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About Villeguy

  • Birthday 06/03/1959

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    Not Telling
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  • Background
    Born to get dicks wet
  • Porn Experience
    Watch some daily!!
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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. How do I delete my account?

    1. blonde607


      You can't.The only way to delete your account is by bit coin in USA and can take weeks to delete it,here in the UK we don't use bit coin but they accept cheques but can take a lot longer your here to stay I'm afraid.Ian.

  2. Any deserving bottom knows to be clean for their top. I won't relax enough to bottom well unless I'm secure in my cleanliness. Prep starts the minute I know I'm going to open up. Light diet if any the entire day before, frequent rinse outs, in various positions, and rest in-between. Even with all that, accidents might still occur, but they wont be total disasters. I've had tops suggest that I might want to hop in the shower again. No major delay, no total mood destroyer. Back in position in minutes.
  3. In a few months I am most likely leaving this part of New York State, hopefully for warmer climates. As an older bottom pig, I would like to hear any and all suggestions. Chemicals and encounters are my two top concerns. Please suggest away......thanks.
  4. If you were referring to me, well thanks!

  5. I like to experiment by reading the tops response to noise. If it makes the ride more robust I'll get louder. If it doesn't, I'll quiet back down. If the top can make me cum without either of us touching my dick, then it don't care what I need to do to get there. I don't really need my ears to tell if were both having fun. Unless he's using them to hold on.
  6. Most always. I need to feel worthy by offering my hole.
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