocks at the same time, and from the look on his face I think he may be up for another round of that in a moment. So, with that, I’m going to sign off and get back to fucking my sons. Adios!

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  3. I took a deep breath, then opened the door of my hotel room and made my way down to the car park. On the surface I was a man in a loose tracksuit, but underneath I was clad in all sorts of leather, and carrying a bag containing even more. It wasn’t until I pulled up outside the warehouse that I stripped out of the tracksuit top, put on my big leather collar, donned my new leather hood, and then got out of the car.

    Having had to drive up from London after work, I had arrived quite a bit later than everyone else and as soon as I walked through the door I could hear that the action was in full swing. I mildly panicked, and stepped back outside to have a quick smoke. After puffing my way through two cigarettes back to back, I felt like I had calmed down enough and went back inside. I headed into the main room, where a number of guys were crowded around the sling. One of them was giving a rough pounding to whoever was in it, and the muffled moans I could hear from the bottom suggested he had his mouth full of cock as well.

    I made my way over to the bar and poured myself a large shot of vodka that I necked in one gulp, and then decided I needed to find out once and for all if it was indeed my younger son being fucked. I took a couple of deep breaths, and then walked over to the group, sidled my way in between two of them, and looked down at the face of the young man being spit-roasted.


    Jesus. Fucking. Christ. My son was gay. My son was a chaser. My son was being pozzed. All these years I had known him as a girl-chasing, slightly cocky, super-popular and definitely very handsome star athlete. Now here I was looking down at his muscled frame as a fat, raw, toxic cock ploughed his insides at one end, and he was doing his best not to gag around another one down his throat. Leaning over to look more closely at his rear end, it was clear he had already been bred several times that night, and god knows how many times before. When had he started taking cock? Where did he go to get it? Did his brother know?

    I went into sort of a trance as I got lost in my thoughts, just standing there watching as guy after guy fucked and bred my boy. Whenever his mouth wasn’t full he yelled for more, leaving me in no doubt that this was what he wanted. He came several times just while I stood and watched, getting more and more turned on every time one of his fuckers told him he was getting another toxic load inside him. If anything, he seemed like an even hungrier, needier chaser than I had been when I had arrived here.

    Things changed when Peter appeared next to me, and then when one of the other guys had finished he gently pushed me into position between my son’s legs. I had been at full mast for quite a while, and could not seem to resist as Peter urged me forward. My dick touched the soft skin of his buttocks, and then seemed to slide unrestrained into the cum-soaked crevice and onwards into the first reaches of his hole. I briefly paused and looked up at Justin’s face, wondering what he would think if he knew his dad was about to fuck and poz him, and then I pushed forward and slid fully inside him.

    “Fuck yeah” he said, before putting his head back and allowing another one of the men to fill his throat.

    I started to slowly fuck him, but gradually sped up as I got more into it. I hadn’t topped anyone for quite a while, and not only was I being reminded of how fun it actually is, but the man I was fucking was my own handsome son. Looking down at his muscled body, his teenage cockiness and attitude began to fill my mind, and as I remembered all the times I had withheld my desire to give him a slap I began to fuck him harder and more aggressively until I was railing away like a madman. His enthusiastic response to this told me that he was a true power bottom, and must have arrived here with a lot of experience under his belt.

    Eventually it got too much for me, and with a roar I pumped him full of my toxic cum. He moaned around the cock in his mouth as I filled him up, but as soon as I pulled out of him he started wiggling his arse to let the men know he needed another pounding. He really was a chip off the old block, and despite a post-cum panic building in me at what I had just done, I did feel an urge stirring in me to let him know just how alike he and his dad were.

    However, for the time being I stepped back from the group to gather myself, going back to the bar area to get another drink, and resting on a stool for a bit.

    “Hungry little cumwhore, isn’t he?” said Peter, who it turned out had moved away from the sling after getting me into position to fuck my own son. “Wonder what his dad would make of him.”

    “Yeah” I said, “would probably freak him out.”

    “Or make him proud” said Peter, winking at me. “Anyway, what’s with the hood?”

    “Oh, just something I thought I’d try” I said. “I was surprised you recognised me to be honest.”

    “I remember all my boys” he said. “I also remember everything they tell me about themselves.”

    “Oh yeah?” I replied, butterflies suddenly filling my stomach.

    “Oh yes” he said. “Like the fact that you were coming to us after dropping someone off in Nottingham. Right around the start of term time, if I remember rightly.”

    “Oh, er, yeah, that was…” I stammered.

    “Your son, I’m thinking” he finished for me. “Let me see. Gay dad drops his son off at university. Little cumwhore with a gay dad who has just started university finally comes over for a pozzing. Gay dad with a son in his first year at uni joins in, but wears a hood. You see where I’m going with this?”

    “I, er, …” I stammered again.

    “That’s your son over there, isn’t it?” Peter asked, or more like he stated.

    I turned away from him and looked back over at the group of men crowded round my boy, seeing his ankles in the hoops of the sling and hearing his moans as he was continually spit roasted.

    “Yes” I said. “That’s Justin, my youngest.”

    “And you just pozzed him” Peter said.


    “And you’re going to do it again” he continued.

    “Yes” I sighed.

    We were quiet for a bit, both just watching the show. The men eventually unhooked Justin’s ankles, pulled him out of the sling, turned him round and bent him forward over it, and then went right back to fucking him.

    “He knows what a slut you are” Peter eventually said, causing me to turn and face him. “When we were messaging, he told me how he had followed you a few times last summer when you went out cruising, and how he had watched you getting fucked bareback by random men. It seemed to turn him on.”

    “I…I had no idea” I said.

    “Yep” said Peter, smiling. “Said he would follow you and watch for a bit, then usually get some of the guys who had fucked you to do him as well.”

    “Fuck” I said. “I always thought he was out with his girlfriend.”

    “Yeah, he mentioned something about having a beard, but said it was her father who he slept with in fact” laughed Peter.

    “You’re kidding?” I squealed.

    “Probably acting out his fantasies of being with you” said Peter.  “My bet is that he’d want to know it was you fucking him. He’d probably get off on it.”

    “I don’t know” I replied, after a pause. “He never told me anything about this side of him. He might completely freak out.”

    “Well, I’m not going to tell him” said Peter, “but I reckon I’m right. He’d want to know.”

    I sighed, and took another deep swig of my drink to finish it off.

    “I need to think” I said, getting off the stool and heading for the door. Despite the chill outside, I headed out and lit up a cigarette while I thought about what Peter had said. A few minutes later I lit up a second one, and was just enjoying the burn from that when the door opened and Justin staggered out wearing flip-flops, a pair of shorts and a hoodie.

    “Hey man, can I bum a cigarette?” he asked me, mildly panting.

    I said nothing in reply, being too shocked and alarmed to speak, and instead just shook the pack in his direction. Fuck. We were alone. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Also, he smoked too??

    “That’s better” he sighed, after lighting up and taking a deep inhale. “I needed a break and a smoke.”

    I coughed out a sort of half-reply, but said nothing.

    “You remind me of my dad” he said. “I don’t know what he’d say if he could see me now.”

    Again, I could only cough out a sort of half-laugh, as Justin chuckled to himself.

    “He reckons I’m some sort of babe magnet” he said, continuing to chuckle a bit. “Really going to freak him out when I turn up at Christmas with a biohazard tattoo. I like yours, by the way. Might get mine on my chest.”

    I said nothing in response, realising he was slightly disappearing into his head as he puffed on the last of the cigarette. It was only when he shuffled a little and the outside light caught his face a bit better that I realised how nervous he looked. Sure, he was the very definition of a hunk at just the age of 19, but in that moment my boy looked somehow more vulnerable than I had seen him in a long time. Was he regretting what he was doing? Or was it something else?

    “Can…can I have another one?” he asked me.

    I shook the pack in his direction again, and offered him my lighter. I decided to also light up a third one, despite knowing that it was going to make my throat burn something chronic.

    “Thanks” he said. “Sorry, just got really nervous there, thinking about my dad.”

    He took a deep inhale, but I still said nothing.

    “I mean, he gets fucked by men all the time too, and maybe he’s even poz, but what if’s he not and he throws me out?” he said, a slightly pained expression crossing his face. My fatherly instincts kicked in despite the ridiculousness of the situation.

    “He’d never do that” I whispered. His face darted to mine, perhaps in recognition of my voice, and I knew then what I had to do. I reached behind my head and unzipped the hood before pulling it off completely. His eyes went so wide I thought they might pop out.

    “Hey son” I said, giving him as warm a smile as I could muster.

    “Dad?” he squeaked.  “Wha…wha…”

    “Shhh” I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. “It’s OK. It’s OK.”

    “I…I…” he stammered, starting to visibly shake.

    “I know” I said. “At some point we’ve got to talk about all this, but not now, not tonight.” I pulled him into a hug, and held on to him until he had stopped shaking.

    “I’m sorry” he whispered into my ear, as he calmed himself down.

    “Nothing to be sorry for” I said. “I wish you’d told me, but there we go.”

    “I…I was scared” he said. “I don’t know why.”

    “Well, you don’t need to be scared anymore” I replied. “No more secrets between us, OK?”

    “OK” he said, pulling back from the hug.

    “In that spirit” I continued, “I should tell you that I was here a few weeks ago doing exactly what you’re doing.”

    “You were?!” he squealed.

    “Yep” I said, smiling. “Spent the weekend here taking as many loads as they could give me, and now I’m poz.”

    “Fuuuuuck” said Justin, taking a deep inhale of the last of his cigarette. “That’s what I want.”

    “I know son, I know” I said, “so we’d better get back inside so we can get on with giving it to you.”

    “We?” he asked.  “Wait, you fucked me, didn’t you?!”

    “Uh huh” I said, “and when we get back inside I’m going to do it again. I’m freshly poz and not on meds, so my viral load is probably through the roof.”

    “Fuuuuck” he said again, a visible tent forming in his shorts. “This is soooo fucked up.”

    “Sure is” I said, smiling. “You want me to breed you again though, don’t you?”

    He nodded, and I instinctively stepped forward and put my arm round his shoulder. We then headed back inside the warehouse.

    “Gents” I yelled, as we got inside, my arm still round him. “This here is my son Justin. My actual flesh and blood son. I’m going to fuck him now, and then I want to watch each and every one of you breed him. By the time we leave on Sunday, I want my boy impregnated. Can you do that?”

    There was total silence for a moment, before Peter responded.

    “Fuck yeah, we can do that!”

    Cheers went up from the rest of them, as I turned to face Justin so I could remove his clothes.

    “Poz me Dad” he whispered to me.

    “Just try and stop me” I replied, winking at him. “Just try and stop me.”

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  4. A month after my exploits with Peter and his friends, I was sitting in my comfiest armchair at home savouring a cup of coffee on a rainy Saturday morning. I had avoided this seat for a couple of days, to give my new biohazard trampstamp tattoo a chance to heal properly. Yes, that weekend in the midlands had done the trick, although of course I couldn’t be totally sure given my many exploits in parks, public toilets and sex clubs since getting back to London. Either way, the fuck flu had taken, I had got tested when that was gone, I was nw happily and proudly poz, and was not planning to start on any meds for a while. With that milestone reached, I seemed to relax a bit and my sex life became less frenetic, to the point that I was enjoying my first Saturday for a while where I didn’t feel like shit, whether from a late night after multiple breedings, too much to drink, or of course the fuck flu. It was actually kind of a relief to be sipping on a strong cup of black coffee, while looking out at the rain and casually pondering what to do with my weekend. The thought of maybe offering my gift to some other chasers had crossed my mind, but I was also aware that I really had become an all-out bottom of late and I kind of didn’t want to go back.

    As the rain seemed to get stronger, my phone buzzed with a message. Fishing the iPhone out of my pocket, I saw it was an SMS from Peter. I had sent him a message confirming my new status as soon as I had left the clinic, which seemed to make him very happy.

    Hi there my new little pozboy. Remember I told you about that student who wanted gifting? Well, he’s agreed to get the coach up next weekend, and I wondered if you fancied joining in? Let me know - you can stay at the warehouse again if you want, or at my place. Pete.

    My stomach gave a lurch. I had done my best to quell thoughts that it might be Justin who was in contact with Peter, and did my best to tell myself that there were probably a few students at the university with gay dads. After all, Justin was straight, wasn’t he? Still, something about it all just seemed to add up to it being him, and now it looked like the time had come. This wasn’t something I was going to stand in the way of if indeed Justin was the one looking to get pozzed, but equally was it something I wanted to be part of?

    My dick gave me my answer. I almost felt sick, but I could not deny that at least being there to see it happen was something I wanted. Maybe I actually wanted to be the one that gave it to him. My head was a mess, but my dick was growing and starting to take control. I cautiously typed out a reply, sat and looked at it for a few moments, and then clicked to send it.

    Good thanks. Yes, count me in - thanks. Don’t worry though, I’ll get a hotel.

    I took a while to let it all sink in, that I might be watching my own son get pozzed, and might even find myself contributing to it. However, if it was Justin then I knew that I could not let on to him that I was there, nor have any of the other guys know who he was to me. That meant I needed a hood or something, and thus a plan was hatched for the day. I would pop down to Kennington to pick up something at the bondage store, and then maybe see if I could get fucked a bit somewhere nearby. My heart was pumping like crazy, and the only solution to that I could think of was to get some cock in me! With those decisions made, I then went online and booked a hotel for the next weekend, and then lit up a cigarette, sat back in my chair and began to think about the day ahead.

