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Everything posted by castus85

  1. These are really hot stories
  2. Incredible
  3. I can't remember the title, but there's a guy who goes in the bathroom, I think maybe at his university or after class or something, and there's a guy in there who fucks him and really beats the shit out of him, and I believe he fucks him upside down and pisses on him and fucks him into the floor of the bathroom. I think there's two parts to the story, and the violent and brutal guy in the bathroom fucks two different people. I also think he teased them saying like I won't cum in you if you can do this or that, and it's an impossible request. Maybe the guy was blonde or something? It's a really kind of violent story. I vaguely recall that the guy does a great deal of violence to the two dudes he fucks.
  4. http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/johns-debt-repaid/
  5. Your stories are seriously some of the hottest, most evil I've ever read

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