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Everything posted by lkngrnd

  1. I take Cialis 5mg daily. The cost in Canada is $126 a month, but my drug plan covers 90% so I end up paying $14 a month for 28 pills. No side effects for me. Love the extended hard on.
  2. There doesn't seem to be much talk about condoms anymore. When I meet a guy, they may have a condom on the table beside the bed, but not once has one put one on either him or ask me to put it on. At the same time, status is never discussed. Lube and go! As for the people that talk about status, all are ok with bareback. They know the risks and are ok with it. Maybe it has to do with the advancements in medicine. I've only got one guy who absolutely demands a condom. ONE. Everyone else I have gone raw.
  3. My doctor suggested 5mg Cialis daily. He said you would feel 20 again. Well, it works well. Very well. Living in Canada, I get it for $125 for 28 pills. My drug benefits cover $100 of it, so works out very well for me $25 per month. I don't know why our drug costs are so low compared to the US. I guess everything else is priced high, so they give us a break on medication??
  4. Shouldn't take long before you are POZ then.. Planning to spread it around as well? Waiting a few years before going on meds..
  5. One guy, one time for me. Same with a friend of mine. Neither of us were chasing. It just happened. 6 months apart. Depends on how toxic their load is and your own body.
  6. Just took a poz load on my way home from work. He told me he wasn't on meds and has been poz for 4 years. I wonder what his VL is...
  7. You're doing fine. I was also diagnosed in January. My CD4 was 400 and my viral count was 1.8million. I am awaiting the results from my test two days ago to see what the new CD4 and VL is after taking Stribild since March 10. Everyone will be different, but I have had no side effects on it. I was told to eat right before I take it, so I have it right after breakfast. It's the opposite of Atripla, so I'm told..
  8. i've only had about 20 loads total in my ass and was pozzed already...
  9. Was recently confirmed poz. My VL at that test was 9.3 million. The last VL test was 1.9 million 3 week ago.
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