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  5. {sorry for the delay guys - here's the next chaper}


    I retreated back upstairs for a rest after the short session bent over the barrel, and even managed to sleep for a bit longer. Once I was awake again I decided to take a shower, and then got myself dried and dressed initially in just a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. I went downstairs to see if I could find Peter to get a bit more of a steer on what I should be wearing, but he suggested I just go with whatever was comfortable as they would be stripping me naked anyway. I therefore headed back upstairs, stripped myself naked and then put on a jockstrap. After a bit of deliberation, I opted for what I’d already worn that morning for the coffee run, swapping out the T-shirt for a tight vest and clasping my big chain round my neck.
    I headed outside for a quick smoke, and then went back downstairs to see what was happening. Peter was by that point loading up his truck with some coolboxes, and without needing to be asked I just got on with giving him a hand to bring them all out from the bar area. On his final trip outside he was carrying a large hamper, and winked at me as he went past.
    “Party supplies” he said, smirking. I guessed this didn’t mean balloons and streamers.
    Once everything was loaded up, he gestured for me to get in the passenger side of the cab before he got into the driver’s side, and then we set off. We chatted amiably as he drove us out of town and into the hills, before eventually arriving at a rudimentary car park down a rather overgrown lane. There were a few other cars there, all with guys sitting in them, and as soon as Peter and I got out of the truck they all followed suit. Clearly these were the men who would be using me today, some of whom looked familiar from the night before but others were definitely new.
    “Gentlemen” said Peter, “I’m glad you could make it.”
    “You know we love a good picnic” replied one of them, grinning in my direction.
    “As do I” said Peter. “Anyway, if you’ll all give me a hand, we’ve got several coolers of drinks and snacks and a hamper of goodies.”
    Everyone set about helping to unload the truck, also getting various things out of their own cars, and then we walked off as a group along a path into the trees. At a certain point, the group veered off the path into the undergrowth, following a route that they seemed to know but which would not have been obvious to anyone else. I supposed that this was the point. Eventually we arrived at a sort of clearing, which didn’t have much sunlight on it, but was free of any plants growing on the forest floor meaning there was plenty of space to spread out. Once everyone was in the clearing it became obvious that it was very well shielded from view, and by the confident marching to this very location that the group had done, you could tell that it was a place they gathered regularly.
    Everyone got on with unrolling blankets and unfolding a few camping chairs, and then some beers were opened and handed round along with various sandwiches and snacks. I ate a little and drank a couple of beers, chatting to a few of the guys who seemed just as enjoyable to spend time with as the men who had gangbanged me the night before.
    Eventually the mood changed a bit, and a couple of the guys seemed to be getting things ready for what we had all gone there for. The hamper was opened to reveal bottles of lube, various bits of leather kit, and quite a stash of poppers. I took the hint, and got myself undressed down to my jockstrap, although I put my trainers back on to protect my feet. One of the guys then hauled out some of the leather before approaching me, and I stood there and allowed him to attach a thick collar, wrist cuffs and a chunky harness. I then walked over to the tatty blanket that seemed to be where things were going to happen, and got down on all fours.
    In no time someone was licking, fingering and occasionally nicking my hole, while I gently sucked on the cock of one of the other men while noting the small scorpion tattoo just above his balls. Shortly after I was being spitroasted, and that is how I spent most of the rest of the afternoon. I was moved onto my back to give my hands and knees a rest every so often, but these guys definitely had a preference for giving it to me doggy style so I was usually on all fours. They weren’t particularly verbal, with only the occasional comment about the nature of the semen being pumped into my rear end, but it was still exhilarating to be getting railed over and over again in what was technically a public outdoor space. I almost wanted some unlucky walkers to happen upon us and see me getting used this way, but to my knowledge that never happened.
    As the light began to fade, proceedings wrapped up with a final couple of double-fucks of my now very loosened hole, which I enjoyed despite how full having two dicks inside me made me feel. Once the men were truly done with me we all walked back through the undergrowth to the car park, and everyone got in their vehicles and headed off. With a bit of a wipe down of my rear end and the insertion of a large plug, Peter gestured for me to get back in the truck without getting dressed again, the tatty blanket being put on the seat first to protect the fabric. I had assumed he just wanted the thrill of me being near-naked for the drive back to the warehouse, but then he started to take a different route. We were eventually on a motorway for a very brief period, before he pulled off at a service station and then followed the route parked for lorries rather than cars. This took us to a large parking area filled with HGVs, at the end of which was a small toilet block away from the main service station facilities. He parked up next to it, and then gestured for me to get out and go inside while he remained seated in the truck.
    I did as he wanted, feeling very exposed even in the dim light, given the number of truckers that were around, and I hurried into the toilet block. It stank to high heaven and there was no-one else in there, but that soon changed as a couple of guys came in after me. Where meetings in public toilets will usually be a careful series of hints and signs to check that both parties want the same thing, none of that was needed here. One of the guys instead just pushed me into a cubicle, bent me forward over the toilet, pulled out the plug from my arse, and then slammed his raw cock into me. He fucked me hard and rough for just a few minutes before breeding me, and then the other man took over. Then another, and another, and another, and so on. I was called a whore and a slut by several of them, but only one of them indicated he was spewing anything toxic into me. Maybe by this point Peter had just decided to get me fucked, and perhaps see if the questionable contents of my rear end might take down a couple of these truckers too.
    I was in the toilets for a very long time, to the point that I was starting to wonder if Peter had just left me there, but eventually he came in and managed to wind things down so that I could leave. This time he had brought my clothes, which I did my best to put on without them touching the filthy floor tiles, and then we went back outside and got in the truck.
    “Well, that was quite a day for you then” he said once we were back on the motorway.
    “Uh-huh” I replied. “Not one I’m going to forget in a hurry.”
    “Hopefully ever” he said. “But just to make sure, when we get back I’m going to brush out your insides and then spent the night buried in there.”
    I had been fucked to kingdom come, but I still got hard at what he was saying.
    “Yes please” I croaked out.
    “Good lad” he said. “And tomorrow we’ve got a few of the regulars coming back to have a final go with you before lunch. Then you’ll be on your way.”
    Then I’ll be on my way. A choice of words I liked: I would be both leaving for home, and also hopefully heading into a new life as a pozzed-up pig.
    True to his word, once we were back at the warehouse and had got into the bedroom I was using, Peter really gave my insides quite a gruelling brush and happily showed me just how red the bristles were. He also indeed stayed buried in me all night, only pulling out when he had to piss or just wanted to stick the brush in there some more. The next morning, as promised, I was taken back downstairs and some of the men from Friday night pumped a few more loads into me as I lay in the sling and happily accepted all of their toxic goodness. Eventually it was just Peter left, and he fucked one more load into me in the sling before helping me up so I could back upstairs to shower and change for the drive home.
    “Thank you so much” I said to him as I got back downstairs a while later, my bags packed and ready for the road. “This has just been awesome.”
    “No thanks needed” he said. “Hopefully you got what you came for, but if not then you know where to find me. Indeed, even if we have succeeded, you’re always welcome to visit if you’re back up this way.”
    “Thank you” I said, knowing that I would now have to find a way to take a detour here whenever I was doing my fatherly duty at the start or end of term time.
    “Let us know how it goes” he said. “Want to see if we can officially add another one to our tally.”
    “I will do” I replied. “You got any more chasers lined up?”
    “Just one” he said. “Nice piece of young meat who’s just started at Nottingham uni. Been messaging me for a while from London, and still seems keen.”
    “Oh really” I said, smirking.
    “Yeah” he said. “Got a gay dad too apparently.”
    Oh. Oh. Oh. My. God…

    [to be continued]

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    It was only two days later that Parker sent me the first of many bootie call texts. That kicked off a summer of me having to report to all sorts of locations, including the park, a truck stop out of town, some public toilets, and even the football field at school, all to bend myself over to get fucked and bred. Usually it was just Parker, occasionally there would be someone else there, and a couple of times it was at a motel where we would both service some paying client (not that I got any of the proceeds).
    I came down with the fuck flu fairly quickly after the night on the farm, and once that was over I got myself tested at a clinic in the city (having held off my mother's attempts to summon a doctor while I was enduring the worst of it). Fortunately I had not picked up anything other than the virus I had actively sought, and after going on meds for my viral count started to go down. I was now what I had wanted to be, and despite how that night on the farm had gone, everything had ultimately worked out. However, the same could not be said for everyone.
    One night I got a message from Parker asking if he could come over, which was sufficiently strange that I did not hesitate to respond quickly to say it was fine. He appeared just a few minutes later, and after meeting him at the door and briefly introducing him as 'a teammate' to my parents, I took him upstairs to my room wondering what he was there for.  It was only when he took off his varsity jacket that I saw the bruises on his arms, and when he noticed that I had seen them, he just looked me in the eyes as he slowly pulled off his T-shirt. His torso was even more bruised and had some fairly significant cuts as well, and then when he turned round I could see welts all over his back.
    "Fucking hell" I said. "What happened?"
    "Those guys" he whispered, turning back to face me with tears in his eyes. "My uncles asked me to come over to help with some jobs on the farm, but then after I got there they told me they were tired of me, that I was a worthless slut, and then they tied me up and left me with those guys."
    "Fuck" I said, now whispering too. "What did they do?"
    "What they did to you, and a bit more" he replied.  "I don't really want to talk about it."
    "Oh Parker" I said, surprised by the pity that I was feeling for him.
    "They took photos" he said, before a long pause. "They... they anonymously dropped them off in my dad's mailbox, along with a copy of my HIV test results."
    I just stood looking at him, dumbfounded and appalled by how broken he looked as he tried to tell me what had happened.
    "He didn't even speak to me" he continued. "I got home earlier, and he just walked up to me and punched me in the gut, then threw me out the front door with the packet of photos. I... I didn't know where else to go."
    Despite the things he had done to me, and his pimping out of my body over the previous weeks, I could not help but reach out and put my hand on his shoulder to try to comfort him. This prompted him to lean into me, bury his head against my neck, and let go. He cried openly, loudly, and the noise drew my mother's attention from downstairs. She appeared at the door with a concerned look on her face, which turned to horror as she must have seen Parker's welted back. I just mouthed "it's OK" to her when she finally looked up to make eye contact with me, and she nodded and hesitantly went away. However, I knew she would actually be hovering at the top of the stairs out of view.
    Parker eventually calmed down, and pulled away from me. I grabbed a box of tissues from beside my bed and handed them to him, and he got himself cleaned up a bit. I let him get himself back on an even keel before speaking.
    "Parker, I think we need to go and speak to my parents" I said, causing him to go wide-eyed at me in alarm. "My mum just came to the door and must have seen your back. We need to tell them what your uncles and father did to you."
    I gave him a look as I mentioned his uncles and father, and was relieved when he seemed to get what I was doing. My mother was bound to still be in earshot, and there was no way the truth of his ordeal could be told to anyone else.
    The rest of the evening passed with us, mostly me, telling my parents a slightly made-up story about the physical abuse Parker had endured from the older men in his family, resulting in them offering to allow him to stay for a while so he could get himself together. The camping bed was put up in my room so he could sleep there, but all we ever did was make it look like it had been used. Parker instead slept in my bed, initially because he needed comforting but of course sex was soon part of the equation again. We kept it as quiet as we could, and while I was usually the one getting fucked, Parker became the first guy that I topped. For the remaining weeks of the summer we were basically in a very quiet, not entirely functional, relationship with each other. The pimping out was no longer part of our dynamic, and his alpha male side only came on display when he was in public and trying to maintain an image. At his lowest point he'd let me see his vulnerable side, and it seemed like that was actually a relief to him and he didn't want go go back.
    I guess we weren't as quiet as we thought though, as one day shortly before I went to college we were lying in bed together naked when my dad suddenly walked in looking for a working cellphone charger. He did not bat an eyelid at the sight of the two of us cuddled up in the bed together, and only inquired if we were ever going to get up for breakfast as he walked out. After getting over the shock we did indeed get dressed and go down for breakfast, both nervous as hell while my parents just carried on as normal. When we went back upstairs, the camping bed was gone, something my father must have done after he had 'gone to the bathroom' earlier. Given how unfazed my parents were, for the final few days before I left, Parker and I were openly affectionate with each other around the house, and my parents were not ruffled or even curious at all. Of course, had they known what we had both been up to or what we were both carrying in our bloodstreams, that might have got more of a reaction.
    They let Parker stay for a bit longer after I went to college, but he was eventually encouraged to start sorting out his life and in due course moved away to the city to start working in construction. We kept in touch, but whatever it was that we had found between us during the late summer sort of fizzled out. I wasn't cut up about it, just happy that I had been there for him at a low time in his life, and I guess also thankful that his presence had engineered my coming out to my parents without a lot of drama.
    Being free and single I soon re-found my love of being a pig, and spent my time at college offering my hole to every hunky guy who wanted it. I had no shortage of takers amongst my fellow students, and also got some attention from some of the faculty. I supported myself by working nights at a gay bar near the campus, which gave me the added benefit of access to a basement dark room where I could take anonymous loads during breaks and after my shifts, happily accepting plenty of recharge gifts and also sometimes playing the innocent to let guys think they were pozzing a neg stud.
    Eventually some time online resulted in me meeting Sam, a stud on the lacrosse team who had become interested in chasing but was also a top. For him, I went off meds and then became his regular fuckbud, a relationship that gradually morphed into more. It took a long time, but he finally came down with flu one day and tested poz a short while later. I went back on meds, he started taking them for the first time, and it only seemed to be once that milestone had been reached that we realised that we had fallen in love with one another.
    It's now ten years later, and we're still together. We agreed that we were both sufficiently slutty that a completely monogamous relationship would not suit us, but we mostly play together except for when one of us is away on business or visiting family. Funnily enough, Sam has started to bottom occasionally, despite not wanting to when he was trying to get pozzed, so we sometimes either switch it up or get some guys over to use us both side by side.
    I love my life, and I have never regretted doing what I did that night on the farm. I just knew I was meant to be poz, and through being infected, I eventually found the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. I've never told friends or family about my status, but they may have cottoned on thanks to the scorpion tattoo I decided to get across my back. Sam and I have helped a few more guys find what they were looking for, occasionally coming off meds to then work together to infect a chaser or two, but we have otherwise done our best to stay healthy while keeping up an ambitious gym regime.
    I'm also glad that I, along with my awesome parents, got to help Parker find his way out of a situation that could probably have got a lot worse if he had stayed around our town. We do still keep in touch a bit, and he's now living in Los Angeles. He runs a small construction business, and is living with a twinky guy who seems to make him happy. Indeed, my mum met them both when she'd gone on a business trip to LA, something that really surprised me when she told me as I hadn't realised that Parker had stayed more in touch with my parents than he actually had with me. He and I only once talked about what had happened to him on the farm, when he told me that his uncles had been arrested and were both in jail. He was a bit sketchy on the details, but it seemed like they had been caught doing bad things at a truck stop, and then some drugs had been found by the police.
    "I hope they get what's coming to them" Parker had said, which I think meant more than just an appropriate sentence from a judge.  However, I never did hear any more about them.
    So, there we have it. One summer day I graduated from school, and also graduated into manhood. Corruption of a quarterback, pozzing of a prom king, or however you want to look at it: this was my story. Tell me yours...

