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Status Updates posted by aidsfukka

  1. Thnx BBro - happy 2 share, here... >:)

  2. thnx m8! Hope we can meAt

  3. Time is on your side, BBro. You'll get what you want.

  4. Too kind of you. I used to post there some porn, time ago - now i'm a bit fed up with that.. but the old stuff is still there. glad u like it.

  5. U really need not to ask... any time, sexiest, ANY thing! :P (_(_)//////D~~(_o_)

  6. u're most welCUm, BBro!

  7. U're my man!!! Dying to swap death strains with u, BBro

  8. Wanna definitely & POZitively spoil ya, man.

  9. we could not miss this, BBro fucker!

  10. WelCUM aboard man.. just /emoticons/default_tongue.png" alt=":P" srcset="/emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

  11. Welcum aboard, aids-bbro. resistant to almost any meds here, and quite aggressive strain. HepC-boosted too ;) - in case u ever get in my area, get in touch.

  12. WelCUM aboard, BBro!!!! (_(_)//////D~~(_o_)

  13. WelCUM aboard, BBro!

  14. What to say.. "Ryan"... aka "MYTH" :P

  15. whenever in the mood for some italian strains & Co... at your will, sexy!

  16. Whoa! Thanks, hottest AIDS-BBro!

  17. WHOA!!! Can I have it all inside me, please?

  18. Wish u were closer, hot fucker. Thanks!

  19. Wish we could BBreed & swap strains & filth, BBro :P

  20. You're my ☣myth, man. :P

  21. You're my man, hottest fucker

  22. You're so sweet, sexy and hot!

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