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About aidsfukka

  • Birthday 02/18/1960

Profile Information

  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Main links:

    Tumblr: http://aidsfukka.tumblr.com & http://pozshitfuck.tumblr.com (scat);
    Twitter: http://twitter.com/Piero_Strada
    BNSkin: http://bnskin.com/stormguy
    Gayromeo: http://www.gayromeo.com/storm
    recon: http://www.recon.com/AIDSFukka
    scatboi: http://www.scatboi.com/members/storm
    My.Brownhanky: http://my.brownhanky.com/index.php?do=/public/user/name_storm/

    MAP: http://goo.gl/vVw6

    Me, in (THREE - LOL) pills:
    Dirty out & proud POZ Barebacker/AIDS-fucker, GiftGiver/Strains-Swapper in2 reciprocal BREEDING & nasty MANSMELLS.

    POZ since 1989, ran into AIDS (Cytomegalovirus + Kaposi's Sarcoma) in winter 2008, now healed. Currently HepC POZ strain 1A - off meds.
    Rec MSTs: Syph,Chlamidia,Gono. Done HepA-B
  • Porn Experience
    As Piero Strada: Primepork (Bareback, Fist): Amsterdam, NL. Actor in "Take My Belt", "Fisting Book2"
    HBS (Sneakers, smelly socks, used jocks): Firenze, IT. Actor in "Menscents", "Declick"
    Euromess (
  • Looking For
    Versatile Head/Brains/Bodies in2 Kisses,Cuddling,Eye Contact,Deep Intimacy,Breeding,Full Blown,AIDS,HIV,HepC,STDs,Night Sweats,Infected,Resistant Strains,Poz,Dirty,Scat,Puke,Man smells,Kaposi,Ripe Pits,Crotches,ANY Body fluids,Felching,Jocks,Raunchy gear,Smegma,Strains swapping,Toxic seed,Wasting Syndrome,POZzing,Stealthing,Seroconversion,Charged Loads,Gifter,Chaser,PnP,Smoking.

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