    [THE END]

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  7. {sorry for the long delay guys...}


    I heard the sound of Parker lighting up another cigarette, but then he reached across Grayson and held the packet towards me. I wasn't a smoker, but still reached up and took one, along with the lighter Parker had put into a gap in the packet. I lit the cigarette, and then chucked the lighter across Grayson back to Parker before taking a deep inhale. I managed not to cough, and instead enjoyed the light-headedness my first cigarette in a while caused. I then just lay there quietly smoking, appreciating the break but wondering what was to come.
    "Get that finished up soon" said Tucker, "the others will be here soon."
    "Yes sir" I replied, choosing not to ask any more questions.
    I duly finished my cigarette, and stubbed it out on the ground next to me. Tucker then appeared above me, offering me his hand to get me off the mattress. I allowed him to pull me up, and then stood and waited for further instructions.
    "Outside" Tucker said, gesturing towards the barn door.
    I hesitated a moment as he walked past me, but then turned and followed him out of the barn, with Grayson and Parker behind me. Tucker headed round the side of the building towards a tree, and as we got closer I could see through the dim moonlight that there were some things hanging down from one of the branches as well as some junk lying around on the floor. Tucker advanced towards the junk, leaned over into it, and a light that was part of the pile turned on. It was then I could see that the branch had a strap suspended over it, with one end attached to a thick leather collar and the other to a chain that then had two leather cuffs hanging off it. On the floor was another set of cuffs with a bar between them. I had seen enough porn to know what was to follow.
    I duly stood next to all this gear, and Tucker put the collar round my neck and closed it quite tight while Grayson got my wrists into the cuffs hanging off the other end of the strap. He and Parker then got my legs spread apart and attached the cuffs round my ankles, the bar making sure my legs would stay all splayed out. From somewhere a blindfold was produced that was pushed down over my head to cover my eyes, and finally a ballgag was inserted into my mouth and tightly strapped behind my head.
    "Now slut" said Tucker, "you're all set."
    I heard the three of them walk away, leaving me to get used to maintaining my balance. After a while I heard the crunch on gravel of several men approaching, who all started yelling about having found a slut they could use, a boy to corrupt and so forth. They didn't waste much time in getting down to business, with the first of several cocks shoved into my rear end quite unceremoniously. My insides truly took a battering from an array of thick cocks of various lengths, a number of them with piercings of one kind or another. I lost count of how many loads I took from them without seeing a single one of them, knowing from their growling and yelling that I was taking a lot of tainted seed.
    Eventually it was over, and I could hear the voices of the men disappear into the distance as they left. I remained stood there for a while, before hearing the crunching footsteps of Tucker, Grayson and Parker approaching.
    They got me unstrapped from the tree and spreader bar, removed the blindfold and ballgag, and then stepped back to look me up and down.
    "That should do it slut" Tucker said. "I think it's time for you to go."
    I nodded, and then looked down at the ground as I began to cry despite not wanting to do so in front of these men.  This night had been a lot more intense than I had intended, and being so physically exhausted I think I just didn't have anything left in me.
    "No point in crying you big pussy" said Grayson. "You wanted infected, that's what you got."
    I knew there was no point in engaging any further, so I just started trudging back to the barn to get my clothes. However, just as I pulled up my jeans, I felt a tug on them from behind me forcing them back down. A hand on my back bent me over, and a cock slammed into my loose hole.
    "Needed one last go" growled Parker.
    He jackhammered into me for only a few minutes before releasing another load of cum into my abused insides, and then pulled out and allowed me to stand up straight again. I did not turn around, but instead just picked up where I had left off in getting dressed.
    "So here's the deal" he said. "I know a rich boy like you is probably going to college later this year. Before then, I'm going to be fucking you whenever and wherever I feel like it. Understand?"
    I just nodded, the fight beaten out of me by the evening's events.
    "I'm also going to be pimping you out if anyone's willing to pay" he continued. "Hell, if they're willing to pay enough then they can fuck both of us.  Might be good to get away from here and try something new."
    I turned around at that point to face him.  It was only then that I saw a slight crack in his facade, and realised that maybe he was a bit scared of his uncles despite the way he had acted earlier. He seemed to sense my understanding, and there was just a flicker of a pleading look on his face before he seemed to gather himself. He reached into his pocket for a cigarette and lit it up, before chucking the packet at me. I lit one up too, and we just quietly smoked together without saying anything.
    "I better go" I said, as I finished mine off and stubbed it out on the ground.
    "Yeah" he replied. "Got your number, and I'll text you when I need to fuck."
    I nodded at him, and then walked past him out of the barn to my car. I got in, put on my seatbelt, and then took one last look out of the window at Parker still standing in the barn watching me. I then fired up the car and drove off out of the farm, noting to myself how much my life had changed since I had arrived just a few hours ago. Who knew what was in store for me next.

    [to be concluded]

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  8. Tucker indeed had stamina, and I was pounded mercilessly for a long time. On a couple of occasions he slammed into me, held in place and growled, but then would pull nearly all the way back out, slam into me again, and carry on pounding me as before. I just groaned  throughout, completely lost in the pleasure and depravity of it all. Finally he did start showing signs that he was going to blow, and after once again slamming into me and holding still, this time he did not continue fucking.
    "That's three more for you" he panted.
    "Three?" I asked, also panting.
    "Yep boy" he said, a faint grin forming on his face. "Fucked two loads into you and then kept going."
    Man alive, now that was stamina, especially for an older man. I knew I must be absolutely overflowing with toxic seed by this point.
    As Tucker pulled out and staggered over to a wooden box to sit down, Grayson and Parker walked up to the sling and undid the restraints. Parker then put his hand out to me to help me get myself up, even giving me a slightly warm smile as he did so. I pulled myself out of the sling, and stretched and shook my legs and arms which had become quite stiff. I could feel a lot of liquid trickling out of my ass, a sure sign that I had been bred well.
    I wasn't sure if my release from the sling was a sign that the night was over, but Grayson soon let me know when he lay down on his back on the mattress and motioned me to come over. The way he was holding up his cock left me with no doubt what I was expected to do, and so I got down and straddled his body so I could lower myself onto him. After Tucker's efforts my hole was loose and offered barely any resistance as I sank myself down onto Grayson.
    I bounced up and down a few times, but then felt a hand on my back pushing me forward. I leaned over as I turned my head to see Parker getting onto the mattress as well, and before I had time to process what was happening, I felt his cock starting to prod at my rear end.
    "Nn" was all I got out of my mouth before he pushed hard against me and slid inside, causing my attempt at the word 'no' to instead become a screaming yelp. I had never been so stretched in my life, and it only got worse as he steadily but firmly pushed the entire length of his cock into me alongside Grayson's.
    Once he was fully embedded I stopped yelping and just started panting, my head bowed and my eyes closed as I attempted to cope with my first double penetration. To be fair to my fuckers, they let me adjust to it before Parker started to slowly pull in and out, and Grayson occasionally thrust his pelvis as much as he was able to with me on top of him. A low guttural moan started from deep within me as the ache and fullness began to be joined by an overwhelming sense of pleasure, and in time I was urging them both to fuck me harder.
    Parker slamming himself to the hilt and blowing in me set Grayson off too, and I had both their toxic loads pumping into my guts simultaneously. Once they were done ejaculating the three of us held in place for a while, until Parker pulled himself out and collapsed sideways onto the mattress, which in turn caused Grayson's cock to slip free. I experienced both a relief from the ache as well as a real emptiness, but looking around the room I could tell these guys were spent, at least for a while. I therefore chose to lie myself down on the other side of Grayson for a moment.
    "That's it boy" said Tucker from across the room. "Rest a bit, 'cause we're not done yet. The night is young, and we've got some more special guests for you soon."
    Oh man, I thought to myself, this was not what I signed up for. I came here to get fucked and pozzed by Tucker, and instead had been gangbanged by my teammates before enduring an epic gang pozzing from this fucked-up family. What more could they possibly have in store for me?

    [to be continued]

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  9. I followed the men into the barn, where there was the normal mix of farm equipment and supplies that you might expect to find. However, it was the other things in there that really got my attention. A frame was set up with a sling hanging from it, the leather restraints for ankles and wrists being clearly visible. There was a mattress on the floor nearby. Finally, there was a makeshift fuck bench made out of some wooden boxes with some cushions that had been stuck on somehow. Clearly I was going to be fucked in various positions this evening.
    “Get naked” Tucker barked at me.
    I hurriedly obeyed, taking a quick hit of poppers from the bottle in my pocket before stripping out of my shoes, underwear and suit. I placed my clothes onto a wooden chair sitting by the entrance, hoping it wouldn’t all get too dirty, and then turned back to face the men as naked as the day I was born. I was immediately regretting not having anything on my feet given how rough the floor was, but guessed from the way the barn was laid out that I was probably not going to be on my feet a great deal.
    “Nice” cooed Grayson. “Bit of prime teenage meat we’ve got here.”
    “He won’t be prime for long” said Tucker to his brother, before turning to me. “Get up in that sling and assume the position boy.”
    I complied, moving over to the sling and hoisting myself into it. I held my legs up as the brothers took an ankle each and wrapped thick leather restraints round them, before they moved on to hold up my arms and do the same to my wrists. Once I was restrained I shuffled my body down a bit to poke my ass off the edge of the leather sling, knowing what to do despite never having been in one of these contraptions.
    “Right, that should do for them I reckon” said Tucker.
    “Them?” I asked, my voice wavering a bit.
    “Guests” he gruffly replied, before pulling his phone out of his pocket and dialling a number. He waited a moment, then simply said “he’s ready” to whoever answered before he hung up.
    “Guests?” I asked again, but received no reply.
    Just a minute or so later, a man appeared at the entrance to the barn, and when he walked closer and into the light I gasped.
    “You know my nephew Parker” said Tucker, with a bit of an evil grin on his face.
    Parker Baynes. He had been a year ahead of me at High School, but got held back after failing to graduate. He had been the alpha in his year, and made it clear he did not like there being someone else around, namely me, who now occupied that role. No longer the quarterback, no longer the stud, he had clearly had it in for me throughout the year but had never done much about it.
    “Hey slut” said Parker, a cigarette dangling from his lips. “Uncle Pete’s been telling me all about you.”
    I must have looked panicked, as they all started laughing at me.
    “Thought I’d get me some of your slutty ass before my uncles ruin you” he said. “Also thought it would be rude if I didn’t share, so I invited some friends.”
    At that moment a load more shapes appeared in the entrance to the barn, and as they walked forward I let out a muffled yelp.
    “Captain” said Brian Crowe, our school team’s middle linebacker. He was at the front of the pack, which was made up entirely of a group of my teammates. Fucking, fucking hell.
    “‘Bout time you got taken down” said Dalton Wecker. “Shame you’re actually going to enjoy it, from what Parker told us anyway.”
    OK, so maybe there was a fantasy element to this for me, but I was too freaked by my forced, naked, prone outing to these guys to be able to go there mentally. Furthermore, any of the fun I had fantasised it being was destroyed when Parker jammed two fingers into my hole and forced them inside. Yeah, I had a bit of lube up there, and yeah, I had taken a hit of poppers before removing my clothes, but it still fucking hurt. Worse still, he only loosened me a little bit before ripping his fingers away, undoing his pants, freeing his erect cock and then ramming it into me in one go. I could not withhold a scream at the pain, which made everyone laugh at my misfortune.
    My teammates all fucked and bred me twice, and while I got used to it eventually and the pain went away, it was still so humiliating to be used by these guys without it being on my terms. What made it worse is that I thought most of them were my friends, when in fact they all seemed to hold a grudge against me and relished the opportunity to get their own back for whatever it was they thought I had done to them. They were all brutal as hell in their fucking of my ass, some of them spitting on me and one of them taking a piss on my head at one point.
    Eventually they were spent, and after shouting some more obscenities at me they left. Well, all except Parker. After waving them off he turned back to me with an evil look on his face. He lit up another cigarette, and then stepped up to insert himself in me for a third time. This time, however, he didn’t start hammering away, but instead leant forward over me. He then looked up at his uncles and winked, and to my absolute shock Grayson went round behind him. From my position I could not see what was happening, but I still knew from the slightly pained expression on Parker’s face. Grayson was penetrating his nephew. Parker had his head down and was puffing repeatedly on the cigarette between his lips as he adjusted, causing ash to fall on my stomach, but eventually he looked back up at me with a grin.
    “That’s right slut” Parker said to me, “you thought you had to wait for my uncles, but you’ve actually been getting poz loads from me already tonight.”
    I was too stunned to speak, so Tucker spoke up.
    “Pozzed him up at Christmas” he said. “Nephew here got caught bending over for one of the farm hands, so I took over his training.”
    Parker winked at me, then his face changed a little as Grayson started to slowly fuck him. This meant Parker started to passively fuck me too, gearing himself up to deliver my third poz load of the night. Eventually he got a bit more aggressive, taking over control of the motion as he slammed forward into me and backwards onto his uncle’s cock. The stimulation pushed him over the edge pretty quickly despite the two loads he’d already blown that night, and he soon thrust into me one final time before holding himself in place and yelling out as he pumped another toxic load into my well-used guts.
    No sooner had he calmed down and slid out of me than Grayson stepped up and rammed into me. He was already well on his way towards orgasm after using his nephew’s muscled ass, so it was a powerful, brutal fuck from the outset. He too soon blew his toxic load into me, and then slid out while panting heavily. Only then did Tucker step up.
    “You’re probably already infected” he said, grinning at me, “but now I’m going to make sure. Time for you to take my AIDS cock without any of those nasty PrEP pills getting in the way.”
    With that, he slid into me and began to fuck, being less frenetic than everyone else had been, but thrusting deeper and with more intent than any of the other guys. I could not help but groan with every thrust in, and also whenever he pulled out completely and slammed himself back in. He had stamina, that much I could tell, and I knew it was going to be a long night…

