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Posts posted by akula

  1. 21 minutes ago, partying.hard said:

    Crabs were the worst for me.  I love to eat ass, and one day realized I had crabs and nits in my eyebrows and eyelashes!

    I agree I had to shave down to my knees and my belly to make sure they were gone, nasty little fuckers. 2nd worse would be syphilis the sore on my cock lasted a month and hurt like a mother fucker.

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  2. These idiot republicans don't look any further then the nose on their own face. They don't seem to care that once you make honest law abiding people out to be criminals by stripping their rights away then they have nothing to loose by actually becoming criminals. They are setting themselves up to be targets by their actions, they seem to fail to realize that their stupidity in thinking that every one that is not a wasp is weak will be their downfall. We have millions of military and ex-military, law enforcement, computer geeks and the list goes on and on of people that can take them down in ugly ways. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, TotalTop said:

    The sanitariums or concentration camps/prisons in Cuba were or are really bad.  Of course what is shown to most foreigners is completely different from what reality and surviving day to day for Cuban people, but sometimes the truth gets through.

    [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1988-11-04-mn-1196-story.html

    I don't go on political websites but in the USA both of the major parties are almost the same and politicians in both parties care more about keeping the two party system in power, fucking over the American people and anyone who is not super wealthy.

    Really you're bringing up an article from 1988? That's 34 years ago! If you think both parties are the same then there is no use even having this conversation with you. 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, TotalTop said:

    For my entire life I have heard this false fear about concentration camps for LGB people and later in the 1980s PWA/Poz people and it has never happened, had they wanted to do this it would have been done decades ago.

    Cuba where LGBT people were killed in large numbers as well as anyone who disagreed with the Castro socialist/Marxist dictatorship were killed, and people who are HIV+ or living with AIDS were or probably still are put into concentration camps, and the Cuban people both poz and neg get horrible medical care if any at all.

    I'm going to call bullshit on your Cuban rant [think before following links] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5153925/ , [think before following links] https://news.cgtn.com/news/2019-12-21/Cuba-advances-HIV-AIDS-vaccine-project-MB4biwODjq/index.html, I'm sure you got your info from some right wing site.  Also the republican party shits on gays all the time, the log cabin republicans aren't even allowed at the republican convention, even thought they are ass licking lap dogs. The republican platform wants to strip our rights away and they are proud of it. So if you want to keep acting like they won't bash your head in because your a supporter go right ahead.  

    AS for they concentration camp thing, all you need to do is look at the red states that have or are passing "religious rights" laws very soon if you are in a red state and need medical assistance the Dr. can refuse because of their "deeply held religious belief". So talk all the shit you want but the republican party wants you back in the closet or dead.

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  5. 33 minutes ago, Close2MyBro said:

    I don't care what political party a person belongs to. Sex is sex. Politics is politics. When did the party of "No H8" become the party of "H8"??

    Maybe it has to do with the fact that they'd like to see us all in a concentration camp or dead. They love it when fags get their heads bashed in and they had a field day when the "dirty faggots" were all dying of AIDS. If you're ok with that then my all means fuck everyone of them but if they decide after they bust their nut to beat you half to death don't cry to me about it.

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  6. Long story but SW used to have a big steam room but the 2 guys that own it HATE each other and refuse to cooperate so its now just a play space. SW is usually full of posers lots of strutting around but very little action. Z can be very fun I've had many good times there but not been since covid showed up.  Like most other bath houses it's hit or miss.

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  7. 12 hours ago, badubydo said:

    I’m bi and out. Have many “Republican” family members and friends. Have a brother-In law who is trans. 

    Unlike you, we don’t judge people based on who they love. We judge them on the basis of their character. 

    We believe in, keep your b/s out of my life, and I’ll keep mine out of yours.

    You have such hatred to the right that your blind, and ignorant in they you seen them. 

    I am a conservative. 

    Less government, less taxes. Keep government our of my home, out of my family. Term limits. Get rid of the ATF. 

    I believe in a live and let live policy, there is a time and place for different things I told one guy I hooked up with that I’ll never go to a gay pride event. Gay and lesbians parading around half-naked and acting in a way that should only be behind closed doors is not the way to get society to “accept” you. Especially when there are kids around. 


    and don’t even get me started on the pieces of shit that are “parents” who take their kids to those events 

    That's interesting in one breath you believe in live and let live but then shit on people for attending pride or bringing their kids to pride. Just to point out the reason we are as far along as we are IS because if those people parading around half naked demanding our rights.  If you don't like going to pride then don't go. Stay home clutch your pearls and cluck your tongue in disgust, NO ONE CARES. If you think being passive and hoping the str8 haters will be nice to us, well dream on because it never happens. We got rights and respect by demanding it, period.

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