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Posts posted by HardOneLA

  1. 20 hours ago, BiPozLoader said:

    Here is a new one I've never seen. Doctor is treating a patient who has low libido. Stay with it as you watch it and listen to the doctor's explanation of a new treatment of increasing the patient's testosterone by injection. This is hot... the doctor bareback fucks the patient, and does cum inside. And as he is fucking him, doc tells him that many of his patients come to him a couple times a week to get injected. At the very end after seeding the patient, doc suggests that he can get this injection from any of his friends too. Turn that boy in to a regular cum dump!

    [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph62f3c055c8c8f

    How ironic that I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon and my doc is a hunk.  Hoping I get the same therapy and injection!

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  2. 18 hours ago, AlwaysOpen said:

    I had an allergic reaction to a banana Jan 1987- landed in the ER via ambulance( my BP at the minor emergency clinic that I drove to was 70 over 40 and unsteady) The clinic hit me with 6 shots of epinephrine and 6 shots of diphenhydramine, so I was pretty much floating for a few hours,luckily. One thing that was very common in the 80's, when a single 30 and older man had any medical crisis was to assume it was AIDS.I recall some nurse pushing a hollow needle into that spot on the wrist/thumb juncture to draw bone marrow for testing. He was apologizing about how uncomfortable it was, but I was so deep in shock and drugged from the clinic that I felt nothing. A week later, the cardiologist who had been my ER doctor called me and told me to come in to his office, the results were in ( in those words, I was already planning how many weeks I had left)  And then the next day I got pissed at getting that type of a phone call, and pissed at how biased the medical industry was to gay men at the time. I went to  the docs office, got the news, he followed up with a Western Blot test, and I learned my viral load was 84,000 and my T count was 45. AZT was the killer drug they pushed back then. I had been keeping a ledger sheet with the names of friends and the date of their death already, and already had 15 to 20 names init. I refused going on any meds. The only complication I had for 12 years med free was a case of walking pneumonia, and probably came down with it as a result of working a full time job and then at night working another 5 to 6 hours at a part time job out in the weather. 

    When I eventually did go on meds it was late 1999 and the first generation  of anti retro viral med combo's was just coming of age- drugs like epivir, viramune, etc. Once I began meds, I was laser focused on following the dosing schedule and not missing a dose. I have gotten on Dovato recently, 1 pill a day with just 2 drugs combined init, and have to say, I feel healthier than ever before. I cannot stress it enough tho- I believe the most important thing is and was  making it a priority to never forget to take the meds exactly as prescribed. 

    I lost a 85 year old poz friend 11 months ago. He had  been in NYC in the 70's and 80's , even working the door at Rawhide for a while. He lived in Greenwich Village, went to a lot of the bars ( ahh, the MineShaft !! lol) and parties, and mid 80's he tested poz.  I knew him the last 20 years of his life, and he was healthy and on meds. He even got covid twice, and neitherr time was it more than a cold that dragged on for a week  or so. Being poz/AIDS didn't kill him, he made a left at a light and got slammed by an oncoming car. I mention his case, because for a lot of you  neg guys, hearing  a poz result from a blood test is not probably the thing that will kill you one day. ESPECIALLY if you monitor your health and stick to the  dosing schedule of the HIV drug you will eventually go on.

    Am so glad you lived to tell the tale, as well as your many other great posts.  It took a lot of guts to not jump on AZT back then.  Sadly, being on it negated the ability to go on the new "cocktails" when they came out.

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  3. Just the kind of party I love to be high, poppered, fucked and bred at - OINK!  A shame that a few guys rubbered up, what a waste of seed.  Actually I think this may have been filmed at a house on Hyperion here in Silver Lake where I've gone before.  There are two guys who host semi-annual orgies for a hundred+ guys - totally hot

    [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/horny-group-party-in-hollywood-10209888

  4. On 11/14/2022 at 6:25 AM, twoguyssssss4fun said:

    So this goes back in time somewhere between 1990 and 2005. Lol my memory fails me . I think it was on route 5, I think the same road as another vid store that was called aircraft books, near Pratt Whitney. But they weren't right near each other. Someone else mentioned a place in rockville..Rockville... did you have to go down stairs for that one? Also, the one in Willimantic, think that was called Dans?Dan's?? My memory fails me... think there's still one in groton, but gavent been in years. I always liked the long island ones better as they had more couches and areas to get naked and walk around. Fantasy,  teasers, cheri bombs or cheri blosdoms, club babylon,  cherries, and palace video. I worked desk at palace a few times. Got friendly with the owner and strippers there. Whenever someone hot came in, I'd leave the front desk to someone else and go prowl the booths. Even did private shows with some customers.

    I'm from Long Island originally!  Which ones were there that you recall?  I used to mostly go into the City from about the age of 15-16.

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