    [to be continued]

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  10. I think I must have been in the sling for a good couple of hours, but eventually everyone in attendance seemed to be worn out and the evening came to an end. I was absolutely knackered, quite sore, but oh so satisfied. After a plug was pushed into me to allow the loads in there to really simmer, I was hauled out of the sling so I could share one last nightcap with a few of the men who hung around, before I limped off back up to the bedroom. I took a quick shower, making sure to keep the plug in place, and then collapsed into bed and pretty much passed out.

    The next morning I was woken by sunlight coming in through the rather thin curtain on the window, and I lay there for a while as I processed the previous day. I had taken so, so many loads, all of them poz, and I knew there was now a pretty good chance I was infected and just waiting to seroconvert. However, I knew I had more in store as I was here for the whole weekend, something that made me quite excited despite the ache in my rear end. The plug was still in place, and I decided to just leave it there if I could take it.

    I eventually roused myself, got dressed in a T-shirt, hoodie, tracksuit bottoms and trainers I had brought with me, and headed out into the kitchen to see whether there was any means of getting a coffee. There was a jar of rather stale looking instant granules that did not appeal, so I headed downstairs to see what was what. There was no sign of Peter or any of the other guys, and so I went back upstairs and grabbed my cap and car keys. I then headed back down and out to my car, jamming a bit of card in the door mechanism to stop myself getting locked out of the warehouse. I had to get in the car carefully to avoid doing myself an injury from the plug inserted in my rear, and then drove off towards the retail park I had seen on my way in yesterday. I was glad to find a drive-thru coffee shop so I wouldn’t have to negotiate getting in and out of the car, despite the sordid appeal of standing in front of a barista while dozens of plugged-in toxic loads stewed inside me.

    Coffee and a couple of pastries bought, I pulled over in the car park and had a moment of quiet while I enjoyed my breakfast. For the first time since the previous day I thought to check my phone, but was not surprised to see no messages from my sons who were no doubt busy with the socialising that comes from the start of a uni year. After browsing social media for a bit, and smoking a couple of cigarettes, I decided I was done.

    I headed back to the warehouse, where I noticed a utility truck in the forecourt that had not been there before. I parked up and headed back inside, the door now propped open with a bar indicating there was definitely someone inside.

    “Hello?” I called as I came back in.

    “Ah, you’re back” said Peter, coming out of his office. “I thought you might have done a runner.”

    “No chance” I said, smiling. “I just needed a strong coffee and something to eat.”

    “Fair enough” he replied. “You still plugged?”

    “Oh yes” I said.

    “Bet you’re sore” he said, chuckling.

    “Fuck yeah” I replied, laughing too, “but still ready for whatever’s coming next.”

    “Glad to hear it” Peter said. “As it happens, a couple of club regulars who couldn’t make it last night are in there waiting for you.”

    I gulped, and then looked towards the door into the main room. I guess I hadn’t reckoned on this second day of fun starting so soon.

    “In you go” Peter said, gesturing towards the door. “They’re both on the clock and need to get back.”

    I hesitated for a moment longer, and then headed into the main room. Sure enough, there were were two large men in work overalls standing around, both midway through a cigarette.

    “Oy oy” said one of them, as I came in. “Are you our cumdump?”

    “I am” I said, a little nervously.

    “Good lad” he replied. “How about you get those clothes off and bend over this drum?”

    He gestured towards an old oil drum that had a bit of cloth on the top, which I guess would make it more pleasant to lean against. I paused a moment, then walked over to it. I stripped out of my T-shirt and hoodie, then pulled my trousers down over my shoes so that I was not barefoot. That left me standing there wearing only a pair of Reebok Classics and a large buttplug. I then bent over the drum, looking away from the two men.

    A hand touched my buttocks, and immediately moved to the plug. I felt it wiggle a couple of times, before the painful sensation of it being pulled from me. My anal muscles eventually gave way and it popped out, and I felt some of the cummy contents of my colon hit my leg as they escaped.

    Without any further ado, whichever of the two men it was put his cock at my hole and pushed in, filling me to the hilt in one thrust. He then started hammering into me, which was painful but also so good. He fucked without much of a word, just using me as a sheath for his cock, until he got close to climax at which point he started yelling about his toxic cum. A moment later he filled me up with that cum, starting off my second day of posing.

    He pulled out and his mate immediately replaced him, jackhammering even faster until he blew his load in me without a word. I was truly just a cumdump to them, without any of the camaraderie that there had been the night before. I liked it.

    I remained bent over while the two of them got their clothes on and left, saying nothing more to me. I was about to stand up straight again when I felt another hand on my buttocks, followed by a cock at my hole.

    “Would be a shame to leave you with just two loads from this session” said Peter, before he pushed himself into me for the umpteenth time. He was in less of a frantic mood than the other two guys had been, and this turned into quite a length fuck that I really enjoyed despite the ache in my hole. Much like the second guy had been, Peter was quiet throughout, just getting on with giving me a really good seeing to until he blew his load.

    “There, that should do for now” he said a little breathlessly, as he withdrew from me. “Can’t have you worn out before this afternoon.”

    “What’s this afternoon” I asked, standing up straight and turning to face him.

    “We’re going on a picnic” he said, smiling at me.

    “A picnic?” I asked.

    “Yep” he said, still smiling. “There’s a place we know that you’re going to love.”

    His smirk told me all I needed to know. We were heading outdoors, and on the menu there was only one thing: me.



    [to be continued]

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  11. We clinked our glasses together, and each took a small sip of champagne. Being 18 years old neither one of us was particularly used to it, so she grimaced a little and I almost certainly did.

    “Well done Your Majesty” she said, smiling at me.

    “And to you too, Your Majesty” I replied, before reaching up and touching the plastic nonsense I was wearing on my head. We had fished out our Prom King and Queen crowns to remind ourselves of what we had achieved.

    “We made it” she said. “It’s done.”

    “It is” I said. “Well, that part of it is.”

    “You know what I mean” she replied, smirking.

    I winked at her, then turned my head to look out at the moonlit lake in front of us.

    “Can’t quite believe it” I said quietly. “Thought for sure someone would find out.”

    “I didn’t” she replied, causing me to turn and look at her quizzically. “I mean, yeah, it could have happened, but we’re both so fucking good at acting that I was sure we would survive.”

    Survive we had, and here we were sitting toasting our graduation from high school. The crowning at the Senior Prom had been quite a feat for a gay jock and his lesbian girlfriend, but of course that’s not what our classmates knew us as. Ben “Cockhands” Hancock, the celebrated quarterback of the school football team, and Rachel Westman, the captain of the cheerleading squad. Popular, friendly, tall, athletic, good looking (even if I do say so myself)… Our win was so predictable it was almost cliché, but we still came first in the votes and duly and humbly accepted our crowns in front of our fellow seniors. Somehow we had got to that point without the true nature of our relationship getting found out: a pair of beards, hiding their exciting, sometimes sordid, private lives.

    We sat in silence for a while, looking out at the lake.

    “So you’re sure?” she asked.

    “I am” I replied. “It’s all I can think about.”

    “It’s a bit messed up” she said.

    “So you keep telling me” I sighed. “But it’s what I want.”

    “Fair enough” she said, “I guess I can’t stop you.”

    “No, you can’t” I responded.

    “Where?” she enquired, causing me to turn at look at her again. “I mean, where is it going to happen?”

    “One of his barns” I replied. “He says it’s where he normally does this part.”

    “Classy” she snorted. “Well, at least please let me know the address so I know where to send the police when he murders you.”

    “I’ll be fine” I said. “You know I’ve met up with him a few times, so I know what I’m getting into.”

    “Do you?” she asked. “Just because he’s fucked you in a toilet a few times does not mean he’s not going to strangle you tonight.”

    “Stop” I said, knowing she was joking but it somehow also causing my stomach to turn over a bit. The truth was, I did not know for sure that Tucker wasn’t a serial killer. What I did know is that he was going to fucking me several times that night, maybe with some help from his brother, and that by the end of it there was a good chance I would be HIV positive.

    When Rachel had tried to get me to make a move on her after we had been dating for a while, I had come clean to her about my sexuality only to be overjoyed with her revealing her own true feelings back to me. There and then we agreed to become each other's beards, spending enough time together to not arouse any suspicion, but never seeking anything more from each other than friendship. Having her there as my faux girlfriend had been awesome, meaning I could maintain an image without having to force myself into something I did not in any want want to do, and had been willing to come out to her to avoid.

    What I did want to do was of course seek out men, and despite having no experience, I just knew deep down that I wanted to bend over for them rather than the other way round. However, I had shied away from activing pursuing any of that until my 18th birthday, when I had decided to go out and celebrate with a bang. I had read so many stories online about guys having their cherries popped on their 18th birthday, and it felt right to me that I had that kind of experience for myself. With Rachel’s help, I had put a lot of focus and effort into a whole charade to get myself clear of friends and family, and then had headed off after dark to a local public bathroom to see what sort of action I could get. Action I got, being fresh meat and all, and I went home that night thoroughly deflowered (at both ends).

    The day after that birthday, and only my second day of actually doing anything with men, is when my uncle caught me being fucked in the woods, evidently while seeking out a bit of action for himself while he was in town staying with us for my belated birthday celebrations. I got The Talk from him, but I think he also realised what was inevitable and thus helped me get a supply of Truvada so that I could safely and freely become the cumdump bottom I just so naturally seemed to be. That laid the groundwork for my senior year, and with our house being designed in such a way that it was very easy for me to come and go at night without my parents noticing, I had encountered few barriers in my nocturnal pursuits of cock.

    The problem with all this, despite how new I was to it, was that I wanted something more. Something more sleazy, more exciting, more dangerous. Yeah, I was happy to take cocks and loads all night, but there was something missing. I started to realise what that was the first time I encountered Tucker in the park toilets. Adorned with tattoos of scorpions, skulls and biohazard symbols, he hid nothing when it came to his status as a toxic, breeding pig. I did not hide that I was on PrEP, but the fact that I was only 18 was probably enough of a turn-on for him to breed me anyway. Him doing so, and growling in my ear about the toxic load I was taking, set off something exhilarating in me. This was it. This was the thing I needed.

    From then on I actively sought poz cock, and got fucked by Tucker many times over my senior year in all sorts of venues and locations. However, I remained on the pills my uncle sent me, putting up a barrier in my system to prevent the virus from getting in. Tucker started to get tired of it, and the thing is that I did as well. The more I sought poz cock, the more I wanted it to actually be dangerous, and for conversion to be possible.

    I had done some research online, and I knew that someone who got pozzed would have to go through the ‘fuck flu’ while converting. I decided that this was not something I wanted to endure during high school, particularly as it might lead to the game being given away, so I started to plan. Graduation Day just seemed to come into focus for me as the perfect time to aim for, and so I got things lined up. I managed to convince Tucker to fuck me again despite his reluctance, and then when he was hammering away inside me in that stinking public bathroom, I told him what I wanted. Unsurprisingly, he agreed. Meanwhile, after a bit of research, I worked out when to stop taking the Truvada, which also basically meant an ending to my nighttime escapades. I wanted this to happen when I chose, not accidentally. I came up with some bullshit excuses why I couldn’t be with my friends that night, and also used Rachel as the reason for escaping my family. Reading me like a book, she’d demanded to know what was going on, and it was actually quite liberating to tell her. To give her due credit, she was not as appalled as I thought she might have been, and had elected to go along with it all despite her misgivings about what I was choosing to do to myself. Now we were sitting beside the lake, having one last night of being a notional couple before we officially broke up and got on with our lives beyond school.


