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Everything posted by AtcjsngrlMichel

  1. Damn that’s 14.25 inches you are my new hero
  2. Met with him yesterday after I had another guy that was not as big. and he had me sit on him I took him all in one stroke and had no issues that way then he had me kneel over doggie and he finished the job no issues at.
  3. We bought a toy that start just abit thinner than him but goes even thicker than him . We will be using it soon
  4. Thanks for the great advice now to start the process
  5. Hello I am curious. I have a top that wants me to be able to take all 10” and thick af all on his first penetration I have taken him once but he had to go slow as I am very tight. Any suggestions as I want to take him in the next few days.
  6. I agree though I have yet to have any Latin cock
  7. Can you tell us his screename on xtube
  8. How do I fix my account name ?

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