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Posts posted by sweetbitch

  1. For a change, on A4A I was browsing events outside of the city.  I discovered HoDown in Elizabeth. It’s open at different hours a few days a week, and my buddy in Elizabeth tells me it’s been around (in different locations) for a few years now.  It’s news to me! Has anyone gone there?

  2. Here’s a website that lists upcoming events: groupsexinthecity.com.  Some of the hook-up sites list events too.  Some are well known events in large venues, others are small, private affairs.  Browse and ask questions if you don’t understand what you see.  Ask us here if you don’t see the kind of party you are looking for (emphasis can be different, and admission and rules can be very restricted or very lax).

    I am on a few mailing lists and receive notices from the hosts of various events.  (I have not attended in a while, and I don’t usually look at listings on the internet.) Maybe I can tell you of something you haven’t found.

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  3. On 10/5/2017 at 11:21 PM, Dickmagnet said:

    I have read somewhere else on this forum you also have 2 types as is also a model that is portable by the advice given from previous members here go for a portable model but solid with tubular steel supports for stability i read somewhere here that fort troff has a really sturdy one.

    Yes, when I buy a sling I’ll need a frame.  I don’t plan to hang it from the ceiling or wall.

  4. I’m starting a new topic because I couldn’t find what I was looking for when I searched.

    I’ve been browsing leather slings online, and there are basically two designs.  One is a solid leather panel to lie on, and the other is a series of leather strips loosely woven but sewn or riveted together.  All manufacturers and dealers have their own variations of the two, but which one is preferred by guys who use them? I don’t think I’ve ever seen or tried the second type.

  5. Last night I took my first load in a long time.  I was at a bar in Greenwich Village.  Before long, a guy I wasn't especially interested in, and who didn't seem to notice me, started a conversation.  As it turned-out, he was from out of town and, as we chatted, he placed my hand on his crotch.  I thought he wanted me to leave with him, but I wasn't going to leave with anybody.  Then he told me to meet him in the toilet in the back.

    Once there I started suckling and was getting into it because it was my first cock in a long time.  I thought he would cum in my mouth, but then he started jerking himself and told me to show him my ass.  I turned presented myself.  My hole was very tight and but the guy's cock was hard and somewhat smallish.  In addition he was uncut, so his foreskin made it easier to get it in.  After a bit I took his load.  Afterwards, I apologized for being so tight, but he said he liked it that way.

    What killed it was when he started asking about status.  Blah blah blah.  He didn't look happy when he left.  I understand his concerns and it doesn't bother me to be rejected because of them, but this was after the fact (the act).  Even if he'd asked questions in the beginning, why should he trust a pickup in a bar to tell him the truth? His health is his responsibility, not mine.

    With his load inside me, I had two more drinks.  Guys were friendly, but nobody else was looking for action.  I'd been waiting to hear from some buddies in the neighborhood, but I never got a response from any of them.  I was looking around after I left the bar, but I went to bed with just a single load.  Now I'm trying to hook up with guys this weekend. 


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  6. My first tests since starting treatment show I am clearing the virus very fast and liver functions are normal. My response to treatment is typical.

    However, articles from several years ago say that resistance to HCV medication was expected to be very common (in patients who were cured and later reinfected). I have not seen any recent articles about it, so I don't know whether or not the problem is as bad as expected.

    When I attended a HCV conference at one of the big hospitals in New York, the speakers stressed that Hepatitis C was an STD. I knew that already (and I remember being told years ago that it was not). The virus is present in semen and mucus. The doctors say in recent years, since Prep became available, they see far fewer cases of co-infection with HIV and many more of HCV alone.

    I'm sorry to disappoint anyone, but the doctors all recommend condoms to prevent infection (and it makes sense to me).

  7. Yes, I am going to begin treatment soon. (No matter what coverage you have, the medication has to be authorized first.)

    I know that treatment approaches 100% success and liver damage is reversible. But the course of medication is longer and much more expensive than, say, penicillin. I wonder what the reaction a patient would face if he returned reinfected, definitely a possibility now that we know the virus can be transmitted sexually.

  8. I recently found out that it's possible to have a chronic Hepatitis C infection but never develop an antibody. It's not only possible; it happened! After being tested regularly for years, always with negative results, there is indeed a viral load. Images and a biopsy show it is not a recent infection.

    Physicians and other health professionals are generally shocked, even specialists I expected to be highly informed. Is it rare or not? The youngest doctor I see (whose specialty is unrelated to liver or STDs) says it's not rare at all.

    We've all heard of "false positive" results for different tests that cause undue worry, but here is an example of a false negative. (False in a practical sense: even if the antibody testing is accurate, we are ultimately interested in disease itself.)

  9. If you're having sex at all, you should be tested on a regular basis. That can be every three, four, six, or twelve months (I'll let someone better informed help you decide how often.)

    I don't know why frequent sex would affect your viral load, unless you are using substances at the same time (which can interfere with your adherence to medication, another issue).

    Get tested at once if you see anything suspicious, or if a partner tells you he is infected.

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