    “I better go” I said, starting to stand up.

    “One more time, are you sure?” she asked, staying sat down but reaching up to take one of my hands .

    “Yes” I said. “We made it to graduation, but I want to be who I am for college.”

    “And that means getting infected?” she asked, sounding a little pleading.

    “Yes” I said again. “I know you don’t understand, and that it’s a bit fucked up, but I just know that this is what I need to do.”

    She continued to look up at me for a moment, then nodded and let go of my hand.

    “Well then” she said, “I can at least say I tried. Have fun, I guess.”

    “Thanks” I replied, smiling at her as warmly as I could. “Not just for that, but for all of it.”

    “You too” she replied. “We made quite a team.”

    “We did” I said. “Don’t stay here by yourself please.”

    “Jenna’s on her way” Rachel replied, smiling. “We’ll drink the rest of the champagne and then go get naked.”

    I laughed, and then turned and headed off towards the edge of the park where I had parked the car. I’d only had a couple of sips of champagne and knew I was fine to drive, so I started up the engine and set off out of town to Tucker’s farm. I had not actually been onto it before, but in the lead up to Graduation Day I had headed out to the address he had given me one Sunday morning to scope it out. Truth be told, and despite Rachel’s ribbing, I had wanted to see if it gave me any sort of Texas Chainsaw Massacre vibes. From what I could see though it all looked like a normal farm, with animals around, buildings in good shape, and so on.

    The drive out there only took a few minutes at this time of night, with the hardest part being the bumpy dirt track up to the main house. Once I had negotiated that, I pulled in to what looked like a sensible spot in the yard, turned off the engine and then sat for a moment to gather my senses. Was I actually going through with this? Was it crazy? No, it’s not crazy, I thought to myself. I’ve wanted this all year. I’m never going to marry someone and have kids. I’m a cumdump. I’m meant to be filled with everything men have to give. I’m meant to be toxic.

    “Toxic” I whispered to myself. “A poz cumdump whore.”

    That was all I needed, to hear myself say what I was, or at least wanted to be. Certain and resolved, I opened the door and got out, just as Tucker emerged from the house with a man who I immediately knew must be his brother. I guess this was going to be a two-for-one night then, immediately getting my dick hard at the prospect.

    “Evening boy” said Tucker. “This here is my brother Grayson.”

    “Hello sir” I said, nodding towards the brother.

    “Respectable little pig, isn’t he?” said Grayson. “Let’s see if we can’t fuck that out of him.”

    Tucker and his brother both laughed, but I gulped. This was happening. This was really happening.

    “Now let’s get you into that there barn and get on with this” said Tucker. “I’ve not fucked in a week and my balls are churning to get inside you.”

    The night was about to begin…


    [to be continued]

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  12. I necked my own drink, and then got up off the stool and followed Peter over to the padded fuck bench in the middle of the room.

    “Let’s give the guys a good welcome sight” he said, motioning me to get onto it. I took a hit of poppers from the bottle stored in the pouch on my harness, and then did as directed and got on the bench on all fours. I stayed still while he attached a couple of chains to the leather cuffs I was already wearing round my wrists, and waited patiently while he wrestled to get the bench’s own restraints round my boots to strap my legs in place.

    “Right, that should do” he said. “You lubed?”

    “Yeah” I replied. “Used a plug earlier too.”

    “Good” he said, “no need to dally around then.”

    With that, after a cursory exploration of my exposed hole with a couple of his fingers, I felt his cock pushing against me. Then, without much fanfare, he slowly but firmly pushed the entire length of it into me, the PA he promised (which I had not actually seen yet) feeling really different to anything I had experienced before.

    “There we go” he said. “You OK?”

    “Yeah” I breathed out.

    With that he started to slowly fuck, building up his tempo fairly quickly until he was hammering in and out of me. He was really verbal throughout, repeatedly telling me how toxic he was, how this was going to be the fuck that changed me, and what a slut I was. I just moaned and groaned as I was pushed back and forth, absolutely loving both the physical feeling of his cock in me as well as the mental fuckery he was putting me through with this first pozzing of the night.

    Eventually he thrust into me one final time and stayed put through the spasms of his orgasm, pumping me full of his gloriously toxic juices. I just quietly muttered “breed me” over and over and encourage him to fully empty his tanks into me.

    Just as he was breathing deeply out following the final spurt, we heard the door to the warehouse open and clomp of several sets of footsteps coming into the foyer.

    “Company’s here” said Peter, before withdrawing himself from me and leaving me feeling empty and gaping.

    “Gents!” he shouted, as the men entered the room. “Just bred the pig to get us started, so he’s ready for you.”

    Cheers went up, and I heard a lot more clomping as the group moved around the room, I guessed in boots not dissimilar to what I was wearing. I could not tell how many of them there were given my exposed arse was pointing towards the door, and the immediate hubbub of conversation amongst them all did not help me work out what kind of crowd they were.

    However, it wasn’t long before I felt some hands started to explore my backside, and a finger get inserted. Again, it wasn’t clear if this was one guy, two, or a whole crowd. Then, of course, the finger was withdrawn and another cock was pressing against me. In it went, bony hands gripped my hips, and the next breeding of the evening got underway.

    While the mystery guy was fucking me, some of the crowd started moving around to where I could see them. They were indeed all middle aged or older, but it was otherwise a very mixed group. Fat and thin, tall and short, muscled and wasting, leather and normal clothes, smoking and not. I looked around them all as I was fucked, keeping eye contact where it was made, and admiring any dicks that were already out on display. Eventually a large chubby guy wearing a Nike tracksuit approached me closer and held out his dick, which I happily took into my mouth. I do love being spit roasted, and knowing that both dicks were poz was such a turn on that I started to moan around the cock being pushed down my throat.

    I was on that bench for a long time, and was fucked over and over. Although I’d seen some of the guys in attendance I knew there were more who had stayed behind me out of view, with quite a lot of chatter coming from the bar area over at the side. As such, I had no idea if everyone had bred me yet, whether anyone had taken a second turn, or what. It didn’t matter though, as I was being reamed out almost constantly, and while each guy had his own style and approach to it, every single one of them let me know in some way that I was taking unmedicated poz cum. This was even better than I’d hoped it would be.

    After however long it was, Peter appeared in front of me with a warm smile, while someone else was hammering away at the back.

    “Having fun?” he asked.

    I just moaned while nodding in response.

    “Well, we don’t want to wear you out so early in the night, so once Calum here has shot his load how about we give you a bit of a break?”

    I just nodded again. Truth be told, as awesome as this was, I wanted to change position, maybe have a drink and a cigarette, and I was keen to actually see this group in its entirety.

    Sure enough, the guy I now knew was called Calum shot off in me, his poz talk coming through with a bit of an Irish brogue, and then once he withdrew Peter and some other chap got me released from the bench. I stood up rather stiffly and stretched, then turned to see the group. There looked to be about twenty of them, much more than I had expected, and while most were chatting to each other a few did nod or wink in my direction as I made eye contact with them.

    I made my way over, and gladly took a glass of water that someone handed to me followed by a beer from someone else. While I wondered where the packet of cigarettes I had brought down had ended up, one was offered to me by a big bear of a man which I gladly took, and then relaxed into chatting to these men for a bit. They were a nice bunch it turned out, and I could see why they hung around together. There was no judgement of the various fetishes on display, nor of those who just dressed in normal clothes, and what surprised me the most was that no-one seemed to want to delve into my reasons for being there. I guessed I must not have been the first bugchaser to attend one of their gatherings.

    After a couple of drinks, a real gym bunny of a man started to stroke my exposed buttocks signalling that Round Two was not far off. I stood there and smoked what I knew would be my last cigarette for a while as a couple of others joined in with exploring my body, and then found myself being coaxed over to a nearby mattress. After being on my feet for a while at the bar it was a bit of a relief that it wasn’t the St Andrew’s Cross they wanted to use next, and I happily got down onto the mattress, took a few hits of poppers, and waited for some indication of what position to get into.

    The first couple of guys took me missionary style, seemingly enjoying making a lot of eye contact while they sawed in and out of my well-used hole with their toxic disco sticks. Others wanted me on all fours, a couple of group members had me ride them, and then the last few took me while I was spreadeagled on my front. Some got really verbal, others just did the deed and then made way for others. It was all fucking fantastic, quite frankly.

    Once the last of them was done, I once again got up to join the rest of the group, my stretched arsehole now properly dripping with toxic cum. Once again I was handed drinks and a cigarette, and once again it was just really nice to have a chat to this curious mix of guys. However, I could feel I was now a bit more physically tired, and I had lost all track of time so was clueless as to the hour.

    “Right, we’re going to get you into the sling” said Peter from behind me as he put his hands on my shoulders, “and then everyone is going to fuck one or two more loads into you. Then bed. OK?”

    I nodded, took a final draw of my cigarette, and then allowed myself to be walked over to a really impressive apparatus with a padded leather sling attached to it. I climbed up onto it, lay back and lifted my legs, watching as a couple of guys put my ankles through the hoops. However, rather than my wrists also being secured in place, I was quite surprised when an ashtray, cigarettes and a lighter were plonked on my chest, someone handed me some poppers, and another guy brought over some drinks and put them on a small table nearby.

    “Just say if you want some water, whisky or whatever” he said, giving me a warm smile. “Someone at this end will get it for you.”

    I could not help but chuckle, but gave him a warm smile back and nodded.

    Round Three was a much more relaxed affair, with everyone clearly less energetic than they had been before, but almost enjoying the fucking more as a result. It was fantastic to just lie there with a steady supply of toxic cocks keeping me filled, while able to make eye contact with each of the group, smoke cigarettes when I fancied it, take hits of poppers when I needed it, and gulp down swigs of water or whatever else was on offer to keep myself both hydrated and buzzed.

    Again, I have no idea how long I spent there, but time had no meaning nor concern to me. I was where I belonged, and this was only the first night. I could not wait to see what the rest of the weekend had in store.


    [to be continued]

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  13. I breathed out deeply once I had closed the car door. It was done. My strapping younger son was safely delivered to the halls of residence, his first year at university about to begin, and I was done. Sure, fatherhood was lifelong, but this stage of it was over. Justin was starting out on his road to independence, his brother Jacob had already done so two years earlier, and I was now something of a free man.

    The boys were my pride and joy. Smart, athletic, good looking, popular, a perennial hit with the ladies - they were everything the right wing nut jobs would tell you they that never could have been with a single gay dad. But those things they were, and I was damn proud of it. Since their mother had thrown in the towel on parenting and marriage six months after Justin was born, they had been my entire focus.  I had done a good job all things considered.

    My wife’s departure was obviously difficult, but it at least made me vow to never go down that road again. I have no regrets given the amazing two sons I have out of the whole debacle, but I knew I was gay before I even got married and it was tougher with each day to keep that side of me bottled up. I never made that mistake again, instead choosing to be honest with myself and those around me. Jacob and Justin grew up only knowing me as a gay man.

    Raising two sons by yourself does not leave much time for other pursuits, and I was basically celibate for fifteen years. Sure, I had many offers from my sister and parents for babysitting, but to be honest whenever I took them up on it and got out of the house, all I wanted to do was check into a hotel and sleep. However, once the boys were old enough that they could be left at home for a few hours with Jacob in charge, I finally started to re-explore the world of men, something that I had only done a little at university before meeting Simone.

    Well, it turned out that there was something of a pig in me who was finally being let out of the pen. At first I tried just generic - almost vanilla - hookups, but after I’d had my first visit to a gay sauna I realised my true nature lay on the sleazier side of things. I was initially versatile, and went on PrEP so I could safely engage in bareback sex with any man who fancied a session. In time I found I was really more of a bottom, although perfectly willing to top when the moment called for it. My preference, however, was to just be bred over and over, and I cared not by whom.

    But then I got bored. Maybe it was that age old problem of the excitement of something eventually wearing off, to the point that you start to look for the next thing to tickle you. I didn’t want that to be chems or other drugs, so I guess I started looking for it in the sex. Despite being on PrEP, I found there to be something exciting in hooking up with poz guys and having them shoot their toxic seed in me. I actively started seeking it out, engaging in a growing fantasy of being pozzed, and not always being honest with the tops that I was in fact on PrEP.

    I guess it was something of an epiphany that led to me realising that I didn’t just want the fantasy anymore. I wanted the real thing. I mentally flip-flopped on it for a long time, convincing myself in the comedown from a sex high that it was just a fantasy that I used to get turned on, but eventually it became impossible to convince myself that this was the case. It was obvious: I wanted to convert.

    However, I wanted to have some control over it, rather than just going off PrEP and randomly finding out some day that I had been pozzed. It was a turn-on for me, but also a transition to a new stage of life, and I wanted to choose when it was going to happen and be ‘in the moment’ with it all. As such, I joined the ranks of chasers online, seeking an actual unmedicated (and willing) top through the sea of undetectables. Many a hope was dashed along the way, finding myself being repeatedly ghosted once whichever guy I was talking to had presumably got his rocks off wanking about the fantasy. It was all quite disheartening, but then I seemed to strike gold.

