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Posts posted by sweetbitch

  1. I'm sure I've done them all, but I don't know the names.  A daddy I knew for years and years told me he had a list that was much longer than what I see here.  I always meant to write it down and be sure to try all the positions, but I never did and now I've lost track of him.  I have to tell the group that the list is incomplete, even though I cannot add to it and I'm not sure that I've tried everything.


  2. I read the story, and it sounds like more of the same! The place always seems to revive itself. I've never been there, but I haven't traveled anywhere in recent years. I am tempted to try the next "Celebration of Friends" for older men in Orlando/Seaworld. It hasn't been well publicized yet, but it is in the winter. I would try the Parliament House after the convention is over, and if it closes that will very likely break the deal. I'll spend another frigid winter in the north, but maybe with company for a change.

  3. My first time was not painful at all. I was 15 and he was 26, and we fucked upright in the park. No lube, only his spit, and it was not small. It never hurt when I met him again or with anyone else that first year. I do remember the first time it was painful, and I couldn't understand why. I still don't know why I am ready sometimes and other times not, although I have learned how to adapt to situations when it hurts. If you know your partner already and he likes you, he will probably guide you. If he does not, you can tell him when it hurts.

    You are much younger than most of us on this site, but you are older than I was when I had my first encounter. That and all the information available now, especially on the Internet, make you better prepared than I was.

  4. I was sorry that nobody commented on 38th St. How about the Omega Room? That's where the next J O C event will be (on Sunday). I'm also hoping to meet some local guys at these events? I'm looking for tops for myself, of course, but maybe a like-minded bottom too for double dating.

  5. I was planning to go to a health-foods store for chia seeds, but I came across them by accident in a supermarket. $9.99 for a pound of Bob's Red Mill brand. Many supermarkets have the brand's entire line of grains in a display case, and I've tried some of the products before but never looked for chia.

    It's true that the seeds have many nutrients, but I am reading that their bioavailability is disputed. I am trying the seeds for the other effects that I learned about here, not for nutrition. I have a digestive disease, so I ran it by two doctors of different specialties for their opinions; their only concern was about the roughage aggravating any intestinal ulcers I may have, but I since the shells are soft and burst on contact with water, I should be ok. But I want to share one tip that I once learned from a medical seminar: any substance that binds matter in the intestines will also bind nutrients and medication. Therefore, I am taking the chia some hours after eating a balanced meal or taking prescribed pills.

  6. How the world has changed! Whenever I went cruising, I always told the guys I met that I was 14, 15, 16. Sometimes it was obvious because I was in my school uniform and carrying books. I think there was a pervasive fear of gay sex in general (illegal in many places and certainly when done in public), but I was not aware of statutory rape. I just assumed that most older men were not interested in a skinny boy like me. However, NOT ONCE was I ever rejected by any of the guys I met. The things we used to get away with.

  7. I knew a guy who planned orgies and still has weekly lunchtime parties as far as I know. He told me he needed a ratio of two tops per bottom, and while I never attended many of his events, he always seemed to be successful. I don't know how he planned for no-shows, but he had the advantage of being versatile and would jump in when needed. He told me he always did that in the first half hour if he didn't see any action, in order to stimulate the group.

  8. Small ones like that usually get hard fast and stay hard. I don't like them because it takes too much effort to keep them in. (One of my boyfriends told me I had a big cunt. It's tight, but it's big.) Even for sucking (not my forte), I need more than 4" for my pleasure or to feel like I'm giving pleasure.

  9. I just noticed that I didn't really address the question. When I was having frequent skin infections, I was tested for MRSA just once but could have had it both before and after. I always attributed the infections to my own behavior and not to mutating germs, but I never discussed this with the doctor or anyone else.

  10. Gee, I didn't know how dangerous it could be.

    For a time, my skin was constantly errupting in boils. They were unsightly and inconvenient, especially when they bled, but they typically resolved themselves without extraordinary treatment.

    Twice I was scared because of where the boils appeared: once near my right eye and another time on the back of my head. I was given a course of antibiotics the first time, and the swelling went down the first day. The other time, the antibiotics had no effect. It was MRSA; I had to return to the doctor's office daily for monitoring and draining of puss, and I took a special antibiotic that cost (at that time) about $100 per pill.

    This period was when I had been on HIV medication for years already and my numbers were always in normal range (or even high), but I was partying and whoring a lot.

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