    The guy - who went by the username PozMids - was a little older than me, and lived in a former mining town in the north Midlands.  He ran what he described as a ‘social club’ for older poz guys, utilising the premises of his old family business in a warehouse on an industrial estate. He told me it was a relatively closed circle, but members were allowed to bring in some entertainment every now and then with the agreement of everyone else. He was proposing that I be that entertainment, after what he said had been a ‘stealthy vetting process’. It eventually transpired that some of the guys who had flaked out on me had actually been testing me to make sure I fit whatever they considered to be the requirements.

    Well, wouldn’t you know it, but Justin had been accepted to the University of Nottingham, meaning I was going to be driving him up to the Midlands. It wasn’t too far to get to where this club was going to be meeting, and PozMids had told me that that I was welcome to stay for a long weekend as he had built a couple of bedrooms with basic facilities into the former offices of the warehouse. I just had to bring what food and drink I might want for any downtime I had, and otherwise my needs would be catered for by the group.

    This all sounded too good to be true, and I fully expected another flake-out.  However, after dropping Justin off at his halls of residence, I messaged PozMids again and got an immediate reply containing the full address that I needed to go to.  It was going to happen!

    I set off in the car, but had to pull over after a few minutes and compose myself. I was seriously excited, but I think I also needed to check that my racing heart was not a sign of impending doubt. Was this taking a fantasy too far? Did I really want to deliberately convert? I got out of the car and lit a cigarette. Bad habit, not one I really had in my day-to-day life, but was a good nerve calmer when I was letting my inner pig out.

    It did the trick. Yes, this is what I wanted, and I was just pumped up as I was excited about it, with a possible mild tinge of wondering if I was unwittingly going round to a serial killer’s place of business. I chuckled to myself when I realised that was exactly what I was doing, from a certain point of view. Cigarette smoked, I got myself together and then set off again, putting on some music to accompany the drive.

    When I eventually found my way through the industrial estate to where my satnav was sending me, I parked up and got out of the car.  There were a few warehouses around and it was far from obvious which one I was actually supposed to be heading for, so I got my phone out and messaged that I had arrived. While waiting for a response I then got my bags out of the car, dumped them on the pavement and lit another cigarette.

    Bags.  Yes, plural.  You see, aside from wanting the normal provisions you need for a weekend away, I had also brought my stash of kinks.  Various bits of leather, some toys, a blindfold, a marker pen, and of course my douching equipment, lube and poppers.  I was well ready for whatever these guys might be into, or of course for what I was into myself if I was given that choice.  I had a vision of how I wanted at least part of this weekend to go, so thought I better come prepared.

    As I was approaching the end of my cigarette, I heard a door open behind me.  Upon turning around, I saw a man emerge and immediately recognised him as PozMids.

    “Glad you could make it” he said, smiling as he walked towards me.  “It’s always fifty-fifty.”

    “The odds are worse than that from my experience” I replied, also smiling.

    “True, true” he replied, reaching out to shake my hand as he got to me. “Anyway, I’m Peter, and welcome to my little place.”

    “Not so little” I said, looking back at the warehouse. “But I’m very pleased to be here. I’m Brad”

    “Good to meet you Brad” he said.  “Now let’s get you inside and settled before everyone else arrives.”

    I picked up my bags and followed him inside, going up some stairs as soon as we walked through the door to reach a set of rooms.  He directed me into one of them, where I found a single bed with a small set of drawers beside them, and then he showed me where the admittedly clean bathroom and kitchen were.  I had honestly expected it to be a bit of a state, but he seemed to keep the place in good order. He also showed me the small balcony area at the side of the building, I guess having realised I might want somewhere to go and smoke.

    He left me to get unpacked, showered and cleaned out, and suggested I get dressed in whatever I was most comfortable in for the evening before coming back downstairs for a drink. I thus got on with all that, having a shower and then a bit of a douche to finish off a job I had quietly started before dawn at home while Justin was still sleeping. Once cleaned and dried, and with lube and a plug inserted in my rear end, I stepped outside wrapped in a towel to have a cigarette. I had another straight after, such were my nerves.

    Finally I felt ready to go all in on my outfit. First up a leather jockstrap, then some nice sturdy chaps and my Fuck Me Boots. I then got myself into a harness, my big thick padded wrist cuffs, and my muir cap. I then fished out and put on my 1.5 kilo silver chain, something I had bought on a whim and occasionally regretted given I was a bit too meek to wear it in my daily life, but which just seemed perfect for tonight. Finally, and with a bit of slow and careful effort, I used the marker and the convenient full-length mirror in the bathroom to write “POZ ME” on my buttcheeks.

    I had another cigarette outside to help me gather my nerves, and then went downstairs. There did not seem to be any other obvious rooms downstairs, so I went through the door into the main warehouse space. It was huge and thus looked pretty empty, but as I glanced around I saw there was actually quite a lot in there. Various mattresses, couches and chairs were dotted around, as were an array of big wooden boxes, upturned oil drums, a couple of slings, a St Andrew’s cross, and a padded leather fuck bench in the centre of the room. It was quite clear what this room was for, and I got an immediate hard-on.

    Over to the side was a bar area, and that’s where I saw Peter (aka PozMids) sitting on a stool with his back to me, looking at his phone. I coughed to make it clear I was in the room, and he swivelled round.

    “Well, you don’t beat about the bush” he said, smiling at me as I walked over. “Dressed like that, I think you’re not going to get much of a warm-up this evening. The guys will be all over you the minute they walk in.”

    “That’s what I was hoping” I said, smiling back at him.

    He offered me a drink, and I gladly took a large whisky. He also fished out an ashtray and slid it across the bar at me, letting me know I was fine to smoke in the warehouse. I happily lit up a cigarette as we sat on the stools having a drink.

    “So, you’re here to get pozzed” he said. “Are you sure?”

    “Absolutely” I replied. “Been wanting it for ages now.”

    “Fair enough” he said. “There’s a couple of guys coming tonight who are on meds, but most aren’t. One guy you won’t be able to miss has full-on AIDS.”

    “Great” I said, “hopefully tonight will be the night.”

    “I’m sure it will” he said. “I can get an old toothbrush out and make sure if you want.”

    “Actually” I replied, after hesitating, “I kind of want it to be natural.”

    “OK” he said, “although I have a big PA as do some of the other guys, so you’re going to get pretty worn out back there anyway.”

    “Cool” I said, smiling. “I like the sound of that.”

    “Any other limits?” he asked.

    “No” I replied, “I don’t think so.”

    “Well OK then. If you need a break just say, we’re not here to hold you hostage or force you to do things you don’t want to.”

    “Great” I said. “I’ve got quite a bit of stamina so hopefully I’ll be fine.”

    He necked the last of his drink, and then put the empty glass down on the bar.

    “Shall we get started?”


    [to be continued]

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  14. We got fucked in all sorts of positions after that, but my favourite was when we were bent over opposite sides of the dining table, able to look in each other's eyes as the guys did a round robin on each of us. They were all getting pretty verbal about the gifts they were giving us, and we didn't hold back in encouraging them along. It was fucking hot to hear my 18 year old quarterback brother demanding they breed him.

    It was much later on that we heard a load of deep motorbike growls from outside, shortly after which a load more men walked into the room. They were proper badass-looking bikers, lots of leather, tattoos and silver jewellery, and they were rough fuckers right from the outset. The host and his original guests seemed to gradually disappear from the room, I guess to lie down and rest elsewhere in the house, whilst the bikers absolutely pounded me and my brother over and over.

    They were even more verbal about their disease than the other guys had been, and seemed to want my brother in particular to beg for mercy. Gotta give him credit, he played along even though I could tell he was loving what they were doing to him. The only time I saw him get a bit uneasy is when they decided to start double-fucking us, something that neither of us had done before, but where I took a long time to get comfortable with having two of their massive, pierced dicks inside me at once, his ass was clearly more accommodating and he was soon enthusiastically pushing back on them. Slut.

    It must have been the early hours of the morning when we were given another break, with us joining the bikers outside to smoke a few cigarettes. Then we were ushered back in the house and up the stairs, before being urged into separate bedrooms. The one I was almost pushed into had three of the original guys asleep on an absolutely huge bed, and after pulling off what remained of my army uniform I climbed on and squeezed into a gap to lie down. I think I pretty much passed out when I got horizontal.

    I woke at some point after dawn to the feeling of being fucked again, and sure enough one of my bedmates had positioned himself against my back and slipped into me. It was quite a gentle fuck, but once he'd come the other two turned me on my front and then used some leather restraints I hadn't noticed before to secure my arms and legs so I was splayed out. They then both took turns climbing on my back and fucking me until they shot off another volley of toxic cum inside my now loose and sloppy hole.

    What I wasn't expecting was that I was left in that position for hours. Guys came and went, and for all I knew they were men who hadn't been at the party the night before as I couldn't see any of them. What I did know is that my brother was also being fucked still, as I could occasionally hear him begging for loads through what must have been quite a thin wall.

    Just when I was starting to get concerned that my mom would be getting worried about where both her sons had gone without a word, I was released from the restraints and allowed to get up and stretch.

    "You did good son" said the host.

    "Thanks" I replied.

    "Now go get yourself showered and off home" he said.

    There were still fucking sounds coming from the other bedroom.

    "What about my brother?" I asked. "I'm not leaving without him."

    "Don't worry, I expect they'll be done with him soon" the host replied. "Not often these guys get to use such a prime piece of teenage meat. Get yourself cleaned up and then I'll see if can prise him away from them for you."

    I nodded at him, then made my way towards the bathroom and got in the shower. I was aching, my hole was sore and gaping, I had dried cum everywhere while fresher deposits oozed out of me, so it was a relief to get under the flow of hot water. I spent a bit of time in there, and was just getting out when my brother came into the room, looking as fucked-out and used as I felt.

    "Fucking hell" he whispered. "I'm so fucking sore."

    "Me too" I said, managing to give him a small smile. "You OK though?"

    "Tired" he said, "but yeah, I'm OK."

    He got showered while I dried off, feeling a bit fraternal and not wanting to leave him alone in there. I stayed with him while he dried off as well, and then we both exited at the same time to find the host and one of the other guys waiting for us outside holding our clothes in neatly folded piles. We took the piles into one of the bedrooms while they disappeared off downstairs, and we silently and achingly got dressed. We then headed downstairs to the smell of some sort of fast food, and sure enough there were two McDonald's bags sitting out for us with a coffee each as well.

    "Thanks boys" said the host, coming in from the yard. "Marvin went out and got those for you as we figured you'd be hungry."

    "Thanks" I said. "We'll take these to go if that's OK. Our mom might be getting worried."

    "No problem" he replied. "You've got my number, so let me know how you get on, or if you want to come back for another party."

    "I will do" I said, before grabbing the bags while my brother picked up the coffees. We headed down the hallway and back out the front door, finding most of the cars and trucks from the night before had gone as had the motorbikes. We got into Dad's old car, and I reversed us out onto the street and then drove a few minutes to somewhere we could pull over on a quiet street near our house.  We then tucked into the food and coffees in silence, before I drove us the rest of the way back. I went in first as I could get away with being dressed in my uniform, but my brother stayed in the car until I slipped back out with some jogging bottoms and a sweater he could slip on over his kit before coming inside with me.

    He got some grief from Mom about being out all night, not something she seemed to care about with me, but she was tired from her overnight shift and eventually let it go so she could head off to bed. We both followed suit, exhausted after the all-night toxic gangbang we had been through.

    After giving ourselves a couple of days to recover, we both eventually admitted to each other that we were ready to get fucked again. My brother suggested I show him the ropes in the woods, and for the next few days as our mom toiled away at Target overnight, her sons could be found bent over logs or leaning against trees behind the bus terminal, taking whatever the local men had to offer.

    It was about two weeks later that we both started to feel unwell, and I recognised the symptoms as what we should expect as we converted. Mom did her best to look after us, and after a few days we were both a lot better. At my suggestion, my brother agreed that we should probably go to a clinic to get tested, so we got in the car and drove the two hours it took to get to the city so that we could go to one of the anonymous drop-in centres we'd read about online. Lord only knows what the staff thought at two guys who were obviously brothers arriving to get tested, particularly when our results came out and we elected to be told them together.

    Unsurprisingly, we were both now poz.

    "You OK?" I asked my brother, after the staff had left us in peace.

    "Yeah" he said, turning to look at me. "You?"

    "Yeah" I replied. "To be honest I'm kinda surprised I wasn't already poz after all those fucks I took in the woods before."

    "Guess the party really worked" he said, grinning at me.

    "I guess so" I said, grinning back.

    With that, we got up and headed outside onto the street. It was a bit of a walk back to the car, and I don't know what it was, but something in me wanted to connect with my brother at this moment. I put my arm over his shoulder as we walked, and moments later his arm came across my back and he gripped my bicep. We didn't say anything or look at each other, instead just focusing on the sidewalk as we strode forward.

    Siblings. Sluts. Toxic. Whatever. In that moment, we were brothers in arms...



    Guys, I'm going to leave it there as I'm off on holiday tomorrow and have got a shit tonne of domestic chores to do first. Thanks for the many reactions and comments - hope you all enjoyed this conclusion.

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  15. "Fuck me" said the host of the party as he opened the door and saw us standing there.

    "Hi" I said, smiling at his reaction.

    "Well hello soldier" he replied, before his eyes moved to my brother. "This must be the quarterback."

    "Hello sir" my brother said, sounding a little shaky.

    "Good to see you, young man" he replied. "You are going to be very popular."

    I saw my brother gulp, but he nodded at the older man.

    "I hope so sir" he said.

    "Well, come on inside boys" the man said, stepping aside. "Welcome to the party."

    We went inside, and followed the direction he gestured to make our way down the hallway to a huge kitchen-diner-den room. There were three big leather couches in there, with various guys sitting or standing around.

    "The entertainment's here!" the host announced, closely following us as we entered the room.  The other men all turned to look, cheering or clapping their approval at the sight of us.  We both stood there and looked around them all until the hubbub had quietened down, and then the host got us both a beer and gestured for us to join the other guys.

    We had both barely sat down on empty spots on separate couches when hands were placed on our shoulders, thighs, or wherever there was a gap. A guy standing behind the couch my brother was sitting on had leaned over and started feeling up his admittedly impressive pecs, which of course were still hidden under his football jersey. These guys weren't wasting any time, and we were clearly soon going to be getting fucked.

    And get fucked we did. I had drunk maybe two sips of my beer before the bottle was taken out of my hand and replaced with a cock to hold, while my other hand was being held against another man's still clothed crotch. This was all immaterial though, as drinking was no longer an option. Another man had taken up a standing position right in front of me and presented me with his own dick to suck, and despite the fact that this had actually never really been my thing, I went with it.

    I could no longer see my brother, but realised things had moved on a bit further on that couch when I heard one of the men complimenting his ass. Eventually the guy standing in front of me pulled his dick out of my mouth and stepped back, presenting me with the sight of my brother on all fours over the back of the couch, his face pressed in a guy's crotch, both arms outstretched so he could jerk off some men kneeling next to him, and a guy crouching down behind him rimming him out. I could not see where his shorts had gone, but he was still in his long socks, sneakers and bright red jock.

    Taking their cues from what was happening to my brother, then men who were swarmed around me proceeded to remove my boots and socks, then stood me up to get my pants off before turning me round and getting me on all fours on the couch. A man came round the couch and stood in front of me so I could take his dick into my mouth, but the other men focused on my ass rather than having me jerk them off any more.

    I felt a finger or two explore my hole, but it cannot have been more than a couple of minutes before they were replaced with a cock that firmly pushed into me. I was glad I had taken the time to loosen and lube myself up before getting dressed earlier. Once fully inside me, whoever it was started to enthusiastically pound me, repeatedly pushing me forward onto the cock in my mouth to the point that I started to choke on it a bit. This only seemed to spur both men on, and I had to focus on suppressing my gag reflex while breathing through my nose. I was being properly spit-roasted.

    The man in my ass got up to a climax pretty quickly, and yelled as he spurted what I presumed was a copious quantity of toxic seed into me. Once he pulled out another man pushed in and got to it, followed by a third after I had taken my second load of the evening.

    It was only during this third fuck, the cock in my mouth still somehow not shooting, when I heard my brother groan around the cock in his own cakehole. The men over there must have had enough of licking him out, as the sounds he was making made me sure he was now being fucked. As my own spit-roast continued at a pace, I did feel a slight pang that I wasn't able to watch him taking his first non-footballer cock. His first old man cock. His first toxic cock.

    We were both fucked repeatedly for quite some time, I guessed until everyone in attendance had blown at least one load. The man I had been sucking had some serious staying power, as he remained down my throat until the end and then moved round to be the last one to breed me before we took a break.

    Thoroughly fucked-out, my brother and I both turned round and slumped onto the couches and looked over at each other. He was panting and sweaty, I expected I was the same, but he seemed OK. Eventually I got up, found my pants and got a pack of cigarettes out of the pocket, then looked over at him and nodded. He hauled himself up, and we headed for the doors out to the yard so we could light up.

    "You OK?" I asked him, exhaling smoke.

    "Yeah" he replied, before turning to me and grinning. "That was awesome."

    "I know" I said, grinning back. "Not over yet either."

    "Good" he said. "I could go all night."

    I chuckled.  "Slut" I said, poking his arm.

    "Takes one to know one" he replied, laughing.

    "Fucking A" I said. "Nothing better than just letting guys like this use you."

    "I know" he sighed. "It's like they actually want me, rather than just a convenient hole like the guys on the team do."

    "They do want you" I said. "Any guy would want you."

    "Yeah?" he said, looking a bit surprised.

    "Of course" I said. "You're 18, you're a quarterback, you're almost as good looking as me, and you're a complete slut for cock. You're gonna be very popular."

    He chuckled, before taking another draw on his cigarette.

    "I'm going to be poz too, aren't I?" he said.

    That took me by surprise, causing me to cough.

    "I mean" he continued, "those guys inside are all covered in tattoos that mean they're poz."

    "Are they?" I asked, feigning ignorance.

    "Yeah" he said, sounding strangely unemotional about it. "Scorpions, plus signs, that symbol you see on poisonous stuff."

    "Oh" I said, before pausing. "How does that make you feel?"

    "It's cool" he said, shrugging. "What about you?"

    I was not prepared for this. My brother clearly knew more about all this stuff than I had, and he seemed completely unfazed by it.

    "I guess it's...kinda hot" I eventually said.

    "Yeah?" he asked.

    "Yeah" I replied. "I guess I sorta like that I'm just letting them shoot their toxic cum in me."

    "Cool" said my brother.

    "Doesn't it worry you?" I asked.

    "Nah" he said. "I mean, yeah, when you first said we could go to the woods together I got a bit freaked out. Tons of guys online are always trying to get me to go there and take their loads, and I know some of them are poz. But I guess since I found out you get fucked there, I've been thinking about it and I'm OK with it."

    "You are?"

    "Yeah" he continued, "I mean, it's just a thing, right?"

    "A thing?"

    "Yeah, like, I dunno, just a thing some people are. Some are poz, some aren't. If you get fucked without a condom a lot then you'll probably become poz, and I get fucked without condoms a lot, so I'll probably become poz."

    Wow, he had actually been thinking about this. I hadn't given him enough credit, but from the sounds of it he'd been exploring his sexuality with other guys online while only going through with the real thing with his team, so I suppose it made sense he would have read stuff and found things out.

    "I suppose" I said. "But you know there are pills you can take to stop it happening, even if you don't use a condom?"

    "Are you taking them?" he asked in reply.

    "No" I said.

    "Well then" he replied. "You're gonna get pozzed, I'm gonna get pozzed."

    "I guess so" I said.

    "Shall we go get on with it?" he asked, smiling at me.

    I nodded, and we both took a final draw on our cigarettes before dropping them on the grass and stubbing them out.  We then turned and went back inside for round two...

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  16. The rest of that week was fairly uneventful. I decided to make a semi-anonymous account on BBRTS so I could just get at it from my phone browser, and managed to organise a couple of fuck'no'go hookups through that. However, I wanted to mostly give my hole a bit of a break so I was on good form for the party.  I mentioned it to my brother, who seemed unsure at first, but each day he would ask me more about it until I was pretty certain he was in.

    When Friday rolled around, sure enough my brother turned up at home right after school when he would normally have been with his friends somewhere (drinking or fucking, or both). He seemed nervous, but went and got himself showered and cleaned out, as I did too.

    "What should I wear?" he asked, coming into my room with a towel round his waist.

    "They want to fuck a soldier and a quarterback" I replied. "I'm going in my uniform, with a jock underneath."

    "My varsity jacket?" he asked.

    "Nah" I replied, "I think it's gotta be your full playing gear."

    He looked at me for a moment, then I saw a small smile beginning to form.

    "OK" he said, "but that means we're driving.  I'm not walking around outside dressed like that."

    "Sure thing" I replied, "I was planning to take Dad's old car anyway as it's right across town."

    He nodded, then turned around and headed back to his room.  I, meanwhile, laid out my uniform and began getting dressed.  Before I put on my pants, I removed the plug I had inserted in my freshly-douched ass to get it warmed up, then pulled on my boots and cap to finish the outfit.

    I headed downstairs to have a smoke on the porch, and eventually my brother emerged from the house wearing the red and white kit he wore on the pitch.  I've got to admit that he did look pretty hot, and I was sure he was going to be a hit with the toxic old men we were going to be servicing that night.

    Ah yes, the toxic bit.  I had not said anything to my brother about that, and he had not asked anything about status or safety so far.  However, I thought I better just make sure he was fully on board, so I let him get one of my cigarettes lit before speaking to him.

    "You know there's going to be quite a few guys there tonight, right?" I asked him.

    He nodded, so I continued.

    "They're all middle aged and mostly play with each other I think" I continued. "That means they're going to be seriously hot for us."

    He swallowed, but nodded again.

    "You're going to give them what they want, aren't you?" I asked. "Take their loads wherever they want to put them, right?"

    He nodded again, taking a deep draw of the cigarette.

    "You've only been with the team so far, right?" I asked.

    "Yeah" he said, exhaling a cloud of smoke.

    "Well" I continued, "tonight you're gonna see just how much fun it can be with other men."

    He nodded.  "I want it" he almost whispered.  "So bad."

    "Well, you're going to get it" I replied, giving him a big grin.  "We both are."

    We finished our cigarettes, then got in the car so I could drive us to the address the guy had given me.  It was about 7 o'clock so still quite early, but he had texted me to say they were meeting straight after work to have a few drinks so we would be welcome anytime.

    We pulled up at a beat-up looking house on the edge of town, with a huge yard round it that meant it was quite a long way from the other houses on the block.  There were several trucks parked on the drive, but I managed to squeeze the car in so it wouldn't be sitting on the street, then we got out and headed up to the front door.

    "Ready?" I asked my brother.

    He exhaled loudly, taking a moment.  "Ready" he eventually said.

    I rang the door, and we waited...

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  17. Poz. Pozzed. I had been pozzed. I had taken several loads of HIV positive cum inside me.  Shit.

    Except, no, not shit. The moment I realised what it had all meant had caused the bottom to drop out of my stomach, but at the same time my dick had started to get very, very hard. Fuck, this turned me on.

    I sat back in the chair and stared at the screen while my brain went a thousand miles a minute. Thoughts started occurring to me. Of course this was going to happen. I willingly bend over for any man when I am on the prowl. On the base I let any soldier breed me, regardless of what he may have been up to with hookers when he was last on leave. I never ask for condoms, and I don't take any other precautions. Of course I am going to get pozzed.

    I wasn't going to stop doing what I was doing, and who knows how many poz loads I had already taken before tonight. Maybe I was already infected. Realising that started to calm me, and just allowed me to focus on how turned on I now was.

    But then it hit me.  My brother.

    I had offered him to this group as well, when up until now he had just been getting used by the football team. Yeah, one of those guys could still pick up something and pass it on to him, but it seemed pretty low risk. Taking him along next week, or indeed up to the woods with me some other time, would mean he would be taking poz loads too.

    I loved my brother, but I didn't think he was all that smart. There was probably no chance he was taking any precautions, if he even knew you could. If he took random loads, some would be poz, and he would eventually get infected. It was basically his destiny.

    He was bound to start seeking cock outside of the team eventually, with or without my help. If he followed my lead and started going to the woods, eventually those guys would be there one night and the deed would be done.

    Should I tell him? Or should I just bring him along to the party or the woods and let fate take its course?

    Testosterone answered that question for me. Thinking about my hunky younger brother unknowingly taking toxic loads made my dick even harder. Fuck, I was twisted.

    But the decision had been made. Now I just had to get him past his nerves and out into the world to fulfil his destiny...

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  18. How my brother got through football training the next day I did not know, but I did the sensible thing and just passed out and slept once I had said hello to my mom when she got back from her night shift.  By the time I got up again she had gone back out to work again, which I thought sucked for a Saturday night but I guess she had to make ends meet.

    My brother messaged me to say he was staying at a friend's that night, so I decided just to go out and see about some fun of my own. I drank a few beers first, then went back to the woods behind the bus terminal to see what was going on.  Thankfully there were some guys hanging around, so I didn't waste any time in getting my pants off before I bent over against a tree.  It didn't take long before the first of a number of cocks was inside me.

    Things were a bit different tonight though.  These guys were all pretty skinny, even slightly unhealthy looking from what I could see in the dim light, and they kept saying words like "toxic" and "gift" as they were fucking and breeding me.  I didn't know what they meant, but enjoyed the fucks anyway.

    When the last of them had finished in me, I stood up straight and looked around to see whether they were just resting or if that was it for tonight.

    "You wanting some more loads?" one of them asked.

    "Yeah, I guess" I replied, taking out a cigarette and lighting it.

    "Well" he continued, "I'm hosting a party next weekend, but I think the bottom is about to flake out. You wanna take his place?"

    "A party?" I asked.

    "Yeah" he said, "a group of tops ready to drink and fuck all night."

    "Sounds like my kind of party" I said.  "Is it local?"

    "Yeah" he said, "other side of town."

    "Cool" I replied.  "I'm in.  Just one thing though..."


    "If my brother is interested, can I bring him too?" I asked.

    "Your brother?"

    "Yeah, he turned 18 a few months ago" I said.  "Quarterback in high school."

    That got them going.

    "You both get bred?" he asked.

    "Yeah" I replied.  "I've been getting fucked by my platoon for years, and found out yesterday he's been taking it from the rest of the football team."

    More excited murmurs from the rest of them.

    "A soldier and a high school quarterback" the man said, looking around the other guys. "This could be the best party yet."

    "I don't know if he will come" I said, "but I'll be there.  Just let me know the details."

    The guy gave me his address and let me know it was on the Friday night, and by then they all seemed to have got excited again so I ended up on all fours on the ground taking a fresh load from each of them.  I still didn't understand some of the words they were using while they fucked me, but made a mental note to do some research later.

    Once they were all done and had said their goodbyes to me, I lit another cigarette and then wandered off into the woods.  I only managed to take two more cocks that night as there didn't seem to be many guys around, but figured I'd done pretty well when I gave up and went home.  I had a shower to clean up, then decided to browse the net for a bit to see if I could find out what all the verbal stuff from the guys who had been fucking me was about.  It didn't take long...

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  19. I was heading home for four weeks of leave.  A fellow soldier had loaded me up in the bathroom at the airport, and again while changing planes in Atlanta, but even with all that I was horny when the bus dropped me off in town.  My mom was working nights again this month and I didn't think my dopey brother would be sitting around waiting for me, so after I'd smoked a couple of cigarettes I slung by bag up on my shoulder and headed round the bus station into the woods.  I was still in my uniform, but actually thought that might help me score.

    Man how right I was.  There were actually quite a few guys hanging around that night, all of them middle aged or downright old, and boy did it turn them on having a real-life soldier drop his pants and present his ass to them.

    "You looking to get fucked, Soldier?" asked this fat guy with a big beard.

    "Just here to serve my country, Sir" I replied.  Thought I'd play along.

    That did it, and I soon had a steady supply of cocks going in both ends, until they had all blown in me at least twice.  I hadn't planned on taking that much cock tonight, but there were no complaints from me.

    Once I sensed they were all tuckered out, I fished a tissue from my jacket pocket, cleaned off the worst of the cum lodged between my buttcheeks, pulled up my trousers, and then turned and playfully saluted those members of the group who were still there.  I then grabbed my bag off the floor and set off on the walk through town to our house, lighting up a couple of smokes on the way.

    It being a Friday night, I assumed my brother would be out somewhere.  However, when I got to the house it was dark except for his room, so I guessed he must have a girl up there.  To avoid any problems, I entered as quietly as possible and made my way to the downstairs toilet to have another wipe of my ass before I went upstairs, just in case he intercepted me before I got to the bathroom.

    It was when I came out of the downstairs toilet that I realised the faint sex noises I had heard coming from upstairs did not sound like I thought they should.  It sounded more like what I had become used to, in that there was definitely two or three different male voices.  Maybe he and some football players were gang banging some poor cheerleader.

    I crept upstairs to avoid making a scene, but then noticed his door was closed over but not actually latched.  Curiosity got the better of me, and when I slowly pushed back his door while pressed against the wall outside, I got one hell of a surprise.  There were a load of football players in there as I expected, and it was a gang bang happening all right, but it was my brother who was being fucked!

    There he was, the handsome muscled 18 year old quarterback my mom so adored, on his hands and knees on his own bed while his teammates fucked him mercilessly at both ends.  I had started looking in right as one of them climaxed in his ass, and when he pulled out I could see even from the strange angle that he had been fucking my brother bare.  Jeez, this clearly ran in the family.  Maybe that's why dad wasn't around anymore.  Maybe he was off somewhere getting fucked repeatedly.

    I watched for a bit longer, and then decided just to throw caution to the wind.  I walked into the room quite noisily, causing everyone to stop and heads to rapidly turn in my direction.  I don't think I've ever seen my brother looking so scared in all his life.

    "Hey little bro" I said.

    "Errr...hey" he replied.

    "You having fun?" I asked.

    "Er..." he mumbled, not a sound coming from any of the other scared shitless-looking guys in the room.

    "Looks like it" I said.  "They're not forcing you, right?"

    He stared at me for a moment, and then shook his head. One of his teammates was still lodged in his ass while we had this bizarre conversation.

    "OK then" I said, before reaching to my pants to pull them down.  I pulled each leg off at the same time as the accompanying boot, and then got my tops off too.  That left me standing there in front of everyone in just my jockstrap, my tattooed muscled bod on full display.

    "What are you doing?" my brother squeaked, clearly concerned I was going to fuck him too.  He was still in the same position, a cock lodged in his ass.

    "Well, it looks like you could use some help with these guys" I responded, smiling.  I then looked round the other guys.  "Y'all want to fuck both of us?" I asked.

    Without waiting for a response from any of them, I walked over to the bed and got on all fours from the opposite side so that my head was right next to my brother's, and then I turned to face him.

    "Guess we've both been keeping secrets" I said to him, before a black cock appeared in front of my face.  Without even looking up at the guy it was attached to, I just turned towards it, opened my mouth and sucked it in.  Shortly after another cock was pushed into my hole in one go, and my brother and I settled into an evening of getting completely turned out.  These were young men in their prime, so neither one of us was ever without a hard cock pummelling our ass.

    It was actually starting to get light when I realised the only guy who was still there and awake was the one fucking my brother, meaning I was going to get a break for a bit.  I hauled myself off the bed, threw on my pants and jacket, and then headed downstairs and out to the porch.  I lit up a cigarette, and then leaned on the railing looking towards the beginnings of dawn.  My brother soon appeared next to me, and helped himself to one of my cigarettes as well.  We then just stood smoking in silence, and it wasn't until we'd both lit up another that any words were spoken.

    "When did you start getting fucked?" my brother asked out of nowhere.

    "Strip poker gone crazy during base leave in Vegas a couple of years ago" I responded.  "Was drunk as hell.  Some of my brothers fucked me, and have been taking cock ever since.  You?"

    "Last year" he said.  "Carson saw me checking out his cock in the showers, and made me blow him to stop him telling everyone else.  Then he fucked me."

    I exhaled a big load of smoke.

    "What about when you started being a whore for the whole team?" I asked.

    "Carson told everyone, even showed them a video" he responded.  "Guess I'm lucky they didn't just beat the shit out of me."

    We were silent again for a while.

    "Do you like it?" I asked.  "I mean, so far it sounds like they could just be blackmailing you."

    "Yeah" he said.  "Bro, I'm gay."

    "Well yeah, I figured that much from you checking out Carson's cock" I said, "but being gay ain't gotta mean you like getting gang fucked."

    "S'pose" he sighed.  "But I do.  I fucking love it."

    We were quiet again for a bit.

    "Is it just the team who fucks you?" I asked.

    "Yeah" he replied.  "They're all so fucking horny all the fucking time."

    "So no other guys then?" I asked.

    "No.  But you do, right?"

    "Yeah, I do" I said.  "Took some loads in the woods before I got home last night."

    My brother looked a bit wide eyed after I said that, but I noticed his tongue just lightly touching his lip.  What I just told him had turned him on, so I decided not to hold back.

    "Group of old men.  Could have been anyone.  They all fucked me and bred my ass."

    "Fuuuuuck" my brother groaned quietly.

    "Was still full of their cum when your teammate shoved his cock in me" I continued.  "Guess that makes me a slut, huh?"

    My bro just nodded, his face now fully giving away that the thought of me - or maybe of himself - doing that aroused him.

    We stood in silence for a bit, both lighting up another cigarette.

    "You wanna come with me next time I go to the woods?" I eventually asked.

    He paused, then said "isn't it dangerous?"

    "Probably" I said.

    He was quiet for a bit longer, before looking at me and silently nodding.  I guess he was ready to try something other than the football team.

    Neither of us was to know what this decision was going to lead to...

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  20. Truth be told, I had lusted after guys since I was a teenager.  Enjoyed girls too, and got my fair share of them in high school, but I never acted on the other feelings I was having.

    That all changed one night when me and some of the boys from my battalion where holed up in a cheap hotel in Vegas on a short leave break from the base.  Despite every single one of us being under-age, everyone had managed to score some booze so we were all pretty drunk.  Everyone was broke too though, and after hitting some casinos that afternoon we had nothing left for anything later on.  So, armed with only the illicit liquor we had got hold of and some decks of cards, we made our own fun crammed into the family room we had booked.

    Things got pretty crazy, and once strip poker had left most of us naked, the ante was upped.  Things progressed through licking of each other's armpits when we lost a hand, to a couple of guys having to give hand jobs.  Eventually things reached their peak with me getting on all fours and having my cherry popped by a guy we called Duke.  I think we all had condoms with us, but Duke's impressive cock went in my hole raw.  It hurt like a motherfucker, but by the time he busted his nut inside me I was groaning in pure pleasure.  This didn't go unnoticed by the others, and with everyone getting seriously horny despite the absence of any women, eventually all six of them fucked and bred me.  Duke even took me a second time.

    I was a changed man after that.  Nearly every bit of leave from base we got involved me getting willingly fucked somewhere, even on one occasion in the bathroom at the airport before we boarded flights home for Thanksgiving.  Soon that wasn't enough, and after a bit of heart-stopping trial-and-error, a secluded - almost forgotten - storeroom on the base was found to be the perfect spot for any of the guys who needed a release to use me without being seen by the commanders.  Some wrapped up in condoms, but most didn't so I ended up stashing tissues in the storeroom to catch all the cum from my ass before I went back to barracks.  I happily took whatever they had to throw at me, fully accepting that I was a bottom (a term I had heard to describe men like me). Fortunately none of this affected how we were as a military unit.

    A bit of a turning point came during a trip home, when I found myself seriously needing to get fucked after I'd spent the evening with some school friends.  I didn't dare use any apps or anything, so instead just decided to investigate the rumours we'd all heard as teenagers about what went on in the woods behind the bus station at night.  I wound up on my hands and knees getting spit roasted by two old guys, taking one load up my arse and another down my throat.  I felt dirty as hell the next morning, but also kinda excited.  I went back for more every night I was home on that trip.

    After that experience, while I didn't do it often, I would occasionally seek out some fun when I was able to get off base and there wasn't any military grade cock on offer.  Fortunately I found a middle-aged chubby guy in the local town who was always happy to fuck me, and if I gave him enough warning he could usually get a friend or two to join in. The truck stop on the edge of town was always another option too, particularly once word got out in the teamster community that there was sometimes an active duty soldier bent over in the bathroom taking whatever came at him.

    Things sure did change on one trip home though...

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    My life pretty much exploded after that fateful night.

    Obviously it was over with Sarah, and I moved out as soon as I could.  She completely ghosted me, which I don't blame her for after what she definitely saw come through on her phone/

    I was damn near disowned by my family, although after a few months my sister-in-law reached out and met up with me.  I was told to be patient, that they would come to terms with it, and that they still loved me.  A year on and that hasn't come to pass, but at least she messages me every month or so to check in so it feels like there's some connection.

    I haven't seen any of the guys since it happened, and can only assume that I won't again.  I had caught a few of their horrified messages on the journey home from the club before my phone went on silent, and by the time I turned it back on the next day I had been kicked out of the WhatsApp group.  I suppose I could have tried directly calling or texting one or two of them, but I doubted that would get me very far.

    I'm also off the football team, although one of the gay guys who plays now comes round regularly to breed me, often bringing a mate or two.  I'm thinking of joining a gay men's team if they'll have me.

    I did manage to avoid getting fired, largely because the only person in the office who found out about it was one of the managers in the finance team.  He seemed so straight-laced and proper that it was a bit of a surprise to find myself being essentially blackmailed into taking his loads - and those of whoever else he felt should have a go with me - on a regular basis.  Underneath the grey suits and general ledgers was a toxic pig, it transpired.

    The pierced guy, who I now know as Brian, took me in once I had moved out of the flat I shared with Sarah.  "He's gone" was the only thing he was willing to say about his partner's absence, and I didn't probe it any further.  Perhaps what had been done to me was a wake-up call for Brian, but I didn't think that could be it alone.  Either way, I moved into the basement garden flat and started paying some rent, although it is pretty cheap and I earn my keep in other ways.  Rarely a day goes by when he doesn't breed me in some part of the house.

    I know what you're wondering, and yes, I did of course come down with the fuck flu.  It wasn't too bad, and a quick visit to a clinic once I was better confirmed the diagnosis.  I've gone on meds, on the basis that I may as well stay healthy seeing as I'm just a receptacle rather than a potential gifter.  I now bear a large stylised biohazard tattoo on my upper back - annoyingly meaning I have to wear thick shirts at work even on hot days - and took a lot of inspiration from Ace Era when I elected to get the words "BREED" and "ME" imprinted on each of my buttcheeks.  Free of Sarah's disapproval, I'm still thinking about other tattoos to get, but these seemed like the most important ones.

    For now, I have something of a life.  I have made a couple of new friends to give me some sense of normality, and I have a large and ever expanding list of guys who like to use me regularly.  I also frequently just take my chances on the heath or other cruising locations, eager to satisfy a need that has only grown stronger over time.  Brian sometimes takes me back to the club, although I've never experienced anything quite like my first night there.  My only regret is the way things worked out with my friends and family, but I suppose I've made peace with it.  I'm not sure where things will go as I get older, but I'm keeping any potential loss of appeal at bay with a robust gym regime.  It doesn't hurt that most workouts end up with a recharging or two in the toilets from the toxic doms who run the place.

    To this day I still don't get turned on by men, other than by the prospect of being reamed out.  I continue to find women attractive, and on the rare occasions when I have some alone time of that nature, it is straight porn that I watch.  I don't know that I will ever understand why I'm wired up so wrong, but that's OK.

    I have accepted who I am.

    My name is Christian Berg.  I'm straight.  I'm poz.  I'm a cumdump for any man that wants to use me.  And this was my story.


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